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AFRICA is the 2nd largest continent in the world with a

land mass of over 30 million square kilometers and under

the soil wealth of 30% of the remaining minerals on earth capabilities

that include the largest reserves of precious metals,

gemstones, oil and gas. 50% of Africans are under 25 years

of age thus creating availability of a large and energetic

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work force.

Yet, with every sunrise in Sub-Saharan Africa, almost 90% investors

of the population of 1.1 billion people wake up to repeated

challenges of lack of the very basics… Nutrious Food, Clean

Water and Medication.

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Poor infrastructure and poverty lead to contaminated contact us (contact-

water, poor food intake, sub-optimal sanitary and hygiene

conditions resulting in the spread of diseases like HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Hepatitis B and TB accounting for a large percentage

of deaths.

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While the people of Africa suffer in silence, it cannot be said that they are abandoned and left to their fate, because there

bto help in
are millions of people in the outside world who are aware of the tragic conditions and are trying to do their best
alleviating poverty, illness and improving quality of life. Naturally, the task ahead is humongous as there is so little for so

many and there are limitations as to what one can do.

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Donor agencies are working assertively on providing food and potable water for the undernourished and medication for the

seriously ill. Governments are increasing spends on healthcare, and improving infrastructure. Africans themselves are looking

at how best they can improve the situation… YES! There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

At africure, we, in a very small way, have pledged to bring smiles on to the faces of ailing Africans by helping build self-

sufficiency in manufacturing low cost, high on quality medication in Africa by Africans for Africa. We will do every bit it takes,

to help realise the African Pride of Buying Locally Made Products.

africure is Born to Heal.

We have state of the art manufacturing facilities in key

geographies of French & English speaking Africa located in

Cameroon, Namibia, Botswana and Côte d’Ivoire , we also

have upcoming plants in Ethiopia & Zimbabwe , the

combined manufacturing capacity is the largest in Sub-

Saharan Africa in Oral Solid Dosage forms.

Our hardworking and enthusiastic senior and mid-level

teams are trained in India and bring rich domain

knowledge and experience which will ensure that all the

prescribed covenants for maintaining cGMP during the

manufacturing process are maintained consistently.

Our people carry the confidence that we will do our very

best to ensure safe and highly productive work

environments and that we will make large investments in training and development so that they are future ready at all times.
As a good corporate citizen, we will work towards leadership in governance, compliance and environmental protection.

We will strive to do all that it takes to make all our stake holders proud by delivering High Quality Products, On Dot

Deliveries and Consistent Availability.

africure is committed to African Health.


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Manufacture high quality essential medication In Africa By Africans For Africa

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