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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune


Department of Mechanical Engineering Heat Transfer Lab

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune

Name: Roll No: Div: Batch:

Sem: AY:
Date of conduction: Date of submission:


TITLE: Emissivity of disc

AIM: To Determine the emissivity of a given disc surface or plate.

Apparatus/Instrumentation: Base stand, Clamp type heater, K type thermocouple, Temp

indicator, digital ammeter, Voltmeter, dimmer stat etc.

All substances are at all temperature unit thermal radiation. Thermal radiation is an
electromagnetic wave and does not require any material for propagation. All bodies can emit
radiation and also have the capacity to absorb all or part of the radiation coming from the
surrounding to it. The radiant energy emitted per unit time per unit surface area of body is called
emissive power of a surface to same temperature.
Emissivity being a property of a surface depends upon the nature of the surface and the
temperature. It is obvious from Stefan Boltzmann law that the prediction of emissive power of a
surface requires knowledge about values of its emissivity and thus much experimental research
in radiation has been concentrated on measuring value of emissivity as a function of a surface

A. Experimental set-up:
1. The apparatus shown in fig. consist of two similar discs. One of the discs is coated
with black colour and behaves like black surface. The other disc is having a machined
plane surface. Disc is fitted with similar heater. At the bottom asbestos is used to
cover. These discs are placed in enclosure in symmetric manner. Heater terminals
taken out from enclosure are connected to mains of supply through dimmer stat to
vary the heater input. Watt meter are connected to two heater circuits.
2. Temperature of two discs is measured by separate copper thermocouple. The
thermocouple junction is formed by disc itself. One more thermocouple is placed
inside the enclosure to measure surrounding temperature.
3. Temperature indicator is used to measure thermocouple output.

Department of Mechanical Engineering Heat Transfer Lab

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune

B. Procedure:
1. Switch on the mains and adjust the dimmer stat to supply a particular voltage to
heating element or black disc.
2. Wait for steady state to be attained by black disc.
3. Again adjust the dimmer stat to supply a particular voltage to the heating element
of test disc.
4. Again wait for steady state to be attained by test disc.
5. Wait for temperature of both discs to be same.
6. Note the voltage and current recorded by voltmeter and ammeter.
7. Note down the ambient temperature.

Technical Specifications:
 Heater – 200W, Disc type, 150 mm OD
 Wooden box – 500 X 300 X 300 mm with front side glass door.
 Sensor – (0 to 400 ºC), bulb type.
 Voltmeter – (0 to 1000 V)
 Ammeter – (0 - 10A)
 Temp. indicator – 12 channel (10 - 400 ºC)
 Dimmer stat – (0 to 500V)

Dimension of test disc:

 Diameter of test disc = 150 mm
 Thickness of disc = 12 mm

Observation Table:
1. For Test Disc

Sr no T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T12 V1 I1

2. For Black disc

Sr no T6 T7 T8 T9 T 10 T 11 V2 I2

Department of Mechanical Engineering Heat Transfer Lab

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune

1. Total exposed area ¿ + πdt

T 1 +T 2+T 3 +T 4 +T 5
2. Temp of non black disc (T nb) ¿ +273

T 6 +T 7 +T 8+T 9 +T 10
3. Temp of black disc T b ¿ +273
T nb +T b
4. T f =
T 11 + T 12
5. T ∞=
6. For theoretical calculations :
W b = Eb x σ x A x ( T 14 −T 24 ) + Conduction loss + Convection loss
W nb = Enb x σ x A x ( T 14 −T 24 ) + Conduction loss + Convection loss
W b – W nb = ( Eb – Enb ) x σ x A x ( T 14 −T 24 )
7. For practical calculations:
V 1 I 1−V 2 I 2
ε nb=ε b −
σ × A ( T f 4−T ∞4 )


 Emissivity of test plate = ___________
 Emissivity of non Black body of surface is always less than 1

Department of Mechanical Engineering Heat Transfer Lab

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune


Fig, Emissivity Measurement setup.

Department of Mechanical Engineering Heat Transfer Lab

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