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WW2: Lost Chronicles rules v0.

8 (20-06-2020)

WW2: Lost Chronicles is a PNP wargame system for 1-2 players. The game is a fan made project for fun & sharing. The game system
is for designing your own scenario based on historical and fictional battles in WW2. Game scale is 200 meters per hex & roughly 20
minutes per turn. Game unit is platoon or company size (company for Russian/Japanese/Chinese). A game will last 6 - 15 turns or with
a variable turn system.

Each player is a battle group commander who controls 4 - 9 formations. A formation is a battalion for Russian/Chinese and company for
all other nations. All formations are color coded & under command of a battalion/Regiment/Brigade HQ. Units of same color stripe are
from same formation which share same morale. Morale of a formation varies from scenario to scenario. Air-support, off board artillery,
reinforcement, mines, snipers, hidden units, weather change & other unexpected battlefield events will be handled by event cards.
Command and control will be implemented by HQ command ability & command cards.

There is an advanced game mode in works with more fog of war elements. Enemy force is unknown until first contact. Victory
conditions are also secret to each other. You don’t know what the enemies are, where they will come and where they are heading for. So
you need to send your recon force to gather the battlefield information before it is too late. This advance mode may not be for everyone.
Players are recommended to get familiar with the basic game before trying the advance game.

There is also plan for a solitaire campaign mode in which a player will play as a fictional regimental/brigade commander who will do
daily routines like refitting, replacing units or sending units for patrol & recon when there is no action. Your regiment will gain more &
better resources if you proof yourself in battle. If you see too many casualties, you may request to retreat from the battlefield & end the
battle of the day but withdrawal request is not always permitted depending on the overall situation.

Unit counters

Unit Facings

- All units and markers on map should be facing the same direction (usually counter top faces the north vertex of a hex).
- However once a unit has moved/fired, the counter is marked activated by rotating 45 degree to the right. Any markers on and under
that spent unit should be rotated together with it as well. A double activated unit is marked by rotating 90 degree to the right.

- Morale is a combined factor which reflects a unit’s combat training, battle experience, aggressiveness, and freshness of the troops.
- Morale level of each unit is not printed on unit counter but indicated by a separate morale marker of the unit’s formation.
- All units of same formation (i.e. with same color stripe) share same morale level.
- Morale level of a formation varies from scenario to scenario. Check the scenario card for starting morale level of each formation.
- Place the morale marker of each formation off the map edge during set-up.
- The current morale level of a formation is indicated by the top number on the marker.
- Morale level may be adjusted as a result of casualty, battle fatigue and battle event.
- When a formation’s morale level drops, rotate the morale marker 90 degree to the right (or flip the marker to the back side for lower
morale) so that the top number shows the current morale level.
- When the morale level of a formation drops to “D”, the formation is demoralized and all units of that formation are disrupted and
must move towards its parent HQ in each Rally phase until the commanding unit is adjacent to the HQ.
- A formation regains one morale level in Rally Phase if the commanding unit is adjacent to its HQ and didn’t move/fire in this turn.
- A unit must make morale check by rolling two dice when being attacked, making daring actions (e.g. close assault), making self-rally
or self-activation. A unit passes a morale check if the sum of the roll of two dice is equal to or smaller than the unit’s morale level.

Command Cards
- Each nation has its own unique deck of command cards. A player draws a number of command cards as starting hands during
set-up as instructed by the scenario card. A player draws a number of command cards to refill hands in Refresh Phase of each turn.
- Command cards may be played in a player’s action phase to activate units. Some command cards are used to get battle supports
such as Reinforcement, Air Support and Artillery Support…etc. Some cards are used during opposing player’s Action Phase.
- When a command card says free, it means doing the action is free and not considered an activation for a unit.
- There is no limit on number of cards in hands and also no limit of how many cards can play in each turn.
- Shuffle the discarded cards to form a new drawing deck when there are not enough cards for drawing.

Event Cards
- A battle event occurs when a player self-activates a unit OR rolled a Double “6” in a morale check. The player draws an event card
from the Event deck & execute the event on the card immediately.
- Some effect of an event card may last for entire turn. Lay the event card face-up on the table to remind the card is in effect.
- When the Halt Order event card is drawn, the current Action Phase ends immediately and proceeds to Rally Phase.

Turn Sequence
1) Action Phase
Starting with the player with initiative, players do one of the below actions alternatively until no more units can be activated or
the Halt Order battle event card is drawn. Initiative is determined by scenario. Usually the attacking side gets the initiative.
- Play a command card to activate units/formation shown on the card
- Play a Support type command card (e.g. Reinforcement/Air Support//Artillery Support/Armor Support)
- Activate a fresh HQ by discarding any two command cards.
- Activate a Recon unit.
- Self-activate a unit by making a morale check AND draw a battle event card.
- Discard two command cards and draw a new command card.
2) Rally Phase
In this phase, both players move simultaneously according to below order :
1) Remove all suppressed markers.
2) All units with WIP marker may make a morale check. May remove a Mine/Block marker or place an Improved
Position/Bridge Destroyed marker if passed the MC.
3) All disrupted units in cover terrain may roll for self-rally attempt.
4) All disrupted infantry/cavalry units in open terrain must move two hexes away from nearest enemy in sight.
5) All disrupted vehicle units in open terrain must move away from nearest enemy in sight at full speed.
6) All unactivated units which are on road or railroad hex may move up to full speed. A unit must move along roads if possible
and must stop moving if it is within 6 hexes and in LOS of an enemy unit. No opportunity fire or assault fire is allowed.
7) All off-map units which can enter the map but didn’t enter in action phase may enter the map with full speed. A unit must

move along roads if possible and must stop moving if it is within 6 hexes and in LOS of an enemy unit. No opportunity fire
or assault fire is allowed.
3) Refresh Phase
In this phase, both players move simultaneously according to below order :
1) Advance the Turn marker to the next box
2) Rotate all spent units to fresh (upright) facing.
3) Adjust/remove smoke markers
4) Draw command cards to refill hands for each player.

A player may activate a unit by one of the followings :
- Playing a command card but activation is limited to units/formation shown on the card
- Activating a HQ, then 1-3 formations (depending on command rating) under that HQ may be activated
- Self-activating a unit by passing a morale check
- The unit is a Recon unit
Once activated a unit may do one of the followings :
- Move up to full movement allowance
- Assault, i.e. move up to 1/2 movement allowance (round up), then fire at enemy unit with Assault Fire, Or make Assault Fire
first, then move up to 1/2 movement allowance.
- Fire at enemy unit
- For Pioneer/Engineer/Sapper unit only. Perform a working action (place Improved Position, remove Mine/Block, blow up a bridge)
- Once a unit finished its action, the unit is activated and is marked by rotating the counter 45 degree to the right.
- A previously activated unit may be activated again in different action phases of same turn (i.e. double activated) but a unit may not
be activated more than twice per turn. For each unit which is double activated in same turn, the morale of that unit’s formation will
be reduced by one level. A double activated unit will be marked by rotating the counter again by 90 degree.

- A player may self-activate a unit by making a morale check in Action Phase.
- If the unit passes the morale check, the unit is activated. If failed, the player passes the action phase to the opposing player.
- A player must draw a battle event card after making a self-activation no matter the unit succeeded or not.

HQ is not a combat unit. It doesn’t count in stacking and cannot be targeted in combat.
A fresh HQ can be activated by discarding two command cards during a player’s action phase. Unlike combat units, HQ can only be
activated once per turn. Once activated, a HQ may do one of the followings :
- A HQ may move up to its movement allowance. Any units in same hex with the HQ may also be activated and move with it if it
has sufficient MP to do so.

- A HQ may activate a number of formations (number based on its command rating) under its command. For example, a HQ with
command rating of 3 may activate three formations under its command in same phase.
- A HQ may rally a number of disrupted units automatically (no morale check required) based on its command rating. For example,
a HQ with command rating of 2 may rally two disrupted units. The disrupted unit must be within 3 hexes of the HQ unit.
Once a HQ finished its action, rotate the HQ counter 45 degree to the right to mark it as activated.
A HQ of command rating of “0” may still move and spot for OBA attack.

Command Control
- Unit with national/army icon on it is the commanding unit of that formation. This represents the unit is attached with company
HQ (or Battalion HQ for Russians). There is only one commanding unit in each formation.
- Unlike HQ, a commanding unit fights & moves as normal unit except that it usually has more steps than other units.
- All units from same formation (with same color stripe) must always be within two hexes of its commanding unit, otherwise the
unit is out of command. A commanding unit is always in command unless it is disrupted.
- A formation cannot be activated by command cards or HQ if the commanding unit is disrupted or eliminated. All units from that
formation are considered out of command until the commanding unit is rallied or replaced.
- An out of command unit cannot be activated by command cards or HQ. It can only be activated by self-activation. Once
self-activated, the unit must move towards its commanding unit until it is within two hexes of it.
- An out of command unit may make Opportunity Fire and fight in Close Assault normally.
- If a commanding unit is eliminated in combat, the formation morale drops 2 levels instead of the normal one.
- A good order unit with same unit type as the eliminated commanding unit may be promoted as the new commanding unit in Rally
Phase by next turn. Replace the promoting unit with the eliminated commanding unit. If there is no good order unit of same unit
type as the commanding unit, no replacement is allowed.

- Stacking limit : No more than two combat units per hex. However, only one vehicle or gun unit is allowed in each hex.
- HQ or passengers on carriers are not counted for stacking.

Movement Order
- Once activated, a unit may move up to full movement allowance.
- Movement cost is based on the Terrain Effect Chart of the maps the player used. Players may use any Terrain Chart they want.
- A unit with Movement Allowance in circle is a wheeled unit. A wheeled unit must move along roads if possible.
- In general, road costs 1/2 MP for wheeled unit and 2/3 MP for other units. MP cost x2 for moving uphill.
- A moving unit must stop moving when it is under Opportunity Fire from enemy unit. It may continue moving after OP is resolved.

Assault Order
- A unit may move up to half of its MA (round up), then make assault fire OR make assault fire first, then move up to ½ MA.
- A unit with red attack value cannot use Assault order. (Note : some units like Grant or Char B1tank have red attack for Soft attack

only so it may still use assault fire with hard attack).
- A unit’s attack value is halved (round up) for Assault Fire.

Opportunity Fire
- Any fresh units of the non-phasing player may make opportunity fire at a moving enemy target if the target unit has spent at least
1/4 of its movement allowance in LOS and within spotting range and normal weapon range of the firing unit.
- No opportunity fire is allowed at extended range (i.e. beyond normal range).
- A suppressed unit must pass a morale check first to make opportunity fire.
- Disrupted or activated unit may never make opportunity fire.
- A unit with red attack value has its attack value -1 for opportunity fire against moving vehicle target.
- No combined attack for Opportunity Fire.

Fire Order
- A unit may fire at an enemy unit within spotting range if it has a clear line of sight to the target. Check the Terrain Effect Chart for
spotting range on various target types.
- If there are more than one available targets, target in shortest range must be chosen first unless the chance to hit that target is zero.
A player may choose to attack another target instead of the nearest one if the firing unit passes a morale check. If the unit fails the
morale check, nearest target must be attacked instead.
- If the line of fire between the firing unit and target unit passes through a hex with friendly unit and all three parties are on same
elevation, the attack is blocked.
- If the selected target is out of normal range and within 2X normal range of the firing unit, the firing unit must pass a morale check
to attack. If the unit fails the morale check, no attack is allowed and the unit is spent.
- Firing units from same formation may combine their attacks to form one coordinated attack on same target. Firing units roll for
attack one by one but hits are added together before the target unit makes morale check (i.e. only one morale check for target unit)
- Units of different formations may not combine attacks. Combined attack is only allowed for same kind of order. No combined
attacks for Opportunity Fire.

Working Order
- A Pioneer/Engineer/Sapper unit may do a working order by placing a WIP marker on it.
- Unit with WIP marker makes a morale check in Rally phase. If successful, the unit may remove a Mine/Block marker or place an
Improved Position/Bridge Destroyed marker. If it fails the MC, nothing happens and the WIP marker remains in that hex.
- WIP marker is removed if the working unit is disrupted by enemy fire. WIP is not affected by Suppression result.

- A target unit must be in spotting range of the firing unit/or observer unit for indirect fire before it can be attacked.
- Besides counting spotting range, a clear line of sight must be obtained between firing unit and target.
- Check spotting range for selected target type on Terrain Effect Chart (TEC).
- Infantry and MG are considered Infantry type. Cavalry, Bicycle and Motorcycle units are considered mounted type.

- If the target has fired/moved/activated, use the next column to the right for spotting range on TEC instead.
- For example, a fired gun target in woods can be spotted within 4 hexes. A moved infantry target in wheatfield can be spotted
within 4 hexes.

Fire Resolution
Attack is resolved one by one at a time. A unit may not attack multiple targets (exc : Indirect Fire & OBA). Armor unit (defense in box)
may only be attacked by unit with Hard attack value. Open-Top armor unit (defense in box and in Red) may also be attacked by
Indirect Fire (soft attack in yellow box).
1) The firing unit (or observing unit for Indirect Fire) must get an unblocked line of sight (LOS) to the target hex AND the target
must be in spotting range. Friendly units on same elevation may block LOS.
2) Check the attack value of the firing unit for corresponding target (soft or armor) and modify it by the followings:
Half attack (round up) for Assault Fire
-1 for Indirect Fire (not for OBA)
-1 if firing unit is suppressed
-1 for opportunity fire vs moving vehicle unit if attack value is Red
-1 for attack beyond normal range but up to 1.5X range (round down, must pass MC first and prohibited for Opportunity Fire)
-2 for attack beyond normal range but up to 2X range (must pass MC first and prohibited for Opportunity Fire)
+1 for attack at half range or less (round down)
3) Check the defense value of the target unit & modify it by the followings:
-1 for infantry target moving in open vs small arm fire
+1 if target unit is on higher elevation than firing unit for direct fire
Terrain effect – check TEC for + or - modifiers
Half defense value for armor target (round down) if attacked by Flanking Fire. (exception : only -1 if defense value is blue)

4) Compare the modified attack value to the modified defense value and get the To Hit number.
If Attack > Defense by 2 or more, To Hit number = 2 or more
If Attack > Defense by 1, To Hit number = 3 or more
If Attack = Defense, To Hit number = 4 or more
If Attack < Defense by 1, To Hit number = 5 or more
If Attack < Defense by 2, To Hit number = 6
If Attack < Defense by 3 or more, No Attack is allowed
The general idea is : if attack value = defense value, hit rate is 50%, that is 4, 5 or 6 to hit on the roll. If attack is less than defense
by one point, -1 to the to hit range, that is only 5 or 6 to hit. If attack is less by two points, -2 to the hit range, that is only 6 to hit.
On the other hand if attack is more than defense by one point, add one to the hit range, that is 3, 4, 5 or 6 to hit. For example, if
the adjusted attack value is “3” and the adjusted defense value is “4”, the To Hit number is 5 or more for each attack die.
5) Roll one die for each step of the firing unit. If the firing unit has two steps, the player rolls 2 dice. If the firing unit has four steps,
the player rolls 4 dice. For unit with half step (red *), red * is counted for one die too but total number of hits cannot exceed
number of black *. For example, a unit of 2.5 steps (***) may roll three dice but only a maximum of two hits may be scored.
Check the number of hits scored based on the To Hit number mentioned above.
6) A roll of “1” is always a Miss. A roll of 1 or 2 is a Miss for slow firing unit with weapon range in Red.
A roll of “6” is always a Hit. Besides, the attacking player may roll an extra attack die for every “6” he rolled (exception: no extra
die for unit with red weapon range)

For rapid firing unit with weapon range in Blue, the attacking player may roll an extra attack die for every roll of 5 or 6.
For example, a 2-step unit rolled “5” and “6” in an attack. If the firing unit is a normal unit with black weapon range, it may roll
one extra die for the “6” it rolled. If the firing unit is a rapid firing unit with Blue weapon range, it may roll two extra dice for the
“5” and “6” it rolled. If the unit is a slow firing unit with Red weapon range, no extra die is gained.
A maximum of one extra die per roll in each attack is allowed (i.e. a unit may not get more extra die for roll of the extra die).

7) Count the total number of hits scored on the target unit including hits from other firing units in a Combined Attack. If the attack
yields at least one hit to the target, make a morale check by rolling two dice for the target unit. If the morale check is passed, the
target unit may cancel one hit and any remainder hits will be absorbed by it. If there is no hit after passing the morale check, the
target unit is Suppressed instead. Apply the net Hit results to the target unit. First hit on target is Disrupted result and each hit after

that is a Step-Loss result. Disrupted result on already disrupted unit counts as step loss.
8) For indirect & OBA fire, all units in the target hex will be affected by the same attack. Roll attack for each unit in the target hex.

Combat Results

- Place a Suppressed marker on a suppressed unit with corresponding national color.
- A suppressed unit may not move and gets -1 penalty on attack value when it fires.
- A suppressed unit must pass a morale check to make Opportunity Fire.
- Suppressed marker is automatically removed in Rally Phase.


- Place a Disrupted marker on a disrupted unit with corresponding national color.

- If a disrupted unit is disrupted again, it must take step loss instead.
- A disrupted unit cannot do any actions (fire or move) in Action Phase.
- A disrupted units get +1DRM in morale check when it is attacked in combat.
- During Rally phase, all disrupted infantry type units in open terrain must move one hex away from nearest enemy in sight. All
disrupted vehicle type units in open terrain must move two hexes away from nearest enemy in sight. No move for disrupted gun
- A disrupted unit may attempt to self rally if it is in cover terrain at the start of Rally Phase. Remove the disrupted marker if it
passes a morale check. A disrupted unit may also be rallied by a HQ in Action Phase without morale check.

Step Loss
- Each hit to a disrupted unit is a step loss result. Place a corresponding step loss marker under the unit to mark the step loss status.
- A unit can absorb a number of step-loss result equals to the number of steps it has (round down) before it is eliminated. For
example, a unit of 2.5 steps (***) will be eliminated by two step loss.
- For each step loss, adjust the morale marker of the unit’s formation to the next lower level (i.e. rotate 90 degree to the right)

- Place a wreck marker on a road hex if an armor unit gets a step loss result in a road hex.

Close Assault (For Infantry and Cavalry units only)

- Infantry/Cavalry units may make Close Assault by entering enemy occupied hex. MG/HMG
- Units making Close Assault must pass a morale check first (Exc: No MC for units activated by Close Assault card). Once passed,
the units may move into an enemy occupied hex if it has sufficient MP to enter the hex. Unit must stop moving if failed the MC.
- After Opportunity Fire, up to two good order Infantry/Cavalry units may enter the target hex to make Close Assault.
- Close Assault is similar to normal fire attack except that the followings:
- Both sides attack and apply combat results simultaneously.

- Activated or suppressed Infantry/Cavalry units may attack in Close Assault but Disrupted units may not.
- Units disrupted before the Close assault or units with no attack value are eliminated automatically in Close Assault.
- All Gun units (Exc : MG/HMG) are automatically eliminated in Close Assault.
- No range or terrain effect modifiers are used in Close Assault.
- Engineers/Pioneer/Sapper gets +1 attack in Close Assault.
- No Disrupted result in Close Assault. All hits are step loss.
- For close assault vs armor target, use the following attack value as below:
Infantry with G for Hard attack has attack value of “0”.
Infantry with L for Hard attack has attack value of “1”.
Infantry with A or B for Hard attack in 1942 or before has attack value of “1”.
Infantry with B for Hard attack in 1943 or after has attack value of “3”.
Infantry with A for Hard attack in 1943 or after has attack value of “5”.
- Armor unit may fight back in Close Assault but its soft attack value cannot be bigger than 3 in Close Assault.
- Armor unit has defense value halved (round down) in Close Assault if it is not in same hex with a friendly infantry unit or it is
in a town hex. For above case, armor unit with Blue defense value gets -1 defense in Close Assault instead of half value.
- Armor unit with Red defense value (Open-top) has defense value of “0” in Close Assault.
- After close assault, count the number of steps remaining in combat hex for both sides. Units from the side of fewer steps in total
must retreat one hex from the combat hex and becomes disrupted. If number of steps is same for both sides, both sides must
retreat and get disrupted.

Overrun Attack (For armor units vs soft units in open terrain only)
- Armor units may make Overrun Attack by entering an open hex occupied by enemy soft units. One infantry unit may accompany
the armor unit to make the Overrun Attack.
- Unlike Close Assault, no morale check is required for Overrun Attack.
- After Opportunity Fire, the attacking units may enter the target hex and make the Overrun Attack.
- Resolve Overrun Attack the same way as in Close Assault except the followings:
- All target units must make a morale check before the Overrun Attack. If failed, unit must retreat one hex from the Overrun hex
and becomes disrupted.
- Target units which passed the MC may fight back as in Close Assault but with defense value halved (round down).

Off-board Artillery
- OBA Attack is resolved by playing Artillery Support card in a player’s action phase.
- Check the scenario card for available OBA strikes. OBA strike is assigned in from of two numbers. First number is Soft attack
value and second number is number of dice to roll. For example, 5 x 2 means you can roll two dice with Soft attack of “5”.
- Once Artillery Support card is played, the player chooses a target hex and determines which fire mode he needs (Suppressive or
Destructive Fire). Destructive Fire attacks target hex only and Suppressive Fire attacks target hex and 6 adjacent hexes.
- Place an Artillery Request marker on the target hex. The target hex must be in LOS and within 12 hexes of a HQ or Recon unit.

- The player rolls one die to see if the artillery strike arrives and lands on target. On a roll of “4-6”, the strike lands on target hex.
On a roll of “2” or “3”, strike drifts to a random adjacent hex. Roll another die too see where the strike drifts.

- On a roll of “1”, the artillery request was rejected. Discard the Artillery Support card and pass initiative to the opposing player.
- Once the landing hex of the artillery strike was determined, resolve the OBA attack on each hex in attack as below. Destructive
Fire attacks target hex while Suppressive Fire attacks target hex and all adjacent hexes.
- For Suppressive Fire, roll a number dice as shown on the scenario card. For Destructive Fire, roll 2 X number of dice shown on
the scenario card.
- For OBA and Indirect Fire attack, all units in the hex in effect will be attacked. Roll attack on each unit in the hex separately.
Units under attack may make morale check to cancel hits as in normal attack.
- Armor units may be attacked by OBA attack too but both the attack value and the defense value will be halved (round down).
- Open-top armor unit (with red defense value) will have a defense value of “0” against OBA attack and Indirect Fire.

Indirect Fire
- Unit with Soft attack in yellow box (bottom left) may make Indirect Fire on a target hex at up to 3X range.
- The firing unit or a unit of same formation as the firing unit must get a clear LOS to the target hex. No spotting range is required.
- Indirect Fire is similar to OBA attack but attack with -1 Attack Value (exc : no -1 attack for mortar unit).
- There is no range modifier for Indirect Fire regardless of the actual attack range (including half range). Maximum firing range
is 3X the normal range for Indirect Fire. Mortar units always fire with Indirect Fire.
- Just like OBA attack, Indirect Fire attacks all units in the target hex.
- Unlike OBA attack, Indirect Fire is an attack against soft units only. The attack has no effect on armor units unless the armor unit is
Open-Top (red defense). Open-Top armor unit has defense value of “0” against Indirect Fire.

Smoke Marker
- A unit with HE weapon (Soft attack in white background) may place a smoke 2 marker on a target hex with clear LOS at up to 2X
weapon range as a Fire order action.
- A unit with Indirect Fire (Soft attack in yellow background) may place a smoke 2 marker on a target hex with clear LOS or in LOS
of a unit from same formation at up to 3X weapon range as a Fire order action.
- A smoke 2 marker will be replaced by a smoke 1 marker in Refresh Phase. A smoke 1 marker will be removed in Refresh Phase.
- A smoke marker blocks LOS for direct and indirect fire. Units in Smoke marker hex cannot be attacked by direct fire.
- Instead of conducting an Artillery strike by OBA, a player may choose to place three Smoke 2 markers in a row by the OBA.

Air Strike
- Air Strike is similar to OBA attack. A player needs to play an Air Support card in his action phase.

- Once the Air Support card is played, the player may choose three consecutive target hexes in a row.
- If any of the target hex is within firing range of an enemy AA unit (with light blue background on top left value), roll one die. If
enemy AA value is 2 or less, air strike is aborted on roll of “1”. If enemy AA value is 3 or more, air strike is aborted on roll of “1”

or “2”.

- Attack Strike values are shown on the scenario card. For example, if the Air Strike on the scenario card is 3-3-6, the first two
hexes will be attacked by Hard attack value of 3 and the last hex will be attacked by Soft attack value of 6.
- For Hard attack, only one unit will be attacked. For Soft attack, all units in target hex will be attacked.
- Armor unit has defense value halved (round down) vs Hard attack from air. Open-top armor unit (with red defense value) has
defense value of 0 vs both Hard & Soft attacks.

Recon Units
- Units with white stripe are Recon units. Recon unit is independent unit which is not under any formation.
- A recon unit may be activated in action phase without MC or cards. Only one Recon unit may be activated each time.
- Recon units may spot for OBA attack.
- Recon units always have morale of “8”.

Carrier Units
- Units with Black “C” on top left of counter are carrier units. A carrier unit may carry Infantry/ MG units of same or less number of
steps. Units carried by carriers are passenger units.
- Unit with Red “C” is not carrier unit. It is the carrier side of a gun unit and it cannot carry other units.
- Passenger unit is placed under the carrier and moves with it. Passenger unit does not count for stacking.
- When a carrier unit with passenger is attacked, the attack is made on the carrier unit and not the passenger unit.
- When a non-armor (soft vehicle) carrier unit is hit, the passenger unit must disembark immediately. Combat results are applied to
the passenger unit and the soft carrier unit is removed regardless of combat results.
- When an armor carrier (armored halftrack) unit is hit, combat results are applied to both carrier and passenger units.
- A carrier unit may spend half (round down) of its movement allowance to load or unload passenger unit.
- Passenger unit may not fire while on carrier. Only carrier unit may fire if it can.
- Elimination of carrier unit has no effect on morale of its formation (i.e. no morale drop).

Gun Units
- All gun units (including mortar and HMG units) are double-sided. A gun unit has its carrier side on the back side of the counter.
- Gun units with “T” for movement allowance at bottom right are Towed units. A Towed unit cannot move unless it switched to
carrier side first. A gun unit may spend an action phase to switch from gun side to carrier side or vice-versa.

- A gun unit moves as a carrier unit when carrier side is on. A gun unit with carrier side on cannot carry other passengers (it has a
red C instead of black C).

Improved Position and Fortified Markers

- Improved Position and Fortified markers give modifiers to defense value of a unit in that hex. The modifiers will replace the
terrain effect modifier of the hex instead of adding both together. Check the modifier for each marker on TEC.
- Only Infantry & Gun units may gain modifier from Fortified marker. Vehicle units may not gain modifier from Fortified marker.
- Improved Position and Fortified hex are considered cover terrain for routing and rally purpose.

Block, and Anti-tank Ditch Markers

- Block and Ant-tank Ditch markers are obstacle markers. They provide no additional terrain modifier in defense.
- A unit must stop moving when it enters a hex with Block marker. A soft unit beginning in a hex with Block marker must pass a
morale check to leave that hex, otherwise, the unit is spent and stays in that hex.
- An armor unit beginning in a hex with Block marker may leave the hex by spending half of its movement allowance (round up).
- A Block marker may be removed by an Engineer/Pioneer/Sapper unit which placed a WIP marker on it and passes a morale check

in Rally Phase. A Block marker may also be removed by a special armor unit like AVRE in action phase.
- No vehicle, gun or mounted units may enter a hex with Anti-tank Ditch marker. Infantry unit must stop moving when it enters a
hex with Anti-tank Ditch. Infantry unit beginning in hex with Anti-tank Ditch may spend +1 MP to leave that hex.
- Anti-Tank Ditch marker cannot be removed.

- A Mines marker represents minefield more than one hex. All hexes adjacent to a Mines marker are also Mines hexes.
- When a unit enters a hex with Mines marker or any hex adjacent to it, it must stop and undergo a Mines attack. Roll one die per
step (round down for half-step) for each unit under Mines attack. Soft unit is hit on a roll of 4-6 while armor unit is hit on a roll of
5-6. Units may pass a morale check to cancel hit as in normal combat.
- A Mines marker may be removed by an Engineer/Pioneer/Sapper unit which placed a WIP marker on it and passes a morale check

in Rally Phase. Mines may also be removed by special armor units like AVRE/Sherman Crab.
- A Mine marker may also be removed by OBA attack. An artillery strike landed succeefully will remove the Mines marker.
- (Optional) Mines markers may also be hidden and plotted on papers before battle starts. A Mines marker is placed on map when an
enemy unit enters a hex adjacent to the plotted hex.

Wreck and Bridge Destroyed Marker

- Wreck marker is placed on roads only. It neglects the effect of road in that hex.
- When an armor unit in a road hex loses a step, place a wreck marker in that hex if there is no wreck marker in that hex already.
- Bridge Destroyed marker is placed on a bridge hex when a bridge is destroyed by a Blow up action.

Flanking Fire
- Flanking Fire occurs when an armor unit is attacked through more than one hexsides in same action phase.
- The attacking player may choose one attack on the armor unit with Flanking Fire. An armor unit has defense value halved (round
down) against Flanking Fire attack. Armor unit with blue defense has defense value -1 instead of half defense value vs Flanking


German Armor Superiority (this is to simulate the better training & tactics of the German Panzer in early years of WW2)
- All German armor units from 1940-1942 may reroll one die in combat.

French Armor limitations (this is to simulate the lack of radio & one-man turret problem of the French armor units)
- French armor units cannot be activated alone if it cannot trace a clear LOS to a HQ and within 4 hex of it. However a French
armor unit may be activated if it is with a non-armor unit in same hex.
- French armor units self-activate with +1 drm on MC.
- All French tank units get additional -1 attack after halving the attack value in Assault Fire
- All French tank units get a -1 attack in Opportunity Fire.

Soviet Commissar
- Before rolling for morale check, the Russian player may choose to add -1 drm to the MC. But if the MC fails, the unit must take a
damage of one hit immediately.

Chit-Pull Mode (no cards)

- Chit-Pull mode is a simplified mode for playing without cards.
- Each nation has a set of 18 chits with national symbol on front side and wreck or helmet icon on back side.
- During set-up, each player places his own set of 18 chits with front side up off the map separately.
- Each player draws a number of chits from the table as shown by the number of cards in starting hands on the scenario card.
- During Action Phase, a player may spend chits from hands like playing cards.
- A player may activate a formation of same color as the color stripe above the helmet icon if the chit has helmet on back side.
- A player may activate a HQ by spending any two chits.
- A player may activate a Recon unit by spending any one chit.
- A player may make self-activation attempt without chits. If the sum of the roll for self-activation is 10 or more, the Action Phase
ends immediately for that player. No more activation can be made by the player in that turn. Action phase shifts to opposing player.
- No chits are required for making OBA Fire but no OBA is allowed in this turn if any Destructive Fire was made in last turn.
- For scenario where a player has possible Reinforcement, Armor Support or Air Support, a player may spend a chit to roll 1D6 to
make the Reinforcement/Support request. If the roll is smaller than current turn number, the Reinforcement/Support arrives. If the
roll is “6”, same or bigger than the current turn number, the Reinforcement/Support Request fails.
- A player may keep unused chits in hands for next turn. A player may draw a number of chits shown by the number cards drawn per
turn on the scenario card at the end of each Refresh Phase.

Advanced Game Mode (hidden victory conditions, hidden OOB and hidden forces)
Solitaire Mode
Campaign Mode

- Game designed by David Cheng

The game rules and all component files are for playtesting and personal use only. Please do not
use them for commercial purpose.


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