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Silence of the lamb

The women are dressed smartly with calm bland colours apart from her shirt which is blood
red hinting towards the fact that she has a deadly job on her hands. The manner of her
being very calm and collective shows the audience that she is used too sociopaths and is not
an amateur. In contrast to the Hannibal who is dressed in classic prison attire showing how
he is trapped. However, the white shirt could also imply a sense of calmness and wit as he is
shown to be very witty and clever.

The Hannibal cell is littered with books and papers referring to his brilliante yet scattered
mind telling the audience of his wit and illness. Compared to the reporters lack props
showing that she does not need anything but her words to talk and persuade the killer in
helping her.

Napoleon Dynomite

Napoleon dynamite is wearing a tucked in shirt with bright colours making him seem like his
mother has dressed him making the viewer feel like he is so simple minded he cannot even
dress himself properly. His square glasses also reflect the classic nerd stereotype of the
2000’s tell the audience that he does not fit in and is not your typical smart heroic

The fact that he opens a notebook shows that he is unorganised needing a notebook to
keep track of simple things such as when the bus arrives. The action figure also shows that
he is different and not afraid to be weird compared to his classmates while also making the
audience feel like they are watching a child not a high school student.

The colours are very bright and vibrant almost like something a child would were not like a
young adult of his age while also standing out showing how Napoleon is different to his
classmates who are dressed more traditionally and more grown up showing a difference
and alienation making the viewer feel like he does not fit in with the other kids.

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