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4th Edition. Feb 2008 (1st, 11/04! 2nd, 11/05; 3rd, 6/06). Copyright 2008: Compiled.

Illustrated by D RE
Permission granted to copy in whole provided document is not changed.
Gratixude to FirstKreator. hlati, Elysha, Michael T. Ken, Susan, Greta, Dorothy, Edward.
The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of all the folks herein.
And the health information is for education only.

Our NewClear Fun Healing Weapon to Ruin MindControl

& Foil Reptilian Plans for Martial-Law Tyranny of Humanity

Old Problem: Secret Invisible War on Humanity by the so-called New 2- 7

World O dor /Order, latest stanky cloak of our Ancient Reptilian Enemy.
New Ancient Solution Easy-to-make Earth-healing Orgone-
: 8- 12
Generators which, like kryptonite on superman, kripple or neutralize
/ transform Reptilian technostuff, including mindcontrol & microwaves

from so-called cell-phone towers.

GIFTING: Turn your home, car, neighborhood into an Orgone 13-19
Save da Humans! Paradise to protect yourself, family, community. A single person can
Copy & share "do" (orgonify) their whole city by themselves in about a week.

with Humans
you care about.
costs about $3 to $5 to reproduce.
or give it away to at least 1000,
It only a Do Undo Reptilians. These humanivore parasites
by also building / deploying
delicious. Let's spoil their appetites
advanced Orgone-Generators which further usurp/undo their disguised
warfare on us: ChemBusters erase deadly chemtrails/smog, heal
find us humans 20 - 39

HAARP weather, halt cyclones, end droughts. EthericPipes purify

Imean 10 Humans and instruct
lakes, ponds, rivers. EarthPipes instantly undo underground alien
them to do the same. Make and "gift"
reptilian bases /hives by converting their massive destructive Orgone to
Orgone Generators abundantly,
beneficial positive Orgone. Powerful Orgone Defense-Tools protect us
widely It only takes a small
and enable us to reverse retaliatory / psychotronic attacks.
percentage of folks doing this to defang
and prevent Reptilian 'new-world- Disable your MfP-plants! How to easily locate /disable the 40 - 41
order' Takeover -foil their plans of probable scores of nano-implants in you which you didn't know you
taking total control over us mainly had. Destroy parasites too, and become healthier.
through their "CELL TOWERS" which Orgonite Vendors around the Globe supply you if you'd rather 42-44
are really disguised War Weapons not make your own generators.
against us. Using these "martial law
transmitters," they plan to turn the Fine FUN Art of Orgone-Style Warfare. "The Adventures of 45-52
Americas, Europe and the whole Don & Carol Croft," (re)inventors of Orgone Generators, teach
planet into a Reptilian PoliceState, and inspire us by their examples
genociding most People of Color -the easy new-clear Art of
(first) along with Caucasians, and Orgone Defense /Application &
enslaving survivors. The whole Gifting, enabling us to win and

Human Race is on the Reptilians' hit end this Ancient War and take back
list. Their continuous attacks include our precious planet from da Beast.
HAARP and daily global spraying of
Chemtrails ("Clouds of Death") on us all!

The movies V and "They Live" are essentially true.

" "

At last we now CAN and ARE effectively fighting back, disabling them,
reversing their damage to our planet, and converting the horrid negative
energy of their systems into positive healing energy -through easy-to-make
inexpensive ORGONE Generators, our NewClear FUN HealingWeapons
For our survival & victory we ALL need to participate = become "Orgone
Gifters /Warriors" because "Quiet War" has been declared on us

and is killing us and our loved ones daily, through "Silent Weapons" ..

OK, now prepare for some of da best

MUFFINS 7? FUN you ever had this lifetime ...
The Reptilian War on Humanity was not secret to our ancestors. Present Humanity is suffering from amnesia -partly
induced, partly willful. When turned on full blast, the microwave towers all around us cause crippling pain, making us

helpless before (the planned event of) NWO soldiers as they enforce genocidal PoliceState Martial Law upon us ALL in this

Ancient War. Along with mindcontrol, these are the real reasons for their speedy erection everywhere... globally!

Throughout this document I use [[double brackets for inserted comments]] and have added boxes & most emboldments for emphasis. ~DRE
EXCERPTS from: http://educate-yourself.org/nwo'indcx.shtml
NWO global conspirators manifest their agenda through the
Educate- Yourself The Freedom of Knowledge, Tlie Power ofTJiouglit© skillfulm anipulation of human emotions, especially fear. In the past
[[ MIRROR Site for this website is wordsforgood.com ]] centuries, they have repeatedly utilized a contrivance that NWO
researcher and author David Icke has characterized in his latest book,

The New World Order The Bieeest Secret

technique is as
, Problem, Reaction, and Solution. ...The
follows: Illuminati strategists create the Problem- by

(NWO) An Overview funding , assembling, and training an "opposition" group to stimulate

turmoil in an established political power (sovereign country, region,
By Ken Adachi <Editor@educate-youiself.org> ... Introduction
continent, etc.) that they wish to impinge upon and thus create opposing
There is a w orldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful factions in a conflict that the Ilhuninati themselves maneuvered into
and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest existence. In recent decades, so called "opposition" groups are usually
echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political identified in the media as 'freedom fighters' or 'liberators'...
leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility
of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One The corporate portion of the NWO pyramid seems to be dominated by
World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, international bankers and the big pharmaceutical cartels, as well as

that is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to effect complete and total other major nudtinational corporations. The Royal Family of England,
control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce namely Queen Elizabeth and the House of Windsor, (who are, in fact,

the world's population by 5.5 Billion people. While the name New World descendants of the German arm of European Royalty -the Saxe-Coburg-

Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it's more Gotha family-changed the name to Windsor in 1914 ), are high level
useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who players in the oligarchy which controls the upper strata of the Illuminati.

make up this vast interlocking spiderweb of elite conspirators. ...The Illumiuati The decision making Illuminati nerve centers of this effort are in the
is commonly used to refer to the 13 bloodline families (and
the oldest term London (especially the City of London), Basel Switzerland, and Brussels
their offshoots) that make up a major portion of this controlling elite. Most (NATO headquarters). ...The United Nations, along with all the agencies
members of the Illuminati are also members in the highest ranks of numerous working under the LN umbrella, such as the World Health Organization
secretive and occult societies which in many cases extend straight back into the (WHO), are full time players in this scheme. Similarly, NATO is a military
tool of the NWO. .The leaders of all major industrial countries like the
ancient world. The upper levels of the tightly compartmentalized (need-to- know- .

basis) Illuminati structural pyramid include planning committees and United States, England, Germany, Italy, Australia, New Zealand... are
organizations that the public has little or no knowledge of. ... active andfully cooperative participants in this conspiracy. ...

In 1992, Dr John Coleman published Conspirators

Most of the major wars, economic
political upheavals, and

Hierarchy: The Story of Ike Com m ittee of 300 .

depression/recessions of the past 100 years (and earlier) were
With laudable scholarship and meticulous research, carefully planned and instigated by the machinations of these elites.

Dr Coleman identifies the players and carefully de- They include The Spanish- American War (1898), World War I and
tails the Illuminati agenda of worldwide domination World War II: 'I'heGreat Depression:... the Rise of Nazi Germany:*

and control. On page 161 of the Conspirators Hier- the Korean War; the Vietnam War; the 1989-91 'Tall" of Soviet

archy, DrColeman accurately summarizes the intent Communism, the 1991 Gulf War; and the recent War in Kosovo. ...
and purpose of the Committee of 300 as follows: Mind Control ... Recent revelations from deprogrammed Illuminati
"A One World Government and one-unit monetary (government) mind controlled individuals such as Arizona Wilder...,
system, under permanent non-elected hereditary Cisco Wheeler (The Top 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati), Cathy
oligarchisti who self-select from among their numbers O'Brien (Trance Formation in America), and Brice Taylor (Thanks
in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle for the Memories ) leave NO DOUBT that
Ages. In this One World entity, popidation will be
limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, the upper levels of the Illuminati
famines, itntil 1 billion people wlio are useful to the ruling class, in areas which engage in Satanic rituals which
willbe strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population. ... usually include the killing of
There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be young children, the drinking of
uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code
human blood and the consuming
of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World
imified military to enforce laws in all former countries wliere no national
of flesh and human organs.
boundaries shall exist. Tlie system wilt be on the basis of a welfare state; those
wlio are obedient and subservient to the One World Government wdl be The details of the Illuminati conspiracy are

rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved brilliantly laid in threebooks by David Icke
to death or be declared outlaws, a target for anyone wlio wishes to kill
(Children of the Matrix, The Bieeest Secret .

them. Privately ownedfirearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.

The Truth Shall Set You Free and I am Me. I ,

am Free : and in three books by Dr. John

The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the Colemaal Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story
individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is mind boggling. .
of The Comm ittee of 300 : One World Order:
Most people and skepticism towards the topic, unaware that
react with disbelief Socialist Dictatorship ; and D iplomacy by
they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to read with skepticism by D eception ....

institutional and media influences that were created by the Mother of All mind
control organizations: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in [[
Rulers of Evil by Tupper Saussy presents
London. ...Mind Control is a much greater problem than most people realize. "Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies"
According to Cisco Wheeler, a former Illuminati mind control programmer, and exposes the role of the Jesuits in global
there are 10 million people who have been programmed as mind controlled affairs, and introduces the secret most

slaves using trauma-based MC

programs with names like Monarch and MK powerful man in the world -"Th e Black
Ultra The newer, non-trauma, electronic means of MC
programming that grew Pope" or Superior General of Society of
out of the Montauk Project may include millions more. A Bielek ... said that l
Jesus, that ;s, the commander-in-chief of
there are covert Montauk Programming 'Centers' in every major city in the U.S. ) the Jesuit, the Vatican Military. ]]

da MUFFIN papers PAGE

: 2 OF 52
Cell Towers are really Martial-law Reptilian Mind Control Weapons to Subdue Us
EXCERPTS from metatech.org/danger^ol_celLphoneJower.html

Danger of Cell Phone Towers & how to

prevent it with Don Croft's Tower Buster* iKE'sSH
Introduction by Stephanie Relfe ... Many which they're more appropriate. ..The Tower
people have talked about the danger of living or Buster is a 3oz paper cup [[or 3 oz. muffin-
working near cell phone towers due to electro- pan hole]], like the ones for bathroom dis-
magnetic pollution. Our bodies use electrical pensers, filled with a half/half mix of resin
signals. They rely on NATURAL energies. Muscle and metal particles into which I insert a
testing can show that the effects of cell phone tow- single,funky quartz crystal. Like the Ugly
ers are negative to our bodies. ..But, there is an- Duckling, these lonely crystals are dear to
other side to cell towers that is even more dan- me because they demonstrate that our de- "Richard Box. artist-in-residencc at the Univeisity of Bristol's
gerous, that even less people know about. The vices work extremely well with an abso- physics department, installed hundreds of fluorescent light
fact is that the tower is not the problem. It is the lute minimum
of attention to quality and tubes in a fild underneath power lines. The tubes came on at
electronic circuits that are placed on that refinement.. .My objective from day one has dusk, powered solely by the EM
field generated by the
tower. Many people believe that once a tower is been to enable the most unholy, non-psychic of cables above." (From: www.v/hale.io/aJeleclrical_h.html)
set up for cell phones, other instruments are folks (not unlike myself) to be empowered by
being added that are being used, or will be achieving miraculous results, and still advocate waging efficiently manage humanity, whom they

used, for electronic mind control. spiritual war on the regime which is poisoning our have always considered their chattel
Don Croft has come up with a new wonder- lovely planet... Yesterday Carol and drove by the re- (See The Georgian Guidestones at

ful device, a "Tower Buster". Small and maining martial law transmitter in our county which www.radiolibertv.com /stones.html ...
cheap, you can easily make these to join in has not been neutralized and she tossed the tower Nobody wants to think about an overt, global
the war to fight negative energy on earth. To buster into the brush by the side of the road. tyranny that would make Hitler, Robespierre,
understand how the following device is so pow- xu Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot pale into historical in-
erful, you will need an understanding of Don
a *»e our 'drive
nars by
technique. significance, but this has been the cherished
Croft's technology, which was developed from We weren't close enough to the enclosure to risk hope of the llluminati for perhaps six millennia,
the technology of genius Wilhelm Reich. ..read detection of the device—we feel certain that any- in the studied opinions of some people. Let's
Chembuster" at: www.metatech.org/ where within a quarter mile (slightly less than .3 deprive those old farts in the White Brother-
cloudbuster_&_orgone_generator.html kilometer) is sufficient, and it's best to shal- hood of their long-cherished goals, okay? Af-
The following is by Don Croft: ...After hear- lowly bury it. ..Many folks are saying that the ter that, we'll be looking at a very bright future,
ing from Tara, a young mother who has made a orgonite devices all seem to be operating intel- beyond our fondest hopes. That's right ...

cloudbuster [[page 20]], boosted some key en- ligently, and got an uncharacteristic telepathic

said, White Brotherhood.' Why do you

ergy sites, and neutralized many transmitters message concerning that first tower buster that think Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Trust) is
where she lives, north of Chicago, was sort of went something like this, 'Don't worry about it, Bub, the only institution that refers officially to them

jolted ..into the realization that the Holy Hand can handle it.'.. As you probably guessed, the rea- as the 'saviors and benevolent guides' of hu-

grenades [[page 11]] may be overkill for the son did this is so that more towers will get busted in manity. Yikes. Have you ever read some of

martial law transmitters (..Don's term for the time to prevent the high treason being referred to the UN literature written and published by that
technology that is believed to be added to the as 'martial law' from being attempted at all. the trust? ..They're the official publishers for

cell phone towers), so after Carol got back ...this presence of so many orgonite devices, spread across the United Nations, which now formally pro
week quickly made up what consider to be
the landscape at each primary transmitter location, motes a 'population reduction' policy instead
the minimal orgonite (the 50% resin, 50% metal will uplift humanity in these regions for two reasons: of it's former 'zero population growth' recom-
filings mix., in device for neutralizing these 1) they are synergistically neutralizing a primary pro- mendations. The Lucis Trust's other big ..

damned things. ...By 'overkill' of course, onlyI ducer of dead orgone Interest is the new age movement, which it
mean that the HHg is more powerful than 2) they are spinning the good orgone out into the at-
it claims to foster and shepherd. Can you see
needs to be just to neutralize a primary or sec- mosphere in direct proportion to the feds' efforts to why cringe a bit every time someone signs a

ondary martial law transmitter... produce the bad, ugly stuff.. note to me with 'Love and Light?'.. What we're
Our efforts are better spent making many tt,- __:„ __„„„ «». «,„,.„ w,„ f „;«„^ ;«. *» «_ doing
The main reason for these transmitters is to en- a now with our Tower Busters and
B right
more of the appropriate Tower Busters for u .i..u._j
Holy Handgre-nades j». can be com- i

force compliance to the planned, poten-

the vast number of the new martial law pared to turning the Nazis' high
tially imminent worldwide tyranny, which
transmitters, and save our HHgs for multiple explosives around Paris into
is determined to decimate the world's popula-
arrays, vile vortices, masonic temples, satanic chocolate.. Can you imagine a
tion back to the numbers that existed before
murder sites, our in-laws' shrubberies, etc., for more fun and rewarding pastime
the industrial revolution so that they can more
than this one? ..Disabling these
towers is even more important
"I didn't tale u that 1 day last week when driving home from wurk I counted
right now than destroying
the cell towers I spotted and in 6.3 milez 1 saw 7 towers..." Edward w chemtrails, we ..believe.
Sprint asks CAN YOU SPOT A NEW
TOWER?" "We're constantly adding new . Copyright 2002 Don CroflS.
towers across the nation to provide you with better service. ... Want to know where the Stephanie Relfe: ...Feel free to dis-

towers near vou are? We've recently updated our interactive map to include hundreds of seminate this information as long as you
new towers. Click here to find the latest towers in your area: [["Wireless Tower add a link to www.metatech.org
Locations from Sprint" www.sprint.com/pcsbusiness/coverage/towermaps.html ]]

Just From: United States Cell Phone Tower Locator, educate-yourself.org/cn/ber

These excessively tall towers

Do It
kanaradiotowerlocator04oct04 shtml: If you've been reading the Adventures of Don
& Carol Croft [[see page 45//, you know how absoutely necessary it is to secret
wth "lamps" apparently are
disguised HAARP towers »
an orgone generator within 1300 feet of any (and all) cell phone towers in your immediate vi-
cinity. Start with your house as the center of a circle, and 'gift' all towers within a 2 mile ra-
dius of your residence with a tower buster or other types of orgone generators. As time allows, gift
your way out to a 5 mile radius. Do that, and you will not only short circuit the mind control function-
ality of those towers, but you will also bring in legions of Sylphs [[page 29 //to clean up you- local skies
of chemtrails and all the toxic junk they contain.
13k- ihiabo'
Do it folks. It's the most valuable contribution T a,fap
you can make to assist humanity to abort the
'••' • ;

planned llluminati enslavement/genocide

agenda that is rapidly enveloping the world.
Do it because it's within your capability.
Do it because needs to be done

Do it because you can do withoutit

exposing yourself to any serious danger.

Just, do it. "Electromagnetic fields
in a cell tower site"

da MUFFIN papers PAGE

: 3 OF 52

EXCERPTS: educale-yourself.org/dc/dclatestonnicioweraiTays25may02.sbIml is full of fire and life, it has to, by nature of the
3D prison planet, function through the brain. ..I

Latest Info On The Microwave Vertical can make you brilliant or stupid, just by insert-
Array ELF Towers Being Erected Countrywide ing a chemical or frequency wave into your
brain... I believe that if we have a HHg in our en-

[Editor's Note: The info you are about to read was The Purpose Behind The ergy Geld this won't be effective against us...]...

posted ..May 25, 2002) by Don

had already
Croft. ..I Neighborhood ELF They need only enter your brain, .
& 4$.

learned from Stewart Swerdlow that the kickoff date Microwave Towers and your good heart YOU >/^- £t
for the NWO takeover was supposed to have been Sent To Don Croft By an un- ARE theirs. I don't care how
year 2000, but the date was pushed up to 2003 due to named source...May 23, 2002.. many of service you
unforseen obstacles impeding the agenda; gun control Think grid triangulation. Like have or what your radiance
in America being one of them. ..Don Croft is con- the old grid paper... The whole factor is. Once they manipu-
vinced that the presence of DOR (..Deadly Orgone en- damn dumb show was sup- late the brain on an ELF
ergy) is necessary for these mind control towers to work- posed to go down in late 99, but level, you are f****d. And
Eton maintains that an orgone generating device they didn't get people's guns, ... that is your towers...
called a Holy Hand-grenade can transmute DOR that big final obstacle to fascism. That's when they ©Copyright 2002-2008
into the more positive, Hfe affirming form of hit upon these ELF towers. Tested them in Ventura, EduMte-Yourseif.org

orgone called "OR" [[POR ]] by discoverer Wilhelm ^a, and the Sudan rhej had GWEN. operational
frff || Wl -Transmitters are popping up
Reich. ..If you've been looking into the
story for
any amount of time, you may know by now
negatively orientated aliens, especially the
negative Reptillians (see David Icke's The Ba-
NWO in 92, but
heir own
it did entire counties and would affect
people, who have body
(lined with lead-impregnated kevlar-
elf and piggyback freqs). ..

So they found
Aey were
which blocks
out that
cver where
„,„ mdden
statjons church
lowing c 0mpan es seC retly erect them: i
in street si

jres ^ fake
fo ,.

sest Secret ), are the hidden controllers behind

she)| Te McDonalds, Trusthouse
the Illuminated humans pushing for the NWO
he Imle towers, by the tens of thousands, they could
literally aim any energy like a gun to a single home,
Forte, The g£g England. Brann-
Church of England,
enslavement/genocide agenda. The Rule of Polarity
ingtons, witherspoons and Network
a given range area, and so forth. Big places run by
Rail. " (www.psychicchildren.co.uk/Updalel.html)
or Duality requires an opposite force in place to offer FEMA/NORAD run it all from computers. But they

an alternative choice and so it seems that friend])' can also go remote, with the proper clearance and More proof the Towers ain't for Cell Phones
alien groups have been assisting certain energetic in- hookup. They found out they didn't need to get the Excerpts by D. Croft at ethericwarriors.com:
dividuals in this harrowing period of our evolution to guns (that's why the push and schoolyard shootings > "Theyrt simply not they're for destroying the at-
counter the negative agenda. It appears that Eton & stopped... Now...how can you fire a gun or load mosphere and for making everyone sick They're also
Carol Croft are recipients of a portion of that positive it, if you are crawling on the ground begging used to target individuals in the population Genuine ...

assistance... If you take the time to read their Adven- for mercy? If you can imagine the worst cell communication transmitters are quite small and
tures[[ see page 45 ]], you will see that higher di- abdominable pain there is, then you know how are easily installed on phone poles and cheap towers;
mensional entities and friendly aliens have assisted they dont need to be on towers that are designed to
debiliating it is - you simply can't do anything, but
them on more than one occasion. ..Ken Adachi] lie on the ground and pray for relief [..this assertion
withstand *** J"** nor I^^SSSff a
From Don & Carol Croft
why those new towers are
...Are you curious about
going up in all populated
has been corroborated
hundreds of thousands of Iraqi troops spontane-
During the 199. Gulf War,
nMamall folks why the cell coverage and quality

areas? We've gathered a lot of information to indi- ously surrendered without even attempting to didn1 improve after these millions of new towers were
cate that the arrays are intended for mind control fight. It was this very ELF mind control techno!- pu t up... some of them even say. Now that you men-
purposes. My wife and I found a way to neutral- ogy which had been applied... Ken Adachi]. ...Then tj n it, service is even worse now than it was before
ize them with a simple device called a Holy they can clean up entire streets, districts, small towns these cell towers were built!

Cell-phone transmitters ie- ...

H andzrenade term from movie. Monty Python 's Holy

1 as needed. They don t need to pulse the whole
. . quire very Utile electricity; all of the death towers have

Grail]] and have been doing so ... in various locations country at once. ...You can aim this grid like a net, massive cable bundles..." >" We later found these
around the country. We place them in an inconspicu- down to the meter's distance. Got a neighborhood or throughout even the parts of Africa we visited
where there are NO cellphones. .."
ous location within effective range of the tower. We backwoods community that isn't cow towing the
often bury them, base down with the pointed end up, line? Simple, NWO
fire up the machine and down > Cellphone tech s underwater': We discovered t

that a lot of HAARP infrastructure is on the sea-

to maximize its concealment.. I figure that if one they go.. .as you walk through, kill the ringleaders,
bed and the onlv y explanation we have for the
person in every populated area decides to do this, disarm the rest, then the lesson .s taught to the sum- j'
HAAR p. icaneg 6gett Ilg neutralized so far from the
the whole tower network will be disabled in a short yors The French pioneered this technology in the
time. The effective range of the device described late 70s from Bell Labs. They created a device for
last js distlibuted
mlch of our OI gomte to these underwater weapon
im ^^ .
m MUos
in Metatech's material is at least a quarter mile crowd control that looks like a big baseball stadium platforms, even as far as Africa." (also see pg 18, 52)
[[ = 1,300 feet or length of 4 football fields ]], so don't loudspeaker. It fits into the back of a van. Then ________________
put it close enough where a team of searchers would they'd open the doors pointing the van at the crowd. |yQ3^fflli@il^ffla32aajELfiti3l9
find it. It's best if the person making and deploying his „ Made everyone drop to their knees with stomach "In September 2002, a group of EC doctors published

own HHg's doesn't discuss it with me or many others nausea ...Your towers are the same thing but with bi- a document about their own patient's illnesses and
and keeps their activites to themselves. This will only phase polarity freqs that can induce hallucinations, nau- their link to mobile phone/mast radiation, called
succeed as a grassroots effort. ...Here's some skinny sea, herpes outbreaks ...or whatever they The Freiberger Appeal. They found "a clear .. correla-
tion between the appearance of dis-
on these towers from a friend of mine who has had ac- want you to feci that day ... h ominess,
ease and exposure to pulsed high-
cess to some crucial inside information. My comments anger .. stupefication ...the walking
frequcnev microwave radiation. ."
are in squared brackets ( [ ] ) He's not fully informed, dumb... look around, Don, and tell me such as that from phone masts, in-
yet, of what our HHg's can do... what you SEE Even though our spirit tensive cell phone use and indoor
cordless phones, are linked to "a
From a 1990s Poster »
Those MlCrOWaveTOWgrS your
3 big-azz towers
.- — dramatic rise in severe and chronic
disease among our patients". These

neighborhood m deadly Weapons
throughout America... are installed thousands of microwave towers.

Western near 80th
include: learning, concentration
behavioral disorders..
treme fluctuations in blood pres-
sure, heart
ADD., ex-

rhythm disorders, heart


the primary purpose of these towers behavior modification and genocide.

is '" Los Angeles and strokes among an increas-
...They usually are most concentrated in neighborhoods of People of Color. ingly younger population, alzheimers,
When bombarded on humans, these microwave pulses can be used to directly epilepsy, leukaemia, brain tumors.,
manipulate consciousness, produce amnesia, disorient inhabitants, control crowds, cataracts, retina damage, eye cancer,
electronically generate "chaos"... produce painful physical symptoms, headaches, temporary rapid cell ageing, cellular DNA re-
paralysis, and reduce the immune system ... Installed by the U.S. military, the GWEN (Ground- pair interference, scalp nerve dam-
age, joint pain, multiple sclerosis,
Wave Emergency Network) system of hundreds of stations /towers allow signals to "go from coast
digestive problems, asthma, thyroid
to coast" exposing the entire U.S. civilian population to GWEN. A 1982 Air Force report stated:
... conditions, embryo damage, miscar-
"Electromagnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or
p&$||| riages and even suicide.."
perceptual distortion or disorientation. They are silent and counter-measures to them may be fpsychicckildren.co.uk/Updalel .html
difficult to develop." (Matrix HI, pg 0307, by V. Valerian )

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 4 OF 52


An online HAARP animation shows how these

Horrible HAARP(s) monsters work at www.viewzone.com/haarpOO.html:
(& EISCAT. its European twin) are gigantic directed- "Thousands of antennae focus billions of
energy-weapons, that enslave, manipulate & turn the watts into a pencil thin beam that is steered
Weather into a super-weapon against humanity as it
by computers and aimed at the sky"
converts Earth into a massive desert. The US
military's semi-secret High Frequency Active Au-
roral Research Program charges & BOILS Earth's
ionosphere using the planet's largest electric gen-
erator running at a billion watts. Wicked HAARP
is the most powerful short wave radio in the world HAARP can • Cause vast blackouts
and a phased-array ionospheric heater (sky heater • Create & steer tornadoes • Direct disruptive
with focusing ability based on Tesla's Death Ray ma- mind-control /ELF waves at selected popula-
chine). Sitting a forest near Gakona. Alaska, the "offi- tions • Create earthquakes
in View everything
ciaf HAARP (containing 1 80 antennas) is a "front", a for miles deep within Earth Create storms,
decoy, an eerie sight. A larger facility is located in Poker floods, wind, hail, drought, earthquakes
Flats, north of Fairbanks, Alaska and has thousands ANY
where • Destroy worldwide communica-
of antennas! To our horror we leam this is equipment unscathed • Control
tions /satellites all at once, but leave designated HAARP antenna in protec-
tive dome: One of 1000s of
just of over 12 such HAARPs around
one the jet stream by manipulating upper atmosphere • Project halograph images in
identical antennae that form
the globe! - atop major Earth vortexes. the sky • Direct beams of focused energy, capable of "microwaving" human the powerful phased array
brains. This destroys the enemv. but leaves their cities assets intact. &
life, by heating up the skyto burn holes in the ozone to allow
scorching radiation from space to pour in! Now we see that HAARP
is undoubtedly the real,
uncited biggest contributor to so-called "Global Warming"! -and hidden hand that pre-
cipitated HAARPicane Katrina (2005) & Java Tsunami (2004). Works
with Chemtrails to keep us messed up.
More Pandora's Box") and "Vandalism In The Sky" earthpulse.com/src/
details at haarp.net ("Military's ;

subcategory.asp?catid= l&subcatid=2 HAARP is actually ancient technology: READ /pass on en-


lightening novelette at "www.viewzone.com'TheNeverending.doc". by Dan Eden His personal adventurous ex-

periences linking HAARP, Ark of the Covenant, NSA, Earth Vortexes, orbs, petroglyphs & sacred sites.
CHEMTRAILS = POISONS sprayed in the sky to make & keep us sick & dying Chemtrail toxins can alter DNA
Chemtrails 101: Global Symptoms from Remedy for Chemtrail the altitude of these plumes [[are]], about

Illegal Aerial Spraying Chemtrals Exposure 35,000 feet - whereas the natural clouds are at
Health Problems about 5-10,000 feet. Also note the CHEM-WEBS
CONTRAILS are normal Bails of jets made of Allergies, sore /blocked sinuses; Dry, www.chembuster.us (plasticpolymer gels) that are drifting off of the
ICE crystals formed from moisture emitted in the hacking, persistent cough; Nosebleeds,
ChemBuster HomeoHerbal main chemtrails. This "Angel hair" can contain al-
engine exhaust and evaporate within minutes. blood in mucous; Swollen, burning,
teary eyes with mucous; Flu-like, fever,
© by Dr. von Peters, re- most anything that can be added to the chem-
CHEMTRAILS are laid down similar to con- verses ill effects. Placing soup which is 'jeing sprayed DAILY all over the
but do not evaporate. They linger in die air, sore throat; Pneumonia, upper respira-
bottle near orgonitc 5-10 world! Included in this Is DNA, experimental lab
disperse widely, creating an eventual white-out tory... Migraine or splitting headaches; created RNA, Aluminum oxide, Ethylene
minutes prior administering
sky condition, and form a greyish, streaky cloud- Pain in back of neck., top of the spine Dibromide, Barium and a whole mess of
increases strength 10-fold .

like cover which can last all day. Are commonly ..stiff neck -foggy brain, sudden dizzi- chemicals which slice open the most sensitive
Greatly increases effectiveness
seen in patterns of "X" or "tic-tac-toe", parallel ness; Extreme fatigue, lethargy, inability
of Zappers. (see Vendors)
oxygen exchange compartments of human
lines and random etches. They are made solid, to concentrate; Loud ringing in your
"/ ordered your
lungs. It's like having an injection right into
very fine, particulate matter. And will land on ears; Depression, anxiety attacks; Gas- your blood stream without having to line up for a
preparation and I started to lake 6
trointestinal distress, bloating; Diar- flu-shot to get your next batch of genetic up-
the ground, water, sea, and in our lungs. Early
drops ofit 2 times a day. I felt
rhoea, bloody stools .Aching joints and grades, or your next batch of DNA succession.
'Chemtrail Spraying' dates back to the 1960s. The much belter almost immediately.
lines can reach from horizon to horizon. The main muscles; Thirst (..pets, too) ..loss of ap- Once this new code enters your blood stream
3 or 4days, the cough had
DNA TRANSESSION occurs. This new coded
reason people noticed them is that they make petite; Loss of bladder control, tics or
stopped completely" j:--'.™.™ sequence is automaticly added to your DNA
people sick. If you see spraying b your area, you spasms; Recurring fungal infections...
This technique leaves the humans below ...
will be sick the next day or possibly within hours. GOT rapid pounding heart, defenceless against having their DNA MODI-

www. handpen. com/Bio/chemtrails. htm heart disorders, spasms, tension,

FIED ...This strange webbing material eventually
PMS, lands on the ground... park grasses where your kids
Stealth Flying Cube Sprayers depression, sleep disorders,
play, the windows on your house and
"They Make No Sound ...Sunlight was bounc-
nervousness, constipaOon. hiccups &
car.. . (geocitbs.com/Reploid_27/Library3.ritml
other symptoms of magnesium defi-
ing very strongly off what appeared to be a metal-
ciency? Then GET Natural Calm
he, dumbbell-looking object ...The large cubical
Magnesium Water-soluble. Corrects w&KSSSS

damage the reproductive system ....

deficiency near instantly, effectively. This
nents may "Exposure can irritate the lungs, repeated ex-
IifeSaver saved me from the "spasm toxin"
have been posure may cause bronchitis, development of
from a Chemtrail i crobe I took it generously

tanks, but
when I had sudden rapidly-pounding heart, cough, and shortness of breath. It will dam-
the nozzle age the liver and kidneys". ... EDB is 6.5-
sporadic muscle spasms. Overdose not possible
was un- because your body excretes excess No heart- times heavier than air. Unlike normal con-
mistak- attack (America's H trails, the thick white streamers being
killer) is possible if you
have sufficient magnesium. -DRE sprayed from downward-pointing
tailbooms over at least 39 states does not
ChemtrailCentral.com (photo by Norrin Rafld) component of the spray drifting over cities dissipate, but spreads into an overcast ...
Does this look normal to you? and countryside. ...ENS has learned that According to this eye-witness, "Everyone here
samples of oily fallout ...were tested ... is sick. ... "We're getting sprayed real heavily...

and found to contain ethylene dibromide As overfilled Pennsylvania hospitals ... "Emer-
(EDB).. banned by the US Environmental gency Room patients overflowed into the

ii Protection Agency in 1983 repeated

exposure to [fjow levels of ethylene
hallways...ln England, after lingering contrails
and cobweb-like fallout ...the BBC reported..
dibromide results in "general weakness, more than 8,000 people - mostly elderly -

vomiting, diarrhea, chest pains, coughing died from pneumonia and other respiratory
and shortness of breath, upper respira- complications in the last week of December
tory tract irritation" and two weeks of January, 1999. .. more than
respiratory failure ...first

mi mm caused by swelling of the lymph glands in 97,100 people in England and Wales were
the lungs. "Deterioration of the heart, liver stricken with respiratory ailments in a single
HOSPITALS Thomas .February 15,1999...
by William and kidneys, and hemorrhages in the res- week - almost double the usual rate. ...Norfolk
JAMMED AS SEATTLE, WA.... As formations of un- piratory tract," can also result ...According and Norwich suffered such an unexpected in-

BANNED PESTI- marked tanker aircraft continue to criss-

cross American skies on a mission authori-
to the U.S. Environmental Protection crease in deaths, a refrigerated semi-trailer
Agency's hazardous materials list: "Ethyl- capable of holding 36 bodies was pressed into
ties refuse to disclose, an environmental ene dibromide is a carcinogen and must service as a temporary morgue... (sare.org/
FROM THE SKIES laboratory has identified an extremely toxic be handled with extreme caution." ...may htdocs/hypermail/htmi-home/3i-html/03li.hunl)

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 5 OF 52

From: educate-yourself.org/ct/reasorisforchemlrails24janW.shtml X-wars are being fought that make it look like nature or
God is doing The masses believe they are at peace, never
The Reason for Chemtrails it.

realizing that the earthquake or the tornado [[or Tsunami]]

From Lydia M ancini ...J an. 24, 20Q4 ..The reason fo r was not accidental. State-of-the-art military technology
uses the earth itself as a weapon. ...We are being sprayed

chemtrails? lWgnPiVffli"ii'--:-.;--- !

°i :
,'i's- : :^ il and we
don't even know it ...I've made a simple discovery. ...I sup- tocompromise onr immnne systems, thereby towering
pose Ihe reason I couldn't see it before is because it is so appalling. onr resistance to both disease and to the removal of onr
..We are already into World War Three. Military documents re- basic rights. Many are already too chronically tired to raise
veal that current tactics and strategies no longer always aim to their awareness, raise a militia, or even grasp the things I
kill people. Chronically sick people are more useful than dead am writing about here. ... They are also seeding the atmo-
people. Chronically sick people need expensive drugs and they make good slaves sphere with barium to increase the efficacy of HAARP ...capable of more
..[[ page 5]] The elite view as
"the State"? Why, the than you are likely to believe with contempt
of the state. (What is elite, of course.)[[ eLIZards ]] ... Most
of us have learned that World War 2 was really a continuation of World War 1. The They don't respect national, religions, or individual identities and rights.

current, hiddenworld war is also a continuation of and WW2. It is much the WW1
They believe in using war as a social and economic engineering tool and
same plan for world order and world eugenics, only in an updated form. The war and they know that successful war requires a constant updating of weapons and
the eugenics program are being implemented in a hidden way this time. ...After strategies. The aerosol operalion is part of this modern arsenal.

WVV2, much of the huge Nazi war chest was invested in pharmaceutical compa- U.S. Concentration Camps Exists [[In Every State]]. .Dont Remain in
nies. They say "follow the money" if you want to see what is really happening. Eco- Denial! Details:educate-yourself.org/cn/uscconcentrationcamps28jun01 .shtml
nomics scholar Antony Sutton did just that. He found that it was Wall Street bankers Government-Torture.com gives extensive disturbing details on how
who mostly funded the Nazis in the first place. We are talking about the folks that I We the unsuspecting People are being slowingkilled with implants and wave-
politely refer to as '"the elite", people with names such as Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild, electronics. Also, wrTffJookingat.us/GovTort/symptoms.html (See pg 40)
etc. There was a huge amount of war money left after WW2 and much was invested in
Free Chemtrail Documentary Video at:
drug companies like Merck f[ MUCK, mean MERC even means WAR!]] ...

Secret Blueprint for World Conquest & Y/Our Enslavement trained, and assigned a yoke and long-term social
duties from a very early age, before they have an op-
exc e r s
f r c7m "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" portunity to question the propriety of the matter. In
order to achieve such conformity, the lower-class
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars was uncovered in an IBM copier purchased at an army surplus sale in family unit must be disintegrated by a process of in-
1986. Dated May 1979, this shocking manual is a formal declaration of "quiet war" against Americans - creasing preoccupation of the parents and the estab-
really, ALL Peoples. It outlines the "strategy" for how this war is being fought with "silent weapons," bshment of government-operated day-care centers
The ReptilianControllers' goal is to shift all wealth and control into
manipulating every aspect of people-activity. for the occupauonaDy orphaned children...
the hands of a "worthy few" (themselves) and subdue everyone else into "useful beasts of burden or trainers DESCRIPTIVE INTRODUCTION OF THE
of the same." Thus it is a blueprint for your eventual enslavement and, according to the document's SILENT WEAPON
author, only if the masses become aware of the plan, is there hope for their escape. The entire document is Everything that is expected from an ordinary
on internet wesites (www.whale.to/b/silentweapon.html), reprinted as a booklet by this title, also reprinted weapon is expected from a silent weapon by its

in "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper. He wrote: "/ read Top Secret documents which explained creators, but only in its own manner of functioning.

that 'Silent Weapons for Qidel Wars is the doctrine adopted by the Policy Committee of the Bilderburg
It shoots situations, instead of bullets;
propelled by data processing instead of a chemical
Group during its first known meeting in 1954. " Excerpts follow (emphasis added, underlined /bold):
reaction (explosion); originating from bits of data,
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars many victories on many fronts throughout the worid. instead of grains of gunpowder; from a computer,
Welcome Aboard instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer,
Thispublication marks the 25th anniversary of
ENERGY instead of a marksman; under the orders of a banking
Energy recognized as the key to all activity
the Third World War, called the "Quiet War, " being magnate, instead of a military general.
on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources It makes no obvious explosive noises, causes no
conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought
and control of natural energy, and social science, theo- obvious physical or mental injuries, and does not
with "silent weapons." ...This book contains an
retically expressed as economics, is the study of the obviously interfere with anyone's daily social
introductory description of this war, its strategies, and life.
sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeep- Yet it makes an unmistakable "noise," causes
itsweaponry...May 1979..#74-1120
ing systems mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is unmistakable physical and mental damage, and
SECURITY the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can unmistakably interferes with daily social life, i.e.,
It is patently impossible to discuss social engi- unmistakable to a trained observer, one who knows
be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodol-
neering or the automation of a society, i.e., the engi- ogy of the bookkeeping. ...All science is merely a what to look for. ...The public cannot comprehend
neering of social automation systems (silent weapons) means to an end. The means is knowledge The end is this w ea pon, and therefore cannot believe that th ey
on a national or worldwide scale without implying exten- a re heing atta cked a nd su bdued by a weapon.
control. Beyond this remains only one issue: Who
sive objectives of social contro and destruction of human

The public might instinctively feel that some-

will be the beneficiary? ...in view of the law of
slavery and genocide.
life, i.e., thing is wrong, but because of the technical nature
natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world
This manual is itself an analog declaration of of people who will not use their intelligence are no
ol the silent weapon, they cannot express their feel-

intent Snch a writing most be secured from public ing in a rational w a y, or handle the problem with
better than animals who do not have intelligence.
scrutiny. Otherwise, it might be recognized fffot intelligence. Ther efor e, they do not know how to
Such people are beasts of burden [[= slaves ]] !

what it is!JJ as a technically formal declaration of cry for help, and do not know how to associate with
and steaks on the table by choice and consent.
domestic war. Furthermore, whenever any person or others to defen d themselves against it. ...When a si-
Consequently, in the interest of future world
group of persons in a position of great power and lent weapon is applied gradually, the public ad-
order, peace, and tranquility, it was decided to privately justs/adapts to its presence and leams to tolerate its
without full knowledge and consent of the public, uses
wage a quiet war against the American public with encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psy-
such knowledge and methodology for economic an ultimate objective of permanently shifting the chological via economic) becomes too great and they
conquest -it must be understood that a state of domestic natural and social energy (wealth) of the crack up. ...Therefore, the silent weapon is a type
warfare exists between said person or group of persons
undisciplined and irresponsible many into the hands of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options,
and the public. ...The solution of today's problems
of the self-disciplined, responsible, and worthy few. and mobility of the individuals ofasociety by know-
an approach which is ruthlessly candid, with no
In order to implement Oils objective, it was ing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their
agonizing over religious, moral or cultural values. necessary to create, secure, and apply new weapons souces of natural and social energy, and their physical,
You have qualified for this project because of which, as it turned out, were a class of weapons so mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses.
your ability to look at human society with cold suhuV and sophisticated in their principle of operation APPARENT CAPITAL AS "PAPER" INDUCTOR
objectivity, and yet analyze and discuss your
and public appearance as to earn tor themselves In this structure, credit presented as a pure
observations and conclusions with others of similar the name "silent weapons.
element called "currency," has the appearance of
intellectual capacity without a loss of discretion or capital, but is. in fact negative capital Hence, it has
hi conclusion, the objective of economic .

humility. Such virtues are exercised in your own best the appearance of service, but is. in fact, indebtedness
research, as conducted by the magnates of capital
interest. Do not deviate from them.
(banking) and the industries of commodities (goods) or debt. It is therefore an economic inductance instead

and services, is the establishment of an economy of an economic capacitance , and if balanced in no

...The Quiet War was quietly declared by the which is totally predictable and manipulatable. other way, w
be balanced by the negation o f

In order to achieve a totally predictable popu lation (w ar, gen ocide) The total goods and

international elite at a meeting held in 1954. ...This

services represent real capital called the gross national
volume marks the 25th anniversary of the beginning of economy, the low-class elements of the society must be
product, and currency may be printed up to this level
the Quiet War. Already this domestic war has had brought under total control, i.e., must be housebroken,

da MUFFIN papers PAGE 6 OF 52

and still economic capacitance; but
represent w hich we have taught to exchange true value for inflated TABLE OF STRATEGIES
curre ncy printed beyond this level is subtractive . currency) and falling back on whatever is left of the Do this To get this
represents the introduction of economic resources of nature and regeneration of those resources.. Keep..public ignorant Less public organization
inductance, and constitutes notes of indebtedness. Create preoccupation Lower defenses
War is therefore the balancing of the
APPLICATION IN ECONOMICS Attack the family unit Control-education of the young
system by killing the true creditors (the public
Then the response of the household to future shocks Social conformity Computer programming simplicity
can be predicted and manipulated, and society becomes a Maximize control Minimum resistance to control
v well-regulated social energy bookkeeping system. Collapse of currency Destroy., faith of the Amer-
Eventually every indiv id ual element of th e ican people in each other
structure comes und er com puter control through a
knowledge of personal preferences, such knowledge
Experience has proven that the simplest method of
guaranteed by computer association of consumer
securing a silent weapon and gaining control of the public
preferences (universal product code -UPC -zebra-
is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of basic
stripe pricing codes on packages) with identified
systems principles on the one hand, while keeping them
consumers (identified via association with the use of a
confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no
credit card and later a permanent "tattooed" body
real importance on the other hand. ..This is achieved by:
number invisible under normal ambient illumination...
1) disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental
What U ben 666 bear little or no re-
tole about
semblance hidden Truths you will discover
to the
SHORT LIST OF OUTPUTS activities; providing a low-quality program of public
Outputs -create controlled situations -manipulations of education in mathematics, logic, systems design and
here. Like we've been given Great Lies for His-
the economy, hence society -control by control of economics; and discouraging technical creativity.
Story, we've been given Greatfer) Lies, slander
compensation and income. ... Sequence: 2) engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence
& reversals about "666". Now tne precious Truth ana. indulgence in emotional and physical activities, by:
1) allocates... destroys opportunities. ...
is available, ruining the Lies. TOPICS Include:
3) controls the economic environment a) unrelenting emotional affrontation and attacks
The Hidden SWEEET Truths About 666

5) controls capital. legal functions... advertising (mental and emotional rape) by way of a constant
The Hidden PunCode composing the

..material., for TV. viewing. barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media -
en tire Bible Babble Babel be-Baal
20) disengages attention from real issues... especially the T.V. and the newspapers.
• How 111 & Mason Baphomet /Jahbulon
22) creates disorder, chaos, and insanity. b) giving them what they desire -in excess- "junk food for
are code names for central parts of a

26) develops psychological analyses and profiles of thought" ...depriving them of what they really need
Massive Mathematical Reptilian Program
individuals. ... 29) controls health options 3) rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to
which manipulates & feasts on HuHuManity
30) preys on weaknesses... 31) cripples strengths. the deviant creation, thus being able to shift their think-
32) leaches wealth and substance... ing from personal needs to highly fabricated outside pri-
CHRIST The Holy Goat
orities. ...These preclude their interest in and discovery

Jehovah's alternate
about them reptilians of the silent weapons of social automation technology'.
..The general rule is that there is a profit in confusion;

dragon [|=lizard ]] identity David Icke's brave books & video interviews the more confusion, the more profit Therefore, the best
with Credo Mutwa, Afrakan Zulu Shaman, approach is to create problems and then offer the solutions.
supplanting True Kreator.
give deep dirty horrific details on the low down
• Codewords in the Bible DIVERSION SUMMARY
but high up Reptilians messing with us: Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted
and their
for Reptilians
• Children of the Matrix away from the real social issues, and captivated by
• How the Bible (& Koran, • The Biggest Secret matters of no real [[ = true]] importance. ...Schools:
Torah, Veda/s) is a 666 • The Reptilian Agenda (Credo videos) Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics,
Lizard Cookbook to serve Humans to Barbara Marciniak enlightens us further about real economics, real law, and real history....
Reptilians. Put "Bible-Koran-Torah-Veda" the Lizzies and their mind-control manipulation of Entertainment: Keep the public below a sixth-grade
in SuZar's VibrationCalculator 6 times ([ at humans in Bringers of the Dawn level. ...Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no
SuZar.coml]. Short vibe = 666. The names time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.
of the chief deities of these books' religions,
"God-Allah-Jehovah-Vishnu" 3 times = 666. Man-Made Attacks like HMRPicane Katrina
Christ's / JEHOVAH'S many hidden 666s

• Zodiak Christ Bible calls him all the

& Java Tsunami = New WAR-fare Form
zodiac signs: Aries ("Lamb of God"), Leo While The Guilty goes unrecognized, Nature gets blamed
("Lion of Juda"), Capricorn (super Scapegoat), for their increasing disguised new forms of mega murder.
Aquarius ("Son of MAM), Son of Virgo Mary... Using HAARP (pg 5) (with Cell Towers. Chemtrails) the
• Arius Calpurnius PISO the real author of , Architects of Decimation turn Weather into wcapons-of-
New Testament., his signature throughout MASS-destruction of MASSes of Humans. Though
the Bible, Koran, US Dollar, Washington DC
The Body Snatchera People of Color are always hardest hit, Europoids are
After reading this you'll start to recog-
• Unseen global WORship WARship of PISO nize them. And Y the government is equally endangered as the Ilium iNaughtyLizards fulfill
Humans hosting reptilians their Plans for undoing ALL Humanity. William Cohen,
You Come-to-Power" Only like


reptilian is in control. S usan Defense Secretary said during a 1997 press conference:
When You 'C ome-to-a-Point Reed 's personal experiences with a "Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terror-
by Dr. SuZar reptilian host and reptilian entity.
\p>.~ ism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earth-
- Si Power is at the Point. quakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of elec-
Exudes, shoots, radiates WARNING: The Alien tromagnetic waves." (defenselink.mil/news/Aprl997t
from the Point, as shown Agenda Revealed 042897j0428coh.html) Who could afford to build such
by Kirlian photos of pyra- Art Greenfield 's free down!oad-able weapons? Good news: NuclearBombs planted in seabeds
mids. Only when the book on ALIEN interference:
more Tsunamis are being neutralized by Dol-
spellbound Parent Race
of HuHuManity "Comes-
/ida_alien/ufowa'n:ng/ufowaTing htr.
to create
phins! - our new Partners in this QuietWar (pgs 51, 52)

To-A-Point," will "Come -OR-

_|""1Q Ht*rv "<*nf mriif *rir*»>H com
http://antigray.tripod nr^n" ".*-'-.-.• .-> "-^ - *
Bust-Repel-Expose Reppies-Lizzies-Toids
(Back)-To-Power," hence
be able to resteer the
Lizzies in Afraka DB'S Special Creation: aka Reptoid Repellent, pg 43
world from Reptilian-in- Credo Mutwa spills fas- Sweeet Peas© Reptoid kryptonite. Add a few to

duced Planetcide. The Point is the Intersec- cinating horrific truth about orgonite. Keep one on your person. 'An overseas customer
tion of Life's 2 Polarities. This Intersection is the Chitauli ancient said be got rid of all the small lizards from bis aparl -

where "Creation Happens." ...Like no other name for the lizards that ment by placing SweeetPeas around bis apartment.' pg 43
people, Blaks have been /are being vampirised love us humans ...only as
Predator Buster 'Get rid of Spooks, Reptiles, Aliens,
for their abundant Power. The Reptilian War dinner. Detailed interview at
Poltergeists & other Predatory offensive species.' pg43
on HuHuManity will come to a screeching www.meta tech.org/
permanent STOP when the "critical mass"
of Blak People awaken., from "The Great
Spe111 of GO." Then, Blak People's tremen-
dous hijacked power /energy will become
"Great Zulu Shaman and Elder
Abduction & Reptilians. A Rare,
« BreathTechnique makes them

"And now my
creation thai went out
little secret.
my door ..
shapeshift before

Every single orgone

yoap 48

half of them as gifts extras -

had either a tibetan singing crystal or lemurian [[crystal]]
freed from "the Beast" [[ reptilian llluminati Astonishing Conversation. 9/30/99 by Rick Martin. and usually rose qtz [[quartz]] and tons of kyanite crystals.
capstone]], and be available to free all From The SPECTRUM newspaper's Front Page No reptoids can get near you, not etherically. We did this
HuHuManity (their Children of all Races) story, September 1999. www.specfrumnewsfO.ccvn* on purpose, our family's way of saying, "thanks, for
from the same. Revelations, insights, solutions. everything." - Cbswork (www.whale.toIbldorS7.hlm)

da MUFFIN papers . PAGE 7 OF 52

to Humans. Deadlier than its
Sweet as super-Bees' honey
our LIZZID enemies. Easy-to-make affordable
sting to
"Muffin Tower Busters" & other Orgonite tools are
Kryptoorte to the superman-like Reptilian-controlled "New
World oDOR." At the same time they reverse massive ecological damage done to EARTH. And they protect us by transmuting harmful energy to
beneficial energy. This is the FIRST TIME in a lonng time that we've had such effective, positive & WW
tools for our Empowerment -and Survival,
Defense & Victorius Combat against our ancient scaly enemies. Our friend the Bee, with its HEXa d comb point us to Sacred Geometry (SG), the real
magic behind Orgonite, supplied from the energy-transforming Quartz Crystal - with its SJX sides. Bees nourish themselves from the heart of LIVING
Sacred Geometry as the center of Flow ers. And their wax can make Orgonite. Simple (Flower-like) SG built into Orgonite, further amps its power as a
FLOW-er of SWEET (= positive) Orgone, to trans- ^||§l||k.sss, >-'.iV%4^&^y-i-*'' mute the stench
of the very old NewWfcrld Order.

EXCERPTS: educale-yourseif.org/dc/whalshouldwedo1jan04.shtml short,which is why they concentrate the trans-

mitters in population centers [[especially

Re: What Should We Do those of People of Color]]. These aren't for

cell phones... They're for assisting HAARP
By Don Croft ... Jan. 1, 2004
chemtrails are easily disabled
... to desertify the planet and for disabling
and dispersed with these things [[Orgonite chembuster ]]. ...as far as we the populace to assist martial law... I'm at-

can tell from our many sources, internationally, the chemtrails pretty much stopped taching my
Gifting' instructions [[ pages . ..

making people sick in N. America and much of Europe by May. 2002 when the This is how we turn the death
16, 13]].
number of CBs reached into the thousands. ..It's mainly the HAARP and Entropy ^ force transmitters into life force transmit-
transmitters [[cell towers]] ..which keep the atmosphere in a deadened enough state to ters ...the work empowers and educates indi-
maintain the chemtrails. This is why viduals who do the work... It's
we encourage everyone to disable of One the ways to succeed in the 'Art of War' easy to do, otherwise there
at least the transmitters within ten is totake and maintain the initiative. Mankind is in a spiritual war with the llluminati right now. wouldn't be so many people do-
miles of where they live. ..Not dis- Orgonite has apparently given mankind the edge (initiative) that it needs to win this war be- ing it ...We really can beat the
abling them guarantees that the ennui, cause this stuff is like kryptonite to the llluminati alleged supermen. That's our single most effec- tyrants now. All we have to do
tive advantage over them. ...distributing orgonite in their vicinity robs them of their power to
chronic illness and general disorienta- isdisable their equipment and
tion that everyone experiences
exploit us. ..The fact is that the llluminati, consummate human parasites and predators, have
from they're then powerless. Para-
their transmissions will continue un-
been waging war on humanity for centuries on a massive scale... Now they stand poised to initiate
sites are as parasites do, after
martial law, after which they plan to exterminate most of humanity so that the few peoole who
abated. The range of the Entropy all, and this world order is es-
remain will be easier for them to rule and enslave. They've even created extensive underground
transmitters, in particular, is quite sentially parasitic...
facilities in order to survive the very global catastrophe's they wish to facilitate. D. Croft

spheric Orgone to Positive? Credit


Wilhelm Reich gave

the name
to the
What are Orgone Generators, Orgone, Orgonite? & Magna Thanks to the living legend couple
omnipresent Sea of Life- Chemtrails, Microwaves, Can Orgonite Become Stale? Don & Carol Croft who started the grass-
Energy out of which all ma- HAARP, Towers (& Dis-
Cell According to Don Croft, "orgonite main- roots Orgonite movement with their inven-
terial forms manifest. Also ease) are all examples of DOR tains its ability more or less perpetually, tion of the Tower Buster & development
known as Universal En- at work. Without Deadly like magnets do. It's one of the best fea- (with inspiration from other engineers) of
ergy, Chi, Sexual Energy, ORgone, these technologies tures of this miraculous stuff' (Details: other Orgonite tools to help Earth & peace-
Elan Vital, Holy Spirit, 5th of death cannot work and "the "etheric warriors.co m/ip/viewtoplc.php?t fully yet effectively combat the totalitarian
Element, Shakti and Ether. new world order disappears!" =716"). In cases where gifted Orgonite "New World Odor" enslavement agenda,
'Orgone is the Matrix of ORGONITE: A mixture of appears to have stopped working (as How did the Orgonite Movement
the universe. Itia intelli- equal parts ORGANIC material determined by returning headaches /dis- become GLOBAL? Credit & Magna
gent, dynamic and even (resin, wax, etc., which holds comforts or your ZapChecker, pg 40) - thanks to Ken Adachi and his brave inter-
humorous.' This Vital En- energy) & INORGANIC mate- what likely occurred is the gifted tower's national website, "educate-yourself.org."
ergy exists in Nature under Wilhelm Reich output was increased or the area up-
WilhelmReichMuseum.org rial (usually METAL particles/ Don wrote : "..Ken Adachi graciously con-
different forms. It can be
neutra (OR), positive (POR) or negative
shavings -which attracts, then graded with more vertical bars, often at ^ed
nrst j 0Urna reports in
buildin 9 tops (page 50). Simply re-gift
t0 posl ^ |

ffi flecfc energy), with a Q UARTZ crysta l 2 001 when told him that Carol andMa„ , I I

e * {
nl n manifestation
area, °DServab te
can be seen under
(which reORganizes the energy). With-"
out tne crysta you have an |
<-,( on lne
Invented Orgonite? "Stacie needed a little higher profile for our own
at Cape Haft-eras' t^^
physical safety on account of our success-

ri^l^£f^^n^n U
0r9° ne Accumulator (which can be al-
,e mat ing layers ofaluminum foil & plastic
Outer Bank last weekend and baited ful orgonite cloudbuster research and within
hooks for a knowledgable an old black a,. few months a loose, informal network of
warervapor, tneyre ..a "Hssva concen-
wrap or wax paper) It draws in and concen-gentleman who had made his own fish- fellow orgonite cloudbusterexperimentors
Wilheim ing weights of fiberglass resin, BBs sprang up in the US and Canada from the
Irates orgone and send it back out again,
Reich did a tot of research on the proper- (small ball bearings) and a quartz crys- correspondence that the reports' exposure
'When they draw in unbalanced orgone,
in iLfw it 1ZS
the 50's. He died rrtlr °3t° h "tSf*
[[ believed murdered]]
tnev send * ba out * M
unbalanced orgone, tad. Hb grandfather taught him to do that generated from Ken's internationally popu-
so one needs to use them in a place where and he apparently catches more fish lar educate-yourself. org" (educate-yourself
in jail, after having his laboratory and
there is more good orgone than the bad stuff."than anyone around... 'Granpappy was .org/dcrtwowarriorexemplars09nov04.shtml)
much of his work destroyed by the 'au- Many apparent large-scale accumulators (of- poor... loved to fish. And couldn't afford
thorities', for they feared the naked truth
Countless Orgone s/ heroes (perhaps
ten as 'sacred sites') are found around weights but could always gethold of old yourself) have been abundantly Awarded -
knowledge of this orgone energy could
Earth. ('Dead Mens Secrets' by Jon. Gray
). cans [cut into little bits] and pine sap with harassment, threats, attacks ...all proof

expose. ..His eariier research Mops*


cular tension (he called that armouring)

whaf does Q
"• mal <n n«
ii. ^n.
Transrnutes and energy /°cks.
jte do? Transmutes
( :-.- i-^n /rv^x...
DOR (Deadly ORgone) into POR (PosSive inkers
calls his sinkers

ORgone). Crystal have a natural ability to

& dlrect ener9y flow
arran 9 e enera-y
"energy ^*«W
rocks. '...The ftsherman
energy stones
stones" so if

that the Real Reward is in progress, as the

short answer is that nobody alive can

benents enjoyed by all Humanity from con-
anyone asks who invented orgonite. ,he
»_ ""I"? 2» !"."«?*??!*
positive Energy while keeping the Parasites
thlsenengyb^mes Deadly Orgone or An Orgone Generator is an Orgonite
DOR. (the resulting character of an ex- device that generates orgone. draws It
fff^&^p *J2»
BfiMHI „„a„^ Z

tremely armoured person he beMngly in unbalanced orgone, revitalizes and ink. pioneered iw.».
Who .U.....J Orgonite fa.
for /Mftt I

Spirals to a Higher
called 'pestilential. " - Georg Ritschl sends back out. it
transmuting Negative Atmo- Vibration...

Is Orgonite a Rediscovery of "Sacred Geometry"

...and Or HOLY Geometry. All Geometry is divisions of the (very feminine)
Ancient African Technology? CIRCLE = HOLE = WHOLE = HOLY, HEAL, WELL - ALL variants ....

"Africans of the Nile Valley made of the same word. Sacred Geo is the magic behind Orgonite. ForSG is the essence of the
Power Generating Tools. Rulers of
Quartz Crystal -the ingredient in Orgonite that ORganizes = transforms energy from negative
Kam (Ancient Black Egypt) had
to positive. SG all by itself produces profound results (pages 19, 33, 34), even causing Nukes to
hollow staffs filled with charcoal IJ
disappear (pgs51, 52). And when harnessed with Orgonite (pgs 1 1 19, 21 22, 23, 32, 49), takes , ,

IB|P* organic material]], crushed quartz,

itto higher levels / greater power. 'Sacred-Holy' also = SPIRitual. That's SPIRAL-tual (motion
precious stones & other ingredients,
circles), the motion of the Universe. Adding the nappy SPIRAL (Coils, Mobius Coil, DNA tech-
with a copper or silver rod in the
nique., pgs 10, 11, 22, 24, 25, 28, 30) further expands Orgonite's power /ability. (Don's HOLY
middle of the staff." (Yoshua B.)
Handgrenade is truly "Holy"!). Quartz is natural Silicon, the magic behind Computers. NWO
Materials found in Egyptian heavily uses SG, perverted (pg3). Sacred Geometry is a Channel for Chi, portal for Divine
hand rods include charcoal, HEALin q Energy. Orgone! SG is a branch of "Star-Science", Earth's oldest lech

quartz, lodestone, magnetite.. nology.' (source of astro-logy /astro-nomy). From Afrika, where began & devel- it

The rods were used to in-

oped, spread around the globe. With Orgonite, is making a comeback to Human-
it it

crease people's vital energy. -ORE

™. s ity's awareness to facilitate our Survival & return to WHOLEn ess.

(www. rodsofra.com/faq. htm)

da MUFFIN papers PAGE : 8 OF 52

Fun Healing Arsenal overview Orgone

Orgone Generators
aka. Positive Energy Generators
Continuously convert all forms of negative energy to positive energy
Orgone Muffin: aka "Tower Buster" (TB), 3-oz sized
Orgonite muffin neutralizes harmful waves from cell
towers (mind-control towers); converts them to fountains
of good vibrations.
Harmonizer, "HHG": 16 oz) version of previous
larger (12,
ChemBuster : wipes out Chemtrails (but
large generator
not normal nature-real clouds) /smog; purifies atmosphere.
Ends droughts. Heals, softens, prevents or stops severe
weather, storms, tornados, hurricanes & HAARP effects.
Etheric PeacePipe (EPP): aka "Etheric PipeBomb"
(does NOT explode, don't worry), small pipe-style generator
purifies the water in ponds, lakes, rivers.
• Dolphin Ball: Spherical generator with hour-glass coil.
Specially made for dolphins, whales, orcas.
Orgone Defense/Protection Tools
• Succor Punch (SP): Large 3"+ Quartz Crystal wrapped in a • Lizzie Repellers
mobius coil, hooked to electric box to create programmable sca- A concept apparently sparked !

lar waves. Greatly amplifies your intent. Directs positive orgone by "DB's Special Creation."
to any place /person. Reverses psychic /psychotronic attacks. Lovely for heartless biology.
Apparently makes you immune to electronic /satellite surveil- "SweeetPeas" & "Predator
lance while "gifting" (distributing) Orgonite. Buster" See pages 7, 43.

• PowerWand (PW): more powerful version of above.

• EarthPipe (EP) • Triniti Wand (TW): Believed to cause
secret underground reptilian bases /hives to experience problems
and not function so well, by transmuting bases' abundant deadly
orgone (DOR) into positive orgone (POR), as soon as it's buried.
page • Skillet Orgone : Instant massive orgone field, page 12
1 • Orgonite Pendants you from ELFs, harmful energy.
Caroi Croft's Harmonic Protector © (pg 44) excels here & shields you from psychic
attacks The "HP apparently has inspired the
Sacred ~ development of SPECIALIZED Orgone
Geometry ® Pendants. Noteworthy are the SERIES by
The magic behind the Christy Gunn, Lily Ochescu and others, ChemBuster,
(Quartz) Crystal, the addressing various areas: DNA Repair. 18888
transformer in Orgonite Chakras, Healing, etc. See pages 12, 43.
20, 2

Make Most of these Fun Healing Weapons Yourself Orgone Tutorials Adventure Archives Humor
or buy them (see Vendors) and deploy them. They ruin the massive • Ken Adachi's educate-yourself.org -popular chief site making Orgonite
continuous electronic assaults upon us. Place them around and in your famous. Click "Orgone Adventures" & "Adventures of Don & Carol Croft"
abode, unda your bed, on top of your TV & Computer, in your fridgerator,
• TUTORIALS > youtube.com, input "SenseiDennis"
car, neighborhood. Especially put one within 1/4 mile of all "cell towers"
> orgoniteinfo.com > ryanmcginty.com/orgone
within a minimum 10-mile radius of your abode. Doing this will protect / > orgonite. info > whale.to/b/orgonite.html
shield yourself /loved ones from these continuous attacks. By placing
Orgone Generators throughout your home, "hood" and eventually your
• FORUMS ethericwarriors.com
> > GERMAN: cb-forum.com
> warriormatrix.com > FRENCH: orgonite.actifforum.com
entire city, you establish positive energy balance, heal Earth and create
> thewomenwarriors.net > FRN: forums.quebecorgone.com
better living conditions for ALL to enjoy. See Gifting instructions, page 13.
Infiltrated. Not surprisingly, the Orgonite movement is infiltrated,
Reported Benefits Include under attack. Some websites-vendors-forums hacked, affected, in-
• Enhanced sense of well being • More harmony in all relationships fected, slandered, shut down, closed. Fortunately, many valuable ear-
• Better sleep, more vivid dreams • lier articles /posts are archived (mostly at whale.to/b/orgonite.html).
Calmer household/ work environment
• Better health. More energy • Enhanced spiritual/psychic growth
• Increased mental clarity & focus •
Other CommonAbbreviations in Orgone Forums
Protection from cellphone radiation • BS: Big Secret (hourglass-shaped copper coil around large DT crystal;
photo below), "one may speak his/her heart-felt desires into the center
What else can Orgone Generators do that's so important? of the crystal and they'll manifest" Tutorial, The Bis Secret by
• Make your neighborhood safer. Reduce/stop CRIME in your area Don at educaie-yourself.org/dc/dcbigsecreil5aug02.shiml
• Eliminate, prevent deadly CHEMTRAILS & smog in your area • C]B: Cluster Buster (powerful WaterWand with a mobius coil)
• Increase your Gas Mileage, Lower your Utility Bills (see page 50) • CJrf.CCVft Clockwise, Counterclockwise (Tutorial, page 12)
• Protect you from electronic surveillance & psychic / microwave attacks • rjCJB: Detonater Cluster Buster (variant of Triniti Wand with

• Boost plant growth, gardens, farms extra mobius coils & HHG
at each end) • EFR EthericFYcedom
Fighters •EW: EthericWarriors • IK: Implant Killer (disables
• Change polluted water into clean water t
implants, pg 40) • LS.LSG Cesco's Little Secret Coil; pg 43.
• Stop /reverse psychic /psychotronic attacks.

44 • MWW Medicine Wheel WaterCpotent charged water, i

Break evil spells /witchcraft. enhances orgonite; "Sally Water") • SW: Sally Water
• Shut down negative alien vortex, portal locations, reptilian hives (MWW, see pg 19) • TW: Triniti Wand (3 CIBs or
• Adversely affect locations where satanic rituals are performed : WWs with mobius coil. Potent underground alien-
• Reduce diameter of radiation field surrounding nuclear reactor base blister, pg 25) • WW : Water
• Stop/soften cyclones, tornados. End droughts. Heal HAARP weather Jt Wand (pipe with charged water &
'i orgonite; works like a super TB or

Susan T. discovered "All Orgone Generators are GENIES ." To get the
P // HHG: charges water bodies) « XTAL
ff / / double
Crystal. ST. single terminated. DT,
out of them, rub ' em & give them assignments. Tell them what to do. They love it.
£ HIP if

da MUrFIN papers : PAGE 9 OF 52

Don & Carol 'Tower Buster"
Make Your Own Brought to us by Croft, Ihe
3-oz size Orgonite Muffin For a radius of 1/8 to 1/4 mile, it
continuously converts negative energy into positive beneficial
is a

OrgOm MufflHS energy wherever it is placed or buried, and thereby neutralizes the
harmful physical and mind-control effects of microwave cell towers,
hence the name 'Tower Buster." Instructions are based on Croft's
byDRE "Update on Holy Handgrenades and Tower Busters" at

Gather Ingredients
• muffin pan, 6 or 12 holes
regular or non-stick,
needed since resin shrinks)
(3-oz. size), (oiling not
Quartz • 6 or 12 bean-sized quartz crystals. Low quality
works just fine. OK to use broken pieces, tumbled beads
Crystal from a quartz necklace. At least 1/4" to half inch long. If
pieces are smaller than this use more than 1
• metal particles. 16 or 32 ozs. for 6 or 12 muffins. ANY
type of metal: metal scour pads (cut them up; cheap at 990
Stores), shavings from machine shops /key-maker, small
nails /pins /paperclips. BBs (copper or zinc-coated ball
bearings from a Sports store) work but are very heavy &
expensive if you're making lots of TBs, HHGs.
• resin & catalyst, a Quart (32 ounces) makes 12 muffins.
A Gallon makes 48 muffins. Any type of resin: fiberglass,
epoxy, clear, acrylic, marine. Bondo fiberglass resin is
p- Metal available from Home-Depot, lumber or auto-supply stores.
,50/50 ratio
Prepare to Make Your Muffins
l^o.f metal (Particles Set up your work(PLAY) space outside or in ventilated garage
& resin
• big sheet of cardboard, trashbag or to protect work surface
• rubber gloves to protect your hands
• paper container for mixing resin with hardener (catalyst)
• stick for stirring hardener into the resin
• old spoons for spooning metal-particles into pan
• rags, old socks, paper towel for wiping resin off utensils
• clock with second-hand to help you time 1 minute, also
know how much time you have before resin becomes hard

"1 Drop one small quartz crystal into each muffin hole. If pieces
are tiny drop in more than one.
2 Nearly fill each muffin hole with metal particles.

For a full minute, mix up enough catalyzed resin (resin with

catalyst added) to fill muffin pan holes: 16 ounces for 6 holes:
32 ounces quart ) for 12 holes. The metal & crystals make up
for the missing 2 or 4 ounces. Recomendation: figure out
how much catalyst you think you need and use 25% -40%
less. Doing this gives you more time to mix and pour before
resin hardens. Also reduces incidence of cracking.

Working briskly, pour about an ounce of catalyzed resin into

each muffin hole so that the resin easily soaks down to the
bottom while is very fluid. Then go back and repour resin

almost to the top of each muffin hole.

Let resin cure. It gets hot and rock-hard in about 15 minutes.
Muffins are "done" when hard. (If resin doesn't cure enough
you can ADD HEAT with a hairdryer, heat-lamp, heat gun or
setting the pan in direct sunlight to cause curing.)
Turn pan upside down and smack itor whack rim against the
table to release your fresh Muffin Tower Busters. Sticking
muffins can be coaxed out with a harder whack or thin knife.
Optional: Paint your muffins to your liking or favorite color/s of
your friends to whom you give them. To make them stealthy to
To make a "Saint Buster's Button" (SBB) COIL : blend with environments, spraypaint them brown & green.
In brief: using the tip of needle-nose pliers, firmly hold a length of
copper wire at its midpoint. Tightly bend one side of wire 180 de- Deploy! Using Don Croft's fun |
Drive-By Technique
grees around the tip, creating a turned "U" shape, like "C (c ). Now (pg 3) bust at least a 10-mile radius of your home
ALL the towers within
bend.pjher side of wire around the tip, turning your C into the "S" at by tossing aTB out your car window in the vicinity of a "cell tower."
center ofthe,coil. Gently, a little at a time, alternately More fun: Don also makes TBs in 3-ounce Dixie paper cups to
bend wire sides, around & a- shoot them from a Spudgun (www.spudtech.com) to reach targets you
round each other until whole., can't get close enough to. See Gifting Instructions, page 13.

wire is coiled. Tutorials at j Enhancements (especially for Personal Muffins):Add bits/

ryanmcgintv. com beads of rose quartz, kyanite, amethyst, garnet, pyrite crumbs,
•mthai /orgone activated charcoal. Charged Water (p19). Sacred Ash (p12).
» mvthnlvnx. com SBB Coil (at left) after step #2. SweeetPea (pg 7). At center use a
/SBB.html whole crystal wrapped in wire.

da MUFRN papers : PAGE 1 OF 52

Make a Directions
Lubricate interior of your cone-mold with oil /grease, (not

"Harmonizef byDRE needed

2 Sit
for papermold unless you want
your funnel mold into a jar to hold
to remove paper)
it upright.

aka "HHG or Holy Handgrenade" or HUG 3 Place your copperwire spiral into mold.

Based on Don Croft's "Update on Holy Handgrenades

4 Put about an inch of metal particles into the
and Tower Busters" http://educale -yourself.org/dc/ pointy end of your mold, on top of the coil-spiral.
HHgandTBupdate26may03 .shiml. (copper BBs are nice here, at the capstone).
Croft's HHGs do everything Tower Busters do but on 5 Push your big crystal, point down, into the
a larger scale. These powerful Orgone Generators metal so that it's standing up, then put more
protect /energize your space; neutralize & convert metal around it to hold it in place.
negative harmful energy /ELF waves
Heals, transforms negative /evil places.
into positive energy. © For a full minute, mix up enough catalyzed resin
(resin with catalyst added) to cover the metal.
Gather Materials, Ingredients T Pour in resin to cover the metal surrounding the crystal.
• large quartz crystal, single or double terminated (point at both 8 Add more metal particles to nearly fill remainder of mold.
ends), minimum 1 1/2"
crystals taped. ..end-to-end,
long x 1/2" thick. If smaller, ok to use 2
making a double termination. Doesn't
3 Optional: lay a flat SBB coil level on top of the metal.

how ugly /low quality crystal is, long as has a natural point.
1 Again mix up enough catalyzed resin to cover the metal.

• Optional Enhancements (for personal orgonite): 4 hematite 1 1 Pour in resin up to the brim of the mold.
beads, teaspoon/s of crushed pyrite /activated charcoal, pieces of 1 2 Let resin cure. becomes hot & rockhard about 15 minutes.

amethyst, rose quartz, garnet, kyanite. Bit of Sacred Ash (p12). 1 3 Turn mold upside down and shake or smack to release your it

Drops ofCharged Water (p_19). SweeetPeas (p 7). new Harmonizer (Holy Hand Grenade). Congratulations!
• cone mold: 4" or more diameter; 4" or more height. Plastic
14- Deploy! -after FIRST placing several in YOUR environment /car.
funnel, martini glass, party-hat, paper-cone or pyramid mold.
The bigger the cone, the more powerful the HHG.
BURY(upright) if possible; HHGs are best for the worse negative/

• jar or can to hold mold upright • copper wire,18 gauge "evil" places/things (HAARP arrays, hospitals, slaughter houses,

• veggie oil, grease, Pam spray or WD-40 as mold-release cemetaries, satanic sites..). See Gifting Instructions, page 13
• metal particles, about 11 ounces. ANY type of metal: shavings (&16), from: educate-yourself.org/dc/giftingwithorgone1 1feb03.shtml.

from a machine shop /key-maker, cut-up metal scrubbing pads,

small nails /pins /paperclips. BBs (ball bearings from a Sports store) if®
work but are heavy & expensive if you're making lots of HHGs.
• resin & catalyst, about 11 ounces; fiberglass, epoxy, or acrylic re sin

Prepare your Cone-Mold

• Soft (Paper) Molds for 1-time use:
- Pointed Paper Party Cap: tape the seam so resin doesn't leak.
- Croft's quick n' easy Paper Cone: fold a sheet of typing paper from lower
corner to opposite corner to make a triangle shape, not rectangle. Fold a
second time, making another triangle, then open it into a cone shape.
With masking tape, tape the overlap & underlap to help it hold its shape.
- Very LARGE Cone: make a paper cone (taping the seam) out of a
big piece of thin poster board and tape that into a large funnel.
• Hard Molds for multiple use: 16-oz (473 ml) Plastic Funnel: saw off spout
and tape the hole (cone will have flat tip); or form a point with 2" wide masking
tape, being sure to prevent leaks. Large Martini Glass.

Prepare your Spiral or Coil (makes orgone field spin)

• Make a Clockwise Conic Spiral (tutorial, page 12) cut a length of 26", 39" or

'52" from your 18 gauge wire. Form wire into a cone spiral so it fits loosely inside

your mold. To make it clockwise, wind wire clockwise towards point, as viewed
from bottom of cone towards point. Do 7 or so turns. ( T IP loosely wind wire into

a flat coil, then stretch it out into a rough cone; shape it if needed)
• OPTIONAL: Make an SBB or "Saint Buster's Button" Coil; instructions, pg 10
• OPTIONAL: wrap copper wire clockwise around the length of your crystal.

Cbswork talks about HHgs HEX-Orgone Your House

"clearing the 'atmosphere' of a room, they definately do, re- [byDRE
gardless of room size. Put four or more in your house and
the houses of your friends and the turnaround is miracu-

lous. ...The real magic begins at six and then to nine... Over
and over again, wherever we add hhgs to a situation, that gets
to about six in number, they seem to create their own little en-
ergy field between themselves. ... This energy field can be as Surround
small as 30 by 60 feet, or by a mile. They link up.. Put one in your property with 6 HHGs (or
a car.. .put one at each end of a public park and the whole TBs at least) in the shape of the
park lights up. ...Add an hhg to a cloudbuster and Hexagon (Sacred Geometry,
its range will extend. Add several hhgs around
page 8). Or /and do this
your CB base in a Star of David pattern and it arrangement on INSIDE of your
seems to double the range of the CB ..The energy
apartment /abode. This is an
field that., commences the moment an hhg enters the locale upgrade from the 4-picce orgonite
of a sucky place, person, or thing, "lights" up. Many times fve grid around your house.
put a hug someplace, looked up, and saw a spinning vortex
in the clouds above it. Think about that ...Couple'a crystals, some unwanted scrap metal, and

some stanky boat resin and voila! Instant Physics paradigm shift. People all of a sudden are
thinking about self improvement, home improvement, life improvement. That stagnation feel-
ing that sits in so many places we live and move and have our being, vanishes. ...[[ HHG ]]
motivates change in the place, person, or thing. Gardens bloom, children laugh, birds sing.
The air around them is alive with ions and magnetic energy. ..Plants double in size in six
months. Ugly, snitty people start acting nice...(www.whale.to/b/dor27.htm)

da MUFFIN papers . PAGE 11 OF 52

Clockwise or Counterclockwise?
How to easily tell! byDRE m1% Ryan's Clockwise Crystal Wrapping Tutorial
Apparently there is much confusion
determining Clockwise vs. Counter-
clockwise when it comes to wrapping
wire (around crystals) and making coils •€>'
(for HHGs...). Perhaps because ~*«WE
reverse depending on direction traveled (towards or away
Hold the wire like so with Go from
around the
Repeat this as many
from center), or view (top vs. underneath). Here are 2 your left hand. bottom then over the top times as you want.
easy ways to determine if wrapping is Clockwise: towards yourself.
• the thread on a SCREW is Clockwise.
• a Snail SHELL is Clockwise (topview, moving ..no matter which end you look at the coil is always moving in a Clockwise
from center to opening). You can model your HHG motion [[from wire-tip end towards !

crystal]]. If you wrap in the reverse

.jte.A, Coil from the snail-shell spiral .

direction it will always be moving in

About CW-CCW, Don wrote a Counter Clockwise motion.
ftqPf* ''fcc

From ryanmcginty.com/orgone
*•'The coil in the HHg and
Earth pice looks like a screw tip, simply
Examples of wrapped crystals,
stated. Whether it's CW
or CCW isn't extremely important ... www. whale. to/b/dor76. htm
My wife simply sees it working better ..when if s CW.." "Cbswork and Crystal Wrapping" wv/w.whale.to/b/cbswork.html
Orgonite Heals Added to orgonite, Sacred Ash | More TB /HHG Enhancements (for Personal Orgonite)
HHG Sandwich spirals §3 amps its power. Veiy potent -just
away pain. Inspiraledby a pinch needed. Also known as
Cbswork's Enhanced Ai5-Crystal Reactor Core in your HHG
Vibhuthi and Agnihotra. Used Tower Buster Recipe <!$l^% Croft's original HHG design (left) had 5
theChineseYoyo (pg 27) I sand-
since ancient times, its healing My main gifting U..-L/\ quartz crystals, later replaced with a
wiched my headache between tips of 2
HHGs, holding Ihem to my head. Pain
powers (bio, ecological) docu- weapon, bar
C*m single larger crystal, still effective,
mented. • German study notes **%& plus economical for gifling-HHGs. For
gone in minutes. A friend calls one night, • Muffin pan, j
?uick healing of Skin Fungus, Herpes, y & extra-powerful HHGs you
:""•">£*&. personal
tooth aching badly. I told her my tech-

ancer. Sinusitis., (lapovan.net/agnihotra teflon or sili-

can use all 5 crystals. Wrapping
nique. Nest day she told me when she con, 12-up.
/ash_applications.hlm) • Testimonials coloring each crystal, especially wrapping all 5
held the 2 HHGs to her face with her A light smatter- Add kyanite, a together as shown makes your HHG even

from Pern Iagniholra.org/sat602.html)
throbbing jaws between its points, the • International list of sites /contacts: ing of shavings wonderful addition.. more potent • Starting at the point, clock-

awful pain lessened. Then, to her sur- fangelfire.com/reaim/tapovan/ Add one quartz* Cover with wise wrap the length of one lateral crystal in
prise she could feel energy spiraling direclory.hlm) • How to make therapeu- crystal, wrap shavings. 3" or 26" long leav-
1 8 gauge copper wire, 1 ,

back &. forth between HHGs, through tic Preparations (tapovan. netlagnihotral the xtal in 24 •
Pour mixed resin ing a trail of wire at the end. • Repeat for
her jaws as all -DRE
pain dissolved. preparation.htm) • Source? Best to do guage pure (charged water or other 3 lateral crystals. • Clockwise wrap
Christy's Shamanic Healer Agnihotra yourself to get the Ash; there copper wire, no, depending) and
is the trailing wire of each crystal around the
Works for Animals Too a special healing effect. Easy to make. clock-wise. coverall material.
central vertical crystal as shown. • Op-
One fire produces much ash. Ash /medi-
Add two < Sun cure until
tional: Place a hematite stone between the
cines are never to be sold Free sample garnet bits. they pop out.
crystals. • Cast Drgonite in LAYERS As .

available from Fivefold Path Inc., (540) Add rose or i Two coats of
you do so, sprinktejn option-al kyanite, py-
948-5463. 278 N. White Oak Drive, Madi- adventurine camo, leaf green,
rite, garnets...
son VA 22727* Instruction details at or amethyst brown, and dark
a gnihotra.org OR agnihotraindia.com for heart/higher green. TIP: glue
OR crystals in place
www.answers.com/aeniholra Gas POWERPACK amps HHG (Goop or glue
BEFORE: They taped • Supplies: copper pyramid tray, dried
2 "Shamanic Healer AFTER: In 2 hours cow dung, ghee, brown rice; small Krypton 1 Xenon light bulb,
plus Agni- 1 & gun) then
small neodvmiuni magnet 1 quartz crystal.
Pendants' (page 43) the horse "was hotra Mantra &
sunrise/set timings from
Copper- only shavings to coverthem, or
add wire wrap.
to front legs of "rescue walking without a agnihotrasupplies.com • Introduced by
horse" who had pain- limp, and has not wrap in copper-only foil ITien wrap ALL in .
• Cbswork
Al Gray. See Vendors Si "Al Gray's Ag- puts
ful crippling laminitis. limped since." small square of aluminum foil, careful not
nihotra" by ZS Livingstone leducate-your rose
to break bulbs. Seal with plastic tape. Add
Qj2EE3 fr ° m email she sent me: self.org/7jil/agnihotraashl0feb06.skml)
to middle of 5-crystal before pour- HHG quartz
'..see if your Illness is in the list [[at site], ing resin layers. Tutorial: KKv.power & garnets under
so you can make an orgonite with the stones for your specific condition: www.health pyramids.comlHHGinslructions.html center crystal.
stones.com/mineraldata/remedies/remedies.html ..If you are experiencing pain
anywhere in your body, you should make one [forqonitel with ..red jasper and ma-
hogany obsidian ..very effective. An Indian healer ..told us about these stones, I
Instant MASSIVE Orgone from your Skillet
found the round beads and mixed them in the orgonite. The day after started I
Excerpt from book at SuZar.com. Based on description & effects, it's clear that
wearing it, the [( longstanding) pain disappeared" 'Christie G. (See pg 9, 43) this exercise is a powerful instant cheap n' easy Massive Orgone Generator :

And the St Busters Button or Therapeutic HHG Let's all do the "Jive-Vibe-Buster" Instructions
"They take away pain where ever activate the chakras. The 1. Get the following:
Although this little inexpen- cation where performed.
you put them... place it on the back top is rounded so that en- - metal container
sive process takes only a The
person I told about
of your neck for tension and stress ergy won't squirt out the (small skillet will do)
few minutes, itproduces this process was a prophet
..on the temples for the same effect. do with cones
point, as they - box of salt
profound beneficial results .. she clairvoyantly saw
..any where you have pain.it is gone and pyramids. ..We want that orgone go - rubbing alcohol
for the planet, your neigh- rainbows of light through-
usually within a few minutes" They move into the body, so the flat side is put - lighter or matches
borhood, your apartment out her house shortly after
also prevents nightmares and pro- against the body (thru clothing is fine) and - glass of water (for
building, your abode, and doing it ...she felt that the
motes lucid dreaming and meditation. the magnet simply causes a toroidal current safety in case of
yourself. .. It is cheap, fast, cleansing was so profound
Don Croft wrote: "We designed this to of orgone through the bottom surface.
easy and incredibly effec- ..it enabled her to take a
accidental fire)
unravel energy blocks in the body and 2. Put about 2
How to Make a St Busters Button tive. .. In just minutes, it major step in her spiritual
"J magnet down
put the north side of the accomplishes ultra deep unfoldment. I told another
,,~ 9 mm Amethyst of salt in the pan (you
because want the orgone to pass through
I profound cleansing that far friend about it. ...she finally
i/?xi/r may flatten the salt).
the purple amethyst first (top side), then the exceeds traditional purifica- did it one day. She called
Neodlmium Mag 3. Pour the alcohol on
red garnet (bottom side). It's not a major tion rites such as burning me up excited, for she could
the salt, covering it or
6mm Garnet consideration, but it replicates and encour- sage or incense for long pe- actually "see the energy in
soaking all of it.
Copper Coil ages movement of cosmic energy into the riods. ..this technique ut- my house shifting ancT
4. Light it. It will burn for
crown chakra (purple) and out through the terly purifies your home, changing." This continued
a minute or two
j<2>\ Long Bare 20-26
root chakra (red), a process that balances apartment building and thru out the neighborhood.
almost smokelessly
rfSSSsJCv gauge Solid Wire Coil neighborhood of negative Another friend got ...peace
and energizes all aspects of one's being..)..I
i/V of Ends Bent 90°
nwSvMM cut off the spoutof a small plastic funnel, vibrations, negative psychic and lightness ...
i i 'SxA/ljii One end is bent up.
the other end bent
down [[ see pg 10 fj
tape the opening, and when the resin has
cured, 1 sand [[ or file ]] the top into a round
energy, and "bad" or "evil" unusual
At the same positive
vibrations, etc.

shape... The amethyst Ls a short distance from time, apparently opens up events...
[[Use ]] "only non-ferrous
so there's no risk of sanding into that" the channels for immense
metal, preferably aluminum" the top,
spiritual LIGHT to pour into
•D. Oof: Orgone Gen. FAQ.: educate-- •If.org/dc/dcorgonegenfaq26feb02shtml
the physical plane at the lo-
• More Instructions: wwwmetatech.org/ loudouster _& _orgone_genc-alor.html

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 12 OF 52

If the ReptilianAliens get their way (=impose their HlumiNaughty-NWO martial-law police-state upon us), then we
lose everything (all our belongings, real estate, pets, peanut butter, bank accounts, savings...) and likely our lives if

we are not enslaved first. We NEED to do ALL we can NOW, while we STILL can do anything at all. If we wait
til they spring their trap it will be too late. Good news: with Orgone, just 1 person (YOU) or a handful of diligent
folks can do VAST DAMAGE to the Reptilian-Elite's agenda.

Gifting with Orgone so you can be who you should be, without
extra-dimensional or outside interference. In
FULL ARTICLE from: educale-yourself.orgldclgiftingwithorgonellfeb03.shlml some places, like New York or Los Angeles,
guide within you your conscience
many are needed in a home - say twenty - to
[Editor's Note" "Cbswork" is the e-mail name of a -
get the same and protection as six would
man who lives in the Los Angeles area that Don Croft - is shouting from deep within your heart
get you in, say, Colorado or Montana. Your heart
has often mentioned in his articles and Adventure to take the gift given you, and give it to others.
will tell you when your are there. Listen to it.
episodes. like Carol Croft, he has special and With that in mind...
unusual psychic talents that allow him to penetrate Auto
the veil of secrecy that the dark minions laboring on
GIFTING LOCATIONS When your home is done, now place at least

behalf of the Illuminated Ones usually depend on to Water TWO HHGs in your automobiles. One under the
carry out their foul deeds and treacherous agenda with Place a full sized Croft HHG on the water main front seatone in the trunk; if you have a truck
impunity. He has done much to upset the Illuminated going to your house. Do this first. Not only are you one under the seat another TB in the rear bumper
Apple Cart in southern California and elsewhere orgonizing your water, but the water of your - you'll figure out how to get one in there that

through the efforts of a dedicated band of Merrymcn neighborhood. Orgone dilutes of negative energetic will stay there. You'll be a travelling field of
known as LA.A.R.P (Los Angeles Air Reclamation effect of the poison, flouride, though not the orgone, bringing freedom wherever you go. It

Project). I hope to upload more info from him in the chemical aspects of it. By gifting your water main, will also stop predators who are sitting outside

near future, as he has a great deal to offer. This you are sending healing energy, via the water itself, your home grid from hurting you as you leave to
perceptive essay on the distribution and placement of out to your area, because orgonized water is go about your daily life. As many orgone aware
Croft-style orgone generators is a good example of conductive and spreads, even against the flow of people can attest - and they have countless times -
his insightful powers of observation ..Ken Adachi] water itself. In fact, gifting water itself would be a car accidents, astral spooks, and cops looking for
whole chapter, all by itself. If you are on a well system, a victim, have all gone bazocko in the presence of
By Cbswork [["DB'TJ...
place an HHG over the main pipe coming out of orgone, allowing you to safely travel with you
your pump that feeds your house. Whatever the and yours. This is important. Very often,
giftingwithorgonel 1 feb03.sh.tml
situation, get your water orgonized. One pint-sized maliciously focused persons and government
February 11,2003
HHG or larger will be sufficient to handle any agencies are just sitting around the corner,
At some point your experience with orgone, you'll
in volume your residence may use. waiting for you to I^ave. This being the case,
discover the miraculous healing and balancing effects some good energy can only help out and it has on
of working with orgone energy devices, commonly
Home several occasions to many of us since our
Place HHGs under your beds, over your fridge,
known as HHGs (Holy Hand Grenades) and TBs introduction into this wonderful technology.
on your water heater, and in your gardens, spaced
(Tower Busters.) This is an entirely natural outcome.
You know what it has done for you. your family, and
1 5 feet apart, the ionizing limit of orgone, in a stan- Work & Activity Environments
dard pint/half-pint configuration. For Scalar energy, list would be your immediate
Next on our
friends. You've watched it take "old sourpusses" and
the range is much few miles in fact. But for environs. Where you work, where you shop, the
further, a
turn them into thoughtful angels, conscious of their
the plants in your area, most hhgs have a limited gas station(s) you frequent - any place that is part
ugliness. You've watched the ugliness around your
range and this can easily be seen (this was demon- of your routine should have hhgs and tbs already
home and neighborhood shift into something higher and
strated to Don Croft in December of 2002, by taking there and waiting for you when you arrive. I've
nobler. You've seen your plants, pets, and water
him to a small field where I had placed a single, gifted restaurants I go to, shopping centers, gas
become simply alive after having these things about.
half-pint HHg near a large series of planted Oleander stations, parks, friend's homes (even without their
And, at some point, you'll want to share this gift bushes. Where the HHg was placed, everything knowledge, if I have to be around there) -

with others. within 15 feet of was double size, double stalks,

it anywhere that is your daily routine, should have

Truly, it is the gift of life, taken away

a gift. It's and radiant - beyond that, same old, same old. This orgone in place. The amount of devices is, again,
from us by those forces in religion, metaphysics, is the ionizing effect of orgone, on plants.) up to the dictates of where you live and what your
heart tells you. Sometimes a single gift does it
and government who don't want you to be, all you Put HHGs at each corner of your property, even
all. Other times, you need a whole bag, just to
can be. Orgone devices don't give HTe, they retrieve if its just an apartment Doing this creates a grid
Kfe stolen from you.
"set things a'right" Bag them all and as
zone of energetic energy, that will help stave off
Tiospayel often says, "let God sort them out"
That was stolen through subliminal, hypnotic
life the negative effects of cell phone microwave
suggestions imbedded in radio, television, and transmissions and also, as has been demonstrated to Your Town
through the very air itself, courtesy of these me on countless occassions, forces paranormal Having faithfully done the above, its time to grid
'lowers." It was stolen from us by the flouride put in our entities such as ghosts, poltergeists, astral your hometown, the place you live and move and
drinking water, the processed sugars put demonic types, and black magicians outside the have your being. Start from the streets directly
our foods, in
adjacent to your home. Go up one street and
and by the lies our minds, by 8" d The base ol trees are especially wonderful
and distortions placed in

the false history books, taught by false teachers. places to put hhgs - given what a tall tree does for its down the next, for miles in each direction. Get
neighborhood - giving it a boost of energy will the parks, every ivy bush, trees, ditches - every-
When the gift of orgone came into your life, things where you can put a gift, do it. You are center to
help it "de-smog" the pollutants it breathes in.
began to appear as they really are. The beautiful,
the hub of a great and ever expanding grid-wheel
as well as ugly. As the weeks pass and your Put small HHgs or TBs over your TV and
and see to it that this grid grows in size each month
environment adjusts to the restored and balanced computer monitors, right on top.Any source of
or whenever practicable. Many have done this with
frequencies of what it should normally be, the sheer ELF/VLF energy needs its very own orgone device.
great success and report excellent results from the
magnitude and volume of the assault upon the human ThatHHg will work harder than any other in your
community - better attitudes, a vibrant and healthy
condition becomes very apparent- And then, home, dissipating the negative effects of these
plant and aviary life, and a far better atmosphere all
something happens inside you. common household items, that we all use daily.
around than was ever there before.
No one person can advise you on the amount of
You know what you need to do.
What you are doing is freeing the world around
HHGs or TBs to place in your home, as every
You know that in order for you to do be truly free, situation is naturally different. you.By this process, you are disabling under-
you must also free those around you. Your sense of ground bases, cell towers and their negative
The theme thus far is...get vour home
right and wrong - buried from years of self-interest or effects, black magicians, and who live
satanists in
environment in order first. You can't give,
for other reasons - is now your daily guidepost That your area. You are freeing the many from the
if you are under the gun, so clear out the old stuff
dogma of the church and are forcing law

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 13 OF 52

enforcement to rethink what they have allowed dry cleaners, pet shops, whatever. Sure, the next gifting storm drains, it would be a good idea to
themselves to become. Parents become better parents, time someone repairs their roof or gets up there for give your TBs an extra coating of resin, to help it

children better adjusted and normalized. The years some reason, they may discover it and treat it like last longer in all the solvents, sewage, and
ahead no doubt will reveal much; as yet, the data is too trash. But, it does get orgone in places that otherwise eventually, salt water. The longer they stay whole,
new and baselines are just now being established. On the wouldn't, and until it's found, those babies are work- the longer they stay working.
whole,all fronts and aspects of life show a much ing it 247, 365 days a year! And, operating under the
improved increase in vitality and radiance. principle that there is no such thing as a wasted gift,
Hell on earth. That's what a prison is. 85% of all
even if your HHg or TB is trashed, it then goes to a
If gifting known baddies (places that are well known inmates are incarcerated for non-violent, non-
citydump, where it work its little heart out helping
spots of negativity) bothers you, then take a different victim crimes, thanks to the Bush Crime
mother Earth clean up our ongoing mess.
tact Just keep making the grid bigger. Start with your Syndicate in power since 1963. The numbers
town and gift every street possible or at least every other Battlefields don't lie. For prisons, given that they are under
street Then the adjacent towns and cities, and so forth.
The only thing worse than a nuke or a ccmetary, is such tight security, its best to make Super HHGs

Within three to five months, you'll have freed either a battlefield. You don't have to be energy sensi- and necklace [surround] the location at a safe and
thou-sands or millions, depending upon where you live.
tive to sense and feel the horror that is a battle- practical distance to the gifter. Trespassing on
field, whether itsGettysburg (a very nasty energy state and government land, might well land you in
Special Gifting Targets site, brrr) or something that happened thousands one of these, so be wise, be safe, and gift with
Cemeteries of years ago in Greece or Carthage. Very often, POWER instead of placement.
Sticking rotting, dead bodies into the soil there are still souls trapped there - for centuries -
who cannot escape, still fighting the battle, unable
Microwave and so-called "cell
perceived by the more advanced cultures as
something to be avoided. Cemetaries quickly become to leave. The ground is soured, the aura of death phone" towers
extends literally for miles beyond the actual site
Well, these nasty little gifts from NATO countries
manmade vortexes used by astral and etheric entities
(visit Fredericksburg at Marie's Heights, you to its citizens, are a top priority for gifting. Often,
as entryways into our world Souls are often trapped if
they are hidden as palm trees, douglas firs, or just
there, caught by the vortex while passing through or by want to understand this completely) and surely,
each of these deserves your best bag of orgone. big,huge ugly flat-panel towers. They are not
their own ignorance, because the etheric web around
what they appear to be. These arrays are also
their well preserved heart hasn't dissolved yet. Either You'll heal the ground, stop the vortex, close the
in Shell, Texaco, and Exxon gas station
way, the thing to do is gift these places with a portal, and free souls ALL IN THE SAME DAY. Those hidden
of you on the East Coast of America have plenty
signs, church steeples, tacked onto office
vengeance. Several things will happen. The negative
buildings, on the sides of schools! They have
vortex will start to slow its CCW spin and eventually to do in this regard. This goes for any historical
nothing to do with cell coverage and everything to
stop. Souls trapped, will be freed. Soured ground, sitewhere humans slaughter humans for any rea-
son. GET THEM ALU 'let God sort them out'. do withobliterating your ability to function
over time, will return to its normal state, though we
normally as a human being. Orgone aware people
do not know as yet how long that will take. Dorks Hospitals
GIFT THESE FIRST and never look back. Like
who like to do satanic rituals at the more infamouse Wards for the dying, birthing houses for the
water gifting, gifting the towers is one of the
graveyards, will find their mojo "no longer worky." masses, and money machines for the AMA.
greatest acts of freedom and kindness you can do
That about describes what a hospital Once in
Masonic, Mormon, and Esoteric is.
for your fellow human being.
awhile, they'll fix your broken hand or drain
Order Temples Nuclear Power Plants
your ear. The aura around hospitals are.. .well...
My, these places deserve everything that is coming to
usually dark grey and brown, with heavy bands of The dingy orange and brown aura of these places,
them. Ritual abuse, child murder and kidnapping,
even darker grey, when viewed clairvoyantly. often purposely placed on grid points (well estab-
black magic incantations - the works. These places
Reservoirs, Streams,
lished by researchers), as well as their CCW vor-
are also mini-manmade vortexes, but on a lesser scale.
tex, require POWER gifting to undo. We've gifted
Very often, these sites are chosen for their place within Lakes and Waterways of any kind. many such sites with satisfactory results. Super
the greater Major and Minor arcana Grid, for the express The wonder of gifting water cannot be overstated.
HHGs, well placed, as well as a good smattering of
purpose of hijacking our planet for dark purposes. Every Time and again, orgone aware folks have
HHgs and TBs in the LAARP "necklace" fashion,
city, township, and locale across the globe has them, and witnessed amazing results by gifting these places.
will insure that the negative effects of such human
this is not by accident Over gift these places. Take them For freshwater, make them well, make them
stupidity will be offset as much as can be done.
down Time to end the dark influence in our lives and strong, get them in as deep as possible and at as
Again, caution is as advised. Trespassing on Fed-
it must start with these esoteric orders. many points as is practicable. Try and gel them in
eral land is a bigtime no no, on Fascist Earth, so
and around the shores of these places, as well. We
If the location or organization claims to serve gift these places wisely. Federal installations are
are still gathering data on water gifting and the
humanity, they will want to be gifted. If their motives under constant tight survellience - video and satel-
years ahead will reveal much. For salt water, it's
are not on the up and up, then they need it to see the lite. Be smart, don't be obvious, and don't trespass
been decided that glass, thus far, is the best
light so to say, that they so often brag about bringing to around nukes. Just make your HHGs as powerful
container and the reason for this is salt chlorides,
the world. Grid gifting gets them all. Up one street and which as any surfer can tell you, eat everything
as you can get them and leave the rest to nature.
down the next You'll be glad you did.
and quickly except glass. Resin is permeable,
- [[ Map of US. Nuclear Power Plants:

Eaw Enforcement (Cop Shops) and salt water telegraphs itself right through the www.ratical.org/radiation/CNR/PP/chp9.html#figl4 ]

Need I say more? Who do you think the politicians cracks and crannies, no matter how tiny and goes Haunted Houses and the like
slam down on the people first, before
will be using to straight to work, eating your metal composition. You've read the books, seen the shows all over the
they deploy the NationalGuard? What group of Salt water can take a normal HH g and turn it to TV, and you should know that a few, well-placed
armed men are given lists by the FBI for harassment mush in less than thirty days There are directions .
HHGs will undo the imprimatur established by
to known dissidents and truth-seekers? Who will for building devices just for the ocean I(coat gifts the horror, that made the place haunted in the
often empty their guns into an un-armed man, then with a marine sealant : see page 19JJ on the Croft first instance. Murders, evil-doings, lost souls,
cry aloud, "it was self-defense! He made a furtive Forum board, referenced at the end of this article. bad times, asylums, old prisons no longer in use
movement!? Who do you see in the news beating the Storm Drains - all of these have to be gifted.

hell out defenseless teenage girls with oak and steel Another great place to put orgone devices is in the
nightsticks? Who covers the CIA's butt in the field,
Underground Tunnels and Bases
storm drains. Take the same tact as you would
Very many cities have ancient labyrinths still
when one of their drug couriers goes off the wher area gifting above ground, by gridding. Up
and expanded for the express purpose of
in use
reservation? Who harasses orgone gifters, as they one street and down the next, popping them in the
moving people and meteriel around without the
bring freedom' to the world? Who needs to be drains. Often these will do more than just vitalize
public's awareness. Your tax dollars at work,
necklaced with a dozen of TBs at each cop shop? the sewage, but works towards healing your area
without your knowledge or consent Nuclear facilities -

using both water and Mother Earth at the same

Urban Areas (no plants or ivy around) targets of environmental groups - are frequently found
These are the toughest to gift, because the natural
time. The gifts will ultimately move around, in these places, to power underground bases without
hitherand yon, taking their goodness with them,
thing to do is to get the TB or HHG in the ground 01 the usual, tell-tale signature of tapping into the
upsetting underground parasites and getting near
in water. In heavy industrial areas or inner cities, mainstream power grid. If these can be found, the
all those nasty and ancient tunnels without the
plant life literally doesn't exist there, for your gifts of DOR effects of these places can be offset in the
gifter ever getting wet with stankage. Should they
love. One solution that we've taken to doing is toss- very same fashion as above ground nukes. Gift
ing them on the roofs of small business - drug stores,
then move out to sea so much the better. When when found - proceed with caution, as always.

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 14 OF 52

Daycare Centers and Schools points and for specific reasons. If you happen to Summary
How many times to we have to read yet another live in an extremely large city and rightfully feel In reality, any place is a good place to gift. If the
horror story about a daycare center involved in overwhelmed at taking on such a huge task as grid idea of gifting some location occurs to you, follow
satanic ritual abuse? The reports number in the tens gifting, do what we started doing - which is - start that nudge and do it. Don't make excuses Not To
of thousands. Schools, from kindergarten through gifting along the highways and freeways that criss- Be. The more visible the hand of oppression in

post graduate, deserve the same freeing source of cross through your town. Use the already-in-place your world, the more necessary that list needs the
goodness as any place, and especially the K through grid of these systems and put them every half mile. freeing gift of orgone. There is a reason you are
12. Gift all schools. You'll be doing the kids a big In a very short time, you'll have completely reading this article - perchance The Life has
favor. Remember schools have gardeners who gridded your city with orgone. It will make a world picked you to help out Its time to take advantage

constantly piddle around doing the gardening thing. of difference. of that opportunity and here is one important thing

Just tossing them in a bush, may not have them left you can do that actually goes beyond whining and
there for very long. This often being the case, in less
Out and About the sad state of affairs in our world.
moaning about
you can find lots of ivy around, its best to go after
Make sure you keep a personal orgone device on
your person -pendant TB, or some such thing so that
. Gifting is action oriented. No one can tell you how
hours, take a small hand spade, and dig them in deep
you become your very own field of orgone, no matter wonderful it is, until you try it for yourself. With
Being under a few inches of earth will in no way
the circumstance. This will assure you that clear, very money, a dedicated person can take their
stop your gifts from doing all they can do - in fact,
uncluttered energy is with you, healing, serving, and community and restore its sanity, offset any dark
its been well established that burying HHgs and TBs
cleansing wherever life's path may lead you. It will influences, and change the course of history on a
increases their range-fact.
also aid in protecting you against foul play. local level, with postive, outward repercussions
Bars, Distilleries, and Sex shops that will travel over the world. But that does not
No description needed. Gift every one you find. The
Over gifting describe the majority of men and women
There is no such thing as over-gifting. The reason this
ghouls and blood-sucking astral entities will not be
is so, is because TPTB constantly search for these If you are a spineless do-nothing, who prefers to
able to suck the energy off the patrons as they've
orgone creations and try to remove them Gifts are found, attack, slander, and hand- wring your daily life
been doing for thousands of years, once gifted. Who away, gifting even your own family and street may
taken home, thrown away, or kicked into the street and
knows? Maybe thousands of alcoholics will finally
lost That's life. In high profile target areas, a great many seem like too much of a
bother to you. There are
lose their taste for the green demon of booze, once
several orgoneaware people who have tons of
are needed, in case some of them are found as described.
their favorite watering hole no longer has the old
In high-density cities like Los Angeles or New York, time making up excuses and reasons why they
vibe? Anything can happen.
sometimes gifts need to be placed a few hundred feet can't find twenty dollars for a gallon of resin,
Forests, Parks, and places of Nature apart, instead of miles. Your heart will tell yoa which easily makes 48 TBs - more than enough to
If not you, who? If not now, when? Nature deserves cover an area miles in circumference.
as much attention as any city. More so, some would
Gifting should be fun and in fact, its exhilerating! Many orgone aware people are also extremely
say. The forest lands of today are not what they used poor. Several vendors on this forum have made it
Bringing such freedom to total strangers in areas you
to be, even as little as twenty years ago. The flora very clear that if that accurately describes your
may or may not go to is a total blast. The smile that
and fauna of this planet need their world returned to situation, theTBs you need are often shipped to you
appears on your face lasts a very long time. Still, gift
them and what better way to give Mother Nature a atno charge. Time and again, men and women have
safely. Don't break laws that will land in you a place
boost than to gift her frequently with orgone? Hav- offered HHgs and ^Bs to people for mere pennies
where the man can do whatever he wants to you - and
ing carpeted a few forests, the response witnessed on the dollar, to help out any SINCERE person
he will, given half a chance. Don't trespass on federal
has been truly wonderful - fresher water, more who finds themselves in such predicaments.
land, cuz' nowadayz, they'll call you a terrorist and
abudant wildlife, and a very visible and grateful avi-
throw away the key.. .after they torture you. Don't up to you. Never before
Gift, don't gift, its all
ary population. If you find that you may be driving
toss TBs from your car with a cop sitting behind you have so many depended upon so few and in a world
through a forest one day, bring a BIG bag of TBs
or you'll discover your area's littering laws first hand. crisis as now presents itself. Are
and toss them every mile on your trip through.
And today, in America at least if they can bust you for you ready to do some good
Neighbors and Friends one thing, it gives them an automatic right to search your today? Throw down and
Making your neighbors aware of the benefits of car or even seize it depending upon your state. Don't stand tall for freedom?
orgone should be a natural - unless of course, you are give them a reason to ruin your life, because the
We hope so.
surrounded by dunderheads! That can easily be simple fact of the matter is, they will look for ANY
solved by gifting them anyways! A little orgone in reason, at ANY time, to stop your gifts to humanity.
your neighbor's oleander bush or ivy usually has a // oka "DB " (See Vendors )
No, boys and girls, cops - federal, military, or local • Archives: whale.to/b/cbswork.html
great way of making them act. almost human again.
Hell,you might even learn their name and start
- are not the nice sweethearts who love their • Webpage & products, books:
country's citizens. They follow orders. They will www.vaccinetruth.net/cbswork/cbswork.htm]]
waving to them, like people USED TO DO.
gleefully ruin your life, if you give them any
High Voltage Power Lines ALL RIGHTS RELEASED.
excuse whatsoever. Gift safely. Gift wisely. And THIS DOCUMENT ISINTHE
The ugly, negative etheric energy (brown) that radi- many times, gift S I L E T L Y. N PUBLIC DOMAIN. PLEASE DISTRIBUTE FREELY
ates a foot off these
lines, kills the life- Talk to ? Streets torn up m Ma k e * 'Preciou s
force of the Earth un- the Animals search for TBs, HHGs Orgone Trash"
derneath them. Gift
The following worth mentioning,
is from orgone forums: "Groups of Correc- Create & put orgone generators in one
these high-tension
but shouldn't be considered essen- tions Dept. inmates used to cleanup areas
wires whenever found. or more protective plastic bags (or cre-
tial to litis work. Whenever I need- gifted. Same place, a coupja weeks later, 3
ate them in glass botttes), tie it up, and throw Ihem
The electrical system ed to find the right farm road to guys in sute, one with radio in hand, looking
of our world has not get to a tower or array, I found down a sewerfor my gifts!! ... In downtown inthe trash! They go to the city dump, where
brought progress, it has that the behavior of hawks and they are tearing up the streets all around they continuously transmute the dump's mas-
taken us down a dark doves was helpful... Carol was the where busted ... months ago. know they
sive volumes of DOR (deadly orgone) into POR
road and for so long first one to point out and demon- didnt find my gifts, though. Along the (positive orgone). This is a "passive" vet ex-

now, no one alive re-

me that the behavior of
strate to hiway, they did get close to one gift, tremely effective way to wipe out massive
birds and animals in general can though, within 50 feet. They tore up strips amounts of DOR Go to neighboring cities and
members how vibrant !

be used to show us what to do. of concrete shoulder and wend down over
the world used to be.
toss your 'Precious Orgone Trash' into their pub-
Lots of cloudbuster folks have noted 3 feet in the search... I'm wreaking havoc
lic trash containers too. This method of "gifting"
This must end now. anomalous behavior of birds around with the "El trains" system! ...I gifted like

them, especially hawks and eagles... mad. Now they are tearing that up all
can be done brazenly. Massive POLLUTION is
Freeway and vultures are rarely seen. over the place, too!! fimShoe being used as a Major Weapon against Mamma
Highway 3 where there is a Earth in this secretly-Reptilian-controlled society,
system cloudbuster... vulimes "Another removed HHG!" .. was walking I
where systems /industries are deliberately set up to
Very often, the state love dead orgone fields by a "HHG-planted" location yesterday,
be excessively polluting. This is part of the Reptil-
and federal planners and are apparently not and saw that not only was the garden it ians' War on Humanity and Mamma Earth. The
designed the highway comfortable in areas was planted in had been ripped up. but
of strong, healthy Reptilian Agenda /Machinery needs massive
also the sidewalk and the small asphalt
system along specific orgone. Don Croft amounts of DOR (DeadlyOrgone) in order to work.
Darking area. VmcouverSicve

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 15 OF 52

. »

eter on other access roads, also as close as possible....

Gifting Basics 7. So far, only one or two of the devices that Carol
FROM: educate-yourseif.org/dc/giftingbasics26may03.shlml
and I have distributed in this region have been found "orgon[ite] loves to be moved ... keep 20 or

and removed. ...This is something that most people more pounds ( 45 kilos ) in your vehicles and
Here are the gifting protocols
won't have to be concerned about If you're in LA, as they move it will shift the dor/por stabiliza-
that Carol and I use... Periodically]] Move yourchembusters
Chicago, NYC, London, Paris, Beijing, Tokyo, Mexico tion. [[

1. One towerboster is sufficient |

City, Johannesburg or any other Illuminati strong- more then 3 feet and you will
To disable most single transmit- .

hold, though, you need to be concerned about that feelthe imbalance and flows."
toss them in thick bushes, [Compare /see pg 24, Instant
ters. I and I hope you'll follow Cbswork's recommen-
ponds, rivers or even drainage
CB (TexasCritter.Clyde,
in creeks, ... I hope his cre-
dations to the letter [[page 13]]
EFF forum. 22 Aug 2005)
ditches within a quarter mile but not closer than fifty dentials in over-gifting from the School of Hard
yards to each tower. If there are no suitable hiding Knocks will help you avoid the tuition cost
that the bad boys won 't just film you from a distance,
places, I bury them or toss them onto flat roofs. 8. If a place feels nasty and deserving of a TB or then go and remove all the objects you put down...
2. For massive single towers, two is usually enough. A ITHg, don't hesitate to gift it, okay? Trust your feel-
1 1. You'll need to have a Succor Punch with you
ZapChecker from www.zapchecker.com [[ pg 40]ts use- ings.Sometimes the meet heinous activity takes place in
Jfybn really want them to lose yon. The SP blocks
ful for checking the EMF before and after gifting but if churches, ritzy bouses, schools, day care centers, etc
all transponders and related tracking devices and it
the secret police know you're on the job and depending Our instincts manifest as 'feelings' and hunches ...
even apparently prevents them from tracking you vi-
on a ZapChecker they're very likely to send some ground- 9. Before yon go oat to bast all the heinons trans-
sually from satel ites if you 'make it so You need to

wave interference your way to queer the data you get... mitters in your region, remember to do the ones
really, really want to be invisible to the secret police,
3. If there arc three or more towers close together, or if closer to your home first and also to pnt at least one otherwise you may
look like a walking neon sign to
IPs a HAARP facility, I use a single HHg, hidden the TB outside yonr honse at each corner. We put them. Remember that they use psychics as part of
same way as a TB. When toss an HHg in water, I wind up those down around our house, then we put some out
their surveillance work these days, so whenever you
a plastic grocery bag in ball and tape it securely to the point around the neighborhood and so on. That creates a huge get a hint
of an astral presence, blast their socks off
of the HHg. This ensures that it will land on the bottom, un- protective field around your home. Once you start bust-
with energy from your SP or, better yet from your
derwater, point-up, which is the meet efficient way for an ing up the bad boys' new, predatory infrastructure Powerwand or Shiva Privacy is our birthright
HHg to generate the right kind of energy field... they're going to be pretty mad, so you'll need that
Next paragraph from Croft Episode tt 32 JJ:
4. ..gifts that go into water [[ update/ Dolphins, pg 18]] protective buffer to keep them off balance whenever |[

Felonious Feds ...Of course, anyone with a

5. ALL TOWERS are most likely either part of the they come around The more you bust, the nicer the .

Succor Punch in the car will remain electroni-

mind control infrastructure or are HAARP trans- atmosphere around you will get, especially if you're
cally invisible to the spies during the tower bust-
mitters. Even the radio and TV transmitters are now careful to bust all the HAARP arrays. Work out-
ing episodes, and having one turned on inside
part of the HAARP system, according to what energy wardly in a roughly circular pattern. If you're in a the house will ensure that their conversations at
sensitives are seeing Genuine communication transmitters mountainous region, you'll need to get those home won't be electronically monitored, unless
don't generate much DOR but all of the towers ...send out mountaintop arrays, so count on getting a few blisters they're online or on the phone. Otherwise, it's pretty
very dense, potentially deadly DOR... onyourfeet if the roads are closed off... Watch for cam- easy to get the job done without been seen by the
6 If you
simply can't get within a mile or so of a trans- eras when you're gifting in that case... street level federal watchers...
mitter array,you can cither put a single HHg as close as 10. LOOK AROUND YOU
constantly when 12. [[Don's precautions regarding federal prop-
possible and string a few TBs out along the road on your you're out gifting, before, daring and after. This erty and tresspassing ]] —
way out of the area or get several HHgs around the perim- is how you get confirmations and it also helps ensure

Recognizing ShapeShifTH/rVG 'We are both bending over the fade away, and at the same time recede into the ordinary face of
Human Hybrid bench in front of the welder the young man
underneath. The dissipation of the imposed face
Lizzies Among Us when happened to look directly into his face. It seemed to suddenly lasted or took about five seconds before was completely gone and

become covered with a semi-transparent film or cloud. His features was standing there weak, my mouth open and staring at the

• "The eyes -like nobody's home faded and in their place appeared a thing' with bulging eyes, no hair and young man who had come in with the rush order. The young 'man'
• "The eye from where the lens SCALES for skin. stood and looked at it for about 20 seconds. WHAT- did not seem to be conscious of the elapsed time when had ob-

fell out was NOT human, but in- EVER IT WAS stood and looked at J|
me without moving. Then the served all this but went right on talking about the job as if nothing had
stead ..a vertically-slit pupil. strange face seemed to happened." (geocities.com/Area51/Shadowtands/6583/et036.html)
• "wore dark glasses ..looked nor-
VERTICAL SLITS • "facial struc-
ture., of a classic reptilian hybrid i.e.

the eyes sunk deep into the eye

sockets, the ridge over the eye-
brows, the high cheekbones and
sunken cheeks [[great]] arrogance

and contempt for human life in-

ability to tell the truth [[or feel re-

morse, emotions].
beauty.in supermodels., actresses
"Standards of.,
WHAT DO REPTOIDS Reptilian with offspring.

... move toward emphasis upon LOOK LIKE? Sumerian

c.lav sculpture

features typical of hybrids: low (From REFTOID.COM and wwwMnk- reptoid hierarchy." "Somi

forehead, small chin, triangular aboulil.com/Repslphydes.hlm) Various with white powdery scales."

face, large eyes, slim androgynous types of upright walking 'Toids have In every case "the greenish-

bodies.• "look as if they're about to been reported. Most common axe: brown Draco beings appearei
to be submissive and highly
rob you • "Some hybrids., being • REPTOIDS (Reptilian-Human-
passed off as 'Indigo Children' ..The oids): 5 to 9 feet tall. Scaled skin. Ei- respectful towards those with
whitescales.. indicated mat
hybrids following their intended
ther "large black eyes with vertical slit
programmi ng act like little psy- pupils or eyes that are white with flame *e Draco hierarchy is a cast
system dependant on skin
"Mayan Tapestry: Human Sacrifice to the Reptilian
chopaths, have contempt for hu-
colored vertical slit pupils." No body or (Serpent) Qod. Notice what is being served."
facial hair. Tails and non tailed. color (and possibly other un-
mans, and possess acute intellec- known genetic straits)." (pg7)Art Greenfield's contribution to wvwv.burlingtonnews.net/dann.html
tual and psychic powers to support
Reptoids and their superiors, the • REPTILIAN-GREY CROSSBREEDS.. 4 feet tall Cbswork talks about the Reptillians
their ambitions. ...that make tbeni
Draco Prime Reptoids. 7 to 12 feet tall. with 'oversized craniums, large black eyes with verti-
fit for eventually ruling over hu- A very near and dear friend of mine.. related..
"Dude, I took some acid with '**"" and we
Reported to he "the royal elitists of the cal slit pupils, no ears, slight torsos, arms and legs'.
manity in obedience to their alien su-
periors. "VERY SLOW-MOV-
• Reptoid devouring human baby were out at the fair, walking around the people.
DELIBERATE • "for iden- turned around and all around me, about
.,..,::::::«;::: F-abv s hand & foe! arc

tifying .. descendents.. look lor hanging out side of

every tenth person, was these.. LIZARD
those with a thirst for blood, gore reptoid' s greedy people. Totally freaked me out, dude." ..He
and slavery... senseless cruelty to mouth. They will never take LSD again, he swears. ..the

humans., animals and plants.' were not shy dose he had taken was so strong, it temporarily
about who rent the elheric web in certain places and he SAW
"the graphics on these glasses they ate. a sliver of reality .Rent BANDITS and Watch

are extremely accurate portrayals antigray.trip a reptoid in action. Kale BLaiichen. or whatever
of what a real reptilian looks like. od.com/rep her name is....There is a quick scene, fraction
The story is at 'Times Online" toldsJn_ of a second, where they let her shapeshift on
www.rnetatoch.org art. htm
screen... (EFFFomm- "Friend reports reptoids")

da MUFFIN papers PAGE 16 OF 52

EarthGrid /Vortex Gifting: Shortcut to victory? I
Big Churches+ on Vortexes
Excerpts:ElhericWaniors.com Tips /Strategies
The scaly regime has essentially stolen /hijacked power spots on the earth grid
the "Earth Grid" and feeds off it, using it as a in order to maintain their
hegemony and they sim-
We have found the Holy Grailj : : :

chief secret Power source. Most of the cell tow- i

ers, electric power-lines, large 1 ply can't stop us from By Louis Onder, Dec 2 2004 1 ,

monuments/churches, masonic ' showing up at or very This is not a bash to ANY RELI-
temples and other large struc- close to those spots and GION, it is only evidence of sacred
taking them back (gifting geometrical structures all around us
tures important to the reptil-
them) on behalf of humanity and the planet (designed to amplify energy) which
ian-power-regime have been
...Any time you see more than two new trans- may be connected to the earth's
on or close to the
built directly
" mitters within a quarter to a half mile of each grid that could benefit the entire
Earth Vortexes & Earth
other, you will be in a major vortex if you stand planet and increase the effective-
Grid "lines. Also called "Le' " in the middle of that... The regime does this to
Lines" (located through dowsing), these pathways ness of the gifting movement I
of subtle energy enss-cross Earth s surface and com-
pare wth your accupi.neti.re merKhans, while vor-
maximize the effects of their predatory apparati it's
f their occult modu^operendi for millennia,
only wish to point out that sacred
geometrical features are present in religious building

dees compare wuh chakras (energy centers) of your

body. By placuig Orgomte gifts on EarthGrid /
Vortex sites we take tneni and liicn vast power
back from the regime and help heal Our Common

cathedrals built on the old pa-

.. gg^,
native holy places
b Bro^jKame^fi hcadquar-
in Nl
facilities in Amf rira aare
North America
built on ancient
re built
An ancient
configurations as well as non- religious buildings and that if we
gift these,we can amplify our gifting energy enormously
by tapping the circuits already in place for us. I believe
this information is divinely inspired... I believe we can G-I-
principle in warfare is to use the enemy's own en- F-T within the traditional buildings, cathedrals, megaliths,
Mamma Earth. We now see it is easy to locale ergy and information against him..."
EarthGrid Lines and Power Vortices. The enemy etc of the elite, and become victorious quicker than we
has mapped them out for us by placing their spe- Cbswork wrote: "Something else us earthstar grid ever imagined Please read these excerpts from Peter farley who
giftersshould be thinking about - each CB creates points out what I believe is our sure road to VICTORY !!!!..
cial structures upon or near them electric power-

and maintains a brand new vortex locale... The best

lines running through your town, HAARP arrays, " The main visual aspect of a Gothic building is the pointed
of both would be a cb in a vortex locale to begin with.
cell phone towers close together.. Here's almost al- arch— the ogive— which first emerged in abut 130. The 1

ways something big at or near the major ley-line in- Ryan McGinty noted after completely gifting the
Ogive substitutes as dynamic sound vibrator or energy
tersections/vortices: large monuments, obelisks, war Earth Grid Line for the Idaho Panhandle: "Yester- increasor, raising the vibration— Sound being the chief
memorials, nuclear plants, military/HAARP installa- day when I went back home the energy could be directional constructor of the Universes. Unlike other
tions, underground bases, big churches and buildings felt from 300 feet on either side of the Grid Line, styles of construction, cosmic forces in an ogive pull
with sacred geometry design (like Pyramid roofs on Now after placing the final end locations the energy upwards, carrying the telluric current vertically
federal & bank buildings, police stations; pyramids foie has expanded to about a half mile on either through the people beneath it and beaming it up
amplify the power /authority of institutions under it).
side oftbe Qrid Line .

eadl gj ft was added i through antenna spires to whatever or wherever those
spires and that building are aligned with. The action of
Croft wrote: "distributing orgonitc in their vicinity could feel the line strengthening between areas I
robs them of their power to exploit us. They're con- gifted.jt was too coincidental how a conple gifts the soundwaves within an ogive can be controlled.... The
strained, by their nature, to occupy and exploit on the Grid Line achieved so much energy. degrees of resonance alter with the specification of
individual Ogives, and Gothic buildings were often tuned in

The Symptoms of DOR Poisoning heric energy. ...Faces appear

the same manner as, say a piano....", http://
By Dr. Wilhelm Reich ...The basic and typical bluish to purple. People seem to be choking ...They
symptoms of DOR Deadly Orgone ]] sickness, com-
complain about "something wrong in the air, or WE MUST TAP ALL OF THEIR CIRCUITS
monly referred to as "Virus X" or "Intestinal Flu"... "something queer going on." .. Heart failures ..Diar- IMMEDIATELY! ...YOU SEE, WE TAP INTO THEIR
DOR sickness has nothing to do with any virus. It is a rhea .. The stools become black, due to Melanor CIRCUITRY THAT ALREADY ENCOMPASSES THE
clear-cut, well circumscribed disease due to pre- which is being eliminated through the intestinal WORLD GRID. WE GIFT THESE PLACES WITH
atomic "DOR clouds'. ..What is being called "smog" trad.. Tachycardia ...shivering or fibrillar quivering
over big cities is a mixture of fog, soot, etc. This fog of muscle groups in various parts of the
becomes stagnant and does not dissolve when DOR body, .emotional dullness, a letdown in stamina
clouds are present in the atmosphere. It appears not ..stupor ..dull gaze in the eyes, with an expression
only over big cities, but also in the open countryside of despair of the face .At times, a metal ceiling in a

which is free of any industrial smoke. So-called room full of people may induce a complete stand- THE NOW ANTIQUATED METHOD THEY CREATED
"smog" has, therefore, little to do with smoke; how- still of emotional functioning. ...Swelling of glands TO DEFEAT US! THEY SUPPLIED US WITH A
ever, industrial regions full of soot may well enhance ...edema of tongue, uvula, glottis..Sever[e] thirst, TROJAN HORSE THAT WE WILL USE AGAINST
the hovering of DOR clouds over big cities. ...The due to dehydration of blood and tissues, and oxy- THEM. THEY HAVE ALREADY KICKED THEIR
Orgone Instituteorganized and received reports from gen hunger, due to reduction of oxygen in the air OWN BUCKETS! ...THE ANSWER HAS ALWAYS BEEN
many parts of the USA about DOR sickness... through DOR, are the most distressing syndromes. RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES! ..LET'S SATURATE
Typical symptoms of DOR sickness are: It was found that the following remedies EVERY STRUCTURE WE CAN WITH AS MANY
General fatigue and emotional emotional
distress., at least alleviate the distress. ..Frequent
outbursts of hatred. Nausea ..Pressure in head, warm, soaking baths eliminate Melanor from the
chest, arms and legs.. Respiration is difficult .. sensa- skin. Continuous ventilation of living and sleeping EarthGrid Maps. LeyLinea, EarthStar Lines
tions of lack of oxygen... Thirst, hunger for much wa- quarters. Drinking water or tea in abundance. Or- ' BlueGrid gifting map of USA:
ter, is grave under conditions which promote a DOR gastic discharge of bio-energy is essential. [[ but
htto://n.domaindlx.com/carthgrid/ gift/bgusa.htm
atmosphere, such as presence of fluorescent lights, especially, ORGONJTEJ! which did not exist then]]
• One Blue Grid map for each US state:
neon signs in a restaurant, clocks and watches with (EXCERPTS: »thewomenwa rriors.net/phpbb2/
luminous dials, x-ray machines in a hospital filled with viewtopic.php?r=116 AND »educate-yoiirsert.ory
Planetary Grid: psychicchildren.co.uk/5- 1 -PlanetarvGrid.html
filing cabinets which act as accumulators of atmo- ww/wilhelmreichcore1 parti 5mar06.shtml)
Earth's Energy Grids: dowsingworks. conVid23.html

[CONT from page 16 ]J 15. You can find most rural underground bases Look up coordinates: topozoneconVviewmapsasp
• vortexrnaps.com
13. For high-rise downtown ar.ix we always do TiyTooking for smog fields in the lower atmosphere
our gifting in a grid pattern. There s no other practi- after you've busted all the towers in the region. How to Find a Vortex: carlosx.com/finding vortex.htm
cal way to neutralize the seemingly countless number Nuke reactors generate scads of DOR, and that
essentially simple process, otherwise there wouldn 't be so many
of rooftop arrays and the sheer bulk of human DOR manifests as smog ...toxic material in colloidal sus-
people doing it these days .. I did some of the most demonstra-
generators in those office and apartment complexes, pension in an atmosphere that has a net positive
tive gifting work without Carol's help because I wanted
let alone the usually-extensive, satanic catacombs un- ion charge. Keep you eye out for gravel-lined, rect-

derfoot We usually pick Sunday mornings for that be- angular ponds, usually two of them separated bv a yon to see that you don't need to have a psychic or an en-
cause there's very little traffic and it's also very easy gravel barrier, the whole surrounded by a high
ergy sensitive in attendance in order to do this work
to spot secret police peckers ... Just pot one TB ev- That's why I did most of the Atlanta job... [[and]] string of small
barbed wire fence. It may have a hastily-made sign
ery conple of blocks in every direction... cities and towns. I've gifted a highway from the Atlantic to the
indicating that it's a sewage settling pond... One

one [[TB 11 every

14. We did the entire city of Atlanta [[page 46]], TB per pond is usually enough to disable the reac- Pacific using his method of dropping
which has two million people, with twenty-five gal- three miles .. This creates a new energy grid because all of
tor, but two is better.
lons of resin in just a few days of actual distribution the orgonite/crystal devices that have ever existed are now
16. Save your HHgs for the arrays, the regional
work... Atlanta is the main occult/satanic/llluminati connected with each other... What's more, each device that
Masonic and Mormon Temples, the particularly
center for the Southeastern US but no place on earth hits the ground is adopted by an entity, usually an elemen-
nasty and oppressive churches, animal testing labs.
tal, who uses the energy of the device in concert with all the other
can likely compare with LA for sheer heinous, preda- Federal Reserve Banks, your bedside table, your
tory/parasitic oppression and human exploitation by car, your mortal enemy's property and for your benevolent entities to heal and strengthen the earth..
the niuminati. town's head satanist's bushes. .In fact gifting is an Copyright 2002-2007 Educate-Yourself.org...

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 17 OF 52

' . !

OCEAN GIFTING : the Dolphins are helping us, & we help them with Orgonite
The Dolphins know Humanity is in deeep trouble. The Dolphins themselves are in equal trouble. They agencies are trying to kill them all off now, because the dol-
can help us. We can help them... in a bigBigBIG way ORGONITE. Go to the oceans, bringing your
: phins and whales so desperately want to help us humans.
Orgonite gifts for the Dolphins. The Dolphins (& sometimes Orcas, Whales, porpoises) will likely appear, What he showed me was heart wrenching. How they are being
maybe before you arrive. They will amply reward you for bringing them Orgonite. They may have already and by the different radio frequencies tortured by the sonar
saved your life. For Dolphins have rendered many nuclear bombs, planted on the seabed near popu- that the Navy is using on them. ...When we got back to the

lous regions, harmless! (pq 51, 52). Dolphins, being near-magical multi-dimensional beings, are able to lodge, J couldn't even talk to anyone... I just sat there with
AWAKEN humans, activate our DNA and accelerate our unfolding. (Yes we REAL Humans, too, are magical tears streaming... I had felt so much unconditional love
multi-dimensional beings, but largely shut down I thwarted, hence use a fraction of our brain capacity, etc.). from the dolphins ..After awhile, when Linda came back, I

Dolphins take our PRECIOUS Orgonite gifts to the pirated EarthGrid started to tell her what I saw. She was shocked, and she told
Leylines & HAARP microwave tech on the ocean bottoms! F ollow- me tha t what I was telling her was almost exactiv what she
ing are highlights /excerpts from Carol & Linda's amazing and historical had expe rienced.... The Dolphin messenger also tried to ex-
(HER-storical) adventure with the Dolphins, which initiated a new Sur- press how thankful all of the ocean creatures were for
vival-Partnership of Humanity with our Cetacean Relatives... orgonite. The ocean is one target area that we giftens haven't
explored much yet and right now I feel it is very important to
EXCERPTS: xiucate-yourself.org • Croft Adventures Episoide 85 gift asmuch as possible out there. ...
Day 8 ...We went to all the usual feeding grounds and
Carol's [& Linda's] Costa Rica Trip! places that we had seen the dolphins before but had no luck.
Then all the sudden, over the radio, one of the fishing boats
Initiates Dolphin-Human Orgone-Partnership ] told Roy there was, of all things, an Orca. Roy told us there

hadn't been an Orca here for about 21/2-3 years. I knew

Dolphins and whales have always had a very special Day 6 ...we found a huge pod of Rough Tooth Dol-
right away that tbe orgonite had drawn him in. ...This is
place in my heart. ... I had been trying for a few yeais to phins! ...very rare to see. ...[[They usually ]] go out of
why we didn't see any dolphins. They had all headed out when
find a place where I could swim with the dolphins. ... their way to avoid human contact. ..[[Dolphins]] were
the Orca came in because Orcas eat dolphins. Most people call
Linda and I decided to do some research to find an everywhere wc looked. So finally Roy stopped the boat.
an orca a whale but orcas are a dolpbin specie— the largest
affordable tour, some place where there was a better He decided to let us get in the water with them. J couldn't one. ..We boated along side the orca for over an hour. I com-..

chance of getting in the water with the dolphins... Every

get in this time, as my ankle had swollen to twice the municated to him how honored we were^ to be in his pres-
size Linda and the other 7 got into the water. 1
place we lookedwas too expensive until we found
. . .

ence. He told me that he was bere to

watched as a line of about 6 dolphins swam right to-
Delfin Amor Eco Lodge, "Dolphin Love" in Spanish...
ward Linda. This is when I thought. "If I can't be in
pay bis respects to the ones
[fwww.divinedolphin.com]] ..southern most tip of Costa who brought new en-
the water with them will just channel my energy I

Rica.. There are never more than 12-14 people there. ergy to the water (that
through Linda," so that's just what I did. I got into an
..You look out the front of your cabin at Drake Bay and would be Linda and I).
altered state, then I sent my awareness through Linda,
...The orca stayed closest to
the Pacific Ocean and behind the cabins is the rainforest. in the water. Once I made contact through Linda I
our little boat because he knew we had more orgonite gifts and
It's remote, intimate and very affordable ..From the could see dolphins everywhere. They were swimming
he wanted one. ..The orcas come up for air...fhen they dive re-
moment that we made the arrangement I have been all around us in the water. ..like they were cradling us..
ally deep ... It was like he was playing hide and seek with us...
under etheric attack. ..The constant attacks were I saw what looked like a pillar of light coming from
then the orca beaded back out to sea. Iinda was so thankful for
aimed at my kids, my business, my marriage, and my really deep in the water. And then in the middle of the
the interaction with the orca that she took out tbe ball she had
health. And ail along the dolphins were visiting me in pillar I saw that dolpbin swimming up. It was unbe-
been saving for the volcano and dropped it in tbe water. ...The
the etheric realm, telling me how important this trip lievable. The dolpbin looked like be was illuminated moment she dropped H the orca instantly made a U-turn and
was... About 2 weeks before the trip I told Don that we as he swam up to about eight feet or so beneath me.
came back, right toward us. ..After lunch Roy looked at me
needed to make some orgonite gifts for the dolphins. ..I He just hung there in the water. Linda and I were ...
and asked, "OK where are the dolphins, Carol?." I shut my
made small big secret coils around a Herkimer for the having the same experience with this messenger but we
eyes and did my dolphin-locator techniquc.."They'rc over
center of each orgonite ball and then chose the other were each getting individual messages through this
there.. When wc got to the spot it was amazing. There were
specific gemstones [|page 19]]. These were perfect. I knew dolphin.. .He told me how sad the dolphins were that
about 1500 dolphins. The water was literally boiling with
the dolphins would love them and they did.. This dolphin most of humanity were holding themselves back in their
dolphins. ...Everywhere we looked.. Some were playing with
report must be very important for the readers... Apparently spiritual evolution... The dolphins so want to help us
the boat: swimming alongside, surfing in the wake ..swimming
the feds and the other parasites don't want me to share it advance... Then he went on to tell me that the safe place
and jumping out in front of the boat They were there to give
with humanity but there is no way they're going to stop me to be was in the water, with what was coming. He
Linda and I a proper send off. They were ecstatic about tbe
...The dolphins have been coming to me in my dreams showed me a picture of what was coming. At first it . . .

orgonite and they were showing how grateful they were for
since July and. 1 knew I had to go, one way or another. . looked like the water was rising and then he showed me
the gifts. It was overwhelming to see that many dolphins in one
Day 4 ..Today is our first Dolphin tour. I was so excited. how the ocean was washing away the land under a
spot. There are no words that can even come close to expressing
...I decided the first day out I would drop a ball each time I
shelf of basalt. ...This all appeared to be in slow motion.
how it made me feel. ..We were almost back to our beach when
saw a pod of dolphins A moment alter This means it is not going to be an abrupt change. As he
... I the biggest, most incredible rainbow appeared over the
dropped the balls I looked back down at the was showing me this I looked up the coast from where
on-aii. ...It was one of those story book moments .... I'm still
water and I could see a bright light we were to as far as San Francisco and it was still
having contact from the dolphins now as I am editing this
coming up from deep under the surface. sloughing off. I then came back to him and he showed
story. Tbey tell me that all I have to do is ask and they will
/(These "lights" are luminous lifeforms! me mat North and South America were no longer go- be here. What a comforting thought! ..When we got back on
-addressed al Joan Ocean.com jj ...On the ing to be connected and that the coast all the way up
the land, I realized that I was vibrating like crazy ..It was like
way back near to the Island we found another large , past Seattle was going to be gone. T he coast was going
activating kundalini, only, about 100 times stronger... I went
group of spotted dolphins. We started boating in a -fi '.-. to be a lot further inland ...I asked for a time frame,
to bed early .trying to relax but the moment I shut my eyes I
circle to see if they would interact with us. I put V* and he just told me 'Soon. soon.'... He also told me that
was connected to the orca again, so I asked if he could tell
down another ball. The dolphins were all over us... the dolphins and whales were trying very hard to
me what was going on. He told me that he and the roughtooth
Day 5...When I first saw these 3 [[ Vril psychics]] they communicate with humans now and that I must try to
dolphins had activated S more strands of DNA in both Linda
facilitate this process. They desperately want to help
acted surprised to see me, probably because I should have and I and mat once we integrated these we would be given a
been dead or disabled from their attacks. Now I knew why us. They want to wake up as many people as possible
it 6th strand automatically. This was their gift to us. ... A WHAT
was hard for me to hike through the jungle— they were right now. The time is crucial, he kept telling me that
GI1-T. I give thanks eveiyday... -Carol Croft
beaming me the whole way.... ..He also showed me how the US Navy and other

To Help End Dolphin Massacre, Support:

Simple technique to
Recon. .nect Your DNA SaveJapanDolphins.org.
www JoanOcean com
Page 226 of Barbara Marciniak's Fishermen hack 1000s to
Dolphin Connection
book, Bringers of the Dawn death slash , their throats or The dolphins and whales are
stab them with spears. calling us into the ocean. They
Beware! MonoAtomic Gold Thrashing about, the dol- want to meet us, to introduce us
(White Powder Gold) Destroys phins take as long as 6 min- to their world, and to swim with
utes to die. The water turns
DNA: See 'Mono Atomic Gold - us into the unknown. They are
red with their blood ..the air
Think Twice' and 'Sir Laurence intelligent friends who exemplify
fills with their screams ...
Gardner, Reptilian Shape-Shifter?' qualitieswe value- cooperation,
by David Icke, both at educate-vour- worldwildlife.org/cetaceans/index.cfm "the greatest harmony, peace, joyfulness, good health, beauty, wisdom, supple
self .orqfcn/laurereecardnershape threat to whales, dolphins., is entanglement in fishing movement, grace and unconditional love. The dolphins and whales
shifter .shtml. "Anna Hayes mentions gear, also known as bycatch. If cunent trends continue are approaching us around the globe, filling our minds with visions of
..mono atomic gold is ultimately harm- ..several cetacean species and many populations will be freedom, and interacting with us to encourage us to attain many life-
ful. ..the promotion ..is an llluminati de- lost... WWFis working to ensure that whales, dolphins
enhancing qualities. ..The calling that have received from the ceta-

ception ..ulterior purpose is to cause ...will swim in our seas for generations to come.
ceans is a call to people about our unlimited essence and our capacity
the destruction of the ten virtual DNA Dolphin Fun, A fan-site dedicated to dolphins: to experience love more fully. ...This is what the dolphins have been
strands which all humans possess." fbhn.net/dolphi n-pictures-facts showing me by their example as swim with them almost every day...

da MUFFIN papers . PAGE 18 OF 52

Charged Water, a controversy in the orgone community, is too impor- ECH20 Water (Energized Co^j To make SUN
Charged Water, place a CLEAR
tant to neglect. Here be basics; you research-test-decide for yourself. | mic Water, Raymon Grace Water) GLASS container, filled with drinking water, outside on ihe
! is free (you pay only for shipping ground, wilh a glass cover. Leave it outside 5 to 8 hours.
These 11 Charged Waters are reported lis | & container; donations accepted). Drink (use) over the next 24 hours, (sungazingforum.com)
This water is Self-Replicating! = Cesco's "Orgonite Water Charger Tutorial"
to have beneficial properties. Let all the water
cook with, water
you drink,
I Once you have some, you can use
plants, be Charged Water. Pendulums can be used to test & compare ordi- Provides "instructions on how to make a simple but very po-
ll to make as much as you like. Put some permanently charge water and
nary water with charged water. Kirlian /aura photography can show the dif- Ient Orgone generator that will
in a pool; whole pool bccomeschaiged. (Chembuster needed):
also the strength of crystals".
ference. Energized water is brighter. Strengthen Orgonite by adding CW:
Regularly added to lakes, purifies lake. materiaetherica.com/tutorials/watercbarger.html.
just mix into the resin about half as much CWas catalyst before add-
CW To order send International Money Order, payable
ing catalyst Or include in a vial or bent straw, ends taped shut Medicine Wheel Water (aka Sally Water). Earliest
to Toronto Dowsers, for $12 (in USA & Canada,
charged water used in Orgonite. For a donation, Sally can di-
Chartres Labyrinth Water otherwise S15), to: • Marilyn Gang • #816 - 225
rectly charge gallons of your ordinary water over the phone.
Make copy/s of Chartres Laby- Davis-ville Ave. • Toronto, Ontario M4S
Contact her at reedtrk2000@ yahoo.com. See Sally's 'Medi-
rinth at right ( or print from 1G9 • Canada. Include your name, ad-
cine Wheel' Explained www.whale.to/b/cbsl9.html
labyrinthos .nel/imagesl dress, email address & (optional)
hlfig.gif). Laminate a phone number. Allow weeks for Zam Zam Water from ancient holy healing spring is

few. Then either delivery. • dowsers.info/ served to Muslim pilgrims. Authentic source: salsabeel.com;
tape a copy toronto/watcr.htm .
Phone: 1 -(866)-425-2546. $2.95 for about 2 cups
(front-side fac- dowsers, info/toront o/ (500 cc). ^=
ing) to your water3.htm Email:

(clear?) wa- water@dowsers

ter container, .info

or place a
copy under
It charges
the water.
Use image
over and
over to
make as
much C. Wa-
ter as you like.
The water keeps
a long time,
maybe indefinitely,
even after Labyrinth is

remov ed. Ancient sym-

bol of Creation's Womb. Genesa
Walking the Labyrinth (legs or fin- Water
ger-tracing) brings serenity, Seepage 51
solutions. Ask your quest- Other Sacred Geo H20:
ions/requests as you Healing pendant: Wheel of
approach the Center Life (right), silver $125;
(good place to com- gold/jewels $ 2040, at
municate with Hist kitsilano.net. Use Mandala
Kreator). Receive Charger (left) like H.E. Mandala (right). 1"($1),
answers as you exit 3"($3), 6" ($5), 11"($20). Ph (925) 862- 2332.

Orgonite may weak-
Structured Water: Catvlyst Altered Water (aka "Willard Wa-
en Charged Water un
Speeds healing ,'wellbeing. Add 1 oz. CAW concentrate to 1 gallon
you tape a small copy oj
of water. At health food stores. Directions for making Quartz Structured Water
Chartres Labyrinth (face in)
using crystals: www.kacha-stones.com/quartz_structures_water.htm Healing-Energising Mandala
to container holding C Water
Just looking at activates
Make Dolphin Balls ... and Orgonite Ocean gifts the

force, Chi energy.

powerful (sacred-geom-
www whale.to/b/dolphin_balls.Mml Best to use Surfboard/Marine /Boater's Resin (see Vendors) for ocean
etry) portal for Divine Energy.
Dolphin Balls & Gifts Orgonite gifts. Or/and coat gifts with a "marine sealant'' for underwater use
or marine "Gel Coat". Seawater turns resin-orgonite to mush (see page

key element is
composing an ancient
a pattern (at

Mould 14) For Dolphin Ball SOURCES see Vendors. Afrikan artifact, oddly called the
• Found 30 fl oz
"Atlantis" Ring (reproduced as jew-
ballmould, .a Way to make a Dolphin Ball well) then add your wire- wrapp ed
elry). The pattern atone is potent, pro-
water float from Supplies needed are underlined. herkimer core & gemstones: add more
tecting & revitalizing It is combined with"
plumb/builders metal around this.
rings of colors which activates nearly all parts of
merchant — cut 1 Gel a hollow 3" or so, plastic toy ball 8 Add metal into other top-half,
the energy bod/ • Charge your drinking
top off, and then (like a TOO* ball. Plastic easier EGG 9 Press the two filled hemispheres together
water by placing the mandala under The it.

cut in half with could workif balls are unavailable) 10 Securely tape both halves together with bio-energy goes through glass, metal, plastic,
small disc cutter, 2 If using a Wiffle ball, one half should duct tape so that resin won't leak out. most materials. Charge overnight for better
cut top down have no holes; use two balls. 11 Prop ball so its hole is at the top. results. • Make copies in various sizes (1 " to
first as liable to 3 Using scissors or saw- 12 Stick the 2 ends of your 8"); laminate some. Put a big one on your
shatter—then knife, cut ball in half. 9" tow rope into the
home /office walls. • Place (or tape) them di-
use parcel tape 4 If using 2 Wiffle balls, hole; or just one end rectly on pain spots, headaches, acupoints,
to seal join...
discard holev halves. of 9" string. chakras. You can additionally look at another
• 30oz is
You should have 13 Push funnel
less than £1
mandala while healing takes place Healing
2hemispbere halves. spout into the hole. may take minutes, hours, days, depending on
in orgonite.
5 At the top of one half-ball, create a 14 Pour in catalyzed ailment This mandala does not replace pro-
•Put 10mm rope
hole. You could do this by stabbing it _____________ ( may fessional help but does give amazing results.
loop in top.
twice and twisting on the" 2nd stab. take long to harden). • To do distant healing place patient's photo
Stones gemstones like Wire size The hole needs to be large enough to 15 When resin is hard, fUe (or name) between two mandalas. "Transmit
• Herkimer amathyst, rose 20AWG in receive funnel spout and tow rope in off edges, metal buns. energy to them from your hands for 15 to 20
for coil quartz, moon- Carol's dolphin
& & minutes. ..prayers /invocations greatly en-
steps 12 13. 16 Optional: remove tape
• Peridot, pink stone, sunstone, baBs. have one I
6 If you intend to remove plastic ball- plastic-shell or leave hance healing. You may leave photo between
tourmaline., aquamarine, of Andy's and
shell later, lubricate interior of both them on for extra the mandalas for a period. • Tired/ stressed?
rase quartz, etc.. No he uses 18
hemispheres with ve getable oil. protection, espe- down Splace a mandala under each foot,
emerald grounding AWG. " - Don on one under your spine and hold one in
• "I also use 7 In the un-holed half, add metal cially if using sit
stones." •Using 15
elevating particles (cut-up scour pads work regular resin. each hand. Ciose eyes for 10 or more min-
-Carol AWG...
utes. • Place mandalas under your plate
Drop Orgonite Gifts in Half Sphere Mold. $ 329, 3 inch when you eat. Race your shoes on mandalas overnight. The energised shoes ac-
deep enough w.-itcr! -for stainless steel, code #453_. tivate acupoints at your feet and charge your whole body. Charge your food, vita-
dolphins Avha.es to get to it A 'j3Kerstools.com, Ph. 866-285-2665 mins, pills, clothing, bed, pillow.. Place/tape one by /on your tv, computer, cell
whale nearly beached himseif io get phone. List is endless • (Thanks to Stephen Wong making this Mandala 8. info
|||| Dolphin Icecube Mold $±S5. shopatmoxie.com
to orgonite tossed into Miami surf, ps avaiiable at: healingcancernaturally.commealing-energising-mandala.html)

da MUFFIN papers PAGE 19 OF 52

...so they can stop doing unto us. They find Humans simply delicious. For ages these vampiric humanivores have

been consuming and controlling Humanity on all levels, via their imposed social /religious /technological onslaughts,
designed to bind us and continuously sap our lifeforce, energy, funds and even lives. Now for the first time in ages,
we can and ARE effectively fighting back, with Orgone Generators - our new lethal Arsenal which halts / undoes **
Reptilian warfare on us, while also protecting us and healing our common Mamma, Earth. Ifs miraculous! Li.

Simple Powerful OrgoneTools to Heal Earth, Bust Alien Bases & Defend Ourselves
ChemBusters wipe out deadly Chemtrails, Smog & HAARP-effects from the sky & heals the weather for
about a 90-mile area. If rain is needed CBs bring rain, especially if water is sprayed on or put in its pipes.*
"Even the most ordinary, basic CB can easily stop cyclones from approaching."
Exceroteducate-yourself.org/dc/orgonegenindex.shtrnl ment, so you may not see dramatic results with
Chembusters chemtrails right away, but just hang in there for 2 or 3
weeks and you will begin to notice things. ..The larger
The first chembuster I ever saw was the the CB resin/metal chip matrix base, the larger the diam-
one Don Croft sent me back in 2001. The eter of the pipes used, the longer the length of pipes used,

very day I set it up on the patio, we

first the more ana larger crystals used, the more coils used,

had a black helicopter visit us at 2 AM, etc. means a more powerful punch of orgone transmu-
hovering about 150 feet overhead, and tation delivered by the CB. The bare bones basic
shining the brightest search light imagin- chembuster is made with a 2 gallon bucket and six, 1
able-going around and around our apart- inch copper pipes.. .The six pipes are evenly spaced out in
ment- in an obvious attempt to both in- a ...Star of David configuration ..have some very pow-
timidate and video tape us inside our erful effects both on the etheric and physical planes...
home using special infrared technology...
A chembuster will produce an intensely
blue orgone field that is easily seen on
any infrared radar weather map .... You
Build the Classic Croft ChemBuster
probably won't get a visit from a black he- Materials Needed 6. On a level surface,pour an inch or so
• One 2-Gallon Bucket of catalyzed resin into the bottom of
licopter when you set up your CB because
• Six 2-inch long double the bucket and stir in metal particles
there are toomany CB's out there now
terminated quartz crystals until the surface is uniform and flat.
you can still see the blue orgone
• Six .75" sections of garden The ratio that works is approx. one
field centered over your house if you go
hose or PVCpipe
to a weather web site and click on the in- Salt resin to one part metal particles,
• Metal Shavings (bucketful) ut the Base Spacer- 1 onto that before
frared maps for your area You will be sur- • 3 Plywood Spacers
it hardens, so tnat it just touches the >

prised to see that the orgone field extends • Resin, 2 gallons, Polyester or surface and doesn't sink in much. J
outward for many, many miles. ...It usu- Epoxy 8. Set the six pipes into the holes in the .

ally takes a couple of weeks for a new • Six 1 foot by 1

" copper pipes tinch
Base Spacer- 1.
CB to acclimate to the local environ- • Six 5' foot by 1" copper pipes Spacer-3
9. Pour a naif gallon of catalyzed resin '

hold pipes

• Six 1" copper end caps

into the bucket. parallel
• Six 1" copper connectors
10. Use the dowel to stir in handfuls of & rigid
• 'Goop' Glue • Masking Tape \

metal particles in the same ratio as

3 Spacer Templates before. Note that the Base Spacer-
Holder Spacer-2.
• See next page. Ormetatech.org' should not be pushed down to the
cloudbuster_template.html, bottom of the bucket with the resin holds pipes
or www.orgonise-africa.net squishing over the top. parallel as each

-ChemBuster Instrnctions 11. Expeditiously move the Holder Spacer- resin-layer sets
* I . Place each of the crystals 2 down on to the six pipes until it is
in a .75" section of snugly within the rim of the bucket
f 12. After the resin has hardened, remove
g gardenhose or PVC pipe.
the Holder Spacer-2, which is only
| 2. Use the Goop glue to glue
used during construction.
j each crystal, with its
* garden nose (or PVC pipe) 13. Finish off putting the resin/metal

housing, into one of the mixture in now in two stages if you

copper end caps, leaving want, up to within a half inch of the rim
When you put up a ChemBuster, it quickly enough room around the of the bucket
creates a large "blue hole" in the HAARP-in- inside edge of the cap to 14. Attach the
duced cioudy chemtrailed-sky (cloudy but no insert the pipe. six 5' copper
rain! = one way of telling ifs tin-nature-real pipes with the
3. Put the end caps with their
HARRPed weather). Another effect of CBs glued-in crystals onto each 6 cop-
and generous orgone-gifting are those "new" per
of the 1-foot copper pipes.
beautiful astounding "punch-hole clouds con-
4. Tape the end caps so that the
mystifying scientists -who give wrong expla-
resin will not leak in during nectors.
nations. Orgone is the real reason! "As soon Coupler.
construction. 15. Put on
as it [[CB]] was put up...
an hour or so aafter
Solder |
clear blue hole appeared above m v house, 5. Cut the plywood spacers for (if desired)

each of the three templates. near top. at this

this increased ...to a size of .five circular miles
. . .younotice one common theme in any and
end only
all hole punch cloud images, that of the Sylph
• Video Tutorialsfor CB, TB, HHGs.. 2" double
enities within.the hole punch..." At youtube.com, input "SenseiDennis" terminated
• CBsWork's Observation of a Working Crystal glued
"Whenever you want to direct energy ChemBuster whale. to/b/cbs6. html into 0.75" PVC
from every single CB on the planet, just • Don Croft's original CB instructions: pipe and glued
imagine the target and know that each CB is di- -metatech.org/cloudbuster_&_orgone_generator.html to endcap
reclmg energy against .What
be happen-
it.'. may - http://educate-yourself.org/ct/goodbyects1 0jan02.shtml
ing is a sort of full-circle realization of the signifi- • Cesco's "Classic Croft Orgonite Cloudbuster Tutorial" Endcap
cance of resonant chambers in contact with -http://materiaetherica.com/tutorials/cb.html sealed
orgonite. It's also a radionics function." -Don • "RevTed's CB & HHG Photos" : MythnLynx.com/RevTed.html

CAUTION: "If you touch the pipes when they're drawing in PERIODICALLY move your CB about 3 feet from its location;
strong unbalanced or dead orgone [[ DOR)) and don't put your doingthis seems to reactivate & Improve performance.
hand on the base after that, you may expenence headaches. (Compare on page 16, Keep It Moving; & pg 24, Instant CB Thingee)

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 20 OF 52

CB SPACERS Spacer-1 Spacer-2 Spacer-3
Template for all 3 ChemBuster Pipe-Holder Spacers Base Temporary Top
Check dimensions accuracy after copying /printing enlarge or reduce as needed.
to verify ;

TIP: glue template onto board and use as a guide to cut /saw /drill.


Use the 7
DOTTED Circles
only for
Advanced CB,
page 22 (bottoms
of Rubber

Circle Template for

Base Spacer-1
and Top Spacer-3
Rectangular Temporary
Casting Template.
Make as large as needed to
rest on top of mold /bucket
(or inner bucket rim)

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE £l

21 OF 52
In standard CBs, pipes are 6 feel. In this
Build a Very Powerful ChemBuster by DRE enhanced CB they are shorter, 5 feel.
Reason is they will have a "Reactor Core"
These you to make an extremely powerful 7-pipe CB with simple tools; power tools not required.
instructions allow "
(pipe-inside-pipe); inspiredfrom "Joe Cell
With a few innovations added, instructions are based on Don Croft's original 6-pipe CB, plus key enhancements
concentric cylinders. This makes them
contributed in orgone forums by inventive gifters. This CB costs $150-5300 to make, more or less. Before building much more powerful, farther-shooting and
this advanced CB, it's recommended you build the original standard Croft CB first and learn from your experience. equmlenl lo being much latter. You can »
still make your pipes 6 feet ifyou prefer (re-
Gather CB Ingredients strengthens orgone output. After mixing resin/ copper (especially), aluminum (lightest),
,,„.. „>-,-.. metal, add sand; mix to stiff oatmeal-like steel, brass. NOT recommended: BBsor place '4feet' with 'Sfeel' in previous list).


consistencv Just adding
. mc ^.j helps ^y. ball bearings (loo heavy, low porosity) later add 1 -foot pipe extensions. »In this
• 6 quartz crystals, at least 3long j 1/2 ;

y (See
-. U) q^ descent ^^ , iom± and steel wool (low porosity). CB, pipe-bases nave no metal or metal
thick Double Terminated (DT) preferred
^ja,^ ^ fa deserl Qu^ Sand 5 or 10 ,
• copper wire, 18-guage (2 or more rolls), endcaps covering it. This creates better
though Single Terminated works. Iape2 ^ S9 99, Sl649 Not b]asdng q but ok.
. 16orl4guage(forSBBcoil) Earth-connection & empowers vortex cre-
ST crvslals together, base to base lo
RESIN RELATED STUFF • 1/4" copper tubing, with 2 endcaps. 39" ated byCB.» If you put an EP plu g (page
1 DT . "Up lo seven crystals can 25 ) at bottom of one or more pipes, your
create Resin, 2 gallons (Polyester or Epoxy.. (3x13), OR 41.26" long (Royal Cubit,
be placed in each pipe lo improve Clear Epoxy Resin, small container 20.63"x2) (500.24 mm x2); OR 46.98" CB doubles as a Laird-Base Buster.
performance. "DC /rAntain
bucket /container, 9" bottom (Lost Cubit, 23.49"x2) (596.67 mm x2). PIPE-SPACER TEMPLATE STUFF
• 1 SingleTerminated Smokey Quartz
mixing containers for resin These lengths, especially latter 2, bring in • "foam core" board (at art-supply
crystal, non-irradiated (or /and Lcmur- marked containers to measure resin resonance with the universe. 2 sheets, typing-paper sized OR
ian or Citrine crystal) for central pipe vegetable oil or other parting agent • aluminum foil • metal polisher cardboard, 4 typing-paper sized sheets
• 6 or 12 DT quartz crystals clock to time 1 minute • clear protective lacquer spray • round PAN with FLAT bottom, 8"
> If doing HexaGON Layout, you need &
Goop glue adhesive spray diameter. Can be a cake or pie pan. or
12 DT quartz crystals, about 3/4" long JB Kwik epoxy steel COPPER PIPES & TUBE: Ask store you pot or plastic storage container. Most
> If doing HexaGRAM I-ayout you i.eed -ripe.
When mixing RES1\, use 25% to
buy pipes from to cut them; or cut cake pans = 9" (bucket diameter). The 9"
6 DT quartz crystals (longer ok) them yourself with a pipe-cutter :
pie pan has an 8" bottom. If using 9" you
40%. LESS catalyst than directions say.
• 7 long pipes, 1 " wide, 4 feet long
OTHER INGREDIENTS This gives you more lime before Resin
will need to file off a little orgonite (step
• 7 short pipes 1" wide, 13" long G, Part 3, #6) for easy fit in 9" bucket.
• Pyrite. about 2 pounds, crushed with a hardens and reduces incidence of cracking.
hammer into small nuggets, l/8"-l/4" » Direct exposure lo sunlight, hair-blow-
• 7 one-inch copper couplers

(pipe connectors) Gather Tools, etc

• Hematite. 6 tumbled stones dryer, heat gun speeds up Resin curing
1 skinny pipe, 1/2" wide, large piece of cardboard, plastic bag
» • 1

• Charged Water (see page 19) (hardening). While making CB, have a
• Activated Charcoal »Neo Magnet
4' long (to go into center or newspaper to work on
muffin pan near with Us holes filled with -1
cloth /paper towel for wiping utensils
pipe as "reactor core )
(page 40) at least 1 for central pipe metal/crystal, so when you have mixed loo
• 6 (preferred) or 3 more '
exacto knife /sharp thin serrated knife
• Tourmaline, 1 small pointed crystal much resin, pour excess in muffin holes lo
skinny pipes, as before • spoon, knives for stirring resin
•OPTIONAL: kyanite, garnet, amethyst, create TowerBusters and prevent waste.
rubber gloves (when working
Topaz gem (helps delete

rose quartz.
METAL RELATED STUFF •7 RUBBER (not metal) w/ resin, filing, handling pipes)
HAARP clouds). Xenon bulb (see #E). • Metal Particles/Shavings, enough to endcaps, 1 1/8" (by Shepherd
sharp scissors
Sacred Ash; a teaspoon is plenty (pg 12). nearly fill bucket. TIPS: ifyou use cut-up item #875-147 at Home Depot) (to cut metal scour pads)
Sand Blasting Quartz evenly distributes
COlLed metal scour pads, resin soaks in • wedges of CORK (preferred) •
file, sandpaper, tape
the metal flakes; this enhances, wood /styrofoam (for Step 04)
well. You may use variety of metals; otherwise

Ifdoing the HexaGON Wheel, Clock- I Quake spiral tube

Make 7 Preparations [c PREPARE PIPES
wise-wrap each of the 12 DT crystals in / » Bend copper tubing into a
Using metal polisher / sandpaper/
Using instructions on
COIL file, remove all writing, designs,

etchings, bar-codes, dirt off pipes

2-3' of 20 or 18 guage copper wire,
leaving a trail of about 12 inches at /
3" wide (at base) cone-
shaped coil to go around cen-
each end. (Clockwise instructions on L, ter pipe. (TIP: Wind lube into a
page 10, make a large Optional: spray protective lacquer
pa ge 12V If needed, Goop-gluc the fL.-2» flat coil and pull up the center
SBB coil, using 26, 39 on pipes (keeps them shinny..)
lo stretch coil into a cone. OR
or 52 inches (multiples SHORT PIPES: Tape one end of - cry stals to stay in wire better.
If doing the HexaGRAM Star bend it around a funnel.)
of 13, a cubit) of 14 guage copper wire. each of the (13") 7 short pipes to
Or buy one ready-made from educate- prevent stuff from falling in.
Clockwise-wrap 6 DT crystals in » Rll tube w/ CHARGED WATER
2-3' of 20 or 18 guage copper wire, leaving a little room at the
youiself.org. Alternative Instead of, or : LONG PIPES: The skinny pipes and put on endcaps
leaving a trail of about 12 inches at top,
in addition to SBB, do a large Scatter will go into the wider pipes, cen-
each end If needed, Goop-glue the (maybe Goop-glue them
Coil See page 24. tered and held suspended by
wedges of Cork (otherwise crystals to stay in wire better. secure). » Make a liny
3 copies of the Croft Spacer
wood, styrofoam). (You can use
copy of the Labyrinth
(pg 19). Cut it out, wrap
wound, taped fiberglass for this With lengthy 20 or 18 guage copper wire (in i it anywhere on tube,
Template on previous page.
but wear gloves/ mask when han- length-multiples of T'or 13'), snuggly clock-
front side touching metal
Spacerl Have one copy dling; Its microscopic sword-like
wise-wrap the 6 quartz crystals (which go into & tape it. (Reason is, magnets
laminated with plastic; this particles damage lungs, cause lu- your pjpes) ^j continue the are believed to cause charged water lo weaken

will be Spacerl, a guideline mors). Prepare your Central pipe spira] coii aboul 9 incnes in lime. Labyrinth image prevents this.)
for pipe-bottoms (see G). Cut
out circular outline of laminated copy;
this way. and 3 or all 6
at least

maining pipes. If doing 3,

re- pag mc crystal point
can wind around a round-
Orgonite Base to hold short pipes

do no[ cut out the holes. let them be every other pipe
pencil to guide process). pST
(triangle arrangement): PART 1: make Resin Base
Spaccr2 rectangular, . is temporary to OPTIONAL: Under each crys- £T
a. Get one skinny 1/2", 4' .
tal include a neodvm ium >~ 1 Get die pan.
hold pipe-tops parallel as resin layers
pipe & one wide 4' pipe. m agnet wrapped in foil. (NOTE:
hardens. Make as large as needea to rest 2S» If doing the
b. Starting about 2" from Scalier Coil, build
on top (or inside rim) of bucket mold' For CENTRAL PIPE With
one end, clockwise wrap || base with a 112"
1 Adhere a copy onto foam-core board a lengthy 18-guage copper
18-guage copper wire j
§J. through the

or (doubled) cardboard wire, snuggly clockwise-wrap &j

with adhesive spray.
2 Use an exacto knife or
around full length of
skinny pipe
the smokey quartz (or citrine & middle lo allow
projecting Scalier
c. Put skinny pipe all the
/Lemurian) crystal, with a KT Coil wire to come
sharp thin serrated knife lourm aline crystal above this ;£
way into wider pipe, and brace through later.

3 Coat
to cut out holes.
entire /
g? Q^

\ one end flush against a wall,

mium magnet above this.
supported on a chair, etc.
(pointing up), and neodv - |£ Hence, to center of
pan, glue a 1-inch
spacer with
catalyzed ^i -Push wedges of Cork between/
(OPTIONAL Xenon bulb m 5A
cylinder aboul a II

2 inch wide)
resin to make it stronger.
around inner pipe-top, flush w/ /<"'
«$"« 5 ^"f^
touching buB>; see page 24).
f~ 2 Oil the pan.
rim, to hold this end suspended
4 Before resin hardens, wipe excess 3 Pour in a thin layer (about 1/4") of
Continue cod for 9 or more
from around the 7 holes and put
& centered within wideTpipe. ;

- Reverse pipe direction and do S) mc hes Past cry s,ak catalyzed resin (resin with catalyst/
Spacer on wax paper or foil to dry r |

hardener added) and let harden.

the same with the other end. / /L. Topaz can be at top,
Spaccr3 holds pipes rigid & parallel on _ gag, or separately 4 Using the CLEAR-epoxy-resin. pour in
finished CB. Repeat previous directions © WIRE-WRAP DTHexaGON

wrapped & hung another thinner layer, and brush it around

to cover entire top of previous layer.
& add a second resin Select a layout: the or inside central
coat . May be painted ( ^&' HexaGRAM (illustrated on next
page) (probably ok to do both):
pipe top of fin-
ished CB later
press Spacerl (laminated copy)
centered in the pan. Use a paper-
in colors you like. it,

(shown at left). towel to press it flat and wipe off resin

da MUFFIN papers ; PAGE 22 Or 52

from the surface (it needs to be level for next steps).
5 After resin hardens, cover Spacerl with a thin layer of
» The
1/2 to 3/4 inches
suspended about
crystals should be evenly
above surface of the resin-cake
CB Assembly
catalyzed CLEAR-epoxy-resin (about 1/4")

PART 2: secure rubber endcaps in Base

platform to accommodate Spiral Tube. Their
points should aim at the center of the pipes. Ok to
tape trailing wires if needed to hold them in place.
1 Lubricate bucket with vegetable oil.
You should be able to see the template guidelines (7
- Wind 6 crystals to the central pipe and outer pipes. 2 Place bucket on a level surface.
circles) of Spacerl through the clear resin.
- Wind other 6 between the 6 outer pipes. 3 Pour in a little catalyzed resin (resin mixed with
2 Get the 7 RUBBER endcaps^
pour a thin
2 Put the water-filled Spiral Tube over
the central pipeand lower it near crystals
catalyst) to create a foundation
(about 1/4 inch). Let resin harden.
and level bottom

layer of CLEAR catalyzed

- Guide its bottom end-tip into a space 4 Place your SBB coil, centered on the bottom,
resin and expeditiously
before resin hardens, center
oetween two spoke-wired lateral with its "S" reading reverse
central »
crystals, and (as found in crop-circle).Pour in enough catalyzed
the bottom of each endcap onto a (dotted-line) circle
» OR mix about a spoonful of clear resin separately
- rotate the Spiral Tube so the end-tip resin to slightly cover it &
let harden (NOTE: If

for each endcap and center bottom of cap onto a circle,

goes UNDER two or more wired doing the ScotterCoU, you 'd place it here afterwards
hence the Tube-base rests
crystals, or instead of SBB, centered, covered with resin,
then repeat until all caps are in place. You can also use
on the resin platform. Make
directly with its trailing wire projecting upfrom the center).
JB-Kwik steel epoxv for this (sets in 4 minutes), if you
think you can center caps with opaque epoxy.
adjustments to Tube if needed 5a If both, your CB Engine Core & bucket are
- Center Tube around central pipe 9". pour catalyzed resin into the bucket and
PART 3: Make base thicker - Secure Tube base with a little
lower your Core (with taped pipe-tops) to the
1 Close endcap-tops with tape. glue or tape. bottom. The resin should be enough to squish up
2 (If using
9" pan, first thinly put in metal only around inner
3 Use Goop glue to stick down one around the sides onto the top of the core-platform
pan-sides because in step 6 you may need to file some hematite stone between each of the
a little (mix more if needed). (NOTE: Ifdoing the
of this away, then >) Spoon a 3/4" layer of pyrite nuggets wircd-crystal-spokes, 6 total.
ScattaCott bring coil's center wire through
intopan (this is almost halfway up on rubber caps).
Mix 2 or more teaspoons /capsules of activated premade hole in center of Engine Core) Go to #8 .

3 PART SB: Add Tube & Crystals So If your CB Engine Core b 8" -or your bucket
charcoal into resin, then mix in catalyst.
If doing HexaGRAM Star (Fig If. is wider than 9"- pour a thin layer of catalyzed
4 Pour the catalyzed resin over
the pyrite, covering it. Mix
Put the water-filled Power Coil tube over the resin into the bucket and lower your CB Engine
central pipe and lower it to rest on the resin Core (with taped pipe-tops) to the bottom,
more if needed. Let harden.
platform, centered around the pipe. centering in the middle of the bucket. (NOTE:
5 Remove tape. Remove CB it
Secure base of Coil with a little Goop-glue or tape.
Engine Base "cake" from pan Ifdoing theScatterCoil bring coil's center wire
Starting several inches up (as needed to keep from
6 If diameter is 9 inches, file off enough of the sides so through premade hole in center of Engine Core)
9" bucket-bottom bumping into Coil ) from the resin platform, 6 If there's a shallow trough of empty space
base can easily, loosely fit into later.
clockwise- wind the nailing end of one wrapped DT
around the sides of the Engine Core resin base,
PART 4: Secure Short Pipes into Endcaps crystal so that its two ends point to the center of
fill this space with pyrite nuggets or / and metal,
1 Get the 7 short taped pipes. two (alternating) pipes as shown in figure 2.
2 Firmly push the bare end of one short pipe into the almost to the top of engine core resin platform,
4 Tape the wire to hold it in place if needed.
CENTRAL endcap all the way down. 5 Repeat previous two steps for two more crystals, to
7 Pour in catalyzed resin to cover the pyrite /metal,
3 (NOTE: If desired, al this point, mounted around the level to the top of resin-base platform.
form one level lateral Triangle-Layer.
central pipe, you would add a Triple Succor Punch or 6 Starting just above previous layer, create another
3 crystals with a single mobius coil. See next page) Triangle Layer with the other 3 wrapped crystals. fg cover pyrite
with resin
4 Repeat until remaining 6 pipes are inside caps. 7 Glue a hematite stone at the 3 points of each
5 Optional: put a little Goop triangle, onto the pipes -or glue stone on outer side
around outside endcap-edges of each DT crystal (if enough room), or to its
to further secure pipes. bottom of bottom layer and top of top layer.

PART SA: PART 6: Make sure Spacer2 properly fits.

Add Crystals, Tube ~
Slip on top of erected pipes. / ~za^"^.


If doing the Make adjustments if needed /

HexaGON Wheel (Fig I): and remove.
1 As shown to the right,
clockwise-wind the Vailing
ends of the pre- wrapped 12 double terminated
crystals around pipes in a wheel-like
pattern shown in Figure 1.

Adding more Sacred Geometry...

Figure 1

HexaGON Wheel Layout

(enhancement by hootenization.com

Top view of Quartz Crystals

wired to pipes.
Step 6A

Figure 2:
HexaGRAM Star Layout
Top view of
add r"
first Lateral
v Side view of SBB coil &
Top view of Quartz Crystals both Lateral resin, let harden
wired to pipes. Layers
Step 6B

place on level
More photos /details at educate-yourself.org. under Orgone Generators < surface

da MUFFIN paper s : PA GE 23 OF 52
8 If doing HexaGON-Wheel, add a few garnets 10 After final layer of resin is
and optional minerals between spokes. hard, remove Spacer2 & tape.
Barely begun CBs still function
9 Now add your metal /resin in LAYERS. Remove CB Base from bucket. somewhat, causing makers to note
(SAND instructions, see page 22). Also add Repair cracks /holes with more in orgone forums: "..get a few of the
more pyrite and optional ingredients. resin. File off boo boos.
1 foot pipes and set them in a plastic
- If you are using cut up curly scrub pads or 11 Lower wrapped crys- bucket, no special arrangement other
other porous metal particles, your layers can tals into pipe bottoms. than them pointing at the sky. Place a
be thick (2 to 3 inches), because the resin 12 Connect short/long TB [For HHG ]] in the bucket and
soaks through easily. Firmly press the metal pipes (Optional: Wire- maybe a couple around the outside of
down, leveling it before pouring. wrap pipes at this the bucket as well. Thafsit! ...I've
- Ifusing finer metal particles, cast in thinner point, at least your had really good results at clearing the
layers, 3/4" to 1 1/2" thick, and maybe prod Center Pipe. See CB sky with one of these... And to keep
Amplifiers below): this thing working consistently I move
with sharp instrument to aid resin saturation.
- - hit couplers it once a day to a new spot at least 3
Here are the steps:
feet away. "Therefore, you could set
A Add layer of metal mixed with optionals. on short pipes.
up one of these HI' CB Quickies and
B Cover metal with catalyzed resin. - Insert long
pipes into couplers.
have it doing its thing while you prepare
C Expeditiously before resin hardens, put
to make /buy a full ChemBuster
Spacer2 onto pipes (to keep them parallel
- Optional: spray clear lacquer

while resin cures; heat can cause warping). on pipes / wire.

D After resin hardens, remove Spacer2. 13 Place & adjust Spacer3 onto

- Repeat previous 4 steps. A standard CB your pipes near the top.

uses about 1 1/2 gallons of resin. Congratulations.' You've made a

very powerful CB with at least a 120-
mile diameter range. Orgone forums
say 150 miles with pipe extensions
(on even a standard CB) shown
below. Original standard CB range is

about a 90 mile diameter.

Most can be done to a Standard CB

Power-Pack Crystal Wands NASA's shocking satellite photo of so called "CONTRAILS" are really
CB upgrade. Amethyst, garnet, emerald, multitudes of deadly CHEMTRAILS massively criss-crossing southern US
Six Harmonizers (HHGS)
xenon* 2 super magnets
kyanite, citnne,
states, Oct.13, 2004. (http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap041013.html)
arranged evenly around your
wrapped in copper rod/wire. Put one in each ot
ZB double its effectiveness
your 6 pipes (on top of existing crystals, ok). 6
(seepage 11). Align with or
between the 6 pipes.
for SI 75. At CTBasters.com. Sec Vendors / Seed Of Life archetype /

design (or/and Chartres Labyrinth, i

19) can be added to the bottom
Copper wire around your pipes pg
of your CB after, or as you
Wrap 18-guage copper wire, clockwise, C§> Spiral ScatterCoil on top
around length of center pipe (at least) and of or instead of SBB coil at CB bottom, in "^t^ create it, after Step #3. To^
alternately 3 or 6 of your other pipes. the middle with its center wire running
paadd later, re-pour resin in
**i| your bucket & let harden. Then add
3 Small Xenon Bulb
central pipe, with south side of
at least in

up into the middle pipe. (Better yet.
leave this wire extended longer and use
f SOL resin, CB. Or just sit your CB
on top of a 13" metal SOL ($75),
it to coil all your center crystals.) Add
magnet touching it; wrap whole unit in foil. ^'^iyv.'vv^.t* from www.earthtransitions.com Your .

coil at Step #4, after pouring first resin.

"%&. SOL can be on PAPER or made of
^ Angled Pipe Extensions
"50% increase in power." Attaching 45°
& 90°
You need
the middle of Spacerl
to put a hole (1/4' to 1/2") in
's center circle,
****%,_ '%.. real metal rings Make SOL with 7
small thin, equal-sized metal
pipe extensions to your CB pipes converts
into aHurricane CB or Vortex CB which
CB plus

middle of central rubber end-
your CB Engine with
build S
f. \ '&
rings, overlapped & glued or
soldered in place (art stores
powerfully sweeps orgone in a massive a hole through the middle (or drill one 3c FLOWER OF LIFE
| have suitable smallfiat rings
whirling vortex. Put angled-pipes on either 3 in). To make the coil, clockwise wrap
\ ^ called "metal-rimmed nylon tags"). To make pa-
alternating pipes or 6 peripheral pipes (not H lengthy 18 or 20 guagc wire —"*" per version, draw the SOL about 7" wide. Trace
all j
central pipe). Add T-connectors to end of 90° around a knitting needle and bend $ outline of each circle in gold paint (easily
as shown.
pipe extensions to enhance vortex spiraling. " done with goldpaint tube-pens).
» 1
" diameter, 45' (& 90°) copper pipe elbows. Attach
Succor Punch CB
to top ,j» of pipes.
5' feet long,
» 1
" diameter copper pipes, 3', 4'
CB with
. j.yi*" 4§> Triple
Add after securing first central short pipe (see #Part 4).

or depending on your available

1 space. Insert these into elbows. 45 pipe
Glue 3 plump quartz crystals vertically and evenly around cen-
extensions tral pipe, near the base (leaving room underneath for crys-
* »
1 i tal-spoke wires). Then wrap a single mobius coil
•• * v i ... around all 3 together, making sure its 2 trading
Galaero's wire-ends are at least a foot long. Tape these
Combo CB end-wires near pipe top to later hook them
has 45°&90° to a power box (pgs 28-29) or earth battery.
extensions on
This is a simpler version of Ken Adachl's
the same pipes,
option of 3 separately wrapped SR? cast in the
joined with 6 extra
top resin layers of his advanced CBs for
' pipes in 6 T-con-
sale at educate-yourself.org.
45°, 90° extensions on alternating pipes nectors, 6 elbows.

Cloudbuster vs Chembuster? Confusion between these terms can be §jf Sand Blasting Quartz
you call Don's "Cloudbuster" what it really is - an ORGONITE Cloudbuster ." He named

erased if it ZS used pounds mixed into bis layers.

the Cloudbuster to honor its predecessor & source of inspiration, Wilhelm Reich's Cloudbuster See "Ctoud-BusterNumber Seven"
(at right). Mainly it was Don's addition of Quartz which transformed it, making it safe. Ken Adachi ex- by ZS Livingstone: educate-yourself.
plains the difference between the Reich Cloudbuster (an Orgone Accumulator which modifies org/zsl/cbsevenl lnov04.shtml
weather, pg 8) & Croft Chembuster (also called Cloudbuster. hence the confusion. It balances the
weather, deletes Chemtrails) -at educate-yourself.org/cn/chembustersexplained24feb03.shtml. Reich & his Cloudbuster, www.orgone.org

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 24 OF 52


Enhanced ER quiet & easy (for women) to deploy. designed to combine I it
"..Earthpipes Aren't for Smoking As we
best of a number of orgone devices. 3 of everything here: 3 crystals, 3 pipes were driving away, we saw two confirmations olour success:
in3 consecutive lengths, 3 wire-wraps around pipes, 3 orgonite levels, 3 a big blue hole formed over the base in the coastal cloudbank
resonance Chambers (The notoriuS Ferrari Enzo mystery crash /million-
and some fedmobiles turned onto the side road that we were
aire felon (Malibu CA, 2/28/06) occurred shortly after Y. deployedmy just leaving on our way back to the city. I got the sense that
first T-Whammy nearby. See wreckedexotks.com/speciaVeiKo) they knew they were too late to do or see anything, but were
just driving out there to shut their boss up. ..Aswe were fin-
Components Description w/ 3 layers of orgonite. Each ishing, Carol started looking underground and told us that the
• 3CRYSTALS: quartz or pipe is clockwise wrapped nas<ier non-human tech and buggery there, which is what
smokey quartz, each sepa- in 18 or 20-gauge copper the bases are built to facilitate in the first place, were all
wrap-ped in
rately or 13" T wire, 39" (3x13) for inner- shutting down... Stacie in North Carolina had a dream vision
of 24-gauge copper wire, most; 52" for next; 65" for in which an American Indian walked around and pushed

& Goop-glued together. outermost, added after arthpipes into the ground with his mocassined foot in a tri-
Or/and all 3 wrapped device is completed. angle pattern, so Carol and 1 have adopted that method as an
in a single passive power c oil: heavy apparent force multiplier. " (Croft Adventures, Episode 80
m obius coil (= the 2 wire-ends coil, about 3" high, 16-

stripped, connected, sealed w/ gauge or thicker copper is counter-clockwise, like coil in Powerwand, • 3 sbb coils : largest at bottom, one
electrical tape or Goop wire, spans all 3 levels to better counteract negative biology. This, at 2nd level; smallest one Gooped
• 3 PIPES : 5" long central pipe is and wraps around the plus the clockwise wraps = a DNA double- on inside of endcap. All 3 with their

copper; other two (6", 7") are crystals at the top. Coil can be helix effect. Ok to make it clockwise. TIP: central "S" in same direction.
* other ingredients: Pyrite, Acti-
heavy-aluminum-foil-wrapped triple (twisted cable of 3 thinner make a flat coil then pull out the center to
make conic. vated Charcoal, Sacred Ash (pg 12), He-
plastic cylinders. Being concentric wires) or have two 18-gauge it

(like super CB, p 22), these short copper wires wrapped around • CHARGED WATER: matite, Black Tourmaline/Obsidian (negativity pro-
central pipe contains
pipes equate to one long powerful its entire length (creating 2 scat- Charged Water (see pg 19) and sealed with cessors). Optional: Kyanite, Silver, Garlic, Cayenne
pipe. They are cast in 3 levels ter coils around main wire). Coil a P/asfcorRu6terer>dcap(NOTmetar)so Pepper, Garnet, Dinosaur Bone bead ($6.50 at
_ . _ pipe opening is not compromised / blocked. stonesnsilver.com) rhodesian Teakwood
GenencCompressed. .
(anti-draco; Mutwa interview p7)

for experienced Orgoners. Mate rials n eeded are

Tnniti Wand E >ne of Al Gray's
Inventions; 3
fCaptain Dragon") remarkable Orgone
WaterWands or ClusterBusters bound with a
1 Pre-make Power-Coil, wrapped crys-
"\ mobius coil. With TW's radial range being well over 10 miles, proximity to your target is
P.Coil around crystals (make
not a problem. Al wrote: "A buried Triniti Wand anywhere in the neighborhood of an un-
sure they go easily into copper pipe),?
3 SBB coils. See Descriptions.
2 Get a c opper pipe 1 1/4" wide, 5" .
derground base is enough to cause immediate devastation. Fires, explosions and mass
electrical failures are commonly reported. " "it was Triniti Wands ([that Cbswork used]]...
that worked so well against the LA. chemcrud.
long. Get a plastic or rubber
endcap for pipe. Clockwise wrap Cbswork Talks About Trinity Wands: "they are the silver bullet I've been
39" of 20 o r 18 ga uge coppe r wire ! waiting for. ..The range of my deployed TWs, in heavily gifted zones, is about ten miles.
around pipe. Secure wire ends with!
es Out was about 25 miles. These TW zones have unbeliev-
in the forests of Ventura Cty, it

duct tape if needed. able levels of prana circulating - enourmouse floating banks of pure, indigo energy. The
3 Make 2 plastic cylinders from rolled acetate (at art TW
stores) or easier to buy a wide & skinny bottle of
CB is a big vacuum cleaner. The is an energy and force purifier and multiplyer,

Gla ceau Smart-Water (50.7 oz & 33.8 oz). Diameter of

much like a HHG orTB, but with a hundred times the amplitude. ..This is my as-
wide bottle is almost 3 2/4"; skinny bottle is 2 3/4" wide. sessment after using them for three weeks.. .Nothing before ever caused thunder, light-
> Peel off labels. >
Cut off top of wide bottle, ening, and then rain, in less than an hour. NOTHING" (Read rest: www. whale.tolbldorl3.htm ).
leaving a 7-inch base container. On skinny one cut off Email your request for E nhanced TW
Instructions to captaindragonfarstar@yahoo.com
top & bottom, leaving a 6" cylinder open at both ends. or see original tutorial "Making a Trinity Wand" at www. whale. to/b/dor71. htm
> Wrap hea vy a luminum foil around
skinny cylinder using adhe sive spray or
tape to secure it. >
Clockwise wrap 52"
Make an EarthPipe 5 With termination point-
ing down, drop coiled
20 or 18 gauge copperwire around
of Two methods: Cast your orgonite mix in the pipe [see *NOTE] or
crystal into cylinder (or use
Secure w/tape.
cylinder. b) Create the mix as a plug, inserted later into the pipe. needle-nose pliers to do this)
4 Pour 3 Levels. >
Put Power Coil in wide Following is a way to make one EarthPipe using latter method. 6 Add remaining metal / resin; it
cylinder base, centered. > To make sure Gather Materials Thc whole unit has to fit
fills in around the coil /crystal.
everything fits, put other 2 pipes on coil 7 After resin hardens remove tape
• copper or aluminum pipe, easily into the cylinder
(see diagram) & make adjustments so
1 1/2" diameter, 13" Ions mold. Tape or glue the coil &
cardboard (or leave on).
pipes are level at the top. Remove pipes. a"10 " °" lnscrt- pointing
• quartz crystal at least 1 to'the crystal so unk'doesn't 8 Dra* ">
> m
Put an inch of etal p articles (& other ingredients) in
long & 1/4" wide, with a fall apart when dropped into m same direction as crystal point
wide cylinder; cover with catalyzed resin & let harden. 9 Deploy When you get to the tar-
natural point at one end the cylinder
Container may warp some. >
Put SBB coil flat at cen- • 18 gauge copper wire, 1 4 Add 5 ounces of orgonite to §« a«a- slide the Insert (with ar-
ter within P. Coil, then Goop it. >
Pour in a thin layer of
13 inches long the cylinder mold row /crystal minting down) into
resin. > While resin is wet, lower /press bottom rim of
• sheet of thin poster board - Method-1: put in about 2 the 13" metal pipe. Then use a (6-
central cylinder into it, over crystals, centered around P. p pound
(or board from large inches of metal particles and pound sledge) hammer to
Coil. Let resin harden. >
Add 1" of metal, etc., in cylin-
post-office envelope) cover with catalyzed resin (If pipe VERTICALLY L-sc-s—
der /cover with resin /let harden. Pour in thin layer of > • optional: long artist paint your metal is cut-up curly
all the way into suffi- '

resin & place Copper Pipe over Power Coil, pushing it

brush to apply grease /oil scour pads, saturation occurs ciently soft, stone-free
down over the 3 crystals into the wet resin. Let ground. Some damage,
> to interior of cylinder mold easily, otherwise you may
harden. Put metal in Copper Pipe, slightly covering j |
need prod /stir a little.)
occurs but that's ok (If
crystals. Cover metal with resin & let harden. Directions worried use large steel
Create mold for EP Insert Using the
- Methocf-2: mix up 5 ounces
5 Add Charged Water to central Copper Pipe: Either 1
plumbing cap or 2 x 4
up a cylinder about of orgonite (50 /50 ratio of
put water into a folded straw (or yjaj) & seal ends with poster board, roll
metal particles and cata- to absorb pounding).
tape; or fill pipe over halfway with water. Put on plastic 6" long, with diameter slightly less
Soil will get in the pipe
endcap & seal with Goop. >
Add water-filled straw to than 1 1/2". Tape the sides and one lyzed resin). Drop (or spoon
but that's ok too; won't
in) about 2 or 3 ounces of
other 2 cylinders. >
Close off whole end closed so resin won't leak out.
hurt performance.
top of unit with duct-tape. 2 Use brush to oil /lubricate cylinder. orgonite mix into cylinder.

6 > Wrap/ secure heavy aluminum foil 3 Create a flared coil around crystal: *NOTE: If you cast orgonite in the metal pipe itself,
around the sides of exterior cylinder. bend the wire to resemble the end put in the crystal with its termination pointing UP.
> Clockwise wrap 65" of 18-gauge of a big screw When you pound the pipe into the ground, the
copper wire around cylinder exterior then pinch the HOLLOW section is the BOTTOM. The orgonite part is
Secure with duct tape. Turn unit > small end of the top, with the crystal pointing down into the ground.
upsidedown. In the de-pression in the the coil
around the sv • EP Tutorials: > www.whale.to/b/earth_pipe.html
plastic, place an SBB coil and secure
with Goop or resin.
middle of the J > www.ryanmcginty.com/orgone/eptutorial.htm
Use a dead blow rubber headed mallet to
DEPLOY! Bury UPSIDEDOWN crystal as shown
verti- silently drive EPs into the ground
cally, crystals pointing down. should It

be ok to bury it a few miles away from EPs work by pulling the DOR from underground, then releasing POR above ground and below. One
suspect area if risky putting it closer. key to the effectiveness of EPs is the resonating cavity in the empty space inside the pipe. -Ryan

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 25 OP 52


About Them Underground Lizard Bases

A listis published /downloadable al • stevequayle.com/News.ale
Instantly turn Street Poles into CBs, EPs, BaseBusters
rt/04_GIobal/040223.undeigroundbases.html • educate-yourself.
org/dc/undergroundbaseslisled08feb 04.shtm), and tilled:
Instant Secret Sidewalk CBs Simple EarthPipe Instructions
Look around you on the streets; there be scores, "Some of us feel that the underground bases
"Some Underground Bases even 100s of hollow upright pipes everywhere, are the next priority after busting the new
Listed by State" Just waiting to receive your PREMADE orgone towers, taking back the earthgrid and neu-
- where Ken Adachi wrote: "Phil Schneider used to work for tbe Inserts or Waterwands, and thereby be trans- and institutions.
tralizing satanic ritual sites
government and was involved in the construction of Deep Under- formed into something far loftier than a "street sign" Most of the towers are on the earth grid and
ground Military Bases (DUMB bases). ...he said that there were or gate anchor. Secret Sidewalk ChemBusters. vortices and most of the satanic sites are
129 active deep military bases in America ..He confirmed, there You can make orgone inserts using cut PVC, also on or close to these features, so you'll
existed a minimum of two underground bases in each state...more rolled paper, or cardboard-cores from paper-towel / get a lot of Bang for our orgonite Buck ;-). ...
than 1,450 DUMB bases woridwide..62 of those 129...bases were, toilet rolls. Or just dropin one or more or many For now, I'm recommending Vancouver
being used as housing facilities forvarious alien groups that the narrow Dixiercup TBs. Stand on a stool or folding Steve's treasured method: fill a toilet paper
govememnt had made treaties and agreements with. The rest were- chair (kept in your car for this pur- core tube with orgonite and a single, 1
being used by humans (military & Chilians) for biological, chemi-. -pose} for extra height to reach long quartz crystal of any quality and
cal, and mind control development Phil mentioned in his last lec- tall pole tops. Pole caps can drop it down a fencepost stop sign
ture ...that he was publishing a book that would expose these gov- be knocked off/put back pole or any other (at least) 2" diameter pipe
ernment secrets and identify the location of every underground on. ToNOTdrawatten- that's set in the ground. Steve carries a little
base in America, as he felt the American public were entitled to tion while gifting, do your stepladder on his urban gifting missions. This
know what theor government was doing with their money and "Drop-Ins" at nite. does double duty as a tower-buster and
keeping secret from them. When Phil was found murdered in Or- ~DRE under-ground base buster Don Croft .

egon in early January, 1996, all of his records, alien artifacts, jour-
nals,book manuscript, etc. were missing. You should print out a Orgonite buried tossed close) near a POLE
hard copy of this page., and also save it on a floppy or CD ..." also converts the pole to a mini CB; see pg 24.
- and Don Croft wrote: "I got this [list] anonymously today in
email. It's obviously the result of a whole lot of groundwork ...by
a lot of people... This is quite timely, perhaps, as the new
Earthpipes show some promise for neutralizing the predatory as- Make Etheric PeacePipes to
pects of these facilities cheaply and efficiently. We normally lo- Purify Pools, Ponds, Lakes, Rivers
cate underground bases by the smog fields that they produce
above ground. This happens because nuclear generators produce ...also called "Etheric PipeBomb"(does NOT ex-
dense deadly orgone radiation (DOR) which forms smog by posi- plode). It clears / cleans up bodies
of polluted
tive-charged ionization. ..It's our feeling that the bases are being murky muddy water. In Gifting.doc Don Croft
built as hidey-holes fortius regime, which has effectively lost its wrote: "This... has been found expedient for re-
psychological stranglehold on the world populace by now and is viving bodies of water and clarifying
retreating. It would be unwise them to just wait us out
to allow Just half-fill any length of
and take another swipe al humanity later on and we know that empty pipe with orgonite and a Air Force tunnel-boring machine.
neither predators nor their arcane weaponry can function well single, tower-buster- type of crystal "Dulce and Other Underground Bases"
within a strong orgone field, even underground, and slave labor is "The September, 1983 Omni ran a picture story
and toss it in polluted water. I did an
no doubt essential to running these facilities, so intense orgone acre-sized pond in Uganda with five pipe on the Subterrene.'a nuclear tunnel-boring
will incite them to do what you and I are doing: claiming our
bombs. 9 inches long and 7/8" diameter machine ...burrows through deep underground
birthright of individual freedom and responsibility." rock, heating it to a molten state.. .which cools
and a week later the scummy, opaque and
after theSubterrene moves on. The result is a
"LOCATION OF 35 ALIEN's BASES" stinky water had turned clear, smelled
tube with a smooth, glazed lining that can be
(MAP loo) www.wamormatrix.com/'about601.html nice and had no scum at all. A few weeks used for the high-speed transport shuttles
Reptilian Bases Reported later, some Japanese relief workers from that link the sub-base complexes."
the city were seen fishing there."
Under Most Hospitals (subversiveelement.com/Dulce.html)

Info in free downloadable book, "The Mars Force - Pat's

Story." Details at • educate-yourself.org/cn/reptilianslinkedto Making Sugar Orgonite Instructions
hospitalsl9aug04.shtml • metatech.org. • themarsrecords.com.
1 Mix all ingredients in a pot.

"Evidence lhat reptilians have a base, or a tunnel leading to a

A controversy in orgone fo- 2 Turn on /up heat slowly (after 5-10 minutes, lots
rums. I decided to provide
base, under more than 90% of hospitals and some morgues. of bubbles) while stirring continuously, bringing
this information for those
They use this to gain access to the bodies in the hospital for mixture to a boil. After a half hour mixture
who, for whatever reason, arc
the purpose of harvesting hormones." reaches hardening temperature.
not able to obtain Resin; they
3a Let temperature reach 160° Celsius (320°
Remote Viewing Underground UFO Bases can still make Orgonite devices (TBs, HHGs, even
Fahrenheit), as verified with a candy thermom-
www.rense.com/general68/remm.htm CBs) with cooked Sugar, used just like Resin. It gets
eter. Watch out not to surpass this or mixture
rock hard, though needs to be coated. White sugar
Defector JamesCasbolt.com, spills out begins burning and you get syrup.
it is much cheaper than Resin, and everywhere avail-
shows smuggled photos. One good thing in the
plus able, being the world's number one drugfood ad-
3b If you have NO THERMOMETER: after
horrendous details he exposes is that we (humans) are mixture has boiled about a half hour, do this
diction. Deadly and health-wrecking inside the
getting ET help. For your safety, read his: body, but when made into Orgonite, becomes TEST to see if mixture hardens when cooled:
deadly to the Regime that uses Sugar as one of its From your stirrer-spoon, let a bit of mixture drip
"Underground Bases, Missing Children,
many disguised weapons to undo Humanity You into a glass of cold water. Feel if the drops are
Extra-Terrestrials What You Need To Know For Your Future"
can make Sugar Orgonite in your kitchen; ventila- soft or hard. If soft, boil a little longer and re-
tion not required. Following is a recipe general &
tesL If hard, mixture is saturated and makes a
About BUSTED Bases instructions for making Sugar Orgonite. Mind you, cracking-sound in the glass; it Ls ready.
By Cbswork 'There are all kinds of 'orgone' energies. ..Orgone just plain white Sugar melts when heated. Feel free 4 Remove mixture from heat.
often ..appear as heat waves: ripples of clear, fiery energy, that bums to modify, experiment, improve! 5 Wait about 30 to 60 seconds to let it cool a little,
brightly, but does not consume matter., when we say an under- maybe while still stirring (to rid air-bubbles).
Ingredients, Materials (makes about 6 TBs)
ground base has been destroyed, I believe what is being stated is 6 Pour mixture into muffin pan holes (or into
• 4 cups Sugar (any • muffin pan, tightly oiled
thai the higher, free energy systems operating in these areas us- metal or glass mold; not plastic or it melts):
kind, crystal or powder) (or use Telflon coated),
ing the electromagnetic force and lines of force in much of the - Some people preheat the muffin pan with its
cups (charged) containing other • orgonite
esoteric machinery no longer functioning. ..But a car under-
is •J then pour
Water (less=better?) quartz crystals, contents (metal particles /crystal),
ground still runs. Because these are entirely two different function-
• 45ml or 50ml Vinegar cjis, mc ta| particles hot mixture over these. Pre-heating metal
ing realities, not affecting one another. Humans DO NOT DIE from ...

(note:2 fluid ounces = ,77^5. coppeK copper-cooled particles prevents air-holes in the orgonite.
our orgone gifts underground but many of the alien devices created 60 ml. ,02 =30 ml) - Some people pour mixture into pan. then
to function of DOR., do cease to function. From mat POV [[Point of orahmuniummaybebestfor
• wooden spoon
pot • this. Cut-up curly/mesh metal immediately add metal particles 'crystals
View]], the base is, yes, dead. But all the other mundane stuff
•candy-thermometer scour pads are very porous, 7 Let it cool. It cools quickly into rock-hard Sugar
woiks. Their underground rail system, which is gravlev, does NOT
work, as based upon etheric free energy systems that are nega-
it is
(or use Test in step #3b) permitting thorough saturation) Orgonite, maybe with a sticky surface.
tively polarized, much like our electrical grid system is setup upon a 8 Make your Sugar Orgonite bug & waterproof by
Sources & more Information: coating it in one or more layers of Resin.
60hz ac system, which is negatively polarzied. electrical fire ...The • www.orgone-art.com/anglais/sugar.htm
reason orgone docs not take out these sytems is BBCAUSETHEY • www.WarriorMatrlx.com/viewtopic.php?t=443 Lacquer. Varnish or Paint to protect it from
ARETWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT TYPES OF ENERGY ASPECTS.." ( Device Construction. "Orgonite with sugar") nibbling bugs, rain erosion, dissolving.

da MUFFIN papers :
PAGE 26 OF 52
Powerful Orgone Self-Defense Tools midline and out through its pri-

mary charkas ... Sometimes I turn

them them on a hori-
Succor Punch Explained
in circles or spin
not be realized Since the world order is

heavily centralized and energized by zontal axis to disorient them. The hu-
the masters of the WB, it will deprive
man psychics will try to depart fast and
By Don Croft ... July 22, 2002 invisible to even the keenest you can let them go with a strong tele-
the beastly manifestation of its head
I chose the name because "sue-

Carol and observers on the other team warning. The other-than-human

and enough6
ordinary folks like us wi" pathic
cor" because it means "to nourish" and be- in those moments. I've got a
wate up that'the delusion createdfor ones wil1 •* unpleasantly astonished that
cause it rhymes with "sucker." A sucker photo of an agent looking for a merc numan can do lins to them so
us will simply collapse in on itself, .

punch is made when the opponent's de- a HHg and he^s got a big, will resist a lot more. These need to be
similar to the way the high explo-
lenses are directed elsewhere. In this case, white blob enveloping his kept in the field longer sometimes and
sives attached to the supporting
humanity's opponents, as far as we can head ;-) I call it a ' brain cloud,'
girders of each floor of the may try several more times, so stay fo- WTC
tell, are the entities in charge of the preda- and we believe that's compli- cused and watch for them. ...The SP is a
and Murrah Federal Building
tory agenda, most evident by the chemtrails ments of the VVingmakers potent healing tool in the hands of a
caused those buildings to collapse
and the new "martial law" transmitters pop- [[aka Sfyphs, Operators; pg 29,
ping up all over the planet in the past 48]], or whatever you wish to
in on themselves. The delusion mm
skilled practitioner. ...no entity other
tgm they've created for us is that these than the really nice ones can exert any
year... A while back, a fellow gave me call the host of heavenly help- influence on a person who has a SP
were terrorist attacks. See my point?
written directions for making a mobius ers guiding us into the emerging paradigm in his/her personal energy field-
...Six of us with Succor Punches, two of
coi I, and warned me not to deviate from and out of the receding one... This is an whom are telepaths and astral travelers, Here's what happened when the voodoo
those, as it could lead to illness if not made orgone generating instrument, though
neutralized a bomb that was intended men followed Carol back from Kenya
right. It resembles a mobius strip and gen- it operates on different principles than
„„ killing
for a large number of
„„,„..;,,.„..,.,„„„„,, ,„,„„„„
people in last September ...She had a severe pain
erates essentially pure chaotic electromag- the Holy Handgrenade and cloudbuster
Chicago during -"" a fireworks display in her side as soon as she left Nairobi af-
nelic energy. A Succor Punch is made up of
.. The SP is far more interactive. Al- "• waterfront '•
on the on July 4. This was (er a monm j„ a village where she had
one of these coils, wrapped around and glued though a protective Held is generated to have been a trigger to establish mar- demonstrated the ability of our little
to a substantial quartz crystal that has a dis- automatically the size and strength of rial law. We believe that other groups are crowd zapper to cure AIDS... We de-

tinct point on it The terminals of the coil are which is determined by the crystal, con- operating along other paths and depriv-
c ided to see what was causing it and both
connected via small alligator clips to a fre- scious direction of the energy sends a ing the of their hoped for world tyr- WB
f us became aware that several entities
quency generating box, powered by a nine beam of pulsating, concentrated anny this year our hope is that no- were drawing energy through a 'hole' in
volt battery. ...I glue the coil to the crystal orgone to any entity in existence body will actively involve themselves her side. I got the image of some African
because if the chaotic energy is not orga- Those of us who are aligned with the with us unless at least part of what we' re men and Carol recognized one of them
nized by the crystal or contained within a force of life are envigorated by it, claiming lines up with their own under- as being from that village. We traced the
perimeter field it will make someone nearly those who are aligned with the forces standing and/or experience.... You can source of the power to a vortex west of
sick and debilitated This makes no sense in of decay and exploitation are made to keep the target entity on the "spit" as Nairobi that was severely distorted, simi-
theoiy, since there is only 5 milliamps go- feel intensely uncomfortable by that long as you like. The really recalcitrant lar to the way the one in Montauk and
ing through the coil, pulsed in a square wave beam, since it forces them to rise in con- ones need a lot of attention. ...Since all
other satanic sites are. Carol was person-
at 15 cycles per second This current is not sciousness to the place you and I are. races but humans are strongly bound by ally threatened by the visage of a semi-
even strong enough to be felt if you were Many are shocked to discover that tech- universal law, they must detach their
human male eating human body parts
to hold the two electrodes. We're using nologically advanced races, such as predatory/parasitic connections to you once wne n she looked at that site but held on
our zapper circuit for this. If you apply the predatory Reptilians, Draconians, B you've made it abundantly clear that they and traced the energy further to a repn'l-
electrodes to bare skin for at least 20 min- Sirians, grays., are so spiritually under- are not welcome. ...You need to get a j all hj ve under southwestern Africa

utes, you'll be killing lots and lots of your developed Their human cohorts, such as sense of who your target is to be. Nor- ...we later learned that Credo
parasites, even though you may not feel the masters of the White Brotherhood mally, whenever anyone commits ac- [[Mutwa]], a chief shaman of the
the current going through your skin. (WB), although well able to spin a spiritu- rively to this project, he/she is notice- xhosa, or Zulu, told of being invited by
ally-advanced sounding rap, are equally ably harassed by a number of entities,
We're finding that just turning the a reptilian hive queen lo mate and pro-
susceptible to the healing force of the Suc- not least of which are the federal
thing on and keeping it in your car duce offspring with her and that she had
cor Punch. Some of the latter are only par- agents who are trained psychics. If promised hini great power if he agreed to
blocks the signals of transponders that
tially human... Wholly human predators are
the feds may have left there. y 0U feel like this is happening and do so. He refused, not being a fan of per-
less susceptible but these ..almost never oc- you've been making and deploying holy sonal power. ....I'm not particularly psy-
If you're involved with the cloudbuster cupy positions of real power... Our inten- handgrenades and cloudbusters, it prob- chic but using the Succor Punch has en-
project bet you've got at least a satellite tion and hope in making this available to a bly is, so just be aware of any un-
abled me to use my meager abilities to
transponder and a voice one in your ve- you is that enougn will
tnai enough me
win get into the pleasant sensations, relax and imagine full advantage in timesof need Many
process hands of effective people that the a
hide. ...Mind you, if you're in the process alleged the source. Send that "• person or entity others like me have "gotten similar re-
!Ll. .:' I.' (,.. Hull
>. .1.A ..I. >|.,n' l.:Tb\ !. > « . _ .
of neutralizing one of those horrible trans- powers that be will be in a constant bath
I. . . -

a beam of strong, pulsing blue or suits. I want to stress that there are no in-
mitters with a holy handgrenade you'll be of this healing energy, thereby creating purple orgone through the end of the stitutional elite or upper castes in the
an environment for them in Succor Punch, imagine it surrounding emerging paradigm and service to hu-
Make a Chinese YoYo HHG I

| which their fondest wishes of and contracting around th eentity, manity has been the highest aspiration of
& protect your privacy genocide and exploitation may while at the same time blazing along the wise since the dawn of time...

HourGlass HHG. (You need 4 or

5 of these in order for this to work;
wamrnHB ^| i
mce youi eyes arc "trained" to see ii you can then
One is no longer suffient!) Create 2 For moi. its far easier to sec day - as there is turn it on and off at will. ... The benefits of this is that
energy in the

HHGs with flat tops, a great deal more of it, considering it comes from our Sun your eyes then see all ctheric grade pbenom. Good and
- than at night To tune to DOR [[destructive orgone]], just bad Youll start to notice entities and beings that exist in
joined top to top. Cut the
funnel of your HHG mold spend a few minutes about near a close power line and a mostly etheric state much more frequently. ...A short
lower and make your 2 gaze at the wires. You'll see a brown haze like a sheath cut -not recommended- is to take your SP, and from
HHGs in Their tops will

and broader. Con-


nect the 2 tops with resin or

iY around the wires, and the transformers themselves actu- your temple, point it at the base of your eye socket for a
ally drip the stuff like slow syrup down the poles. 60hz few minutes. Then tends to "awaken" those mostly un-
AC, is bery bery bad Once the synapses behind the rods in used portion of your visible sight by gentle shock. Dont
'Goop glue. Result is an hourglass your eyes adjust to the frequency of that waveform, you'll do it more than a few times. Most of us do not see with
shaped HHG (with extra intense wider see it eveiy where. You are then developing etheric acuity the eyes we have. There's tons to look at And this is just
forcefield), an effective anti-surveillance tool in your eyes For most people, the simplest way to engage etheric vision ..None of the above will work or create

which protects your communications privacy ac- that portion of their eyes, is to use their peripheral vision, REAL clairvoyance. That's a horse of a different color.
cording to forum reports. Put them by your which FORCES the eye to use the rods, instead of cones. (From: www. whale.to/b/dor26.htm)
phone, your computer, in yo ur car Maybe a mini .

one to keep on your person. (Invented by Al > ^— Aura Book + Aura Glasses: "Aura Glasses: You Can See Auras
Gray). "Joined at the tips, yes. Even Takes aura viewing one step further and in- tention on a subject brings one to an altered
small ones will create a surveillance- eludes a pair of glasses for aura viewing. state, which enhances the ability to see energy.
free zone big enough for your immedi- 20 short chapters teach you all about seeing $ 24. 95 USD+ $ 5 shipping worldwide.
ate area." ~MaryKCrott, Don Crofts sister and interpreting the aura.. Most people who §^j check or mone order payable to:
try the Aura Glasses can immediately see
Ea rthtopia
light around objects, plants & people. Fur-
VARIATIONS, perhaps taped \-/ (—A Strathcona Postal Outlet 74061
ther practise brings the ability to see aura
together Double YoYos
: / \ \__/ '

Calgary Al bcrta
colors, guide energies, thought forms, heal-
and a YoYo COLUMN! \~/ / \ T3H 3B 6 Canada
21 v ing energy and past
the Aura Glasses

da MUFFIN papers
life energy.
and calmly focusing


27 OF 52
at- Email: info@auragoggles.COm Phone:1-403-240-2642
POWERBOX. A frequency generator designed to power your SP
Make a "Succor Punch"
PowerWand) by pulsing a 15 Hz frequency into the mobius-
on your crystal. Here are 4 options /sources:
Make your own "SP" using these instructions.
Or BUY an SP (or PowerWand) from: Powerbox Option A:
Battery-powered only. Order
• educate-yourseltorg (mobius wrapped, double Materials
from ctbusters.com/zappers.html:
terminated SP crystals, S55 -$165) + P. box S80 Needed - "SP / Powerwand Power Box" ($60)
• clbuslers.com (full SPs: $135, $160)
• orgonecryslals.com (mobius wrapped
• large quartz - "Wired Accessory Plug" ($10)
crystal, at least (Or RadioShack's 6 Audio Cable. 1/8" mono
SP crystal, $25. Add Powerbox)
1/2" thick, 3 miniplug with tinned ends, 042-2434, $3.29)
• QuebecOrgone.com J about 1

or more inches long.

(full SPs, $134.29, $144.62) Powerbox Option B:
(Available from
• orgooise-africa.net (Powerbox, $36) Plug into wall /car or use battery. Order from
mythnlyrLX.com and orgonecrystals.com).
What's a Succor Punch? Or in 14 sizes, already wrapped in a Mobius Coil
-"Compact SP Pulser" (580), comes with:
"Succor Punch" (SP) is the name Don Croft with jack & 6" double-plug cable included; $55 to • 2.1mm jack for SP crystal • DC coax power jack

coined for a quartz crystal that has a specially $165, at educate-yourelf.org/dc/spindex.shtml) • 9 volt batteiy • 9 volt DC wall transformer (Adapter plug-in-wall cord)

knotted Mobius Coil wrapped around it "When - 2. lmm jack ($2.50) to glue on crystal. (Or RadioShack's 3/32"
For making your Mobius Coil Cable:
you pulse a 15 Hz signal into the coil, it sets up • spool of 30 gauge solid conductor insulated Submini Phone Jack. #274-245, pack of 2, $2.99)
a chaos field which interacts with the crystal to -cable with 2.1mm gold plug at each end (6-inch = $12, 4-foot
wire (Available at RadioShack in red, blue,
create scalar waves which can be programmed = $15.) (one plug goes into jack mounted on crystal; other plug
white; 50 feet, item #278-50/ to 503. Do NOT
with your thoughts. Forces are set in motion both goes into powerbox jack) (Or RadioShack's 6 Shielded Audio
get the copper "Enamel Coated Magnet Wire"; it
on the third arid fourth dimensional levels." Cable with two 1/8" mono miniplugs, #42-2420A, S3.29, and

is too stiff and its enamel easily scrapes off

An active Orgone Gifter should have at 2 Mono Plug Adapters #274-327C, $2.99 each, to go on each

causing minute shortages.)

least one Succor Punch... or Powerwand (super end of previous cable)
• Alternative to above: premade Mobius Coil,
Succor Punch). It's convenient to have 2 or 3 -Optional 4'Coiled Car Cable ($18) for battery power
ready for wrapping around your crystal (from
SPs; one for your house - with its powerbox from your car. (with modified central polarity)
educate-vourself.org . 8-foot= $10, 14-foot = $15) • Quick Tite super glue gel (to glue jack on crystal)
plugged into the wall; one to take around with
you whenever you go out; and one in your car all • Optional: cordless drill, otherwise use your
the time car- plugged into your cigarette lighter. hands to twist wire. (The counter-clockwise Powerbox Options C & D:
"According to Don Croft, the SP crystal spinner on an electric handmixer also works.) C Generic, battery-powered with two
• hook or clamp (to hold wire while being twisted) Alligator Clip connectors.
pulsing in the car will prevent bugs ana
transponders planted in your vehicle from • pliers (to hold wire if someone helps you) D Lets you plug above Powerboxes into wall.
working properly, denying the Gestapo the • tape (to hold ends of folded wire together) Order "Regulated Power Supply" from
opportunity to monitor your conversations and • Goop glue or HotGlue Gun (to cover mobius orgonecrystals.com ($22). With 9-volt DC
tracking your position from satellites." coil /jack after you wrap it around crystal) battery clip. See pages 29, 43.

Free Mobius-Wrapping Video Tutorial

Input "SenseiDennis" at http://youtube.com 5b To twist wire by DRILL (faster, easier): 7 Your Mobius Coil Cable is completed when
• Set the drill direction in reverse (counter- composed of twists with angles of 45-degrees.
Instructions: clockwise direction that removes a screw)
8 If needed, re-tape both ends for easier handling.
• Take the end where both ends are bent and
Part I: Make Mobius Coil Cable place them into the locking chuck of your drill.
To easily keep them evenly together in the Part II: Wrap & Knot Mobius
"1 Select proper length of wire. From spool of 30-
gauge insulated wire, cut a length of
drill, start a small twist to holdlhem together. Coil Cable around crystal
|Si wire appropriate for the size of your 9 Holding your crystal and cable, take the end of
"I?; SP crystal. (When wire is prepared the cable having the two leads:
IP (doubled twice & twisted] it becomes • with leads pointing left, extended
mr u4 original length, and is
its wound several inches past crystal, hold
? '
& knotted around your crystal): this end to a side of your crystal.
• crystal of 1
" diameter: Clamp the other end of the wire (with
use 24 feet of wire; after preparation the two leads) to a sturdy stand OR
it becomes a 6-foot mobius coil have someone hold it with pliers. To
• crystal of 1-1.5" diameter: minimize irregularities, keep good • wind the cable counterclockwise
use 28 feet of wire becomes tension ,'tautness while drill is rotating. (=turning to left) to the back of the
a 7-foot mobius coil
crystal, around it to front, one time
• crystal of 1.5 - 2" diameter:
iise 32' of wire = 8' mobius coil
• crystal diameter wider than 2": "IO Make your first knot after bringing
use 36' of wire = 9' mobius coil cable around first time. The knot
• crystal, very large /wide: goes over, down, up-around. A
"use 40' or entire 50' spool. simple overhand knot
2 Fold wire into 4 equal lengths /strands. as shown. Keep this

Fold wire in half once, then fold in half knot a little LOOSE
again, creating a zig-zag of 4 strands / because you' 11 need
Rotate drill counterclockwise until the space for the
quarters (like greek alfabetsigma. £).
the full length of cable is composed remaining knots.
of twists ("threads" ) having
3 Pull out the two ends « angles of 45-degrees.
2 from the
to 4 inches <=
middle-bend of the
wire. These will be the leads of
the finished Mobius Coil Cable.
Can be trimmed later if needed. "11 Repeat process, continuing making knots. Loop

6 To twist wire by HAND (takes longer): it in tie same location over and over. You will be

• Take the end where both ends are bent and doing a counterclockwise wrap that works
hook it mounted hook, or clamp
in a firmly upward You'll notice the wire working upwards
it to a sturdy stand. while knot gets larger. Start pulling the wire tight
4 Optional: wrap wire at both ends with tape to • Starting near the hook /clamp, twist (turn)
hold strands together for easier handling; remove the four strands together, counterclockwise
tape as needed, later.
12 Each time you start
(turn to left) until the "threads" of the twists
a new knot, startjust
5a By Drill or Hand, the 4fold-wire needs to be are about 45 degrees, and compose the before the last one.
twisted counterclockwise until it becomes a length of cable. Keep wraps tight to
cable composed of 45-degree threads. ensure wires do not
overlap on the back

Here is how it looks going

around a third lime

da MUFFIN pape rs : PAGE 28 OF 52

13 You can creale two or more knot- Part III: Connect SP Mobius Coil to Powerbox
clusters on your crystal, especially
if knots become difficult to
17 If you selected Powerbox Option A : 18 If you selected Powerbox Option B :

overlap, or your crystal is long. a. Get the "Wired Accessory Plug" a. Connect the two stripped-wire ends of the
and if needed, strip off part of the Mobius Coil Cable to the jackbox as follows:
Start another row the same way as
insulation from its two wire- With clean hands, connect one wire-end to loop-
the Pull the excess just a
ends, exposing the bare metal stem on top of jack. To do this,
little above the first mobius wrap. '
wire, (or use RadioShack 6 insert wire into the loop, then
wrap the wire around wrap excess wire snugly around the stem.
Shielded AudioCable)
counterclockwise, then do the Connect other wire-endto lower loop at back
b. With clean hands, take one of
knot and keep repeating as many of the jack; do NOT use the higher loop (ok to
the stripped ends of the
times as needed. cut it off). It's ok to bend down the loop-stem
Mobius Coil wire (glued on
14 When you act to the end of the c your crystal), and lake one of
on top, but do not bend backside loop. •«**„

luck the double folded bends Separately wrap each connection with electn-"
the ends of your "Wired
(tips) into a crevice between caf tape (or heat-shrink tubing) to insulate i

Accessory Plug" (or one of If using these, put the 2 Mono Plug
the 2 tinned ends of Radio- Adapters on the 2 ends of
Finished result for
Shack cable) and wrap RadioShack's double cable,
a small crystal.
them around each other. iflsert a plug (of double-plug-cable t
15 Coat entire Mobius c. Repeat step with other end from EducateYourself or
Cable (except leads) d. Insulate the 2 connections RadioShack) into jack-hole to see it

with Goop (or glue separately with electrical tape slightly extending past back of
from a hot-glue- or Goop and let Goop dry. jackbox: this space must remain
pun) to protect and e. Insert accessory plug (or RS cable) clear of glue / obstructions. Use
hold wires in place. on your "SP/
into the jack electrical tape to section /seal off this space
Use 2 or 3 coats of Powerwand Power Box". (box ulterior and slightly beyond the back),
Goop. letting each f. Turn on your powerbox. enough to properlyaccommodate jackplug,
coat dry before b. Glue the jack onto the crystal (using Quick
Congratulations! You now have a
next Tite glue) and let glue dry. (Gue it high
functional SP. ready for programming!
on the crystal, or on a facet at the to|
16 Strip wire-ends
CTBUSTERS if you plan to cast an orgonite base
using a utility or around crystal to further boost its
other sharp knife: power: see SP OPTIONS.)
shave off about a half Succor Punch Re-glue jack w/ Goop & let it
inch of insulation coating dry.
from the two ends (leads) of Insert one end of the double-

wire, exposing the bare metal. plug cable into the jack on the
crystal: insert other end into the
powerbox jack,
Succor Punch OPTIONS An Orgonite Base around your SP makes e. Optional: plug Adapter cord into
DC jack on the powerbox;
Your Powerbox can be
Zapper-box with a jack
a it more powerful and enhances
its action. Also add an "SBB
Coil" (pg 10)
?\ — .
other end into the wall,
or omit this step to use
added (pg 42), and serve bottom; it will function as a mini
at the
battery power.
as both, a parasite-zapper Powerwand. Available readymade from
f. Turn on your powerbox.
&SP/PW Power-box. educate-yourself.org. where Ken
At educatc-yourself.org, "Mini Silver Terminator" Si 25 Congratulations!
Adachi wrote: "Don & Carol Crop
Now you have a functional
Dennis Griffen's Inventions (at orgonecrystals.com): have found thai adding some resin/
SP, ready for programming!
"Everyman's Orgone Zapper & Frequency Generator" metal matrix to the base of the SP
crystal will enhance and amplify Us
$35. Combines 3-in-l: • Powerbox (without the box)
+ • Orgone Zapper + • Implant Killer (2 removable action. I've gone a little farther ana Succor Punch
orgonite discs with neo magnets). Uses Dr. Hulda immersed the entire SP crystal in a
Clark-approved 30 kHz frequency. Battery-powered resin/metal matrix using copper,
19 you selected Powerbox Options C, D
If :

(or use R.P.Supply below to plug into wall). aluminum, and brass metal shav-
C Generic Instructions for SP or PowerWand Power-
ings I find that the larger SP boxes with Alhsator Clip Connectors : a) Wrap each
Plug your SP's (& PW's, Zappcr's) Powerb ox into the stripped wire-end (in step #16. from mobius coil on SP
crystals with Ike surround-
wa|l with the AC to DC "Regulated Power Supply" $22. ing cylinder of orgonite and crystal)around a small metal screw. (A nail or paper-clip
Enjoy freedom from batteries. Its gold/copper orgone also it's easier to wrap wire around screws, and
works but
Lost Cubil coils will essen-
transformer conditions electricity flow. Its 9-volt clip attaches to your 9-volt
tially function as a mini wire stays in place better), b) Insulate both wrappings
battery clip. Now you can run your SP-PW-Zapper 24 hours while you siecp. Powerwand." separately with electrical tape or Goop glue, c) With
Goop. glue the wrapping/screw in place onto your crystal,
How to Use a Succor Punch offending energy being reiumca snould be increased by
800% for as long as the clowns are beaming the energy
leaving enough screw surface exposed to receive alligator
clip. If you neglect this step, the wires eventually break
{From: www.orgoneauslralia.com.au/SP.hlmj
to me. You can ask that
any remote viewer, human or leaving no contact wire for alligator clips, d) After
"Just turn it on for protcctioa.. You can keep it
otherwise, be blocked from Remote Influencing or Goop dries, clamp alligator clips to screws, e) Add
in your car glove box or have it at your bedside at
remote viewing you or from psychic scans. You ask that battery to turn on powerbox. Congratulations! ',

night ..For projection, put your finger to the tip

any negative who
and project a mental positive image of healing or
alien being should be blocked
attempts to attach any sort of life draining 'cord" or
D (You must already have a Powerbox con-
protection towards someone or some situation." nected to your SP. described in steps #17-19). ,
device (in any dimension) to your chakras or interferes
(From: The Succor Punch, by Ken Adachi a) Plug the "Regulated Power Supply"
with you in any way, etc., etc. You get the idea. In other
http:lleducale-yourself.org/dclspindexshtml) into your Powerbox' s 9-volt battery clip.
words, you use it as if it's Aladdin's Lamp. ...Dowsing
b)Plug other end into walL Congratulations
'To you turn it on and hold it
utilize the SP. tells me that I can program the medium size crystal for
over your heart chakra and tell it what you want it about 35 tasks. ..Larger crystals can usually handle Majestic
to do. If you are being harassed by ELF more programming and do things more powerfully than SLYPHS, aka
microwave transmissions, you tell it to create a smaller crystals... According to Don Croft, negative
"The WingMakers,"
perfect shield against any sort of energy that is Draconian Reptilians cannot stand to be
aliens like the related to 'The
beamed to you from any dimensional plane, in the environment of the SP pulsing circuit and want to Operators" (pg 48).
intended to cause you harm (in any way or form), exit He mentions this often in his Adventures episodes." Ancient Ethenc
by any sentient being or thought form directing Custodians of Earth.
For examples /experiences of using the SP, PW and
that negative energy towards you. You then tell it Visible as swan-like
other Orgone defense tools see: "The Adventures of
to transmute any negative directed energy that feathery cloudforms
Don & Carol Croft" Series at cducate-yoursclf.org whenever they're
penetrates your shield, into life enhancing energy
that invigorates and energizes you in a positive
References: asked sincerely for
manner. You then tell it to beam back to the party
• RyanMcGinty.com Mobius Coil Tutorial, help and even when
• What's A Succor Punch? hnp://educate-yourself.org' s unasked Sylphs Of
(or parties, or thought forms) who are responsible
dc/dcsuccorpunchdescri p.sntml The Gas Gumts, by ZS
for sending this negative energy to you, the same • Succor Punch Explained, by Don Croft, educate- % Livingstone (educale-
negative energy, but in a form that the offending
yourself.org/dc/SuccorPimch22jul02.shtml 8 1 yourself.org/zsl/sylphs
parties are defenseless to shield against. "
• Mailing Addresses, to order powerboxes, etc (from gasgiants23mar04.
...Sometimes, for good measure. I'll ask that the ctbusters, educate-voursclf, quebecorgone) in Vendors shtml)

da MUFFIN pape rs : PAGE 29 OF 52

Cheap Fiberglass Resin...
The PowerWand
9. team,we always go after the strongest

Here'show I made mine: ...Since I meanest one and have the others watch.
j-.^ tend to be a little rough with my stuff, .1 carried the PowerWand from the base-
Everyman's Weapon Against Tyranny I ment to our bedroom/workshop, when it
recessed the point of the crystal into
EXCERFTS from educaie-yourself.org/dc/adc52lhepowerwand26jan03.shtml the pipe. I pushed it through some was finished, and it felt like an army was
The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft -Episode 52 cuts in the bottom of a 3oz Dixie cup... marching in front of me ;-) That was .

I put GOOP Glue around the bottom of pretty special. ..Carol said that before it was
By Don Croft quency box to the two
..Having satisfied ourselves
the cup to ensure that resin wouldn' t even turned on, a big, spherical cobalt
that absolutely no harm can be done with this screws to power the coil
leak in and fill the cavity, then I glued blue orgone field was writhing, centered
device, we're ready to give out the instruc- when it was finished. Others
the rim of the paper cup onto a flat plas- four feet beyond the end, sort of like a
tions for it ..Special thanks in the beginning use a different contact method
tic surface after the first bunch of glue Medusa's head. This is the thing that vis-
is due Ben Morton, Sua Hooten and Bruce 5. other Crystals
hardened enough to hold up the crystal. its the target when we turn on the power.
Stenulson for helping us make the crucial A little amethyst (mine was an *****
I had gauged the business end of the but if s huge then and has no range limit
connection ...r m writing a detailed descrip- of pyrite lvvo terminals (screw heads) to be an inch
inch long, broken from a cluster), a bit Also, no psychic shields or ritual magic
tion of how mine was made. If any of this (I used about a quarter teaspoon of broken
seems over your head you probably should bits), hematite (I used four 12mm beads),
me of pipe and when I put
lhe frcquenCy box in there the copper
Mm ^ ^ protection works against it
The first thing we did was test it on mc,

buy one from one of the vendors... Here are and gamete (I used four or five small rough
the ingrediente:...(Its built in a 3" diameter bits, about 6mm). Without at least these
end ca ,j (lubricated with spraved silicone m Wast ' felt a P leasaDt rush n over •*
[[so it can come off later]]) fit snugly
when you stand under a tropical waterfall
copper pipe. 9" long. Basically it's just a Hootcnizers. the energy fromlyour Power or dive into a pool. Carol saw the cobalt en-
Succor Punch embedded in slightly Wand won t be grounded or focused It will heads
'HootenizecF orgonite [resin/metal shavings work about half as weU as the one I made
and held it in place on top of the screw
^^ m M^^^^ ^ ergy flowing over me, but none of it went
inside. I guess nothing in me needed to be
mix with misc.added crystals...)
«, of
and the energy field will be spinning wddly down around whole thmg and added
^ recycled. ...1 learned to stop visualizing

P Kd*So's conung a Part because

want t0
1. The Copper Pipe around the room instead of taking proper form.
-enous-h to stand the amethvst H '

2. An Enacap (optional)
3. A Suitable Crystal- it needs to be at
derer. Instead, I just direct the energy at
least seven inches long, close to 1 1/2"
thick in the middle and with a single dis-
can find many bead store and rock shop.
sfc C[VS£j
1 nourcd in enou»h cata-

e mefi At this
point, it's better to pour just a little
XLtoi^tb *"" ^
** undcrstandinS <h* it will
is lawfully appropriate to

tinct point on one end A Vogel (expen- 6. Succor Punch Frequency Generator their situation ..Here's my theory on how
catalized resin; enough to go just over
sive!) will do line, of course, but mine is
funky and cost only $45.
If you don't want to "use the hard wired boxes ,
ihSMrf^^S^"&l^uW^f2! S?^2™ rt?",,d,, i8

4. Mobius Coil ..I used an entire roll of

downloadthesoftwareforafrequency genera-
mT^SSSSSSSSSEST f- Whoever identmeswimU^ togs
is susceptible to being dissolved by the
tor onto your desktop and hook the coil to you
the blue magnet coil wire from RadioShack
speaker plug-ins on your computer. You can
leak and out from the the edge ofthe pipe,
Wan(fs p^,
focused CDer„, ^^^
(sold singly in a plastic and cardboard
packet) to make the mobius coil on the download the NCH Frequency from Ken
..When this hardened. I added the pynte. y^ j,™
of dissolution is direct pro- m
more metal, the hematite, more metal, p(Mm to that person's demonstrated
crystal. The instructions for wrapping Adachi's web site: http://educate-vourself.or°/
then near the top added the. garnets
' I
commitment to predatory action. They
We use
this coil are on .. [Ipg 28,
ginty.com l. Since the 'cable' for the coil
was very long in relation to the thickness
29 & ryanmc nchf

SP* i„ LiJZj
15Hz for this because
and predators .0 distraction, but it feels
Zm« ZZZ Za u*
t0 balanced, healthy people and boosts ™.r our '?
it drives all

^^^J^^^Z ^'
"! c sercw hea ds •-.' e.n.def! U P
the business end ..and chiseling out the
gnnpgS the more mayhem and murder he/she

mllsl hase committed, therefore the


ofthe crystal, made a series of six awareness. The healthy orgone fields get quite |
I eaked resin there, and it was finished... nib
more vulnerable to (his device. ...The
knots' or underhand mobius turns. This J^ced DV "»• " Om
theory is that this is be-
I sent out a request for volunteers who Love and Light gurus are window dressing,
saved me from having to make a huge, cause it will be the earth's resonant frequency
were under attack by NSA and other secret only. They don't participate in the grisly
unwieldy 'knot.' Each knot was made up after 2012, when tyranny and parasitism vvill
police psychic predators to give Carol and I stuff, but their programmers do. ..BodUy
of six turns of the cable around the crys- simply be unviable on this planet
permission to visit them and disable their parasites are predators ...mi a smaller
tal. I stripped an inch of wire on the two 7. A Copper Coil attackers. About twenty people responded scale, biologically. The parasitic aspects
ends and wrapped them around the I used 99" of 18gauge bare copper wire [or from around the world.. We mainly ofthe world regime are seen in its global
threads on the ends of two, 2° long dry- cnammeled copper wire used for coils and wanted to get our own 'before and after/ as- exploitation of human energy and natu-
wall screws, so soldering was not neces- trnasformers], wrapped loosely counter- sessments .. We found out in the process ral resources. I think the religious and edu-
sary. I put some little shrink tubes around clockwise along the length of the crystal. that all human predators are very vul- cational institutions fit well in the parasite
the lengths ofthe screws so that the cur- The counterclockwise wrap gets the pro- nerable to this device, whfle lhe human/ category...The predatory aspects are seen in
rent would not short into the orgonite jected orgone field spinning in a direction reptilian hybrids and ETs are harder agencies like the NSA the Federal Reserve
around them. I also liberally coated (with suitable for dissembling predatory/parasitic targets. ...Ourhope has been for all psychic Corporation, the International Monetary
GOOP) all the bare wire that was still ex- thoughtforms. I5Hz speeds that process. and even physical fake-gov' t predators to fund Communism, National Socialism
posed andGOOP-glued the screws along 8. Mostly CopperMetalfor Orgonite be too scared, due to circulating reports, to (like the fake US and European govem-
the crystal so that just the heads would be ..at least half the metal should be copper.
go afteranyone. When we encountera ments ^.dictatorships...
exposed after it was all done. Until the glue perhaps because of "the nature of the
dried, the screws were taped into position. I WO rk that' s to be done with this de-
applied the two alligator clips from the fre- alien underground
v j ce We meli aluminum for the rest
'hives' CZ. For .

beginners, dows-
Your PW is a Radionics=Action-at-a-distance Tool ing can be accom-

PWalop plished using 3

Ken Adachi wrote Powerwand can be programmed with your
hurricane pendulum- move-
intention to address any problem or concern. programmed the I

Powerwand [[at right]] ..witn my focused intent (along with many image Brief overview to acquaint you with ments: one for a YES, NO and Neutral
other people) to deactivate and weaken Hurricane Wilma ..when the orocess. a Rephrase Question). Or use the
Dowsing is a way to (or
itwas building up strength in the Carribean, on its way to Flori- CHART below To begin, here is a way
receive instant accurate answers,
da. If you recall, Wilma fizzled beautifully and was a non-event,
especially to YES-NO questions -by using instru- to use vour Pendulum: • First relax,
despite the best efforts of the HAARR the military c >&" V° u! mn° of extraneous thought
ments such as the Pendulum, L-Rod and Y-Rod.
boys with GWEN, and the ELF tower operators."
Any object hung from a string is a Pendulum. Many a" ask vour Hl 8h Self (and onlyycvr
Ryan McGinty wrote "A PW
is a type of mdionic varieties; choose one you're comfortable with. Easy High SeH) to speak to you via this instru-
to learn, this ancient skill goes back eons. Wall mu-
n*rt- • Hold tne stnn9 of your pendulum
device You use mental and spoken intent while using
rals (estimated 8000 years old) in Afrika's Tassili between your thumb and forefinger.
one. You can also use a photograph or written in-
tent by placing the paper in the base ofthe PW. Caves depict dowsing scenes. In the Bible, Moses * 0u}'° u ° or mentally, ask: Show me
& Aaron used a "rod" to find water ('Take the rod tne YES direction and repeat question
You would write down what you want to happen to the -»
...andspeak ye unto the rock...and it shall give forth urtl1 y°u wl " see steaoY. obvious
chemtrails. The DOR flow of Energy comes through
water" Numbers 20:8-11). While dowsing is famous
the PW base where the intent is written. The frequen-
cy is set by the zapper. Which then is transformed by
as a way to find water, it can be used for innumer- YES
able applications. "The Church" (another name /
the OR matrix into POR included with your intent and released out the crystal." Ready
Gerard B. wrote " It is restively easy to send a specific type of energy through a
Power Wand, Succor Punch or Scarab Ring [[ his creation]] ..For instance tape a ..
guise for the very old NWO) prohibited it, as they've
always done with things that can truly empower
people. Comparable with Kinesiology, another /
/s— for
piece of Exlax or other laxative to the base of the wand, or simply hold it in one hand way to receive accurate answers about anything.
and the energy will get sent through the wand. A good herbal 'booster' for

Also called DIVINING, dowsing is a way of letting

this type of work is garlic That particular herb will powerfully stimulate your Higher Self speak to you. Allows access to
* the heart chakra. Most parasitic aliens ana Hluminatists have only a
the Super-conscious, the "unlimited repository
vestegial heart chakra, so this will likely send them into shock Some of knowledge." By dowsing on a MAP (or hand-
truely 'heartless' dark entities dont even have a heart chakra, ana garlic drawn layout of a room) it permits you to pinpoint
would be lethal for them. ..health food stores..carry garlic in tablet form" unknown locations of things, lost objects, minerals,

da MUFFIN papers PAGE : 30 OF 52

[[ Also see "Powerwand Non-I nstructlons" Croft Episode 62 ]) alize the target and even the fed peekers, get fewer and fewer intimations of psy-
both physical and astral. Let them be your chic peekers as you progress. ..The re-
EXCERPTS: educate-yourself.org/de/adc62Bpowerwandupdate06jun03.shlml, Episode 62B mote viewers are another story. Many
teachers. Children, unlike brain-compro-
Powerwand Non- instructions mised and heart-suppressed
ily distinguish the stink
adults, can eas- of them arc legitimate military
of the pres- women. If one of them hasn't figured
men and
-Updated June 6, 2003 itnrnense Wack pan- out that many of their targets are inno-
ence of the secret police psychics
.By Don Croft .The real performers
. . . ther most of the ti me, and new age fake helpers from the cent and that the people ordering the
with these devices are our imaginations prowling around Ibe target, viewing are criminals, give him/her a
fragrance of angelic and bonafide-
and all of us have one of those. Please looking for an opportunity to benevolent Other visitors. blast when you sense the intrusion and it

don't underestimate the power of your pounce. If the targets are just Chen's account about us- will make the right impression without
own imagination! The crystal-based de- some chump psychic agents viewer. I feel them as rather
ing her Powerwand... "I think I was psy- harming the
vices that Carol and I developed... and or internet NSA hackers, he A' chically attacked night before last - my clumsy, relatively blind intrusions com-
some new creations of other folks... ac- knocks them down and plays with them, lower back was me, then my middle
pared to the higher level professional
cess and amplify the latent power of as a cat does with a bird or mouse, and back. I got into bed about 8:30 at which
psychics. I think the secret police use them
our imaginations so all we need to do is they get terrified beyond comprehension point I got a sharp pain in my right side. I as backup only and the military uses them
convince our ego-based doubts and fears (my internet browser operates as it should pushed it with my finger -sore - weird. My
routinely for somewhat more legitimate
to step aside and let the rest of us do whatfrom that moment, most often). If the tar- little PoWi [Powerwand] was on a dresser reasons.. Remember that every single
needs to be done these days to prevent the get is a killer, I see the very hungry pan- busily covering about 5 other things, but,
molestation of your privacy, your
world's gang of tyrants from committing therrippmghis/herthroatorgutsoutandl skies, even your telephone, email and
from bed (in my mind), I just told it that if
mayhem and genocide as they exit even imagine myself relishing it— I think thiswas an attack by the dark side, snail mail, is just another opportunity
history' s stage. Don't worry— if your tar- that makes it more real for the target Rc- would it please stop my pain and send it
for you to exercise your right to pro-
gel is not guilty he/she won't experience member that we' re not making these de- back to them tenfold, then on up the tect yourself and your family and
anything more than a vague discomfort terminations and if the imagined target is chain of command to the top. All pains friends from this vast corporate monster
and if the target is innocent the energy harmless (we all goof sometimes) nothing at were gone within 3 seconds. No that I'm calling the world order. ...All

will likely feel good to him/her. That's all will happen except that I feel a little Sh't! !..By the way, we don't need to be
! ! !
of tbese intrusions are at the hands of
how this new technology works chagrinned. If V m really off base, the tar-
. touching the devices in order for them to the secret police and their unofficially
When I use my PW to disable a secret get would feel a rush of nice energy, but work for us. We don't even have to be in affiliated chumps in the otherwise more
police predator or other tyrannical mis- so far my wife tells me my hunches have the same room or perhaps even in the same legitimate police agencies around the
creant or enabler, I sometimes imagine been pretty good. ..In most cases, I get town. There may come a point where it won't world. The satanic orders, like Golden
that I'm standing knee deep in water angry before I do the work. Righteous matter if the thing is turned on. ff<-Ex- Dawn, I AM, Theosophical and
with the raging ocean behind me. I anger is like gasoline on a Ore. If you perienced users arefinding this lobe the Rosicrucian masonry, etc., are sub-
imagine the 'recipient' about to get a think anger is always a bad thing, try to case. JJ Often, I find that my PWs battery groups of the secret police and do their
huge wave of orgone crashing over figure out how to disable the deep, long- has run out before I've done some good dirty work on occasions when the fake
him/her. I feel the water recede all the term mental programming that was used work with the PW. ..I don't know if there's governments of the world want to divert
way down to my feet rushing out toward to convince you of that, okay?.: a limit to how many people can use one de- attention from themselves. ...

where my a** end is facing as a tsunami Another one: As I breathe 1

vice or to how many jobs one can set the So.. .stop the secret police from en-
builds up. I do this on a slow inbreath both in and out I imagine spi- thing to accomplish.. A good test for you forcing the world order's agenda and
as I 'feel' the water receding away rals of bright orgone moving to determine if the PW is 'doing some- we will have effectively disabled the
from the shore until I'm up through the target thing' is when your computer gets hacked
world order's terror campaign and
spinning very fast I by the NSA/CIA geeks. the next logical step will be the disso-
Standing on wet sand. I used to get that in-
spin them both ways, terference nearly every time get online
lution of the corporate entities that
Then, as I exhale, the I

wall of water/ so it looks like a DNA: and, as I said, they stop as soon as I focus are posing as legitimate national,
local governments
molecular pattern. .. I don't know if hacker, though state, county and
orgone that has some special attention on the
any of the crystal-based devices will sometimes I need to attend to the hackers' in the world. Then, I think it will be
reached an in-
k if one is unwilling to use the imagi-
superiors if I'm in a hot spot due to having natural and easy to fix this political
credible height i

right behind me on its way to the beach ""lion. Imagination gets a bad rap in our done something particularly hurtful to their mess by dissolving all heavily central-
culture because of some pseudoscicnce agenda and in those ized 'authority' and consulting locally
hits the target who is standing in its collective predatory
and,or religious/ mental programming cases it's usually one of the superiors who and at the county and state levels to ar-
path. I over the front of my
feel it al 1

range for more organic, more manage-

body as a sort of outward pressure in this
ease.Carol says that really freaks them
out or kills them, depending on their
«"*"« made ty.\*°pk
"^mely active imaginations. ..you really
considerations. In fact all of the great dis- is hacking my computer, Carol tells me.
"^ » The boss hackers, usually MIB, have a lot able and feasible forms of government

more talent occult resources and determina- while the present treasonous officials
need l0 find vour own expression with tion than the chump level hackers. Carol are gradually arrested, tried and con-
threat (to humanity) leveL It always takes
them by surprise, sbe says. lhesc ,ools - •*/* b™ chudren vou says they' re always shocked/angry that victed for their manifest crimes... See

Another technique: I imagine my mS ii conslder lcttB18 them use the devices


somebody like me can actually 10 and stop how important your work with these

shapeshifting doppelganger, which is an

for vou -
"^S read them "^ mstn]c -
them. MIB usually die when they get in
devices can be to the course of history
and for the safety, health and pros-
don't put any pressure on them
lions. Just the way of the PWs...
and make sure that they don't feel that For psychic peekers I find it expedient to of perity the human race? ... If you're
[CONT. frompg 30] movement of your
they need to meet any of your expectations, one of the remaining majority who
pendulum. • Say: "Thank you. Now show blast them every time the thought occurs
hasn't the inclination or courage to take
me the NO direction" You must wait until okay' You can bet that most eight to thir- tome that my privacy is being compro-
pendulum loose the energy from YES and teen year olds will instantly grasp these
this monster oa you can at least be sure
mised by them. As a rule, I do this every
that just turning the thing on and
move in other direction, which signify NO.
concepts and will go right to work with time I even think of them because that's
• After memorizing both movements you staying within its sphere of protection
appropriate gusto. They're prob- probably exactly when they show up. Some
may start to use your pendulum for vour own will keep them at bay in your case and
ably more observant than you are clever at hiding and the most clever
purposes. • ALWAYS formulate your question you'll probably be physically safe from
too. and will more quickly visu- ones are also the ones who have the most
to require YES or NO answer. Ambiguous ' them as long as they don't get their wish
question results in ambiguous or non-answer.
Torsion Tutorial CB
innocent blood on their hands, according to
and establish martial law. ...The PW
Start by asking questions that you know my wife. The psychics like to work on us will work for anyone just by turning
the answers to. For example, is my name By Rich & John The Tor-
ti ; during sleep after we've stopped them it on, at least in terms of protection and
(choose a name other than your ! sion CB is Laozu's inven- from coming around during our wakeful some marginal healing and conscious-
own)? You should get a NO. Repeat ques- tion ...this is in no way sup- life. It's a good idea to wake up when you ness-raising. ...optimally one would
tion using your own name. You should get a posed to replace the original sense their influence on your dreams and want to have as many of these items as
YES. Then you can move on to asking ques- [[Croft ]] design. It is just an blast the snot out of them. ...These days
tions where the answer can be verified, such possible around if one is serious about
alternative ...Laozu observed the NSA wont do anything at all until/
as "Are there any messages on my answer- 5
tackling the world order.. If sin
that negative Orgone.. would unless one or more of their psychics can
ing machine?' If you get a YES response, vogue now to talk about reptilians and
be pulled down [[into CB]] in a
ask, "Is there 1 message?' "More than 1 mes- get a clear picture of our circumstances, so ET predators but in fact Carol and I be-
counter-clockwise motion, ""his
sage?" and so on. Done consistently these ex- disabling the astral visitors really clogs up lieve that the human secret ones police
is the reason the pipes set
ercises enhance /confirm your ability to dowse. theirwetwork plumbing. Remember that are far more dangerous right now and if
in this direction. The positive en-
If pendulum movement become erratic, take a anyone who is in the astral plane is par-
ergy then runs back out from
we ignore the non-human ones well still
break. You get better with practice. Have phun. ticularly vulnerable to our brand of in- win the game if we focus on these more
around the point where the pipes
For more information: twist, tunneling out in the oppo- terference, and in that world the imagina- immediate, take-govemment physical
• Dowsing educate-yourself.org/dow/index.shtml site direction in a clockwise spi- tion of the corporeal entity (you, the would- threats. Only humans can do the real
• Letter to Robin by Walt Woods. 26-page ral, the centre pipe..aids the di- be victim) is king, so have some fun with dirty work and the real healing work in
excellent mini course in Pendulum Dowsing, '
recfion..." See orgonitemok these would-be energy vampires, okay? the world right now. If you have the in-
$5. at educate-yourself.org (see Vendors) aha.co.uk/Toraion.htm You'll no doubt find, as I have, that you'll clination and talent to deal with the rep

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 31 OF52

tilians. draconians, B-Sirians, etc., that are in league with this fake world govern-
ment the Power-wand and Shiva generally work on them the same way they v "Don't denigrate funky orgonite, please! ou may hear a lot

work on astral human peekers. so have some fun with them. Most of them are about gemstones, fancy ingredients, arcane coil configurations and massive
a lot more clever than their human cohorts and can manipulate your percep- scale, expensive devices (these have their place, too, when properly made)

tion, time and collateral events... Undermining the world order by neutralizing "but, really, it's the little meek muffins
made of resin, metal
the secret police agencies will also effectively disable any alien or reptilian inten-
— m
waste and little quartz chips nothing ore! -that's getting, the bulk of the glo-
bal gifting job done I'm ve>y proud of that proven invention! It's the one
right now.
tions for us... because the secret police are the only effective 3D interface between
thing that lets people know
sura that this grassroot movement is for everyone, not
predatory ET and ourselves...We feel certain that the two bodies taken on stretchers
just for the genuinely gifted and the camp-following prima donas and etheric mercenar-
from the NSA house up the street that day... a couple of hours after I aimed my
ies and proselytes. ...Ifyouhavea burning desire to explore the potential of the fancy
Powerwand at it ...were reptilians (part human or at least using human forms) ...
stuff, consider that this is more appropriately applied to orgonite devices that you'll be

using within your own energy field, okay? When you're not using them, they're not do-
PowerWand -Inspired Creations include... ing much at all. These additives are interactive with YOU, in other words.. -Don Croft

• WidowMaker PW (by Al Gray, tutorial, whale, to/b/ More Instructions for.. (ryanmeginty.
dor5l.htm ) • Solus Wand (by Ryan McGinty, creates
controllable vortex. See educate-yourself.org/dc/mcgintys
UrilU t K Md'LiHi com/orgone/pw
canonIO feb04.shtml & ryanmcginty.com/orgone) "There a written tutorial and a cross-
• BeltBuckle Tetra PW
(below, R.McGinty's conven- section hand drawing of how to put it all together."
ient portable PW-HHG. Tutorial, lost from EFF, may become available - Place
Original message From: "Chrystal Kay" amythist in.
at his site. • Shiva & Mini-Me (left; MM tutorial, hootenization.com) Amethyst point down next
* PowerPunch (huge hollowed Quartz crystal filled with orgonite, | Don's Power Wand mobius knots from the to crystal pointing same way,
Moebius coil wrap; pg 43) • Scarab Ring (Finger PW by Gerard B, same continuous piece of
and add catalized resin. (Let
Parts List:
unavailable) • Mini PWs at QuebecOrgone.com & Orgonise- - wire, [[see instructions,
firm up between each layer.)
f • One 3" copper

Africa.net (above) & latter's pages 28, 29]] > Sprinkle pyrite in, add metal
pipe, 9" long > Now attach 2- screws to
• Orgone Howitzer • One copper cap and pour on resin.
( far right, powerful
by firmly wrapping
> Add Hematites, add metal
for pipe
aroung threads and either
hybrid of • One dixie cup that and pour on resin. You should
shrink wrap or goop glue
Buster & Power will fit snugly in end be pretty close to the top by
well. no bare wire or screw
now...say2 1/2" or so.
Wand technology) • One 7" by 1"
length exposed) Leave only
diameterSP crystal > Add Garnets, add metal to
the head exposed. Tape to
• Orgone Power A nkh© (pendant, eyeamisz.com, see Vendors) • One blue roll
crystal to hold in place while
beneath top of screws.
The very shape of the Ankh is special, being an archetype magnet wire from > Let cure.
pouring,head ends up > Trim off any boo boos or leaks.
for Life s 2 primal polarities -Male /Female, & their Union, Radio Shack
^ beyond end of crystal. >
which produces Life. The ANKH emanates Life Energy by
Two 2" drywall Attach frequency box

> Wrih the entire length of [[PowerBox; see options,
being an antenna for the divine power of Life that ..,..._ screws bare wire, wrap the crystal
• Shrink wrap pages 28, 29. PowerBox es
permeates the universe. Thai 's Orgone! Each Ankh *&. from top to bottom counter
tubing- op./tona// with alligator clips are made for
includes 3 double-terminated crystals. Sweeet- clockwise, (there is a
•99" 18 gage this J] clips to screw ends.
Peas. gems. To use as a mini PW
hold as showa
bare wire
reason for that)
> The frequency box will fit
A sensitive said "It's an armchair-traveler's • tape • Goop glue On to the assembly: handily into the cap. With some
delight; Close your eyes and you got a video This project is made spray around the edge of the
•Metal filling- 1/2
going. It connects Body, Mind & Spirit. ...And begining with theTOP. pipe rim, it shouldn't be too hard
copper at least,
[is] a powerful treatment for schizophrenia.
and aluminum > Fit your Dixie cup into the to remove the cap for changing
• Resin and catylist top end of the pipe, (flat the battery.
EXCERPTS: educale-yourself.org/dc/megapowerwand.shtml •One 1" side in) and trim flush with
How did I do Don?
and hard wired to the crystal. made a Amethyst point rim. Cut x in bottom and
The Mega Powerwand much

larger version of the conventional

• 1/4tsp. Pyrite grains
incert point of large crystal,

•Four 12mm from the bottom of the cup,

By Ken AdachL.A Powerwand (PW) is
Powerwand using a bigger crystal, more
Hematite beads up. (Don does this so point
an enlarged version of a Succor Punch coils, sacred geometry and a greater va-
• 4 or 5 rough will be below the rim of the
Don Croft's original version of the riety ofgemstones for a person who pipe.) Glue well around
round Garnets
Powerwand used ...a 3" copper pipe that needed special help. She was on the re- crystal and glue cup in place
• Frequency box w

was 9" long... The copper pipe made a ceiving end of very advanced psychic flush with rim.
aligator clip
strong casing for the PW, but it also and psychotronic torture technologies connectors. > Now turn over, bottom
made it a little too heavy if you wanted that was [slowly] killing her for many • Silicon spray side up.
to carry it around with you. The copper years and she had no way to fight back. (orWD-40) > Put just enough metal
pipe isin't absolutely necessary for the .... I decided to call this enhanced version and resin in to cover cup and
PW to function, as you can substitute of the Powerwand, a Mega Powerwand. Instructions: meeting place of crystal and
copper shavings in the matrix and get the ... I used a very large crystal that was Preparing cup bottom. Let harden.
over 5 inches in diameter and about 8 large crystal: (Less leaks this wayO
same energy signature or avoid the use
of copper all together if desired. I like to
use both copper and silver in my
inches long.
Iwrapped it with two 14
rnobius coils and followed mat with
> Start at the
the crystal,
bottom of
(make the
> Add metal to position
£ \- 3" Copper Cap
a Silver Wrap using exactly 1 1 turns of 'ears' that will stick out Frequency Box's
Powerwands because alchemicafiy, they
pure silver wire, [[ 2 coils of Silver rather long- 2-3") Using [Powerbox's] Battery
are a perfect match for each other, con- 2"
Wrap, over or under the mobius coils ]] magnet wire, make a six Heads of two
tributing complimentary male and fe-
each wound in the opposite dircctioa...
wrap mobius knot and , Drywall Screws.
male energy. To reduce' weight. I prefer continue below that and
I used a 2 quart bucket for the mold and
to make the normal sized Powerwand in
make a second six wrap Uncovered
a cylindrical shape without the copper initially poured a very shallow base of
mobius knot.
pipe and add the cooper as shavings. ...I resin/metal matrix along with a 4X Lost > Continue to make a
always install a 2. 1mm jack on the upper Cubit SBB total of six- sue wrap
coil (18 ga.
6 Sets of a 6-wrap
facet of the crystal so I canplug a gold
copper wire)
mobius knot
plug audio cable into the SP Pulser and
4 or 5 Round Rough continued one
pulse the Powerwand externally using a placed at the
very bottom piece Entire roll of
cable, rather than having the SP Pulse-
blue magnet wire
enclosed within the lower copper cap of the mold.
Four 12mm Beads from Radio Shack

Silver Wrap
99" 18 gauge
Amethyst PcVrt,-. bare wire counter
Star of David 99.
pure silver wire. 1" long, aligned CW [[clockwise]]
Double Terminated with/7 Quartz J] along length of
quartz crystals Crystal crystal over
held with 1/2 mobius coils
Lost Cubit silver
wire. Star placed
over SBB Coil. Metal Mix -'
9" x 1" diameter
Hexagrams should be 1/2
placed above Copper, 1/2 SP[[ Quartz]]
and below bag Aluminum Crystal
of gemstones >
3" diameter Pipe, 9" long

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 32 OF 52

With BioSignatures & Sanjeevini Healing Cards, enhance your Health ...& Personal Orgonite
Ancient Egyptian BioSignatures Webpages for detailed information The "L" pro- hmbi ^^^k
duces "BG 3" %
Nappy curly squiggly lines that
beneficial effect
have a near-magical
on humans. They realign our bio-
• rexresearch.com/biogeom/biogeom.ritm
energy (the 3 pri-
& #7
mary vibra-qualities
ilitjes 1
logical energy, giving our energy field a TUNEup. http://users.pandora.be/wouterhagens of BbGeometncalical /
Which helps us rapidly HEAL and stay well. Same /biogeometry/biosignaturen_uk.html shapes: Negativewe m
Green 8 higher harmonic of Ultra
effecton plants, animals, environment. So simple it http://users.pandora.be/wouterhagens
Violet & Gold) Amps body's en-
sounds unbelievable, but works! Independent of
it /biogeometry/wat_is_biogeo_uk.html ergy field. Protects from harmful
belief. Imagine what could do to Orgonite. So
it radiation Draw it on tape & ad-
when you make orgone devices, experiment & BioSignature pendants products courses
here it to your cell phone (and
include images of BioGeomefry on the surface.
•vesica.org/resources.html (828) 257-2600 appliances, electric
You could start with just drawing the General En- creatinghealthyspaces.com (952) 938-3751 plugs, outlets &
ergy-Balancing "L" on Orgonite. (Or create it in wire, ORGONITE)
or make Orgonite itself in this shape). Reducing the im- Cancer
age of BioSignatures (photo at right has 100s of them) very
small and printing (perhaps on acetate, so looks like a dot) does not lessen or
it it
compromise its essence. If drawn incorrectly, there's no effect, since they work by
resonance Dr. Ibrahim Karim from Egypt rediscovered/developed this ancient
African science and brought to world attention. A friend of mine simply drew the
Heart Balance,
emotional biosignature on paper and taped on her bedroom wall. She woke up the
Blood Pressure Depression, Emotional Problems
next day completely free of a trauma she had suffered from for 12 years.

Sanjeevini Healing Cards (Images) Sai the Ever Compassionate Divine ..people phoning in and writing their experiences
Mother answered our prayer by re- - all brimming over with the joy of having discov-
Profound healing system. Simple, easy, - Introduction describes system in- vealing the knowledge of the ered .prayers CAN move mountains!" The SS-
free. Overview :• To use, download & structions on how to prepare remedies.
Sanjeevinis if prayers can move Sanjeevinis are subtle (spiritual) vibrations of all
PRINT the cards. • Select the cards rel- - SSC 1-58 Combinations, descriptions mountains - surely they can heal

of Mother Nature's own healing forces."


evant to your condition (heart, diabetes..) - Images -All" ALL the Healing Cards ..healers from all over the world...

: -

Make your own Remedy by putting a -the Sanjeevinis themselves. 60 for are telling us - the results with the NOTES • You can charge any object with
bottle of water (or any drink, food, sugar- Body Parts; 186 for specific Dis-Eases. Sanjeevinis are often 'astonishing' Sanjeevinis and use as Remedies -especially
pills) atop each selected image for 15 - Multiplication and Broadcasting

instantaneous', "miraculous". And, of- ORGONITE • Their logo is Hanuman, India's

seconds minimum. - Dosage: chronic Card below Lets you make "Refills" of ten, the sick person has not even taken Monkey Deity, ideal Servant of God -upholding
problems 3 doses a day. One sip /pill is Remedies,
send healing Sanjeevinis
to the Sanjeevini orally - just keeping a "
fragrance mountain. • The mgrances
one dose. If you take 10 pills together it is patients, charge items, anything. photocopy of the relevant San eevinis 'hey mention, apparently is poetic for the focused
still one dose, in acute problems (like in-
-^Neutralisation Card'' "ne'utra'lTses pre- under'the pil"lo"w'"ha*s"worked; 'thinking' prayer energy radiating from each
juries, fevers...) a dose may be taken ev-
pared Sanjeevinis. Neutralises, erases of the Sanjeevinis has worked: hold- FLOWER-like Sanjeevini. • Com-
ery 5 -1 minutes • Other healing negative vibrations from items ing the bottle in th e hand has worked. pare with Flower-Of-Life, an-
methods include holding images rever- ; The Sanjeevinis are prayers -highly other potent Orgonite enhancer /
ently in hands, wearing.. • Even if image Excerpts from Introduction focussed prayers- how they work (page 24). • Dr. Ibrahim Karim \\

isdamaged, faded, stained, still works, (saisanjeevini.org/ssstext/sss_l.htm)

defies explanation at the physical (BioSignatures /BG3 above)
« Does NOT rep ace medical programs
"A GIFT OF LOVE 'Prayers can move level. ...a spirit of surrender on the found that when you pray/com-
you e on; enhances them. Can be taken mountains' ..but how many of us truly be-
part of the healer instantly opens up municate with Kreator [or sing
with allopathic drugs, for Sanjeevinis lieve it? ..A fervent and ardent prayerwent channels of God's Love. God's Love GodsChant pg 34], you create the Higher
are prayers and can do no harm. out from us to the Lord seeking a way of k n0 ws no limitations ... when we un- Harmonic of Gold Energy. Compare mis with
• Main webpage for details is healing naturally, simply, effectively, gerstand this then we will recognise the the Sanjeevinis! -which ARE focused Prayers
inexpensively, quickly - a very big
www.saisanieevini.org/po.htm". From
'TEXT" box print at least these pages: mountain..! But the mountain moved! Love... Each day has been a "miracle" :
—— —
Sanjeevinis in their true form ,.Ta Gift of pouring forth Divine Fragrance =Gold Energy?)
: . -^—r:


— — -

QUESTION Can we use the Neutralisation card

Om Sai Ram :

to neutralise negative vibrations in pills, water,

food etc.? ANSWER many people are al-
: Yes,
ready doing this. A wonderful idea come from a
surgeon in Europe that drugs having side-effects, if
Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini they must be used, can be first placed on the
healing fragrances Neutralisation card with a prayer to neutralise
the negative side effects of the drug and then re-
charged with
OmSai Ram the relevant
thus making the
drugs doubly
SAMPLE Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini potent - all the
healing fragrances while chanting
prayer or man-
tra. This does
• To create REFILL: place sample of your Remedy on "SAMPLE" circle; place bottle of water on "OUTPUT. Leave for not change the
half a minute (at which time you may pray, sing mantra if desired), then Refill is ready -charged with all the vibrations in
physical proper-
original sample. • For Healing at a Distance: to "broadcast" Sanjeevini Remedy to someone in a coma/intensive care,
ties of the drugs
or in another city /country): Make their Remedy, place it on SAMPLE. (Suggestion: Add Orgonite! Or make Orgonite the or pills or water
medium of the Remedy, charged with patient's Sanjeevinis). Write their NAME on paper & place on OUTPUT Leave it it
or food in any
there as long as required in a spirit of surrender. This could be a few minutes or several days. • Same procedure can help way - what it

heal Earth /check wikked entities (such as HAARP). Use your imagination, consider possibilities! For example, make mul- does is charge
tiple copies of above Card to set up each one for a specific issue. On SAMPLE, place Orgonite charged with Heart / it with positive
Parasite/Entities Sanjeevinis. On OUTPUT, place picture or name/location of negative "target" Leave there indefinitely to. it thoughts and
continuously bathe target in Divine Vibrations. Also keep same target permanently in the Neutralizer (at right) > prayers.

DS 1 56 Sanathana Sai DS 26 Sanatliana Sat 1 ( DS 1 66 Sanathana Sai BPS 22 Sanathana Sai DS 142 Sanathana Sai BPS 54 Sanathana Sai
Anxiety Cancers (all) Entities Heart Worms Parasites Fungus Whole Body
Sanjeevini Sanjeevini Sanjeevini Sanjeevini Sanjeevini Sanjeevini



da MUFFIN papers PAGE : 33 OF 52


Awesome Vesica Technique Sing the ancient 47 Words

while it is CURING (becoming hard). Or play
into your Orgonite

Another simple powerful tool for your upliftment, aura or energy field, back into balance and harmony. the CD. It will be much more powerful.
protection & life-enhancement. What if you make Once that is accomplished in the eye, you then can ex- From www.godschant.com
Orgonite in the shape of the eye-outline and /or perience an incredible amount of things.

let your Orgonite cure inside one of these? Some people see a color or two. Others see a per- 47 Words of God's Chant
son, sometimes, their Master or spirit guide or a loved ""
Excerpt from article written /copyrighted (2006) When you >*
one that has passed over. Or, some will hear music, or sing or listen lo these |§
by Eileen Nauman: "PREPARING FOR THE be sharpened and accentuated. Words,
their hearing will words, your healing begins.
GLOBAL SHIFT and Moving to the UGHT
sentences or instructions may be given. Other times, Brought to America by Shinto
from the DARK: How to Do It". places, incarnations or your home planet may be shown
Master Hideo Izumoto, this
From: ntedicinegarden.com/inetaphysicsl to you. No two people will ever have the same experi-
Healing Chant-Song transforms
giobalshift2006.html, with permission to copy ence because they are uniquely different. ||
OR - www.linktoweUness.comlUigo.html What is the point of working in the eye of the VP? one's life when sang daily. This
This is a way to access our own integration process, Chant is the vibration of the
USING SOME STRING ...this is basic and simple.. All
clean out our dirty laundry within us (our wounds/negative Universe and vibration of the
you need is a ball of red yarn (or your favorite color).
emotions, ect), and heal yourself. When you sit and medi- highest God, and our God-
Or, just plain string. ...You need to cut two sixteen
tate in the eye, this is one of the most profound experi-
feet (1 6') lengths of yam/string. ..each string is going Energy within. It opens your Third Eye and develops your
ences you can have.
to make one circle large enough for you to stand intuition. It calms your mind by returning your energy to the
..before you make a judgment, test it out
The VP is about healing. And opening up. Don't
within.. Peace that comes from within you.lt heals, Benefits your Body-
MAKING TWO INTERLOCKING CIRCLES OUT be surprised if your heart chakra flies open and you Mind-Spirit Singing God's Chant daily is probably the easiest
OF STRING ..I would try this inside a house or struc- feel tremendous love pouring down through you. As way to prepare yourself for Earth's upcoming Ascension. A
ture rather than out in Nature.. Take one piece of red
you are filled up with this love from the Universe, you,
in turn, can give to others. It is a win-win situation. simple method is to sing it 3 times upon arising in the
yarn and create a circle out of it making sure the
ends are touching and connecting. ...Next take the The VP can put you in touch with a special morning and 3 times before going to sleep. Forproper
teacher in Spirit You can receive positive and reinforc- musical-tones, you can freely LISTEN to the Chant
second string and create a second circle. But this
time, make sure that half (or less) of the second circle
in 9 uidanee as
9 ?** ifetimes ™V. un oll ike •" '
(www.sofscience.us/hideo.mp3), or order Hideo's chanting

on a movie screen to you, too. The VP, in the l
overlaps the first circle. There should be a 'fish' or CD, or play out the written Musical Notes ....
sense of the word, is a DOORWAY To where? Well,
'eye' that is created as this yarn intersects one an- Here are the syllable-words and their meanings:
other. Congratulations! You have just created the
you must sit in there and find out The VP is ...catalytic
as well. You cannot sit in the VP and not change for the bet-
Vesica Piscis symbol! HiFumi - Yo I Mil Na Ya - Kotomo Chi Lo Lane:
ter. It will accentuate your true, authentic self and bring you
We are gods and creators. We create everything in the
to full bloom if you allow it to wori< with you.
Universe for us and it belongs only to us andforever.
Reports of going through a worm hole, a star
H In the gate', flying through the galaxy or through the Uni- Shi 10 Lu -Yu I Tsu Wanu -So Wo Ta Ha Kumeka:
verse have also been experienced. Even more pro- We practice Freedom, Truth, Love, Beauty and Happiness,
(Vessel of
found, going 'home' to your home place where your Advancement and actually becoming God Beings.
soul was birthed... The VP is a mystical opening into
the Fish) 2
the other dimensions, a gate, a door or whatever you
WuOE- Nisali Hete - Nomasu A Se Ye Holeke:
'equal circles We live togetherforever, for our happiness and advancement
want to call it When you sit or lie down in the VP (make
overlap at Thank you God, for every one, every thing, andfor me.
sure your entire body is within the eye or lens/fish, no
their centers ]]
part of it outside it), something will happen. First, your Music and I'rononnciation, spelled the way it sounds in
[[ ]]
aura will adjusted and harmonized. Once you are in har- — or
TESTING THE Vesica Piscis Japanese... Long dashes ( ) indicate take a breath or
mony, then your healing begins. ..I would suggest a
There are some rules to the road in utilizing the deep breath. Each syllable-word is 1 connt except for the
twenty minute meditation daily in the eye of the VP. Be
Vesica Piscis (VP). First, step into one of the outer drawnnnn out ones (prior to inhaling ) which are 2 counts;
sure to keep a journal or diary of what you feel, hear, see
circles (either side) of the double circle, but not into or experience. Over time, you will see that each journey while the last syllable "Keh" is drawnnnn out 8 connts :

the 'fish or 'eye' area. When you get into the single
circle area, ground yourself (see silver tree roots
is like a piece to a greater motif that is you.
OTHER HEALING USES OF THE Vesica Piscis Hee Fuu -Meeee Yoh Eee MuU Nah Yahhhh -
gently twining around your ankles and the tip of the ..Feeling stressed out? Go sit or lie down in the The Eye
5 5 5 6 6. 6-5 S
root going down through each of your feet and sev- of the symbol. If you are upset, angry or losing patience,
eral hundred feed down into Mother Earth), close Koh-Toh-Moh Chee Loh Lah Nehhh -
go sit in the eye for about five to ten minutes. Amaz-
your eyes and bend your knees slightly (we call this ingly, all the anger or impatience or feeling out of E F G G G G
3 4 5 5 5 5
'soft knees'). Take two or three deep breaths down sorts, will simply dissolve away and you'll feel strong,
into your abdomen and out your mouth. Stand there steady and in your 'core' being where there is a sense of
for a minute or two and see what happens. solidness and peacefulness... Worried? Anxious?
Next, open your eyes and step OUT of the single pan jc attack? Want to get rid of these awful feelings''
Shee Kee Luuuu - -Yu
6 6 6
WahNuuuu —
5 5
circle. Go to either end of the 'lens/eye/fish'and step Go sit or lie down in
the lens/eye for ten to twenty minutes Soh Wo Tah Hah Ku-Meh-Kahhh Wuh Oh Ehhhh -
into it. Close your eyes, soften your knees, take a and feels all this unwanted energy dissipate and dissolve. E F'~ G G G G G A A A
couple of nice, deep breaths. Then, see what hap- 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6
You'll come out of there feeling like a new person.
pens. ...Many people experience many sensations in Sick? Have a headache? Experiencing arthritis? Nee-Sah-Lee Heh-Tehhh No-Mah-Su Ah Seh Yeh
the eye You can suddenly be pulled forward until you Go sit or lay down in the lens/eye for ten to twenty
. A A A G G E F G G G G
feel like you're going to tip over your toes and fall. Or. 6 6 6 5 5 3 4 5 5 5 5
minutes and see what happens. You'll be feeling a lot
you can feel pulled backward to the point where you better when you leave the VP. ...You see, the VP is Hohhhh-Lehhhhh Kehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
think you're going to fall over. Or, you may feel a our very own, private doorway to the Universe in G G G
5 5 5
strong pull from your left or nght shoulder. It may seem every possible and conceivable way. You can turn
that you're doing what call, 'adjusting' by moving one negative into positive. Separation or duality into

way or another. This adjustment is about getting your ne ss. ain into no pain... Sharp, hurtful emotions move (free shipping in U.S.),

into a feeling of peace and harmony. send your request & $20.
Planetary Initiation Offers an Electro- wonderful thing is that the Goiden Et uses the human aura as a device
USD money order to:
magnetic Shield Against Dark Alien to resonate this energy patterns that will disrupt all Alien energies and Hideo Izumoto
Mind Influencing metal waves, wherever any person with this initiation is located, affect- 801 Rocky Fountain Dr.
..From Willy and Andy ... 2007 ing not only his environment, but also his relatives and his friends. ... In CIO McDermott
Golden Ascended Masters - :; - : -'" ' ns
' initiation will
and have been manipulated by
create a big shift in perception for all who re- Meyersville, MD 21773
0,^5 M
ceive this force and open a chan-
Planetary i_:»:_a:__
it will
Initration nel t0 the t0 £ ecome
I ecnnique
There an initiation for the planet
aware of the subconscious patterns that How To Defend Yourself Against Psychic Attack (Part 1)
trie lower ET transitions create. In short,
that will create an electromagnetic shield this initiation is the solution to many cases by Eileen Nauman EXCERPTS: accessnewage.com/ARTICLES/HEALTHIpsyackl.hlm
at the level of the Causal Body that will f men a E T mind control used on unsus- ( |

What is a psychic attack? see prana-guzzling from a parent to a child or

broadcastasignaloffreedomtoallof pecting people. ..The wonderful part is that vice-versa. This is where pieces get taken
those that have been affected by low ex- anyone that asks for this initiation can re- It the assault upon your aura, without your
conscious permission, by another person, from everyone involved psychic dance
in this
iitia- ceive it just by asking for it: Just close your of unhealthy patterns..You can
literally, bleed
tion is given by the Interdimesional place, thing or group. It will leave you feeling
eyes, relax and think these words: yourself dry over an issue, person, circumstance
Golden ET masters and is designed to open, exposed, vulnerable and sometimes, a
ind you're hemorrhaging yourself! They
awaken within the mind structures of "It is my intention to receive the sense of danger and an anxiety or panic
any individual, a chain of information Golden Inter dimensional Bands attack.. At the root of any psychic attack it is
aren » inS rt
u are S"001 '^
yourself, quite literally, into your own foot!..
£ ^°^°
that will counteract mental manipulation of Love and Light right now designed to "hot button" our fear...
at the lower levels where the grays ET -and so it is" Who is Doing the Psychic Attacking? Warning Signs of Psychic Attack
operate. ...This transmission will com- a person doesn't even know they Tiredness. Fatigue. Because an individual

..„ .(, „ The transmission willlast 30 minutes and can ..Usually,

M J ™£3S£te WEE'^^
mence a
every yea
ar Zm?
This shield will
until I
onc* •<** "•» "*>r U<" every
, sn and » %£ ^
are attacking you. This is the unconscious
kind of psychic attack. And then, there's
is putting an invisible "gasoline
or group
hose" into your aura and pumping out your
resonate magnetically against aH other
nnonurtOXnz (iducate-yourself.oScn/pian- those who do it on purpose and consciously, pranic energy.. If you suddenly become very
transmissions from the grays. The el3!y n fefonshielc^anfluence20febrj7.shtml)
..Often, in dysfunctional family dynamics, we tired ...weak .. when you're with a ->

da MUFFIN papers :
PAGE 34 OF 52

Simple do-it-yourself "Shield"

for fast easy protection, relief...
Next time you feel Bad Sick Stressed Panic or have hurt yourself, try this

FROM: http://diviningmind.com/the shield.html

Psychic shield -for psychic protection against

psychic attack, health and manifestation
Here is something that think you may find inter-

esting. I didn't want send to you before test-

to it

ing, but results I

got were so amazing, that I

couldn't wait no longer. It is called 'the

shield" and was designed by Sevranx
brothers in Belgium. It supposed to shield
you from negative thought forms,
psychic attack, negative vibrations,
virusesand microbes. It helps
overcome depressions and nega-
and also balances
tive feelings
functions of organs in human
body. may also serve as a manifestation

tool and energy broadcasting device.

The full potential of is not known yet. it

You can use on its own (shape energy) or


you can give telepathic commands. All of


itis done through a w itness - swab of

cotton (I used a piece of tissue) placed

inside small bottle or vial, wetted with saliva
and plugged with natural cork (I used
plastic!) and placed in the center of the
shield (cross) so doesn't extend beyond it

the smallest hexagon, (bottom of the bottle

or vial must be smaller).

To use it N-S with the pilot

it, orient
(circle) pointing N orth, wet cotton swab with your
(or somebody you work on) saliva (or any kind of
witness! [[ can be piece of fingernail, toenail, hair...]]) and put * Statin" from
it inside the bottle, cork it and place inside the smallest hexagon in
CENTER, trace
the spot marked with X. To use it as a passive shield, that's it, just put it Shield on blank sheet of
where it's not disturbed. It's said that 10 minutes of use gives 36 hours of blank paper with an ink pen
psychic protection. To use it as an amplifier for mental transm ssion, stand close to i
You can make central Hexagon
it facing North, put your hands over the shield and create a mental picture of a person
LARGER to hold your items better.
• Write your request on a piece of paper (I do
you want to help - being in perfect health (result). Mentally send the message.
mine in tiny writing and then cut it out), fold it up
The shield should be hand-drawn (following the lines with pen or ink) and place it at the center, totally within central
from the inside out I tested it by putting a tissue wetted with my saliva and putting a hexagon »Then put a "witness" of yourself ( piece
piece of paper with question or request - left it for the night - presto! I got my answer right on! of your nail /hair, or saliva on piece of tissue
wrapped /taped in plastic or in a vial) at the center.
Try and let me know what you think. I'm impressed

•Then turn the whole sheet with the "pilot"

Copyright 1998-2006 Divining Mind Radiesthetic Supplies. All rights reserved. < (GAPPED Circle at bottom) pointing North & .

Make one and put a photo of EARTH at the forget about it while it does its thing. DRE
H Suggestion: center, folded up to tit.

particular person, in a particular., place, this is a sign that

EXCERPTS : www.accessnewage.com/ARTICLES/HEALTH/psyack2.hlm
you're being drained of pranic energy... • Tiredness or a
feeling of absolute weakness or fatigue that occurs at a cer-
How To Defend Yourself Against Psychic Attack (Part 2)

tain time of the day ..like clockwork.. [We] all get a little lackluster Other Tools for Acute S ituations ...by Eileen Nauman
between 2pm and 4pm every day This is NOT psychic attack .
...The scenarios arc endless... a psychic attack can back at the. sender and leave you alone. This
• Headache... "Drained feeling. You can spend five minutes
happen to any of us, any where. So. wc must be stops fear/anxiety/panic instantly., people.,
with this predator and walk away on weak knees and feel as if aware and be prepared. Here are some "acute" psychically attacked in the dream state put a
you are going to have to crawl.. • Nightmares. But you need ..
tools that I have used, [[besides your SP or PW] couple of Black Tourmaline in their pillow
to be sure about this.. Shadow dreams ..where you're being
:. Saranwrap.. .Whenever I go on the road ...I al- casc.and no more nightmares or bad dreams.
chased constantly dodging, ducking, running and hiding.
ways pack my trusty Saranwrap! It is three ..You can also do this..less obviously and wear
You need to ask yourself what is presently going on in your
sheets or layers, one on top of the other. I tuck it on your LEFT side. ..where
black tourmaline
life that you're not facing ...Most nightmares are NOT., psy-
beneath my bra so that it hangs over and covers comes into your aura.
the assault
chic attack. • Icy cold feeling physically on some part, or
my solar plexus (the area just below where your 4. Jasper, Agate & Turquoise. ..used., by
all of your body. When your aura is being drained, you can
physically feel like you're freezing. • A clenched knot feeling in
breastbone or sternum ends to your tummy but- Native Americans during ceremonies ...We
your stomaclvsolar plexus area.Jf you feel suddenly weak or ton). ...If I get into a seminar where I feel instant may wear a necklace of one of these stones,
shaky, get away from this person or activity. -Anxiety and draining, and I don't have time ..then I excuse or place one of them into our LEFT pocket.
Panic Attacks.. 'Depression ... • Suicidal. Long term psy- myself and go slap on my Saranwrap and 5. Visualizing ..gold light around you. close ..

chic attack can literally drain a person of so much pranic en- there's a happy ending. The only bad thing your eyes and see this ball of white/gold light
ergy that all they thinking or know is that they are dying.. about this is: you'll sweat like a pig beneath it. hovering over your head and then spilling
• Snaking and trembling. ...From a subconscious level, where 2. Ask your Spirit Guide for protection. ... down in an egg shape all around you. Make
the assault is realized, this is a ..normal reaction because ..your 3. Black Tourmalin* taped to your solar plexus. SURE you visualize the color coming beneath
adrenaline is flowing high ..the "fight or flight" hormones .. ..works wonders. ...Black Tourmaline is one of your feet and sealing up.
• Pessimism. If you are normally,, • Loss of
optimistic.. the top gemstones for protection against psychic 6. Prayer. ..very simple, but very effective. Ask
Confidence...* Victim Mentality.. • Health problems ..
attack. By taping it right on your stomach region for help from those that you believe in. In
[[• & Computers Electronics problems!]]
with a piece of tape, it will send the energy right asking, you are changing the dynamic.

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 35 OF 52


Excerpts: wtvw3.sympatico ca'leigh notfEnergy_Crisis.htm a hidden power elite on Earth fear that exists on this planet? Or the efforts that our
that has been slowly consolidat- major media, our governments, and our corporations
The Real Energy Crisis ing control for many thousands expend to cultivate these emotional charges in us?
This is not an accident. ...Behind the physically
of years. This very small group
Although it may not be as obvious or as sensa-
humans, who the Pleiadians call he WorlcTMan- manifested versions of the Father Warriors who run
was m the mid- 970 s many people with
tional as ..
t T
have ^ly ^
this planet (..politicians, our bankers, our doctors, our
e^ronmentaUeanings still speak about the looming
^ ^ orchestraled lhe
bio ogica] evo u. ^ corporate CEO 's— all those that we give our personal

]i(ica , i

energy cnsis and how it ,s f.kely to effecUhe wor d "
n coming decades. Energy exists in many forms and

^TJi^lli ^!"
6 uid
!^™, lll . u!^
e U
!; ;.
[ion of thi S lan e, t o serve their "enerCT" needs. Al-


fee Md
, ££
exa( ,jke
in many ways,
ways. One of
power away to) sit composite beings that feed off the
emodona] ene , a| Uj ve off s

especially, fear As in Th% Matrix, we are the perfect

and ^
gest that the "physical" energy crisis that some see in
the most important is that they were not created by slave race because we do not even recognize that we
Earth 's future is really a manifestation of a different
the Sources in the same way that most souls were are under the control of others.
kind of energy crisis that exists in the spiritual
created. Their origins stem from the battles that have The good news is that God and the Mother
realms. ... As stated in The Story of Creation, there
raged between Spirit and Will in the cosmos. In these have decided that it's time for this arrangement to
are two basic Sources in the Universe. One is elec-
battles, some souls (and even the Sources themselves!) evolve. The Father Warriors know that things are
tric and one is magnetic. We call them the Father
denied and discarded parts of themselves and these about to change for, unlike all of us, they have main-
and the Mother of Creation. These Sources are
parts were then collected and formed into "composite" tained contact with their "higher selves' throughout
manifested in our reality as the Snn and the Earth,
beings. These composite beings cannot draw energy time. They know that the empires that they have
and as amazing as it sounds, these "heavenly bodies
from the Sources in the same way that others can be- built on money, fossil fuels, and fear are about to
are conscious and self-aware much like you and I.

ThZZJZ^ ,^,33 L
cause they have no "parental" essence within them end. You see, tie Mother and Father have found
Interactions between these two Sources create myste- Tr7r ",,h
Cc .1 , i r. !•/_.!.' As a resut, they nave created a cvzat on based on their right places. He stands in the center of Cre-
* Sf A rfw" Boreal,s <frthe

r i^f
l.ghtsX and ,k
the v
Van Allen Belt scientists on Earth
"external" sources of energy, i.e, oil, money, and, be-
h hu ^
^any of you have
ation and She has positioned Herself around the
outer rim. In essence, they have created

nI—f3nZEKtr ^
in the amount of energy flowing from the Sun to the
y ft

probably seen the movie The Matril In the movie, a a huge battery. As this battery ramps up its
rf ^mputers deve| Mi{kiai rnte lligence. en- charge, all the beings that have been created by the
Si u^!S ^mS/^^c^o
lights have appeared prominently as far south as In r„
sl^e the human race, and then use them biological Father and the Motfier will be drawn to their right
,._„„:„. Li. „-..:i:_..:„ ,n .<i~." ,. .t.i.„m:n_ii u. j..T_
batteries to power their civilization. Amazing as it place. All 'lost" aspects of the Will will be drawn to
diana... So.. .what 's going on? ...The reality is that
sounds, the basic story line of The Matrix is true! A Earth, and all "lost' aspects of Spirit will be drawn to
we have all been created^ and are continually sus-
race of beings that are not quite human have bred six the Godhead (what some call the "birthplace of
tained, by energy flowing between the two
plus billion human "batteries" to feed off of because souls") This includes the denied soul parts that
Sources. As humans on Iarth our understandings
they cannot source from the Creators themselves. have been used by Lucifer, Ahriman and their co-
of existence have been manipulated and condi-
They exist and remain in power only because we horts to create the Father Warriors here on
tioned so that we no longer recognize or honor the
unconsciously feed them tie energy they need. If Earth. These parts will be drawn back to their re-
Sources and the role they play in the creation and
you doubt these words, think about how much of spective parental souls on the way to moving towards
maintenance of life. In our modem and "advanced"
your life is spent working for someone else their right places. This is the process that we are all
societies, the Sun has been reduced to a "burning ball
Think about how easily you have accepted the lie that "living now. We are becoming parental (creating

of gas" that provides heat and light, and the Earth has
been reduced to a lifeless ball oTdirt that has^racu*
lously produced the only known life in the Universe. $
heck °r ne!f.S?
Ia r§

** fet&**? . Mi^ S&E


Wfci ^^"^T ."' e

£ Preparation for C
the bigj-est family re-
^ ** y °U ^
d™ned you feel5"| a the end of each day Think about ready to party!!!! J"m?r7 H
Nothing could be further from the truth. ..Reality is
Current work! events are reflecting the terror
layered and multi-dimensionaL The parts of us g» 1 u,et Operation that most feel but are unable
that are here on Earth exist in a relatively dense layer
of realitv called the "manifested universe
l0 ex
P«" as
*?"! 'heir meaningless hves. that the Father Warriors feel as they sense their
A IS the case mih a thm gs. the energy that
- As " empire, their very existence, slipping away. Think

«5S^«2ESS»SB&i^ corn^
form or another, in other dimensions
these being s (we call them them the

ESHMfflHa Puminati NewWorld Order])

seem to pit
it that all the
those in control
major nattJes going on
against those who are
that God takes in our layer of reality is the Sun. Immi*
take on many and
exists many levels in - s

The nto7m" forms. The easiest form for us to recognize is our rebelling against that control? ..Are you ready for
that tie Mother takes in manifested
your underetandings of the world to be stood on their
reality is the Earth... all this have to nme, creativity, and labor. Money is the energy that
So.what does
facilitates these types of "exchanges" and there is
heads? ... One of my favorite sayings..: "Wisdom is a
do with the "energy and current world
function of validated observation and a willingness to
events? It has everything to do with it now that you nothing as corrupt or as manipulated as the currency
accept the truth no matter how uncompromising it
know enough to ask: "Who has been manipulating system on this planet. But they also feed off other
us so that we deny the existence of the true types of energy including our emotional energy. may appear." The question you could ask.. "'Are you
Have you ever stopped to think about the amount of ready to face the truth of these times?"
Sources of Creation, and what do they have to
gain from doing this?" ~z
It is becoming common knowledge that there is
following vital message is related to RUOW (below) & the
Father Warriors: Channeled WW?
German General Sets
the Record Straight on Nazi Motivations ',
at educate-yourself.org/cn/ channeledgermangeneral23jan96.shtml

Full healing
means also healing
Body. The Human Body is (sup-
your Emo- www. Right Use Of WillIS m Will to do so now, and also to find in the process that

posed to be) a natural Positive Orgone-Gen-

• & " the Emotional BodV
EVOlvina *
hcalin S tbc '""balotct within, heals the imbalance
without The balance of Spirit and Will in the Heart
erator. But because we are trained in Self-De- is book I of 8 in the series received allows Unconditional Love to Manifest."
nial, we becomeNegative Orgone-Generators by Ceanne DeRohan. "Most
Too-Brief Summary of "Right Use of Will"
more or less. "Right Use of Will" reverses this. people.. .have felt their own Will was
1) End Self-Denial. "Will denial on Earth is so
Like Orgone simple yet miraculously powerful,
it is
not acceptable; that to love the way
substantial that most people feel afraid to allow
facilitating Healing on all levels. Orgone generators God loves, they must eliminate their the direct expression of any emotion at all..."
help us with Right Use of Will -the most KEY own feelings and opinions and do
2) Using your VOICE, vent (express, move,
practice and way oflifefor full wholeness /bal- what they imagined was the Will of
release) your repressed emotions. Do this
ance /power. Right-Use-of-Will is the most God An understanding is needed good idea to ask Tme-
privately and often. (It's a
here, the Will of God is not in oppo-
powerful, effective personal practice for serf-em- you move
Kreator for help). To the degree that
powerment. No one, not even the Elites, Reptil- Will of the individual."
sition to the
(shake, vent, release) your repressed, frozen,
ians, New World UnGovernment and "Old Nick" can
"The Will has for so long on Earth
held emotions, you regain a proportionate amount
been misunderstood, judged against disciplined, punished
deny you unless you are denying yourself in some of your lost light (Power). "Gelling your
and denied that most people no longer even know what the
way! Police-State America is created and fueled emotions in motion will conned you to the
Will is. Many are now calling positive thinking by the mind
by our Self-Denials. As long as you believe you reality of Original Cause in your own Will."
Will power The Will is the [[Magnetic ]] Mother Prin-
must accept something whether you like or not, it 3) Practice yourOWNWHI, while crossing no one's
ciple of God and expresses in us as Intuition. Feeling, Emo-
you are overriding your own Free Will. If you are else Will, or letting others cross your Will (Do what
tion, Receptivity and Desire. This book has been psychically
doing this to yourself, you are opening the door you wanna do; don't do what you don't wanna do
received from God in order that lost undeistandings regard-
for others to do it to you. Notice the New World 4) Accept yourself. Opens the door to LOVING
ing His own Mother Principle, the Divine Will, may be re-
Order is about annihilating your WILL. Hence, Yourself. That's when the real magic begins. Now
" stored to Earth." ..'This information enables anyone with
implants " and "mind-control Anything seek- "! your magnetic Will, freed of Denial, can properly
intent to heal his or her own imbalance between Spirit and
ing to take away our Will is taking away our work for you -attracting all your Heart's Desires!
Power. Will & Power are synonymous. Per- Emotional Freedom Technique heals trauma phobias syndromes anxiety in minutes.
sonal Power is something you ALWAYS HAVE if Easy to learn "acupuncture without needles. "Use for everything. Often works where nothing else
you EXERCISE it -not EXORCISE it. -DRE
will. Download FREE book from www.emofree.com/downloadeftmaiinaLasp

da MUFFIN papersPAGE 36 OF 52

I to 'excerpt' the following message, as every part seems essential -since it
chose not entities) of a much greater scale than the "healer"
is partof the Right-Use-of-WILL process (previous page), whereby we can HEAL at is prepared for and able to handle at the present stage
our deepest level. It IS time now, for Humanity's full HEALing. Therefore special tools of his development - he might be killing himself or
are now available to aid us (Orgonite, BhSignatures, GodsChant.com, Genesa Crys- his loved ones - instead of helping someone;
tal, AlexChiu.com's Immortality Rings...). HEAL & WHOLE be two forms of same word. What if I told you that, if one is elevating his
To HEAL means to become WHOLE. As Real Humans heal, we generate more posi-
own pain and sickness only on the body/mind
tive energy (Orgone) and less negative Orgone. The Controllers try to keep us negative in order to
level - he might be dumping it all into his subcon-
use us to generate DOR -produced abundantly by human suffering. A key part of Right Use of Will scious (into Mother inside him) - without having
is Emotional Expression using our VOICE Throw periodic Tantrums PRIVATELY. Say whatever

his consciousness feeling and learning anything

you want. Scream shout sing laugh cuss, hiccup groan.. Express your FEELINGS without holding
from that pain and illness and thus, lowenng its
back or judging yourself. Let your Body move anyway it wants. Ask Kreator for assistance. Kreator
ability to protect him and prevent the illness from
is NOT what ReLIGion projects. Word ReLIGion literally means BONDAGE. We need Kreator's help
spreading into deeper layers of his being;
to properly & permanently fix (heal) the mess we're in. ReLIGion is owned by the powers-that-wish-
they-be, and used to keep Humanity in Bondage (=FASCES). Fortunately, despite this, Kreator can What if I told you that some of the so-called
still communicate with Her precious Children, as He is doing in the following message... ~DRE evolved, "enlightened" beings may actually live
at the expense of not only their disowned Wills,
but also at the expense of their unmanifested
children or their students and followers;

What if I told you that, sometimes those who

look like angels are responsible for crimes the
www.godchannel.com/voices5.htm] ration forno good reason, by "unfortunate circum-
scale of which you can t even imagine;
stances" or "bad people"- because of the danger of
Healing the Invisible You synchronization; What if I told you that, old Gods, out-dated per-

Voices from Across the Planes ceptions and views of reality, along with sup-
What if I told you that, if people made morality
pressed emotions and impulses may manifest
Let the New God In their God, they might be forced into immoral acts
themselves as illnesses, vicious spirits and enti-
by their own Desire, their own subconscious - to
Healing through Understanding ties or "dark spots" on an individual's aura, that
balance out that idolatry and save their very lives -
Mother's and God's Evolution into Heart can spiritually posses him, run his life for him, de-
which usually happens without the light of under-
stroy him -and destroy THROUGH HIM!
Part Five of Six standing and acceptance and creates plenty of guilt;
What if I told you that, people (especially chil-
THE "HIDDEN" REALITY Would the revealing of these unseen realities help
you not to judge your "bad" desires as bad even if
dreB) or animals can react to this spirits (some-

OR THE GOOD BEHIND you don't understand yet where they're coming
from and what their aim is? Would it help you to
times harshly, to the extreme), mistakenly iden-
tifying them with those holding them, taking
THE BAD TRUST your DESIRE as KNOWING the "game" a the one who is possessing for the one who is pos-
sessed; and the only way to stop their unfriendly
Mother's teachings few moves before your consciousness does? Are
reaction is to privately work out the "negative"
you ready to see that sometimes there is love behind
"Oh, My God, how much 1 desire now for all of
"violation?" That many sufferings could be pre-
emotions and change, update, upgrade, elevate
us to huddle up together and experience it all in a one's views of reality;
vented if these crimes and violations were not be
synchronized way in a place where the "wrong" is
judged as bad and/or identified with? What if I told you that, one may attract or be at-
accepted as a healing tool just as the right is, and
tracted to certain types of people or events that
not judged, but welcomed! Are you ready to see that all it takes for the "bad"
will repeatedly irritate, stir that same place,
to become good is for you to see it as such? That
What if I told you
sometimes, the so-called bad
that some dark spot" in him so that he can eventu-
all it takes for a "bad war" to become a "good
things are happening to us as a spontaneous aim for ally become aware of it and "bubble" it out
war" is for you to see it and receive it as good -
balance, a subconscious attempt to "weed out" an through expressing his emotions and acquiring
individual's old beliefs and perceptions, so he can
AND YOU MIGHT NOT NEED A WAR AFTER a new understandings;
ALL?! Are you ready to accept a small a conflict as
be saved from upcoming illnesses or accidents that
beginning of a great peace and friendship? Are you What if I told you that, if one is attacking the
stem from these old beliefs and perceptions - regard-
ready to experience the "bad" as good? other with his thoughts, these thoughts can ac-
less of whether it's a conscious process or not;
tually damage and more so now, when an
kill -
What if! told you that,
What if 1 you that, when one's views of reality,
told individual's energetics are much more potent
judgments and opinions are getting dangerously old, To mature out of these gods of ideals and morals, than they were only a few years ago. And not
someone from the outside might need to shake one might require to be theoretically willing and only can it reach and damage the victim - it can
them, shatter their grounds, "operate" on them and able to commit all these "crimes" without judging also be reflected from the "mirror" of his pro-
even destroy them to save one's very life; and that,
- them as bad or identifying with them - only now in tective bio-energetic field (or aura), turn back
if that reality is not understood and accepted accord- the presence of one's loving consciousness. If these to the offender, attack him with the power equal
ingly, it can create a lot of anger, resentment and ha- crimes, "wrong" desires and impulses are lovingly to the one that was sent; many people had actually
tred - which is a danger and entity of its own; acknowledged, understood for what they are killed themselves that way;
looked at, thoroughly felt, observed, expressed (pri-
What if I told you that, if one is judging the act of What if I told you that, if you deny, repress, con-
vately or through the arts) and accepted as valid and
stealing as a crime or moral violation (con- demn, judge and send away your own impulses to
sciously or subconsciously) his family member or
kill, steal, rape or avenge - your own child or fam-
They become ENLIGHTENED by you and their
even he himself might be forced into stealing by ily member, or someone from the street, or even
power becomes your
HIS OWN INNER KNOWING - in an attempt to light!
your national leader may just act it out for you;
balance out his attachment to honesty or other What if I you that if you are helping people
What if I told you that, if one doesn't let go of his
moral laws and save him or his loved ones from to recover from various problems and illnesses
Old Light, old perceptions and old views of reality
upcoming problems that are resulting from this at- without their understanding the process of this
and refuse to replace them with newer, more
tachment and the judgment based on it; healing and without them changing their views of
wholesome Light, it might be forced upon him by
reality, if you only heal the sickness, but not the
What if I told you that, if one's spouse or friend the upcoming transformational difficulties, or else
cause of the sickness, if you only heal the visible,
idealizes the other, the first one may become ill, they might erase him from the face of the Earth;
but not the hidden, emotional subconscious mat-
even terminally while the idealized one may
ters and roots of disease - causing the illness only What I told you that, when people can't eas-
be intuitively drawn to cheat on him or betray him
- to save his very life (and be completely uncon-
to "hide" deeper within and erode the person's go of the old God, entire nations may be
ily let
deeper inner planes without him knowing and forced to become atheists - so that they can be
scious of the real reason for his behavior);
feeling it - you might be taking your "patient's" saved from extinction:
What if told you that, if a person makes anyone illnesses upon yourself or your posterity or even
What if I don't tell you anything but
into an idol or center of his life (even subcon- upon your unborn children! And your "healed"
sciously) this idol may be drawn to do devious acts patient might be heading towards a much greater ITALL HAPPENS ANYWAY, ONLY WITH-
to "uncrown" himself in this person's eyes - to save problem that he started with! OUT YOUR AWARENESS?
his very life; that's when the teacher or spiritual
What if I told you that, if one is trying to help or When the Old Light, old judgments and percep-
leader might be compelled to "betray" his followers;
"heal" someone whose inner planes are greater than tions can't sustainyou anymore - they must be
What if I told you that, if a couple's ideals and judg- the healer's, he might "inherit" his patient's percep- shed an old skin or they might start the decay-
ments are similar, the two might be forced into sepa- tions, and attachments (in the form of illnesses or ing process of death and attract illnesses, acci-

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 37 OF 52

dents and other unforeseen problems. At the same FROZEN IMAGES! NEGATE OUR LOVE IT PURIFIES IT! -

lime they might be your awakening calls - to

search for New, more wholesome Light of knowl-
edge and perception that will heal and guard you
- until the next time. So, « RELATE TO THE ME OF TODAY NOT -
If your present problems are not throwing you into

your emotions, if you feel numb and frozen - go

Are you ready to let go of the Old God, the Old into your past, find these feelings and emotions
Consciousness? Make Love to Me, move.. ..You are... so beauti- there and experience them again - ONLY WITH
Are you ready to let go of morals, principles, concepts,
ful to Me I love every "imperfection" ME NOW, consciously (you can even use movies
in you I love even your brokenness Your or music to bring your emotions up). Experience
rules and regulations, ideals and idols as your God"?
"imperfections" are more perfect to Me than the them willingly, invitingly, celebrate them no mat-
Are you ready to let go of "almost God" values such perfection itself. Your "yukkiest" flaws, frailties, ter how ugly or unwanted they seem to you.
as righteousness, justice, perfection, principles, weaknesses, shortcomings, drawbacks are so pre-
rules, order, discipline, control, honesty, integrity, cious to ME.... Your courage to even hold them They are all beautiful to Me now.... Go inside your
loyalty, dignity, nobility, excellence, honor, success, amazes Me! Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by the pain or discomfort (emotional or physical), feel
power, peace and other "almost God" virtues - so feelings of love and marvel when I see your frail, and see its shape, color, heat, intensity, sharpness,
dullness, location, vibration - anything or every-
that while you're striving for them, you don't bow brittle bravery, this vulnerable, shivery courage of
to them or attach to them as your God and so that if yours to carry on with your brokenness, wretch-
thing! Now, - if you feel
that pain or whatever

Mama calls for it, they can be violated at any time edness, deformity, distortion, agony, grief and would have a language of its own, how would that

without hesitation or doubts? gloom and not die and escape.... This strik- pain sound? Talk its language - give Me that

ing, stunning, astonishing power of the weakness

sound! "Compose" it!
Are you terrified to let go of the Ten Command-
in you.... Please accept it and love it within your- Remember, it's the Mother who is trying to reach
ments as your God?
self as I do, and soon you will see the infinite wis- Me through you and be accepted and Enlightened
Are morals and principles God? dom behind each "imperfection" you are carrying. by Me - so GIVE HER TO ME! Give Me your
Whom do you like to be your God NOW - morals Remember, that
feelings no matter how unappealing or out of sorts
they seem to you. Imagine for a moment that you
or Love?
PERFECTION IS "PERFECTION." REAL PER- are a psychiatric patient (no judgment, please!) but
Who is God for you? - God that is speaking or God FECTION INCLUDES "IMPERFECTION" now you are in a very special, new kind of "clinic"
that spoke? God that is or God that was?
where instead of shutting down your impulses, you
Which God do you wish to listen to now - the One arewelcomed to express them in any and every
that is scolding you or the One that is accepting you
There is nothing to be ashamed of, NO THING. way that THEY ARE! You are allowed to act out
You are innocent and you are perfect. You are try- movements you can
the ^craziest" sounds and
with all your "imperfections?" The One that is judg-
ing to carry Both of Us, Mother and Father in you imagine without fearing being criticized or
ing you as a sinner or the One that is now giving -

and you feel OUR feelings and OUR confusions judged in any way!
you back the memory and the knowledge that you have
and OUR shortcomings of the past. Hang on, Love,
an absolutely valid reason to be the way you are?
it's not just a pain, it's a labor of Love!... Feel and YOU DONT NEED ANYBODY'S APPROVAL
Are you ready to let go of the old judging God and experience it all, but don't identify with You are
meet a New, loving, evolved, expanded God? Both, therefore you are a HEART, a LOVE we are SCIOUSNESS' ! Play a kid, an infant! Go nuts!
all missing so much. Mother and I are longing to Allow and accept lovingly and full heartedly EV-
If yes, then let's go.
become One - inside you. Stand firm. Love. Take care ERYTHING that comes up as I do now, DON'T ,

LET THE NEW GOD IN of Mother in you. You will only need to bear it for DARE JUDGE THESE FEELINGS THEY ARE -

Let's dance together. You are there and I am

some time now. Soon, I will be right here with You MY WIFE! wish you would play this game ev-

and in you - all of Me.... Will you take ALL OF ME? ery day - so I can meet and heal and hold Her in
here. Let's dance our distance away. Please don't
My arms every day....
think of yourself as small or unworthy - 1 want to As you progress with your emotional movement,
dance with you - do you hear Me? It's Me, God is your reception of Me (or Us) will be clearer and YOUR EXPRESSIONS - LOVE OR HATE -

talking to you now. The only quality I require to clearer. I will help you now. Stay tuned.... ARE TEACHING ME SOMETHING ABOUT
dance with Me is your Desire to dance with Me. MOTHER AND YOU, HEART. NEED TO I
...Dance, don't stop turn the page... I'll teach
Would you please, now? May 1? Here we HEAR THEM TO EVOLVE!
you the MOVING STEPS...
go.. .Dance with Me.. .Move love, move
Or you can also it, you can put
be creative about
GOD IS DANCING WITH YOU... MOVE, FEEL MOVING DIRECTIONS on music most descriptive of how you feel,
that is

Are you dancing? Move love, move! That's it... turn up the volume and talk, sing and scream your
Are you dancing? Move... Here we go... That's it...
Beautiful. Listen... listen to Me now. You've been emotions with it to Me. It can be rock, rap, heavy
Beautiful... So, you're saying you're ready to let go
asking for clear directions I'll give you clear direc- metal, black gospel - anything that helps you to ac-
of The Me of yesterday And you are ready to
Only so easy that tivate and express your feelings UN-BEAUTI-
accept and embrace THE ME OF TODAY.... tions. listen carefully... It's it
FIED. You can also be really explicit with your
seems hard. It's like trying to explain how your
That s great, it's beautiful I love it! Dance,
eyes blink. Move love, don't stop... Listen. When movements, you can make all the improper, impo-
love, dance.... I missed you too, when you were
Me, do it as if I were standing right in
you relate to lite, "forbidden" movements you feel like doing.
dancing with the Me of yesterday. And I was all
front of you, as if I were your spouse or a friend. directly at Me or THROUGH
alone.... Please, catch up with Me every day, I'm you anery
If feel -

changing and expanding every moment....

And then direct your attention inside yourself and PEOPLE - tell Me just how angry you are. Tell me
access and feel that pain, that discomfort, or what- like it is, don't be intimidated. Yes, you can tell
Don't look for Me into the past and its frozen images of ever is "bothering" you, feel it as deeply and thor-
Me how you hate Me, if you feel so, but, most im-
Me. If you're twenty years old you wouldn't want oughly as you possibly can. DO NOT GO INTO portantly, tell Me HOW THAT HATE FEELS!
someone longing for and seeking the two-year-old you YOUR THOUGHTS - GO INTO YOUR FEEL-
And so for the other feelings you have. Tell me
and ignoring the present you, the grown-up you, the INGS AND SENSATIONS INSTEAD!
straight, don't be afraid - 1 can handle it! Not only
evolved you! You wouldn't want someone only lov-
ing your photograph and not you - would you?
DON'T THINK IT -FEEL IT!!! can 1 handle it - 1 CAN ENLIGHTEN IT and I can
give you a new Light and livelihood instead. Don't
And sound it! !f you were angry with your spouse,
So why are you only relating to THE OF ME
would you be able to make love with him or her
give it to people who are "causing" it - give it to
THE PAST and ignoring THE ME OF THE ME! Ifyou give it to people, you may "adopt"
before expressing how you feel? Same here. You
PRESENT? Why are you only talking to My their problems - only I can give you Light instead.
can't love Me the way I know you can until you
"photographs" and not Me - the evolved Me, the
express all your discontent. And guess what - I'm So, are you ready now? Tell Me openly and
"grown-up" Me, the expanded Me?
ready to take it, like a real lover would!.... So, here honestly how it feels to be in pain, in fear,
DON'T TURN AROUND, I'M NOT THERE, - I'm your spouse now, go ahead and have a fight rejected, unloved and unwanted Get
I'M RIGHT HERE, STANDING IN FRONT OF with Me - and feel good about it! Like you're emotional, get intimate with Me, move Me with
YOU AND LONGING FOR YOU TO SEE ME building something, not destroying! The attitude is: your cries! Let Me know how it feels and
I we are loving each other and we are helping each sounds! I will hold you in My arms! Give it all
AND BE HEARD BY YOU! Do you feel what I other to evolve; we are not denying our emotions, to Me now, will you! Give me your anger,
feel now? Feel it! we are working them out; we welcome conflicts resentment, fear, terror, hopelessness, disgust,
and expression of emotions as a part of our healing emotional or sexual frustration, anypain and
any discomfort! Make Me feel it, FEEL-IT-TO-
processes and evolution and we accepting fights as
SHADOWS! ME! - Now! You can say; God I hate feeling
emotional aerobics and it's by us to have a
fight! A CONFLICT OR A FIGHT DOES NOT this. I resent it and I hate You, and I hate

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 38 OF 52

everything! Il feels like ? ....like what!!? accumulate aggression by defending them or by If you choose to be power you' 11 be consumed by
trying to follow their rules. That alone can have a greater power,
Give Me the sound.... the beastly sounds and the
love-producing effect on you. You will start to ac-
body movements the words are secondary.... I You will fall into your own pit-hole that you dug for
cumulate love inside yourself and that love behind
want your feelings - not your words! OPEN UP TO others,
your emotion will be felt (consciously or subcon-
ME, give it to .Me - now! - Scream it, growl it, moan
sciously) by your opponent and will change his reac- You will be poisoned by your own bait,
it, groan it, cry it, hiss it, howl it, sing it, dance it,
tion to it from destructive to constructive.
play it, drum it, tap it, jump it, fall it, shake it, You will burn in your own bonfire you prepared for
trance it, love-it-to-Me! Go hysterical, cry to Me The amount of Love or aggression that you pos- Love.
like a little baby, an infant... I'll hold you in My sess can greatly alter people's and nature's atti-
Every power has its end. Every power has another,
arms Give it to Me... Now! tude towards you, it can affect the chemistry of
greater power to devour it;
Move, My Love, move, you're doing beautifully, soon SDur relationships with them and even affect their
shavior in your presence. Even electronics can Every powerful lion has another powerful lion to take
you will know for yourself just how beautifully....
react to it. People working in NASA know very over when it gets older and weaker
YOUR EXPRESSIONS LOVE OR HATE ARE well how their sensitive computers react to each
- -
There will be always bigger rage than you;
TEACHING ME SOMETHING ABOUT person differently and behave "unusually" when a
MOTHER AND YOU, HEART. I NEED TO strange user operates them. Sometimes is pos- it
Every rage will be zapped by its own rage;
HEAR THEM TO EVOLVE! sible to "fix" some home electronics like TV or
Every rage will be attacked by its own reflection;

YOUR FAVORITE SONGS ARE YOUR BEST VCR just by reducing the level of their owners' be reflected right back on you like a mirror re-
It will
giving aggression by it expression and acceptance.
PRAYERS flection of you;
Dear Heart! Your Earthly songs and dances are re-
You cannot yet express strong emotion directly
to people also because it was suppressed for so You can't be winner for long, all your victories are
ally a prayers and expression of Mother in you.
long and it became so thick and dangerous, that temporary, and you'll never be satisfied by them;
Sing, dance, make love
- as on expression and it might just take over you and be very destruc-
elevation of Mother
Me, as an arising of
to tive. These first clots of condensed emotions, You can never be satisfied by anything, and you will
Kundalini to Consciousness, as your most especially rage, may become a very strong en- always aim and reach for more, until you fall into
wholesome and genuine prayer. tity inside yourself, harboring itself and waiting
abyss of the Black Void;
for a perfect moment to take you over and to Don't you see, you can't win for more than five min-
Listen to what is trying to burst out of you!
MAKE YOU PERFORM ITS AGENDA - it's utes, there will be always a bigger rage to haunt you;
Sing your concerns to Me easy to end up in jail, which may not exactly
serve your purpose here. If you won't become Love you'll be nothingness, you
Sing your desires to Me will vanish, you will be no more, you' U lose your soul,
Sing your feelings to Me Your conscious needs to really show it's validity you'll be devoured by greater rage than you and that last
and cleverness by finding ways of expression that rage will zap itself with its own reflection and will bum
Sing your sensations to Me are safe and most suitable for you by directing in much more "hellish" hell than it itself created;
Sing your longings to Me and transporting it into something constructive
and even enjoyable. Keep asking your mind to You almost blew your chance; As you almost it is

Sing your resentments to Me find out for you how and where to express your have to dye from what you are but you'll
to recover
probably postpone it even more anyway until you
Sing your pain to Me emotions in most practical and beneficial ways.
Do it the way you like it; dance it, sing it, have no time left at all, and time is almost up tor you;
Sing your love to Me. make that choice - now! - or you will have no choice;
"heavy-metal-it", act it, "rap" it, make a comedy
Sing it, dance it, drum it, babble it, - gibberish it to Me! of it - BUT NOW DO IT CONSCIOUSLY! You will be thrown into brutal Space for eternity with
...They call it a "folk medicine".... no one to torture but yourself; and so be it;
: I


HEAR THEM TO EVOLVE! When go past your emotions;

triggered, don't My gun is loaded with your bullets and Your own
ICANNOT GIVE YOU ANYTHING IF YOU instead, go ahead and get irritated or sad or an- rage that You implanted in Me is driving Me when I
ARE NOT EMPTY gry or whatever, if you feel like it, but watch need it, and It has plenty of explosive power that will
out don't identify with it! Play out your anger, be enough to do what I need to do to save and em-

It's like trying to pour liquid into a full glass. Re-

like an actor in a movie, and watch yourself do- Love - and to zap you into a " zombie" and to
that love - Kwer
THROUGH PEOPLE brings salvation but - can-
>w You out of existence if You are not with Me!
it while witnessing it and know that A GOOD
not be "poured" into you and accumulated if
"vessel" of aggression (passive or active,
is full

chronic or acute, conscious or subconscious). If you You are probably doing it unconsciously anyway,
I say "no" to Rage? Wrong! I say "yes" to You think,
Rage! I'm going to fuck the Mother with It so good,
try to "squeeze" love on top of aggression you might so you don't even need to learn it! THE
(with such ragefull passion!) and for so long, that if
get a "crooked" love. The right sequence is: empty THING TO DO HERE IS TO BECOME
You are not with Me, You are going to explode into
yourself of your discontent first and only then open ! !

pieces from envy and jealousy just hearing Mother

to receive and accumulate love. So go ahead, empty easy, it's sounds complicated only when said! Just
remember - the point is not to be angry or what- moaning and groaning (with Me!) from Joy and Ecstasy!
yourself of your old emotions - routinely and regu-
ever, the point is WATCHING YOURSELF BE-
With such loving rage! With such raging passion!
larly - and give them to Me SO I CAN GIVE YOU
MY HELP INSTEAD. I need your emotions to be ING angry or whatever. THINK, I SAY "NO" TO RAGE? WRONG! I YOU
materialized into sounds and movements to be able
The point is for your consciousness to accept the SAY "YES" TO RAGE TO SERVE WILL!!! - MY
to help you words alone cannot do it! I need to
emotion (the subconsciousness) AS
know how you feel, every nuance of it, don't just as- gardless of its positive or negative
- re-
charge! The
sume, that I, God, am supposed to know everything.
point is to express and accept what you express
I only know what I know, the rest YOU tell Me! I know
- iovingly! Because EMOTION is NEITHER
the Knowledge - you have the Feelings, give Me the
BAD NOR - IT simply IS! So take it GOOD
Rage is Lucifer, rage is Ahriman. Don't identify with
Feelings, I'll give you the Knowledge instead.... I need
AS it IS! Feel it, welcome it, respond to it and it. Yes, MIGHT BE POSSESSED BY IT BUT YOU
youjust as much as you need Me! YOUR FEELINGS
LOVE IT! Enjoy it like a movief YOU ARE NOT IT. You can depossess yourself
ARE MY MATE remember? so give them to Me!
from it and become your own self and your own com-
You've been asking for practical advice? I'll give mander and THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO DO
it to you. Keep asking. And keep your ears and Those who are possessed by rage, talk to your THEIR "JOB" THROUGH YOU! You don't need a
senses open... rage and say it like this: personal or global war to figure out the differences
with your surroundings. If you discharge rage and ha-
TO ACT AND ACT IT OUT ARE TWO If you are rage you will be confronted by rage;
tred out of you. you'll see without the veil that this
DIFFERENT THINGS If you torture you will be tortured -
rage put upon your eyes and you'll see everything as il is,

A license to express is not a license to ventilate your By your own tools you designed for others; not as They want you to see it IF YOU ARE POS-
anger directly at your offenders (or not yet) no mat- If you devour you will be devoured; SESSED YOU CAN BE DEPOSSESSED! HURRY!
ter how right you are. You will be able to do it only
If you feed on others you will be fed upon; End of Part Five. All six parts should be read con-
when you become "depolarized" of either physical-
secutively and as a whole to have a healing effect
ity and spirituality and their values and you won't If you enslave vou will be enslaved;

da MUFFIN pape rs : PAGE 39 OF 52


YES you HAVE THEM - scores of them! - leetle lizards = hi-tech DEMONS = IMPs NanoMicroMothahPhuckahs

working mischief 24/7 in your body. Average person has upwards of 50 IMPs from various sources.
; r-iv'I <•! ! ti-.]'.}
M £tTTTHtT?HtTH (Credit & Thanks to Al Gray, page 43, for introducing this): Ant with i-mm microchip,
by scanning a "ZapChecker" over every part of your body. For best results set the Zap- T^fan^c
In brief , locate it

Checker to 6 or 7 on Linear Mode. The meter-needle rises over implants and red light may blink /buzz.
On this spot tape a half-inch wide neodymium magnet (instructions below) or use The Implant Killer. Scan your pets, car, house-

hold too You likely have scores of nano bio implant chips already in you unknowingly! -especially if a ny of the following apply to

you: born or been in a hospital or jail; had dental care /vaccinations; visited places of high public attendance (malls, stadiums, amusement parks),
are "psychic," worked for "the government" or military; walked in cities having "cell towers"; kissed /intercoursed anyone having implants;
consumed meat /food containing them, "breathed Chemtrail air, is "psychic," or have symptoms. Do Implant-Neutralization regularly

Symptoms of IMPIants often resemble effects HowtouseaZAPCHECKER? Make Implant-Busting CAP

from other "Silent Weapons": Ringing in the ears. Hearing Zaps implants in brain, eyes, ears. Overview: Get"
#180 or 185. To locate transmitting bugs, take the
tone bursts. Sensitivity to sound. Sudden dizziness. a baseball cap and and use duct tape to line interior
meter down to a point where it is neutral, then
Night sweats. Nervousness, Irritability. Inability to concen- headband & remaining space with a string of 12 or more
look for areas where it jumps, as described below:
trate. Memory loss. Migraines, Headaches, Depression, Leth- neodymium magnets evenly spaced, using a "+" cross
from EthaicWankxs com. Fcrum Index: Miscellaneous
argy. Mild pressure in the head, a cloudy feeling. Metallic shape from the top. WARNING: Only wear it for 20
mouth. Dehydration. Hyperactivity. Increased heart (by BG)...Initially had no success as I alternated
taste in minutes on, then 40 minutes off, in a 6-hour period per
rate for no apparent reasoa Rashes. Limbs jerk as one is between the "log" and "linear" settings and tried
day. Because if you keep it on too long, you "It will
trying to sleep. Just as drifting to sleep, suddenly awaken- different sensitivity levels. Also set it on vibrate unhinge your etheric wiring." For the neck, use magnet
ing, often with faster heartbeat. Many DISEASES, in fact... because this is important when scanning parts of the under a bandaid for stealth. Details at www.whale.lo/bl
"The range of illness is so broad as to defy or- body which prohibit seeing the ZC. Pretty confusing dor46.htm, "Cbswork and Zapping Implants"
dinary logic varying from mental illness, syndromes beginning because there seemed no
and serious disease including terminal disease, heart at-
in the to be
Make Implant-Busting HEADWRAP
pattern to the responses I was getting. Then started to
Developed by a gifter. Use as many regular small 1/2
tacks and so forth. ..millions ill from the effects of im- get familiar with and determined these things...
plants ... crippled and killed ... millions are implanted
inch diameter CERAMIC magnets as needed to wrap/
* Set it on "Linear" and set the sensitivity on about tie around your head in a scarf or cloth. They are easily
and dying ... Electromagnetic pulse experiments in "6" to start.
held in place by sandwiching the cloth between evenly
your area are causing minor and major discomfort, syn- * Move the ZC slowly along the body, maybe 1-2" spaced pairs of 2 magnets. This is supposed to be safe
dromes and disease.' (www.room23.de/1547.IUml, and
off the skin surface. You' 11 notice that as it gets to wear to bed, overnight. Implants supposed to be neu-
closer to the body, there is typically a bigger response, tralized by morning. I did it once and had no problem.
"your injected microchip transpondets..are used in r. injunc-
so try to keep it an equal distance as you move. Next morning however, a helicopter woke me up and was
tion with the new towers and even with handheld .... :;*;§& * At some point you may get a response and think noisily flying around nearby for hours. -DRE
psionic assault weaponry to create illness symp-
toms and even insanity in us." D. Croft you hit paydirt. To confirm, move to a different
EthericTorch: Remade former
part of the room and re-try. When scanning your Wand" originated by Ben Morton.
The implant killer [SunStnr, sec Vendors] arms, it also helps to hold the ZC still and move
Creates a small nipple of etheric fire; "It's this
was bom out of a need to be able to eliminate nancl
the *arm* being scanned under the ZC. point that does the cutting of any etheric
electronic implants placed illegally in our bodies by., govern-
* I very often find that interfering signals are coming blockages or sludge that causes impediments".
ment agencies and off-worlder entities These implants con-
in no matter where I stand sometimes so it's even Article / Cbswork's instructions for the Laser
trol our behaviors, our state of mind, our moods, our en-
more important to move around. .. Wand apply to the Etheric Torch, at:
eruv levels, our ability to think abstractly and follow deeper
* At some point when moving the ZC along my www.whale.to/c/etheric_torcb_.html.
lines of inner thought. They deplete our various systems,
body. I got a response (dial jump and buzzing). Available from QuebecOrgone (See Vendors)
cause lesions and sores in the tissue and very often contain
Slowly moved the ZC back and forth many times un-
various nerve and protein coats, functioning as time bombs
til there was no denying. Taped a small neodymium
Simple Tool to Help Mitigate Mind
of death, through renal, kidney, and liver failure. ..The disabling
magnet on the spot, North side facing me .. Left it Control
Technologies: "The Herudians
of implants ..often produces rashes in the soft tissues and epider- said that there arc many ways to create physical tools to
on overnight - okay if from the neck down On the
mal layers of the skin ..any..locatjons in the body." -Cbswork help dissipate these mental waves (scalar'and microwave
head, magnets 20 minutes on and 40 off. .

mind control transmissions) that the Zeta Reticulum and

Your Clothing Taj |S have implants / RF ID tags * Re sensitivity adjustments, let's say I picked up a sig- others produce. Tbey allowed us sec only one of the sim-
-even old fadedclotl es. Just cut em' off. nal from a spot on my body. I might move the ZC
plest ones and it was by filling jars with seawater or
Press 'n SUCK "You have people who have inserts away from my body...lhen slowly turn the sensitivity water with sea salt and placing them around the
laugh at that ..but there are doctors actually removing strange down -just until there is no buzzing or needle move- house. Also quartz crystals around the house works, but
little glass-like or metallic-like slivers... Anyway, they actu-
ment Then move it closerto pick up small jumps. the crystal has to be cleaned daily and the salt water also

ally have machinery, down below, in our ground ..machinery All TV broadcasts contain a (debilitatingl carrier has to be changed frequendy." (educaie-yourself.org/cn/
signal that has subliminal mind control programming
ielainfoB23sep 05 .shlmllmindconlrollool)
that they can aim at a group, or a person, press a button, and
make ...ontop of all the socio-psychoiogical brainwashing
that person or group react in some ungodly way... They
SUCK and ...suck on the emotion ... like somebody contained in the programming and commercials. No "Oh NOse! In Sept. 2005, Y. Elyshah tuned
one is immune from these effects. ~Don into the following:The wicked ones are now making
who's sipping a cocktail...They actually walk along, and if they
breathable implants and dropping them on
get hungry for a snack, they stop at one of these pieces of ma- Survellience Tip: Hold your sunglasses up
us in Chemtrails! These are spore-like microscopic
chinery, see who's up there with these inserts, press a damn to the sky. As you slowly put them on. slowly use your
chemical particles which are binary programmable
button, and get a reaction, and suck that energy. Like you and peripheral vision to look through the glass. "If you see
"zeroes & ones." Once inhaled, they latch onto our
would stop for an ice cream cone, or drink a soda, or coffee, or a two little blue dots that look like orbs, you are looking al l

nerves. We may all be infected. Do we locate/neutral-

re ptilian survellience placed on vour "lasses, seeing ev-
drink of li quor." -Red Elk, lhespec trumnews.com/index.hlml
ize these same way as "old fashioned" chips?
erything you see when on. ..They
Video games are mind control. They rum children [into]
do because they ..cannot keep
hateful, crying arrogants..cold-blooded kuTeis.^llowing thern in their implants on many of us on for
Neodymium SuperMagnets at:
the home, when you know better is ...complicity with the Beast • Electronic stores
very long. they put
[&] equal as the designers of the games themselves. -Cbswork
them on our sunglasses. mythnlynx.com:Myth N Lynx has assortment
More useful info at thewomenwarriors.net see Lily's (Cbswork, www. whale

.lo/b/dor85.hlm) $159. plus$7.00S&H • OrgoneCrystals.com, SI. 15, see page 43

"Implants: Location- Problems- Solutions" Check or money order to: • ForcefieIdMagnets.com
Busting Unknown Implants To disable vaccine implants you
Alan Broadband
2606 West Vine Drive, Fort Collins. CO 80521
just need to tape a rare earth magnet to the area ( it doesen't matter which 93 Arch Street
(877)944-6247 or (970)484-7257
toll free

side is used ). Usually it is the upper arm area. The implant should be dis- Redwood City, - 1/2" dia X 1/4" thick, $1.20 each

abled within 20 seconds although there are others who suggest that you CA 94062 - 1/2" dia X 1/8" thick, $1.25 each (gold plated)

should leave the magnet in place for 24 hours. An alternative Order by Phone:
- 1/2" dia X 1/8" thick, $0.60 cents each

method for disabling implants when you do not know 1-888-369-9627

where they are located is to stack your magnets so they form a (Toll-Free)

small rod (this multiplies the power of the magnets) and run this slowly 1-650-369-962
over your entire body. These magnets should not be used by persons wear- CAUTIONS: Since Neo Mags can wipe out disks & computer-hard drives, don't
ing pacemakers or by pregnent women." (wwwjrrythnlynx.com/FAQ.html) let them come 12 -15" to these. It mishandled can bite a chunk from skin

da MUFFIN papers: PAGE OF 52


providing Muffin Tower Busters (TBs), Harmonizers

* * (Holy HandGrenades / HHGs), ChemBusters (CBs)

& other Orgonite creations, including kits /parts /crystals to make them. Visit websites for product details, tutorials, maybe
"da MUFFIN papers". A ll PR IC ES, details & produ ct availability may C HAN GE with ou t prior notice.
Crystals & More for Orgone Devices
V •mythrjlynx.com/HHG.html: "Crystals & Educate-Yourself.org
Making HHGs, TBs, CBs." Illustrated CB Tutorial.
Stuff for
The products at Educate-Yourself "are offered as

Properties of Crystals, M inerals mythnlynx.com/MP .hlml

'premium gifts in consideration of donations."
• Charged Waters:See paqe 19 • Super Magnets: See page 40 '
Product overview:http://educate-yourself.org/products.
Marine Surfboard Resin is BEST for making OCEAN Orgonite /Dolphin Balls
Orgone Generators
See pgs WestMarine.com. US, Canada 1-8005OATING (800-262-8464).
14,19. Order: • Tower Buster $6 to $20

International (831)761-4800. CustomerCare@westmarine.com. 2options: • Holy Handgrenade $20 -$106

• "Boater's Resin" Quart $13.99 (#1937762); Gallon $29.99 (#516237)
• Pyramid w/ coils, $36 -$246
• "WestSystem Epoxy Resin" w/ Calibrated Pump Kit 122) no measur-l
( ;

ing needed 1 squirt of each Quart $34.99 (#323733) + Hardener $ 16.99

, .
J»f»steS*l Dolphin Balls
(#318386); Gallon $88.99 (#318352 ) + Hardener $35.99) 2", 3°, 4"

(#318394). And in 5-gallon & Barrel. Or slow or fast hardener. diameter

Peanut Butter Resin? | Thickening additive from above

company makes your resin Peanut Butter so you can mold it.
Useful in special orgonite-making. Use your imagination! "Colloidal
Silica Filler" 1.7 oz (#318402) $8.99 5.5 oz (#323618) $20.99
: Croft Harmonic
Protector $53
CTBusters.com COILS, Mobius & Others
Products Include... Chembuster
dolphin • Cloudbuster Base Kit, $276 +$30 sh 2 or 5 gallon:
• $270 (base only)
-Dolphin Ball, $60 +$8 shipping
• Magnetic TB, $10 (email for shipping) • $336 (complete)

w • Power Box (to power your SP, PW; • $476 (5-gal. base
see Doges 28, 29), $60 +$7sh no upper pipes)
• Powerpack Crystal Wands (for CB Options: Hexagram
Upgrade, see pg 24) $176 +S10sh Layout (see pg 23). Spiral tube with Charged Water.
Terminator • Powerwand, Golden $699 +$15 sh Embedded SPs. Silver wrap. Central 7th pipe...
Zapper • Powerwand, $290 +$15 sh 1

• Pyramid HHG, 3-Sided $40 +$10 sh

PowerBox (Compact SP Pulser )
$80. To power your SP, PW.
• Pyramid HHG, 4-Sided, $50 +$10 sh
With jacks, adapter...
- Saint Buster Button, $96 +$7 sh (See pages 28 29)
• Succor Punch, 1 2volt, $1 60 +$1 sh
Succor Punch
• Succor Punch, 9volt, $136: + $1 Osh • 14 sizes of Mobius-wrappedSP
• Terminator Zapper, $134 +$7sh
crystals w/ jack/cable, $56- $166
• Tower Busters, party hat, • SPs in orgonite base with coil, jack
$7 each. If ordering 1 0, $6 ea
Mega Power Wand
(email for shipping)
$260 $360, $460, $660,
• Wired Accessory Plug,
CB Base $660. 6 to 9 inches
(seepg29)$10+$5s/? long. 1" to 4" to 6"
- T-Shirts $30 +$7sh diameter, silver wrap,
Small, Med. Large. X-Large. XX($35) 50 feet of mobius-coil,
gemstones. Includes
Email: andy@ctbusters.com. Ctbusters uses PowerBox above, wall
UPS exclusively.,
so please provide a street transformer, cables. En-
address. All orders using Money Orders ... hancements. (See page 32)
Cashiers Checks ..mail it with your payment to:
Andy Schwarm Mini Silver Terminator (Orgone Zapper) $126,
11408 Cactus Ave hence no skin irritation. Also
with -with silver electrodes,
introduces beneficial silver ions to the body. Effective
Bloomington, CA 92316 USA health defense. Wipes out parasites (see pg 41).

Orqonite4U Options include • succor-punch JACK lets your

Terminator function as a Succor Punch when you

Tactical Orgonite for the field: Holy Hand Grenade

add SP crystal. • DC power-supply jack/cord
•Tower Buster - $ 2.25 -small (7.5 oz) $ 22.50
-12 for $ 22.50 -100 for $170 - medium (10oz) $28 "Letter toRobin - A Mini-Course in Pendulum
- .05 camo paint
cents each for - .05 cents ea. for camo painf Dowsing" by Walt Woods. 26-pages $6. (see page 30)
• Etheric Water Pipe cleans lakes,
Other Product -Gifts
ponds, rivers. -$ 4.50 -12 for $45 Interactive Orgonite Spectro-Chrome Light Therapy Colloidal Silver Generators Health Books

TP for your home, office, Eewahkee Indian Clay Ozone Water Purifiers World's Smallest Laser Pen
• [Toilet Rollers ..to bust underground
Paper] I I I

car or gifts to friends: Video & Audio Tapes Ozone Radionics Free Energy Specially Items...
alien bases. Simply slide one into a sign post or

fence post near the offending area to give the sewer

rats fits (taped end down). [Fence pipe is used tike ,j
the copper pipe in an earth pipe; see pg 26]
• TB Muffin w/ medium
sized quartz crystal TO ORDER Full directions at
-1 for $5.50 "Please note that in order to process a spelling; not Ken Adachi) and write
-1 for $5.50 -12 for $56.25 -12 for $ 56.25 check or money order, you must in the word "donation" in the memo
• HHG Cone indicate on vour check or money portion of the check. Do not send a
-small (7.5 oz) $28 order that vou are making a donation payable to
Email Marcus: starseedtv@satx.rr.com
-medium (10oz) donation. Weare unable to accept " Edncate-Yonrself"....
$36.! checks or money orders which are not
marked as donations. Donations are
not refundable To Order ...Send PO Box 3046
Costa Mesa, CA 92628 USA
a donation as a check or money order
...Make your check or money order Voice Mail: (949) 544- 1375
payable to K. Adachi (no other Email: pitari@peoplepc.com

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 42 OF 52


destroy your parasucks2 Ionic Minerals

Effective method
Wipe Out Parasites
for destroying all the parasites
YES you HAVE THEM - If they each paid you $1 room & board you provide them
for the free
in your Body, plus Brain. You ingest certain
you'd be a multi-billionaire Average person has 2 pounds of parasites in their bodies!
angstrom-sized IONIC (not colloidal) minerals,
Parasites are a type of
Beast Computers as made by WaterOz.com, 800-547-2294. (orCiliMineraJs.com, 337
IMPLANT. They SUCK. 993-9660). Colloidal is /m'cron-sized. 1 million angstroms side-by-side
"...He can use your implant [[to con- j

You them from eating meal

gel = size of 1 micron! Ionic does not accumulate in the body like
trol you]..how serious is electronic
(mainly) (zap your meal for 30 colloidal.WaterOz Ionic Minerals (best to use regular strength, not
mind-control? ..guided tour., through
or more minutes), intercourse concentrated): 16oz. Pint $19; 32oz. Quart $30; Gallon $60. Cheaper
a NWO's major beast computer center
w/ meat-eateis, going barefoot, Order
in Alaska back in the 1970's. ..These for members, also cheap at www.Kornax.com, toll-free 1-877-328-1744.
handshaking, chemtrails... They
Beast Computer Centers consist of aisles at least a quart each, of Ionic Cower (kills/evicts parasites); Ionic
are the unseen cause of Dis-Eases kill-
and aisles of big state of the art computers Sulfur (takes Copper to brain); Ionic Silver (kills bacteria/viras/parasitcs);

ing millions. Parasites can control the

...eachhave several dozen people to run Ionic Zinc (parasites have parasites! - Zinc prevents these from replicating);
behavior of their hosts & change entire
them. Even in the '70's, an operator could Ionic Molybdenum (clears parasite poop from brain; restores pH). Takes months to
ecosystems to suit their needs. Hook-
speak into the computer and it would an- delete all parasites. They are ever returning. Little worms may start crawling out from
worms sink their teeth into intestinal
walls of over a billion people daily to
swer. ..if you asked the computer about anywhere on your body or be pushed out, already dead. Stinging & skin rashes as they exit
anyone., it could usually pull up all kinds / purge. Probably a FRENZY of them exiting; don't panic! -better out than inside of you.
drink their fill of blood. Dr. Hulda Clark
of information about that person. If you Put Sulfur on cotton ball & wash any lesions; dries them up. Boon: Gray Man-
discovered all dis-eases have para-
asked the computer how could you get that
sites in the equation. She brought us goes away! (Thanks to 77-year-old youngster, Dorothy for Parasite/Fungus Cleanse)
person to kfll someone? ...The computer
the ZAPPER. It destroys parasites and Dorothy's Ionic Parasite Buster Day 10 to 14 take 2 T. Copper
would spill out a plan almost instantly,
thereby wipes out dis-ease. Cheaply
telling you all the people around that sub-
• Mornings 1 to 4: Cook oatmeal (or other • Go to full dosage as soon as possible if
make your own Zapper from instruc-
long cooking cereal) in 1 pan Ionic Copper no big problem with detoxing.
" ject who could be manipulated .. to cause
tions in her book The Cure forAll
the end result. This is the end result of
mineral water &
3 parts pure water. (1/4 cup lo • Day IS, start over and repeat the cycle
Diseases " Or RyanMcginty.com.

3/4 cup). Also during first 4 days, lake: with the 4 days of Copper in oatmeal, plus
yeans of "BLACK PSYCHIATRY-which
- 2 TableSpoons (T.) Ionic Zinc other minerals followed by 10 days of all
3 Great ZAPPERS... means applying psychiatric techniques to
- 2 TableSpoons (T.) Ionic Silver minerals without the oatmeal. Continue
Terminator has Orgonite+; See Vendors manipulate people and nations. These com-
- 2 Teaspoons (tsp.) Ionic Molybdenum until evidence of parasites is gone.
www.4optimallife.com, Kallie puters electronically connect to some of
(moly), chased w/ drink of water.
Miller's those people who are electronically con- Maintenance: (best) eat only raw food
Optimal Life trolled, so that the controllers can actually
NOTE: Do NOT take Copper w/ Zinc or Molv (amps immune system). Otherwise repeat
Zapper $ 180, control the world from a computer. These
• On day 5 stop taking Copper in oatmeal
Cleanse every 6 months. Use Zapper. Daily
includes ship • Day 5, take 1 tsp. Ionic Copper. take 1 T. of Coconut Oil below & 1 T. Ionic
coroputeis also store vast amounts of per-
ping from
Canada. Phone
sonal information about people's thought
• Days 5 to 14, take Minerals listed above. Copper /Sulfur /Zinc. Use NEEM
• Each morning after food increase Copper permeates all cells in 20 minutes; anti-
l-S,W-450-"93. processes... This sounds like science fiction,

but from people who invent & work at slate

by 1 tsp. {/Take 2 T. Ionic Sulfur daily; ok fungal/viral/bacterial, like true OREGANO
"Dr. Clark Full after oatmeal or before bedtime; anytime ok] for more information.
of the art technology, this is ..said to be old
Gamma Generator" mini Day 6, •Day 7, |'Day8. |-Day9. -curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=336&i=9328
frequency generator; $460. technology.. CHAPTER 6...ELECTRON- 2 tsp. Ionic 1 T. Ionic 1 4 tsp. Ionic 5 tsp. Ionic _ theVVolfeainic.com/oregano.html
Can be usedas Zapper or to ICS.. IIwliale.toIblsplspr6.html ] .. De- Copper Copper Copper j Copper
input specific frequencies. velopments in fiber optics...nano-tcchnol-
drclark.com. 800-220-3741 RoseC ream/Lotion Parasite Buster Mix cream, pea-sized amount, liberally with
ogy.. neuro-electrical research have com-
virgin olive oil; whole body. Wash off m 8 hours in a BATH Or apply
massage into skin; cover
Zapper TIP: Replace copper bined to bring mankind to the point
before bedtime; bathe next morning. Drink much water. Skip a day repeat, thrice weekly for &
joysticks with stainless steel butter knives, where mankind can be controlled by one
several weeks+. Penetrates, kill parasites in skin, tissues. 100% natural, non-toxic. All sickness
hence, no wet-tissue ( iFt
f centralized monolithic Beast computer.
wrap needed y- _-. »>) is related to parasites IN/ON body. Delete parasites= deletes problems. Testimonials indicate:
i .
The ultimate mind-controlled slavery is
now possible. [whaleSolblbeast.html)
• Stops & reverses hair loss! Makes • Reduce, reverse skin wrinkles • Vanish skin problems

Special Health Boosters bald heads regrow hair use undiluted • Boosted energy/well-being |
• Eliminate dis-ease
• AlexChin.com: magnetic Eternal • BioSignatures See Page 33 2-3 month supply: Cream S40: Lotion $4S. Includes shipping. Send payment to Ericka Key:
Life Rings S37 Reverse aging. Wear • S anieevini Card s Sec Page 33 (301) 266-1S23, PO.Box 5782 • Capital Heights, MD 20791 • AnnoinUdBodyWorks.Com
nightly, reap benefits (888)363-9184 • H ealing Mandala See Page 19 2 Ways to Clean Your Colon
• OilPnlling.com: simple detoxer. Most folks have 2 to 30 pounds of hardened feces in

• Sun Gazing : www. solarheahne.com (HRMsl heals everything wrong... their colon, poisoning their blood . Hence, 95% of dis-eased folks heal when colon is cleaned.
• Happy I'eet Foot Soak Machine. Ionizing foot bath pulls toxins out from the • Dr. Rich Schulze 5-day Colon Cleanse $60 at HerbDocxom ; free catalog. (800)437-2362
feet.S300 + $50 ship. • Root Stimulator makes hair grow fast & regrows hair • Easy! Daily take 1-4 match-head-sized Aloe Ferrox Bitter Crystals with meals &
on bald heads. $15 + S8 sh (8 oz). wtvw. NewBodyStore.com. Payment to New
drink plenty of water. Deletes colon's impacted waste & parasites. Detoxes liver. $1£
Body, P.O. Box 4755, Inglewood CA 90309. Dr. Angelica (3 10) 242-3173
for 6-week supply. Contact either El HaGahn (215)240-6360, elhagahn@yahoo.com
• HioEnergy Tuner (Wearable 1 Millions of harmonics retime & vibrate your or Betty (917) 842-7534; NaturalAloePluiCom. Email: phealoehealer@yahoo.com
body to wholeness S 260. MvHolisticHealtlishop.com/BioEnergvTuner.html
• Urine Therapy heals A I J known dis-ease. Work your nay up to 2 ounces daily
and delete your fungus Fungus too, is a parasite. Fungus
of your first morning urine (most potent for healing). Ok to mix injuice. Rub on crawls! and forms chains long in your body! Olive Leaf Powder elimi-
skill problems. See internet
Your Own Perfect Medicine' by Christy M nates fungus (wildcrafted, $9.54 for 1.10 pounds). Start, 1/2 tsp. daily; build up
» VirusBuster-Im m uneBooster Dr. Hulda Clark's L-G Recipe: 1/8 cup :
to half Tbl. daily. May take 6-7 months. As detox occurs, fluid may come out your
L-Glutamic acid powder, not glutaminc.1/8 cup L-lysme powder. Add powders ears, sinus,from inside your head into your mouth. Pain in your soft tissues.
to 2 quarts cold water and heat, covered, till dissolved; it will be near boiling.
White flakes in urine. Avoid SUGAR (feeds fungus). Cold-pressed virgin Coconut
Use non-metal pan /stirring spoon. When cool, freeze most of ii. Keep I cup in
refrigerator for immediate use. If ciystals form at the bottom, shake up; ok to
Oil prevents, kills fungus & viruses. For 2-3 months take 3 Tbls. daily. Then,
reheat Since no preservatives, reheat every fourth day. If veiy ill. take ! table- maintenance, take 1 Tbl. daily & use only virgin coconut oil for cooking. Good
spoon 4 times a day on empty stomach. If lightly ill, take 1 tablespoon 3 per source: WilderaessFamUyNaturals.com,(800)94S-3801, quart $22.95; gal. $64.95;
-lay before meals. Details http://shop.toolsforhealln2.com/artlcles.asp7IOsll6 The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife. The Fungus link by D. Kaufmann. Drugs
More Tips To Reduce/Delete MindControl Masquerading As Foods by Dr. SuZar. We Want To Live by Aajonus Vonderplanitz

Head-attacks? make a HELMET; line a hat with LEAD tape (or Shrink Beast Tentacles with HHG on Computer The Beast, so-called
lead strips, -at hobby stores; or LEAD foil); Add inner cover over lead [[is]] already here, we call them COMPUTER NETWORKS. The beast has already incar-

(since lead is toxic). Wear gloves during construction. nated on the physical plane. ..into the computer systems of Brussels first. Now, it has
spread itself onto the net and grows more powerful everytime someone logs on.... He's
Discard your box-SPRING mattress: its coils = antennae. Use4orgonite
'Take a five foot insulated copper wire and strip it bare at one end
in the phone network, the university network, DARPA, and the Want to WWW.
shrink a tentacle of the monster? Stick an on your computer and the dark HHG
about 10 inches and wrap the bare wire around your ankle take the rest of
consciousness of that entity will shrink back to the telephone router down at the

the free end wire and bring it up inside your clothing, the very end of the
box on the end of the block. Bury an bhg within a few feet of these gray boxes
wire which is the free end place a piece of tape over it so as to prevent the
on every street and you stop him from entering dozens of homes." -Cbswork
possiblityof any copper from that end from touching the body. The idea is to
change your frequency and scramble any recognition signal from the body; making it difficult for the surveillance and attack frequencies from locking on you. For an
improvement ...tnak[e] an alteration such as taking the free end and stripping it bare for 12 inches and make a noose sliding knot so that houriy or daily you can change some-
what the actual length of the wire to keep the detection of your signal difficult bv changing the total output of signal from the body" lwww.us-government-torture.com/IGT.hlml)

da MUFFIN papers .
PAGE 41 OF 52
Cbswork ("DB") ,,'>: SiriusTechnologies
"Very beautiful creations" - Generators by Cbswork, made with gemslones, All our devices include smokey
quartz, silver, py-
| s^k copper BBs, activated
copper /steel/brass coils,
fold leaf, healing stones, copperwire-wrapped Lemurian /Brazilian /

ibeian singing crystals, alum/copper/litanium shavings & more... faZ?* charcoal, resin &
certain HERBS for spiritual connect-^
. ing with Mother Nature and punty /clarity of mind body soul.
Enhanced Standard HHG Sun Stars -formerly, Silver deals with various aspects of non-benevolent biology.
TowerBusters $20. each + sh $7 = $27 Implant Killers, see pg40 j Activated charcoal which draws poison out the body, also draws
12 each $15. + sh $7 = S22 5 each $80 + sh $15 = $95 $50.each + sh$7 =$57 poison out the surrounding ctheric zone of the device. Charcoal was
36 each $40. + sh 12 = $52 10 each $150 + $25 = $175 3 each $135. + $10 = $145 | highly used in ancient Sudan &
Kamit (ancient Egypt) for electrical
50 each $50. + sh 16 = $66 OB's Special Creation •Pyramid or Cone HHG •Orgone Heart
& spiritual
100ea$90.+sh32= S122 purposes, a
-aka Reptoid Repellent $25 small, $45 large (1 5/8* x 5/8", 1/2" ) $10 1

• T-Shirt, Orgone Heart, back $13

key element
Enhanced HHG $35. each + sb $5= $40 •Tower Buster $10 in their
$50. each + sh $5 = $55 3pack$100 + shlO=S110
Contact Yoshua: P.O. Box 7796 • Alhambra, CA 91 802 energy
3 pack $1 25 +sh $10 = $135 creations.
"Reptoids hate these. Put one Ph (310) 702-5912 Email: siriusbusiness144@yahoo.com
Record Keeper HHG in your pocket and walk into a

$70 each +sh$5 =$75 restaurant and watch the faces Specialized Orgonite Pendants
of the people. Have fun" Here are two siles shining in this area. The products are
3 pack ea $175
+ shlO = $18S offered as premium Gifts in consideration of Donations.
3 Books by Cbswork
by author $50 ea +sh $5= $55 PlanetaryHea ling Project. Org
» The Significance of the O ne Power Pendants $50 each: • DNA/RNA Repair Pendant
* Ansels In A Harsh World • Shamanic Healer Pendant (right: see Testimonial, page 12)
• Health-Wealth-Protection • Rejuvenation • Psychic Protection"
• The Teaching
• Pet Pendant $20, $30 • Balancer $2 [TB], $15 [HHG] • Orgone Home

Packages (26 pieces) $160 $270 • Order at site or BY MAIL: U.S. Postal
To order send Postal Money Order to: 4.

or International Money Orders. Leave "Pay To" line BLANK.

D.Bradley, PO Box 31 14 1 Mail to Fred Gunn. 4193 Dellwood St, San Diego, CA 92111,
Canyon Country, CA 91 387 *

Donations are always accepted, appreciated Natures-Bless inns. Or

Chakra System Pendant S50;
DB's Products & writings are available from: set of 7 $ 270 • Dolphin Ball $8.
• vaccinetruth.net/cbswork/cbswork.htm
• Chakra Balancer S45, 7-set $ 170
• cafepress.com/dorkboy Fun, Sun & Life Humor! Prints, Apparel, Bag
• HealingPendants each unique $50
• Bloas: uwantsun.com 'Archived Articles: whale.to/b/cbswork.html • Custom Harmonizer [HHG] $ 107
Lilly's Healing Services
ACME: Arizona Coalition

of Metaphysical Engineers
Products, Services by Al Gray (Captain Dragon) & wife, MaryK Croft (Don Croft's sister) OrgoneEnergyBalancing.Org
• Enhanced Chemtrail Buster • Free Instructions HHGs $30, $35 • PredatorBuster $35 (see pq 7)

2 or 3- gal. size. With emitters (holographic upon request, for making Al's • Pendants $20, $25_- Pyramid $40, $150
wave forms) carrying anti-frequency of reptilians, Enhanced Triniti Wand (page 25) Wand $250 • Dolphin Garden $80

grey aliens & parasites/ all types. • Royal Oil Rub it on, pain is gone.
Free Predator Buster with
$ 29.95 (2 ounces), $39. (6 oz)
• Agenda Buster $25. Functions each order of $1 00 or more
like Al's Triniti Wand, and equally • Agnihotra Ash is in all our
\ Payments to:
powerful, hut products. Free sample upon request
(send $5 for postage), "used for
Lonis Onder, 1 10 Rayfield Drive
smaller. Does Huntsville, AL 35811
not need to
healing &promoting plant growth
for centuries." londer@orgoneenergybalancing.org
be buried
(see page 12)
held it in my left hand.. The
• Isis Pyramid Only : for people with energy went into my body f
a track record of batdes, "who have made and healed a damaged jaw-
their bones against the dark side." \ bone in my face., overnight"
For more info • Email Al at captaindragonfarstar@yahoo.com Orgone Power Ankh © pendant (see pg 32)

ORDER Small 3"x2" $79. Large 3 1/2° x 2 1/4" $ 111

or to • Email MaryK at marykcroft@msn.com
please inquire: . Mailing address: 1139 CR 4114 • DeKalb, TX 75559
• SweeetPeas © : Reptoid kryptonite (see pg7).
9 for $2. 50 for $10. • Mega SweeetPea Keychain $9
Intuitive Counseling by MaryK do readings either online, by • Healing Pyramid w/ Xenon/Kiypton bulbs, neo magnets
by phone, various methods are used, as needed, astrologically-
letter or 4" $45; 6" $95; 8" $195: 10" $479/ $595 w/ lights
Wi based intuitions & more formal questions at 'sessions.' Readings van/ widely
Orgone MerKaBa $441 • TB $5 • Pendants: Round $45


: as to amount of energy and time expended. You decide payment-amount Star $125 3x3" • Maltese Cross: $55 2 1 /4" • HERBS

based on what you can afford, & arrange payment by check or barter.
H| Eyeamisz Avant-Oavis Ph 317-255-3107 • Eyeamisz@netzero.com
•4 HHGs $48 • 6 Personal Pyramids $24
• Pendulum: amethyst $14; merkaba $16; gold
orgonite $45 • Lemurian Pyramid $175, $195
Gifter's Construction Special • Lemurian Orgone Beamer/Protector $24

2 Lbs of quartz crystals, 3 Lbs of metal, & sa Crystal Merkabas $16, $55, $65 « Neo Magnet $1.15
Upcoming Orgone House-Umbrella protects quantities of Amethyst, Citrine, Chinese Mini Points,
against psychic attacks, negative waves, etc 12 Tower Busters $26 Regulated Power
Herkimer Diamonds, Iron fryite. Polished Hematite,
Supply with or-
Free Orgonite Video Tutorials~~ & Blue Kyanite Blade
Tibetan DTs, Selenite (&1 Free Personal Pyramid)
gonite. Plug your
Atyoatobe.com input 'SenseiDennis'
Crystal Sampler $32. Lb. of Quartz Buster Special $78:Buy36TBs SP.PW, Zapperinto
Lemurian CB $260 Crystals t samples ofaoove crystals & get 3 Pcrs.Pyramids & Extra 12 TBs Free wall$22:seepg29
METALS & Minerals for Making Orgonite Cesco. ...«££, '$65: Silver Electrodes Sports Zapper
•Copper Chips 1 Lb $7 Lb $9 Coil /^J-* '$35 Freq Generator Zapper A..
•Aluminum Chips 1 Lb $3.75 •
' Selenite Crystal Blades,
6 Lemurian Seed Crystals for CB
i85.S25: Mobius-ed SP Crystal
$195 Lemurian P Wand '
• Brass Chips 1 Lb $5 $64
(Small) $32; (Medium)
•IronPyritelLb$9 •Tibetan Quartz DTs 1/2 Lb $18 • Power
• Hematite Pieces i/2Lb $9 •Amethyst or Citrine 1/2 Lb $9 Punch
Herkimer Diamonds 1/4 Lb $16 • Chinese Mini QuartzPoints Lb~$ 11.50 $175

Blue Kyanite Blades \0. Lb $18 '
Quartz Crystals Lb $9.75 about 50, 1-3"
. Pg32||
Order Dennis Griffin
• PO Box 544 • Isle of Palms • SC USA 29451 • Phone (843) 819-8415 • Email: senseidennis@gmail.com

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 43 OF 52

Our infected planet is healing faster as the good news of Orgonite
embraces the globe borne by the wings of the Internet. Here are WorldWithoutParasites.com
Orgone Vendors around the world. Some ship internationally. Don & Carol Croft's Website
If the site vou visit does not display your language, copy its web

address into th e box at www.babelfish.altavista.com and select Terminator Zapper

your language translation. Lets you also translate blocks of text. Wearable Orgone-Zapper.
Wipes out parasites (see pg
Georg Ritschl's site in German orgonise-africa.net 41). Effective health defense
Batteiy operated. S 134 (+sh. S3)
& English. Full range of Orgone .

products & potent Herb supplements including Credo Mutwa's Vulindaba^

ChemBuster HomeoHerbal©
Immune booster ($12.00). "Our sendee is professional and quick. Our Compliments the Terminator (see
prices are attractive throughout. Shipping times to US and European
t pgs 5, 41). By Dr. William von
destination vary from 10-21 days." Email georg@orgonise-africa.net Peters (uncurable.com).
PO Box 72397- Parkview, 2122 -South Africa. See pages 45,46 $17. (+sh. $3)

1 Euro = 1.46871 USD Etheric Stick €8

Harmonic Protector©
Etheric Earth Pipe €1
• Muffin Tower Buster MUTI Series $63 (+sh. $3). Personal
€2.45 Rough; €3. Refined Power Wand €175 protection device. Energet- Don Croft & daughter
PW "Shorty" €125 Artful Orgonite com-
• HHG €16.50 ic mirror. Reinforces body's at Mt. Shasta
ChemBuster €320 bining African Muti
•Pyramids (set of 3, €52); energy field, helping you
€10, €18, €30, €110 CB Base €140, Kit, €65 (Medfcine) with other cope with energy overload Clouds of Death
Marine Buster €10 Howitzer (CB/PW hybrid, African items. Includes |

/stress. Shields against electromagnetic Free documentary video.

see page32) €330 Sangoma Herbs/Bark,
Dolphin.. Jumbo €16 Cowrie Shells, Tour- and debilitating frequencies. En-
fields Download from site.
St Buster's Button €35 Orgone Zapper €60 hances mental /emotional clarity, a sense
SilverZapper €70
maline, Sapphire & The Crystal
Orgonite Amulett €16, €22 of well-being & restful sleep. Testimonial: Harmonizer
Powerbox (for PW, SP) Gold. 26% of sales

Orgone Mini Wand €40, €45 support Healing "all of a sudden, my HP went crazy. I felt or St. Buster's Button.
' Bulk Crystals & "Sim ple Zapper" €35 Work & Orgonite a buzzing on my chest .. and as I looked at
"Therapeutic device for use
The Book: Operation 'her , 1 could feel a force field of energy
Distribution in Af- on the body ..can clear the
Paradise; environmental rica by ITHC Malawi surrounding me coming from the HP...and Chakras.. any energy
healing w/ orgone & Dr. Chipangula, it dawned on me, 'She' was not human blockages in the body in.,
..She ..gave me a deadly look have to

by Georg Ritschl providers of the Muti. minutes." (see pg 12)
€19.15 (or €4.13 Muti HHG €35 say I sent her packing without her looking $1
back at me. The HP stopped buzzing
if downloaded) M uti T B€10 .

when 'it left"


£•» Help Orgonise Africa:

Jfeg Buy MUTI Orgonite. Sponsor CBs or The Orgone Pyramid
' :0 50 TBs to East Africa. Deserts With a Lemurian Seed
""'turn rainy (pg 45, 46) Crystal in the point, To Order
gems & 4 crystals at Croft Products:
Australia •earthclinic. c om.au/orgonite base. $126. (sh. $10) Full directions at website]

'orgoneaustralia.com.au Prices in Aus $1=US $0. 70j • For orders by postal

Send your request and • For foreign
• Pyramid /Cone $55 • Super HHGs $185 to $325 • TBs, set of 10 service, please confirm
payment (U.S. Postal orders not by
$44 (w/ pyrite, hematite) • Terminator Zapper $165 • SP w/ power Service money order credit card,
current mailing address
connector $235 • SP car kit connector $22 • CB $530 • Ph., ONLY), payable to: please contact
by contacting us
02 9398 8132 • Francois, biotron@ozemail.com.au Carol Croft
• U.S. Post Office
us for specific
915 West View Drive Money Order or credit
crescent, com.br/us instructions
cards ONLY
Al McAllister's site • Pyramid Generators paneled in 7 *
Moscow, Idaho 83843
Colors $120; StoneTextures $200; Egyptian styles $200 _EMAIL terminator3 @turbonet.com
• Mobile Generator $85 -with 5 crystals & water-sealed copper
for cars
The Life Etheric with Carol Croft
tube spiral • Orgone Wand $85 • Email crescent@globo.com Don's understanding of their quiet, internet-based
Aureo Crescent, PO Box 107022, Niteroi, RJ, CEP 24360-230 Brazil phenomenon and its significance. 365 pages;

Available from Trafford.com

| orgonita.cl Email info@orgonita.
accessed from Don's website or:
• HHG $35 Desktop orgonite $25 «SBB$55

trafford.com/4d cgi/view-item?item=1 7343
• Pendant $25, $40 • 7 Chakra Buttons $100 JS
• Orgonite Dog Collar $25
US $23.84, C$2742, EUR19.68, £13.71

Dominican orgonito.com I.JI'J.'JJ.J.J.UJ^U To order by mail: email or call

Republic us,1-484-952-1113 (voicemail to
Website & Orgone Forum in French email service) for shipping
[ materiaetherica.com Cesco's site, an &
English. Free shipping on US & charges & send your request &
orgone info /tutorials base, may include products later, including his heal- Canadian orders over $100. Volume International Money Order (in
ing /.S Device with his Little Secret (LS), a Vortex-Generating Coil with a strong faholesale discowts. Products include US or CAD funds) payable to:
positive Orgone field, which can substitute as a crystal in orgonite; at •Standard HHG: Celine Ricard
orgonecry8tals.com. Cesco archives: whale.to/b/cesco_h.html $30.99 usd, $30. end, €21.17 407, de la 30Se avenue
• Ultra HHG (gold flakes, gems) St-Hippolyte. Qc
orgon eitalia. com $77.47usd, $75. end, €52.92 J8A2W4 Canada
iyashirojp.exblog.jp/com • Bronze Pyramid HHG Email: steeve@quebecorgone.com
$103.30 us, $100 en, €70.56
Tetsuzi-san's showcase-website of beautiful orgonite.
•Implant Killer : • St Buster's Button :

"lyashiro" means "Healed place"

$47.usd, 45.50 end, €32.11 $41.32usd,$40cnd, €28.22
kiWmjJM'iEl IBs CBs HHGs. Earthoipes • Etheric Torch • Succor Punch with Zapper
$77.47 usd $75. end, €52.92 $144.62 usd, $140, end, €98.79
•goalternatif.moonfruit. com • Orgonite Pendant :
• Desktop S.Punch
orgonizer@goalternatif.com $30.99 usd, $30 end, €21.17 $134.29 usd, $130 end, €91 .73
In FRENCH • Harmonic Protector: • Mini PowerWand :

$55.47 usd, $40 end, €37.89 $149.78 usd, $145 end, €102.31
•orgone. ch •Terminator Zapper • PowerWand Pro:
'orgone-art.com $154.95usd, $150 cad, €105.84 $268.58 usd,
$260. end,
*orgonitemoksha.co.uk €183.46
'LifeforceGeneraiors. com
Phone: 01726 76588
• Whale, to forgone html
Orgonite, Tutorials, Archives

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 44 OF 52

Get you some hot buttered popcorn, go to educate-yourself.org and click on "Orgone Adventures." Read The Adventures of
Don & Carol Croft. You'll spill your popcorn. Read other orgonics these brave, history-making pioneers inspired, including Jeff
Baggaley's Mission to Tibet and George Ritschl's Orgonise Africa Expeditions And don't forget the Orgone FORUMS (page
9). Get your mind blown, entertained and INSPIRED -for these stories are true. Exemplifying da Supreme Power of Orgone,

form of True-Kreator's Light manifesting at this time to help Humanity in the time of our greatest need.

Excerpts: educate-yourself.org/dc/adcepisodintronotes.shtml EXCERPTS : educate-yourself.org/dc/orgoneadventuresindex.shtml

The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft - Introductory Notes Orgone Adventures
"stories and articles from [[folks ]]..who are helping to stem the tide of electronic mind
By Ken Adachi ...Sept. 4, 2002 ...The stories you arc about to read are true and
control ...and atmospheric manipulation and to resist the forces of Big Brother tyranny
have occurred exactly as written. There is not one word of fiction here, although .. Ordinary citizens are the ONLY forces so far , that are engaged in any real,
many of you will find that extremely hard to believe, as the level of excitment in determinded effort to resist to the NW0 enslavement manipulators. Won't you do
these episodes approaches that found in Star Wars or Men in Black, but the author, your part and help to rescue this world from a satanic globalist nightmare?"
Don Croft, has always insisted that people should believe what their hearts dictate • Busting South Mountain by Fred Gunn (Oct. 5. 2007)
and they have no obligation to accept other people's realities as their own. I've • Orgone Adventures in India, England, and the NY Fed Reserve..
Adventures in the spirit of fun that seem to dominate their
titled this journal • Lilly Ochescu & The Women Warriors on Wilma, Avian -Bird flu, FEMA..
personalities. don't think you can find two braver souls on the face of the planet
Mission to Tibet. Parts 1-8 (Dec. 15, 2002) [[ incredible, inspiring!]

than the Crofts. They are taking on the most powerful and evil organization of thugs EXCERPTS : educate-yourself.org/dc/adcepisodeindex.shtml
and traitors that have ever existed in the history of humanity- and they are pinning
their ears to the wall- despite assassination attempts, psychic attacks, psychotronic
The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft
• Episode 88: Adventures In Hawaii, 2005-2006 (July 17, 2006)
attacks, computer hacking, theft of their mail..moncy..customer orders, 24 hour • Episode 87: Carol and Don's Highway Pastimes (Nov. 2, 2005)
surveillance, and gumshoe monitoring. ..Don has got to be the gutsiest guy I've ever • Epidosde 84: Soothing Mother Earth and then CUTting to the Chase...
known. Even the aliens have told Carol: "He's Crazy!" ...Don is without fear, but • Episode 83: Juicing at the Devil's Punchbowl ..Count 'I Ain't' Saint Germaine

never acts without prudence or intelligence. He's a gentle warrior using • Episode 82: 1 Wanna Defect! (July 19, 2004) ...

• Episode 81: McGinry's Report: Busting Underground Bases in ..Seattle...

'weapons' of orgonite, copper coils, and crystals to neutralize and sterilize the
most heinous assault with secret technology that has ever been perpetrated on EXCERPTS http://educate-yourself.org/zsl/index.shtml

humanity - chemtrails and ELK mind control towers Without the incredible psychic Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone '..his mail were really essays.,
abilities of his wife [[Carol]], it's hard to say if Don would still be here to continue his
with new and fascinating information ...these wonderful articles open a new ..

vrork ..While these stories are exciting and entertaining to read, the seriousness of vista into our understanding of the forces at play here on..Mother Earth."
what's being discussed should not be overlooked. Don Croft is both trying to inform The Orgonite Dodecahedron • Sylphs Of The Gas Giants
and warn that we have to participate in this fight or we are going to be the losers. • Sylphs Transmute Chemtrails • DNA Activation [[ Parts 1 & 2 ]

..The most pressing thing to attend to -right now- is to neutralize those ELF mind • The One Kilometer Tall "Cloud-Buster" • Two Crows Remain

control towers (erroneously assumed to be cell phone lowers) by depositing a Holy • All Mind Control Is Based On Hypnotism • When The HAARP-Gales Blow

Handgrenade (HHg) or ..[[Muffin]] Tower Buster within 1/4 mile of those towers. ..
EXCERPTS. For index, go to www.orgonise-africa.rr*. click REPORTS, then click
Don has gleaned from psychic sources., and info from friendly aliens that the mind
control element and the targeted pain-inflicting capabilities of those towers
(Georg Ritschl's) Orgonise Africa Expeditions
are turning African DESERTS back into the WET Tropics they used to be! ]]
WILL NOT FUNCTION without the presence of negative DOR [[destructive •[| 1st
Orgonise Africa Tour September 2002 (Zimbabwe)
orgone]] energy. Any size of HHg.. down to a little ..Tower Buster will transmute
• From Paradise to Masonic Street and back busting the Eastern Cape -

the DOR envirnoment into OR_orgone energy and prevent the mind control • Mama Mbeki's Zapper (and Cloud-buster)
function. That is the reason 1 am posting these articles and encouraging you to • Mozambique - another African country deHAARPed
get involved and join the H g brigade to save onr country from these • Operation Desert Rain Namibia • Disabling the Kruger Barrier II -The Reward
satanic lunatics trying to destroy America! • Operation Paradise continued • Clipped Wings - The Prisoners of Orgone

EXCERPTS: educate-yourself.org/dc/dcfirstorgonizeafricatourl9sep02.shtml Orgonite Gifting is Converting Africa's Deserts Back

Magical Africa into Rainy TropiCS -Thanks to Georg Ritschl /Orgonise-Africznet

By Don Croft ...September 19, 2001 ..This is one of the

many first hand accounts got from my friend, Gert
1 "Since
THAT RAIN! started busting the secret underground $
Botha, when I visited him in Swakopmund, Namibia last bases South Africa from where the illegal elec-

year. I'm offering it as an anecdotal example of what in- tronic weather warfare was conducted that had lead
trigues Carol and I so much about rural African culture. to wide spread drought in Southern Africa, unprec-
Georg Ritschl will be taking cloudbusters to villages and edented rains have swept the subcontinent." ..The
will be reporting on the progress of their healing work.. planting season which is normally from October to •

Gert told me this story ..to illustrate the innate psychic

abilities The doc had asked
of rural-dwelling Africans...
Gert to go to that place an offhand manner, almost an
i#Stt' ffi(s,'5iasl**
afterthought, but though it took them a day to get there, it most enduring, devastating "faiSis.satifi*
took the many Africans who had showed up then to re- and aggressive genocide
ceive treatment many days to get there on foot from vari- campaigns in modern his-
ous villages. ...They simply knew he was going to show tory. This isn't a charity
. .

up, so they left in plenty of time to get there to meet him. appeal. We're going to get

Africans, generally, don't hurry for anyone... The doc some solid, liberating en-
didn't seem at all surprised to see that large group of vil- ergy from freeing these Af-
lageis, serene under the big tree by the road junction. rican nations from the
...consider the implications of a village in a country HAARI'-imnosed drought/
in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe or famine protocols they're
Zambia getting a clondbuster from you, courtesy of under right now, and subse-
Johannesburg's premier cloudbuster maker, Georg quent reports from the villag-
through Georg, to
South Africa. Since the beginning
recorded a rainfall average
-Independant Foreign Service
average. </>

Ritschl. ..A noted Persian philosopher once said 'The ers, us, will

black race are the pupil of the eye of humanity.' He greatly increase the already well-established and repu- wildly dramatic results ..probably because there aren't
had also referred to humanity as a garden full of flowers table store of information we've gathered already about HAARP arrays every 400 square miles or so as there arc
of various hues, fragrances and shapes, and how monoto- healing the atmosphere, our own spirits, and beyond... throughout the North America and Europe... The ambient
nous a garden made up of one specie of flowers must be. For those who consider efforts like this to be more appro- orgone field in Africa is arguably twice as vibrant and strong
...As I mentioned many times, all we need to do to see priately expended in our own countries, first consider as in North America and Europe, too, so a little boost in that
what's important in this world rignt now is to look at that the planet is already like a single country, and all of atmosphere gets multiplied by the atmosphere itself.lt cer-
the things the regime is trying hardest to destroy. humanity are related by blood...In case you don't know, tainly makes it easier for Carol and I to undeistand how
Nobody would deny that Africa has not sustained the a clondbuster in this part of the world often gets much more magical African society is than our own.

da MUFFIN papers PAGE

: 45 OF 52
•^Kiss&^sa^si^ EXCERPTS from: educale-youreclf.org/dc/adc61opposilcofaijainabuniing03apr03.shiiiil
Help Orgonise-Africa.NET Adventures of Don & Carol Croft. Episode 61 _ , . «_••_
,, •

.. They invested endless resources into brain-

• Sponsor a ChemBuster What's The Opposite of washing and mind control programs designed
• Support Orgonise-Africa.net to convince ns all that we were helpless,
• Buy Muti Orgonite (page 44) 'Atlanta's Burning?' hopeless and powerless to change the
"We have made our mission to distribute
it By Don Croft ... April 3, 2003 ... What- coarse of human history, not unlike the way
Orgonite all over Africa in order to restore everthat is, I think we achieved it in March that common parasites excrete ammonia into
this continent to ifs original beauty. ...Pres- because the city itself is entirely smog free, the brain to alter our perceptions and make us
ently we are preparing the 10 countries-7 depressed and ...Most of us felt sort
wonders orgone safari, covering South Af- m the skies over Atlanta are pristine and the
places in the city that felt like hell when we of reborn the

first time we saw that charac-

rica, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Tan- teristic bine hole [[pg 20]] in the chemtrail/
arrived now feel pleasant and envigorating.
zania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi HAARP muck over our heads the day we
... Veiy simply, to get rid ofall the smog and
and Zambia. The effects of this massive distribution of orgonite on the sky molestations, all that's needed is to dis- first cloudbusters. We felt even
erected our
environment are astounding ..Droughts are being stopped and the We fi[r]st did all the
able the towers. more committed and encouraged after our
whole ambience takes on a fresh and revitalised feel. ..We finance our HAARP transmitter arrays throughout the first gentle rains and many of us hadn't seen
wide spread orgone gifting activities with the proceeds from our city,then I spent a week systematically dis- rain in several years doe to the global pre-
web site ..our main source of income for living. ..Apart from supporting abling all the smaller military transmitters, dations of the countless HAARP arrays.
us by buying our products, you have the opportunity to directly spon- .Anyone who travels a bit will notice these
of which there are around five hundred in
sor a cloud buster for Africa." [[ Orgonise-Africa.net, see page 44 ]]
Atlanta... Anyone can do this. We used characteristic multiple tower arrays every

[RAIN, continued ] April/May was again predicted (read planned) to be a :

abont thirty gaDons of orgonite for that thirty or forty miles along the major highways
city of two million people to make the throughout North America, closer together in
drought season albeit not in the same hysterical fashion as the 3 years
before. The ...previous planned droughts were all broken by our towerbnsters and holy handgrenades. I populated areas. Knock these out for thirty
massive orgonite gifting efforts. The rains. ..only got unlocked after didn't count, but it seems we made about or forty miles aronnd where yon are and
our attention turned towards those underground bases in earnest ... a thousand 4-ounce towerbusters and a yon 'l| get *• same results we got from our
hundred 12-ounce holy handgrenades. initial busting effort in Atlanta last month,
Since then average rainfalls ..have been exceeded massively ...The
rains were well distributed over the whole region and especially Namibia ..We 'did' an entire large city as an example I guarantee... One graphic example of the
experienced rainfall like they never observed in the whole 20th and 21st but of course Atlantais a key regional cen- synergy of deathforce transmitters and the
century." ~Georg Ritschl (orgonise-africa.net/category.aspx?categoryir>121 ter in theagenda of tyranny and genocide, orgone-generating three-ounce towerbusters..
much as Los Angeles is. ..Now and then I is the effect I saw on the people in a large
EXCERPTS. orgonise-africa.net/category.aspx?categorylD=t33 housing project south of downtown Atlanta,
hear about someone who has been working
Clipped Wings The Prisoners Orgone quietly and effectively behind the scenes to There were several large transmitters around
- of
stop this loathsome martial law process. For this complex and when I visited there to dis-
...Be that as it shambles and ready for the big corpo-
may, the country is in
instance, I'm told there is a fellow who ere- able them the people I saw outside looked an-
rate take over after the elimination of any middle class, be it Mack or white.
. In that sense Zimbabwe is an advanced model of whafs basically
planned worldwide by the ruling elite. ..The majority of "useless eaters"
ated a device, which,
makes nuclear
when turned on, M
and suspicious. A week later went there
and saw that there were more people outside
reactions impossible within

..is to be eliminated by biowarfare like "AIDS", vaccination programmes, it's field and that he's taken them to each and that most of them seemed happier and
starvation, attrition wars weather manipulation and other forms of genocide. more outgoing. Actually, I'd forgotten that
city where there is rumored to be a nuclear

...I had received very interesting information from an anonymous source, who I'd been there to bust the towers and only af-
attack planned by the American secret po-
claimed to have been a former operative in the secret "one world army" that
lice agencies on the populace, for which ter I saw how happy the people looked I rec-
messes up Africa with all these senseless wars. ... In fact, there is no war
any number of foreign groups could be ognized the place as one I'd already visited
in Africa that is not run by outside secret services who mostly create ,.
various 3-letter "liberation movements" that murder and create mayhem. All blamed to frighten everyone into accepting with some towerbusters. ... Our approach
these Insurgent movements are equipped and suported by the "One World martial law and the enforcement of all the from the beginning has been rather simple
Army" of the "New World Odor". .This monster has many names, call it UN.
treasonous new fake laws, like Homeland and perhaps even mundane. How could it be
French Foreign Legion, South African Mercenaries, CIA, MI6. .. Ifs activities are Security. ...We prefer to do our work pub- otherwise if this is to gain acceptance in
supported by a network of underground bases with weather warfare and
licly and internationally, involving as many popular culture as it certainly should?...
mind control capacities, secret and forbidden territories for training and as- We' ve simplified the parameters and looked
co-workers as feasible so that everyone
sembling armies etc. Most rebel insurgencies originate from the vast "game
can see how easily this can be accom- for the least expensive, least skill-intensive
reserves" in Africa that are mostly already under the control of cover organi-
sations like the VWVF (run by Prince Charles of British royalty) plished by ordinary folks like ourselves, methods for making the basic devices...
Nowhere ..

but in Africa is the NEW WORLD ODOR

EXCERPTS: educate-yourself.org, around because, means
so obvious and so murderous.. ..Coming to us, it
Adventures of Don & Carol Croft -Episode 56
back to the Area of the famous ruins of Great we're getting plenty of reinforce-
Zimbabwe which had already been gifted
twice, was a revelation.. It felt like paradise!
G-Men From Hell o
ments in our spiritual war.
That realization of danger two
..We were finally charged with a minor misde- By Don Croft ...March 15, 2003 ...Now, two
gg-g years ago prompted me to start writ-
meanor ..And to prison we went! .This is years after making our first chembuster, I find
generally (he lesson of this aborted trip: We
> la.-; ni\ itports and distnhutina them

myself in a situation similar to the one we expe- ISH to several active internet boards and
cannot do it alone1 We agreed to leave most
rienced after aiming that first one, with exten-

of our Orgonite in the capable hands of Dr. i? lists for our own protection.. Every
sions, at the moon on several consecutive nights step of our collaboration has pro-
ChipangUa and his organisation, for distribu- |:2
tion all over Malawi, which had ..been hit by
Wc seem to be in danger of losing our lives while duced benefits that we' ve been able
one of the the NWO fabricated HAARP- at the same time doing something that severely
to share with everyone. For instance, we were getting a
droughts in order to create hunger and "donor challenges most people's credulity. ...Up to the time of that exer-
burger in Van Nuys last May when we discovered that sim-
dependancy". as usual Africa cannot be cise neither of us had experienced any interference from the fake
ply turning on a Succor Punch in the car not only
liberated from outside, however wellmeaning federal government's secret police agencies and it was rather a
such intervention may be. ..The networks of caused the massive NSA box surveillance team to lose
shock to realize then just how vehemently opposed they all us, but even blocked all the electronic and satellite
genuine traditional healers, .will also play an
are to any disturbance of their predatory agenda ...I'd known
increasing rote in this True African Renais- tracking and surveillance devices in his car. We then
for years before this that (he US Government is fake and
sance" You can help strengthen., this
. went on to put HHgs under the veiy noses of the heavily
predatory by nature and had arranged my life and fortunes
emerging African netwark by making a dona- armed guards at a major under-ground facility in LA..
tion under one of the following sponsorship around those conditions. ..We in America are a hair's breadth away from overt en-
options [See Vendors, Orgonise-Africa.net] Apparently, our successful efforts in Atlanta has
slavement and genocide right now and I feel perfectly justi-
opened up a whole new range of opposition, including the fied in going after the whole predatory hierarchy with vigor
nether realms of the FBI and even Delta Force. The latter
and focused rage. J'm a hundred percent determined to

are senous, trained warriors, unlike those fat stupid, armored

stop genocide from happening and I'll do whatever it
FBI thugs ..We really hammered the fake US Government's takes, within the real law, to accomplish that I'm simply
gouty toe this time, judged by its potentially murderous re-
inviting you, too, to experience the thrill of victory rather
sponse. ...the readers' digest version is that we cleared all the than having to endure the agony of defeat ;-) I suspect that
muck out of the skies over the city itself simply by disabling
one of the aspects of this now fully emerging new paradigm
all the HAARP transmitters in the city.... Another confirma- is that ordinary people have this power over predators for
clouds were seen over and around the
tion is that lenticular
the first time in human history. We got some visual con-

city, perhaps for the first time. Carol and I blasted all the dark firmation that the Powerwand does indeed disable NSA
ones in short order, of which there were only a few. I hope predators ... If you have a PowerWand [[ page 30 or Shiva ]
you're all doing that with your Succor Punches, at least Punch [[pg 27, 28 and you
([ pg 321, or even just a Succor ]
each time you see them. ..We love to have, the light lenticulars

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 46 OF 52

gel the sneaking feeling someone's watching you, you're prob-
EXCERPTS: Orgone Adventures; educate-yourself.org/dc/oa5missiontotibetl9dec02.shtml

ably right soyou ought to impale the uninvited watcher's as-

tral body right away if you don' t want to get hurt later on by
Mission to Tibet, Part 5: The Driver Revolts
electronic assaults, etc. These are the ones who do the setups.
They rarely die when we juice them, but they always get ter-
That afternoon at the lunch break, a
There arc a fight broke out between Sam and the
rorized by that and generally won't try it again...

limited number of mature, competent psychics working bus driver. Around and around they
circled each other, trading verbal
for the NSA and CIA. The chump satanic sorcerers of the
blows. didn't have a clue as to what
CIA's asset-the biack-robed Golden Dawn orOTO-fall like I

bowling pins whenever you focus a little attention on them was going on- it was all Chinese to me
They present the scariest aspect, but are the easiest to disable. (I had to get that in at least once!).
Carol says their heads pop off whenever she uses the Shiva Asking Sam what happened later in the
on them, but they [[arc]) as numerous as stalks in a wheatfield truck when we had again hit the road, he

for some reasoa which is why it's important to go after said that the driver was now refusing to
bosses and the bosses' bosses ... They usu- drive us to Darchen, the town at the base
tlieir READY!! ! .. "Sam there must be a vehicle in this
ally attack during our sleep time and they only go after
of Kailash. In fact, Sam continued, he is now say- town that will get us there- any vehicle- any price.
ing that he isn't even going anywhere close to
psychics. ..I get a little bemused when I hear from psychics We need to get there today. Tomorrow at the latest
who are still Darchen. I told him not to worry, that we would
unwilling to consider taking the initiative against Otherwise it won't happea"
demonstrated enemy, which mainly the unlawful work it out at the next stop.
their is "Any price?"
National Security Agency [NSA]. They mostly me The next stop- about 70 kms from Kailash- we,
tell that "Any price."
have so far along with allour gear, were unceremoniously
they continue to use the same tired techniques that Within 20 minutes we were on the road, a Post
failed to prevent them from getting cancer, suicidal thoughts, dumped in the town. I tried to remonstrate with the
truck having materialized out of nowhere-pretty
driver. He wouldn't even look me in the eye- or
and a plethora of other disabling conditions since the NSA darned tooting fast. Some things are universal:
initiated its campaign against them a few short years ago. even anywhere close to my direction- a VERY S$$ screams in any language.
...Technically. I think one could consider this kind of inces- UNTibetan thing to do. A very attractive feature of
Kailash ...Two hours later Kailash was in
the Tibetan people
santly repeated-but unviable-approach to serious problems a is their clear direct look-
view and my God WHAT a view. As I mentioned in
straight at and into your eyes. As you learn to re-
definition of insanity, which is not surprising since it's appar- my preliminary post from Lhasa, Kailash is dis-
ently a product of mind control and the Big Lie that has con-
turn their look, you find yourself looking deep into
tinctly pyramidal in shape, with four distinct faces
their souls, as they are looking deep into yours in
vinced people that they're not only powerless to stop tyrants, facing the four cardinal directions .A deep gash runs
but that they're are also, somehow- God Almighty ;-) We turn. It is very disconcerting at first, so unaccus-
down the middle of its south face, forming a swas-
westerners are particularly prone to schizoid views of reality, tomed are we to such deep looking, but once you tika-like graving with a horizontal line bisecting it.

I think... The pattern, as we see it, is that the effect of the en-
get the hang of it you wonder at the superficiali-
That is the reason why
mountain has since time
ergy from both the PowerWand and the Shiva tailors it- ties of our nasty glancings. Meeting souls before
out of mind has been known as Swastika Mountain.
self to the threat level that the recipient presents. We
exchanging words. Deep connections. Getting Again I mentioned in that preliminary post, my
can't dictate the results, but V m learning that we can get a back to what it's all about.
theory about the connection between the Bon priests
pretty good feel for what's going to happen. ...Putting two
And now the driver was uttering a stream of found suicided in Berlin at the end of the Second
and two together ...we thought it would be prudent if Carol what sounded to my untrained ear Tike a series of
World War and Hitler- the inverted swastika- and
searched the ethers for any other plans to harm us. ..She curses I kept asking Sam what on earth the guy
how this led me tu assume a connection with
found five Delta Force guys gearing up for another at- was saying. Sam kept saying It's not important
Kailash - Swastika Mountain- and the White Broth-

I'll tell you later. Etc. Finally, simply standing

tempt to murder us in our sleep in our Tampa motel erhood- inverting that swastika- whose legendary
room... We
both juiced them, theu she discovered five still, as the entire village looked on, I let the driver
residence in occult lore has been primarily at, or in,
more backup guys and we juiced them, too. Only two out do his thing (what else can you do?), throw out or around, some remote mountain in the mountain-
of the ten survived that - guess these two had never mur- Sam's dusted sleeping bag onto the dusty ground-
1 scape that is Tibet. ...I had dowsed to see if I got
dered innocent people before. Then we went after their hop into his truck, ana boom away.
agreement with these intuitions: 'Yes'. ..The real
commander, his commander, and on up lie line. Carol 1
I looked at my Lonely Planet guidebook, trying
confirmations came, however, with the attacks and
said, 'What did you do to those guys?' and 1 said, 'This to figure out the next step, ringed around by the
assaults I sustained on the way to Kailash, what I
time, I spun the energy from the ground up,' and she said, village kids. I gave one of the moms a pack of saw at Kailash, and then most especially, the serious
liconce to hand around to the kids. That did it-
'Well, I'd never seen that -their guts came right out of magic that took place around me as I made my way
was Santa Claus -and before you knew it we were
their mouths!' .. thenl juiced the NSA peckers in the two back to Lhasa ( Part 7) They REALLY didn't .

all on a first name basis. Well at least they knew my

cars that were still waiting for us to
Denny's, a show up at want me to post the fact that I had made it to
block down the street The psychic in one car had a ner- name. They found it pretty hilarious watching and lis-
Kailash and back! Thus demonstrating for ALL
tening to Jeff trying to pronounce their names.
vous breakdown and her driver had the strong feeling the world to see, how so very easy it is for ANY
I asked Sam what the driver had been saying.
that he didn't want anything to do with us. The driver in relatively determined person to go ANYWHERE
the other car had the same impulse, but he bounced back and He said, 'The driver was saying: You are going to on the p n ei in his or her attempts at healing the

started looking for us again, so I juiced him a second time and die! You are going to die at Kailash. Do you want planet, as so many of the members on our forum
to die? am doing you a favor saving your life by 1
he learned his lesson. ...The nice thing about writing this is have themselves demonstrated.
that the fake federal government would vehemently deny that
leaving you here. You will die. At Kailash you
The White Brotherhood, so-called, is a paper ti-
will die. .." (And of course, finally having the op-
their surveilling innocent people like Carol and I, much less ger. All you need to do is light a match. Perhaps the
portunity to study my map a little more closely,
planning our demise, so none of them will pursue us for this better image is the one Don s uses, that what we are
in their heinously unlawful court systems or any of the less- the driver's ONLY available route further south- dealing with are parasites, social parasites. Parasites
unlawful police agencies. do want mention east took him within a couple of kilometers of
... I to that after need a weak host in order to flourish. If the host is
we put the three HHgs around the airbase at Marietta, which Darchen.He had been lying beginning to end-
strong the parasites themselves will weaken and die or
mainly a heinous Lockheed facility in the Atlanta suburb, again very un Tibetan.)
is go somewhere else seeking weaker prey.
Carol said that theWingmakers were holding down the Inverted swastika on the driver 's truck. White
en- The Tibetan people themselves are exemplary in
ergy of the devices until we left the vicinity in order to Brotherhood. They knew I was coming.
thisway, having been colonized relatively recently
protect us. A fedboy in a big, white pickup drove right by the The name of the little town at which we had
[1950], but they are a very strong people. One can
Zapporium and didn't see us right after we put the second been dumped is Moincer. It was winter, with very
only hope that they will, sooner than later, regain
HHg down, even though he was looking hard for us and he road traffic. We were stuck, and not within
their independence. ..I tend to shy away from all
seemed a little manic. ...Carol said the main effect of bust- walking distance of Kailash (I was getting a little
Good vs Evil talk because it basically sets up a bi-
ing underground facilities this way is that the majority of frustrated and was threatening to start walking to
polar world that only affirms itself and is what the
people in them start to wake up and openly question why Kailash). Sam, by degrees over the course of the
White Brotherhood themselves have put in place to
evening, befriended the soldiers at the town's
they're there. There aren't enough thugs on the planet to do maintain their Order. Such talk is not reality talk- at
all the work, so the world order relies totally on mind con-
checkpoint They said they would help us get to
least that is my belief (E.g. Is the crocodile Evil? Or
trolled people to carry out most of its agenda -all of it, in fact.
Kailash, stopping the next vehicle that came
is and the rabbit Good?)]
the coyote Evil
except for the openly predatory activities. They have plenty through the checkpoint en route toward Darchen.
(Back to Kailash) ...The plan Sam and I worked
of blood-stained thugs for that and for occupying the top posi-
So we sat by the checkpoint, starting at dawn
out that evening was to walk the 52 clicks around
waited throughout the long day for a vehicle
tions in all of the key corporations and all of the national gov- and Kailash in two days ..then on the third day walk up
ernments in the world's 'developed' nations. That's some de- to go through that blasted checkpoint- a vehicle to Selung Monastery in the heart of the Mountain.
was we went to Lockheed that that is apart from official Chinese ones that
velopment, eh? ...It right before And that is exactly what we did. ...The next morn-
we saw all the light lenticular clouds, which of course are wouldn t even slow for the checkpoint- bombing
cre- ing., we headed out- going clockwise around the
ated by the good guys to hide their through the point as the soldiers ran to raise the
craft. ...
mountain. After- oh, about ONE click- 1 was ready
© Copyright 2X8 Educate-Youredf.oig gate. ..Finally around 5PM-
ENOUGH AL- to DIE! ...Only 51 more to go....

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 47 OF 52

EXCERPTS: http://educate-yoursetf.orgyzsl/operatotshelpingearth11mar05.shrml
"Amazing Breathing
Technique causes Reptilians The "Operators" Are Helping The Earth
to Lose Human Form!"
fly Liliy Ochescu "We were using a breathing tech- By Zuermnovahh-StarT Livingstone taneously in the Van Allen Belts.
..A few people have written me that they have not seen as The Operators stopped that plan,
nique thatDork Boy [cbswork] had shown Carol
and Carol taught me to make them feel unbal- many sylphs recently. .. I have seen more of the "Opera- The same thing coula be done by
anced, uncomfortable and they were trying really
tors working in places where sylphs once were. The
' blasting thousands of H-Bombs un-
interdimensional spacecraft are immune to the electro- derground That has not worked. The destruction of the con-
hard to maintain their human form. Next stop:
magnetic and scalar weaponry. Sylphs are taking a rest tinents could be imposed by the detonations of thousands of
Vons Grocery store. Ohhh MY!!!! LET THE
leave to regenerate new skins. ... Since mid February H-Bombs in the deep trenches of the oceans. That plan is not
GAME BEGINS!!! ...At the service desk, there is there have been 4000 earthquakes on the Juan da Fuca
this really strange man standing there. I elbowed
working either. The Operators have been intervening con-
(Vancouver Island) tectonic plate. ...The "Operators" are slant v for decades. Every plan which has been discussed
Carol and she was nodding

at me. meaning "Yes he

operating on the bowels of the Earth magnetically. The by the Black Nobility has been circumvented by higher
is we started the magic-
a reptilian". Well, well,
complexities of this "intercession" are amazing. ...There powers Even the secret plans which were not agreed upon by
breathing technique and OHHHH MY!! Carol was .

are over sixty active volcanoes emitting steam and ash the top members were stopped ...The rank and file of trie
pointing down towards the back of his trousers
world wide. There are 5.0 Richter earthquakes on a daily NWO
believe that the plan of a one world government fore-
basis. The Earth is wobbling but ibly imposed on humanity, or
laughing really hard! .. And he was trying really
not dangerously. Inwardly I seen Solar Angels to Coming
what is left of humanity, is the Earth
about fifty vortices on all the con-
hard to get the cashier to hurry up to get us out of "Mary Kay Croft [[Don Croft's sister]] has seen only solution. That plan will
tinents acting like cosmic shock never work. The Operators
the store. .. Later that day, we went., to buy BBs something new coming. I have known for a
absorbers. The days of the Illu-
while that Solar Angels are coming to earth. know that the planners are
for earth pipes. we had to wait for the cashier to
minati are numbered They cunning and that all their
open the case. 1 asked Carol: "He is a reptilian, They are higher dimensional beings and not
lost ..During Melchizedek train- ?lans are against life itself,
isn't he?" and she confirmed. ..We started the intradimenstonal as the Sylphs and all the deva.
ing I was told by the teacher that he top planners are arrogant
technique.. The guy got red faced and his fore- Solar Angels are ten to twenty miles in diameter
the diabolical conspiracy's nihilists. Their promises of a
head started to stick out., his eyes started moving and can clear chemtrails. These angels live in
plans would result in a planet Satanic paradise on Earth does
really fast, rolling around really quick. The guy the corona of the sun andhigh temperatureis
where the highest lifeform their normal environment. They will shrug off
not work, has never worked
was dropping things..." (metatech.org & would be an ant colony. Even
the c-m and scalar weapons causing the Sylphs and will never work. On all
the cockroaches would nave been planets which have reversed
so many problems. They have some talents in
"...Success Stories from Readers Since I've read wiped out The entities at the top
defusing nuclear wars. They can remove the primary life vortex nothing
that they often wear thick sunglasses in stores, of the conspiracy were totally in- remains. The parasite destroys
Aetbcric Coronal Elements from the magma
once when I went to shop for groceries, I ran- sane. If "they" could not possess
pockets beneath volcanoes effectively stopping the host .The parasite has
domly chose a person with sunglasses to experi- the world then they would de- cannot destroy the
lost, it
eruptions. They can determine the best level of
ment on with the breathing technique. ... I was in stroy it ..It is possible to frag-
solar radiation for the earth and make it so." Earth. Life itself will elimi-
line in the customer service department. There ment the planet with as few as a nate the blood-suckers.
Zuerrnnovahh-Slarr Livingstone (educate-
were many people. Without thinking about anyone dozen H-Bombs going off simul-
in particular. I started doing the technique again
without taking it too seriously. But I noticed a
Originally titled "The Secret Covenant" the full version of this anonymous document is published at
woman working for the customer service
wnyv.luisprada.cwm/Protected/reptilian_pacthtni &
other sites. The fact that these mother fockers must always go
department who looked at me in the line, then
to extreme lengths -busting their donkeys- to keep Humans suppressed, is actually good news -for it means that
startedcomplaining to her colleagues about having
even in our severely weakened, compromised, zombic-ized, unconscious state, we are still incredibly Power-Full!
too much work and about there being too many
-and that their stuff, horrible as it is, really simply AIN'T working. They are losing, and they are desperate. ~DRE
people. Then when my turn came, she was the one
who was supposed to help me, but she shook her many never connect with their inner
hand in the air, said "I can't take it anymore,"
asked her colleague, to take care of me. and left"
The Reptilian Pact self.

An illusion it will be, so large, so vast From all this, their children will be We will distract them with fornica-
it will escape their perception. born dead, and we will conceal this tion, external pleasures and
information. games so they may never be one
THE BREATHING TECHNIQUE: Those who will see it will be thought
with the oneness of it All.
of as insane. The poisons will be hidden in every-
...Two or more people doing this method at the
thing that surrounds them, in what Their minds will belong to us and they
same time make it a lot more powerful. We will createseparate fronts to pre-
wit do as we say. If they refuse we
they drink, eat, breathe and wear.
..What you do: you just shut your eyes and vent them from seeing the connec-
tion between us.
We must be ingenious in dispensing shall find ways to implement mind-al-
think of someone you love and charge your- the poisons for they can see far. tering technology into their lives. We
self with infinite love... Take at least 3 deep We will behave as we if are not con- We will teach them that the poi- will use fear as our weapon.
nected to keep the illusion alive. sons are good, with fun images
breaths and filling your whole heart area We will establish their governments
Our goal will be accomplished one and musical tones. and establish opposites within. We
with this LOVE and then on the last exhale Those they look up to will help.
drop at a time so as to never bring will own both sides.
imagine the energy going to the man/ We will enlist them to push our poi- We will always hide our objective
suspicion upon ourselves.
woman/reptilian you are aiming at and as This will also prevent them from see- sons.
but carry out our plan.
you send the energy out say the word ing the changes as they occur. They will see our products being They will perform the labor for us
YAHWEH [["YAAAAAAWAYYYYYY"]]. We will always stand above the rela- used in film and will grow accus- and we snail prosper from their toil.
Keep doing over and over and over. ..If the tive field of their experience for we tomed to them and will never
know their true effect. Our families will never mix with
man/woman is reptoid she/he will start to act know the secrets of the absolute.
theirs. Our blood must be pure al-
very nervous, strange and clumsy, dropping We wiii work together always and will When they give birth we will inject
ways, for it is the way. ...

remain bound by Wood and secrecy. poisons into the blood of their chil-
things, etc almost like they are having a
Death will come to he who speaks. dren and convince them its for their We will keep them separated from
This means that they are having a real hard help. the oneness by dogma and religion.
time maintaining their human form. And watch We will keep their lifespan short and We will control all aspects of their lives
for the left eye becoming bigger, and ex- their minds weak while pretending to We will start early on, when their and tell them what to think and how...
do the opposite. minds are young, we will target
tended out slightly from the skull, huge their children with what children When a light shall shine among them,
black circles under the eyes or the eyes roll- We will use our knowledge of science love most, sweet things. we shall extinguish by ridicule, or

and technology in subtle ways so they death, whichever suits us best...

ing like in cartoons and of course, people When their teeth decay we will
will never see what is happening.

wearing dark sunglasses inside the stores. them with metals that will kill their We will continue to prosper from
...Keep this thing in mind when you go out in
We will use soft metals, aging accel- mind and steal their future. their wars and their deaths. We
erators and sedatives in food and shall repeat thisover and over until
public and you will be amazed, but don't forget water, also in the air When has
their ability to learn
our ultimate goal is accomplished.
to have fun- that's a MUST!!! Remember it's been affected, we will create medi- We will continue to make them live
They will be blanketed by poisons ev- cine that will make them sicker and
important not to have any fear and laugh in- in fear and anger though images
erywhere they turn. cause other diseases for which we
stead. They can smell fear and they feed off of The soft metals will cause them to and sounds....
will create yet more medicine. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will
it. There is really nothing to fear. THEY CAN- lose their minds.
We willrender them docile and advance our goal. We will take over
NOT HURT US UNLESS WE ALLOW We will promise to find a cure from weak before us by our power. their land, resources and wealth to
THEM TO.. © Copyright 2002-2004 Educale-Youiseir.org our many fronts, yet we will feed
They will grow depressed, slow and exercise total control over them .We
them more poison "Tie poisons will
obese, and when they come to us for will deceive them into accepting
Cbswork's Reptoid Decloaking Technique be absorbed trough andtheir skin
help, we will give them more poison. laws that will steal the little freedom
saved at
original text (from his earlier site) is mouths, they will destroy their minds they will have....
and reproductive systems We will focus their attention toward
"http://whale.to/b/typical_nsa.html" money and material goods so they We will ..// see the rest at website Jj

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 48 OF 52

such profound personal Memories by Brice Taylor -Ken], Later on ...their minds
Terrorizing the Terrorists By Don Croft power. ...The reason were overlaid with predator programming, giving them
(Excerpts: Croft Adventures: Episode 51) Ouma I.ahia can go through life completely unafraid of the delusion of personal power, but reinforcing their distrust
N ew Toy Carol and have been testing a predators (no shortage of those in Africa though the
of their coworkers and a distinct fear of failure. This is also
new energy device for two weeks ...we needed to ones here, usually connected with the NSA, are far the rootprogramming used in MK
Ultra and all the other

be sure that this device, like all the others we've more savage and bloodthirsty on the whole) is that she programs designed to keep their troops in line. ..which
offered can't be used to harm innocents. ...A lo- knows she can destroy them if she needs to. makes the psychic predators try to ignore universal law, and
cop (Moscow, Idaho, USA) in a ninja suit was ultimately that makes them vulnerable to you and me..
cal Ouma
Lahia I'm wondering if any shamans
sneaking around outside our house last night.. outside Africa and Latin America practice this level of Criminals in Charge ...The world is in a state
We know it was a cop because Jenny heard the personal power. What I experienced in Africa felt fa- of anarchy because criminals run all of the governments
cretin's police scanner go off when be was right below miliar and right, and it's right in line with my instinc- from behind the scenes and terrorize the populace in the
her window ;-) I guess he's not quite ready for the big tive belief that Africa will soon assume its proper process. That means there is no effective government
league yet. ...Since this was clearly a violation, Carol place in human, spiritual civilization. The suppres- in real terms right now. We're responsible for creating
immediately looked' at where that cop's orders came
sion of Africa has been essentially the same as the proper government, not politicians or fake saviors. ..I don't
from and saw the NSA boss agent for our case, telling suppression of a huge part of our own personal po- think we have time to get approval from 'the masses' for
the crooked police chief in our town to send somebody tential, though here it's done with brainwashing... There this work because as long as they' re afraid of these
to search our property for something. ...Carol went to it's done with violence and overt threats ...'Ouma' is Afri- fake governments, remain asleep and even dan-
the police station to make a formal complaint The cop kaans for 'grandmother,' and that's exactly how she felt gerous. We need to do whatever it takes, within the
at the desk could find no record of that visit (of course).. to me, as does vo Joanna in Brazil. ..When Carol went to real law, to neutralize the external source of this fear

New Lessons After Carol sot a clear picture of Kenya a few months earlier, she was struck by the fear- programming. To Carol and I, right now, that means
the boss agent's complicity in the Harassment episode, of the witches/healers she met on the fust day in
I lessness destroying the thoughtforms with turbocharged
imagined my hand around this NSA Special Agent in the village. ...It took both of us this long to make the con- radionics and systematically terrorizing the dem-
Charge's beating heart and squeezed until Carol said nection between their fearlessness and ours right now. onstrated secret police terrorists...

he was terrified. Then I asked her how many psychics It's based on the knowledge that we can stop Dog Training Pavlov discovered that only a
were assigned to help and protect this predator (I was predators in the act of harming innocents. .. small, hidden effort is needed to train someone
told by an insider that this guy is in the habit of raping NSA: Trailers in Trouble? to behave and believe a certain way We
women and little girls ..) and she said, 'Five, and they Our aim is to wage a campaign of terror found out that the 'disciplined' predators
live right in town!' I said, 'Pick out the meanest one,' among all the predators of the NSA and do tell the others about what we've

and she got the image of a man. With my left hand I the associated enforcing agencies of this done. .The clear but implicit message: 'If I
squeezed his gonads until he, too, was terrified, then I fake world regime. This is where all the ever hear of you harming another innocent
told him. since he is telepathic, 'You need to tell your boss terrorism in the world comes from They're the .. you' re going to pay dearly; and nobody can pro-
that if anyone ever shows up on our property again by his ones who blow up public buildings ..passenger jets, you and if s impossible to hide from me. If I
orders, we' U be back and he'll be much, much worse off commit mass murder, conduct all the Satanic serial killings, get killed, there will be somebody else to find you and do
than he is right now.' Then I let them both go. I expect a maintain ..MK Ultra and all the other predatory mind con- the deed, probably immediately .'..In fact, when the victory
new SAIC to show up here soon ;-) ...There you have it. trol programs... They run the FBI, the local police agencies comes, the casual nature of our association will be just an-
Carol and I have been doing this to predators (in the act ..the spiritual chumps' gurus who get wide acclaim.. Tbey other confirmation of the power of the human spirit over the
of harming or threatening people) here and there around set up and maintain all the Stalins. Hitlers and Pol Pots op- power of degradation and exploitation, which requires se-
the planet for two weeks, every night at bedtime...There erating right now as heads of state in sundry Utile countries vere structuring, complex formal hierarchies and infighting
were eight full time NSA psychics looking for ways to break ..In short: disable these behind-the-scenes criminal to maintain itself. ..Infighting is not inherent to human
us. but three of them, who were on assignment from networks and the world regime will be completely organization - it's a programmed activity. The fact

Spokane, will never have anything to do with us again defenseless, therefore no longer viable .. that it characterizes corporate employment simply supports
..We always look for the biggest, baddest predator Universal Law, The Fly in the Ointment my claim that corporations are un-natural organizations,
and use him/her as an object example for the rest Carol and I figured out that every member of 'the re- about to be abandoned in favor of more organic forms of or-

The African Connection The relevant gime,' ...is essentially expendable, even the five old dark ganization.. Humanity is only a few hobbling steps away
shamanic exemplar who occurred to me is Ouma masters at the top end of the Great White Brotherhood's from that wonderful realm right now. Maybe we can finally

Lahia, the Xhosa witch/healer we met in Namibia formerly secret hierarchy. know it because ...sys-
They all get around without crutches after we get there. Is that go-

..Until I met Ouma Lahia in Africa, I wasn't aware of tematic programming began in their earliest moments in ing to happen after 2012? Imagine a world without
another human who was able and willing to exercise this life with ritual infant abuse [see Thanksfor The parasites. 'Rebirthing' has a lot of meanings.

Do Undo "symbol of the enemy" 2 Other Methods Divine Light HUG, Suggested Contents
[[Don wrote ]]"... we focused on neu-
ByDRE (Make copies of enemy symbol, • Negativity processors (activated charcoal, Black
Sanjeevini Neutralisation & Broadcasting Cards, Obsidian/Tourmaline: /after generates electricity & far

tralizing the old motivator of grand-
scale human conflict, .that draco-
& Atlantis Mandala, pages 19 33, r g^-\
or print from website)

infared rays; see kiflow.com/info/tourmaline.html),
Malachite • Intense Heart Chakra Enhancers

nian .ancient parasite, whom
! ":tr*V*7*IIC^N.
(ruby, sugilite, emerald, dioptase, kunzite, morganite,
upper level Masons worship To Continuously
watermelon tourmaline, garlic, cayenne, hawthorne)
as 'Baphomet ... we did Neutralize
enemy symbol • S acred A sh, 1+ teaspoons (pg 12) • Divinity
manage to get his pet
Staple the enemy bridcers (Angelite, Celestite, Danburite, Amethyst)
symbol ...when was it

symbol image to Neutralisation Card. Sand- • Kvanite & Selenite together (Selenite is a shape-
online STevo or Carol di-
rected us to blast wich /staple this between 2 large Atlantis Man- shifter& bridge to highest light: see 'The Crystalline
dalas. Make 6 or 7 sets. Leave like this indefi- Transmission" by K. Raphaell, pages 60, 63)
through the all-see-
nitely. Maybe also sandwiched between orgorite • Main Quartz Crystal as Smokev or E lestial ('All-
ing-eye segment of
seeing Stone'), wrapped counter-clockwise (as in
the design ...Carol's To Continuously Broadcast Divine
quite sure that if you'll Vibes To Cancel Out enemy symbol PW) in S ilver wire or Mobius coil -wrapped
• Metal shavings as pure Copper, Titanium, Pyrite
send that image to as Make a special very powerful dedicated
ca/mbs. Cast in layers • Cha rged water
Divine Light HUG (HHG, at light) • As cures
many people as you com- it

fortably can, with the ca add Divine Vibration of the Universe (see (pg 19) • MERKABA.
Metallic or Crystal
pg 34) • Once finished, mark its surface with
':, ..' veat that it's not necessary to
bio "L" & "Angelic Link" (page 33), drawn on, ($16 crystal merkaba at
V' believe any of this, the expo-
sure of the symbol to more and or paper-image or shaped wire giued on
more human eyes will finish off • Charge the HUG with Sanjeevini Rem- $24 Silver merkaba at
the symbol's ability to unite the various edies (Heart. Parasites, Entices. Cancer, www. kano/d-jewelry. com)
sewer rat agencies that are instruments of global page 33) • On the Broadcasting Card, place • At bottom, 2 back-to-back align-
mayhem and slaughter these days: CIA, MI6, KGB, Mossad, SS, Vril, HUG on SAMPLE. • Place enemy symbol on ed Atlantis MANDALAS then :

GReat White Brotherhood, Jesuits... Finding this symbol ..was a culmina- OUTPUT. • Leave them there ndefinitely, to i above this • HEXAGON in Silver ws
tion of several years of psychic peeking into the machinery of the old continuously bathe enemy/s in Divine Vibes. wire, aligned with Mandate's inward fac-y%Sjj 5*
• Or Place HUG directly on top of symbol • 3 stacked
World Odor When enough eyes see this symbol.. I'm quite sure that
• Or make 2,set up like Chinese yoyo (pg
ing center & taped; then M&
MOssad, Iran's cle rgy and all of the other London-based murder agencies S BB Coils (pg 9) atop hexagon • Bit of
27), with symbol sandwiched between flat tips, Honey (maybe in its naturally HEXed
will be completely unable to start WWIII. How many sets of eyes is
for bucking-magnets-like, double-helix
enough? Maybe just a thousand or so... As Dooney said, please do Comb fragment) • Small Seas hell ver- ,

boost this image often. [[ Dooney wrote] "Here's an updated tical (with tiny crystal glued inside), taped shut • Dino-
version of the symbol ... we found their power word and married saur Bone chip (bead, $6. 50 at stonesnsilver.com)
it to their power symbol ... Go boosters!!!" [[ McGinty added]
HUG's SacredGeometry =door for DivineLight.
'That's a narly symbol. ...just remember to clear your aura after
Further Mileage: make more than one HHG /HUG
symbol ". (ethericwarriors.com/ip/
blasting that
this way to radionicalty "gift" kindred entities.

da MUFFIN pape rs PAGE : 49 OF 52

Send "Double Helix" Blasts with your PW, SP. Form a group for Orgone "Blasting Sessions" via internet chats
Credit & Thanks to Mark Davey, inventor of the Internet-Chat OrgoneBlastingSession Technique (From www.whale.to/Wcr23.html ) 'We went at this
group [["dark masters" of the Great White Brother-
EXCERPTS: www.whale.to/b/croft60.html ... Try this the next time
ergy before.
hood]] from every imaginable direction for about
your browser slows down (hacker) or
Introducing the DOUBLE some predator does something hei-
an hour but the ties were just getting stronger
among them and what we did earlier didn't hold.
HELIX energy weapon! nous in your own purview... I just vi- ..I think most of the psychic etheric warriors who
sualize the target— can be as crude as go after these rats don't realize that killing them'
Don Croft ..Nov 18, 2004 ..Thanks to the '

seeing an outline of a person— then I isn't final. It's likely that they each either have a
Women Warriors of ethericwarriors.com
imagine my own hands sending energy whirling around and closetful of clones or they're simply regenerated
we've got a brand new technique for neutral-
around the target from right and left I use my heart as the ...The dark masters stay dead, thankfully.. don't
izing predators. ...Several sessions ago. when I

we were working at undoing one of fie mass i

energy sender once T ve created this image and my breathing is remember who suggested sending a double helix-
sort of like a bellows that blows' the energy through my heart patterned blast around them all but one of the
murder plots and related staff wc just

It only takes a second or so to get it started. ..I'd found early psychics had identified the protection that was sud-
weren't getting at the two .. in the core of a ritual .. who
were doing on that the more I can involve my whole body in this, the denly being generated for the plotters as a sort of
a ritual to boost the large scale massacre of
more powerful the blasts are. Remember that the same pro- tornado. Dennis and I, backed up by the rest
innocent civilians .. A couple of the women put the two
eedure is used for healing or chastisement We don't even moved the energy in both spiraling direction
...who were the core of that cabal .. in a sort of tornado
need to concern ourselves whether one or the other is appro- and their tornado began to degrade, then the
of energy but they were so well shielded that I don't
priate because it's never up to us to judge anyone, nor do we psychics treated us all to a graphic description of
think it even made them uncomfortable, probably be-
have the capacity or station to make determinations like that., dynamically-disintegrated ritual Satanists."
cause a dark master was sort of there with them. ... Re-
member tbat this is all pretty subjective, even though ..my purpose in writing this is to encourage you to form or join a -blasting in tel cell'
the psychics in the group were seeing the same things. like the one we
created on ethericwarriors.com. Anyone with commitment and genuine aggression
...Carol suggested that we divide up; half of us sending
can do this work and I'm confident that if you're not adequately psychic to get the necessary intel
energy through one blaster in a clockwise direction and someone will show up to do that for your cell. You don't have to be an ascetic or even a nice person
half send through another one in a counterclockwise di- to be effective... A small, united group does a whole lot more damage to the genocide agenda and
rection. That got some pretty immediate resolution and occult global hierarchy than one or two can do and we need to destroy both of these entities right
we went through that entire group of non-humans and now before they make your and my country look just like Iraq. -Don Croft
partial humans.... I did discover, though, that I can

send double tornado at anyone individually and ac-

EXCERPTS from www.whale.to/Wcr23.html, originally published at EthericWarriors.com

cording to what Carol's seeing, it's very effective. I like Wanna know what we do in those group blasting sessions?
that it takes less energy than the ways I was sending en-
...How do you write a tutorial about something that bor- ...Most of the psychics in the bunch are females. My
ders on chaos? Where do you make a distinction between hope is that others will be inspired by our example and
From: ElhericWarriors.com Forum Index •> Tips & strategies
inspiration and derangement? ...What I'm aiming for is set up their own informal public etheric warfare efforts.
Blasting - I by] Denis in Quebec that other little informal groups who use the internet ..[[Sessions areJJ pretty casual, so people usually wan-
Actually quite easy. Do you do martial arts, medita-
it is will foDow our lead ...When someone sends me some der in over the first half hour or so ..and we're spread
? Mountain climbing, bicycling? You see its all
tion, tai chi target request that looks like we might get a lot of bang across four time zones ... we're in the habit of boost-
about develloping a good sense of concentrion. To be for our buck by addressing.. I send out a ' round letter' to ing whomever among the hitters isn't feeling tiptop at
able to focus clearly on an inner image, sustain and use it ew.com [[ethericwarriors.com]] participants to schedule the beginning of the session
... we're comfortable

your imagination to put movement and action into ..Let it. the blast session which , wc with any of us taking the lead during these exercises.
use the chat function for ,
me give you a few examples ... The first and most im- :
The ones who are most inclined to etheric combat show Wc joke a lot ...I., openly acknowledge that we're all
portant thing to do is to put yourself in a state of calm up. It's not an obligation. Usually, there are six to ten, being guided and protected by The Operators, who
and love consciousness expansion J This can be done
out of forty registered site participants. ..and 2/3 of them seem to be able to also constrain and dilute the most
easily by thinking of anybody you LOVE.
are psychic or learning to develop their psychic gift and strenuous efforts of the macroparasir.es to obliterate our
Also, just SMILING open the heart
the rest of us just send energy and make comments world and even discredit us personally through their so-
chakra instantly]!. Anger, is ok if its

mixed with love. ... The way do

when we feel it's appropriate and helpful. ...We usu- ciopathic saboteurs. ...I feel like the guy on the ridgetop
I it is I

ally go after bigger targets, though, and our hunting par- who sees the dawn before the PJ [[pajama]] folks, who
holdmy Succor Punch or my Power
Wand, close my eyes and take 3 slow and I
ties follow the etheric threads of current massacre plots are deep in the valley, do and has gotten pretty excited

deep breaths As am doing the breathingI I

and generally end up finding the same core group of about it I'm jumping around and yelling at them, 'Check
imagine pure orgone energy flowing into me, as ac- I
ritual Satanists ...behind the planned ... military massa- it out! A new day has just started!' and they're yelling
cumulate it. imagine it comming from all the orgone
cres throughout the world. ...The meat and potatoes of
. back, SSSbhhaaaaddddaaap, you idiot! Can't you see

sources have around my house, but also from all the

I mayhem is left to their agents in America, apparently. it's NIGHT TIME?!' -Carol Croft's husband
Cloud Busters and other source around the planet
(etheric level has no boundaries). am beguining to actu- From orgone forums

worse ..It's more you do, the more they come..

a circle, the
ally see muyself being filled up with a bright light as ex- I
"how 'dangerous' is what we do?" Have fun ..they won't shoot you for building a cb... They
pand my energetical body. ..I do the same thing if want 1

"Possible rctaliations'harassments .. reported include just come.. take measurements of your local energy field
to heai my children or blast a occult dark cabbal leader.
computer problems, surveilancc, psychic attack, spray and tweak their inacliiiics.,and spray more ... ogmios
Same energy, exactly the same. From the heart to the plane 'flu. [[Gifting &]] Setting up a CB involves a
heart Dont worry ..it will go were it is needed to go.
. .
certain amount of risk... However, you need to bal- Don't Worry, New Gifters
Someone with a heart chacra like you wife or kid, or ance this risk against the risk of NOT
fighting back "The upside of the CIA surveillors'predators' attrition for
even a chemtrai! plane pilot, will receive the blast and ... The NWO plan is for a worldwide fascist dictatorship... you., is that you're not going to be plagued with seasoned,
feel quite good about it. It may change their ways. Most As far as I can see, lighting back is the only option, ana incessant psi assailants or surveillance the way we all
people feel a heart expansion, an uplifting experience. A CBs/orgone devices are the best way I know to do this. To were. ..because all of their worst is directed at we few in
spewplaner pilot who has a heart chacra, might feel weird Ctect yourself, orgonize your home, your neighbour- no longer have enough personnel to interfere
front: they just
and not feel good about what he is doing. A programmed ed, ybui car, your workplace ... Build or buy a Succor
The day of the
effectively with thousands ..of gifters.
agent with heart will probably have to bring his pants to Punch or Power Wand... with each CB and orgone device fedmobile entourage for gifters is Dead! ...The CIA and
the cleaner ..But someone bad, dark with no heart chacra, we build, we get stronger and safer. ...resinjunner other filthy agencies ...they've never actually been a bona
could expire right there, .trust your guts .visions, what Lawful grassroot movement in terms of
"I've got a cb, busted a few towers ..tower near me got fide threat to this
you see or sense may be real in another dimension.,. upgraded t .vice ..an unnaturally slow, low large jet shad- force, thankfully, in spite of all their street bravado. None of
ows me. Thai's it. i can deal with that. To me it's actually us have been seriously harmed b y these federal jerkwads
Gift Your Vehicle, Increase Your [Gas] Mileage deep down belly funny because ..it's confirmation! If and there are many thousands of us who are afting and
Illustrated instructions, "by placing TBs in the plenum you re not a threat, they ignore you. That to me is actually kicking etheric predator butt... You can, too!' Don Croft
(air Alter box) of his car.. .the gas mileage increased
dramatically"; See WarriorMatrix.com/about4265.html. " If you are pouring orgonite, consider yourself in the crosshairs 24/7.
Keeping Orgonite on your electric meter outside may You are making a difference. You are saving a world that sorely needs your help. People [[& children, cetaceans] are be-
also reduce your service bills. ORgone ORganizes ing tortured ..dying horrible deaths..The people [[& 'toids] who do these acts do NOT want to lose their 'freedom' to con-
energy, making energy-use more efficient. tinue their abuses. You PERSONALLY are standing in their way. ..You are making life much more difficull for the dark

The MANDALAS have the same effects (page 19): minded. ..You are being attacked. Some attacks are direct and obvious. Many are more subtle. The obvious ones you
"Charge your car (perhaps by placing mandalas on the air see and respond to immediately. The subtle ones you give other names to. A cold, a flu, an illness... A head-
filter, carburettor or petrol tank to increase mileage)." ache that hangs on. An ache in the body somewhere that is irritating and constant Depression. A sense of
futility. A feel-ing of loneliness. A feeling of worthlessness. Any form of fear... And lets not forget -
How CORNMEAL Can Protect Your Property financial setback.. At any given time there are several layers of attack going on. ..keep pouring.
from Hurricanes: Instructions at http://medicine There is no better therapy. Your orgonite is a light bora into a darkened world" Jon H.

da MUFFIN papers : PAGE 50 OF 52

Build a Genesa Partnering with Dolphins saves us, them & Earth
Crystal ^dre Your OrgoneGifts to Dolphins help them heal the EarthGrid+
• Dolphins Reward You by Activating your DNA and more
SIMPLE amaz-
ing Divine
structure you
The Sacred Geometry of Cetaceans
Amazing Blasting Session Account posted at
can make
& How Dolphins Neutralize Nukes
» ethericwarriors.com ; whale.to/b/doo.html
yourself with & Other Harmful Devices
four circles of byDooney ...Feb 01,2005 It was another interesting,
"The swimmers (dolphins)
any rigid material educational and rather wild chat yesterday. Don had rapidly spin/weave an etheric
(After practicing in paper,used I asked us to get some intel on a possible earthquake in dodecahedron around the
m u. o 16-gauge wire, fastening each
point, where wires crossed, with
Iraq. Before I give my report, I want to add in the
necessary disclaimer that everything von read here
devices then cap the points
with our love. This makes the
24-gaugewire.) Genesa Crystal subjective I'm simply relating the experiences of
Is .
devices non-harmful to 3D." A
is a Sacred Geometric Sculp- the dozen or so people who were in the chat... dodecahedron is a Platonic solid, comprised of
ture. Creates a Vortex of en- We started looking for plots and plotters in Iraq, 1 2 pentagonal faces. It is represented by ether
ergy. Behaves like Orgonite. and I saw an underground cavern. I dowsed that it
or prana (a.k.a. orgone) in sacred geometry...
Draws in energy, "cleanses, was in Iraq, and saw a group of people having a
balances and sends it back
heated discussion. Stevo got that there were 7 people destabilization rather than geological mayhem plots.
out." Worn as a pendant, pro- there, and Anne saw that they were not speaking En- The dolphins surrounded the plane as soon as we fo-
motes healing, energizing. glish. ..Stevo saw that it was a Mossad planning ses- cused on it, without a specific invitation. ..We continued
Boosts plant growth. Cure /put sion. They seemed to me to be very panicky and des- to boost the dolphins as they took care of the occupants
Orgonite inside; amplifies it. perate. Don invited the cetaceans in right away and of the plane. ..We next turned out attention to our favor-
Charges water, food, medi- they went to work weav- ite cabal of murdereis and found
cine, objects; just place item ing an energy_web were meeting in two places
that they
J j inside. Genesas are intelligent around these people. in Florida and South Carolina, with
and have consciousness like Patrick Pastor saw a the possible aim of a tsunami-type
crystals & Orgonite. They love ziggurat and what I saw disaster... The cetaceans started
being outside and "light up" en- was that this group was in working on it right away. ...It seems
ergetically in the sun. They love a cavern under the ziggurat we have to do sometimes is
that all
being handled and played with! ..As you may have realized get a general idea of the target
They respond to us and and by now, these chats are a and the cetaceans get to work.
help us with different things. Is
totally cooperative ven- Other times, we need to be very
a manifestation tool (like ture. Someone gets a vi- specific We nse our feeling, seeing
Shield, pg 35); write out your sual impression, a feeling or a hunch, offers it up for and dowsing abilities to determine what they need
desire/request /prayer and sus- consideration and the rest of us either confirm it or add from us. At times, we need to invite them in to help,
pend it inside. Contains all the to it Very often two or three people type the exact other times they just jump in and do it Sometimes
Platonic Solids /Merkaba / Sa- same thing within seconds of each other... Sometimes they need us to boost them with energy, other times, we
cred Geometry in its design. we get very different impres- are free to move on to identifying the next
ca u w ^ Compare with Vesica Piscis sions, and we dowse as a „ target It's a veiy dynamic process... Sev-
on page 34; Genesa has many group to see which one is cor- e eral of us had been getting hints during
VPs! Notice both (VP & GC) rect Every now and then we » the chat about Switzerland, particularly
produce amazing results. Com- get what we call a "misdirect", the city of Basel, reputed to be the resting
pare with results produced by meaning someone has sent us -2 place of a whole lot of gold, a
the Cetaceans using Sacred a false vision of an event. supercomputer called The Beast and
Geometry to disappear Nukes We've gotten pretty good at underground living quarters for a whole
(see article at right). Divine Ge- sniffing these out quickly and lot of Diuminati. ... In any case, as soon as
ometry opens portals to Di- moving on to the real issues. Sometimes it necessary we started looking at Basel, we got the attention of a
vine Power. Developed by Dr. to blind dowse, where one person has a question in tali white-blonde Vril guy. I saw him turn and look at
Derald Langham: "Genesa is mind and the rest of us dowse for a yes or no, not me. Sensei went after him immediately - my hero! I also
the coded matrix of your own knowing what the question is. This is a great way to saw a psychic Vril woman The cetaceans started work-
life force." A 24-inch Genesa clear up a mis-direct as we have no foreknowledge of ing on them right away, and the woman was really
has a radius-effect of 2 miles.
u- O Ltf
• Illustrated Building In-
the question
As the dolphins,
...it's just pure intution..
and a blue
a couple of orcas
fightingit. Stevo saw a long board room type table with

about 20 people around it listening to a presentation. We

structions: www.quantum whale continued to work on the people in the cavern, both saw that the dolphins and orcas were working only
balancinq.com/oenesa.htm we looked briefly at Iran. Carol and Steve both saw a on the two head Vril - rest of the folks were sitting
map of Iran with marks on it. A few people dowsed there stunned and frozen in place. ..Suddenly, the two
• Simplified Basic Instruc- that Israel was the master in this plan, not London, Vril were gone. And I mean seriously gone,
out of
tions: "Any material will do, if it which Don said may indicate that there is no lead- this dimension. I've never seen that happen. ..As soon as
is thick then it will need to be ership at the top of the occult/corporate order. '! the two top baddies were out of the way, the dolphins
notched at the joins, flat materi-
this is true, it's a very positive sign. ...We always try went around the room working on people's cbakras.
als are best woven together. to find ont who is at the top of all the mass mnrder I felt two more people disappear, and the rest
The following is a simple dia- plans. ..We all dowsed that we had prevented a mass seemed to be getting healed. Several of us got that the
gram [[ at LEFT ]] of the assem- murder by earthquake in Iraq, but we also got that cetaceans were giving them a chance to choose their fate.
bly points with each line repre- there were other plotting parties we needed to attend And the ones who wouldn't give up their plans were
senting one full circle. Each of to. Stevo saw a meeting on a plane and one on a sub, adiosed Stevo and I saw that most of these people were
CQ U the 4 circles is divided into 6
equal parts the letters represent
with otheis also being held underground in various bankers, heads of state, heads of royal families, etc, Diumi-
places. We started iooking at the plane first, and I saw nati power playeis. We felt their desperation; in fact that's
the cross over points, "A" to 'A, corporate types (money men), techies and engineeis. what all during the chat while disposing of these dif-
I fell
'B' to 'B' and so on. Maybe try
Stevo saw money issues being discussed, economic ferent groups. They're running around trying to play with
with paper first." Have PHUN the deadly toys, and they have no idea what to do. There's
TIP: Make 2 sets of double More Info or to Buy: |*~*\ no one running the show. Don saw this as a perfect op-
joined circles as shown; turn • sacredinnovations.com "*&<' portunity to throw a wrench in the whole works and re-
one set 90° and slip it into other • evolutionjewels.com alty do some damage to the occult/corporate order. ..

set: • genesacrystals.com §s Stevo's whale friend said yes, that's the goal. In his words:

• earthtransitions.com They, the I Minn inati. have always feared the

(sells Orgonite too) humans linking with the cetaceans like this in
• ka-gold-jewelrv.com/p-articles/genesa.php etheric battle; they knew it would be their
• mesacreativearts com/Main%20pages/ undoing. This is why our navy has been
< Q X X helio.html lzenociding whales and dolphins for years."

da MUFFIN papers PAGE : 51 OF 52


At this point ..two planes flew over our

... ©55§fcS3# Naturalist kissing a Grey Whale
house to bug us - our first double flyover!
^\ - who brought her baBy over& "every

They got blasted, of course... After the

J '
\ one played Magdalena Bay, Mexico

whales and dolphins finished in Iran, Denis

shared a recurring vision with us.
the Earth encased in a dodecahedron
made of crystalline material. .
He saw

He said the
\— t- •£
dodec is pulsing strongly and is a sort of relay for something
else.We all felt that this was a positive vision be was seeing,
and what we came to realize is that the dodec around the
earth is a relay for the whales and dolphias to help us with
our spiritual evolution. ...Stevo suggested that we boost all
the points (places where the comers of the pentagonal faces
"anyone can call on the ceta-
ceans for help in disabling their
meet) ..So that's what we did. The cetaceans were there at all t!
node points to help us... dolphins leaping around and jumping own all ...they have a heavy vested interest in the collapse of this glo-
occult/corporate tormentors, any time at

through the points, estatic. I saw beams of energy shooting out bal parasitic/predatoryregime because part of the genocide agenda these London-based minions are commit-
into space and down into the earth from each point Most of us felt
ted to carrying out is and whales in the oceans. Your problem is
the destruction of all of the dolphins
their problem, in other words, so don't be shy! You may not get a clear picture of the CIA psychic or electronic-
a wonderful energy that is hard to describe, so 111 just call it
weapon handler who is blasting you but you can bet the dolphins know just what to do about it and are only
Love. .We got a lot done in a relatively short amount of tune
. (4- 1 /
waiting for your invitation to get busy with these lawbreakers. ...dont .. take my
2 hours). ..it's my feeling that something big is coming, some- word for it Just invite them in and observe your sensations after that.' D. Croft
thing good ..Do whatever you can to connect with the
Whale Thanks Rescuers: SF Chronicle reported humpback whale en-
cetaceans. They are waiting for you... Be well, friends
j tangled masses of crab traps & lines, struggling to stay afloat. After rescue
~Dooney [[website at donebydooney.com]] '
divers cut them all off, she circled joyously, then came back to EACH diver & gently
nudged him, her way of thanking them. (martawilliams.com/WialeRescue.htm)
Since then oar psychics found around the death transmitters but is extremely eager to start be-
Rough Tooth Dolphins enormous, numbered bombs
forty of these ing a partner with dolphins. In a way, that reminds me of

in the Bay of Haifa on the seabed around the world, mostly the story of the brilliant American black man in the South
near populated coastlines, and in each case who was unable to find appropriate employment and social
By Don Croft ..Until the dramatic episode in De-
rough tooth dolphins and, once, some bine connections until he donned a turban and a fake accent and
cember [[see page 18]] in which Carol and Linda'
whales, used synchronized swimming in a all the doors opened for him. the point being, perhaps,
received identical, heart-wrenching visions and mes-
way moved bombs any lawful way this can get done is appropriate in the
sages hum
sagw from
cue wrni rough.mum
enormous iuuui tooth uo.pmni
miles off the coast of Costa Riral
dolphin they
iney ,

off fte ^^ ^
that apparently
„ t of onr J
mJ ^ I
right that
long run... We've been getting so many reports of dol-
phins and whales coming close to shore when people
these dolphins were generally understood to avoid hu- ...Rough tooth dolphins... When seventy of them were haVe" tossed orgonite intolhe sea^ even if it's only
man contact and until the beaching in Florida and beached by coordinated US Navy and Coastguard so- tnrowll Bl0 tne surf, that it's clear that the cetaceans are

their appearance in the Bay of Haifa they were also nar assaults in the Florida Keys last month... in appar- impatient to develop and extend the new partner-
known to avoid shallow coastal waters. ...One of their ent reprisal for this enterprising dolphin specie "s hav- s hip to as many people as wfll simply take some orgonite
distinctive features... is that they often swim in a syn- tag disappeared so many of the occult/corporate to Qmll For instance, vhen EricCarlson casualty
chromzed fashion. ...Their synchronized swimming world order's 'earth changes'- generating bombs (055^ a simple orgonite device into the surf from the
came into play for our Ethenc Warriors intel/boosting on the seabed, we got together that night and chased beach in .Miami, recently, a whale immediately came
sessions shortly after the enormous H-bomb was
detonated on the seabed off the coast of Java. It
down the people who were responsible for corralling, „, ^
c [^e t0 shore at that spot that the singular, unprec-
then murdering half of that unfortunate group of captured edented sighting was in the evening news and the Miami
occurred to someone in onr informal group to ask dolphins How marry were tortured to death in captivity
papers Whenever Branch Ellis, in Maui, goes out to
for the cetaceans' help when we were hunting for then? ..For four years this network has been focused on gjft the sea from his kayak he's soon surrounded by
similar Ixmihs the week after lhat mass murder oc- healing the carthgrid but our elicits have been spent affectionate blue whales Several in the group have .

eurred and our psychics saw rough tooth dolphins almost entirely on the landlocked portion, which is communications from dolphins
i ateiy received specific
swimming ma dodecahedron pattern around one of only about a fifth of the planetary grid. and whales They're as eager to help us with our
the other H-bombs on the seabed If memory serves,
Carol and I are certain that the reasons she was landlocked challenges as we are to help them over-
that bomb was east of New York City and was about to
called to Costa Rica were to spread the news that come their own environmental threats. The orcas are
be detonated We had gotten together because someone
the cetaceans want us to give them orgonite to particularly eager to ethereally savage some of the top
had emailed me about a vision of impending calamity in- level participants in the occult/corporate hierarchies.
heal the rest of the pirated earth energy grid and
volving a tsunami in that city. ..It's been three months
to disable the underwater predatory tech of the What we're acquiring right now is an overview of the fledg-
since the detonation of the Java bomb. Right after
US Navy and other occult/corporate agencies who ling partnership. ...Carol's role in the unfolding of this
the detonation the disinformation mills were rabidly
have stepped up their efforts to destroy all of the movement, more than being my essential partner in the pro-
cranking out predictions of imminent, similarly de-
world's whales and dolphins as soon as possible. her recent introduction and perhaps the facilitation of
cess, is
structive tsunamis and even 'earth changes.' We feel
the new cetacean/human partnership [[pg 18]...
pretty sure that if we hadn't disabled those bombs, ...cetaceans seem to know that this genocide can be pre-
with the dolphias' and whales' essential help, some of vented by taking the entire pirated earthgrid away from I want to make sure that absolutely anyone who
those 'predictions' would have come to pass. the ancient occult/corporate world order by gifting it. has a notion to bring some orgonite to these won-
derful sea people "ill receive something substan-
...consider that many, many more people will be tial and spiritually sustaining from one or more of
BaiMM PeCan MuffiM motivated by the prospect of interacting with
mem ta retoni for mat good-faim service effort ...
Bananas, mashed whales and dolphias than would ever be moti-
1/4 cup plain Yogurt

2 cup organic Flour or Buttermilk vated by public service, such as disabling the new
2 teaspoon baking Scda 1 cup Pecans (halves or death transmitters in their own neighborhoods... Continue on reading the other Episodes ..end
• 6 tablespoon chopped. Or Walnuts) Orgone Forums. Learn from their brave examples.
Butter, melted Optional: 1/3 cup The. few thousands of people who disable Ihe millions
• 1 teaspoon vanilla chopped Dates of new death transmitters and HAARP arrays are per-
• 3/4 cup organic Sugar Optional: dashes of your haps nearly enough to eventually get tht job done but
• 2 Eggs favorite spice
'So, how did ail of you people bring down that
probably not enough to get sufficient orgonite to the ceta-
Combine bananas, sugar & eggs large bowl and beat ancient, powerful occult world order?'
ceans in coming days... Carol knows a psychic who
untii well combined.
melted butter 8 vanilla. Add
Stir in
won't lift a finger to help his community by disabling
We mainly did it by littering.
flour, baking soda, yogurt,
dates & nuts. Stir
just until combined.
Copy & share this Human Empowerment Guide
Do not overmix. with at least 10 Humans you care about & instruct them to do the same. If only 100 folks do
Spoon into this & their 10-friends-each do the same, 5 levels deep, 10 MILLION will have this life-saving
prepared pans (10-
1 2 paper-lined or
information -downloadable/available from so me sites (Check Vendors). Orgonify your
oiled muffin cups). person, environment. Get a Succor Punch or PW, then make & "gift" Orgone
Bake at 350 F,
Generators abundantly, widely. Ifs FUN ! Z- Abundant Orgone heals Earth
20-25 minutes.
and ensures our Victory. Working, mean PLAYing together, we AREI

permanently ending the scaley War on u s and our common Mamm a Earth.
OK NewClear Orgone Warriors /Gifters, GIFTING!... GET
da MUFFIN papers PAGE 52 OF 52

; " , .


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