Mesozoic Stratigraphy Sedimentology02

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1. Abstract
3. Material and Methods
4. Tectonic evolution of jabal nufsah
5. Structure evolution of jabal Nefusah
7. Triassic:
a) Kurrush Formation
b) Al Aziziya Formation
8. Jurassic
a) Abu Ghailan formation
9. Cretaceous:
a) Kiklah formation
b) Side As Sid Formation
c) Nalut Formation
d) Qasr Tigrinnah Formation
a) Bir al-Ghanam formation
b) Qasr Bu Niran formation
c) Abregh formation
d) Takbal Formation
e) Khashm a Zarz
11. Jado section:
a) Shakshuk Formation
b) Cabao Formation
13. Acknowledgement
14. References


The ultimate goal during our study in jabal nefusah which located in the central
part of (Gharian town and environs)far away 80 kms ,only south of the capital ,
Tripoli .is to understand the distribution of Mesozoic sequence that forms the
northern boundary of the oil producing Ghadamis basin. Which started from
Kurresh formations to Nalout Formations.
The aim of this field work is to know the geology of the central area of jabal
nefusah which is comprised mainly of a Mesozoic rock sequence along with
tertiary and quaternary .it will also encompass some discussion of the major
structures contributing to the development of the area as some of it will fall
under our scouting trips especially when discussing the lateral variations and
vertical variations in stratigraphy and the distribution of the igneous rocks.
It will also describe the itinerary of the two weeks and briefly describe each

Jabal nefusah is located in the north-west of Libya It starts from Al-Khums,
passing through Bani Walid, Tarhuna, Al-Araban, Gharyan, Yafran, Jadu and
Nalut, and extends to the region of Gabes, the Tunisian bordes, is directed Al-
Khums from the in the direction of the west, as far as Jabal Nafusa is far from
the sea, and it represents the northern edge of the Ghadames basin, which is
the separate between the Jfara plain and the Ghadames basin nafusa
Mountain extends a distance of 300km or more (Figure 1.1) . The height of
Nafusa Mountain ranges from 300 to 980 meters, A height point is found in
the Araban area, the central part of jabl nafusa (Gharyan town and environs)
lays 80km only south of Tripoli.

Figure 1.1 DEM map showing the location of Jabel Nafusah escarpment, names and town referred to
within the text (modified from Bodin et al., 2010

The Nefusah Mountain is considered one of the most important geological

phenomena in northwestern Libya.

The aim of this study to introduce the geology of the central area of jabal
nefusah which is comprised mainly of ames-ozoic rock sequence along with
Tertiary and Quartenary igneous rock of various types and modes of
emplacement It will also encompass some discussion of the major structures
contributing to the development of the area, discussing the lateral variations in
stratigraphy and the disturbution of the igneous rocks (Figure 1.2) .

Figure 1.2: A. Geological map of the Jeffara escarpment. Modified form the Geological map of
Tunisia (scale 1/500 000) and the Geological map of Libya (scale 1/1 000 000). The dashed red
lines shows the projection lines for the transects presented in Figs 9–10. B. North-South structural
cross-section across the Tripolitania and Ghadames basin in libya (modified from boote et al., 1998

Material and Methods:
1-Geological Hammer…(used for taking samples from outcrops)

2- Prounton Compass…(To calculates Dip and Strike of the Beds)

3- Lenses…(To Describe the sedimentary texture)

4- Apiney level…(for measure the thickness of formations)

5-GPS…(To put locations and elevation of the formation)

6-HCL…(To Distinguish between limestone, dolomitic limestone and dolostone(

7-Geological map…helping us in knowing the localities and the distribution of


Abni level Jacob’s stuff Hummer

Hand Lense and HCL GPS


Tectonic evolution of jabal nufsah:
Libya made up of three orogeny :

1- pan African (near Proterozoic): it's formed the uplift and the trough and
the major trend N-W - S-W
2- Hercynian orogeny ( trisaic–permain ): it's formed the uplift and the
trough and the major trend N-E – S-W
3- Alpain orogeny (Cretaceous): It was at the end of the Mesozoic, which
influenced and created all the igneous activities in the area such as
Gharyan, Al-Araban, Bani Walid, Abu Shatata, Tarhuna, and age of some
of these activities are less than a million years old.

Figur1.3 cross section shown Hercynian and Alpain orogeny

Structure evolution of jabal Nefusah:

The Jifärah- Jabal Nefüsah area was developed during the early stages of the
opening of the Neotethyts, which started during the Late Paleozoic and ended
in the Triassic times

Figur1.4 Early Aptian palaeogeography of the Tythyan area (modified after Masse et al., 1993)
showing the position of the studied area along the northeastern margin of Gondwana.

The structural development of the Jifarah area (Nefusah escarpment) is

controlled by three faults:

1-The Miocene AL Azizyah fault.

2-Eocene Swani fault.

3-The Paleocene coastal fault.

Stratigraphic and structural subsurface data indicate that the current of jabal
Nefusah escarpment was formed by (escarpment retreat)from AL Azizyah fault
which was active during the Miocene. However , residual hills of Middle to late
Triassic formations scattered in the Jifarah plain . i.e erosional remnants.
However, Miller (1970( Rejuvenation of the AL Azizyah fault during the Middle
Miocene resulted in absence of miocene strata south of AL Azizyah fault.

Figur1.5 shown tectonic activity in jabal Nefusah escarpment

1- Al-Azizia fault along the there is a big difference in the vegetation cover
south of the fault is semi-desert and to its north there is a good vegetation
cover and its direction is EW and it continues to a great distance to the Libyan-
Tunisian border and there are more than one parallel fault o it which is the
Sawani fault and there is another fault parallel to it which is Coastal fault and
there are several fault in the middle of the sea, It was believed for a long time
that the reason that form the jabal front was the al-Aziziya fault, which
happened was an Escarpment retreat, The reason that causing the retreat is
the weathering of the fault erosion, fracture and fragmentation of rocks, and
the rate of retreat is approximately 2 mm per year.

2- Professor Miller objects to this theory and said that there is a big question
that the mountain front is resent, and does not have an inside valley, and
when the mountain front begins to retreat , the valleys supposed to be very
deep and residual hills,And there is teacher from the University of Sabratha,
Muhammad Al-Fandi, who suggested that what is in this area is a phase similar
to the one that occurred in the Sirte Basin, a rifting fault, which is a group of
horns and graben all the way to Wadi Ghan, and the issue needs a seismic for


The stratigraphy of Jabal Nafusah consists of exposures that include the

Triassic, Jurassic, Lower and Upper Cretaceous. The figure shown, explain the
stratigraphic relationship of the different rock units exposed along the
escarpment and shows the importance and the role of the reactivated old
NW/SW structures. In the subsurface of Algeria, Tunisia, Sirt basin, Jefarah
plain and the Pelagian shelf, these stratigraphic units form important
hydrocarbon reservoirs.


Kurrush Formation: (Middle Triassic) Ladinian

The kurrush formation is the oldest formation of the gharian area (ras alhumra

Is exposed in a few structurally controlled outcrops with limited lateral exteut,

it is mainly exposed in the core of structural domes in central of jabal nefusah,
such as kaf bates , jabal kurrush.

The base of this formation is not exposed anywhere in jabal nefusah thickness
over 40m.

Kurrush is subdivided into two members:

1- Lower member: (over 10m. base not exposed) reddish fine-grained

micaceous sandstone and siltstone with some interrelation.

2.Upper member : 25-30m multicolored silty, clay and sandstone with

frequency interbeds of dolomite limestone.

Kurrush formations is deposited in a shallow marine, lagonal
The upper contact with the AL-Aziziyah formation is gradational
marked by a change of mixed lithology to a dominate carbonate
lithology and by a steep rise of the slop in out crops.

Symmetrical ripples

Trough cross bedding Micaceuos gloconitic sandstone

Al Aziziya Formation (Ladinian to Carnian)

Is dominantly of carbonate sequence with interbreeds of of clastic rock gray to

dark gray dolomitic and dolomitic limestone with shale interbred and the
upper part is highly argillaceous with prevailiy well developed ripple marks

The lower and middle parts display mud burrows planer and domal
stromatolites mud cracks gray chert nodules and chert bands subbesitve of
repetael shallowing up subtidal to intertidal sequences.

It is located in Gharyan Dom, Karsh, Kaf Bates, Qalib Sultan, Ras Al-Saadaniyeh,
Ras Al-Maslati, and Bou Arqoub,

The AlAziziha formation conformable overlies Karsh formation, the upper part
unconformable contact with Abu shibah formation is marked by phosphate

Al Aziziya Formation

Hinnawy and Chesitev (1975) described a type section of the AI Aziziyah from
the Gharyan Dome giving a thickness of 160 m. but, a thickness up to 200 m.
as inferred from drillings.

The contact of Al Aziziyah with the overlying Abu Shayba sandstone is abrupt.
However, there are recurrences of fine detrital lithologies downward in Al
Aziziyah. The lower contact with the underlying Kurrush sandstone passes
through a transitional interval.

Chert bands Biotorbation

Ripples Honey comb

ABU SHAYBAH FORMATION: (Later Triassic- Norian to Rhaetian)
This is a widespread unit in the entire jabal nefusah , it forms the lower
gentle slops of the escarpment of Gharian- AL Khums area and reported
from subsurface westward of Ar Rabtah.
ABU SHAYBAH formation indicate transition from braided stream at the
lower unit to a meandering stream higher up alternating and trough and
planer cross bedding, silken side, cruuavsy supply, point bar, flood plain,
ripple marks, lamination, interbeded,
Sub depositional environment and the formation can be divided into two
1- The lower part is braided system consisted dominantly sandstone with inter
bedded clay and siltstone.

Braided system

2- The upper part is meandering system consist dominantly clay and siltstone
with interbedded sandstone.
Abu Shaybah formation conformable overlies Abu Ghaylan formation.

Meandering system

The measured thickness is 125 m at Gharyan Dome where the top and the
base are exposed

The deposits are predominantly continental, and clearly fluvial. Braided and
meandering character is evident in the exposed sections in the foothill of the
Jabal along the Al Aziziyah /Gharyan Highway.

Slickenside in claystone Crevasse splay


Abu Ghailan formation (Early Jurassic)

Abu Ghaylan formation is limited to the Jabel Nafusah escarpment in the
Gharian area from Ar Rabitah village to Wadi Ghan Lower and upper formation
conformably overlies The Abu Shaybah formation and is unconformably
overlies by The Kiklah sandstone marked by a original surface and apprise of
conglomerate, Thickness varies from 55-60m and equivalent Bir Al Ganam ,Abu
Ghailan is distinguished by undulation and information breccia and collapse
bracia and ripple and stromatolites and cross stratification

The upper contact of Abu Ghaylan with the Bir al Ghanam Gypsum is
conformable. However, where it is overlain by the Kiklah Formation or the Sidi
as Sid Formation the top of the Abu Ghaylan is erosional.

The contact of Abu Ghaylan with the underlying Abu Shaybah Sandstone
seems grada¬tional in the type section.

At the type locality, 60 m of dolomitic limestone are exposed. With dolomite

and dolomitic limestones, sandy & clayey at the base with fish bones and small

Undulations intraformation breccia

Collapse breccia

The middle beds are brecciated and contorted with evaporite dissolution and
karstic features ( cave collapse structures), oolitic cross bedded grainstone and
microbial stromatolite are also common. The upper part is well bedded fine
dolomite overlain by highly altered limestone and dolomite with nodular
paleosoile, Syndepositional folding within the Abu Ghaylan Formation is
evident in many localities, this slumping probably occurred whilst the
sediments were still unconsolidated. The sedimentary facies indicate low
energy, supratidal to shallow subtidal, carbonate evaporite environment of


Kiklah formation: (Lower Cretaceous, Aptian – Alpian)

It is present on the Jabal Nafusah escarpment for almost 400 km from the
Tunisian border to east of Gharyan.

It overlies the early Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic sediments of the Jabal
Nafusah with marked unconformity, and in turn is unconformable overlain by
the Sidi as Sid Formation.

This contact relationship with overlying units is angular; this is evident only in
the central Gharyan area.

Is it related to the local doming that are only observed in the Gharyan area.

Kiklah formation is composed of pebbly, coarse, silica cemented,

conglomeratic sandstone, lag deposits that show subtle fining upward

It is interbeddd with red silty clay flood plain deposits and coarse to medium
sandstone with planar cross bedding.

The thickness increases from few meters west of Ras al Mazul to 90m north of
Nalout Town where a more proximal facies rich in large silicified trunks of trees

exists, the depositional environment is fluvial system (braided) interbedding
with lacustrine fresh water carbonate.

Sedimentary structure: ripples, cross bedding, reactivation surface, falser

bedding, fan delta;

Fining upward Fresh water carbonate

Fan delta Planer Trough crossbreeding

Side As Sid Formation (Upper Cretaceous – Cenomanian)
The oldest marine upper cretaceous, carbonate-clay-marl evaporate
sequences, unconformably overlying the kiklah (lr.Crataceous ) and
Abu Shaybah ( Triassic) formations , west and east of Wadi Ghan
respectively , and conformably overlain by the Nalut Formation.

The Sidi As Sid Formation is exposed all along the Jabal Nefusa
escarpment from the Mediterranean coast near Al Khums to the
Tunisian border in the west, in parts of Nalut, Mizdah, Tarabulus and
Al Khums Sheets.

Its thickness increasing from 65 meters in the west to 380 meters in

the east.

The Formation has been subdivided into two Member: the Lower
Ain Tobi Member and Upper Yafrin marl Member.

Side As Sid Formation

Ain Tobi member:
Consists mainly of massive, well-bedded dolomitic limestone and limestone,
yellow to light gray in colour. In the middle occurs a well-marked massive bed
of hard silceous cherty limestone containing the debris of the Rudist
Ichthyosarcolites. Depositional Environment is shallow marine influenced by

Rudist Vuggy porosity

Biotorbation Tidal chanel

Yifran marl member:
a type section for the Yifran Member close to the village of Yifran ,becaust of
its soft nature it forms yellowish slopes of Gharyan and Tarhuna. This unit is
composed of 70m of soft thinly bedded alternations of marly yellow
argillaceous limestone, claystones, marlstones and bedded gypsum. The marls
are somewhat gypsiferous from Yafrin westward, and are interbedded with
massive beds of gypsum, several meters thick, in the Nalut escarpment.

Yifran marl member

Nalut Formation:Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian)

The Nalut Formation is widely distributed east from the Tunisian border to
east of Al Khums. It forms the upper reaches of the Jabal Nafusah escarpment
building the inner scarps as well as the plateau surface.

Due to its massive and resistant nature, sometimes it overhangs the gentle
slopes formed by the soft marls at the base.

It is denuded over an extensive area in the Mizdah and Al Khums sheet areas,
and occurs as erosion out¬liers on hill tops dipping gently south and
southeastwards,It consists of light gray to yellow and whitish, hard, compact
and massive thick bedded (particularly the lower part), finely crystalline

dolomitic lime¬stone and dolomite, irregular or crossbedded and marly in
some parts. Chert nodules and concretions are characteristically common in
the upper part of the sequence which is sometimes red in colour.

The top is marked by softer beds, sometimes containing gypsum, and at the
very top occurs a band with shell debris. The carbonates (micrites,
microsparites, occasionally containing pellets) are thought to be of
recrystallized organodetrital (pre¬sumed initially Algal, Coral and Crinoida!)

nature, depositing in a lagoonal evaporitic to shallow marine or neritic, rarely

deeper, environment,The Nalut is conformable between the underlying Sidi as
Sid and over-lying Qasr Tigrinnah Formations,

Rudist Tifrantine

Qasr Tigrinnah Formation: Upper Cretaceous (Tournian-Coniacian)
Its soft marly nature this formation forms hummocky surface and gently
rounded hills over the plateau region,

The formation could be divided into three broad lithological units.

The lower part consists of 30-40 m of soft, friable unbedded or thinly bedded
slope ¬forming marls, buff to gray, yellow and greenish, with lesser clay and
thin interbeds of limestone .

The middle part consists of 15-40 m of marls and clays with conspi-cuous thin
bands of red to pink, yellow or whitish hard limestone, marly chalky or
calcarinitic at places and generally fossiliferous.

The formation contains a rich fossil assemblage of Gastropods, Brachio¬pods,

Pelecypods, Echinoids, Ostracods and a few benthonic Foraminifers.

Qasr Tigrinnah Formation

Corals and Rudist are found near the type section.

The Qasr Tigrinnah Formation conformably overlies the Nalut formation and
underlies the Mazuzah Member of the Mizdah Formation.

Concretion Mudrock


Bir al-Ghanam formation:

The Formation composed of massively bedded gypsum,(anhydrite in depth)
with undulations, dolomite laminations and oscillation ripple marks. The wavy
contorted and truncated structures are evident due to change of volume
typical of supratidal sabkha environments. Chicken wire nodular texture are
present along the quarry face with other features suggesting precipitation of
evaporate within the sediment.

Dolomicrite horizons are burrowed with dark grey dolomite rich in organic
matter. The banded and laminated evaporate dominates the section with
minor oolitic and micritic dolomite interbeds show rip-up clasts in their bases
and rippled and mud-cracked tops, reflecting the shallow-water origin of this
sequence, these evaporites are equivalent to the lower parts of the Abu
Ghaylan Forma¬tion of the Gharyan area and are up to 300 m.

Sinkhole Caving

Stromatolites Chicken wire Texture

Qasr Bu Niran formation:

The base of the Bu Niran Formation is defined by the dolomitic bench upon
which both the qasr and the shrine lie. A small butte to the west of Bu Niran
Qasr, shows the full development of this impor¬tant regional marker.

Massive dolomite, about 4 m thick, rests directly on the evaporites of the Bir

al Ghanam Formation and is in turn overlain by 14 m of interbedded variegated

claystones and evaporites forming the slope of the butte, before passing up
into the top bench of the overlying evaporites.

Bu en Niran beds has a maximum thickness of 20 meters and consists of a

basal dolomite, hard dolomitic limestone in places is oolitic with trace fossils
and overlain by a succession of green and red clays with gypsum bands.

The lower contact is graditionl .

Abregh formation:
This upper evaporite unit - the Abreghs Formation - from the hill "Abregh
Deba" near Nalut where it is about 80 m thick (Abreghs means "shining", from
exposures' appearance after rain) - in fact has more dolomitic interbeds than
the lower evaporite member of the Bir Ghanam Formation.

Gradual change between abregh and takbal formation The percentage of

carbonate increases as we go towards takbal

Biotorbtion Carbonate interbedd with gyosum

Takbal Formation:
The evaporites of the Abreghs Formation is overlain by the transgres-sive
sandy limestones and clay of the Bathonian Takbal Formation, which also
forms a good regional marker.

This marine carbonate and sandstone is exposed along the escarpment in

Yefren area and extends westward to Tunis.

Contact between Abregh and Takbal formation

consists of (20 to 60 m.) of marly limesone, dolomitic and sandy; calcareous

sandstone with green clay and occasional gypsum beds occur at the base.

Khashm a Zarzur Formation:
the upper part of Kasm az Zarzur Formation which is composed primarly of
sandtone, the lower member which is dominantly clay (Giosc Shale ) is missing
in this site.

Along the road cut a number of channels cut into medium grained sandstone
that feature hard burrowed surface. At the base of these channel fossilised
wood and ferruginous concretions occur in these channel lags. Up section in
the near by quarry a thick sequence is exposed at the quarry face of medium
size friable sandstone with well developed tidal bundles, herring-bone cross
bedding, graded bedding with many clay clasts and marine vertical burrows.
Paleocurrent directions have two sets; N, NNE, NNW direction and West
direction suggest a tidal origin of this rock unit.

Ferruginous sandstone

The Khasm as Zarzur Formation interpreted as aeolian by EI Zouki 1980 but the
evidence in this site and others suggest tidal influenced in transitional marine

Driving up the road we notice the kiklah sandstone is covered instead we

continue up hill and stop to see the Cenomanian carbonate of Sidi as Sid. Note
that the upper contact is unconformable and the Collovian Shaksuk Formation
and the Upper Jurassic Kabao Formation is missing.

Lizzy gand

There are three criteria of tidal flat:

1-Hearing bon 2-reactivation surface

3-Mud drips

Jado section

the section is contain of different formations the oldest formation is Khashm

a Zarzur , and Shakshuk Fm , Cabao fm , Kiklah Fm, Sidi as Asid Fm, Nalut Fm,
and the young's formation is Qser Tigrinah .

Shakshuk Formation:(Middle Jurassic-Callovian)

The formation consists of alternations of sandstone and dolomitic limestone
with sandy clay intercations The sandy limestone beds are richly fossiliferous.

Thickness 40metres near Shakshuk, 70 metres near Garyat Mazgurah

Contact Relationship ,The upper contact with the Cabao Formation is

gradational and is placed at the last carbonate bed in west of Jado and
Shakshuk section but is uncon formable with the Kiklah Formation in Yafrin
section The lower contact with the Chamaeu Mort is grads tional.

Exposed in the Western Jabal (Yafrin-Jado Shakaouk sections)

Depositional Environment is estuarine mainly shallow water marine alternating

with near shore continental environment.

Brachiopods Coral reefs

Cabao Formation: (Late Jurassic-Early cretaceous)

Lithology: The formation according consists of grey to yellowish grey fine to
medium, cross-bedded, friable sand and sandstone, which are coarse, grained
towards the base and fine grained with siltstone and clay interbeds in the
upper part.

Contact between cabao and kiklah formation ,the picture showing paleocurrent in

In the area north of Tendimerah and south of Giosh villages, the upper part
contains a cherty brecciated dolomitic horizon of variable thickness (2 to
7metres). The formation contains silicified wood and vertebrate fossils.

Thickness: 81 meters.

Contact Relationship : The upper contact with Kiklah Formation is considered

by some workers as unconformable do not recognize this unconformity and
place the Cabao and the overlying Kiklah into a member ("Ar Rajban
Member") of their redefined Kiklah Formation.

The formation is exposed in the Nafusa Mountains, and has yielded a diverse
assemblage of fossils, including dinosaurs, crocodiles, sharks, and fish.

One of the most notable fossils from the Cabao Formation is a large
abelisauroid theropod dinosaur, known as Majungasaurus crenatissimus.
Abelisauroids were a group of short-armed, stocky theropods that were
common in Africa and South America during the Cretaceous period.

The Cabao Formation is an important site for the study of the Early Cretaceous
period in Africa. It has yielded a diverse assemblage of fossils that provide
insights into the paleoenvironment and the evolution of life on Earth.

The fossils found in the Cabao Formation are important for understanding the
evolution of dinosaurs, crocodiles, sharks, and fish during the Early Cretaceous

The depositional environment is estuarine.

This formation is close to the fluvial depositional environment.

1- In our field trip, we will be able to see clear field evidence of this huge
structure in more than one stop.
2- Kurrush Formation exist only in five localities which is AL Mazul
Dome,Ras Bu at Tabbil Dome, Kaf Bates , Gharian Dome, Ras AL
3- Abu Shaybah is considered marine environment north of the AL
Azizyah fault and not as Braded stream as it is south of the fault.
4- The whole thickenss of Mesozoic Sequence of Jabal Nefusah
approximately 1500m.
5- The Abu Shaybah formation constitutes the largest base under all the
formations of Jabal Nefusah escarpment.
6- The shape of Wadi Ghan have been controlled by tectonic movement
which represent in pull apart basin

first of all my praise and thanks be to( ALLAH), that pleased me the
opportunity to study and helped me to be completed on time, and then my
deep thanks and most earnest acknowledgement must express to my
supervisor prof. Osama.A.Hlal for his supervising, helping, and
affirmative advising all the time along the two weeks during field trip, my
great thanks also to my second supervisor Dr; Nagib Ben Mousa for his
helping ,and supporting me to gain a new knowledge about field trip that I
needed in my study , my thanks for all students that shared me advice
whenever asked for their opinion.
Too many people have assisted in so many ways during my study at Jabal

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