English Plus Options g7 Langfocus Three Star Starter

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LANGUAGE FOCUS • Starter unit

1 Complete the dialogue. Write one word in 4 Choose the correct answers.
each gap. 1 maths in Miss Roberts’s classroom.
Mary Hello. What 1 your name? a We’ve got
Adam 2
’s Adam. b There are
Mary Are 3 English? c There’s
Adam No, I 4
not. My mum and 2 My uncle house is in Walker Street
dad 5 Polish. They’re from a ’
Kraków. b ’s
Mary Oh, Kraków! Is 6 nice there? c ’s got
Adam Yes, 7
are many beautiful 3 There any games on my dad’s computer.
buildings. a haven’t got
Mary 8 you got any brothers or b are
sisters? c aren’t
Adam Yes, I 9 . 10 ’ve got 4 My mum’s cousins from Manchester.
a sister. a are
Mary Is 11 in this school? b there are
Adam Yes, she is. She 12 in year 7. c have got
5 any notes from yesterday’s class?
2 Read the text. Add ’s or an apostrophe (’) to the a There are
bold words to make possessives. b There aren’t
c Have you got

5 Complete the questions with the correct form

of there’s / are or have got (+ subject pronoun).
My name’s Jack Spinks. I’m from Derby, a small
Sometimes more than one form is possible.
city in England. My birthday is 16 August. I’ve
got three pets – a cat, a dog and a rabbit in 1 any homework for ICT?
the garden. My 1sister name is Sophie. We’ve 2 a TV in your music room?
got a big house in Smith Street. It’s got a small 3 When our English lesson?
garden. My 2parents friends live next door. 4 a French exam tomorrow?
Their 3children names are Jo and Simon. 4Jo 5 What in her bag?
and Simon mum is my teacher at school! 6 How many students in
Miss Smith’s ICT class?

6 Answer the questions about you. Write complete

1 3 sentences.
2 4 1 Have you got a pet?

3 Look at the text in exercise 2. Write questions for

the answers. 2 Is there a science lab at your school?
1 ?
Jack’s from Derby.
2 ? 3 Who’s your favourite singer?
Jack’s birthday is in August.
3 ?
Yes, he’s got three pets. 4 When is your birthday?
4 ?
Her name is Sophie.
5 ?
No, they’ve got a big house.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Language focus Starter unit English Plus Options dla klasy VII

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