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(Personal Development)

Vea Latisha A. Gannaban

12 - Aristotle

When I reached my ‘Early Adolescence’ everything had changed on myself. I got my first period at the
age of 13. And I also got mood swings because of the effect of changing my body and emotions. And I
was a bit tidy and clean like I was obsessed with being hygienic. And at that time I spent more time by
myself reading fictional books and escaping reality. I was conscious about my looks and I was a bit
insecure. At that time I knew a lot of boundaries that I needed to do. I was expecting so much of
myself at that time, I was a little bit free, but I also kept myself to my boundaries on my own. I
experienced a lot of what they call ‘puppy love’ but I never had any romantic relationships with anyone
at that time. I was just free and just wanted to experience things that they say. I just do my own thing
like my hobbies to entertain myself. Because when I hit this stage I just got bored easily.

Furthermore, at this stage of adolescence makes me explore the things that I need to see. It really helps
me to understand my thoughts and what I need to do. This stage makes me realize that I should be
observed at things that happen to me. And also how do I handle everything. This stage made me think
that maybe other people are right, things will change and even what I believe and what I want.


At the ‘Middle Adolescence’ this stage had changed me a lot. The way I dress, the way I take care of
myself, and also my relationship with people. At this stage I met a lot of people online. And I was
influenced to be part of the beauty of the online. I posted beautiful pictures that made me feel
confident. I talk and meet people online . I tried to fit in their world. Which is the world of the GenZ
that has fun with their social media life. When I hit this stage I experienced the love interest. I am
attached to someone I like and talk to them day and night. But for being clear I never had a real
relationship that time I never had that. Because at this stage I was thinking if I will be ready for ‘love’ or
should I say, I'm just bored or I just enjoy meeting people online.

I was a bit independent at this stage because I went out a lot. And I want to explore more at this stage. I
was carefree and did things that made me enjoy myself a lot.

I thought about many things at this stage. Life is not always about your failure in the past that makes
me feel nothing. You always look at the brightest part of life that makes you change and makes you
grow as a person. Sometimes you need to realize that not every person you see as a failure is not good.
But they're the most comfortable people that you just met. This stage taught a lot of lessons no matter
how many criticisms that people throw at you. Remember that you also need to focus on yourself, not
how they see you.


My ‘Late Adolescence’ I'm 17 years old now, and I just have a pretty average body. I really take care of
myself by sleeping and doing a little exercise. Well, at this stage I was enjoying doing things that make
muscles strong. And I also write my thoughts and watch movies a lot for a deep understanding of life. I
also make decisions that I want. I have pretty boundaries right now. I'm more mature and I like to hang
out with my best friend and talk about life. I just love sharing things with her.

I'm a little bit sensitive, quiet, and an observer, at this stage. I want to be careful when I do some

At this stage, I love listening to music to make myself relax. It really helps me to do things.

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