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1. Write the past simple of the verbs in affirmative and negative:

- Have ________________ _________________
- Go ________________ _________________
- Become ________________ ____________________
- Make ________________ ____________________
- Win ________________ __________________
- Meet _______________ __________________

2. Read and circle:

1. Yesterday, the family have / had / didn´t had breakfast together.

2. My father go / goes/ went to Oxford yesterday.
3. Katy meets/ meet / met a friend last week.
4. My dog win/ won/ didn´t won the competition.
5. He is a scientist/ journalist. He talk/talked to a celebrity.
6. She is an engineer/ artist. She designed /didn´t design a bridge.

3. Read and circle:

Hi Jake,
I watched / watch a TV program on Monday about different jobs. They went /
go to a park and talked to a gardener. When he was /were younger he wanted
to be a firefighter but when he was twenty years old he become / became a
gardener. He talk / talked about the different flowers and trees in the park.
After that, the journalist went / go to a castle and talked to a tour guide.
Before he worked at the castle, he went to Spain and worked / work at El
Prado Museum in Madrid.
What /How do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a cook /
engineer because I love cooking. Yesterday, I cooked / cook dinner for my
family. After that, I meet / met a friend from school. I didn´t watch / didn´t
watched TV but I listen / listened to music and go / went to bed.
See you soon!

4. Read and complete :

Met were husband daughter scientist
professor didn´t went was (*2) there was
Won talked

This is Mrs. Smith. She is a _____________________ at a university in Oxford and her

________________ is a ___________________. Last year they had a_______________ called
Karen. Yesterday, they ___________ to the stadium to see a football match. But they WERE
sad because their favorite team __________ win.
Then, they went to the city because _______________ a job fair. It ________ very good. They
______ an engineer. He __________ very friendly. A football player ____________ about his
job. He was very happy because his team __________a prize last week.

5. Complete the text:

On Saturday morning, María (go)____________to the sports Centre and
(play)__________football with her friends. They (have) ____________pizza in a café
and then María (go)__________ to her friend Helen´s house. They (not
watch)_________________TV. They (listen)_________________to music and
(play)_____________computer games. Helen´s sister (be) __________at a concert on
Saturday afternoon because she plays the piano. She (arrive)_______________home
at six o´clock. She (play)______________the piano for the girls. She (not
play)________________pop music. She (play)______________classical music. The girls
(love)____________her music. At seven o´clock María (go)___________home. She
(make) ____________pasta for dinner and she (have) ______________a shower. She
(not watch) __________________TV because she (be)_____________very tired. She
(go)__________to bed early.

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