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Name: Krisha Mae L.

Clar 11-STEM OLDP Date:09/11/23

Subject: Oral Communication

"The most important thing in education is the communication between the teacher and
the student and also the communication between student and student"

Good day everyone, I am Krisha Mae L. Clar, Grade 11-STEM student of Notre
Dame Siena Collage General Santos City. Our teacher giving us an assignment which
is we write a speech about the importance of education by applying the effective
communication strategies.
By applying the effective communication strategies in education is very
important. As a student we have our own strength and weaknesses, as for the strength
is that we have our own motivation to go to school every day and many more, and if it
comes to our weaknesses, maybe I should shout about it. As a new student of this
school I didn't have a friend's, a circle of friends, a friend's that I want in every time I
need them, a friend that teach me if i didn't understand the lesson well. As for the times
pass by, and by the guides of our subject teacher and especially to our adviser, I use to
have a friend, me and my classmates becomes friend, because of the activity that the
teacher gave us we becomes friend, a circle of friend that we didn't expected to build.
Because of this communication we create something new, we define our own
attitudes and our wants. This communication is important to build the relationship
between the student and teacher, As the teacher which is the sender that giving a
lesson to the student which is the receiver is the form of communicating to others,
through message the receiver, receive a message that he/she can give a feedback to
the sender, the teacher is giving a lesson which is she/he need to be clear every
statement that she/he to share, to create a communication like this she/he needs to use
the 7'Cs by using the effective communication strategies, to make the listener clear
about it.
In over all, the effective communication strategies was very important in every
aspect of educational matter. Here I am again Krisha Mae L. Clar, proving that effective
communication strategies is important to all people.

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