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Subject Code Health 3 The Adolescent: Promoting Healthful Sexuality and Public Health

Module Code 1.0 Sexuality and Family Health

Lesson Code 1.5 Pre-marital Sex, Teenage Pregnancies and Abortion
Time Frame 60 minutes/ 2 Sessions

Components TA ATA
(min)a (min)b
Target By the end of this learning guide, the students should be able to: 1

1. scrutinize the different issues and concerns of teenagers (premarital sex,

teenage pregnancy, and abortion); and
2. assess one’s personal health attitudes that may influence sexual behavior
and practices.
Hook Activity - Social Issues Faced by Teenagers 4
Click the link below and discover some of the social issues teenagers face
Wong Ing Tiong. (2015, November 19). Social Issues Faced by Teenagers
[Video]. Youtube.

Ignite Issues and Concerns of Teenagers 20

1. Premarital Sex
● This refers to the risky sexual activity unmarried people engage in.
There are a lot consequences a person can get from premarital sex:
pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
● According to Cai Ordinario author of the “A third of Pinoy youth had
premarital sex” (2016, April 4), “over a third of Filipinos aged 15 to
24 have engaged in premarital sex (PMS), and a majority of them do
not use any form of protection, according to the data collated by the
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). (Business Mirror Reports
● The data in the study mentioned above presented that 35.5 percent of
young male Filipinos and 28.7 percent of young females have
experienced having PMS. To add to that, 83.8 percent of young
women and 73.4 percent of young men did not use any kind of
contraceptives during their first PMS.

Why Do Teenagers Engage in Premarital Sex

● This is based on Understanding the Broader Horizon of Sexual
Encounter: A Case Study on Sexual Engagement Among Filipino
Teens conducted by Dalmacito A. Cordero Jr.
● Here are the common causes of sexual engagement of teenagers:
1. Belonging to a broken family. The family and especially the
parents have great impacts on the moral development of the
teenagers. Parents must be role models to their children
because they serve as authority figures and have the higher
degree of influence on them.
2. High level of love/ intimacy and trust to one’s partner.

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Adolescence is the stage of heightened emotional attachment
and intimacy, that is why teenagers who are in love tend to be
carried away with their own feelings and emotions. But
remember that intimacy can also be provided by families,
relatives, and friends.
3. Peer Pressure or Influence of Ill-Mannered Friends. The
decision-making skills of teenagers are not only affected by
their family but also the presence of their peers, especially
about their expression of sexuality. That is why having friends
and partners who have good influences is a must.
4. Neglected Religious Norms/Rituals. This does not conclude
that religiosity/ or lack of it weighs heavily on every sexual
choice but this points out that this could be a possible factor
that contributes to the causes of sexual engagement. If a
teenager has formed a deep connection with God, then he or
she will develop sensitivity and Church standards and norms
and will have the benefit of values clarification and formation.
5. Detrimental Effects of Pornography. Pornography has
always been around in different forms, and the internet has
made it ever so accessible mostly to young people. This is
alarming because pornography gives the society the negative
connotation of sexuality and can harm teenagers. Addiction to
it hinders physical conditions, decision making, and makes
unreasonable sexual decisions.
6. Availability of Space. Availability of space that is not adult
supervised, gives more chances for the desire to be actualized;
while the lack of it hinders the desired plan. Remember that
with availability of space or lack of it, if traditional values
were deeply embedded in teenagers, chances are going to
favor the non-expression of premarital sex practice.

2. Teenage Pregnancy
● As defined by the American Pregnancy Association, is a pregnancy
that occurs for a woman under the age of 20. Although not a
teenager, as a young woman 12 or under who is pregnant falls into
this definition of teenage pregnancy as well.
● The Philippine Statistics Authority (2014, March 28), claimed that
one in every 10 Filipina is a Mom.
● The University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) and
Demographic Research Development Foundation claimed that one in
every 10 Filipina teens aged 15-19 years old is already a mother. This
is based on the results of the Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality
Study (YAFS) in 2013. To add to that, 2.6% of Filipina teens in the
same age group are already pregnant with their first child, while
13.6% have begun childbearing.

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What Causes Teenage Pregnancy
According to the Plan International Organization, here are some of the causes
of teenage pregnancy:
● Lack of information about sexual and reproductive health and rights
● Inadequate access to services tailored to young people
● Family, community, and social pressure to marry
● Sexual violence
● Child, early and forced marriage, which can be both a cause or a
● Lack of education or dropping out of school

3. Abortion
● The World Health Organization Geneva (1971), defined abortion as
“an operation or procedure to terminate the pregnancy of a nonviable
fetus.” (Abortion Laws A Survey of Current World Legislation)

Facts on Abortion in the Philippines: Criminalization and General Ban

on Abortion
This is based on the fact sheet presented by the Center for Reproductive
● For a very long time, abortion has been a criminal act in the
Philippines. The criminal groundworks on abortion has no
reservation, containing to save the life of the pregnant woman to
protect her health.
● There is a number of deaths from abortion in 2008. The results
determined that there are at least 1000 deaths of women and
drawbacks for 90, 000 more.
● The Revised Penal Code criminalized physicians and midwives who
perform abortions in the Philippines with the authorization of a
pregnant woman.
● If a woman decides to go through an abortion for whatever reason
may face imprisonment for two to six years.
● Due to the lack of access to safe abortion, Filipino women with
complications with their pregnancies have no choice but to put their
lives in danger by undergoing unsafe abortion or enduring the high-
risk of their pregnancies.
● Women have no choice to control their fertility, exposed to dangerous
abortion procedures, and made susceptible to misconduct in the health

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Activity - Slide Presentation 30
Create a slide presentation about issues and concerns of teenagers.

The goal of the presentation is to give an overview about the issues and
concerns of teenagers in 6-10 slides. Be creative with your presentation and
avoid too much text.

Choose one from the following issues and concerns of teenagers for your slide

1. Premarital Sex
2. Image-based Abuse
3. Teenage Pregnancy
4. Abortion
5. Sexually Transmitted Infections

More information can be added into the "notes" section of each slide. Be
creative with the use of images/videos/animations/fonts but make sure that the
final output can be viewed without installing any player/viewer/font on the
computer. As an overview of Issues and concerns of teenagers, the final
output should not be more than 10 minutes when it is presented/viewed.

Rubric for the Slide Presentation:

Criterion Percentage

Content Accuracy 50 %

Organization 20 %

Graphics 20 %

Animations 10 %

Total: 100 %
Knot In summary, 5

Nowadays, teenagers face a lot of issues and concerns, be it personal or

social. Some of the social issues teenagers face today are: Premarital sex,
teenage pregnancy, and abortion. All of these might be difficult for them to
face alone. That is why it is important to raise awareness about these issues
and concerns, understand the concepts, ask for the guidance of older people,
and determine the personal health attitudes that may influence the sexual

TA – time allocation suggested by the teacher
ATA- actual time allocation spent by the student (for information purposes only)

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1. Sabit, Lady Ann S.. Department of Education Health Quarter 1- Module 1 Family Health.
Printed and published by Department of Education-Division of Gingoog City, Brgy. 23,
National Highway, Gingoog City.

2. Grade 8 Health Module, Department of Education Learning Resource Portal

3. Ordinario, Cai. (2016, April 4). A third of Pinoy youth had premarital sex. Retrieved from the
Business Mirror website.

4. Cordero, Dalmacito A. Jr. (2018). Understanding the broader horizon of sexual encounter: a
case study on sexual engagement among Filipino teens. Retrieved from the Asia-PAcific
Social Science Review website.

5. Philippines Statistics Authority. (2014, March 28). One in every 10 Filipina teens is a mom!
Retrieved from the Statistics on Women and Men in the Philippines, Philippine Statistics
Authority website.

6. Plan International. Teenage pregnancy. Retrieved from the Plan International website.

7. World Health Organization Geneva. (1971). Abortion Laws A Survey of Current World
Legislation. Retrieved from the World Health Organization website.

8. Center for Reproductive Rights. Facts on abortion in the Philippines: criminalization and a
general ban on abortion. Retrieved from the Reproductive Rights website.

9. Wong Ing Tiong. (2015, November 19). Social Issues Faced by Teenagers [Video]. Youtube.

Prepared by: Paul Vincent A. Prado Reviewed by: Michelle B. Ducusin

Position: SST I Position: SST III

Campus: PSHS-CLC Campus: PSHS-IRC

Acknowledgement: This sample LG is based on the original Bridging Program module of Mr. Ronn
Marr M. Perez, SST-II of PSHS-Central Mindanao Campus. It was revised to follow the General
Guidelines for Writing Learning Guides for the Curriculum under COVID-19, SY 2020-2021.

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