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Name: de la Torre, Honey V. Score:

Section: BSABE 4A Date Due:

Laboratory Exercise I


I. Introduction
Irrigation is an essential agricultural technique that aims to deliver water to crops in a regulated
manner, serving as a supplementary source of moisture to augment natural precipitation. Its primary
objective is to facilitate optimal plant development and enhance crop productivity. The utilization of
irrigation systems is of paramount importance in facilitating agricultural practices on a worldwide scale,
particularly in regions characterized by inadequate or unpredictable precipitation patterns.
The fundamental principles of irrigation are centered on the effective distribution of water to
agricultural crops using a range of techniques, such as surface irrigation, drip irrigation, and sprinkler
systems. The primary objective of employing appropriate irrigation methods is to reduce water
inefficiency, mitigate soil erosion, and uphold soil fertility.
This introductory discourse on irrigation aims to examine the fundamental ideas ,methodologies
and its history that form the foundation of effective irrigation techniques, emphasizing the significance of
water preservation and sustainable agricultural practices. A comprehensive grasp of these fundamental
principles is crucial for farmers and landowners who aim to optimize agricultural output while also
upholding environmental conservation.
II. Objectives

In this laboratory exercise, you will:

 Research and discuss about the History of Irrigation and Extent of Development in the
Philippines, Water right and Water Code of the Philippines
 Discuss the different types of Irrigation Systems in the Philippines

III. Materials and Methods

Laptop and Internet

Admin. (2023). Rainwater harvesting -Process, Advantages and disadvantages. BYJUS.
File:A tube well in village Chakrian.jpg - Wikimedia Commons. (2016, September 20).
Housing News. (2023). Drip irrigation system: All you need to know. Housing News.
National Government System. (1990). A Comprehensive History of Irrigation in the Philippines.
National Irrigation Administration.
ECIJA | Philippine Rural Development Project. (n.d.).

Instructor: Maricar M. Figueroa Page 1


IV. Results and/or Discussion

1. Research and discuss about the History of Irrigation and Extent of Development in the
The historical origins of irrigation in the Philippines may be traced back to the pre-
colonial era, during which indigenous societies engineered intricate rice terraces, exemplified
by the renowned Banaue Rice Terraces, acknowledged as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The ancient systems exhibited sophisticated engineering techniques and sustainable
agricultural methodologies. Throughout the Spanish colonial era, the development of
community irrigation systems persisted, but with a notable change in emphasis towards
supporting the interests of the colonial administration.

During the 20th century, there was a significant increase in the momentum of
initiatives aimed at modernizing irrigation systems. The establishment of the National
Irrigation Administration (NIA) in 1963 aimed to assume responsibility for the management
and implementation of irrigation development initiatives throughout the nation. These
endeavors resulted in the expansion of irrigated land, leading to a significant boost in
agricultural production and a decrease in reliance on rain-fed farming. Nevertheless, there are
still obstacles that need to be overcome in order to effectively handle the issue at hand. These
issues encompass the requirement for further infrastructure development, enhanced water
management practices, and the mitigation of climate change's effects on water supplies. The
historical development of irrigation in the Philippines is a testament to the intertwining of
cultural legacy and continuous endeavors aimed at improving food security and promoting
agricultural sustainability.

2. Enumerate, discuss, and then attach illustrations/pictures relating to the different types of
Irrigation Systems in the Philippines. If possible give examples that can be located here in

In the Philippines, several types of irrigation systems are used to optimize water distribution for
agriculture. Here are some common types along with examples from Mindanao:

1. National Irrigation Systems (NIS) refer to expansive

irrigation systems that are controlled by the
government. One notable illustration in the region of
Mindanao is the Agus-Pulangui Integrated Irrigation
System situated in Bukidnon. This system
encompasses a substantial expanse of agricultural land,
spanning thousands of hectares.

2. Communal irrigation systems refer to

infrastructure for irrigation that is
administered by the community, with
farmers collaborating to operate and
maintain the system. One illustrative
instance is the Libungan Irrigation System
located in Cotabato, Philippines, which
effectively caters to several barangays.

Instructor: Maricar M. Figueroa Page 2


3. Drip irrigation is a highly effective technology

that facilitates the direct delivery of water to the root
zone of plants, hence promoting water conservation.
The use of cash crops such as bananas in Davao del
Norte has shown a notable surge in recent times.

4. Sprinkler irrigation is a method of

applying water to crops or plants by
dispersing it in the form of small droplets
through a network of sprinklers. This
technique Sprinkler systems are utilized to
provide uniform water distribution,
commonly observed in fruit orchards and
vegetable fields. There are other farms in
Bukidnon that employ this particular

5. Subsurface irrigation is an underground

system that effectively reduces water loss due to
evaporation and surface runoff. The practice is
used in certain rice fields located in Lanao del

6. Rainwater Harvesting- In some

areas such as Maguindanao,
rainwater harvesting devices are
employed to collect and retain
rainfall for the purpose of irrigation
during periods of low precipitation.

7. Shallow tube wells are employed in regions with

readily available groundwater, such as certain places in
Sultan Kudarat.

Instructor: Maricar M. Figueroa Page 3


8. River diversion- is a commonly

employed technique in certain regions of
Misamis Oriental, wherein canals are
utilized to redirect river water towards
agricultural fields in order to meet their
water requirements during periods of

3. Discuss the purpose and the importance of Water Right and Water Code of the Philippines
Water Right Purpose:
 Allocation: Water rights in the Philippines aim to allocate water resources fairly and
efficiently among various users, including agriculture, industry, and domestic needs.
 Regulation: They provide a regulatory framework to manage and control water usage,
ensuring sustainable access to water for current and future generations.
 Conflict Resolution: Water rights help resolve disputes over water access and usage,
promoting harmony among competing users.
 Conservation: They encourage responsible and efficient water management
practices, reducing wastage and promoting conservation.

Water Code of the Philippines Importance

 Legal Framework: The Water Code establishes the legal foundation for managing
and regulating water resources in the country.
 Resource Protection: It safeguards water sources and ecosystems, ensuring their
sustainable use and preventing pollution.
 Public Interest: The code prioritizes the public interest in water resources, balancing
the needs of various sectors while promoting equitable access.
 Water Quality: It sets standards for water quality, ensuring safe and potable water for
drinking and other essential uses.
 Disaster Resilience: The code includes provisions for flood control and disaster
management, addressing the country's vulnerability to natural calamities.

 The Water Code and water rights are essential components of water governance in the
Philippines, fostering responsible resource management and environmental protection.

V. Conclusion
In conclusion, grasping the critical role of water management in agriculture requires a
firm grasp of irrigation's fundamental principles. From primordial indigenous practices to
contemporary government-led initiatives, irrigation in the Philippines has evolved substantially
throughout history. It has become an indispensable instrument for boosting agricultural
productivity, assuring food security, and adapting to the challenges of a changing climate. The
historical evolution of irrigation in the Philippines exemplifies the nation's dedication to
sustainable agriculture and highlights the significance of continued innovation and investment in
water resource management for future generations.

Instructor: Maricar M. Figueroa Page 4

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