Supplier - How To Complete The SAQ

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Completing the SAQ

Adding your answers

1. Once you are on the SAQ

page, go to the Self
Assessment Questionnaire
section and click the
Complete Self-Assessment
Questionnaire button.

2. This will take you into the

questionnaire. Here you
will see a list of questions
which are separated into
different sections.
Completing the SAQ
Adding your answers
3. Click the Edit button to
start adding answers to
one of the sections. You
can also view the
questionnaire without
editing by clicking the
View button.

4. You should now see the

questions for the selected
section. Underneath each
question you will be able
to add your answers. The
way you enter answers
varies across questions. For
example, some questions
are multiple choice and
some will require you to
choose one answer from
a list. Click here to see the
answer types
Completing the SAQ
Adding your answers

5. Before you leave the 5

page, always click the
Save button to ensure
your answers have
been saved.

6. You should see a green

message at the top to
confirm that answers
have been saved
successfully. 6

Whenever you update

answers always
remember to save your
Completing the SAQ
Submit your answers
7. You can view the overall
progress of the SAQ and the
progress percentage for
each section to see how
much you have completed.

8. If you have completed the

questionnaire to the best of
your knowledge and wish
for your customers to start
viewing the answers and
running reports, click the
Submit Answers button.

9. The SAQ status will update

to “Submitted” once you
have confirmed the prompt

See the status definitions here.

Note: The recommended
completion of the SAQ is
usually around 95%.
However, if unsure please
consult with your
customers to find out the
agreed completion.
Completing the SAQ
Submit your answers
10. You should see a prompt
message to confirm that this
has been submitted

11. The questionnaire button will

change to Update Self
Assessment Questionnaire.
You can still return to the
SAQ at any time to update
answers even if it has been
submitted by clicking this
Completing the SAQ
Submit your answers
12. If you do update any
answers and save, you will
see a prompt to confirm
whether you wish to
update the answers.

13. Any updates made will

change the SAQ status
back to In progress. When
you are ready to submit
the questionnaire again,
you will need to select the 13
Submit Answers button
Completing the SAQ
Additional buttons 14
1. When viewing the questions,
there are navigation
buttons at the bottom of
the page:

• Previous button = Takes you

to the previous section of

• Next button = Takes you to

the next section of questions

• SAQ Summary = Takes you to

the main page of the
questionnaire. Where you
can see the separate

• SAQ Overview = Takes you to

the home page of the SAQ
which shows all available
questionnaires (i.e. Legacy
SAQ, Modular SAQ)
Completing the SAQ
Answer Types

Single Choice
Select one of the available options.

Multiple Choice
Select all applicable options.

Free text
Wording describes the situation at site. Selecting ‘Other’ will always require a free text explanation.

Number Entry
Enter numerical values such as wages, working hours and percentages. If your answer is ‘0’ do not
leave the answer blank, but enter a ‘0’.

Uploading Documents
Upload files to provide supporting evidence of your answer.

Some questions will have several data points to complete in the format of a table.

Trigger Questions
Questions will trigger according to your answers. For example, if you provide accommodation to
workers you’ll explain details about what you provide and to which workers. If you do not provide
accommodation, you will skip through to the next section.


How to Access the SAQ
SAQ Statuses

Not Started
SAQ is 0% complete

In Progress
Supplier is editing the SAQ. Could be up to 100% complete but
supplier hasn't confirmed those are the "final" answers

Supplier has saved a set of answers, confirming to the customer
that they have finished the questionnaire. Every time they
submit, this set will be saved to allow us to do trending reports
and comparison reports in future.


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