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Review of summative assessment for term2

Duration of the summative assessment – 40 minutes

Listening – 10 minutes
Reading – 10 minutes
Writing – 20 minutes
Speaking task is conducted separately. The time spent on a pair work should not be more than 4 minutes (1 minute for preparation, 3 minutes for the
learners’ conversation)
Total marks - 24

The structure of the summative assessment

This Summative Assessment consists of tasks: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
Different types of tasks are used in the summative assessment for the term.
Listening – Open-ended questions
Reading – True/False and open - ended tasks.
Writing – Writing a review.
Speaking – Speaking in pairs.
True/False task offer a series of statements each of which should be judged as true or false according to the listening text.
Open ended tasks require learners to follow instructions of the task, answer questions in words, expressions and sentences.
Transcript for listening task can be found in CD1. Transcript can be found after the mark scheme.
The content of the summative assessment for the 2 term should be selected on topics “Entertainment and Media” and “Sport, Health and Exercise”.
Characteristic of tasks for summative assessment for the 2 term

Unit Strand Learning objective *Total *Quest *Type of *Task description Time Total
number of ion № question marks

Entertain Listening (8.L6) Deduce meaning from 6 1 Open – Each learner works individually. 10 minutes 6
ment and context with little or no support in 2 ended Task enables learners to identify meaning
Media. extended talk on a growing range of 3 from the context. The task contains data.
Sport, general and curricular topics. 4 Learners should choose specific
Health 5 information from the recording which
and 6 refers to the data and write them. Learners
Exercise. should be given 1 minute to look through
the questions before they listen. Learners
should listen to recording twice.

Reading (8.R5) Deduce meaning from 6 1 True / Each learner works individually. 10 minutes 6
context in short texts and some 2 False Task enables learners to identify whether
extended texts on a growing range of 3 the given statements are true or false.
familiar general and curricular

There are 3 open-ended questions that ask
learners to give answer referring to the (8.R2) Understand specific 4 Open writer’s opinion. The number of a
information and detail in texts on a 5 ended paragraph (to which the question refers) is
growing range of familiar general 6 written next to the question. There is no
and curricular topics, including some limit to the number of words in the answer.
extended texts.
Writing (8.W3) Write with moderate 1 1 Open Each learner works individually. 20 minutes 6
grammatical accuracy on a growing ended The task has two options:
range of familiar general and Topic 1. A learner should write a review of
curricular topics a movie using topic related
Unit Strand Learning objective *Total *Quest *Type of *Task description Time Total
number of ion № question marks
questions (8.W4) Use with some vocabulary and an appropriate register.

support style and register appropriate The task may give a learner some clues
to a variety of written genres on that guide their writing.
general and curricular topics. Topic 2. A learner should write a review of
a mall using topic related vocabulary and (8.W8) Spell most high- an appropriate style. The task may give a
frequency vocabulary accurately for learner some clues that guide their writing.
a range of familiar general and
curricular topics.

Speaking (8.S5) Interact with peers to 1 1 Open The task has 2 different cards with 4 4 minutes 6
negotiate, agree and organise ended questions. The questions should be on the for a work
priorities and plans for completing topics ‘Entertainment and Media’ and in pairs
classroom tasks. ‘Sport, Health and Exercise’. Learners
pair up and have a two-way conversation (8.S7) Use appropriate discussing the given questions. Learners
subject-specific vocabulary and should use topic specific vocabulary while
syntax to talk about a range of responding to the questions. They have 1
general topics, and some curricular minute to prepare and 3 minutes to speak.
topics. They provide their own points of view on
topics, explaining and justifying their
positions. Teacher can ask additional
questions to support learners or cut the
number of questions if necessary.

TOTAL: 40 24
Note: * - sections that can be changed
Sample questions and mark scheme

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2


Task. Listen to the recording about Audrey Hepburn’s career. Write to what people and events
these numbers and dates refer to.
CD1. Tapescript 1
Example: The memories of World War II horrors shaped her desire to help children
1. Third _____________________________________
2. In 1929
3. In 1935 [1]
4. In 1951 [1]
5. In 1988____________________________________ [1]
6. In 1993____________________________________ [1]

Total [6]


Task. Read the statements


Five reasons to work out.

1. Exercise can completely change your mood!

When you work out, your body produces endorphins, which will give you a rush of euphoria and
happiness. You will feel better after a workout than you did before it. Next time you’re having a bad
day, try going for a fast-paced run or taking a spinning class, and the day won’t seem so bad after all.

2. Exercising is sociable.

Whenever I move to a new city to study or work, I look for exercise classes to do. You meet like-
minded people, you can support each other during a difficult workout and you all share a collective
feeling of euphoria when the class finishes!

3. Exercise makes you feel confident.

We all know the physical effects of exercise on our bodies but we don’t always talk about the mental
effects. Exercise might give you a feeling of confidence from being comfortable with your body and
appearance. This new confidence might even help in your social or work life.

4. It helps to relieve stress.

Focusing on lifting weights or going for a run can help you forget the problems and stress of daily life,
studies or work. During exams, I always spend an hour a day in the gym. It makes me feel less anxious
and it also helps me to sleep those important eight hours the night before a big exam.

5. Finally, exercise makes us feel strong, fit and healthy!

Every day, the 20 minutes on the treadmill get easier, the weights feel lighter and you feel a great sense
of achievement. It's a great feeling doing something you couldn’t do before and knowing it’s a result of
your hard work.

Task. Read the text again. Choose TRUE or FALSE

1) Exercise doesn't affect your mood. TRUE / FALSE


2) Friends from sports support you during a difficult training session. TRUE / FALSE


3) Exercise can give you a sense of anxiety. TRUE /FALSE


Task. Read the article again and write the answers from the text.
3. What kind of activity do you help to relieve stress? [1]
4. How many hours should a normal person sleep? [1]
5. How does exercise make us feel? [1]

Total [6

Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write.

Topic 1. Write a review about the movie you watched last. Tell us what the movie is, where you
watched it, and what it's about. Use the style and structure of the review and thematic vocabulary.

Topic 2. Write a review of a mall you have visited lastly. Tell what and where it is, what you can
do there and your opinion. Use the style and structure of a review and topic related vocabulary..

Total [6]


Task. Choose 1 card and answer the questions. You have 1 minute to prepare and 3 minutes to
speak. While speaking do not forget to use topic related vocabulary. Show interaction asking and
answering questions.

Card 1
1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the media?
2) What kind of entertainment do you like to do?
3) What can you tell us about a healthy lifestyle?
4) Do you play sports? If yes/no and why, tell us more about it.

Card 2
1) What is the main goal of mass media at the present time?
2) Do you think we need different types of entertainment? If yes/ no and why, tell us more about it.
3) What can you tell us about a healthy lifestyle?
4) What’s your favorite sport? Why do you like it?
Total [6]
Total marks _/24

Mark scheme
Listening and Reading

Quest Answer Mark Additional

ion information

1 greatest actress of all time 1 The learners may
2 Hepburn was born 1 write their answers
3 Her parents divorced/her father left 1 using their own
4 her first big break /she starred as Gigi in a London 1 words with the
theatre/she won an award and lots of publicity. correct information
5 worked for UNICEF/ saw famine in Ethiopia 1 from the text.
6 She died 1
1 F 1 Choose correct
2 T 1

3 F 1

4 Exercise/ running, and others 1 A learner may

5 eight hours 1 paraphrase the
6 feel strong, fit and healthy 1
Total marks 12

Mark scheme
Writing and Speaking


Give points out of 6 for each criterion (content, organization, vocabulary and grammar and punctuation), and then calculate a mean to give a
total mark out of 6. All fractional marks should be rounded up to the closest whole mark.

Content: relevance, style and

Mark / register, and development of Organization: cohesion, Grammar and Punctuation:
Criterion paragraphing, and format Vocabulary and Spelling range and accuracy

 All content is relevant to the  Uses a range of basic connectors  Uses a range of everyday  Writes simple and compound
task. correctly and attempts to use vocabulary appropriately; sentence forms correctly and
 The register completely referencing, but not always attempts to use less common demonstrates some variety in
corresponds to the requirements clearly or appropriately. lexical items with occasional length.
of the task; consistent and  Uses paragraphs to separate inappropriacies.  May attempt some complex
intentional misuse of register* ideas; all paragraphs revolve  Has good control of word sentences, but they tend to be
may indicate a writer’s personal around one idea or a set of like formation; may make occasional less accurate, including
style. ideas; the size of each paragraph errors in producing less common punctuation.
 All content points are fully allows for a proper and balanced word forms.  Errors in grammar and/or
addressed and developed in a development of ideas.  Spells common vocabulary items punctuation do not distort
balanced way.  The format is appropriate, but correctly; very few (one or two) meaning.
*Such misuse of register should not may be modified for a better occasional spelling mistakes may
harm the format of writing. reading experience. be present.
 May occasionally misspell less
common lexical items.
 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort meaning.
 All content is relevant to the  Uses a range of basic connectors  Uses a range of everyday  Writes simple and compound
task; insignificant content correctly. vocabulary appropriately; sentence forms correctly, but
omissions may be present.  Uses paragraphs to separate attempts to use less common does not demonstrate variety in
 The register on the whole ideas; most paragraphs revolve lexical items, but may make length.
corresponds to the requirements around one idea or a set of like frequent errors.  Occasional errors in grammar
of the task; occasional and ideas; the size of each paragraph  Has good control of word and/or punctuation do not distort
inconsistent misuse of register may reflect imbalanced formation; may make errors in meaning.

may be present. development of ideas. producing less common word
 Most content points are  The format is appropriate. forms.
addressed, but their development  Spells common vocabulary items
may be slightly imbalanced. correctly; few (no more than
five) occasional spelling
mistakes may be present.
 May often misspell less common
lexical items.
 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort meaning.
 Most content is relevant to the  Uses some basic connectors, but  Uses everyday vocabulary  Writes simple and some
task; insignificant content these may be inaccurate or generally appropriately, while compound sentence forms
omissions may be present. repetitive. occasionally overusing certain correctly.
 The register on the whole  Uses paragraphs to separate lexical items.  While errors in grammar and/or
corresponds to the requirements ideas, but tends to misuse  Has good control of word punctuation are noticeable,
4 of the task. paragraphing (a script is a set of formation; can produce common meaning is rarely distorted.
 Most content points are very short paragraphs or some word forms correctly.
addressed, but some content paragraphs may be much longer  May make infrequent errors in
points may be more fully than other ones for no apparent spelling more difficult words.
covered than others. reason).  Errors in word choice and/or
 The format is generally spelling rarely distort meaning.
 Some content is relevant to the  Uses a very limited range of  Uses basic vocabulary  Writes simple sentence
task; significant content basic cohesive devices correctly. reasonably appropriately. forms mostly correctly.
omissions may be present.  Writes in paragraphs, but may  Has some control of word  Errors in grammar and/or
 The register barely corresponds not use them to separate ideas (a formation; can produce some punctuation may distort meaning
3 to the requirements of the task. script may have random breaks common word forms correctly. at times.
 Only some content points, which between paragraphs).  Makes frequent errors in spelling
are minimally addressed.  The format may be inappropriate more difficult words, but simple
in places. words are spelled correctly.
 Errors in a word choice and/or
spelling distort meaning at times.
 Severe irrelevances and  May use a very limited range of  Uses an extremely limited range  Writes some simple sentence
misinterpretations of the task basic cohesive devices, and those of vocabulary. forms correctly.
may be present. used, may not indicate a logical  Has very limited control of word  Frequent errors in
 Only few content points, which relationship between ideas. formation; can produce a few grammar and/or
are minimally addressed.  Attempts to write in paragraphs, common word forms correctly. punctuation distort
but their use may be confusing  Makes many errors in spelling,
(may start every sentence with a including a range of simple
new line). words.
 The format may be  Errors in a word choice and/or
inappropriate. spelling distort meaning.
 Attempts the task, but it is  Links are missing or incorrect.  Can only use a few isolated  No evidence of sentence forms.
largely misinterpreted and the  Does not write in paragraphs at words and/or memorized
response is barely relevant to the all (a script is a block of text). phrases.
1 task.  The format is not appropriate.  Has essentially no control of a
word formation; can barely
produce any word forms.
 Displays few examples of
conventional spelling.
 Does not attempt the task in any way.
 The response is completely irrelevant to the task.
0 OR
 There is too little language to assess.
 Content is completely incomprehensible due to extremely poor handwriting: very few words are distinguishable, so there is a lack of context to
verify meaning.


Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (development and fluency, grammar and vocabulary), and then calculate a mean to give an overall
total out of 6.

Mark /
Development and Fluency Grammar and Vocabulary

 Shows sustained ability to maintain a conversation and to make relevant  Produces error-free simple sentences.
contributions at some length.  Attempts some complex grammatical forms, but may make errors,
6  Produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation. which rarely cause comprehension problems.
 Can respond to a change in direction of the conversation.  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on
 Pronunciation is intelligible. a growing range of general and curricular topics.
 Intonation is appropriate.
 Responds relevantly and at length which makes frequent prompting  Produces error-free simple sentences.
unnecessary, resulting in a competent conversation.  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about a range of
 Produces mostly extended stretches of language despite some general and curricular topics.
hesitation, although instances of using short phrases may be present.  Occasional mistakes do not cause comprehension problems.
 Can generally respond to a change in direction of the conversation.
 Pronunciation is generally intelligible.
 Intonation is generally appropriate
 Attempts to respond to questions and prompts.  Frequently produces error-free simple sentences.
 Produces responses which are extended beyond short phrases, despite  Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited range of general and
hesitation. curricular topics.
 Effort will need to be made to develop the conversation; only partial  Errors may cause comprehension problems.
success will be achieved.
 Pronunciation is mostly intelligible.
 May not follow English intonation patterns at times.
 Responses tend to be brief and are characterized by frequent hesitation.  Produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple sentences.
 Has to be encouraged to go beyond short responses and struggles to  Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited
3 develop a conversation. range of general topics.
 There is a lack of intelligibility of pronunciation, but it is unlikely to  Errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding.
impede communication.
 May not follow English intonation patterns frequently.

 Responses are so brief that little is communicated.  Attempts basic sentence forms, but with limited success.
 Barely engages in a conversation. OR
 Pronunciation may cause some communication difficulty.
2  Heavily relies on apparently memorized utterances.
 Does not follow English intonation patterns.
 Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a very
limited range of general topics.
 Makes numerous errors except in memorized expressions.
 No communication possible.  Cannot produce basic sentence forms.
 Pronunciation and intonation patterns cause difficulty for even the most  Can only produce isolated words and phrases or memorized utterances.
sympathetic listener.
 No attempt at the response.
0 OR
 No ratable language.

Transcript 1

Audrey Hepburn was an award-winning actress. The American Film Institute considered her to be the third greatest actress of all time. She also
became a fashion and cultural icon, and continues to be so today. She was also a magnificent humanitarian. The memories of World War II horrors
shaped her desire to help children and so she served as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

Hepburn was born in 1929 as Audrey Ruston in Brussels, Belgium. She was the only child of an Englishman and a Dutch aristocrat. She was educated
at a private school in England. Her parents divorced in 1935 and her father left. His leaving was the most traumatic moment of her life. After World
War II, Hepburn studied ballet in London.

Audrey was too tall to be a ballerina and went into acting. In 1951, her first big break came when she starred as Gigi in a London theatre. She won an
award and lots of publicity. Her second break came two years later in the movie classic ‘Roman Holiday’, for which she won an Oscar for best actress.

Hepburn became one of Hollywood's most successful stars and starred in many unforgettable movies. She used her fame to work with UNICEF for
several decades. She declared, "I have a broken heart”, after seeing Ethiopia’s famine in 1988. She also famously said: “'Third World' is a term I don't
like very much, because we're all one world.” Hepburn died in 1993 but remains a much-loved legend.


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