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Social Science and Humanities Journal

Vol. 07 (03). 2023

Balancing Human and State Security in Policing Demonstrations:

Lessons Learned from the Bobi Wine Demonstrations in Uganda
Anne Abaho

Following the end of the 30years‘ war and the roll-out of the modern-day state system, security
has often been viewed as protection of the sovereign political entity from external attacks. This
ancient thinking has however faced resistance especially in the post-Cold-War period with critics
calling for a shift from State to human security. The human rights regime, gaining confidence in
the post-World War II period has further deepened the need for human security. This has
challenged the traditional security methods especially in demonstrations where the security
personnel have a duo-burden of guaranteeing state and human security. The paper relied on
secondary sources of literature and used the case of the 2020 Bobi Wine demonstrations, to
elaborate how policing demonstrations requires law enforcers to balance between state and
human security. The paper specifically argues that the lessons learned from the demonstrations
indicate that State and human security are interdependent and should not be treated separately
even in violent situations. The paper recommends that demonstrators must practice their rights
within the limits of the law and while the security personnel have the right to use force, only as
the last resort should it be sanctioned.
Keywords: Policing demonstrations; state security; human security; Bobi Wine

Conceptual clarity model boiled down to constitutional, judicial
and political independence of states within
In 1648, when the Westphalia Treaty was
their boundaries and thus, the principle of
signed, a new state system was rolled out
legal authority in international politics was
carrying with it the principles of state
translated to mean independence from any
sovereignty and territorial integrity (Jolly &
other state (McGrath, 2018; Maftel, 2015;
Ray, 2006) and recognition of the legitimate
Rizmal, 2013). Interestingly, states were
power of a sovereign as absolute (Rizmal,
considered to be rational actors that, in the
2013). The creation of the modern-day state
pursuit of their national interests would use
system translated into a self-help system in
which every state would come to its own power not to hurt the security of other
political entities. State rationality was
rescue in case of danger. The Westphalian
translated in the most ideal sense in Art. 10

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of the 1933 Montevideo Convention that; sovereignty is largely taken in two aspects;
the primary interest of state is the inside (internal) and external (an outside)
conservation of peace, differences of any sovereignty. On the inside, the concept deals
nature which arise between them should be with security, peace and hierarchy while on
settled by recognized pacific means. The the outside, it concerns itself with issues of
same convention recognized that a state is equality of states, prohibition on
distinguished by a permanent population, a intervention among others (Volk, 2022).
defined territory, government and capacity Volk‘s submission resonates with (Maftel,
to enter into force with others (‗Montevideo 2015) that the concept represents state
Convention on the Rights and Duties of supremacy and independence of state power
States‘, 1933). in expressing and achieving governors will
as general will, compulsory for the whole
The key features confirmed by the 1933
Convention were cemented in the
succeeding periods particularly in the 1900s From the above, it is evident that
as the international system struggled to find sovereignty as a concept is multifaceted. In
ways of creating a peaceful world. For 2018, McGrath noted that the concept
instance, the United Nations (UN) and not ranges from states control over the activities
so different from the predecessor; League of within its territory to a power and right
Nations (LoN)‘s emphasis on self- recognized or effectively asserted in respect
determination (Rizmal, 2013) was built on of a defined part of the globe to govern in
the principle of sovereignty and restraint respect of that part to the exclusion of
from interreference in the internal affairs of nations or states or peoples occupying other
member states (UN, United Nations Charter, parts of the globe (McGrath, 2018).
1945). While four key features define the Sovereign entities are administered by a
state, the most striking is sovereignty, whose sovereign who produces and guarantees the
definition is said to be wide and not situation as a whole. In reference to Schmitt,
universal. Sovereignty, according to Maftel (2015) agreed that the essence is in
individuals like Hobbes and Bodin is the legal definition – not more in the
considered to take the domestic shape first – monopoly or coercion to lead but rather in
domestically therefore, a state should have decisions undertaken. This work considers
the authority and effective control through sovereignty to mean the domestic capacity
government; interdependent sovereignty of an independent state to control the
(ability of government to seal its borders, economic, political and social concerns
control the inflow of and outflow of goods, including taking charge over its population
people, money, ideas); international legal and externally, the ability to enter into and
sovereignty (recognition by other states and withdraw from relations with other political
accorded legal privileges of statehood) and entities in the international system. By this
Westphalian sovereignty that grants a state definition, sovereignty can be interchanged
immunity from external interference with independence basically meaning the
(Philpott, 2001). In international politics, right to exercise within a well-defined

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Balancing Human and State Security in Policing Demonstrations: Lessons Learned from
the Bobi Wine Demonstrations in Uganda

territory and to the exclusion of any other Traditional security has been de-faced
state, the functions bestowed upon the state following a 24hour communication
by the internal and external players. Internal infrastructure, increased information flow,
sovereignty is particularly important for borderless communities and increased
citizens to appreciate the state not as a mere migration in the global world. By extension,
administrative apparatus but rather with the superiority granted by the Westphalia
authority to make and implement policies treaty to States has both internally and
and laws for the good of the state and the externally been questioned (Volk, 2022).
people. Consequently, if Westphalia era had based
sovereignty and security in the state,
In justifying the need to balance state and
increasingly, with an informed populace, the
human security, this paper is structured as
concept is facing a de-basing. According to
follows; the introductory part clarifies on the
Hendricks (2006), the 1990s were
concept of sovereignty; the second section
particularly characterized by the
demonstrates the relationship between
hyperglobalists and post-modernists who
security and sovereignty; section three gives
viewed nationalism and in turn national
the context of the demonstrations while
security dated. These intellectuals,
section four enumerates on the
Hendricks added insisted on the need to
methodology; the lessons learned are
limit the consideration of the state as the
discussed in the fifth and a conclusion is
main referent object and rather focus on
offered in sixth and final section..
roots of insecurity such as structural
The interlink between security and inequalities.
In the mid-2000s, uprisings in regions like
The concept of security is as deep rooted as North Africa did not only confirm the need
sovereignty. In fact, traditional security was to change from an exclusive stress on
explicitly equated to safety of the sovereign national security but bounced back the key
entity and considered thus as protection questions of what is actually protected and
from external attacks (Asiimwe, 2017; by what means (Sedra, 2017). Calls by
Abaho, 2021; Rizmal, 2013). According to globalists and security reformers such as
the Inter-American Institute of Human Buzan (1983) question the middle ages
Rights (IAIHR), security in the Westphalian thinkers like Bodin‘s views of absoluteness,
sense centered on territorial integrity, indivisibility, perpetual and unlimitedness of
political stability, military and defense a sovereign entity while emphasizing the
arrangements and economic and financial need for according relevance to non-military
activities (IAIHR, n.d). The state hence issues such as food, health and education.
monopolized the protection means and
It would be fallacious for one to argue that
rights over its citizens. With the
the 2011 uprisings are a new trend in politics
demystification of borders and space in the
for as Rizmal has indicated, events such as
process of globalization, the concepts of
the American Revolution of 1776 and the
sovereignty and security have been shifted.
French Revolution of 1789 symbolized the

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struggle between government in the hand of ICCPR‘s Art. 1 recognizes the right to self-
the people or the sovereign. Rather, Mantel determination, broadly interpreted to mean
(2015) and Rizmal (2013) respectively noted determination of political status and free
that with globalization and the rise of pursuit of economic, social and cultural
nationalism, the viability of states as development (UN, 1966); and the UDHR
political legal entities and later stability in recognizes the individual as a rational being
the international system is shaken. The (Art. 1); participation either directly or
authors attribute this to increased number of indirectly in government affairs (Art. 21.1 )
actors; secessionist calls and unilateral and the will of the people as the basis of any
declarations of independence in cases such government (Art 21.3) (UN, Universal
as South Sudan and Kosovo respectively. Declaration of Human Rights, 2015).
In the post second World War era, the The changing nature of the concept of
development of the human rights regime sovereignty has moved alongside the
created a new set of challenges for collapsing foundation of security. Equated to
sovereignty and security. Particularly, with beauty and considered very elastic
the birth of the United Nations, there was (Williams, 2013), security ranges from
universal recognition that mankind had to be protection of core values (equally wide)
saved from untold human suffering through (CHS, 2003) to protection of the vital core
the protection of fundamental human rights; (Alkire, 2002). The concept has been
recognition of the dignity of the human thought of as a social obligation that
person without any basis for discrimination; preserves a culture, social order and identity.
establishment of conditions for justice and Politically, it involves the protection of
promotion of social progress and better ideology and government organizations.
standards of life in larger freedom (UN, From the standpoint of defense and military
1945). The UN era sped up the affairs, security covers the physical
transformation of not just security (moving protection of citizens, government and
it from the state to individual) but also resources. Security also may be viewed
sovereignty. In 1992, for instance, the then economically, as the stable management of
UN General Secretary Boutros Boutros- welfare and access to markets, capital and
Ghali remarked that the period of absolute finance. With regard to the environment,
sovereignty had passed (Ghali, 1992). Peace, security may further be defined in terms of
according to Ghali was equated to paying conservation of natural ecosystems
attention to human rights especially with (Maclean, 2006). The definition offered by
democratic processes sweeping across the Maclean widely captures both state and
globe. Ghali‘s submissions found a firm rest human aspects of security and is a break
in international human rights conventions from the traditional state-centric view that
such as the 1948 Universal Declaration of focused on safeguarding national interests
Human Rights (UDHR) and the 1966 and state borders through power projections
International Convention on Civil and (Hendricks, 2006).
Political Rights (ICCPR). Respectively, the

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Balancing Human and State Security in Policing Demonstrations: Lessons Learned from
the Bobi Wine Demonstrations in Uganda

Human security, was first referred to by Interestingly, the police are mandated under
President Franklin Roosevelt alongside the Constitution to ensure law and order
freedom of speech, worship (IAIHR, n.d). (Constitution of the Republic of Uganda,
Broadly captured as; freedom from fear and 1995, 1995). In Art. 212, the Police are
freedom from want – human security means further mandated to cooperate with the
eradication of pervasive events such as civilian authority and other legally
poverty, disease, hunger, malnutrition and established security organs to fulfil its
lack of housing among others and life- functions. Therefore, as a civil institution of
threatening ones such as conflict and the State, the police fulfills its mandate
violence (UNDP, 1994). Away from directly through policing (activities carried out by
fitting into the human rights regime as policing actors for purposes of maintaining
documented in the UDHR that; the inherent law and order and ensuring security).
dignity and the equal and inalienable rights Uganda‘s law enforcers came under sharp
of all members of the human family is the scrutiny following the Bobi Wine protests in
foundation of freedom, justice and peace in which many unarmed persons and non-
the world, the two freedoms further justify protestors were victimized – for some to
the centrality of the individual. Without death and others escaping with injuries.
laboring to offer a universal definition of This work makes a reflection of the nature
security for to do so is to resurrect a series of of the protests and documents the lessons
debates, security can be considered herein as learnt that citizens, police and other security
safety from attacks towards the referent organs can pick in order to balance state and
object. Human security meantime is
human security in similar circumstances.
considered herein as the safety of the This is necessary in order to contribute to
individual from pervasive and chronic debates surrounding essential security
threats such as diseases, degrading and questions on; what referent objects need
inhuman treatment from both civilians and protection and the ways to accord security.
state agencies, poverty, crime, violence and
Based on literature review, the paper argues
other forms of disempowerment (for
that the time is ripe for state and human
instance denial of participation in designing
security to match together as opposed to one
solutions for their destiny).
dominating the other.
Despite the above development, human
The Context: The Bobi Wine
security has often been disregarded in favor
of state security. As the narrative in the next
sections will indicate, contempt for human On November 18 and 19, 2020, Uganda‘s
rights has resulted in heinous acts that have security sector made headlines of clashes
outraged man‘s conscience and challenged between the security agencies and protestors
the highest aspirations for the common that left between 50-100 people dead
people. Among the violators of human (Tumusiime, 2020; Atuhaire, 2020). Among
security are key law enforcers such as the the injured were 11 (eleven) security
police (Mubiru, 2020; Abaho, 2020). personnel prompting the security minister to

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proclaim police‘s right to shoot and kill if The Bobi Wine protests were however a
the protestors reached a certain level of resurrection of historical violent clashes
violence (Atuhaire, 2020). Dubbed the involving state agencies and citizens.
―Bobi Wine protests‖, the political Historians such as (Mudoola, 1987) make
disturbance in Kampala, was sparked by the reference to the November 10 1964
arrest and detainment of Mr. Robert Nakulabye masscacre in which Premier
Kyagulanyi, an opposition candidate in the Milton Obote‘s government, intolerant to
race for the presidency of Uganda for the lawlessness and unruliness killed civilians.
2020/ 2021 election cycle, on charges of Like the Nakulabye Massacre, the Bobi
violating rules promulgated by the Wine protests revealed the actuality of post-
government of Uganda and adopted by the independence Uganda in which promises for
Independent Electoral Commission to unity and order have been replaced with
contain the spread of coronavirus, while he politically motivated violence with security
canvassed for votes, including convening personnel at the center (The Nakulabye
prohibited massive crowds for electoral Massacre - 1964, 2012). In a related
purposes. narrative, May/June 1966, Buganda region
witnessed unrest following the attack on
Upon his detainment, Kyagulanyi‘s
Kabaka Edward Mutesa‘s Palace by the
supporters took to the streets riotous,
army at the behest of Prime Minister Milton
destructive to public works and property,
Obote; and a countless number in 1969 lost
and attacking fellow citizens they suspected
their lives in Kampala in the wake of an
of supporting or sympathizing with the
attempt on (now) President Obote‘s life
ruling party, the National Resistance
(Lule, 1982). In 2009, there were the
Movement. The destructive acts by the
―Buganda riots‖, which proceeded a
protestors attracted violent reactions from
blockade imposed by security personnel
the state agencies charged and burdened
against Kabaka Ronald Mutebi‘s delegation
with the constitutional duty of upholding
to Kayunga in preparation for the Kabaka‘s
law and order, protection of people and their
gracing of the National Youth day (HRW,
properties and prevention of crime
2010). In response, the Kabaka supporters
(Constitution of the Republic of Uganda,
burnt tyres, blocked traffic and pelted stones
1995, 1995). Unfortunately, the reaction had
against security while security used mass
a human toll that included among others the
arrests, beatings and shootings leading to the
killing in some cases, and maiming in
death of about 27people (HRW, 2010). In
others, of innocents not involved in the
2011, the walk-to-work protests engineered
violence. A boy, just to mention only one
by the then leading opposition politician
collateral damage, took a bullet while he
Kiiza Besigye, and countered by the Police
walked with his mother on the streets and
and the Military, jointly; turned violent and
later died from the infliction; and in the like
bloody at the expense of human life and
manner did as many as twenty innocents
livelihood. The protests largely took an
incur the cost, according to a police
economic dimension challenging the rising
statement (Tumusiime, 2020; URN, 2020).

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Balancing Human and State Security in Policing Demonstrations: Lessons Learned from
the Bobi Wine Demonstrations in Uganda

commodity prices that attracted government looks at the human toll only without
silence – but later turned political and according consideration, whether due or
questioned the creation of new districts undue, to the larger picture, namely the
amidst growing levels of corruption greater menace that is inevitable if a riot is
(Gatsiounis, 2011). not contained promptly and decisively.
Undoubtedly, uncontained riots and public
In describing the nature of the protests,
disturbances have the potency to shove or
Ntale captured how costly they are on both
drag the state into total chaos, confusion,
human and state security thus; Police and
insecurity, fear, killings and in short, state
army officers were injured and police-
failure. In Rwanda, delayed intervention by
owned property also was damaged along
security forces resulted in a bloody genocide
with other vehicles and shops, while in
in 1994 in which up to 800,000 lives were
Natete-Ndeba a police station was looted of
lost in a span of 3 only months (BBC, 2019);
its ammunition and prisoners set free before
in Kenya, security failure resulted in 2007
rioters burned the prison (Ntale, 2009).
deadly violence in which over 1000 people
In 2011, as though to confirm Ntale‘s died and thousands more injured (BBC,
description, Gatsiounis expressed; clashes 2010).
between the demonstrators and police have
In this article, although the author neither
left at least five people dead – including a
two-year old child who was shot in the head construes nor suggests that it is fine when
ad chest by security forces, dozens injured innocent people get killed by security forces
and arrested….for now, images of children it is argued that keeping law and order, as
well as maintaining public liberty, public
choking on teargas, one brutally slain and a
man in bandages thrown behind bars just for safety, and security, which are burdens law
walking to work are proving more powerful enforcement and security forces incur and
than the threat from barrel of a gun. In all for which they are empowered and armed—
the above cases, critics and pundits in both are duties that must be delivered upon, and
far and recent pasts such as Lule (1982); that they are for the greater good than the
HRW (2010), criticized security forces for pain and loss innocents may incur or suffer.
The author argues further that in executing
human rights violations and murdering
people they ought to protect. In doing so, their duties, law enforcers must be mindful
of the changed nature of security – that the
critics of security intervention excused the
State is no longer the sole recipient of
violence, public chaos, wanton destruction
security but rather there has to be an
of property, or the mounting of illegal
equilibrium between it and the individual.
roadblocks and extortion from the members
of the public - occasioned by the rioters. By Meantime, the role of the state and of
that fact critics indirectly advised security security forces in particular and the extent to
forces to abdicate duty. Notable, criticism which they ought to use force against
against security forces for the use of citizens remains one of the most paradoxical
overwhelming force in a riotous climate is functions occasioned by two notions
informed by lopsidedness of judgement that namely, security and liberty, which anchor

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Anne Abaho

the basis for a state. While demonstrations security and the need to balance the two in
may be an expression of political liberty, the all situations
intervention by the security agencies is not
Discussion: Lessons Learnt from the Bobi
only constitutional but is also expected from
Wine Protests that inform the policing of
especially the non-participants in the
demonstrations. These (demonstrations)
however imprint lessons for both the Lesson 1: Duty and right to use deadly
protestors and the security providers. force in order to protect

Methodology Every state is established to endure, and to

do so its founders put in place the means and
In demonstrating the need to balance state mechanisms of ensuring it does. The state
and human security, the paper used the 2021 has to be secured to endure, which is why
Bobi Wine demonstrations as a point of the idea of state or national security exists.
reference. The researcher depended on Although national security from the
secondary sources of data including; perspective of international relations refers
a) Cardinal law of the land; the 1995 to the protection of ‗the state including its
Constitution of the Republic of Uganda that boundaries, people, institutions and values—
spells out the functions of security agencies from external attacks‘ (CHS, 2003), it also
and citizens‘ rights includes the protection of the state from
internal implosion. Accordingly, the
b) Peer reviewed works relating to both
maintenance of law and order and internal
state and human security
security, and the defense of the state against
c) Human rights organizations‘ reports external intrusion is the duty of security
relating to the conduct of security personnel agents (in Uganda‘s case, Police, Defence
during demonstrations Forces, Prisons Service, Internal and
d) International and local media reports External security Organizations among
in relation to the management of politically others), which are created, empowered and
instigated demonstrations. armed to ensure state security or national
security. Meantime, the State remains the
During the desk review, the author aimed at;
central human security provider. Thus, when
a) Demonstrating the shift from the demonstrators become unruly and
traditional focus on state security to human destructive, they don‘t only threaten the
security in the contemporary period; stability and legitimacy of the state but also
b) Highlighting the mismanagement of shake the main sources of protection for its
demonstrations and the resultant human citizens from any kind of threats.
insecurity symptomized by loss of life and The ―Bobi Wine Protests‖ were not peaceful
property and but violent, and according to the assessment
c) Elucidating the interdependent of Uganda‘s security agencies, they were not
relationship between state and human spontaneous but pre-planned (Uganda Police
Force, 2020). The rioting happened in the

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Balancing Human and State Security in Policing Demonstrations: Lessons Learned from
the Bobi Wine Demonstrations in Uganda

middle of an election campaign for a new deadly force was just, the deaths of 54
government of Uganda. Thus, the riots civilians and the injury of hundreds more
which were staged by the supporters were notwithstanding. It is a likelihood that had
directed against the incumbent government the security agents not stepped in to quell
and were therefore politically motivated. It the riots, the consequences of the riots
may be inferred that; the political goal was would have been graver and weightier than
to overthrow the government by violent lives that were lost in the process of quelling
means. Thus, had the security forces not the violence.
stepped in promptly and decisively to stop
Lesson 2: Security Agencies have a duty
the politically-charged riots the
and the right to use deadly to safeguard
democratically-elected government whose
the security of citizens and their property
term of office had yet to expire, might have
been violently overturned. Upending a The idea behind a people organizing and
democratically elected government by constituting themselves into a state, is the
violent means is an affront against the latter‘s connection with the notion and
collective sovereign will of the people and reality that within the state organization lays
can be a source of political turmoil, the institutions, which serve the general
disharmony, disorder, and more violence. good of citizens. Without institutions such
Most important, such political turmoil as the security organs, society is likely to
threatens personal security and can risk a brutal, chaotic and unmanageable as might
repetition of the unpleasant events in replaces right (Dobrosielski, 2013). Such
Germany or neighboring Rwanda. institutions manage the ‗monopoly of the
Therefore, the use of force suffices not only legitimate use of physical force‘ (Weber,
for its protection from internal upheavals but 1919) and, therefore, the security of citizens
also for the good of the people. (Trobbiani, 2013). No individual can
guarantee their security better than the state
Yet, not only was it a duty to protect the
can, which has the monopoly of force. It
state, for Uganda‘s security agents; it was
follows that the claim that the state should
for the greater good of the state of the
be responsible of the protection of its
majority - the majority which had in the
citizens is expressed in concept of
previous election mandated the incumbent
Responsibility to Protect (Trobbiani, 2013).
government to implement its policies until
the expiry of the 5 year term. Borrowing The responsibility to protect peoples, as
from the Utilitarian theory, actions should understood within the field of international
be considered good when leading to greater relations, is borne first and foremost by the
number happiness (Tardi, 2022). Morality state under which they are organized, and in
therefore is only reasonable when it fosters case the state fails, the responsibility falls on
happiness for the majority as opposed to the other states that constitute the international
minority. Thus, by performing its duty to community (Rizmal, 2013). Therefore, it is
secure the state from chaos, and to protect without intellectual doubt that the state bears
the greater good of the majority, the use of the primary burden of providing security to

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its citizens, not only from external intrusion defenseless citizens against whom violent
but also from internal attacks, which may be acts were indiscriminately perpetrated by the
occasioned on them by their fellow citizens. rioters.
Security agents bear the responsibility to
Lesson 3: The security forces have a duty
protect citizens from chaos, from
to defend themselves when under attack
infringement upon their rights and liberties,
from disorder, and from destruction or Self-defence is an inherent right granted by
arrogation of their properties, when and if the law of nature unto every human person,
such are occasioned by fellow citizens. whether a private person or one acting on
Under non-violent circumstances, security behalf of the state in the execution of their
agents are obliged to use more pacific means duty. Self-defense, unlike murder (unlawful
to prevent and punish perpetrators (Bland, killing of another person) or manslaughter
1968), but are enjoined by the call of duty to (lesser a crime than murder depending on
use deadly force if and when doing so circumstances), killing while defending self
becomes the necessary means of ensuring is permitted for one to protect against harm
the security, rights, and liberties of its (HG.Org, n.d). Thus, any person who kills
citizens when they come under attack. another in self-defense does just killing
Particularly, such force ought to be used to because killing in self-defense is an
prevent the destruction of property that involuntary act that is prompted by the law
imperils human life (Tsimbinos, 1968). of self-preservation which is in inherent in
every person‘s nature. Basically, one can
During the Bobi Wine riots, in Kampala, his infer that with self-defense, the idea that if I
supporters who participated in the riots didn‘t kill the person first, I would get killed
committed several violent acts against myself by him; thus, I am constrained to kill
innocent citizens, which included looting,
him promptly in order to save my own life.
mounting illegal roadblocks and extorting
money from motorists and pedestrians, An attacker who is violent and is armed with
sectarian and hate speech, undressing an object that can take out the attacked
women, damaging private and Government warrants the application of deadlier force.
vehicles, burning government buildings Thus, an agent of the state on official duty
including Wobulenzi Magistrates court and has not just a duty to protect others but a
Katwe-Katale Police post, burning tyres on right also, to protect himself and to use
tarmac and destroying public roads in the deadlier force against an attacker. Indeed,
process (Uganda Police Force, 2020). Such although McDonald (1966) has argued
acts would not question the ability of a against using deadly force in efforts to quell
sovereign state to protect its people but riots because of the risk of killing innocent
could cause spill-over effects that would persons; he nonetheless accepts the use of
disorient regional security (HRW, 2017). In such force in the event of self-defense.
these circumstances, it would have been During the Bobi Wine protests, the
disregard of the responsibility to protect, on participants attacked and injured several
the part of security agents, innocent and security agents on duty, using stones,

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Balancing Human and State Security in Policing Demonstrations: Lessons Learned from
the Bobi Wine Demonstrations in Uganda

hammers, and other tempered objects that violence, violation of rights and others like
put the lives of security agents in danger diseases and terrorism.
(Financial Times, 2020; The Independent,
Further, Maclean argues that although
2020). By attacking security agents with dismissed as too broad, and de-focused, the
intent to injure or kill them, the rioters
people-centered approach reconceptualizes
created a warlike climate in which the security in a fundamental way. Focusing on
security agents and the rioters became armed people as opposed to the state, the multi-
belligerents, and innocent civilians became dimensional and interconnected approach
collateral victims of a warlike situation in a argues security for the people is key for the
warlike zone. While the Bobi Wine attainment of a stable state. This is because
demonstrations reveal a number of lessons the human security dimensions; political,
for both the security personnel and claimants socio-economic are after all state security
of political liberties (demonstrators), it is concerns. For instance, Jolly & Ray (2006)
important that law enforcers appreciate the
noted that in countries like Afghanistan,
need to police such political environs from a
human security cannot be attained without
balanced angle that features both state and
addressing key issues such as democratic
human security. In the section that follows,
governance, transnational crime; regional
the need for balancing these two securities is
conflicts and socio-economic exploitation.
Notable is that human security doesn‘t take
Lesson 4: State and Human security are away the position of the state as the viable
complementary provider of security but rather holds that a
Like Philpott explained, interests, often secure state may not necessarily mean a
considered by realists as material power – secure people (Maclean, 2006).
land, wealth and military might are not the There is a unique resemblance between
only focus of states. But so too are domestic human and traditional security in that both
demands such as protection of human rights seek to protect against adversity (Maclean,
that feed into the global focus of the idea of 2006). Indeed, Newman (2001) indicated
human security. Therefore, both that human security is only a reflection of an
demonstrators and law enforcers must know evolving concept of security and not
that no state is an island but exists rather in a necessarily a dismissal of traditional
community of states guided by international security., Critics of state security such as
norms and values. While state security Tickner (1992); Sjoberg (2010), accuse the
considers safety as safeguarding against state of posing a potential threat not just to
external threats, human security moves other states but citizens as well whom it
attention to the individual and focuses on seeks to protect. It is therefore important that
wellbeing. Therefore, as Maclean (2006) law enforcers do not only fulfil the function
noted, security of the state surrounds of protection by the state to its population
structured threats such as war while human but also appreciate that a balance between
security emerges from unstructured ones state and human security creates a secure
including protection of the individual from environment that allows for a broader

SSHJ- 3044-3059 3054

Anne Abaho

incorporation of other aspects of security, This is evident in the works of security

conflict prevention and diminishing of experts such as Buzan, Waever, & De Wilde
disputes. In order to appreciate the J, (1998) that security must look at social
interdependent nature between state and aspects and should no longer be conceived
human security, the table below indicates in military context. Human rights provisions
the aspects of human security and the role of such as Art. 7 of the ICCPR forbid torture,
the state in realizing them. cruel, inhumane or even degrading treatment
or punishment. In the Preamble, the States
Figure 1: The interdependent nature of
are called on to promote universal respect
human and state security
Human Security Issue State function for and observance of human rights and
freedoms. Balancing state and human
Freedom from violence Prevention of crime,
security is key because both are necessary
(personal security) domestic violence through
elements in the construction and
investment in policing;
maintenance of a robust state.
border controls
Freedom from fear and Stable governance,
freedom from want provision of basic This work has argued that there is need to
(access to basics of life, infrastructure such as balance between state security and human
protection from roads, hospitals, security in policing demonstrations.
Particularly, the article posits that the
diseases, illiteracy, allocation of available
ancient perceptions of security as safety of
conflict resources to the public
the sovereign political entity have since been
Political, cultural rights Setting up legal,
diluted and are now competing with
and promotion and constitutional and
widened views of security that hold the
safeguarding juridical measures individual as central for a stable state. It has
Political, economic and Creation of room for been argued further that contrary to
democratic participation democratic participation, Westphalian security that equated state
trade and stability of the safety to human safety, states have instead
markets been at the forefront in abusing their own
citizens. The author advanced how the
Adopted from Maclean (2006); Human language of human rights and liberties has
Security and Internationalization of Security penetrated security discussions strongly
in consultation with literature advocating for human dignity, safety of the
It is apparent that traditional security is individual from fear and want and
limited in the contemporary times. Human participation in events that inform individual
rights, including political rights are not only destiny. This work noted however that
claimed by the people but must also be individual rights must not be taken for
protected by the state. While international granted and must be enjoyed within the
community recognizes that there is no any limits of the law for the good of both state
other authority above the state, the authority and human stability. Referring to the 2020
must not be used to suppress people‘s rights. Bobi Wine demonstrations, the work drew

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