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Submitted By: Hyacinth Manliguez

Submitted To: Sister Mary Martha Fe, OSF

Basic Education Department South Campus
J. Alcantara Street, Cebu City


Time Frame : 5 days English 7 Lesson Number : 1

Subject Area : English 2021-2022 Date : January 10-Apr 14, 2022
Grade Level : Grade 7 Teacher : Hyacinth Manliguez
Checked by : (None)
Practice Teaching Supervisor : Sister Mary Martha Fe, OSF


Content Standard: I. Opening Prayer
(Cognitive/Knowledge) “Everybody, kindly stand for a short opening prayer.” DAY 5 (Friday, January 14)
Subject Matter: The learner demonstrates understanding of: “Say your prayer, class.”
Philippine literature during the Period of II. Greetings
➢ Figures of Speech Apprenticeship as a means of examining “Good morning, everybody!” “Kindly take your seat.” “Hi
✓ Simile conflicts; various purposeful listening and everyone! How are you today?”
✓ Metaphor viewing strategies; difference between
III. Classroom Management
✓ Personification literal and figurative language; ways to
extract and condense information based on “Now, kindly align your chairs properly and pick up the
library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues pieces of paper under it.”
➢ Literature: “Filipinas” in oral communication. IV. Checking of Attendance
written by Jose Palma “Let’s take a look first if everyone is here.”
Performance Standard:
(Psychomotor/Skills) V. Checking of Assignment
The learner transfers learning by: resolving “How did you find your homework class?”
conflicts presented in literary selections; VI. Recap/ Review I. Identify the type of
using tools and mechanisms in locating “Before we start, can you recall something about our figures of speech used in
library resources; extracting information and lesson last meeting,” the following sentences.
noting details from texts to write a precis, Choose your answer
summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing A. EXPLORE(Logical, Visual, Interpersonal) from the words in the
between and using literal and figurative parenthesis (SIMILE,
DAY 1 (Monday, January 10)
language and verbal and non-verbal cues; METAPHOR,PERSONIFI
use phrases, clauses, and sentences
CATION).Write it on a 1/4
meaningfully and appropriately.
sheet of paper.
Formation Standard:
(Affective/Values) I. Activity 1. My heart is like an open
Resources: The learners develop a deep appreciation highway.
of Philippines’ literary selection. Motivation: 2. It’s late night but still I've been
English Arts I pp. 39-45, working like a dog.
The teacher begins the class by dividing the students into five groups 3. The hungry chainsaw growled
• http://examples.yourdictio through an alphabetical order. Then, the teacher will give two loudly. Learning Objective/Specific Objective pictures to each of the group and all groups should answer the 4. My cat is a bolt of lightning.
similes.html EO 1 question given below the pictures. Also, in this activity, the 5. The lonely train whistle cried out
• students are given 2 minutes to finish the task. After two minutes, in the night.
es/Furr/Figurative_Langu At the end of the lesson, the there should be one representative from each group to present
students should be able to:
6. She is as fast as a cheetah!
age_Game.ppt and explain the answer to the question, then present it in front of 7. The angry clouds marched
the class. across the sky.
1. Provide the definition of the
Group 1 8. The stubborn dense fog
three different types of Figures
of Speech: Simile, Metaphor, swallowed us.
and Personification. 9. She is as black as coal.
10. This test is a piece of cake.

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Moreover, students should answer this question: Which of the

two photos are more attractive than the other? Why?

The teacher asks the students what they have noticed with their given
photos. Then, the teacher presents the definition, importance, and
usage of Figures of Speech. Also, the teacher will present the 3
Figures of Speech for the week, and these are, simile, metaphor, and

Students now identify the meaning and usage of simile, metaphor,

and personification.

Teacher calls a volunteer and ask the student to gives his/her own
example of simile, metaphor, and personification.

The student calls any of his/her classmates to identify the kind of

Figures of Speech that he/she gave, and the cycle goes on.

B. FIRM UP (Logical, Visual, Musical) I. Identify the type of figures of

Skills: EO 2 DAY 2 (Tuesday, January 11) speech used in the phrases
II. Analysis given below and use it on
your own sentences. (20 pts)
• Analysis To identify the purpose of each three Discussion
• Reading Figures of Speech: Simile, Metaphor, Students make a review of the 3 kinds of Figures of Speech A. roar of the wind
Comprehension and Personification. according to function or purpose. B. gurgling like a baby
• Critical Thinking Teacher gives more details about Simile, Metaphor, and
• Identifying Personification.
• Classifying Teacher presents 5 sample sentences for each type.
Students identify the purpose of each sentence. II. Construct 2 examples of
• Synthesizes
Students classify the sentences as simile, metaphor, and Simile, 3 examples
personification. Metaphor, and 3
examples of
Class Activity: Make a song Personification . (11 pts.)

Students are grouped into three. Each group is given their assigned
Figures of Speech and they are to make a song that represents
their assigned Figures of Speech.


• Respect EO 3 C. DEEPEN (Logical, Linguistic)

• Patience DAY 3 (Wednesday, January12)
• Obedience To discover literature as a means of
• Teamwork connecting to a significant past The students will read a short poem written by one of the famous of the
famous writer in our country. The title of the poem is “Filipinas”. In this
To identify examples of literal poem there are unfamiliar words that are needed to be unlocked. And
meaning or sentences in the poem in order to unlock these words, the students will answer an activity.
entitled Filipinas
Unlocking of difficulties:

Directions: Match the phrases in Column A with its appropriate

meaning in Column B. Take note of the underlined words.

A. B.

1. With fervor A. a feeling of intense pleasure or joy

2. Invaders trample thy sacred shore. B. confused movement
3. Behold your radiance. C. intense feeling
4. ‘tis rapture to lie. D. light or heat reflected by something
I. Seatwork (By Pair)

The students are going to reread the short poem, Filipinas, and
they are going to carefully pick the literal meaning or sentences
found in the poem and compare it to the 3 kinds of Figures of
Speech: Simile, Metaphor, and Personification.

Jose Palma

(tr. Camillo Osias and M.A. Lane)

Reference: English Arts 1 page 40

The teacher will call for an oral quiz. The teacher will ask the
students about the synopsis of the poem and what they have
understood in the poem.

III. Abstraction

The teacher will ask the students the following:

• The meaning of Figures of Speech

• How many types of Figures of Speech that were discussed
• What are the most commonly used Figures of Speech
• Define Simile
• Define Metaphor
• Define Personification

IV. Generalization

The teacher will call for an oral quiz. The teacher will ask the
students about the synopsis of the poem and what they have
understood in the poem.

EO 4 D. TRANSFER (Logical, Linguistic, Intrapersonal)

Instructional Materials: DAY 4 (Thursday, January 13 )

To create a short story either about V. Application

• Colored strips of paper friendship, family, or love through the
use of the 3 Figures of Speech: Simile, To see if the students really understood the discussion, the teacher
• Smart TV would guide the students in playing the Figurative Game.
Metaphor, and Personification.
• Laptop
• Textbook To reflect on the importance of the
• Visual Aids Figures of Speech in the day to day Figurative Language Game
• Speaker life.
• PowerPoint Presentation
Note: ( In the transfer of learning,
valuing is very important)

Can you discover the missing picture by answering questions about

figurative language?

Game Directions:

Read each clue and click the type of figurative language that
matches it.
If you are right, small squares will disappear from the picture
on the right. Try to guess each picture with each clue.
If you are wrong, try again.
When you get to the end, enjoy your celebration.

A Short Story
(Short Story making)

The class will be divided into three and you must create a short
story that consists of the 3 Figures of Speech. You are going to
underline the Figures of Speech used. Lastly, you are going to
present a 10-minute roleplay next week.

Note: There should be 5 Similes, 6 Metaphors, and 10

Personification in the short story.


Creativity .............................................. 5 pts

Neatness.............................................. 5 pts
Accuracy ............................................. 10 pts
Grammar ............................................. 10 pts

TOTAL ............................... 30 pts


Creativity .............................................. 5 pts

Organization ........................................ 5 pts
Audience Impact ................................. 10 pts
Grammar............................................. 10 pts

TOTAL ............................... 30 pts

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