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Mindset and Body change in 180 days

Stress, anxiety, and negative thinking affect our health more than we imagine.

For this reason, taking care of our mental and physical wellness is essential.

As the stoics say, we do not control external factors that happen to us, but we do control and
decide how they affect us.

This program needs 180 of daily work to analyze and see results.

Daily habits need to be created, comparable to eating healthy and doing workouts, you will only
see results if you stick to it for 3 to 6 months (ideally).

The positive side is that small wins compound over time and it will be easier for you to stick to
them once you do not rely on motivation, emotional state, or inspiration.

Habits > Motivation

It is advised to use a calendar and write and indicate every day that you completed the daily
exercises, this will help to keep you focused and accountable.

All the actions recommended will make a change in our way of thinking.

Our subconscious mind is constantly receiving information 24/7, it does not distinguish negative
or positive thoughts, absolute truths or lies, jokes, or serious affirmations. It just gatherers

The great side is that we can influence the quality of information that we send to our minds, so
we better focus on sending positive information:

Helping others
Wellness Principles
Learning new abilities

Just give your mind the correct information, and your subconscious will do the work for you.

We cannot let our minds decide for us. Repeat: I AM IN CHARGE!

Daily activities (NO NEGOTIABLE)

Wake-up routine:

Set aside 30 minutes to complete the following activities:

1) Drink one glass of water

2) Strech your body for 5 minutes: Back, neck, legs, and arms.

3) Guided meditation for 10 minutes.

Option 1:
Option 2:
(You can find many other options on youtube and Spotify)

4) Write 3 things you are grateful for in a notebook

5) Receive a few minutes of sunshine outdoors

6) Repeat the phrase: “My life is amazing and it will be much better”

Mid-day routine:

Perform 6 deep breaths at midday to release accumulated stress before it affects your mood
and performance.

Each breathing should follow the below steps and repeat 6 times:

- Inhale for 6 seconds (for the 3 first seconds concentrate on the superior area of the
lungs, and for the other 3 seconds focus on the inferior area of the lungs)
- Hold the air for 3 seconds
- Exhale for 6 seconds

Optional: Perform 2 deep breaths every time you feel stress or anxiety.
End of the day routine:

1) Strech your body for 5 minutes: Back, neck, legs, and arms.

2) Guided meditation for 10 minutes focused on sleep:

Opción 1:
Opción 2:

3) Write 3 wins of the day in a notebook

Optional (Weekends):
Body scan meditation:

I hope this is useful for you, follow me on social media so you can get more free guides in the


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