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Good health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. It's not just the
absence of disease or infirmity. Well-being is a feeling of satisfaction with life. It is strongly
linked to happiness and life satisfaction.
A higher sense of well-being can lead to better physical health, including lower rates of
cardiovascular disease, stroke, and sleeping problems. It also increases the productivity and
creativity in both work and personal lives. Higher life satisfaction has been linked to better
national economic performance.
India has a large healthcare system, but there are many challenges. The World Health
Organization ranks India 112 out of 191 countries for healthcare systems. India has
differences in quality between rural and urban areas, and between public and private
healthcare. There is a shortage of hospitals, especially in rural areas. Many healthcare
facilities lack basic equipment and resources. There are many underfunded health care
systems that are often inefficiently run and under regulated.
Health and well-being are social issues because they are influenced by many factors in
society like socio-economic status, access to healthcare, living and working conditions,
social and cultural norms, safe housing, transportation, and neighbourhood.
Some of my ideas that I would like to put forward are that we can tie up with government
hospitals or dispensaries to provide free check-ups and medical treatments for poor people so
that they can get to know more about their health and take further precautions. We can
conduct sessions, provide healthy food, second hand clothes in good condition, bedding,
medications and many other such things for both children and old age people in orphanages
and can spent some quality time with them which will make them happy, as we all know
happiness is a key of well-being. We can launch awareness campaigns on good personal
hygiene and can enlighten people about signs and symptoms of various diseases.
My main target is to ensure good health and well-being of poor people and children as they
live mostly in overcrowded areas with poor living condition that can spread airborne diseases
like tuberculosis. Hence they require more health and well-being support.
It will also align with the 3rd goal of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which
ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
I would really like to work on this project as it will bring meaningful changes in me and the
people surrounding me. It will improve quality of life and provide hope for better future.

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