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FIZIK (4531/2)
Kertas 2

Panduan Jawapan

Bahagian A

1 (a) Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation states that the gravitational force
between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of the masses of
1 1
both bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between the centres of the two bodies
(b) (i) Gravitational constant (G = 6.67 × 10–11 N m2 kg–2) 1
(ii) Distance between the centre of the first body and the centre of the 2
second body

r 1 1

Jumlah 4

2 (a) Pincang depan.

1 1
Forward biased
(b) M1 Lapisan susutan nipis
Depletion layer thin
M2 Voltan simpang berkurang Max
Junction voltage decreases 2
M3 Rintangan diod berkurang
Resistance of diode decrease
(c) M1 Susunan diod yang betul 1
Correct arrangement of diode
M2 Kapasitor selari dengan perintang 1
Capcitor parallel to the resistor

Jumlah 5
3 (a) (i) 100 ºC 1


(b) (i) High boiling point 1

- Difficult to change to vapour state 1 3
(ii) K 1
Jumlah 6

4 (a) (i)

1 3

Daya apungan Berat

Bouyant force Weight

(ii) Berat kapal + berat barangan = Daya apungan

Weight of the ship + Weight of the goods =Bouyant force 1
(b) (i) Isipadu / Volume = 300 x 10 1
= 3000 m3 2
(ii) Berat air yang disesarkan / Weight of water displaced
= Vρg
= 3000 x 1023 x 9.81 1 2
= 3.01 x 107 N 1

(c) (i) Meningkat / increases 1

(ii) Ketumpatan air sungai lebih rendah. 2
Density of the river is lower
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5 (a) Bilangan ayunan lengkap dalam satu saat.
Number of complete oscillations in one second. 1 1

(b) (i) Panjang lengan tala bunyi dalam Rajah 5.2 > Rajah 5.3
Length of prongs of tuning fork in Diagram 5.2 > Diagram 5.3 1

(ii) Frekuensi tala bunyi Q lebih tinggi dari tala bunyi P.

Frequensi of tuning fork Q higher than tuning fork P. 1 3

(iii) Panjang gelombang dalam Rajah 5.2 > Rajah 5.3

Wavelength in Diagram 5.2 > Diagram 5.3 1

(c) (i) Panjang lengan tala bunyi berkadar songsang dengan frekuensi
tala bunyi.
The length of prongs of tuning fork is inversely proportional to 1
the frequency of tuning fork.
(ii) Apabila frekuensi tala bunyi bertambah, panjang gelombang 2
bagi gelombang bunyi yang dihasilkan berkurang.
When the frequency of tuning fork increase, the wavelength of 1
the sound waves produced decreased.
(d) (i) Air di dalam gelas terpercik keluar dari gelas.
Water in the glass will splash out from the glass. 1

(ii) Tala bunyi yang bergetar memindahkan tenaga kepada air.

Vibrating tuning fork transfer energy to the water. 1 3

(iii) Gelombang interferens

Interference of waves 1

Jumlah 9

6 (a) Daya geseran ialah daya yang menentang gerakan suatu objek.
1 1
Frictional force is the force that opposes the motion of an object
(b) (i) Rajah 6.1 ˂ Rajah 6.2
Diagram 6.1 ˂ Diagram 6.2
(ii) Rajah 6.1 ˂ Rajah 6.2
1 3
Diagram 6.1 ˂ Diagram 6.2
(iii) Rajah 6.1 ˂ Rajah 6.2
Diagram 6.1 ˂ Diagram 6.2
(c) (i) Berkadar terus // pecutan bertambah, daya paduan bertambah
Directly proportional // acceleration increases, resultant force 1
increases 2
(ii) Hukum Gerakan Newton Kedua
Newton’s Second Law of Motion 1
(d) F = ma
mg cos θ – 60 = 15 a 1
(15) (9.81) cos 45 – 60 = 15 a 2
a = 2.937 m s-2
(e) Pegun / tidak bergerak
Stationary / not move / at rest 1 1
Jumlah 9
7 (a) Medan penglihatan lebih luas.
Wider field angle of view 1 1

(b) (i)

M1 Lukis sinar 1 dan 2 1

M2 Lukis imej 1

(ii) Dikecilkan / Tegak / Maya

Diminished / Upright / Virtual (Mana-mana satu) 1 1

(c) (i) Cermin cembung // Convex mirror 1

- Medan penglihatan yang luas // Larger view of vision 2
(ii) Jejari kelengkungan yang panjang / Long radius of carvature
- Diameter lebih besar // Medan penglihatan lebih luas 2
Bigger diameter // Wider field of view
(d) T 1 1
Jumlah 9

8 (a) Jarak antara dua titik yang berturutan bagi fasa yang sama dalam suatu
gelombang. 1 1
The distance between two adjacent points of the same phase in a wave.
(b) W = hf!
W = (6.63 × 10"#$ ) (5.03 × 10&$ ) 1 2
"&' 1
= 3.30 × 10 J
(c) (i) M1 Cesium/Litium/Logam Peka Cahaya 1
Caesium/Lithium/Light Dependent Metal
M2 Mudah untuk menukarkan cahaya matahari kepada arus elektrik 1
Easy to convert sunlight into current
(ii) M1 Jarak pendek 1
Short distance
M2 Medan elektrik yang lebih kuat 1
Stronger electric field
(iii) M1 Perlu divakumkan 1
Must be vacuumed
M2 Mengelakkan perlanggaran antara udara dengan fotoelektron 1
To prevent collision between air and photoelectron
Jumlah 9
Bahagian B

9 (a) Cerek elektrik itu menghasilkan tenaga 1100 J sesaat apabila disambungkan
pada satu bekalan kuasa 240 V.
1 1
The electric kattel produces energy of 1100 J per second when it is
connected to a power supply of 240 V
(b) (i) P = VI
1100 = 240 I 1 2
I = 4.58 A 1
(ii) P = 𝐼 ( R
1100 = 4.58( R 1 2
R = 52.44 Ω 1
(c) M1 Anggap kedua-dua cerek elektrik itu digunakan selama 1 jam. 1
Assume both electric kattel are used for 1 hour.
M2 Cerek elektrik G / Electric kattel G 1
E = Pt = (0.8) (1) = 0.8 unit
M3 Cerek elektrik H / Electric kattel H 1
E = Pt = (1.2) (1) = 1.2 unit
M4 Berdasarkan pengiraan di atas, Cerek elektrik G menggunakan tenaga 1
elektrik yang lebih rendah berbanding Cerek elektrik H.
Based on the above calculation, electric kattel G consumes lower
electric energy than electric kattel H.
M5 Oleh itu cerek elektrik G yang dipilih. 1
Electric kattel G will be chosen.

Aspek Sebab
Aspect Reason
M1 Bilangan lilitan M2 Rintangan tinggi,
gegelung yang banyak menghasilkan lebih banyak 1
Large number of turns haba
of coil High resistance produces
more heat
M3 Kekonduksian haba M4 Konduktor haba yang baik/
yang tinggi dapat memindahkan haba 1
High thermal dengan lebih cepat +
conductivity Good heat conductor/ Can 1
transfer heat faster 10
M5 Takad lebur yang tinggi M6 Tidak mudah melebur pada
High melting point suhu tinggi 1
Not easily melt at a high +
M7 Nikrom M8 Tidak mudah berkarat 1+1
Nichrome Not easily rust
M9 L di pilih M10Bilangan lilitan banyak,
L is chosen kekonduksian haba tinggi, 1
takad lebur tinggi, dan Nikrom +
Large Number of turns, high 1
thermal conductivity, high
melting point, and Nichrome
Jumlah 10
10 (a) (i) Transformer injak turun
1 1
Step down transformer
(ii) M1 Arus ulang alik mengalir di dalam gegelung primer, arah arus 1
sentiasa berubah-ubah
Alternating current flow in primary coil, the direction of
current always change
M2 Menghasilkan perubahan fluks magnet 1
Produce changing magnetic flux
M3 Perubahan fluks magnet memotong gegelung sekunder 1
The changing magnetic flux cuts through the secondary coil
M4 d.g.e aruhan tehasil di dalam gegelung sekunder 1
Alternating induced e.m.f is produced in the secondary coil
(b) (i) 24 = 12 𝐼!
24 1
𝐼! = 1
𝐼! = 2 𝐴
(ii) 𝐾𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑘𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑛 = " ! 𝑥 100%
"# 1 5
90% = 𝑥 100%
24 1
𝑃#$ =
0.9 1
𝑃#$ = 26.67 𝑊
(c) (i) Bentuk megnet yang melengkung 1
Curve surface magnet
- Menghasilkan medan magnet jejarian 1
Produce radial magnetic field
(ii) Teras besi lembut 1
Soft iron core
- Mudah dimagnetkan dan dinyahmagnetkan 1
Easily magnetised and demagnetised
(iii) Bilangan lilitan gegelung banyak 1
More number of turns of coil
- Mengurangkan rintangan di dalam gegelung 1
Reduce resistance in a coil 10
(iv) Bilangan sel kering yang banyak 1
More number of dry cells
- Menambahkan arus yang mengalir 1
Increase the current flow
Motor elektrik Z dipilih 1
Electric motor Z is chosen
- Kerana bentuk magnet yang melengkung, menggunakan teras besi 1
lembut, bilangan lilitan gegelung banyak dan bilangan sel kering
yang digunakan banyak
Because it has curve surface magnet, has soft iron core, more
number of turn of coil and more number of dry cells
Jumlah 20
Bahagian C

11 (a) Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of unstable nucleus

1 1
accompanied by the emission of energetic particles or photons
(b) - initial activity is the same 1
- time interval in Diagram 10.1 is longer 1 3
- rate of decay in Diagram 10.1 is lower 1
(c) (i) The higher the rate of decay the shorter the time interval 1
(ii) The higher the rate of decay the shorter the half life 1
(d) (i)
1 4
(ii) The number of proton will decreases by 2 1
The number of neutron will decrease by 4 1
Suggestion Explanation
- Use forceps/robotic arm The distance between the source
and the body is far.
- Wear a mask// goggle The radiation does not penetrate
our eyes
- Use a lead box/ container To prevent radiation leakage to 1+1 10
with thick concrete. surroundings
- Keep the exposure time as The body is not exposed to the 1+1
short as possible radiation for a long time.
- Wear a film badge To detect the amount of radiation 1+1
- Wear coat lined with lead To protect the body from the 1+1
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