12th Grade English English

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23 12th Grade

Favors - 1

For questions 1- 6, choose the best word or expression 4. If you join a club or organisation to help someone, it
to fill in the blank(s). can be said you are a/an - - - -.

A) charity
1. - - - - me some money, please? I forgot my wallet at B) donate
C) inspector
A) Will you ask D) company
B) Could you lend E) volunteer
C) Would you mind
D) Do you happen to
E) What’s the problem

Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü

2. Would you mind if I - - - -? 5. Mr. Bighearted is a very generous businessman. He

- - - - money to people who are in need.
A) can you do a favor
A) donates
B) lend me your science book
B) declines
C) opened the window for a while
C) decreases
D) will ask my parents for some money
D) raises
E) am shy when I need help of someone
E) establishes


3. To start or set up an organization, a company or 6. - - - - part in a charity organisation actively?

constitution means - - - -.
A) Why it is
A) join
B) Did you go
B) donate
C) Does she make
C) volunteer
D) Would you mind
D) establish
E) Have you ever taken
E) decrease
23 12th Grade
Favors - 1

For questions 7-12, choose the best word or expression 10.

to fill in the blank(s) in the text. A) Although
B) But
Praise may be the cheapest form of (7) ----, but we value
C) In order
it highly. As adults, we’re pleased by praise from others.
Even young children appreciate hearing good things D) The same
about (8) ----, and praise (9) ---- be a powerful motivator. E) Whether
But is it also possible for praise to backfire? (10) ---- we
give people praise to encourage them to succeed, it may
be the case that the words we use can have unintended
consequences. This may be especially true in the case
of young children. In an article, researchers (11) ---- on
a study looking at the effects of giving praise. They
asked the question: How does praising affect children?
Both ability praise and performance praise make people
feel good about themselves. Maybe people, especially
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
young children, don’t pay that much attention to the
content of the praise but simply focus on the good
feelings instead. (12) ----, plenty of researches show that
even subtle changes in wording can lead to significant 11.
changes in behaviour.
A) reports
B) is reported
C) report
7. D) was reporting
A) anger B) punishment C) reward E) has reported
D) disability E) review

A) yourselves B) herself C) mine

D) its E) themselves

9. 12.
A) shall B) mind C) have A) Since
D) can E) if B) However
C) Although
D) Even
E) Though

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