12th Grade English English

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25 12th Grade

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1. Boss :C
 ould you send me the reports before 4. - - - - you mind if I - - - - your laptop for a minute?
lunch today?
A) Do / will borrow B) Could / had borrowed
Secretary : C
 ould I send you the first part before lunch
C) Would / borrowed D) Did / borrow
and the second one after lunch?
E) Should / have borrowed
Boss :----

Secretary : OK, I will send you the first part in an hour,

and I’ll try to finish the second part right
after the lunch break.

Boss : Thank you. For questions 5-7, choose the best expression to say
in the given situation.
Which of the following completes the conversation?

A) Is there a chance you could finish them as soon as

possible? 5. You have had an assignment that you couldn’t
handle and finish for a long time. You didn’t even
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü

B) Well, I’d appreciate it that would be really great.

understand what the teacher was talking about. Ask
C) Take them home with you and try to finish in an hour. one of your classmates for help who is good at this
D) Would you help me upload them to my PC? subject by saying: - - - -
E) Would you mind sending them to me this evening?
A) Would it be possible to do this assignment for me?
B) I appreciate it if you tell the teacher that I can’t do it.
C) Could you help me to understand this subject and do
2. Which of the following could be seen in a poster of a
my assignment?
charity organisation that helps poor people in need?
D) Would you mind if I did it by myself? I am not into
A) Heal the earth, heal your future! group work.
B) Make a difference with your talent! E) Will you please help me with all my homework? I do
C) Do not choose to buy, adopt them! not understand any of the lessons.
D) Got more than you needed? Donate!
E) Healthy mind lives in a healthy body.

6. As an eminent scholar, you’ve been invited to give a

series of lectures in South America. Since recently

you feel tired easily, you think the journey would

be very exhausting for you. So, you decline the

invitation by giving your reason at the same time.

So, you say: - - - -
For questions 3-4, choose the best word or expression
to fill in the blank(s). A) I’m afraid I cannot accept your kind invitation
because, for a person of my age, the journey will
become too tiring.
3. After graduation - - - - high school, Darüşşafaka B) I have to turn down the invitation since I understand it
provides the students who continue their education is unsafe to travel abroad.
in university - - - - a scholarship. C) Thank you for the invitation, but I no longer accept
invitations that involve much travelling as I cannot
A) in / to afford the time.
B) of / by D) I would like to accept your invitation, but tell me first
C) from / with how long the travelling is.
D) at / for E) Though I fear the journey will be rather tiring for me, I
E) on / into will look forward to visiting South America.
25 12th Grade
Favors - 3

7. You borrowed an important resource book to write 10. George : I need a book on new inventions for my
your thesis for a certain time from one of your project.
friends, but you couldn’t finish the project on time.
Hailey : Really? I’ve got one. I don’t know if it will work,
You need some more time. So, you say: - - - -
but I can lend you one.
A) May I ask you to help me write the email?
George : Great! Can you bring it when you come to
B) Should I share my problems with you? school tomorrow?
C) Could I possibly return your books a few days later?
Hailey : Sure! But sometimes I can be absent-minded.
D) Can I have some money for a short time?
E) Would you please do me a favor?
George : OK, I’ll text you in the morning.

Which of the following completes the conversation

8. He advised me not to write until I’d got over my anger,
A) I already forgot what I will do. Can you repeat that,
and this was good advice.
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü please?
Which of the following is closest in meaning to the B) Would you mind sending me a message about your
statement given? project details?
A) Once I’d managed to control my anger, I realised that C) Please, don’t get upset if I forget to bring the book.
he’d given me some very subtle advice. D) Would you mind if I forgot to bring the book?
B) I couldn’t help being annoyed when the letter finally E) Will you send me a message to remind the book
came with so much good advice in it. before school?
C) He suggested wisely that I should not write while I
was still feeling so annoyed.
D) He advised me not to show how angry I was in the 11. Employee : Hello, Mr. Blake. Could I ask for a favor?
letter, and this was doubtless sensible.
Boss : Sure, what do you need?
E) I should have listened to his advice and not written
while I was still so angry. Employee : Would it be too much trouble for you to let
me come in at 11 tomorrow morning?

Boss : Oh, that’s a little difficult.

9. Amy wants to apply for a summer school in London. Employee : Yes, I know it’s the last moment, but I must

She has searched some schools on the Net, but she see one of my friends.

can’t find sufficient information about the course content. Boss : - - - - let you come in late tomorrow. We
Therefore, she writes an email and sends it. need you at the meeting.
Which of the following statements can be taken from
Employee : OK, I just thought I’d ask. I’ll see him
Amy’s email?
another day.
A) Hey, you didn’t write anything on your website. May I
Boss : Thanks. I appreciate it.
write instead of you?
B) What kind of school are you? I couldn’t get any Which of the following does NOT complete the
information on your website. conversation?
C) I think you need a better website design. Would you
A) It’s impossible for me to
mind improving it?
B) I wish I could, but I can’t
D) I would be grateful if you could send me more
information about your courses. C) Sorry, but I’m unable to

E) I was wondering if you mind uploading better photos D) I’m afraid I can’t
of your school. E) No problem, I think I can

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