Preposition Combo A2

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Exercise: Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. Mr. Porter is nice ____________ everyone.

2. Kathy was absent ____________ class yesterday.

3. Are you ready ____________ the test?

4. I’m angry ____________ Greg.

5. Are you afraid ____________ dogs.

6. Sometimes people aren’t kind ____________ animals.

7. One inch is equal ____________ 2.54 centimeters.

8. I’m thirsty ____________ a big glass of water.

9. Joe has good manners. He’s always polite ____________ everyone.

10. I’m not familiar ____________ that book. Who wrote it?

11. Children ask “Why?” a lot. They are curious ____________ everything.

12. Anna got a good job that pays well. I’m very happy ____________ her.

13. Anna is very happy ____________ getting a new job.

14. Jack’s thermos bottle is full ____________ coffee.

15. He was angry ____________ the flight delay.

16. Why are you so scared ____________ snakes?

17. I feel sad ____________ your friend’s tragedy.

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