Ethiopian People's Friendship Association

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EPFA May 2022, Addis Ababa

MAY 2022
“Community engagement is important in creating a culture of
peace. I think that community engagement can help to create a more
peaceful society.”
Hamer woreda Community Leader
To promote sustainable peace building efforts in
Ethiopia by empowering communities to actively
engage in conflict transformation through edu-
cation, mediation, and dialogue.

A society in Ethiopia where peace, justice, and
prosperity prevail.
To facilitate the transformation of conflict into
peace through grassroots initiatives, education,
and advocacy.
1. To provide training and capacity building pro-
grams for community members, organizations,
and government agencies on conflict resolution
and peace building.
2. To create a platform for dialogue and reconcil-
iation between conflicting parties.
3. To strengthen the capacity of civil society or-
ganizations to promote peace and good govern-
4. To promote the rights of vulnerable groups in
conflict-prone areas, especially women and chil-
5. To advocate for policies that promote inclusive
and equitable development to reduce the under-
lying causes of conflict.
Major activities
1. Training and capacity building programs for
community members, organizations, and gov-
ernment agencies.
2. Mediation and conflict resolution efforts be-
tween conflicting parties.
3. Advocacy for policy changes to promote peace
and development.
4. Reconciliation and dialogue initiatives through
workshops, conferences, and community meet-

Training on Conflict management, peacebuilding, and Negotiation for

members of Youth peace club at Youth Enrichment Centres in Addis Aba-
ba, Gulele sub-city, April 21, 2022.
5. Support for vulnerable groups through liveli-
hood initiatives and awareness raising programs.

Objectives of youth association and

peace club training
1. To provide training and capacity building pro-
grams on conflict prevention and peacebuilding
for youth associations and peace clubs in Addis
2. To create a platform for dialogue and exchange
of ideas between youth leaders and key stakehold-
ers on issues related to peace and conflict preven-
3. To promote youth-led community initiatives
that promote peace and prevent violent conflict.
4. To raise awareness among young people about
the negative impacts of violent conflict and the
benefits of peaceful coexistence.
5. To encourage young people to take an active
role in promoting peace and social cohesion in
their communities.
Youth Economic Empowerment for Sustainable Peace

Youth Economic Empowerment is a crucial tool

for sustainable peace, particularly in regions that
have experienced conflict and violence. One of the
key factors contributing to conflict is the lack of
economic opportunities for young people, which
creates a sense of hopelessness and desperation
that can lead to violence and extremism.

By empowering young people through educa-

tion, training, and access to financial resources,
they can gain the skills and knowledge necessary
to start businesses, create jobs, and contribute to
their communities. This, in turn, helps to build
more stable and prosperous societies, promoting
peace and reducing the risk of violence.

In addition to providing access to economic re-

sources, empowering young people also involves
giving them a voice in decision-making and en-
suring that their ideas and perspectives are tak-
en into account in shaping policies and programs
that affect their lives.
Ethiopian Peoples Friendship Association plays
a crucial role in promoting youth economic
empowerment and sustainable peace in
their communities. By working closely
with young people and understanding
their unique needs and challenges,
EPFA develops programs and initi-
atives that are tailored to the spe-
cific context, which have a greater
impact on the sustainability of peace
in the community.

In regions like West and South Omo zone

in Ethiopia, where conflict and violence have
been prevalent, the work of organizations like
Ethiopian Peoples Friendship Association is par-
ticularly important. By creating economic op-
portunities for young people in these areas, our
organization is helping to promote stability and
reduce the risk of violence.
Areas of Cooperation
As a peacebuilding NGO, we recognize the importance of
collaborating with local NGOs and donors to achieve our
mission of promoting sustainable peace and preventing vi-
olent conflict in Ethiopia. We believe that working together
with local and International NGOs and donors can help us
to achieve our goals more effectively and efficiently. Here are
some areas of cooperation that we could work on with local
and International NGOs and donors:

1. Conflict-sensitive development: We could work together

with local and International NGOs, and donors to promote
conflict-sensitive development projects in Ethiopia. This
would involve integrating the principles of conflict sensitiv-
ity into the project design, implementation, and evaluation
processes to ensure that development projects do not exac-
erbate existing tensions or create new ones. We could col-
laborate with local NGOs to identify priority areas for devel-
opment and work with donors to secure funding for these

2. Youth Empowerment: We could work together with lo-

cal and International NGOs, and donors to empower young
people in Ethiopia to take an active role in promoting peace
and social cohesion in their communities. This could involve
organizing capacity-building programs, leadership training,
mentorship, and creating platforms for dialogue and ex-
change of ideas between young people and key stakeholders.
We could collaborate with local NGOs and donors to identi-
fy priority areas for youth empowerment and work together
to design and implement effective programs that meet the
needs of young people.
3. Women and Peacebuilding: We could work together with
local and International NGOs, and donors to promote the
participation of women in peacebuilding initiatives in Ethi-
opia. This could involve organizing advocacy campaigns,
training programs, creating spaces for women to participate
in decision-making processes, and providing support to
women-led peacebuilding initiatives. We could collaborate
with local and International NGOs, and donors to identify
priority areas for women’s empowerment in peacebuilding
and work together to design and implement effective pro-
grams that meet the needs of women.

Overall, we believe that working together with local and In-

ternational NGOs, and donors is essential for achieving our
mission of promoting sustainable peace and preventing vio-
lent conflict in Ethiopia. We are open to exploring different
areas of cooperation with local and International NGOs, and
donors to achieve this goal. Collaboration and partnerships
with local stakeholders are key to achieving lasting peace in
the country.
Ethiopian People’s Friendship Association
P.o.Box: 26230/1000
Addis Ababa
Official Facebook page @epfa1
Tel. no +251118686015
Tel: +251-912052764

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