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10 Reasons to Support Mercury-Free Dentistry

Via Mercola Natural Health Articles by (Dr. Joseph Mercola)

By Dr. Mercola

It's Mercury Awareness Week — a time when I focus on how and why we, together, can end the use of dental
amalgam, which has no role in 21st century dentistry. By now you likely know that amalgam dental fillings are 50
percent mercury — a toxic heavy metal that has no place in the human body.

But do you know about all the many other problems caused by this outdated dental product? Next time a pro-mercury
dentist tries to illogically claim that the mercury in their amalgam is perfectly safe, as the Boy Scouts motto goes, "Be

Today I give you 10 more reasons to support mercury-free dentistry. The bottom line is no one should receive mercury
fillings, despite what the pro-mercury dentists, insurance companies and the government bureaucrats say!

The campaign for mercury-free dentistry is led by an effective nonprofit group which spends its funds carefully and
efficiently: Consumers for Dental Choice. I have worked closely for several years with its leader, Charlie Brown, and I
continue to see the results we need.

So, I now step up to match all donations received until August 20, 2018. This year, I've raised the match ceiling by 25
percent, from $100,000 to $125,000. With my match, here is a way for you to double your charity money!

>>>>> Click Here <<<<<

Checks can be mailed to:

Consumers for Dental Choice

316 F St., N.E., Suite 210
Washington DC 20002

Reason No. 1: Amalgam's Mercury Puts Children at Risk

Amalgam emits mercury vapor even after it is implanted into the body. This mercury is bioaccumulative and crosses
the placenta to accumulate in fetuses, as well. Dental amalgam's mercury is a known health risk, especially for
children, fetuses, nursing infants and people with impaired kidney function.

Even the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concedes that the developing neurological systems of children and
fetuses are more susceptible to "the neurotoxic effects of mercury vapor," and that there is no evidence that amalgam
is safe for these populations.

Now Consumers for Dental Choice is working to make FDA take action to end amalgam use in children — a step the
European Union (EU) has already taken. Via citizen petitions, coalition-building, workshops, international pressure and
grassroots organizing, they will succeed! You can join in by signing Consumers for Dental Choice's online petition.
>>>>> Click Here <<<<<

Reason No. 2: Amalgam Damages Your Teeth

Placing amalgam requires the removal of a significant amount of healthy tooth matter. This removal weakens overall
tooth structure, which increases the need for future dental work. On top of that, amalgam fillings — which expand and
contract over time — crack teeth, once again creating the need for more dental work.

Consumers for Dental Choice is bringing to light this lesser known health consequence of amalgam, making sure that
policymakers and patients know about it too.

Reason No. 3: Amalgam Pollutes the Environment

Amalgam pollutes 1) water via dental clinic releases and human waste; 2) air via cremation, dental clinic emissions,
sludge incineration and respiration; and 3) land via landfills, burials and fertilizer. Once in the environment, dental
mercury converts to its even more toxic form: methylmercury and becomes a major source of mercury in the fish
people eat.

Dental mercury in the environment can cause brain damage and neurological problems, especially for children and the
unborn babies, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Consumers for Dental Choice was instrumental in getting amalgam recognized as a significant environmental problem
at the negotiations for the Minamata Convention on Mercury, an environmental treaty that requires countries to reduce
their amalgam use.

In the meantime, Consumers teamed with environmental allies to successfully convince the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) to require separators in dental offices to catch amalgam's mercury before it enters the

Reason No. 4: Amalgam Endangers Dental Professionals

Due to mercury exposure from amalgam in the workplace, studies have shown dental workers have elevated systemic
mercury levels. Few of these dental workers — mostly women of child-bearing age — are given protective garb or air
masks to minimize their exposure to mercury; many are not aware of the risks of occupational mercury exposure.

As a result, dental workers have reported neurological problems, reproductive failures and birth defects caused by
amalgam in the workplace. Consumers for Dental Choice has been raising awareness of the occupational hazards of
mercury in the dental office by working with dental schools and professors, as well as supporting projects to measure
the level of mercury in the air in dental clinics to demonstrate just how much mercury dental personnel are exposed to.

Reason No. 5: Amalgam Perpetuates Social Injustice

While middle class consumers opt for mercury-free filling materials, people in developing nations, low-income families,
minorities, military personnel, prisoners, and people with disabilities are still subjected to amalgam. Dentists place
almost 25 percent more mercury fillings in American Indian patients than in white patients.

In his testimony before Congress, former Virginia state NAACP president Emmitt Carlton described this injustice as
"Choice for the rich, mercury for the poor." Consumers for Dental Choice's Medicaid campaign aims to right some of
these social injustices by ensuring that even low-income patients have access to mercury-free fillings.

For example, they are challenging Connecticut's Medicaid program that decreed "Medicaid will not pay for composite
restorations in the [adult] molar teeth regardless of whether the [dental] practice markets itself as 'amalgam free'" and
tells dentists, "If your office cannot provide amalgam services, please have your patients call the Connecticut Dental
Health Partnership (CTDHP) … to locate a new dental home."

Here is your opportunity, with my matching funds, to double the impact of your dollars, and accelerate the end of
mercury fillings:

>>>>> Click Here <<<<<

Reason No. 6: Amalgam Is Frequently Used Unethically

Most dentists do not inform consumers that amalgam contains mercury. As a result, over 76 percent of consumers do
not know that amalgam is mainly mercury, according to Zogby polls. Once informed of this fact, 77 percent of people
said they did not want mercury fillings — and were even willing to pay more to avoid this unnecessary source of
mercury exposure.

Consumers for Dental Choice has not only documented this problem with Zogby polls, but they have worked to secure
and enforce the distribution of amalgam fact sheets in Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, California and the city of

Reason No. 7: Amalgam Is More Expensive

Taxpayers foot the bill for the environmental cleanup of amalgam and the medical care associated with mercury-
related health problems. Meanwhile, the dentists who dump their mercury into our environment and our bodies are not
held financially liable.

Consumers for Dental Choice documented the high environmental cost of amalgam in the economic report, "The Real
Costs of Dental Mercury." 1 After environmental costs are added up, each amalgam filling can cost up to $87 more than
a comparable composite filling, and that does not even include the added health costs associated with mercury
exposure and tooth damage.

Reason No. 8: Amalgam Gets Diverted to Illegal Gold Mining and Other
Unlawful Uses
Amalgam is commonly shipped to developing countries labeled for dental use, but is then diverted to illegal use in
artisanal and small-scale gold mining. Not only are the miners exposed to the risks of mercury poisoning, but the dental
mercury they use to extract gold is released into the environment.

Consumers for Dental Choice works to raise awareness of these issues, especially in developing countries where
illegal gold mining is more common. By teaming with environmental organizations on the ground in these countries, we
are able to efficiently spread the word about this unintended — and still dangerous — use of amalgam.

Reason No. 9: Amalgam Holds Back Progress

The continued use of amalgam keeps the price of mercury-free filling materials high by decreasing demand for these
alternatives. As use of mercury-free materials increases, their price is expected to decrease even further.

Additionally, insurance companies that rely on amalgam as the standard filling hold back progress in dentistry by
artificially driving demand away from mercury-free fillings. Consumers for Dental Choice is challenging insurance
companies with its Demand Your Choice campaign, which urges consumers to speak out against insurance
companies that take their money and then only cover mercury fillings.

Reason No. 10: Amalgam Has Been Surpassed by Alternatives

Mercury-free dental fillings have been developed and studied for over 50 years. As a result, a wide variety of
alternatives to amalgam fillings are available today; the most popular mercury-free filling is composite.

As Consumers for Dental Choice explains to government officials, dentists and consumers worldwide, mercury-free
dental fillings offer many advantages because in addition to not containing mercury, they are:

Environment-friendly: Composites and glass ionomers are mercury-free and there is no evidence of environmental

Preserve teeth: The placement of mercury-free fillings allows for less tooth destruction, which preserves more natural
tooth structure. Composites fillings can also strengthen and enhance biomechanical properties of the restored tooth.
As a result, the tooth itself can survive longer.

Easier to repair: Composite fillings are easier to repair than amalgam, which can save you both tooth structure and

Durable: Recent studies show that properly placed composite fillings can last just as long as, or even longer than,
amalgam fillings.

Prevent caries: Glass ionomers, used in atraumatic restorative treatment (ART), have proven valuable in certain
clinical situations where they can be more accessible and less expensive than amalgam (for example, in communities
without electricity).

User-friendly: All properly trained dentists can place mercury-free fillings in any tooth requiring a filling. If a dentist
tells you he or she has to use amalgam because it is too hard to use a mercury-free filling in your tooth, find a more
competent dentist!

How You Can Make a Difference

With so many reasons to end the use of amalgam, I urge you to contribute to Consumers for Dental Choice, the
advocacy wing of the mercury-free dentistry movement. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at Please join me with every dollar you can. I promise you that I will double it! Thank you for supporting
mercury-free dentistry.

>>>>> Click Here <<<<<

Checks can be mailed to:

Consumers for Dental Choice
316 F St., N.E., Suite 210
Washington DC 20002

Protect Your Children and Yourself Now

Find a mercury-free dentist who recognizes the many problems with mercury fillings and provides non-mercury fillings
today! The following organizations can help you find a mercury-free dentist in the U.S. and (in some cases)

Consumers for Dental Choice Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions (DAMS). Email or
call (651) 644-4572 for information packet

Holistic Dental Association Huggins Applied Healing

International Academy of Biological International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists (IAMSD)

Dentistry & Medicine (IABDM)

Talk International

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