Make Your Content "Buyer-Centric": Adarsh Pillai

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Adarsh Pillai

Make your content


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Seeing no traffic or
traffic with no sales on
your website?

Your content is the

black sheep here.

Adarsh Pillai
And you’re not alone.

About 90% of blogs

don’t get traffic:

Adarsh Pillai
And 30% of
blogs don’t earn
a single $$

Adarsh Pillai
TOP 1%:

Adarsh Pillai
Step 1: Create a buyer persona
Engage with your audience, know
them first.

What works with GenZ doesn't

work with people from the 90s!

Analyze audience demographics,

age, location and interests.

Find out where they hang out:

Reddit, Instagram, facebook etc.
Adarsh Pillai
Let's look at an example,

So let’s say you’re a startup

selling electric toothbrushes.
It’s a new product type that
can resonate with health-
conscious millennials.

Adarsh Pillai
So head over to reddit
discussions and understand
what makes people buy electric
toothbrush like this:

And make sure to highlight these

in your content to convince users.
Adarsh Pillai
Remember, SEO isn’t
about jamming some
keywords. It’s about
connecting with your
audience and delivering

Adarsh Pillai
Step 2: Use Storytelling
Storytelling is nothing fancy.
You don't need to replace facts
with fluff but you must hook
your audience from the intro

Adarsh Pillai
Consider these two sentences:
1. An electric toothbrush is a great
way to start your day.
2. Are you tired of aggressively
brushing with a manual
toothbrush? An electric toothbrush
can save your day & help with
receding gums too!
Which one resonates with you?
See how I included Redditor’s
pain points in the intro.
Adarsh Pillai
Step 3: A Powerful Content
Next, plan a clear sequence for
your content layout. Outline the
main sections of your post and list
them in a logical sequence.

No topic should come up out of the

Adarsh Pillai
Step 4: Cut Down On Fluff
This is a huge yet very common
mistake. Most blogs out there are
repeating the same point again &
again to meet some divine word

What it actually does is pushes

the reader to press the back
Adarsh Pillai
Instead focus on:

Providing a fresh perspective

Sharing original experience
Offering in-depth well-
researched content audience
won’t find anywhere
Engaging them emotionally by
addressing their pain points

A deep buyer persona we made in

step 1 comes in handy here.
Adarsh Pillai

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