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The following are the characteristics of related literature and studies that

should be cited: (Repeated for emphasis)

1. The materials must be as recent as possible. This is important because of

the rapid social, political, scientific, and technological changes. Discoveries in
historical and archaeological research have also changed some historical
facts. Researchers in education and psychology are also making great
strides. So, finding fifteen years ago may have little value today unless the
study is a comparative inquiry about the past and the present. Mathematical
and statistical procedures, however, are a little more stable.

2. Materials must be as objective and unbiased as possible. Some materials

are extremely one sided, either politically or religiously biased. These should
be avoided.

3. Materials must be relevant to the study. Only materials that have some
military to or bearing on the problem researched on should be cited.

4. Materials must not too few but not too many. They must be sufficient
enough to give the researcher insight into his problem or to indicate the
nature of the present investigation. The number may also depend upon the
availability of related materials. This is especially a problem with pioneering
studies. Naturally, there are few related materials or even none at all.
Ordinarily, from fifteen to twenty-five may do for a master’s thesis and from
twenty and above for a doctoral dissertation, depending upon their
availability and depth and length of discussions. The numbers, however, are
only suggestive but not imperative. These are only the usual numbers
observed in theses and dissertations surveyed. For an undergraduate thesis
about ten may do.

B. Ways of Citing Related Literature and Studies

The following are the ways of citing related literature and studies:

1. By author or writer. In this method the ideas, facts, or principles, although

they have the same meaning, are explained or discussed separately and
cited in the footnote with their respective authors or writers.
Examples: According to Enriquez, praise helps much in learning, etc.,
(Enriquez, 1981)
Maglaque found out that praise is an important factor in learning, etc.,
(Maglaque, 1984)

2. By topic. In this case, if different authors or writers have the same opinion
about the same topic, the topic is discussed and cited under the names of
the authors or writers. This is a summary of their opinions. This is to avoid
separate and long discussions of the same topic.

Example: It has been found out that praise is an important aid in learning of
children. (Enriquez, 1981)

3. Chronological. Related materials may also be cited chronologically, that is,

according to the year they were written. Materials which were written
earlier should be cited first before those which were written later. This can
be done especially when citation is by author or writer. If citation is by topic,
chronological citation can be done in the footnote.

C. What to Cite

It should be emphasized that only the major findings, ideas, generalizations,

principles, or conclusions in related materials relevant to the problem under
investigation should be discussed in this chapter. Generally, such findings,
ideas, generalizations, principles, or conclusions are summarized,
paraphrased, or synthesized.

D. Quoting a Material

A material may be quoted if the idea conveyed is so perfectly stated or it is

controversial and it is not too long. It is written single spaced with wider
margins at the left and right sides of the paper but without any quotation

Example: Suppose the following is a quotation: Said Enriquez,

Praise is an important factor in children’s learning. It encourages them to
study their lessons harder. Praise, however, should be given appropriately.

Justification of the Study

It should be made clear that there is no duplication of other studies. The

present inquiry may only be a replication of another study. It should be
stressed also that in spite of similar studies, the present study is still
necessary to find out if the findings of studies in other places are also true in
the locale of the present study. There may also be a need to continue with
the present investigation to affirm or negate the findings of other inquiries
about the same research problem or topic so that generalization or
principles may be formulated. These generalizations and principles would be
the contributions of the present investigation together with other studies to
the fund of knowledge. This is one of the more important purposes of
research: the contribution that it can give to the fund of knowledge.

It should be emphasized in this area that the major findings, ideas,
generalizations, principles or conclusions in related materials relevant to the
problem under investigation. Generally, such findings, ideas, generalizations,
principles or conclusions are summarized, paraphrased, or synthesized.

Written by:

Prof. Erwin M. Globio

Thesis/Dissertation Adviser/Consultant
Mobile: 09393741359 / 09323956678

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