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Robust Details - Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation


Introduction Section 1

Masonry: External Wall Insulation Section 2

Masonry: Cavity Wall Insulation: Full-Fill Section 3

Masonry: Cavity Wall Insulation: Partial-Fill Section 4

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation Section 5

Introduction 5.00
Pitched roof. Ventilated loft. Eaves. 5.01
Pitched roof. Ventilated loft. Gable. 5.02
Pitched roof. Ventilated rafter void. Eaves. 5.03
Pitched roof. Ventilated rafter void. Gable. 5.04
Pitched roof. Ventilated batten void (warm roof). Eaves. 5.05
Pitched roof. Ventilated batten void (warm roof). Gable. 5.06
Timber flat roof. 5.07
Timber flat roof with parapet. 5.08
Windows and doors. lintel. 5.09
Windows and doors. Folded lintel. 5.10
Windows and doors. Jambs and sills. 5.11
Ground bearing floor. Insulation above slab. 5.12
Ground bearing floor. Insulation below slab. 5.13
Raft foundation. 5.14
In-situ suspended ground floor slab. Insulation above slab. 5.15
Precast concrete ground floor. 5.16
Timber suspended ground floor. 5.17
Separating wall. 5.18
Concrete intermediate floor. 5.19
Timber intermediate floor. 5.20

Timber Frame Section 6

Light Steel Frame Section 7

General Arrangements Section 8

robustdetails Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation

Introduction 5.00

Insulated dry-lining

(75mm max) on

dabs or mechanical


Block wall inner

leaf (any type)

Outer leaf

(brick shown)

50mm clear cavity

The Robust Details shown here have been developed for a range of internally insulated cavity wall constructions.

For this form of construction, details are given for the junctions with a range of roof, ground floor and internal floor types, in
addition to details around window openings etc..

Details that apply to all wall types and guidance on air leakage are included in section 8 - 'General Arrangements'.

There are many types of insulating materials and masonry products and the details have, therefore, been assessed for any
combination of insulation and masonry type which meet the calculated U-values given in section 1.2.3. Unless otherwise stated
on the particular detail, any type of concrete block or thermal insulation material can be used providing they are suitable for their
intended purpose.

Insulation thicknesses for main building elements have not generally been provided as these depend on the thermal properties
of the materials chosen, together with the proposed U-value (which may vary if the Elemental Method of compliance is not used).
For calculation of U-values, specifiers should refer to the Approved Document L1, manufacturer's latest published figures and
literature, or other authoritative guidance.

Due to the practicality of fixing insulated dry lining to blockwork these details limit the overall board/insulation thickness to 75mm.

All details are shown with a brick outer leaf for simplification. However, other types of masonry materials may be used as a
substitution, such as blockwork with render, tile hanging or weather boarding, without any loss of thermal performance or
increased technical risk.

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation robustdetails

5.01 Pitched roof. Ventilated loft. Eaves.


1. Apply 50mm (min) layer of compressible mineral wool or similar (R=1. 2m2K/W) over wall.
2. Use proprietary crossflow ventilator or ensure 25mm (min) air gap.
3. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.

This detail is also suitable for monopitch roofs subject to suitable ventilation provision.

This detail should be read in conjunction with detail 5.02.

robustdetai Is Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation

Pitched roof. Ventilated loft. Gable. 5.02

Section through detail 5.01


1. Place loft insulation between last truss and gable wall.

2. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.

This detail should be read in conjunction with detail 5. 01.

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation robustdetails

5.03 Pitched roof. Ventilated rafter void. Eaves.

Detail 5.04

2 5

��+------------------------- --- 6


1. Tightly pack any gaps between wall insulation and roof insulation with mineral wool (or similar) to limit air leakage.
2. Use suitable cross flow ventilator and maintain 50mm (min) ventilation path over insulation.
3. Secondary insulation lining to u/s of rafter if required to achieve U-value.
4. Vapour control layer behind plasterboard.
5. Seal gap between floor and sloping ceiling.
6. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.

This detail is also suitable for monopitch roofs subject to suitable ventilation provision.

This detail should be read in conjunction with detail 5.04.

robustdetai Is Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation

Pitched roof. Ventilated rafter void. Gable. 5.04


Section through detail 5.03


1. Level top of gable wall with mortar to correct pitch.

2. Use mineral wool strip (or similar) compressed between top of gable and underside of sarking felt to close cavity, prevent
thermal bridge and limit air leakage.
3. Maintain 50mm (min) ventilation path over insulation.
4. Secondary insulation lining to u/s of rafter if required to achieve U-value.
5. Vapour control layer behind plasterboard.
6. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.
7. Rafter.

This detail should be read in conjunction with detail 5. 03.

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation robustdetails

5.05 Pitched roof. Ventilated batten void (warm roof). Eaves.

Detail 5.0S


1. Tightly pack gap between wall insulation and roof insulation with mineral wool (or similar) to limit air leakage.
2. Support insulation between rafters on battens or clips (or fully fill rafter void).
3. Vapour permeable underlay under counterbattens.
4. Vapour control layer.
5. Seal gap between floor and sloping ceiling.
6. Maintain ventilation to batten void.
7. Eaves carrier.
S. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.

Seal gap between floor and sloping ceiling.

This detail is also suitable for monopitch roofs subject to suitable ventilation provision.

This detail should be read in conjunction with detail 5.06.

robustdetails Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation

Pitched roof. Ventilated batten void (warm roof). Gable. 5.06

2 5

3 4

8 9

Section through detail 5.05


1. Level top of gable wall with mortar to correct pitch.

2. Use mineral wool strip compressed between top of gable and underside of sarking insulation to close cavity, prevent
thermal bridge and limit air leakage.
3. Ensure insulation is placed between gable wall and last rafter.
4. Insulation between rafters supported on battens or clips (or fully fill rafter void).
5. Vapour permeable underlay under counterbattens.
6. Vapour control layer.
7. Maintain ventilation to batten void.
8. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.
9. Rafter.

This detail should be read in conjunction with detail 5. 05.

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation robustdetails

5.07 Timber flat roof.


1. Eaves - Fix full height blocking piece and tightly pack mineral wool into void and under deck.
Verge - Tightly pack mineral wool into void over wall and under deck (not shown).
This will also have the effect of closing the cavity.
2. Vapour control layer.
3. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.

Finishing details may vary according to covering type. Roof falls provided by firrings or tilting joists (not shown) .

robustdetai Is Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation

Timber flat roof with parapet. 5.08

_ To achieve R=0.��2Kl\iV_. L'2()�1)

A* j Thickness
(WlmK) (mm)
0.020 15
0. 025 19
0. 030 23
0.035 26
0.040 30


1. Place strip of insulation with minimum R-value of 0.75m2KlW against wall held in place by joist (verge) or battens (eaves)
- see table.
2. Impervious cladding.
3. Vapour control layer.
4. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.
5. Flashing (150mm minimum above finish roof level).

Finishing details may vary according to covering type. Roof falls provided by firrings of tilting joists (not shown).

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation robustdetai Is

5.09 Windows and doors. Lintel.

r=T� achieve_ R=0.34m2�� (n� 1)l

! A* Thickness
(W/mK) (mm)
0.020 7
0.025 9
0.030 10
L -- -
0.035 12
0.040 14


1. Insulate soffit with insulation of minimum R-value of 0.34m2K/W (alternative provision for trickle ventilation may be required)
- see table.
2. Sealant to front and back of frame.
3. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of opening.

Separate cavity trays may be required depending on exposure and lintel specification.

* Thermal conductivity

robustdetails Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation

Windows and doors. Folded lintel. 5.10

I To achie; R=0.34;;:;2KiW00�
------ ----··-----
t 1)
A* i Thickness

I -0:020--:---7 -'-'---.
(W/mK): (mm)

0.025 9
0.030 10
0.035 12
0.040 14


1. Insulate soffit with insulation of minimum R-value of 0.34m2K/W (alternative provision for trickle ventilation may be required)
- see table.
2. Sealant to front and back of frame.
3. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of opening.

Separate cavity trays may be required depending on exposure and lintel specification.

* Thermal conductivity

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation robustdetails

5.11 Windows and doors. Jambs and sills.

Plan view




3 3

· .
· ---
r To achie� R= (note 1)

I * A
, Thickness
-, .-- --



0.025 9

I! 0.030

l_ 0.040


1. Reveals to be insulated with insulation of minimum R-value of 0.34m2K/W - see table.

2. Proprietary closer with minimum thermal resistance path of 0.45m2K/W (manufacturer's certified data).
3. Minimum frame/closer overlap:
Exposure zones Sheltered - Severe** - 30mm.
Exposure zones Very Severe** - Fully rebated (check reveals),
4. Sealant to front and back of frame/sills.
5. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of opening,

The use of closers, minimum overlaps and sealants also apply to junctions between extemal walls and bay windows/conseNatories.

For level threshold details see section 8 "General Arrangements".

Foot note
* Thermal conductivity
** As given in BR262 'Thermal Insulation : Avoiding Risks', NHBC Standards, and Zurich Building Guarantees Technical Manual.

robustdetails Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation

Ground bearing floor. Insulation above slab. 5. 12

To achieve R=0. 75m2K/W (see notes)

A* Thickness
(W/mK) (mm)
0.020 15
0.025 19
• P; b 0.030 23
0.035 26
0.040 30


1. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.

2. Apply expanding foam tape under skirting and continuous bead of sealant to back of skirting prior to fixing to reduce
air leakage.
3. Course may be split to assist tamping.
4. Vapour control layer under timber floor finish.
5. DPM may be above or below slab.

Any screed must have an edge insulation with minimum R-value of 0. 75m2K/W (not shown) - see table.

* Thermal conductivity

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation robustdetails

5.13 Ground bearing floor. Insulation below slab.

2 3

A* Thickness
(W/mK) (mm)
0.020 15
0.025 19
0.030 23
0.035 26
0.040 30
- - --


1. Perimeter insulation with minimum R-value of O. 75m2K/W - see table.

2. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.
3. Apply expanding foam tape under skirting and continuous bead of sealant to back of skirting prior to fixing to reduce
air leakage.

Any screed must have an edge insulation with minimum R-value of O.75m2K/W (not shown).

robustdetai Is Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation

Raft foundation. 5.14

2 3

"' .

A* i Thickness
(W/mK) (mm)
,<::l• . 0.020 15
o v:

0.025 19
0.030 23
0.035 26
0. 040 30


1. Any screed must have perimeter insulation with a minimum R-value of 0. 75m2K/W - see table.
2. Apply continuous ribbons of adhesive to perimeter.
3. Apply expanding foam tape under skirting and continuous bead of sealant to back of skirting prior to fixing to reduce
air leakage.
4. Courses may be split depending on floor insulation thickness and to assist tamping.

Alternatively blockwork may be built off top of raft.

* Thermal conductivity

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation robustdetai Is

5. 1 5 In-situ suspended ground floor slab. Insulation above slab.

To achieve R=0.75m2K/W (see notes)

A' Thickness
(W/mK) (mm)
0.020 15
0. 025 19
0. 030 23
0. 035 26
0. 040 30


1. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.

2. Apply expanding foam tape under skirting and continuous bead of sealant to back of skirting prior to fixing to reduce
air leakage.
3. Vapour control layer under timber floor finish.

Any screed must have edge insulation with minimum R-value of 0. 75m2K/W (not shown) - see table.

, Thermal conductivity

robustdetails Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation

Precast concrete ground floor. 5.16

" * Thickness
(W/mK) (mm)

0.020 15
0.025 19
0.030 23
0.035 26
0.040 30


1. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.

2. Apply expanding foam tape under skirting and continuous bead of sealant to back of skirting prior to fixing to reduce
air leakage.
3. Vapour control layer under timber floor finish.
4. Ventilated sub-floor (vents not shown).

Any screed must have edge insulation with minimum R-value of 0. 75m2K/W (not shown) - see table.

Alternative arrangements for DPe and DPM may be used.

* Thermal conductivity

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation robustdetai Is

5. 17 Timber suspended ground floor.

4 3

2 5


�------ 1a

t-: .. to.

To achieve R",E2 � ���V',IJ��!��J

A* Thickness I
_ (W/m �_ _____�(r1l_rnL _._��
0. 020 15
.�: � 0.025 19
. .
0.030 23
0.035 26
0.040 30


1. Insulation should be placed directly under timber deck avoiding any air gaps and supported either; (1a) on battens
(rigid insulation) or, (1b) on netting draped over joists and stapled at required depths (non rigid insulation).
2. Place strip of insulation with minimum R-value of 0.75m2K/W between wall and last joist - see table.
3. To limit air leakage careful attention should be given to sealing around perimeter of floor. Close gap between wall insulation
and floor with non-adhesive gap filler, or apply expanding foam tape under skirting and continuous bead of sealant to back
of skirting prior to fixing.
4. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of wall.
5. Timber joists should be supported using joist hangers.
6. Ventilated sub-floor (vents not shown).

Joist and joist hangers should be supported in line with BRE Good Building Guide 21 'Joist hangers'.

* Thermal conductivity

robustdetai Is Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation

Separating wall. 5. 18

Plan view


1. Cavity barrier should be a minimum of 260mm wide or the width of the party wall (which ever is greater).

Refer to Approved Document B for fire safety requirements relating to separating walls.

Refer to Approved Document E for sound insulation requirements relating to separating walls and their associated flanking

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation robustdetai Is

5. 19 Concrete intermediate floor.

· 4

2 .. .q .

�_achieve �_
.------------ --,

A* :
_�!rll_�2_� ___ S��L_
0.020 : 25
0.025 31
0.030 38
0.035 44
0.040 50


1. Place insulation of minimum R-value 1.25m2K/W in cavity projecting 100mm above and below floor zone - see table.
2. Ensure gaps between wall and floor are sealed with split course infil blocks or full depth edge block (beam and block floors),
or with dry non compressible mix (pre stressed slabs).
3. Apply expanding foam tape under skirting and continuous bead of sealant to back of skirting prior to fixing to reduce air leakage.
4. Insulating blocks for whole inner leaf.
5. Apply continuous ribbons of adhesive to perimeter of walls.

Separating/compartment floors may require additional layers/components to meet acoustic and fire safety requirements.

Balconies may be built so long as the wall insulation layer is not broken. The balcony/supports may be tied back through
the insulation so long as any penetrations are sealed.

* Thermal conductivity
** As given in BR262 'T hermal Insulation: Avoiding Risks', NHBC Standards and Zurich Building Guarantees Technical Manual.

robustdetails Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation

Timber intermediate floor. 5.20

Section through joist


". Thickness
0.025 19
0.030 23
0.035 26
0.040 30


1. Timber joists should be supported using joist hangers.

2. Place insulation with minimum R-value of 0. 75m2K/W against wall held in place by joist or battens - see table.
3. Apply expanding foam tape under skirting and continuous bead of sealant to back of skirting prior to fixing to reduce air leakage.
4. Apply continuous ribbon of adhesive to perimeter of walls.

Joist and joist hangers should be supported in line with BRE Good Building Guide 21 'Joist hangers'.

Separating/compartment floors may require additional layers/components to meet acoustic and fire safety requirements.

Balconies may be built so long as the wall insulation layer is not broken. The balcony/supports may be tied back through
the insulation so long as any penetrations are sealed.

• Thermal conductivity

Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation robustdetails

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