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Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________ Score: ______

Activity 1
DIRECTIONS: Read the following story, then answer the questions that follow.
Encircle the letter of the answer.


Aesop for Children (1919)

A long time ago, the Lion, the Fox, the Jackal, and
the Wolf agreed to go hunting together,
sharing with each other whatever they found.

One day the Wolf ran down a Stag and

immediately called his comrades to divide the

Without being asked, the Lion placed himself at the

head of the feast to do the carving, and, with
a great show of fairness, began to count the

"One," he said, counting on his claws, "that is

myself the Lion. Two, that's the Wolf, three, is the
Jackal, and the Fox makes four."
He then very carefully divided the Stag into four equal parts. Illustrations by Milo Winter (1886-1956)

"I am King Lion," he said, when he had finished, "so of course I get the first
part. This next part falls to me because I am the strongest; and this is mine
because I am the bravest."

He now began to glare at the others very savagely. "If any of you have any
claim to the part that is left," he growled, stretching his claws menacingly,
"now is the time to speak up."

Might makes right.

Read and choose the appropriate answer. Write the letter on your answer sheet.
1. “I am King Lion, so of course I get the first part. This next part falls to me because I
am the strongest; and this is mine because I am the bravest.” The tone implied is
A. angry B. arrogant C. cruel D. sincere

2. “If any of you have claim to the part that is left,’ he growled, stretching his claws
menacingly, “now is the time to speak up.”
The illustration showing the lion’s claws helps the readers to _____.
A. identify the character of the story
B. clarify the meaning of the text
C. communicate the tone
D. enhance the imagery

3. The lion glares at the others savagely. By looking at the illustration showing the
lion’s facial expression, the reader could infer that glare means to _____.
A. look with a smile
B. stare blankly
C. strong look at something or someone
D. stare in an angry way

4. The illustration of the dead stag on the ground helps readers to _____.
A. identify the character of the story
B. clarify the meaning of the text
C. communicate the tone
D. enhance the imagery

5. Without being asked, the lion placed himself at the head of the feast to do the
carving, and, with a great show of fairness, began to count the guests. It can be
inferred that the lion is _____.
A. generous
B. compassionate
C. assertive
D. sarcastic
Activity 2
DIRECTIONS: Analyze the following visual materials. Match the pictures in column A
with the visual elements meaning in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space before the number.
___ 1 .

A. Frame

___ 2.

B. Lines

___ 3.

C . Color

___ 4.

D. Distance

___ 5.

E. Gaze
Activity 3
DIRECTIONS: Analyze and interpret the meaning suggested in the following pictures.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before the number.

A. An empty and tidy classroom.
B. An empty and neat laboratory
C. An empty and clean study area.
D. An empty and comfortable reception area

A. People gathered for a funeral.
B. People gathered for a wedding.
C. People gathered for a Santacruzan.
D. People gathered for a Holy Week procession.

A. Spending free time at the park is boring.
B. Spending free time at the park is relaxing.
C. Spending free time at the park is annoying.
D. Spending free time at the park is a waste of

___4. A. Barasoain Church is stunning

B. Quiapo Church is a famous church.
C. . Manila Cathedral Church is majestic.
D. Paoay Church is among the UNESCO World
Heritage Sites.

___ 5 .
A. Brigs, the chow chow is angry.
. B. Brigs, the chow chow is sleepy. red chair
C. Brigs, the chow chow is hungry.
D. Brigs, the chow chow is comfortable in the

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