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Test Bank for Surgical Technology 7th Edition by Fuller

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Chapter 10: Decontamination, Sterilization, and Disinfection
Fuller: Surgical Technology: Principles and Practice, 7th Edition


1. Sterile instruments and supplies are loaded onto the ___________ before surgery and
transported to the surgical suite.
a. case cart
b. elevator
c. personnel
d. conveyor
Sterile instruments and supplies are loaded onto the case cart before surgery and
transported to the surgical suite.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 184

2. ______________ items must be sterile. These items enter sterile tissue or the vascular
a. Semicritical
b. Noncritical
c. Critical
d. Low critical
Critical items are those that come in contact with sterile body tissues and internal organ
systems, including the vascular system. Examples are surgical instruments, vascular
cannulas, and hypodermic needles. All medical devices in this category must be
sterilized before patient use.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 181

3. Because paper products are difficult or impossible to decontaminate, patient’s charts,

x-rays, and laboratory documentation should be ________.
a. left outside of the surgical suite
b. kept free from contamination
c. flash sterilized
d. immediately placed in plastic bags
Because paper products are difficult or impossible to decontaminate, every effort should
be made to keep patients’ charts, laboratory slips, radiograph reports and radiographs,
and any paper documentation free of contamination.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 204

4. The phrase flash sterilization has been replaced by _____________ sterilization, in
which unwrapped surgical equipment is sterilized by a high-vacuum steam sterilization
method just before use.
a. just-in-time
b. quick
c. right on time
d. immediate-use steam sterilization—IUSS
Immediate-use steam sterilizer is a high-speed prevacuum sterilizer used in the operating
room and in other areas of the hospital to sterilize items for immediate use. Steam
sterilization using a short cycle at very high temperature is necessary for sterilization. In
the past, the term flash sterilization was used to describe this process. It was determined
in 2010 that the term flash sterilization does not reflect the complexity of sterilization for
immediate use. The term has been replaced with immediate-use steam
sterilization—IUSS. Standards for IUSS have been adapted by professional
organizations including AST.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 198

5. ___________________ is used to sterilize objects that cannot tolerate the heat, moisture,
and pressure of steam sterilization.
a. Glutaraldehyde solution
b. Peracetic acid
c. Gas plasma
d. Ethylene oxide
Ethylene oxide is used to sterilize objects that cannot tolerate the heat, moisture, and
pressure of steam sterilization.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 198

6. The temperature of the gas directly affects the penetration of items in the chamber.
Operating temperatures range from ____________ for a “cold” cycle and ________ for
a “warm” cycle.
a. 85° to 100° F and 130° to 145° F
b. 75° to 79° F and 130° to 145° F
c. 85° to 100° F and 100° to 125° F
d. 85° to 95° F and 100° to 115° F
The temperature of the gas directly affects the penetration of items in the chamber.
Operating temperatures range from 85° to 100° F for a “cold” cycle and 130° to 145° F
for a “warm” cycle.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 203

7. The recommended practice to damp dust the surgical lights, furniture, and fixed
equipment in the operating suite is ___________.
a. at the end of the day
b. before the beginning of each shift
c. before each case of the day
d. before the first case of the day
The recommended practice before the first case of the day is damp dusting of surgical
lights, furniture, and fixed equipment in the operating suite. A clean, lint-free cloth and a
hospital-grade chemical disinfectant are used.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 188

8. Power-driven surgical instruments (e.g., drills and saws) should be disassembled before
a. using them
b. semicritical cleaning
c. noncritical cleaning
d. steam sterilization
Power-driven surgical instruments (e.g., drills and saws) should be disassembled before
sterilization. Hoses can be coiled loosely during packaging, and all delicate switches and
parts should be protected during preparation.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 185

9. The ultrasonic cleaner removes debris from instruments by a process called __________.
a. cavitation
b. agitation
c. osculation
d. both A and B
The ultrasonic cleaner removes debris from instruments by a process called cavitation.
High-frequency sound waves are generated through a water bath. Cavitation causes tiny
air spaces trapped within debris to implode (explode inwardly), and this releases the
debris from the surface of the instrument.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 193

10. A _________________ is a paper strip or specially treated tape that changes color when
exposed to a specific temperature.
a. wrapping paper
b. litmus paper
c. paper monitor
d. chemical indicator
A chemical indicator (monitor) is a chemically treated strip that changes color when
exposed to a specific temperature, pressure, and humidity.
DIF: 2 REF: p. 182

11. The purpose of wrapping an item before sterilization is to protect it from

_____________ after the sterilization process.
a. light
b. damage
c. infection
d. contamination
The purpose of wrapping an item before sterilization is to protect it from contamination
after the sterilization process. Two broad categories of wrappers are woven and
nonwoven paper or polymer material. Combination polypropylene-paper pouches are
also used to wrap items before sterilization.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 181-182

12. The Spaulding classification of reprocessing instruments and patient materials assigns
three risk levels based on the specific region of the body where the device will be used.
These levels are critical, semicritical, and ________.
a. noncritical
b. uncritical
c. ultra-critical
d. low-critical
The Spaulding category associates high risk with critical devices. Intermediate risk is
assigned to semicritical devices, and low-risk devices are noncritical.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 195

13. Which class includes indicators that are the most exacting and accurate of all indicators
and that react to all critical values over a specified range in the sterilization process?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
Class 5 (integrating parameters) includes indicators that react to all critical values over a
specified range in the sterilization process. These are the most exacting and accurate of
all indicators.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 195

14. Which class includes indicators that respond to only one critical parameter with an exact
a. 2
b. 5
c. 1
d. 3
Class 3 (single parameter) includes indicators that respond to only one critical parameter
with an exact value. An example is a heat-sensitive pellet (encased in a glass tube) that
melts only at a certain temperature that is consistent with the sterilization method. The
pellet is placed in specific areas of the sterilization chamber.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 195

15. Class _______ indicators are used for internal pack control of each cycle run, not for the
overall performance of the sterilizer for all cycles.
a. 2
b. 6
c. 4
d. 5
Class 6 indicators (emulating indicators) are used for internal pack control of each cycle
run, not for the overall performance of the sterilizer for all cycles.

DIF: 2 REF: p. 195

16. Class ____ indicators measure parameters. Examples include the Bowie-Dick and daily
air-removal tests for the presence of pure air (no steam) in the sterilization chamber.
a. 4
b. 2
c. G
d. L
Class 2 (specialty indicators) are used for specific tests that measure parameters.
Examples include the Bowie-Dick and daily air-removal tests for the presence of pure air
(no steam) in the sterilization chamber.

DIF: 1 REF: p. 195

17. Class ________ is represented by multivariable indicators that react to two or more
parameters. An example is internal chemical indicators printed on a paper strip.
a. 4
b. 2
c. L
d. G
Class 4 (multiparameter) is represented by multivariable indicators that react to two or
more parameters. An example is internal chemical indicators printed on a paper strip.

DIF: 1 REF: p. 194

18. There are three distinct phases in all types of steam sterilizers. __________ is when air is
removed from the chamber and replaced with steam.
a. Conditioning
b. Exposure
c. Parameter
d. Indication
The phase of steam sterilization when air is removed from the chamber and replaced
with steam is called conditioning (sometimes called preconditioning).

DIF: 1 REF: p. 194

19. Two types of steam sterilizers are used in the clinical setting: __________.
a. gravity displacement and Sterrad
b. gravity displacement and dynamic
c. dynamic and internal
d. preconditioned and unconditioned
Two types of steam sterilizers are used in the clinical setting: gravity displacement and
dynamic (also called prevacuum or high-vacuum sterilizers).

DIF: 1 REF: p. 194

20. The ______________ sterilizer operates on the principle that air is heavier than steam.
a. dynamic
b. gravity displacement
c. unconditioned
d. preconditioned
The gravity displacement sterilizer (also called a downward displacement sterilizer)
operates on the principle that air is heavier than steam. All the air must be removed from
the inner chamber, because all surfaces of the items must be exposed to the pressurized
steam to ensure sterilization. Any air in the inner chamber blocks the passage of
pressurized steam to the goods and prevents sterilization. The sterilizer is constructed in
such a way that air is displaced downward by gravity (hence the name gravity
displacement sterilizer) and is replaced by steam.

DIF: 1 REF: p. 194

21. The ______________sterilizer pulls air from the chamber with vacuum force and
replaces it with steam. As air is pumped into the chamber, steam enters in pulsed phases.
Air is completely removed with positive and negative pressure pulses. As the pressure
increases, so does the temperature of the steam inside the sterilizer.
a. dynamic air-removal (prevacuum)
b. gravity displacement
c. unconditioned
d. preconditioned
The dynamic air-removal (prevacuum) sterilizer pulls air from the chamber with vacuum
force and replaces it with steam. As air is pumped into the chamber, steam enters in
pulsed phases. Air is completely removed with positive and negative pressure pulses. As
the pressure increases, so does the temperature of the steam inside the sterilizer.

DIF: 1 REF: p. 192

22. The important factor to remember about ___________ is that they do not indicate
sterility, only that certain conditions for sterility have been met.
a. indicators
b. Bowie-Dick tests
c. detergents
d. case cart systems
A chemical indicator (monitor) is a chemically treated strip that changes color when
exposed to a specific temperature, pressure, and humidity. The pellet form of this
indicator is contained in a glass vial. Chemical monitors are available for both steam and
EO sterilization. The chemical responds to high temperature, pressure, and humidity but
does not register exposure time, which is critical to the sterilization process. A chemical
monitor should be placed inside and outside all packs to be sterilized. After the cycle, the
indicator must be retrieved and interpreted.

DIF: 1 REF: p. 182-183

23. ___________ is a skilled, certified profession that requires expertise in the science and
practice of materials management, decontamination, and sterilization.
a. Certified Surgical Technologists
b. Sterile Processing Technicians
c. Enzymatic cleaner
d. High vacuum sterilizer
The personnel responsible for this are the Sterile Processing Technicians (SPTs). This is
a skilled, certified professional that requires expertise in the science and practice of
materials management, decontamination, and sterilization.

DIF: 1 REF: p. 182


Choose from the terms listed and match them with their most correct description. You
may use the same answer more than once.
a. Critical items
b. Semicritical items
c. Noncritical items
1. Stethoscopes, blood pressure, and tourniquet cuffs
2. Exposed to the skin but not mucous membranes
Test Bank for Surgical Technology 7th Edition by Fuller

3. Objects that enter sterile tissue or the vascular system

4. Laryngoscopes, bronchoscopes, and endotracheal tubes
5. Must be sterile
6. Can include bed linens, crutches, tables
7. Come into contact with mucous membranes or nonintact skin
8. Include vascular and urinary catheters
9. Not required to be sterile because they do not penetrate intact tissues
10. Must be sterilized before use on a patient

1. ANS: C DIF: 3 REF: p. 182

2. ANS: C DIF: 3 REF: p. 181
3. ANS: A DIF: 3 REF: p. 181
4. ANS: B DIF: 3 REF: p. 181
5. ANS: A DIF: 3 REF: p. 182
6. ANS: C DIF: 3 REF: p. 181
7. ANS: B DIF: 3 REF: p. 182
8. ANS: A DIF: 3 REF: p. 181
9. ANS: C DIF: 3 REF: p. 182
10. ANS: A DIF: 3 REF: p. 188

Choose from the terms listed and match them with their most correct description. You
may use the same answer more than once.
a. Decontamination
b. Disinfection
c. Sterilization
11. Used for noncritical items
12. Uses steam, ethylene oxide, peracetic acid, or cobalt-60
13. Process by which all microorganisms, including spores, are destroyed
14. Uses isopropyl alcohol 70% to 90%, glutaraldehyde, and iodophor solution
15. Used for anesthesia equipment, gastrointestinal endoscopes, bronchoscopes
16. Monitored by chemical and biological methods to ensure patient safety
17. Used for surgical instruments, implants, and needles

11. ANS: B DIF: 3 REF: p. 180

12. ANS: C DIF: 3 REF: p. 202
13. ANS: C DIF: 3 REF: p. 181
14. ANS: B DIF: 3 REF: p. 192
15. ANS: B DIF: 3 REF: p. 181
16. ANS: C DIF: 3 REF: p. 180
17. ANS: C DIF: 3 REF: p. 181

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