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Test Bank for Health Psychology An Interdisciplinary Approach to Health 1st Edition by Ragin

Test Bank for Health Psychology An Interdisciplinary

Approach to Health 1st Edition by Ragin

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1. Where is curanderismo likely to be practiced?
a. England
b. United States
c. Latin American countries
d. Sweden

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 167
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

2. According to the opening story in Chapter 6, Angelita

a. Needed to reconnect spiritually with her home and culture.
b. Was diagnosed with clinical depression.
c. Suffered from a chronic illness.
d. Should have been prescribed an antidepressant medication to help alleviate her symptoms.

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 167
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

3. Western medical approaches are often referred to as

a. Curanderismo.
b. Modern approaches.
c. Holistic approaches.
d. Traditional folklore.

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 167
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

4. Curanderismo is considered a _____ type of medicine.

a. Modern
b. Traditional
c. Physiological
d. Ecological

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 167
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

5. Illnesses that have underlying emotional or psychological causes are called

a. Curandero.
b. Biopsychosocial.
c. Folklore.
d. Psychosomatic.

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 168
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

6. Which of the following is NOT a model used in research and practice in the field of health
a. Well-being model
b. Wellness model
c. Ecological model
d. Biomedical model

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 168
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

7. The concept of positive psychology proposes that

a. Positive emotions and personality characteristics that contribute to healthy outcomes are
often overlooked in psychology.
b. The omission of a “normal” healthy state prevents us from fully understanding health
c. In order to fully understand health outcomes, both positive and negative factors must be
d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 168
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

8. How does the ecological model of health differ from the concept of well-being?
a. Only the ecological model offers a holistic view of health.
b. The psychological functioning of a person is unimportant to the ecological model.
c. The concept of well-being includes policy determinants of health.
d. The ecological model includes physical environmental factors as well as health policies.

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 169
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

9. The _____ model proposes that health is the absence of disease or dysfunction.
a. Wellness
b. Biomedical
c. Biopsychosocial
d. Ecological

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 169
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

10. _____ identified the microorganisms that cause anthrax and tuberculosis.
a. Robert Koch
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Marie Curie
d. John Guthrie

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 169
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

11. Which of the following scientists pioneered the use of vaccines?

a. Marie Curie
b. Robert Koch
c. Henry Campbell
d. Louis Pasteur

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 169
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

12. _____ and _____ were two discoveries that led to the development of the biomedical model of
a. The relationship between microorganisms and disease; vaccines to protect against disease
b. Vaccines to protect against disease; the study of the relationships between bodily fluids and
c. The importance of spirituality; vaccines to protect against disease
d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 169
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

13. Which of the following is a primary limitation of the biomedical model of health?
a. It focuses on psychological rather than physiological determinants of health.
b. It focuses on spiritual and emotional determinants of health.
c. It focuses strictly on physiological determinants of illness.
d. It is too broad because it includes biological, psychological, and social determinants of

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 170
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

14. Larry has a hearing impairment. According to the biomedical model of health, his hearing loss is
considered a(n)
a. Minor issue.
b. Illness.
c. Short-term disability.
d. Easily treatable disease.

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 169
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

15. _____ suggested that many physical illnesses were linked to psychological causes.
a. Carl Jung
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Albert Bandura

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 171
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

16. The biopsychosocial model of health was first proposed by

a. Koch.
b. Engel.
c. Jung.
d. Lazarus.

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 171
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

17. The biopsychosocial model of health is also referred to as the

a. Holistic model of health.
b. Biological model of health.
c. Spiritual model of health.
d. Wellness model of health.

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 171
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

18. Which of the following is considered a sociological factor of health?

a. Personal traits
b. Health behaviors
c. Emotional health
d. Community influences

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 171
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

19. Emotions can affect physiological well-being through one’s

a. Immune systems and genetic makeup.
b. Genetic traits and personality characteristics.
c. Immune systems and behaviors.
d. Personality features and behaviors.

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 171
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

20. According to research conducted by Rabin, Cohen, Ganguli, Lyle and Cunnick (1989), one way
that emotions affect our immune systems is through the _____ in our bodies.
a. Nerve fibers
b. Chemical receptors
c. Hormones
d. Muscles

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 171
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

21. _____ are branch-like structures extending from the cell body that receive neurochemical
messages from other cells.
a. Neurotransmitters
b. Axons
c. Dendrites
d. Fibers

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 171-172
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

22. Which type of nerve fiber is activated immediately after Bob touches a hot stove?
a. Efferent
b. Afferent
c. Neurochemical
d. Axon

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 172
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

23. Cohen (2005) found that stress may influence the production of
a. Receptors.
b. Hormones.
c. Neurotransmitters.
d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 172-173
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

24. Which of the following is considered a stress hormone that helps suppress the body’s immune
a. Serotonin
b. Dopamine
c. Epinephrine
d. Estrogen

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 173
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

25. A suppressed immune system means the body is

a. More likely to contract a disease.
b. Less likely to contract a disease.
c. Less susceptible to stress.
d. In a healthy state.

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 173
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

26. Research conducted by Shultz et al. (2000) concluded that individuals with depressive symptoms
were _____ more likely to die within 6 years than individuals with less depressive symptoms.
a. 15%
b. 25%
c. 28%
d. 32%

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 173
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

27. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the correlation between depression and
higher death rates?
a. A depressed person may be more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors.
b. Depression may influence the production of epinephrine, thus suppressing the body’s
immune system.
c. Depressed individuals may be more likely to engage in substance abuse.
d. Depression may cause a significant increase in the hormone dopamine, which has been
linked to higher death rates.

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 173
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

28. Which part of the body controls the automatic and involuntary functions essential for living?
a. Autonomic nervous system
b. Parasympathetic nervous system
c. Neurotransmitter sites
d. Receptor sites

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 173-174
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

29. The _____ is responsible for mobilizing the body in frightening situations.
a. Parasympathetic nervous system
b. Autonomic nervous system
c. Somatic nervous system
d. Sympathetic nervous system

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 174
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

30. Motor and sensory nerves comprise the

a. Peripheral nervous system (PNS).
b. Autonomic nervous system.
c. Parasympathetic nervous system.
d. Central nervous system (CNS).

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 173 (Figure 6.2)
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

31. Cohen et al. (1991) concluded that participants with a positive affect were _____ to develop a
severe illness than participants with a negative outlook.
a. Less likely
b. More likely
c. Equally likely
d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 174
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

32. Which of the following is an example of socioeconomic class?

a. Parent’s level of education and occupation
b. Family’s social status
c. Family’s income
d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 175
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

33. Julia makes approximately $42,000 annually; therefore, she is in the _____ according to the
socioeconomic categorization used by researchers.
a. Poor income level
b. Working class
c. Lower middle class
d. Upper middle class

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 175
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

34. Dietary practices in many east Asian countries include

a. Foods high in starch.
b. Foods high in fiber and low in fat.
c. Processed foods.
d. Foods high in saturated fats.

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 175
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

35. Results of a 20-year longitudinal study (Walda et al., 2002) concluded that diets high in fruit and
_____ decreased the incidences of death due to COPD.
a. Starch
b. Vitamin A
c. Monounsaturated oils
d. Vitamin E

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 175
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

36. The International Association on the Study of Obesity recommends at least _____ of daily
a. 15 minutes
b. 30 minutes
c. 45 minutes
d. 60 minutes

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 176
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

37. The _____ model was the first to include psychological and social determinants as influential
factors on health.
a. Biomedical
b. Biopsychosocial
c. Wellness
d. Social ecological

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 176
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

38. How does the wellness model differ from the biopsychosocial model?
a. The wellness model includes quality of life and spirituality, whereas the biopsychosocial
model does not.
b. The wellness model does not include spirituality, whereas the biopsychosocial model does.
c. The wellness model does not include social aspects related to health outcomes.
d. The wellness model and biopsychosocial model are the same models.

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 176
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

39. One’s decision to have knee replacement surgery on the basis of mobility and improved energy
level rather than painful symptoms is a prime example of the _____ model of health.
a. Socioeconomic
b. Biopsychosocial
c. Wellness
d. Biomedical

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 176
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

40. The findings of Wachholtz’s and Pargament’s (2008) research on migraines concluded that
_____ meditation techniques were much better than any other treatment approaches used in the
a. Spiritual
b. Internally-focused
c. Externally-focused
d. Muscle relaxation

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 178
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

41. Which of the following statements is TRUE with reference to spirituality and health outcomes?
a. Individuals rarely incorporate spirituality into their healing traditions when using the
biomedical model of health.
b. Many individuals combine spirituality with medical science to increase their chances of
overcoming illness.
c. Spirituality is rarely used in Western cultures to overcome illness.
d. All of the above are true.

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 178
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

42. The ecological model identifies _____ types of environmental determinants on health.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 180
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

43. According to the study on socioeconomic class and health conducted by Sir Edwin Chadwick,
the _____ were the group with the highest adult mortality and infant death rates.
a. Wage/class workers
b. Tradesmen/shopkeepers
c. Gentry/professional
d. White collar workers

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 181
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

44. The social ecological model is unique from other models in that it includes
a. A holistic approach to behavioral change.
b. Spiritual beliefs.
c. Health systems and health policies.
d. Quality of life issues.

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 181
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

45. The work of Thomas Southward Smith and Sir Edwin Chadwick supports
a. The cognitive-affective model of health.
b. The notion that a holistic approach is the most effective means of assessing health
c. The importance of spirituality in health outcomes.
d. The role of health policy as a determinant of health.

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 181
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

46. According to the study conducted by Kawano (2008), nurses working in _____ units
experienced higher levels of emotional distress than other nurses.
a. Specialty
b. Non-specialty
c. Pediatric
d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 183
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

47. Kawano’s study (2008) concluded that nurses working in intensive care units had higher levels
of _____ than other nurses.
a. Depression
b. Anxiety
c. Fatigue
d. Anger

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 183
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

48. Positive psychology builds on the _____ model of health.

a. Biopsychosocial
b. Holistic
c. Wellness
d. Integrationist

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 185
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

49. Which of the following theorists was one of the pioneers of the concept of positive psychology?
a. Adler
b. Bandura
c. Park
d. Seligman

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 185
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

50. According to positive psychology, _____ virtues contribute to life satisfaction and a more
meaningful life.
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 185
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

51. Which of the following is NOT a virtue of positive psychology?

a. Spirituality
b. Courage
c. Humanity
d. Temperance

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 185
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

52. Of the character strengths most strongly correlated with life satisfaction, _____ involves
approaching life with excitement and energy.
a. Creativity
b. Hope
c. Prudence
d. Zest

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 185 (Table 6.1)
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

53. A universal virtue is one found

a. Predominantly in Western cultures.
b. In many cultures, religions and philosophical traditions.
c. Found in modernized societies.
d. In developed countries.

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 187
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

54. Which of the following is the mission of positive psychology?

a. To make normal people’s lives more fulfilling and productive
b. To focus on the positive aspects of a person’s life rather than the negative
c. To encourage healthy emotional and physical lifestyles
d. None of the above

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 185
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

55. Which of the following statements is TRUE with reference to positive psychology?
a. It emphasizes the need for positive role models for healthy living.
b. It focuses strictly on positive influences of living.
c. It strives to minimize “negative” thinking to eliminate poor health outcomes.
d. It seeks to discover an optimal balance between “positive” and “negative” thinking.

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 186
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

56. According to Seligman, the most effective way to prevent illnesses is to focus on the
a. Level of spirituality in one’s life.
b. Positive goals of building competencies and the reinforcing factors that prevent negative
events from occurring.
c. Positive and negative outcomes of health behaviors.
d. The reinforcing properties of negative and positive behaviors in order to effect change in
one’s health status.

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 186
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

57. Positive psychology is important to the field of health psychology because it facilitates a
transition from the biopsychosocial model to the _____ model.
a. Social ecological
b. Wellness
c. Integrationist
d. Conventional

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 186
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

58. Which of the following factors influences positive psychological states?

a. Religion and religious faith
b. Interpersonal relationships
c. Socioeconomic status
d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 186
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

59. Polly is very optimistic. According to the definition of “optimism,” she

a. Believes situations and events will work out for the best.
b. Understands that life cannot be controlled, and therefore, she must be adaptable to change.
c. Focuses on negative events in her life.
d. Is a visual learner.

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 186
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

60. Research conducted by Folkman and Greer (2002) found that cancer patients with
a(n) _____ perspective, believed they could influence their situation and achieve a better
a. Pessimistic
b. Influential
c. Optimistic
d. Determined

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 186
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

61. According to the report by Taylor et al. (2000), optimistic people have more
a. Financial success.
b. Social support.
c. Children.
d. All of the above

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 186
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

62. One of the criticisms of positive psychology is that

a. The concept does not include the effects of gratitude and forgiveness on health outcomes.
b. The concept does not apply to children.
c. Researchers disagree on the definition of “positive.”
d. Some researchers argue that the “happiness” approach seems insubstantial.

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 187
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

63. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa is one example of the concept of
a. Quality of life.
b. Positive psychology.
c. Health outcomes in developed countries.
d. The wellness model of health.

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 187
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

64. One of the goals of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa was to
a. Help victims learn the truth about the murders of their loved ones.
b. Help educate South Africans about the HIV/AIDS virus.
c. Provide assistance with nutrition.
d. Assist with the relocation of apartheid victims.

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 188 (Box 6.5)
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

65. The concept of “sympathy” demonstrates how one word can have
a. Negative connotations.
b. Positive connotations.
c. Both positive and negative connotations.
d. An effect on health outcomes.

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 188-189
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

66. _____ is an Eastern philosophy where negative emotions are necessary for the full development
of the individual.
a. Buddhism
b. Confucianism
c. Christianity
d. Hmong

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 189
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

67. _____ is a coping strategy that keeps disappointments and expectations in check.
a. Defensive pessimism
b. Pessimism
c. Optimism
d. Structural optimism

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 189
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

68. Which of the following is NOT a component of traditional medicine?

a. Spiritual techniques
b. Chemotherapy
c. Mineral-based medicines
d. Medicines derived from plants

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 189
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

69. Most traditional medicines share the principle of

a. A belief in a connection between the individual, earth, and a life or energy force.
b. A belief in the biomedical model of health.
c. A belief in the importance of having children to carry on one’s genetic forces.
d. A belief in the afterlife.

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 189
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

70. How many core beliefs comprise most traditional medicines?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 189
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

71. Using smoke from lit herbs to cleanse negative energies around a person is called
a. Smudging.
b. Purging.
c. Lighting.
d. Balancing.

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 190
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

72. Which of the following countries typically uses traditional and Western medicine approaches to
address individual health needs?
a. China
b. Ghana
c. South Africa
d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 190
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

73. A _____ is an indigenous healer used in the South African health care system.
a. Curandero
b. Sangoma
c. Midwife
d. Nursing healer

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 190
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

74. Why do many people use both Western and traditional types of medicine?
a. They believe that each addresses different needs.
b. They are often confused about their illness and unsure which type of medicine would work
c. It is required practice in some countries.
d. Both types of medicine are one in the same.

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 190
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

75. Approximately _____ of all modern medicines are made from plants first used by traditional
a. 18%
b. 25%
c. 35%
d. 54%

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 190
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

76. Aspirin is a chemical equivalent of

a. Animal fats.
b. Tree sap.
c. Mineral supplements.
d. Ground willow bark.

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 190
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

77. Jolene most likely uses P57 as a

a. A type of pain relief.
b. Form of birth control.
c. Diet supplement to lose weight.
d. A method of curbing her nicotine cravings.

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 190
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

78. The Yin organs are vital to

a. Initiating action.
b. Cause change.
c. Sustaining life.
d. Balance.

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 192 (Box 6.6)
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

79. According to Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM), health is optimal when

a. Yang exceeds yin.
b. Yin exceeds yang.
c. Yin and yang forces are in perfect balance.
d. The body is free of yin and yang forces.

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 192 (Box 6.6)
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

80. Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 elements of Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM)?
a. Air
b. Metal
c. Earth
d. Fire

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 191
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

81. In Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM), Qi is similar to the body’s _____ system.
a. Central nervous
b. Peripheral nervous
c. Circulatory
d. Autonomic

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 192 (Box 6.6)
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

82. Ivan’s curandero believes he is suffering from _____, which is a type of fright due to a
traumatic experience.
a. Susto
b. Espanto
c. Biento
d. Qi

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 195 (Box 6.3)
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

83. Which of the following is NOT a core construct to the healing traditions of Native American
beliefs and practices?
a. Self
b. Community
c. Education
d. Environment

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 193 (Box 6.6)
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

84. The _____ is unique to the Native American healing practices.

a. Circle of life
b. Belief in susto
c. Concept of spirituality
d. Forgiveness doctrine

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 193 (Box 6.6)
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

85. Yin and yang are _____ forces according to Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM).
a. Opposing
b. Complementary
c. The same
d. Polar

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 191
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

86. A principal complaint of Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM) is that

a. The process does not examine the effects of emotions on illness.
b. The process does not address the physiological components of an illness.
c. The process takes longer than when using Western medical methods.
d. The process is too expensive.

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 191
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

87. The advantages of Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM) over Western medicine include
a. Containing the spread of disease quicker.
b. Fewer side effects.
c. Quicker control of symptoms.
d. Less time-consuming procedures.

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 194
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

88. Curanderismo is commonly practiced in

a. The United States.
b. Mexico.
c. Italy.
d. Japan.

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 194
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

89. _____ includes psychic experiences such as telepathy and psychic healing.
a. Qi
b. Susto
c. Chinese Traditional Medicine
d. Parapsychology

Correct Answer: d
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 195
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

90. _____ is a central component of curanderismo.

a. Spirituality
b. Qi
c. Socioeconomic status
d. Ecology

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 195
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

91. Mikayla is a yerbero in the curanderismo healing practice. She would most likely treat her
patients with
a. Herbal remedies.
b. Massages.
c. Faith.
d. Qi

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 195 (Table 6.3)
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Applied

92. A shaman is a
a. Medicine man or woman in curanderismo.
b. Medicine man or woman in Native American culture.
c. Medical healer in Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM).
d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 196
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Factual

93. Native American health beliefs most closely resemble the _____ model of health.
a. Wellness
b. Ecological
c. Biopsychosocial
d. Biomedical

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 195
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

94. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding Native American health practices?
a. Medicines exist only within external agents (those outside the body).
b. Medicine can be the peacefulness of a moment.
c. Herbs, teas, and pastes are used as medicinal agents.
d. A smile can be considered a form of medicine.

Correct Answer: a
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 196
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

95. Which of the following is an example of “teological medicine”?

a. How can I conquer this illness?
b. What can the disease teach me?
c. How can I destroy the disease?
d. How many family members have had cancer?

Correct Answer: b
Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 197
Topic: A-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition


1. Positive psychology proposes that in order to accurately understand human health outcomes, we
must examine only the positive aspects of behavior.

Correct Answer: False

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 168
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

2. The biomedical model of health suggests that eradicating illness will restore a person to good

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 169
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

3. Some illnesses occur independently of symptoms.

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 170
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Factual

4. Under stress, the body is likely to decrease production of the hormone epinephrine.

Correct Answer: False

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 173
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

5. It is possible for negative emotions to have positive health consequences.

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 173
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

6. Studies suggest that people in lower socioeconomic groups may express a more negative affect
than individuals in other socioeconomic classes.

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 175
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

7. For many patients, a decision to replace a painful knee is based, in part, on the patient’s feelings
of vulnerability and fatigue rather than on painful physical symptoms.

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 176
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

8. Some researchers believe that migraines have a psychological origin.

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 178
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

9. The presence of chapels in hospitals is an example of the complex relationship between faith and
health in today’s modern medical culture.

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 179 (Box 6.2)
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

10. Physical space is an environmental determinant of health according to the ecological model.

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 180
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

11. Overcrowding and crime are tangible environmental factors that affect psychological health.

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 181
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition

12. Health psychologists and public health experts argue for a more refined, narrowed definition of

Correct Answer: False

Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 184
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

13. Positive psychology is similar to the biomedical model of health.

Correct Answer: False

Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 184
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

14. Thriving and happy people exist in a social context that includes other people, places, and

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 1
Page ref: 185
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

15. Positive psychology does not deny the existence of negative emotions.

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 186
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

16. Pessimism may work to promote problem solving.

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 189
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

17. Yang energy forces are vital to sustaining life.

Correct Answer: False

Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 192 (Box 6.6)
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

18. One similarity between curanderismo and modern medicine is that they both involve specialized

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 194 (Box 6.2)
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

19. Familial attachments are unimportant in curanderismo.

Correct Answer: False

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 195
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

20. Traditional medicines are more consistent with an ecological model of health than with a
biomedical model.

Correct Answer: True

Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 197
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition


1. What are the 4 components of well-being?

Correct Answer: physical, psychological, spiritual, and emotional or social

Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 168
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Factual

2. The field of _____ emphasizes the mind-body connection to health.

Correct Answer: psychosomatic medicine

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 168
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Factual

3. The nerve cables that carry messages in the body are called _____ and _____ nerve fibers.

Correct Answer: afferent; efferent

Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 172
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Factual

4. Research findings indicate that negative emotions can activate the _____ and ultimately stimulate
the body’s immune system.

Correct Answer: sympathetic nervous system

Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 174
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

5. The social and economic group that characterizes one’s social position in society is called _____.

Correct Answer: socioeconomic class (SEC)

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 175
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Factual

6. _____ involves a systematic study of the factors that enhance and maintain an individual’s state
of well-being.

Correct Answer: Positive psychology

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 184
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Factual

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Chapter 6: Emotional Health and Well-Being

7. _____ may be especially advantageous for disenfranchised groups in societies.

Correct Answer: Defensive pessimism

Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 189
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

8. _____ refers to medical practices and beliefs that predate Western medicine.

Correct Answer: Traditional medicine

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 189
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Factual

9. What is the pharmaceutical name of the diet supplements sold in the U.S. that contain the
chemical agents found in hoodia gordonii?

Correct Answer: P57

Difficulty: 3
Page ref: 191
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Factual

10. According to Native American beliefs, the “_____” symbolizes power, peace, and unity.

Correct Answer: circle of life

Difficulty: 2
Page ref: 192 (Box 6.6)
Topic: B-Heading
Objective: Conceptual

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Test Bank for Health Psychology An Interdisciplinary Approach to Health 1st Edition by Ragin

Test Bank for Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1 st Edition


1. Identify and discuss the 4 major models of health/well-being.

2. Explain the positive psychology movement. Include a discussion of the pros and cons of this
movement as well as an historical overview of its development.

3. Identify and describe the 3 major forms of traditional medicine discussed in Chapter 6.

4. Compare and contrast traditional versus modern medicine.

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