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Management Now 2nd Edition Test Bank Ghillyer

Management Now 2nd Edition Test Bank Ghillyer

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File: Chapter 06 Organizing Work


1. An organization is a group of people working together in some type of concentrated or coordinated effort to
achieve objectives.
Ans: T
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

2. The process of controlling is the grouping of activities necessary to achieve common objectives and the
assignment of each grouping to a manager who has the authority required to supervise the people performing
the activities.
Ans: F
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

3. The formal organization refers to the sum of the personal contacts and interactions and the associated
groupings of people working within the formal organization.
Ans: F
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

4. One of the primary reasons for organizing is to establish lines of authority.
Ans: T
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

5. Organizing improves the efficiency and quality of work through synergism.
Ans: T
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

6. With good organization there is less need for communication.
Ans: F
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

7. Horizontal division of labor is based on the establishment of lines of authority and defines the levels that
make up the organization’s structure.
Ans: F
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

8. Vertical division of labor facilitates the flow of communication within the organization.
Ans: T
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

9. Horizontal division of labor is based on specialization of work.
Ans: T
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

10. Job scope refers to the freedom of employees to plan and organize their own work.
Ans: F
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

11. Job depth refers to the number of different types of operations performed.
Ans: F
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

12. One advantage of the horizontal division of labor is that fewer skills are required per person.
Ans: T
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding
13. The major problem with horizontal division of labor is that the jobs done by employees become more
Ans: F
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

14. Authority is power derived from the rights that come with a position and represents the legitimate exercise
of power.
Ans: T
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

15. Responsibility is accountability for the achievement of objectives, the use of resources, and the adherence to
organizational policy.
Ans: T
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

16. Power is usually derived from the control of resources.
Ans: T
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

17. Authority can never be viewed as a function of position.
Ans: F
Page: 122
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

18. The acceptance theory of authority recognizes that subordinates play an active role in determining lines of
authority and are not merely passive recipients in the process.
Ans: T
Page: 122
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding
19. The tapered concept of authority states that the breadth and scope of authority become broader as one
descends the scalar chain.
Ans: F
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.3
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

20. Centralization and decentralization refer to the degree of authority delegated by upper management.
Ans: T
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.3
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

21. As the number of decisions increase at lower levels of the organization, the degree of decentralization also
Ans: T
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.3
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

22. The trend in today’s organizations is toward more centralization.
Ans: F
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.3
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

23. One advantage of decentralization is that it relieves executives from time-consuming detail work.
Ans: T
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.3
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

24. Empowerment is a form of centralization that involves giving subordinates substantial authority to make
Ans: F
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering
25. For empowerment to take place employees must be willingly and actively engaged in their respective jobs.
Ans: T
Page: 125
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

26. The concept of empowerment is easy to implement.
Ans: F
Page: 125
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

27. Four distinct elements contribute to effective empowerment: participation, innovation, access to
information, and accountability.
Ans: T
Page: 125
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

28. Self-managed work teams are work units with a manager that are empowered to control their own work.
Ans: F
Page: 125
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

29. Increasing the number of hard rules for the organization will increase empowerment.
Ans: F
Page: 125
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

30. Today’s workforce is increasingly empowered.
Ans: T
Page: 125
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

31. The exception principle states that an employee should have one, and only one, immediate manager.
Ans: F
Page: 127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

32. The unity of command principle states that managers should concentrate their efforts on the one matter that
deviates significantly from normal and let subordinates handle routine matters.
Ans: F
Page: 127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

33. The scalar principle states that authority in the organization flows through the chain of managers one link at
a time, ranging from the highest to the lowest ranks.
Ans: T
Page: 128
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

34. The scalar principle is also called the chain of command.
Ans: T
Page: 128
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

35. The span of management refers to the number of subordinates a manager can effectively manage.
Ans: T
Page: 129
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

36. One reason that managers resist delegating authority is the fear that subordinates will fail in doing the task.
Ans: T
Page: 126
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

37. Successful delegation involves delegating matters that stimulate subordinates.
Ans: T
Page: 127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

38. A rule of thumb regarding delegation is to delegate authority and responsibility to the highest organization
level that has the competence to accept them.
Ans: F
Page: 127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

39. The scalar principle is based on the need for communication and the principle of unity of command.
Ans: T
Page: 128
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

40. Flextime allows employees to choose, when they start and end their workday.
Ans: T
Page: 130
Learning Outcome: 6.6
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

41. Telecommuting is the practice of working at home or while traveling or working at a satellite office.
Ans: T
Page: 131
Learning Outcome: 6.6
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

42. Job sharing is a relatively new concept whereby jobs held by two employees are condensed so that both jobs
can be done by one employee.
Ans: F
Page: 131
Learning Outcome: 6.6
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering


43. A(n) __________ is a group of people working together in some type of concentrated or coordinated effort
to achieve objectives.
Ans: organization
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

44. The process of __________ is the grouping of activities necessary to achieve common objectives and the
assignment of each grouping to a manager who has the authority required to supervise the people performing
the activities.
Ans: organizing
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

45. The (informal / formal) organization refers to the sum of the personal contacts and interactions and the
associated groupings of people working within the formal organization.
Ans: informal
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

46. __________ occurs when individuals or groups work together to produce a whole greater than the sum of
the parts.
Ans: Synergism
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

47. One of the primary reasons for organizing is to establish lines of _________.
Ans: authority
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

48. Synergism can result from division of labor or from increased __________.
Ans: coordination
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

49. __________ division of labor is based on the establishment of lines of authority and defines the levels that
make up the organization structure.
Ans: Vertical
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

50. __________ division of labor is based on specialization of work.
Ans: Horizontal
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

51. In performing a job with narrow job __________, the employee performs few operations and repeats the
cycle frequently.
Ans: scope
Page: 282
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

52. Job __________ refers to the freedom of employees to plan and organize their own work, work at their own
pace, and move around and communicate as desired.
Ans: depth
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

53. __________ is the ability to influence, command, or apply force.
Ans: Power
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

54. __________ is power derived from the rights that come with a position and represents the legitimate
exercise of power.
Ans: Authority
Page: 285
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

55. __________ is accountability for the achievement of objectives, the use of resources, and the adherence to
organizational policy.
Ans: Responsibility
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

56. The theory that maintains that a manager’s source of authority lies with his or her subordinates because they
have the power to either accept or reject the manager’s command is called the__________ theory of authority.
Ans: acceptance
Page: 122
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

57. The trend in today’s organizations is toward more __________.
Ans: decentralization
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.3
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

58. As the numbers and kinds of decisions made by the lower levels of management increase, the degree of
__________ also usually increases.
Ans: decentralization
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.3
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

59. __________ is a form of decentralization that involves giving subordinates substantial authority to make
Ans: Empowerment
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

60. Self-managed __________ teams are teams of employees who accomplish tasks within their area of
responsibility without direct supervision.
Ans: work
Page: 126
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

61. The __________ principle states that authority and responsibility must coincide.
Ans: parity
Page: 126
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

62. The __________ principle states that managers should concentrate their efforts on matters that deviate
significantly from normal and let subordinates handle routine matters.
Ans: exception
Page: 127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

63. The unity of __________ principle states that an employee should have one, and only one, immediate
Answer: command
Page: 127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

64. The __________ principle states that authority in the organization flows through the chain of managers one
link at a time, ranging from the highest to the lowest ranks.
Ans: scalar
Page: 128
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

65. The scalar principle is also referred to as the __________ of command.
Ans: chain
Page: 128
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

66. The __________ principle is closely related to the parity principle.
Ans: exception
Page: 127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

67. __________ allows employees to choose, within certain limits, when they start and end their workday.
Ans: Flextime
Page: 130
Learning Outcome: 6.6
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

68. __________ is the practice of working at home or while traveling and being able to interact with the office,
or working at a satellite office.
Ans: Telecommuting
Page: 131
Learning Outcome: 6.6
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

69. Job __________ is a relatively new concept whereby two or more part-time employees perform a job that
would normally be held by one full-time employee.
Ans: sharing
Page: 131
Learning Outcome: 6.6
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

70. Three changes in the workplace environment include flextime, telecommuting, and __________ sharing.
Ans: job
Page: 130
Learning Outcome: 6.6
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

Multiple Choice

71. A group of people working together in some type of concentrated or coordinated effort to achieve objectives
is called a(n) _________.
A. cooperative
B. organization
C. matrix
D. synergistic group
Ans: B
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

72. The process of __________ is the grouping of activities necessary to achieve common objectives and the
assignment of each grouping to a manager who has the authority required to supervise the people performing
the activities.
A. organizing
B. planning
C. controlling
D. leading
Ans: A
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

73. The sum of the personal contacts and interactions and the associated groupings of people working within the
formal organization is called a(n) __________ organization.
A. sub-formal
B. informal
C. matrix
D. teamed
Ans: B
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

74. __________ occurs when individuals or groups work together to produce a whole greater than the sum of
the parts.
A. Holistic teamwork
B. Synergism
C. Collective teamwork
D. Summative teamwork
Ans: B
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

75. Which of the following is a reason for organizing?
A. To establish lines of authority
B. To improve the efficiency of work
C. To make the best use of synergism
D. All of these are reasons for organizing
Ans: D
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

76. The use of an organization allows people to jointly do which of the following?
A. Decrease specialization and division of labor
B. Use large-scale technology
C. Reduce the amount of power used
D. Reduce the level of control needed
Ans: B
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

77. __________ refers to the number of different types of operations performed.
A. Job scope
B. Job depth
C. Job synergy
D. Job variety
Ans: A
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

78. __________ refers to the freedom of employees to plan and organize their own work, work at their own
pace, and move around and communicate as desired.
A. Job scope
B. Job depth
C. Job rotation
D. Job synergy
Ans: B
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

79. The 15 levels of management between the chairperson and the first-line supervisor that Ford Motor
Company had in the early 1980s is an example of ___________.
A. horizontal division of labor
B. vertical division of labor
C. matrix management
D. job depth
Ans: B
Page: 120-121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Applying

80. Horizontal division of labor is based on _________.
A. teamwork
B. specialization of work
C. establishment of lines of authority
D. all of these
Ans: B
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

81. Which of the following is an advantage of horizontal division of labor?
A. Lines of authority are established.
B. The flow of communication is facilitated within the organization.
C. Job depth is used.
D. The skills required for selection or training purposes are easier to supply.
Ans: D
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

82. To use division of labor successfully, which of the following must exist?
A. A relatively small volume of work
B. Downtime for the employees
C. Stability in employee attendance
D. Variability in product design
Ans: C
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

83. __________ is the ability to influence, command, or apply force.
A. Responsibility
B. Authority
C. Command
D. Power
Ans: D
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

84. Power derived from the rights that come with a position and represents the legitimate exercise of power is
called __________.
A. responsibility
B. command
C. authority
D. legitimacy
Ans: C
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering
85. __________ is the accountability for the achievement of objectives, the use of resources, and the adherence
to organizational policy.
A. Power
B. Responsibility
C. Authority
D. Planning
Ans: B
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

86. Which of the following statements is most true of the acceptance theory of authority?
A. The theory suggests that the manager’s source of authority lies with his or her superiors.
B. The theory suggests that subordinates are passive recipients in the process.
C. The theory suggests that disobeying a communication from a manager is a denial of authority by the
D. Subordinates must accept the manager’s command.
Ans: C
Page: 122
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

87. The __________ concept of authority states that the breadth and scope of authority become more limited as
one descends the scalar chain.
A. flattened
B. reduction
C. tapered
D. horizontal
Ans: C
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.3
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

88. Centralization and decentralization refer to ________________.
A. the number of geographic sales areas a company maintains
B. the number of countries in which the organization is present
C. the degree of authority delegated by upper management
D. the number of satellite offices, an organization has
Ans: C
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.3
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

89. Which of the following statements about centralization/decentralization is most true?
A. The trend in today’s organizations is toward more centralization.
B. Centralization has the advantage of allowing for more flexibility.
C. Decentralization relieves executives from time-consuming detail work.
D. Decentralization results in lower morale.
Ans: C
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.3
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

90. _________ is a form of decentralization that involves giving subordinates substantial authority to make
A. Authority
B. Empowerment
C. Leadership
D. Unity of command
Ans: B
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

91. __________ are work units without a frontline manager and empowered to control their own work.
A. Departmental teams
B. Mission-based teams
C. Self-managed work teams
D. Self-selected work teams
Ans: C
Page: 125
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

92. Which of the following is an element that must be present for empowerment to take root and thrive?
A. Employees must be satisfied with their current level of job performance.
B. Employees must be willing to do things the way they have always been done.
C. Senior managers must decide who gets what information.
D. Employees must be held accountable for their actions and the results achieved.
Ans: D
Page: 125
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

93. Which of the following statements about empowerment is most true?
A. Empowerment is difficult to implement.
B. Participation, innovation, access to information, and accountability must be present for empowerment to take
C. One way to help implement empowerment is to reduce to a minimum the number of hard rules for the
D. All of these statements about empowerment are true.
Ans: D
Page: 125
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

94. Which of the following statements about self-directed work teams is most true?
A. Self-directed work teams are teams of employees who accomplish tasks within their area of responsibility
without direct supervision.
B. Each self-directed work team is given a job plan that may include keeping records for the team.
C. Because employees are motivated there is no need to assign them to self-directed work teams.
D. Self-directed work teams are used when other forms of employee discipline have failed.
Ans: A
Page: 125-126
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

95. The __________ principle states that authority and responsibility must coincide.
A. scalar
B. unity
C. parity
D. exception
Ans: C
Page: 126
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

96. Failure to __________ is probably the single most frequently encountered reason managers fail.
A. be authoritative
B. delegate
C. show leadership
D. cooperate
Ans: B
Page: 127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

97. The __________ principle states that managers should concentrate their efforts on matters that deviate
significantly from normal and let subordinates handle routine matters.
A. scalar
B. unity
C. exception
D. parity
Ans: C
Page: 127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

98. When managers make everyday decisions that they have delegated to subordinates it is called _________.
A. macromanaging
B. micromanaging
C. exception managing
D. principled managing
Ans: B
Page: 127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

99. The __________ principle states that an employee should have one, and only one, immediate manager.
A. scalar
B. unity of command
C. exception by command
D. parity of command
Ans: B
Page: 127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

100. The __________ principle states that authority in the organization flows through the chain of managers
one link at a time, ranging from the highest to the lowest ranks.
A. scalar
B. unity
C. exception
D. flow
Ans: A
Page: 128
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

101. The scalar principle is also referred to as ______________.
A. the chain of command
B. management by exception
C. the span of control
D. decentralization
Ans: A
Page: 128
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

102. The __________ refers to the number of subordinates a manager can effectively manage.
A. chain of command
B. span of control
C. unity of management
D. effectivity span
Ans: B
Page: 129
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

103. Which of the following is a reason that a manager may be reluctant to delegate authority?
A. Fear that subordinates will fail in doing the task
B. The belief that it is easier to do the task oneself rather than delegate it
C. Comfort in doing the tasks of the previous job held
D. All of these are reasons that a manager may be reluctant to delegate authority
Ans: D
Page: 126
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

104. When a manager successfully delegates, which of the following things is most likely to occur?
A. The manager’s time is freed to pursue other tasks.
B. Subordinates gain feelings of belonging.
C. Subordinates are stimulated.
D. All of these things are most likely to occur when a manager successfully delegates.
Ans: D
Page: 126-127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

105. When a manager successfully delegates he or she ___________.
A. no longer has to check on the subordinates
B. allows the subordinate to clearly define the objectives and standards for the task
C. involves the subordinates in the delegation process
D. does all of these
Ans: C
Page: 126
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

106. Problems relating to the unity of command principle stem from the actions of __________ rather than
A. managers; employees
B. customers; managers
C. managers; customers
D. employees; managers
Ans: A
Page: 128
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

107. Which of the following statements about the span of management is most true?
A. The number of people who should report directly to any one person should be based on the variety of the
B. The number of people who should report directly to any one person should be based on the quality of the
C. The number of people who should report directly to any one person should be based on the proximity of the
D. The number of people who should report directly to any one person should be based on all of these.
Ans: D
Page: 130
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Understanding

108. Flextime, telecommuting, and __________ are three practices that are growing in popularity.
A. job sharing
B. job scoping
C. job distribution
D. job discovering
Ans: A
Page: 130
Learning Outcome: 6.6
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s: Remembering

109. A recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that __________ percent of
employers offered some type of flextime in 2005.
A. 5
B. 28
C. 36
D. 56
Ans: D
Page: 131
Learning Outcome: 6.6
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Remembering

110. Advantages of telecommuting include:
A. less travel time
B. lower turnover
C. lower real estate costs for employers
D. all of these
Ans: D
Page: 308
Learning Outcome: 6.6
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding


111. Explain the three reasons for organizing.
Ans: One of the primary reasons for organizing is to establish lines of authority. Clear lines of authority create
order within a group. Second, organizing improves the efficiency and quality of work through synergism.
Synergism occurs when individuals or groups work together to produce a whole greater than the sum of the
parts. A final reason for organizing is to improve communication. A good organization structure clearly defines
channels of communication among the members of the organization. Such a system also ensures more efficient
Page: 120
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

112. Explain the difference between vertical and horizontal division of labor.
Ans: Vertical division of labor is based on the establishment of lines of authority and defines the levels that
make up the vertical organization structure. In addition to establishing authority, vertical division of labor
facilitates the flow of communication within the organization. Horizontal division of labor is based on
specialization of work. The basic assumption underlying horizontal division of labor is that by making each
worker’s task specialized, more work can be produced with the same effort through increased efficiency and
Page: 120-121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

113. Explain the difference between job scope and job depth.
Ans: Job scope refers to the number of different types of operations performed. In performing a job with narrow
scope, the employee performs few operations and repeats the cycle frequently. Job depth refers to the freedom
of employees to plan and organize their own work, work at their own pace, and move around and communicate
as desired.
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.1
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Understanding

114. Define power, authority, and responsibility.
Ans: Power is the ability to influence, command, or apply force. Power is usually derived from the control of
resources. Authority is power derived from the rights that come with a position and represents the legitimate
exercise of power. Responsibility is accountability for the achievement of objectives, the use of resources, and
the adherence to organizational policy.
Page: 121
Learning Outcome: 6.2
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

115. Define and explain the advantages and disadvantages of decentralization vs. centralization.
Ans: Centralization and decentralization refer to the degree of authority delegated by upper management. This
is usually reflected by the numbers and kinds of decisions made by lower levels of management. The trend in
today’s organizations is toward more decentralization. Decentralization has the advantage of allowing for more
flexibility and quicker action. It also relieves executives from time-consuming detail work. It often results in
higher morale by allowing lower levels of management to be actively involved in the decision-making process.
The major disadvantage of decentralization is the potential loss of control. Duplication of effort can also
accompany decentralization.
Page: 124
Learning Outcome: 6.3
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Analyzing

116. List and explain the four elements that must be present in order for empowerment to take root and thrive.
Ans: Participation. Employees must be actively and willingly engaged in their respective job. They must want
to improve their work processes and work relationships. Innovation. Employees must be given permission and
encouragement to be innovative and not do things the way they have always been done. Access to information.
Employees at every level in the organization should make decisions about what kind of information they need
to perform their job. This is different from traditional organizations where senior managers decide who gets
what information. Accountability. Employees must be held accountable for their actions and the results
Page: 125
Learning Outcome: 6.4
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s: Analyzing

117. Define the parity principle and the exception principle and explain how they are related.
Ans: The parity principle states that authority and responsibility must coincide. Management must delegate
sufficient authority to enable subordinates to do their jobs. The exception principle states that managers should
concentrate their efforts on matters that deviate significantly from normal and let subordinates handle routine
matters. The exception principle is closely related to the parity principle. The idea behind the exception
principle is that managers should concentrate on those matters that require their abilities and not become bogged
down with duties their subordinates should be doing.
Page: 126-127
Learning Outcome: 6.5
Difficulty: Medium
Management Now 2nd Edition Test Bank Ghillyer

Bloom’s: Understanding

118. What are the three workplace changes that are growing in popularity? Define each.
Ans: Flextime – allows employees to choose, within certain limits, when they start and end their workday.
Telecommuting – is the practice of working at home, while traveling and being able to interact with the office,
or working at a satellite office. Job sharing – two or more part-time employees perform a job that would
normally be held by one full-time employee.
Page: 130-131
Learning Outcome: 6.6
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s: Remembering

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