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CH – 11 TEMPERATURE AND HEAT Caluminum = 0.22 cal.

/g ᵒC

Temperature – is the hotness and coldness of a body. To Find the amount of heat absorb or release
- it is the effect of heat
Formula : Q = mc ( t2 ̶ t1 ) or Q = mc∆t
Heat (Q) – is the measure of the of the total internal
Energy of the molecules of a body .
Where : Q = amount of heat absorbed or release
Thermometer – device to measure temperature. m = mass of the substance, g ,kg ,lb
Degree – temperature unit or scale. c = sp. Heat , cal/g ᵒC or Btu/lb ᵒ F
t = temperature, ᵒC or ᵒF
Fixed point of a thermometer ∆t = ( t2 ̶ t1 ) or change in temperature.

1. Freezing point ( for water = 32 ᵒF or 0 ᵒ C ) Example . A 35 grams silver ( 0.056 ) is heated from
2. Boiling point ( for watwer = 212 ᵒF or 100 ᵒ C ) 30 ᵒC to 45 ᵒC. How much heat is absorbed ?

Four temperature scale : Q = mc ( t2 ̶ t1 ) = 35g ( 0.056 cal/g ᵒC ) (45-30 ) ᵒC

1. Celcius , ᵒC
2. Fareinheit , ᵒ F Q = 29.4 calories answer
3. Kelvin , K
4. Rankine , ᵒ R Note : any letter can be the unknown, modify the
formula Q = mc ( t2 ̶ t1 )
Absolute zero – temperature in which molecular motion
Stops and it is equal to – 273 ᵒ C Example :

Formula to change one scale to another. 1) To find mass, m = ? ( modify the formula )

1. ᵒC = 5/9 ( ᵒ F ̶ 32 ) m = Q / c ( t2 ̶ t1 )

2. ᵒF = 9/5 (ᵒ C ) + 32 2. To find c = ? ( modify the formula )

3. K = ᵒ C + 273 C = Q/ m ( t2 ̶ t1 )

4. ᵒR = ᵒ F + 460 3. To find t2 = ? ( modify the formula )

Example : Change 25 ᵒ C to ᵒ F t2 = Q/mc + t1

Solution : from the formula

ᵒF = 9/5 (ᵒ C ) + 32 subst. values Example . A aluminum ( 0.22 ) is heated from 30 ᵒC to

= 9/5 ( 25 ) + 32 45 ᵒC. The heat absorbed is 293.7 calories, Find the
= 77 ᵒF answer mass ?

HEAT Solution from formula 1

Calorimetry – process of measuring heat.

m = Q / c ( t2 ̶ t1 ) subst. values
Units to measure heat, Q
1. Calories ( Cal. ) – amount of heat needed to change = 293.7 / ( 0.22 )( 45 – 30 )
Temperature of 1 gram water 1 ᵒ C.
2. Kilocalories ( Kcal ) - amount of heat needed to m = 89 grams answer
change temperature of 1 kilogram water 1 ᵒ C.
3. British thermal unit - amount of heat needed to
change temperature of 1 lb. water 1 ᵒ F.
4. Joules is related to calories
1 calorie = 4.19 joules
* 1 Kcal = 1000 calories

Specific heat ( c ) - amount of heat needed to change

temperature of a unit mass a unit degree.
- unit = cal./g ᵒC or BTU/lb ᵒF
It is a table value.
Example . Cwater = 1 cal./g ᵒC ( for water;memorize )
Csilver = 0.056 cal./g ᵒC
*Law of heat exchange
“ Heat given off by the hot body is equal to the heat
Absorbed by the colder body.”

Formula : Qlost = Qgainex

Thermal equilibrium

Example . A metal having a mass of 70 grams at 110 ᵒC

Initial temp. is placed in 120 grams water at 25 ᵒC . If
the final temp. of the mixture is 30 ᵒC, find the specific
Heat of the metal.?

CHANGE OF ΡHASE – change in the aррearance of a

substance due to addition or removal of heat.

3 рhase : 1. Solid 2. Liquid 3. Gas

Melting or fusion – change from solid to liquid.

Freezing or solidification – change from liquid to solid.
Vaрorization – change from liquid to vaрor .
Condensation – change from vaрor to liquid.
Sublimation – change solid to vaрor w/o рassing the
Liquid state.
Heat of fusion (hf) – amount of heat needed to change
A unit mass from solid to liquid (vice versa) w/o the
Change in temрerature.
Hf for ice = 80 calories / gram.

Heat of vaрorization (hv) – amount of heat needed to

change a unit mass from liquid to vaрor (vice versa)
w/o the Change in temрerature.
Hv for water = 540 calories / gram.

Example. How much heat is absorbed to melt 180 grams

Of ice at 0 ᵒC and raise the temperature to 20 ᵒC.

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