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Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 1477–1488

Changes in median nerve somatosensory transmission and motor output

following transient deafferentation of the radial nerve in humans
B.A. Murphya,*, H. Haavik Taylora, S.A. Wilsonb, J.A. Knighta, K.M. Mathersa, S. Schugc
Department of Sport and Exercise Science, Tamaki Campus, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand
School of Science, Mathematics & Medical Imaging, Christchurch Polytechnic, Christchurch, New Zealand
Anaesthesia & Pain Medicine Institution, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia

Accepted 17 April 2003

Objective: To determine if transient anaesthetic deafferentation of the radial nerve would lead to alterations in processing of early
somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) from the median nerve or alter cortico-motor output to the median nerve innervated abductor
pollicis brevis (APB) muscle.
Methods: Spinal, brainstem, and cortical SEPs to median nerve stimulation were recorded before, during and after ipsilateral radial nerve
block with local anaesthesia. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and motor cortex output maps were recorded from the APB muscle.
Results: There were no significant changes to most early SEP peaks. The N30 peak, however, showed a significant increase in amplitude,
which remained elevated throughout the anaesthetic period, returning to baseline once the anaesthetic had completely worn off. MEP amplitude of
the median nerve innervated APB muscle was significantly decreased during the radial nerve blockade. There was also a significant alteration in
the APB optimal site location, and a small but significant decrease in the silent period during the radial nerve blockade.
Conclusions: Transient anaesthetic deafferentation of the radial nerve at the elbow leads to a rapid modulation of cortical processing of
median nerve input and output. These changes suggest an overall decrease in motor cortex output to a median nerve innervated muscle not
affected by the radial nerve block, occurring concomitantly with an increased amplitude of the median nerve generated N30 SEP peak,
thought to represent processing in the supplementary motor area (SMA). Independent subcortical connections to the SMA are thought to
contribute to the N30 response observed in this study. Unmasking of pre-existing but latent cortico-cortical and/or thalamo-cortical
connections may be the mechanism underlying the cortical SEP increases observed following radial nerve deafferentation.
Significance: Transient deafferentation of the radial nerve, which supplies wrist and hand extensor muscles, has been shown to alter
sensory processing from and motor output to the median nerve innervated thenar muscles.
q 2003 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Somatosensory evoked potentials; Brain plasticity; Radial nerve; Deafferentation; Transcranial magnetic stimulation; Motor evoked potentials

1. Introduction Florence and Kaas, 1995; Merzenich et al., 1983a). There is

good evidence that these rapid reorganizational processes
Dramatic reorganization of the primary somatosensory are mediated by unmasking (disinhibition) of existent but
cortex has been observed, within minutes to hours, follow- latent cortico-cortical or thalamo-cortical connections, and
ing deafferentation (Calford and Tweedale, 1991; Dono- that the mechanisms involved include the removal of local
ghue et al., 1990; Merzenich et al., 1983a). The deafferented inhibition and changes in synaptic efficacy (Cohen et al.,
cortex does not stay quiescent, but is taken over by body 1999b; Florence and Kaas, 1995). A similar large-scale
representations adjacent to the deafferented body part reorganization has been known to develop progressively
(Calford and Tweedale, 1991; Donoghue et al., 1990; over time (Florence and Kaas, 1995; Merzenich et al.,
1983b; Pons et al., 1991). These long-term changes are
thought to be due to an increase in synaptic efficacy of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ61-649-3737599x6856; fax: þ 61-649-
373-7043. previously existent synapses, and the establishment of new
E-mail address: (B.A. Murphy). anatomical connections (sprouting) (Merzenich et al.,
1388-2457/03/$30.00 q 2003 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
1478 B.A. Murphy et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 1477–1488

1983b; Pons et al., 1991). Large-scale somatosensory output to the abductor pollicis brevis (APB), a median nerve
reorganization has also been shown to occur at subcortical innervated muscle, on the same side as the radial nerve
levels, in the spinal cord (Dostrovsky et al., 1976; Florence block.
and Kaas, 1995; Pettit and Schwark, 1993), brainstem
(Dostrovsky et al., 1976; Florence and Kaas, 1995), and
thalamus (Nicolelis et al., 1993). 2. Methods
In humans, neural reorganization has been demonstrated
utilizing a number of techniques, such as motor evoked 2.1. Subjects
potentials (MEPs) (Cohen et al., 1999a; Ziemann et al.,
1998), positron emission topography (Sadato et al., 1995), Six healthy subjects, one male and 5 females, between
and magnetoencephalography (Rossini et al., 1994). the ages of 22 and 44 years participated in this study.
Recently, cortical (Tinazzi et al., 1997, 1998), and Exclusion criteria were neurological disease, previous head
subcortical (Tinazzi et al., 1998) reorganization has been injury, implanted metal plates in the head, or a cardiac
demonstrated in humans utilizing somatosensory evoked pacemaker. The project was approved by the University of
potentials (SEPs). These experiments indicated the levels in Auckland Human Subjects Ethics Committee. Written
the lemniscal somatosensory pathway in which the plastic informed consent was obtained from each subject. A
changes were taking place, which had not been previously modified Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Bryden, 1976)
demonstrated (Tinazzi et al., 1997, 1998). Transient deaf- was administered to determine the subject’s preferred hand.
ferentation of the ulnar nerve produced only cortical The SEP data from one subject could not be analysed due to
changes in response to median nerve stimulation (Tinazzi electrical interference in the EEG recordings. The TMS data
et al., 1997), whereas long-term deafferentation of the from all 6 subjects were analysed.
median nerve produced subcortical as well as cortical
changes, following ulnar nerve stimulation (Tinazzi et al., 2.2. SEP stimulation and recording
1998). This difference suggests that transient peripheral
denervation may exert its effects independently of changes For SEP recording, the subjects were seated in a reclining
in excitability of spinal and brainstem structures. La-Z-boye chair, in a quiet room. All recording electrodes
Recent psychophysical work (Murphy and Dawson, were placed according to the International Federation of
2002) has demonstrated a decrease in the ability to Clinical Neurophysiologists (IFCN) recommendations
discriminate non-painful intramuscular stimulation deliv- (Nuwer et al., 1994). Disposable adhesive recording
ered to the forearm extensor muscles following just 15 min electrodes (7 mm Ag/AgCl Hydrospote from Physiome-
of either repetitive typing or forearm ischaemia. Given this trix) were placed on the ipsilateral Erb’s point, over the C5
apparent decrease in afferent input from the radial- spinous process (Cv5), and 2 cm posterior to contralateral
innervated extensor muscles in the typing task, it would central and frontal scalp sites C3/C4 and F3/F4, which will
be worthwhile to determine whether specifically decreasing be referred to as Cc0 , and Fc0 , respectively. Finally a
afferent input from the radial nerve leads to central recording electrode was also placed 2 cm posterior to the
processing changes in a similar manner to the changes in ipsilateral central scalp site C3/C4. This will be referred to
the median and ulnar nerves demonstrated previously as Ci0 and is utilized in order to record any possible arousal
(Tinazzi et al., 1997, 1998). effect from the anaesthetisation procedure. The Cc0 and Fc0
There is also a growing body of evidence suggesting that recording electrodes were referenced to both Fz and the
movement disorders such as dystonia are linked to abnormal contralateral acromion process. The Erb’s and Cv5 record-
central integration of somatosensory input (Abbruzzese ing electrodes were referenced only to the contralateral
et al., 2001; Bara-Jiminez et al., 1998; Byrnes et al., 1998; acromion process. A ground electrode was attached to the
Tinazzi et al., 2000). These studies demonstrate the forehead. The stimulating electrodes were placed over the
importance of investigating the effect of altered sensory median nerve at the wrist of the dominant arm. Stimuli were
input on motor output. Previous studies, which utilized delivered at 103% of the motor threshold using a constant
TMS, have demonstrated changes in motor output following current stimulation at a rate of 2 Hz, a rate that does not lead
both ischaemia deafferentation (Brasil-Neto et al., 1993) to SEP attenuation (Fujii et al., 1994).
and anaesthetic blocking of the nerve supplying the muscles The SEP electrodes were in place before and during the
under investigation (Ziemann et al., 1998). We therefore anaesthetic block. Prior to the transcranial magnetic
sought to investigate both sensory processing and motor stimulation, a permanent marking pen was used to draw
cortical output when investigating the effects of altered around the Fc0 and Cc0 electrodes which were removed.
afferent input on cortical functioning. Following the ‘during’ and post-anaesthetic TMS record-
The present study investigated the short-term effect of ings, the Fc0 and Cc0 electrodes were repositioned and the
transient deafferentation, induced by nerve block of the post-anaesthetic SEP data were collected.
radial nerve, on SEPs evoked by stimulation of the median Experiments were conducted prior to the anaesthetic
nerve ipsilateral to the nerve block and on motor cortex block experiments where SEP traces were shown to be
B.A. Murphy et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 1477–1488 1479

reproducible after electrode repositioning at the Fc0 and Cc0 For stimulus site location, the scalp was modelled as a
sites. hemisphere and stimulation sites positioned using a
latitude/longitude-based coordinate system, with the vertex
2.3. Transcranial magnetic stimulation as the origin. The stimulation sites were pre-marked onto a
snug fitting, flexible, translucent cap, with spacing of 1 cm
There were two recording sessions for this experimental latitude and longitude. Stimuli were delivered approxi-
protocol. These sessions were separated by an average of mately 6 s apart with 4 stimuli delivered at each site. The
4 days (range 2– 10 days). During the first session the first site stimulated was the estimated optimal site for
threshold and estimated optimal site for the APB muscle eliciting an MEP and then the sites surrounding this were
were ascertained. The motor representation area of APB stimulated until MEPs could no longer be identified, and the
was then mapped for the contralateral hemisphere corre- borders of the representation area for the muscle were
sponding to the dominant hand, during which MEPs and determined in all directions. There were approximately 35
silent periods (SPs) at the optimal site were obtained. sites stimulated during each mapping session. The stimulus
The second session involved mapping APB while the radial intensity used was 10% of the stimulator output above the
nerve was blocked. threshold for that muscle. The mean MEP peak-to-peak
Surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded from the amplitudes for each site were then calculated off-line. The
APB muscle, using Grassw gold electrodes (Astro-Med, SP durations were measured individually and then averaged.
Inc.) with the active electrode over the motor point and the
inactive electrode over the metacarpophalangeal joint. The
ground electrode was placed on the lateral epicondyle of the 3. Map analysis
distal end of the humerus. EMG was digitised at 2 kHz, with
a low pass filter at 1 kHz and a high pass filter at 10 Hz. Data A purpose-written mapping program was used to
were amplified by 10,000, and recorded for a period of generate the cortico-motor output maps which calculated
500 ms after the stimulus. the optimal site location using spline functions. The
A custom designed computer program using AMLABw protocol has previously been described in detail (Byrnes
data acquisition triggered the TMS stimuli. This occurred et al., 1998; Thickbroom et al., 1999; Wilson et al., 1993).
when the root mean square (RMS) level of APB EMG The program converted the absolute position of the stimu-
activity corresponded to a muscle contraction that was lation site in centimetres to an angular position on an
within 10 ^ 3% of the subject’s maximum voluntary idealized sphere of half-circumference given by the
contraction (MVC) for 3 consecutive 500 ms epochs. The subject’s inter-aural distance. A complete map was then
RMS level of EMG activity was shown online to provide generated by spherical spline interpolation between stimu-
feedback to the subject as to their level of muscle contraction. lus sites. This resulted in a fit function which enabled the
The data were stored to disk for off-line analysis. estimated MEP amplitude to be determined at any given
A Magstim 200w magnetic stimulator with a 50 mm latitude/longitude value. The centre of each map was deter-
diameter figure-of-8 coil was used. Stimulus intensity, mined from the location of the peak map value, and was
described as the percentage of stimulator output, was defined by two distances, the distance from vertex (latitude)
threshold adjusted. The precise placement of the stimulating and the distance from the inter-aural line along a line of
coil over the pre-marked site was achieved by aligning a constant latitude (anterior positive). These distances were
fiducial mark on a fine metal rod with a fiducial mark on a expressed in millimetres based on a standardized inter-aural
piece of clear plastic that was glued to the TMS coil. The distance of 37 cm.
coil had been previously X-rayed to determine its exact
centre. The end of the metal rod was placed over the 3.1. Radial nerve block
stimulation site and the mark on the rod was lined up with a
mark on the piece of clear plastic that was attached to the The anaesthetic block was administered on the second
TMS coil. This ensured that the maximum magnetic field experimental session. A peripheral nerve stimulator was
was applied over the exact pre-marked location on the scalp used by the anaesthetist to locate the optimal site for
or cap (see Fig. 1). The metal rod was withdrawn before anaesthetic administration. This site was located approxi-
stimulation. The stimulator coil was held tangentially to the mately 1 cm lateral to the biceps tendon in the cubital fossa.
skull with the handle in an antero-posterior orientation Prilocane (1%) was injected into this region. The anaes-
(handle posterior). Current flow at the centre of the coil was thetic effectively blocked the radial nerve distal to the
towards the coil handle. Threshold was defined as the elbow, which supplies the posterior forearm muscles and the
intensity at which at least 6 out of 10 stimuli evoked a MEP skin over the dorsum of the thumb. The APB innervation,
that was readily discernable above the background EMG at via the median nerve, was left intact.
the estimated optimal site of stimulation. Given that the For the purposes of this study, the radial nerve block was
subjects were maintaining a 10% background contraction considered to be in effect as long as both EMG from
this level was approximately 600 mV. recording electrodes over the radial nerve innervated
1480 B.A. Murphy et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 1477–1488

Fig. 1. Diagram depicting how the TMS stimulating coil was precisely aligned with the specific stimulating site on the subject’s scalp, with the use of a pre-
marked metal rod. The end of the metal rod was placed over the stimulation site and the mark on the rod was lined up with a mark on the piece of clear plastic
that was glued to the TMS coil once the coil was moved over the rod. Once the coil was in place, the rod was withdrawn before stimulation.

forearm muscles and sensation over the dorsum of the administration of the local anaesthetic (pre-anaesthetic
thumb were absent. The nerve blocks were in place for period; mean value trial 1). Another 3 blocks were recorded
2 –4 h which allowed enough time for both the motor maps during complete anaesthesia (anaesthetic period; trials
and SEP blocks to be completed. 2 – 4). Finally 3 blocks of SEPs were recorded after the
local anaesthetic had worn off (post-anaesthetic period;
3.2. Experimental sequence trials 5 –7).
Amplitudes were measured both from the peak of interest
With electrophysiological evidence of a complete nerve to the baseline (peak-to-baseline), and where possible, from
block, 3 blocks of SEP data were collected at intervals of the peak of interest to the preceding and/or succeeding peak of
10 min. The sites of the SEP electrodes were then clearly opposite deflection (peak-to-peak). Latencies were measured
marked so that they could be reapplied on completion of the to the maximum deflection of each peak. This is in accordance
motor cortex mapping. The electrodes were removed and with the IFCN recommendations (Nuwer et al., 1994).
the mapping cap was then fitted. The motor map of APB was The amplitude and latency data for all subjects were
then performed. In addition, EMG testing of extensor indicis analysed for normal distribution and homogeneity of
proprius (EIP) and extensor carpi radialis (ECR) was variance. The data were then examined using a repeated
performed before each SEP trial and at the completion of measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test for
the muscle mapping session to confirm whether the block significant differences between the pre-anaesthetic blocks.
had been in place for the full mapping session. No significant differences were found so the pre-anaesthetic
Once there was EMG evidence that EIP and ECR had blocks were collapsed into pre-anaesthetic mean values. All
returned to 80% of MVC, the final SEP data were collected. peaks were then analysed using repeated measures
The SEP electrodes were reapplied in the pre-marked sites, ANOVA, with a priori contrasts established between the
impedances were checked and 3 post-anaesthetic SEP trials pre-anaesthetic mean and subsequent anaesthetic and post-
were collected. anaesthetic blocks. The latencies and amplitudes of Erb’s
point N9, spinal N11 and N13 (recorded by the Cv5 electrode),
far-field potentials P14, and N18 (recorded with scalp
4. Data analysis electrodes), parietal N20, and frontal N30 were analysed.

4.1. Somatosensory evoked potentials 4.2. Mapping and motor evoked potentials

SEPs were analysed in blocks of 500 averaged artifact- The pre-intervention measures were compared to post-
free trials. Three blocks of SEPs were recorded before intervention measures in two-tailed t tests. Three t tests, for
B.A. Murphy et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 1477–1488 1481

MEP amplitude, SP and optimal site location were Table 1

performed. To adjust for the use of 3 comparisons, the APB MEP amplitude (mV) values for control and nerve block conditions,
and the percentage change from these conditions, for all subjects
p-value was set at p , 0:016 for MEP and SP measures at
the estimated optimal site as well as at the optimal site Subject Control Nerve block MEP decrease (%)
calculated using the mapping program.
1 20.6 17.0 17.4
2 20.6 12.0 41.6
3 22.7 15.8 30.5
5. Results 4 21.9 20.1 8.5
5 22.5 18.7 16.9
6 11.9 8.9 25.8
5.1. Somatosensory evoked potentials

There were no latency changes for any of the peaks under single subject depict the N30 increase during the anaesthetic
investigation. Representative data from the pre-intervention and its return to baseline afterwards (Fig. 4).
SEP data (Fig. 2) show the reproducibility of the SEP data
prior to the nerve block. 5.2. Transcranial magnetic stimulation
None of the early SEP peaks including the N9 peripheral
volley showed any amplitude alterations. The N30 –P40 5.2.1. MEP amplitude
complex showed a significant increase in amplitude in the The results for the APB MEP amplitude at the estimated
first block during the anaesthetic period (see Fig. 3), optimal site are shown in Table 1. The MEP amplitude was
increasing to 149% above baseline. This increase persisted significantly decreased during the nerve block ðp ¼ 0:006Þ.
throughout the anaesthetic period and gradually returned to The average decrease was 23.4% (range: 8.4– 41.6%). The
baseline in the 3 blocks of SEPs collected once the averaged MEP decrease at the estimated optimal site for a
anaesthetic had worn off. Representative traces from a representative subject is shown in Fig. 5.

5.2.2. Silent period duration

The results for the SP duration at the estimated optimal
site are shown in Table 2. The average change in SP
duration was 8.9% (range: 2 1.0 to 30.6%). One subject had
a much larger increase than the others.

5.2.3. Optimal site location

The results for the APB optimal site location are shown
in Tables 3 and 4; Fig. 6. Table 3 summarizes the APB
optimal site location recorded in two separate control
sessions. Analysis of the optimal sites for the two control
sessions demonstrated that there were no significant
differences between these sessions ðp ¼ 0:84Þ. The average
difference was 2.1 mm with a range of 1.7 – 2.7 mm.
Table 4 summarizes the changes in optimal site location
during the radial nerve block. The average change was
3 mm with a range of 1.6 –5 mm. The change in optimal site
location during the radial nerve block was significantly
different from the control optimal site ðp ¼ 0:003Þ. The
shifts in optimal site location in the mediolateral location
during the nerve block are shown in Fig. 2.

6. Discussion

The major findings of this present study are that transient

Fig. 2. Erb’s point (Erb), cervical (Cv5), post-central (Cc0 ) and pre-central peripheral denervation of radial nerve produces rapid
(Fc0 ) SEP traces from one representative subject prior to radial nerve block.
Traces are superimposed to show reproducibility of the measured peaks.
reversible changes to:
Cc0 and Fc0 were recorded with a cephalic reference. Erb’s and Cv5 had
non-cephalic references. 1. the pre-central N30 median nerve SEP peak,
1482 B.A. Murphy et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 1477–1488

Fig. 3. Averaged group SEP data. The dotted lines define the anaesthetic period. Block 1 represents the mean pre-anaesthetic SEP values; blocks 2, 3 and 4 are
during anaesthetic; blocks 5, 6 and 7 are post-anaesthetic. The N9, N20 and N30 complexes (panel a, b and c) showed no changes in amplitude during the
anaesthetic. The N30–P40 complex (d) showed a significant increase (*) in amplitude during the first 10 min of anaesthetic, which then remained elevated
while the anaesthetic was in place, gradually returning to baseline once the anaesthetic had worn off.

2. the motor cortex output (MEPs), and as well as previous animal studies (Calford and Tweedale,
3. motor cortex maps to the median nerve innervated APB 1991; Merzenich et al., 1983a). These short-term changes
muscle. could reflect an immediate unmasking of pre-existing, but
latent cortico-cortical connections and removal of local
6.1. Somatosensory evoked potentials inhibition (Cohen et al., 1999a), and/or unmasking of
existent but latent thalamo-cortical connections (Florence
The increased cortical SEPs are consistent with previous and Kaas, 1995).
human transient denervation studies (Tinazzi et al., 1997), It has been hypothesized that rapid reorganization is
B.A. Murphy et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 1477–1488 1483

Fig. 4. Pre-rolandic median nerve SEP waves in one representative subject before, during, and after radial nerve block showing the increase in N30 during the
block which then returns to an even lower than baseline value once the block has worn off. The SEP waves were recorded at Fc0 with a cephalic reference.

mediated through N-methyl-D -aspartate (NMDA)-recep- thalamo-cortical projections arising from median nerve
tors. This usually requires the down-regulation of local territories adjacent to the radial nerve deafferented zone.
inhibitory circuits with a removal of g-aminobutyric acid The shift in the optimal site for eliciting APB MEPs during
(GABA) related cortical inhibition, since intracortical the radial nerve block provides further evidence of
administration of NMDA-receptor blockers has demon- unmasking of latent cortico-cortical connections, as a result
strated a lack of rapid cortical reorganization (Cohen et al., of the radial nerve block.
1999a). A lack of rapid cortical reorganization has also been
reported in studies with enhancement of GABA action 6.2. Cortical somatosensory evoked potentials
(Tegenthoff et al., 1999).
Therefore, the short-term amplitude enhancement of The N30 – P40 complex was the only SEP peak that
median nerve cortical SEPs shown in the present study significantly increased during the radial nerve block. Some
could reflect disinhibition of latent cortico-cortical and authors suggest that the N30 originates in the post-central

Fig. 5. Averaged MEPs measured at the estimated optimal site before and during (heavier trace) radial nerve block in one representative subject.
1484 B.A. Murphy et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 1477–1488

Table 2 Table 4
The APB SP duration (ms) for the control and nerve block conditions, and Optimal site locations (cm) of APB for control and nerve block conditions,
the percentage change following the nerve block, for all subjects and the difference (cm) between the two conditions, for all subjects

Subject Control Nerve block SP change (%) Subject Control Nerve block Difference (mm)

1 93 121 30 1 5.04 5.20 1.6

2 112 111 21 2 5.27 5.59 3.2
3 179 190 6 3 5.63 6.10 4.7
4 139 144 4 4 4.67 4.49 1.8
5 159 167 5 5 4.52 4.38 1.4
6 131 143 9 6 6.42 6.92 5.0

cortical regions (i.e. S1) (Allison et al., 1989, 1991), while increased exclusively in the SMA during mental program-
others suggest that this SEP component is related to a more ming of fast finger movements (without execution),
complex cortical and subcortical loop linking the basal suggesting that the gating of N30 during simulated move-
ganglia, thalamus, pre-motor areas (especially the sup- ment is further evidence for SMA being its neural generator.
plementary motor area, SMA), and primary motor cortex The increase of the N30 – P40 complex observed in our
(Cheron and Borenstein, 1991, 1992; Desmedt et al., 1983; study suggests that there may be an increase in SMA activity
Mauguiere et al., 1983; Rossini et al., 1987; Rossini and following median nerve stimulation during radial nerve
Babiloni, 1989; Waberski et al., 1999). deafferentation. It is interesting to note that there was no
Several groups have presented findings suggesting that significant increase in the N20 – P27 complex, which is
the N30 waveform is generated in the SMA (Cheron and known to be generated in S1 (Desmedt and Cheron, 1980;
Borenstein, 1991; Cheron and Borenstein, 1992; Mauguiere Mauguiere, 1999; Nuwer et al., 1994). Given that some
et al., 1983; Rossini et al., 1987; Rossini and Babiloni, authors have suggested a post-central origin for the N30
1989). Two groups have shown that it reaches maximal peak (Allison et al., 1989, 1991), our results suggest that this
amplitude overlying the SMA (Desmedt and Cheron, 1981; contributor to the N30 peak was not affected by the
Rossini et al., 1987) whereas Valeriani et al. (2000) provide deafferentation of the radial nerve.
data to suggest that a central electrode site provides a clearer
N30 SEP peak, less contaminated by the N24. Rossini and 6.3. Evidence suggesting separate thalamo-cortical
Babiloni (1989) demonstrated that the N30 component was connections to supplementary motor area
absent in a subject who suffered from unilateral SMA
compression, due to a meningioma of the falx. The frontal
This suggests that the supplementary motor cortical
N30 was clearly absent on the side of compression. Waberski
reorganization is not merely a flow on effect from the
et al. (1999) used dipole source localization and current
density reconstruction with realistically shaped head models,
and demonstrated that the N30 generator was tangentially
oriented and located in the pre-central gyrus. The N30
component is also the most vulnerable SEP component to
the gating effect that occurs during voluntary muscle
contraction (Cheron and Borenstein, 1991). Interestingly,
this gating of N30 does not require the actual movement of
voluntary muscles, but occurs even when the subjects only
mentally simulate a series of finger movements (Cheron and
Borenstein, 1992). Roland et al. (1980) have previously
demonstrated that regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) is
Table 3
The APB optimal site locations (cm) for the two control sessions, and the
differences between the two (mm)

Session 1 Session 2 Difference (mm)

5.04 5.23 1.9

6.16 6.42 2.6
6.30 6.03 2.7 Fig. 6. Changes in the APB optimal site location during the radial nerve
5.27 5.09 1.8 block for all subjects. Locations prior to and during the nerve block are
6.04 6.26 2.2 calculated by the mapping program in centimetres of latitude (mediolateral
5.94 6.11 1.7 direction). Note: the open circles indicate the pre-intervention value and the
closed circles indicate the post-intervention value.
B.A. Murphy et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 1477–1488 1485

primary somatosensory cortex, but that separate thalamo- but latent radial nerve inputs to the glabrous regions of
cortical connections may contribute to the observed N30 cortex (Schroeder et al., 1995).
changes. A growing body of research (Insola et al., 1999;
Mauguiere et al., 1983; Mauguiere and Desmedt, 1991;
Pierantozzi et al., 1999; Rossini et al., 1987; Rossini and 6.4. Subcortical somatosensory evoked potentials
Babiloni, 1989) provides strong evidence that sensory
inputs reach motor and pre-motor areas via parallel direct No change was observed for the N9 SEP component (see
pathways from thalamic relays. Insola et al. (1999) Fig. 3a), indicating there was no change to the peripheral
demonstrated an abolishment of the P14 –N20 – N25 post- afferent volley in the brachial plexus from median nerve
central complex in the days immediately following a stimulation, following ipsilateral radial nerve blockade.
thalamic implant while the N18 far-field and pre-rolandic This is what was expected, as the median nerve was not
P22 –N30 complex remained unaffected. Both Insola et al. blocked, and is consistent with previous transient denerva-
(1999) and Pierantozzi et al. (1999) demonstrated enhance- tion SEP studies (Tinazzi et al., 1997, 1998).
ment of the N30 complex following deep brain stimulation There was no significant alteration in the subcortical
without any corresponding change in the post-central SEP peaks (see Fig. 3b for the P14 –N18 complex). The P14 is
waveforms. thought to originate in the medial lemniscus (Noel et al.,
Previous work has also shown that the frontal N30 1996), and the N18 is thought to originate in the brain stem,
component is dramatically affected by increasing the rostral to the pontine level yet below the mid-brain (Noel
stimulation rate, compared to other SEP components that et al., 1996; Sonoo et al., 1991; Urasaki et al., 1990, 1992).
remain much more stable (Garcı́a-Larrea and Mauguiére, The lack of change in subcortical SEPs is consistent with the
1990). Fujii et al. (1994) have suggested that increasing work of Tinazzi et al. (1997). They found no changes to any
stimulus rates leads to muscle contraction and secondary subcortical structures following median nerve stimulation
excitation of spindle and tendon afferents. It is also known during anaesthetic block to the ulnar nerve (Tinazzi et al.,
that the N30 peak is the most vulnerable SEP component to 1997).
vibration interference (Hoshiyama and Kakigi, 2000).
Vibration of relaxed muscles, as used in Hoshiyama and
Kakigi’s study (2000), predominantly stimulates the group 6.5. Motor evoked potential changes
Ia fibers from muscles spindles (Roll et al., 1989) while
group Ib and II fibers are not sensitive to this type of The MEP amplitudes to the median nerve innervated
stimulation (Roll et al., 1989). This indicates that the N30 APB muscle were decreased during the radial nerve block,
SEP is particularly sensitive to altered input from muscle suggesting decreased cortico-motor output, while the N30
afferents. The afferent component of the radial nerve at the SEP peak, which may partially reflect afferent processing in
elbow, which was anaesthetised in our study, contains the SMA, was increased. Previous studies using ischaemic
mainly muscle afferents, as the bulk of the cutaneous nerve block have demonstrated an increase in MEP ampli-
innervation to the forearm is supplied from the superficial tude for unaffected muscles that were proximal to the site of
radial nerve branch that exits superior to the elbow ischaemic block (Brasil-Neto et al., 1992, 1993; Ziemann
(Romanes, 1976). This may partially account for the fact et al., 1998). It is possible that the decrease found in this
that we only saw a change in the N30 component, whereas study is linked with the anatomical position of the APB,
Tinazzi et al. (1997) found that all early cortical SEP peaks being distal to the site of the blocked muscles rather than
were significantly increased. The difference between our proximal.
results and those of Tinazzi et al. (1997) may be that the Recent work by Tokimura et al. (2000) has demonstrated
ulnar and median nerves which they investigated, innervate a short latency inhibition of the APB muscle by somato-
functionally synergistic muscles, whereas the radial nerve, sensory input from the hand. This suggests that the func-
investigated in our study, innervates forearm extensor tional complexity of many hand tasks requires a more
muscles that are antagonists to the median nerve innervated complex pattern of cortical inhibition, than the reciprocal
flexor muscles. This functional difference may be reflected inhibition that has been demonstrated in the motor cortex
in a physiological difference in the way in which the between forearm flexors and extensors (Bertolasi et al.,
individual nerves of the forearm respond to deafferentation. 1998). Another factor that may contribute to the differences
Previous animal studies have shown that the pattern of between the results for the anaesthetic and the ischaemic
reorganization in the primary somatosensory cortex follow- experiments, is that the posterior forearm muscles are
ing median, ulnar or radial nerve section is not the same functionally related to APB activity. During the perform-
(Schroeder et al., 1995). Somatosensory afferent input from ance of many everyday tasks, the posterior forearm muscles,
the dorsum of the hand, carried by the radial nerve, has been the intrinsic thumb muscles and the intrinsic finger flexors
shown to have preferential access to the cortical territories must work together to produce actions. For example when
normally expressing glabrous inputs carried by the median performing a typing task, the muscles are rhythmically
and ulnar nerves. This is believed to be due to pre-existing contracted to hit the keyboard, and their functional links are
1486 B.A. Murphy et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 1477–1488

obvious. Recent work on the first dorsal interosseous, reflected by a decreased MEP) (Cantello et al., 1992;
confirms that there are task-dependent excitability Inghilleri et al., 1993; Tergau et al., 1999). Some argue that
differences in cortico-motor output to TMS stimulation, it results from activation of inhibitory neurons projecting
including different contributions from synergistic muscles onto the pyramidal cells of the motor cortex (Inghilleri et al.,
(Hasegawa et al., 2001). 1993). The increased SP we observed may therefore reflect
It is a possibility, that the optimal site shift during the an increase in cortical inhibition which may be partly
intervention period meant that the MEP amplitude was no responsible for the decreased APB MEP amplitudes during
longer measured at the same place relative to the optimal the radial nerve block.
site. To confirm this we looked back at the averaged MEP In the SEP study previously described (Tinazzi et al.,
amplitudes for the sites around the original manually 1997), initial SEP changes occurred in the N20 cortical, as
determined optimal site. The averaged MEP amplitudes opposed to subcortical peaks, suggesting that sensory
were still the largest at the original optimal site. The modulation occurs first at cortical levels. In addition,
‘optimal site’ as described by the mapping program is motor experiments have also provided strong evidence
calculated using spline functions. The shift in the optimal that the level of motor modulation occurs at the cortical
site for the APB muscle as calculated by the mapping level (Brasil-Neto et al., 1993). Using H-reflexes and spinal
program demonstrates that the transient radial nerve deaf- cord excitation, Brasil-Neto et al. (1993) demonstrated that
ferentation altered cortical output to the median nerve. The there were no changes in spinal cord excitability during
lack of alteration in the P14– N18 median SEP complex ischaemic nerve block. The MEP response to transcranial
during the radial nerve block, suggests that the most likely electrical stimulation (TES) was much less than that to
mechanism for the map alterations is unmasking of pre- TMS during ischaemic block. This further confirmed the
existing cortico-cortical connections, rather than an altera- fact that the changes originated at motor cortical level, as
tion at the thalamic level. TMS preferentially activates pyramidal tract neurons
The inhibitory action of forearm flexor muscle afferents, transynaptically, while TES activates their axons (Day
from median nerve stimulation, on cortico-spinal output to et al., 1989).
radial nerve innervated forearm extensor muscles, has been As the anaesthetic radial nerve block in the current
previously demonstrated (Bertolasi et al., 1998). A number investigation results in a similar type of deafferentation to
of lines of evidence suggest that the mechanism of this the ischaemic nerve block experiments, there is a strong
reciprocal inhibition is intracortical. The latency of the probability that the modulation seen with the radial nerve
inhibition and the fact that it was sensitive to the TMS- block is also cortical in origin. The decrease in motor output
induced anterio-posterior current flow (which preferentially suggests that competing mechanisms control the ultimate
activates cortical interneurones), favour an intracortical motor output during altered sensory input. This study is of
mechanism for the inhibition. The authors found a similar potential relevance to the development of overuse injuries,
pattern of inhibition when they stimulated the radial nerve especially those related to keyboard use. Both typing and
and measured MEPs in the forearm flexors (Bertolasi et al., forearm ischaemia have been shown to impair the ability to
1998). Interestingly, the mechanism of the MEP amplitude discriminate non-noxious intramuscular stimuli delivered to
decrease observed in our study may be due to an increase in the forearm extensor muscles (Murphy and Dawson, 2002).
cortical inhibition. However, the MEP amplitude decrease The suggested mechanism for this decreased discrimination
we observed may not be entirely accounted for by an following the typing task was a decrease in Ia input due to
increase in inhibition, as our SP duration increased by only partial ischaemia resulting from the fact that the wrist
8.9%, in the face of a 23.4% decrease in MEP amplitude. extensor muscles are statically contracting throughout the
The underlying physiological mechanisms of the SP are not typing task. There is evidence that performing a repetitive
yet fully understood. Studies have shown that the first part task at as little as 5% of a MVC can indeed impair blood
of the SP (about 50 ms) after TMS is produced mainly by flow to the forearm musculature (Byström and Kilbom,
spinal mechanisms such as after-hyperpolarization and 1990). Static muscular contractions of 16% of MVC also
Renshaw recurrent inhibition of the spinal motoneurons impede intramuscular blood flow (Järvholm et al., 1988).
(Chen et al., 1999; Inghilleri et al., 1993). Reciprocal The design of this study, using median nerve SEPs and
inhibitory effects on the target muscle may also contribute, TMS output to a median nerve muscle during an
since the magnetic stimulation often causes simultaneous anaesthetic block of the radial nerve, provided a unique
activation of antagonists. The rest of the SP (after about opportunity to investigate the consequences of decreas-
50 ms) is produced mainly by cortical inhibition (Chen et al., ing radial nerve afferent input on median nerve
1999; Cantello et al., 1992; Inghilleri et al., 1993; Kukowski processing. The increase in median nerve N30 – P40
and Haug, 1992). The exact mechanisms of this cortical and the decrease in motor output to the APB muscle
inhibition are, however, more difficult to establish. Most during radial nerve deafferentation indicated that partial
evidence suggests that this inhibition is presynaptic to the ischaemic deafferentation could indeed be a mechanism
cortico-spinal neurons, rather than due to a decreased which initiates the neuroplastic changes that lead to overuse
excitability of these cortico-spinal neurons (which would be injuries becoming chronic.
B.A. Murphy et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 1477–1488 1487

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