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Test Bank for Neeb’s Mental Health Nursing 5th by Gorman

Test Bank for Neeb’s Mental Health Nursing 5th by


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Chapter 7. Coping and Defense Mechanisms

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Your patient is sternly criticized by her doctor for not complying with the medication regimen. The
patient walks out of the office and yells at the parking attendant. This may be an example of which
defense mechanism?
1. Projection
2. Sublimation
3. Reaction formation
4. Displacement

____ 2. Which of the following best describes what defense mechanisms are?
1. Abnormal coping mechanisms
2. Genetically “wired” responses
3. Protective devices that reduce anxiety
4. Conscious acts or behaviors

____ 3. A new patient with schizophrenia is admitted to the psychiatric unit. He is standing at the locked exit
door and yelling, “Help me, I don’t belong here.” This behavior is most likely an example of what
defense mechanism?
1. Denial
2. Regression
3. Enabling
4. Projection

____ 4. Nurse Anne recognizes that John is always blaming others for his shortcomings. Finger pointing is
usually related to the defense mechanism of:
1. Scapegoating.
2. Identification.
3. Restitution.
4. Avoidance.

____ 5. Joy has just experienced her fifth spontaneous abortion. She is unable to understand why this is
happening to her. Joy voices her anger toward her physician and the nurses by accusing them of
incompetence. Assessing the situation, the nurse recognizes that the patient may be using the coping
mechanism of:
1. Conversion reaction.
2. Displacement.
3. Denial.
4. Regression.

____ 6. Marion, a 25-year-old patient who lives with her parents, explains to the nurse at the community
clinic, “I really don’t need to talk to anyone, even my parents.” The patient expresses that she is too
busy and does not have the time to sit and talk. The nurse recognizes that the patient is most likely
using the defense mechanism known as:
1. Conversion reaction.

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2. Avoidance.
3. Isolation.
4. Denial.

____ 7. Audrey, a mental health nurse, has noticed that every day before going to work, she starts off with
headaches, loose stools, and episodes of feeling light-headed and other disorders. These symptoms
may be an expression of emotional disturbances. Audrey is aware she could be experiencing:
1. Isolation.
2. Repression.
3. Dissociation.
4. Conversion.

____ 8. Lila’s three-year-old daughter is an only child who recently started day care. Lila toilet trained her
daughter 6 months ago; however, her daughter has started wetting herself and crawling after 1 week
in the day care. Her mother has become quite concerned. The school nurse explained to her that her
daughter probably is experiencing:
1. Regression.
2. Depression.
3. Manipulation.
4. Compensation.

____ 9. An overweight male college student is unable to participate in competitive sports. Although he can’t
be a sports hero, the student becomes the life of the party when socializing. This student also uses his
student loan to purchase a new sports car. The student is displaying:
1. Compensation.
2. Reaction formation.
3. Transference.
4. Identification.

Complete each statement.

10. __________________is an unconscious “burying” or “forgetting” mechanism.

11. Using a logical-sounding excuse is known as ___________________________.

12. “I can quit smoking any time I want to.” The person is in ___________________.

13. _________________ is the way a person adapts to a stressor psychologically, physically, and

Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.

____ 14. Defense mechanisms are methods used for reducing anxiety. Defense mechanisms unconsciously
assist a person in handling stressful events in an effective manner. People have a group of defense
mechanisms learned from childhood. The following are defense mechanisms (select all that apply):

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1. Compensation
2. Rationalization
3. Depression
4. Regression
5. Denial
____ 15. Which of the following are defense mechanisms that people typically use in times of stress (select all
that apply):
1. Denial
2. Bargaining
3. Compensation
4. Rationalization
5. Acceptance

Copyright © 2019 F. A. Davis Company

Chapter 7. Coping and Defense Mechanisms
Answer Section


1. ANS: 4
Page: 99
Integrated Processes: Nursing Process: Analysis
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Mental Health Concepts
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms
1 Projection is attributing feelings or impulses unacceptable to oneself to others.
2 Sublimation diverts unacceptable traits or characteristics into acceptable traits or
3 Reaction formation is similar to compensation, except the person usually
develops the opposite trait.
4 Displacement is transferring anger and hostility to another person or object that
is perceived to be less powerful.

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms
2. ANS: 3
Page: 98
Integrated Processes: Nursing Process: Analysis
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Mental Health Concepts
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Defense Mechanisms
1 Although defense mechanisms can be maladaptive, they are not considered
2 People are not born with defense mechanisms; they are learned.
3 Defense mechanisms are learned responses to anxiety that help us cope.
4 Although defense mechanisms appear to be very purposeful, they exist, for the
most part, on the unconscious level. People tend to use them (unconsciously)
over and over.

PTS: 1 REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Defense Mechanisms

3. ANS: 1
Page: 99
Integrated Processes: Nursing Process: Analysis
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanisms

Copyright © 2019 F. A. Davis Company

Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms
1 This patient is struggling to accept a painful reality. Denial serves as a way to
avoid this reality.
2 Regression is emotionally returning to an earlier time in life when there was far
less stress.
3 Enabling is not a defense mechanism.
4 Projection is attributing feelings or impulses unacceptable to oneself to others.

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms
4. ANS: 1
Page: 101
Integrated Processes: Teaching/Learning
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Knowledge
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanism

1 Scapegoating is blaming others.
2 Identification is “taking on” someone else’s traits.
3 Restitution is undoing, making amends for a behavior one thinks is
4 Avoidance is unconsciously staying away from events or situations that might
open feelings of aggression or anxiety.

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms, Table 7-1; Commonly Used Defense Mechanism
5. ANS: 2
Page: 100
Integrated Processes: Caring
Content Area: Mental Health: Defense Mechanism
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanism; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanism

1 Conversion reaction is channeling anxiety into physical symptoms.
2 Displacement is transferring anger and hostility to another person or object that
is perceived less powerful.
3 Denial is the unconscious refusal to see reality.
4 Regression is emotionally returning to an earlier time in life when there was far
less stress.

PTS: 1

Copyright © 2019 F. A. Davis Company

REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanism; Table 7-1 Commonly Used Defense Mechanism
6. ANS: 2
Page: 101
Integrated Processes: Teaching/Learning
Content Area: Mental Health: Defense Mechanisms
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms

1 Conversion reaction channels anxiety into physical symptoms.
2 The patient is using avoidance by avoiding situations that may open up feelings
of aggression or anxiety.
3 Isolation is separating the emotion from the original feeling.
4 Denial is the unconscious refusal to see reality.

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms
7. ANS: 4
Page: 101
Integrated Processes: Caring
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms

1 Isolation is separating emotion from the original feeling.
2 Repression is an unconscious burying or “forgetting” mechanism.
3 Dissociation causes painful events or situations to be separated or dissociated
from the conscious mind.
4 The nurse is using conversion. Anxiety about going to work can be channeled
into physical symptoms; once the anxiety of work is reduced, the physical
symptoms disappear.

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7- 1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms
8. ANS: 1
Page: 100
Integrated Processes: Teaching/Learning
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms


Copyright © 2019 F. A. Davis Company

1 The child is emotionally returning to an early time in her life when there was far
less stress. This is known as regression.
2 Although depression may occur, this is not a defense mechanism.
3 Manipulation is not a defense mechanism.
4 Compensation is making up for something a person perceives as an inadequacy
by developing some other desirable trait.

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms
9. ANS: 1
Page: 99
Integrated Processes: Teaching/Learning
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanism
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanism

1 The student is using compensation. Compensation is making up for something a
person perceives as an inadequacy by developing some other desirable trait.
2 Reaction formation is similar to compensation, except the person usually
develops the opposite trait.
3 Transference can occur in a therapeutic relationship.
4 Identification is the “taking on” of someone else’s traits.

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanism


10. ANS:
Page: 100
Rationale: Repression is the unconscious exclusion of painful impulses, desires, or fears from the
conscious mind; a step deeper than “denial.”
Integrated Processes: Teaching/Learning
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Knowledge
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms
11. ANS:
Page: 99

Copyright © 2019 F. A. Davis Company

Rationale: Rationalization substitutes acceptable reasons for the true reasons for personal behavior
because admitting true reasons is too threatening.
Integrated Processes: Teaching/Learning
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Knowledge
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms
12. ANS:
Page: 99
Rationale: Denial is usually the first defense learned and used. It is an unconscious refusal to see
Integrated Processes: Teaching/Learning
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms
13. ANS:
Page: 96
Rationale: Coping is the ability to deal consciously with problems and stress.
Integrated Processes: Teaching/Learning
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Knowledge
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Coping

PTS: 1 REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Coping


14. ANS: 1, 2, 4, 5
Page: 99–100
Integrated Processes: Teaching/Learning
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanism
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Defense Mechanism; Commonly Used Defense

Copyright © 2019 F. A. Davis Company

Test Bank for Neeb’s Mental Health Nursing 5th by Gorman

1. Correct. Compensation, a defense mechanism, is making up for something a
person perceives as an inadequacy by developing some other desirable trait.
2. Correct. Rationalization, a defense mechanism, substitutes acceptable reasons
for the true reasons for personal behavior because admitting true reasons is too
3. Incorrect. Depression is not a defense mechanism.
4. Correct. Regression, a defense mechanism, allows a person to return to an
earlier time in life when there was far less stress.
5. Correct. Denial, a defense mechanism, is unconscious refusal to see reality.

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Defense Mechanism; Commonly Used Defense
15. ANS: 1, 3, 4
Page: 99
Integrated Processes: Teaching/Learning
Content Area: Mental Health: Coping
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms

1. Correct. Denial, a defense mechanism, is unconscious refusal to see reality.
2. Incorrect. Bargaining is not a defense mechanism; this is a stage in dying and
grieving according to Kübler-Ross.
3. Correct. Compensation, a defense mechanism, is making up for something a
person perceives as an inadequacy by developing some other desirable trait.
4. Correct. Rationalization, a defense mechanism, substitutes acceptable reasons
for the true reasons for personal behavior because admitting true reasons is too
5. Incorrect. Acceptance is not a defense mechanism; this is a stage in dying and
grieving according to Kübler-Ross.

PTS: 1
REF: Chapter 7: Coping and Defense Mechanisms; Table 7-1, Commonly Used Defense Mechanisms

Copyright © 2019 F. A. Davis Company

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