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The structure of the Eye

LO: How do converging lenses work for the eye?

Success Criteria
All- Identify the main parts of the eye

Most- Explain how the eye works to help solve

vision problems
Lesson structure

Part 1- Identify the main parts of the eye (10

Part 2- Explain what is meant by the power of the eye
(20 mins)
Part 3- Explain how glasses work (20 mins)
m/p -Exam style questions
The structure of the Eye
LO: How do converging lenses work for the eye?
Success Criteria
All- Identify the main parts of the eye

Most- Explain how the eye works to help solve

vision problems
Lesson structure

Part 1- Identify the main parts of the eye (10 mins)

Part 2- Explain what is meant by the power of the
eye (20 mins)
Part 3- Explain how glasses work (20 mins)
m/p -Exam style questions
• The eye is responsible for controlling the amount
of light falling on the retina.
• Too much light – damage to light sensitive cells
• Too little light – not enough stimulus to cells
• Light passes through the cornea and the through
the pupil.

⦿ Describe the role of all the structures of the eye (C/B)

⦿ Describe (B) and explain how the pupil reflex works (A)
⦿ Describe the eye’s focussing ability at rest (B) and explain how it accommodates sight for near objects (A)
Range of Vision
• The range of vision of the normal human eye
is 25 cm to infinity
• In other words the human eye can clearly see
any object that is 25 cm or more from the eye
• The near point is 25 cm
• The far point is infinity
How does the eye focus?
Near point of the normal eye

Point object Formed
at the On the
near point Retina

When the ciliary muscles contract, they shorten and

squeeze the lens making it thicker – allowing the eye
to focus on objects at the near point
How does the eye focus?
Far point of the normal eye

On the

To distant point object

When the ciliary muscles relax, they lengthen and

stretch the lens making it thinner – allowing the
Rays of light are refracted
(bent) first by the cornea
and then by the lens. They
focus on the retina.

⦿ Describe the role of all the structures of the eye (C/B)

⦿ Describe (B) and explain how the pupil reflex works (A)
⦿ Describe the eye’s focussing ability at rest (B) and explain how it accommodates sight for near objects (A)
⦿ The light rays then converge towards the retina.
⦿ The lens is able to precisely focus the image because
of its ability to change shape.
⦿ Focusing on a distant object, the lens becomes
⦿ Focusing on a near object, the lens becomes fatter.

⦿ Describe the role of all the structures of the eye (C/B)

⦿ Describe (B) and explain how the pupil reflex works (A)
⦿ Describe the eye’s focussing ability at rest (B) and explain how it accommodates sight for near objects (A)
For distant objects the
ciliary muscles relax
and the suspensory
ligaments pull tight
making the lens pull
thin – the light doesn’t
bend as much.

For close objects the

ciliary muscles contract
allowing the lens to go
fat, thus bending the
light more.
The structure of the Eye
LO: How do converging lenses work for the eye?
Success Criteria
All- Identify the main parts of the eye

Most- Explain how the eye works to help solve

vision problems
Lesson structure

Part 1- Identify the main parts of the eye (10

Part 2- Explain what is meant by the power of the eye
(20 mins)
Part 3- Explain how glasses work (20 mins)
m/p -Exam style questions
Short Sight
• When the eye cannot focus on distant objects
• The uncorrected image forms infront of the
• This is because the eyeball is too long or the
lens is too powerful
• The ciliary muscles cannot make the lens thin
enough to focus
• The eye can focus on nearby objects, hence –
Short Sight
Short Sight

correcting Corrected
lens image
Long Sight
• When the eye cannot focus on nearby objects
• The uncorrected image is formed behind the
• The eye lens cannot thicken enough to focus
the image on the retina
• The eye can focus distant objects, hence –
Long Sight
Long Sight


Converging Corrected
correcting image
Lens Power
The power of a lens is defined as:
• 1/focal length in metres

• The unit of power is the dioptre (D)

This can be represented with the equation:

• P = 1/f

P = lens power in dioptres (D)
f = focal length in metres
Lens Power
The type of lens is indicated by:

• A positive value for the power of a

converging lens
• e.g. +5.0D for a converging lens of focal
length 0.20 m

• A negative value for a diverging lens

• e.g. -4.0D for a diverging lens of focal
length 0.25m
The structure of the Eye
LO: How do converging lenses work for the eye?
Success Criteria
All- Identify the main parts of the eye

Most- Explain how the eye works to help solve

vision problems
Lesson structure- Starter questions waves (10 mins)

Part 1- Identify the main parts of the eye (20 mins)

Part 2- Explain what is meant by the power of the eye
(20 mins)
Part 3- Explain how glasses work (20 mins)
m/p -Exam style questions
Questions to finish

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