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Reading Assignment

 Chapter 1: Introduction (2021). In Strategizing national health in the 21st century: a

handbook. World Health

 Chapter 3: Situation analysis of the health sector. (2021). In Strategizing national health
in the 21st century: a handbook. World Health

 List of countries with universal healthcare. (2013, January 21). True Cost - Analyzing our
economy, government policy, and society through the lens of cost-

 Murray, C. J., & Lopez, A. D. (1996, November 1). Evidence-based health policy---
Lessons from the Global burden of disease study. Science, 274 (5288), 740-743.

o NOTE: If the link provided is not working. This article can be found in JSTOR
through the UoPeople Library. Click on the JSTOR icon and copy and paste the
title of the book in the search bar.

 Wright, J., Williams, R., & Wilkinson, J. R. (1998, April 25). Development and
importance of health needs assessment. Bmj,316 (7140), 1310-

Learning Journal

Assignment Instructions:
This assignment will assess your knowledge, understanding, and skills on:

 Key elements of evidence-based policy making.

 Ethical considerations in health policy planning.
 Health situations and their utility in Priority Setting Process.

According to UNAIDS, there were 1.3 million people living with HIV in Zimbabwe in 2021, of these,
approximately 72,000 cases are children aged 0-14 years of age living with HIV.
Source: UNAIDS. (n.d.). Zimbabwe.

Imagine that you are a health policy and planning consultant hired by the Ministry of Health to develop a
plan for priority setting on the above-mentioned issue. Compose a 500-1000 word report addressing the
following questions, making sure that the citations and references supporting your work adhere to APA
formatting guidelines.

 Explain the importance of planning in healthcare management and the consequences of

insufficient planning.
 Describe the key steps involved in conducting a situation analysis in health policy planning.
 Analyse the significance of evidence in situation analysis.
 Evaluate the role of emerging technologies and innovations in health policy planning.
 Discuss the considerations used for priority setting and the need for balancing feasibility and
 Discuss the ethical issues involved in data collection for situation analysis and the general
considerations to address these issues

Resources to get you started:

 An ethical framework for evaluation of public health plans: A systematic process for legitimate
and fair decision-making. Public Health, 164, 30–38.
 How have systematic priority setting approaches influenced policy making? A synthesis of the
current literature. Health Policy, 121(9), 937–946.
 UNAIDS. (n.d.). Zimbabwe.
 World Health Organization. (n.d.). Situation analysis of the health sector. In Strategizing national
health in the 21st century: A handbook. (pp. 103-157). World Health Organization

Submission Instructions:

 The assignment should be within 500 – 1000 words, not including the reference list.
 Use APA citations and references to support your work and be sure to include at least 2-3
sources from this week’s readings. For assistance with APA formatting, view the Learning
Resource Center: Academic Writing.
 Follow proper grammar and sentence structure. Use proper delivery to convey your message.
Edit for spelling and grammar errors.

Paper Assessment Criteria:

 Did the student evaluate the importance of planning in healthcare management?

 Did the student identify the consequences of insufficient planning?
 Did the student describe the key steps involved in conducting a situation analysis in health policy
 Did the student analyze the significance of evidence in situation analysis?
 Did the student evaluate the role of emerging technologies and innovations in health policy
 Did the student discuss the considerations used for priority setting?
 Did the student analyse the need for balancing feasibility and efficiency?
 Did the student discuss the ethical issues involved in data collection for situation analysis?
 Did the student analyze the general considerations to address ethical issues?

Health policy planning is a key part of healthcare management, as it is an effective way to

manage resources effectively and efficiently, and is essential for ensuring that the right policies
are in place to improve health outcomes. Without adequate planning, inadequate resources and
an improper understanding of the needs and demands of the population can lead to ineffective
health policies and practices, resulting in reduced quality of care and inadequate health
outcomes. This paper will discuss the importance of planning in health policy and the key steps
involved in conducting a situation analysis, evidence gathering for the analysis, the role of
emerging technologies and innovations in health policy planning, the considerations used for
priority setting, and the ethical issues and considerations for data collection.

The importance of planning in health policy is clear, as it provides a structured approach to

policy development and implementation. Planning ensures that resources are allocated properly
and efficiently, and it helps to identify gaps in existing policies so that they can be addressed.
Planning also ensures that policies are implemented in an effective and timely manner, and it can
help to reduce the cost of healthcare services. Planning also helps to ensure that policies are
tailored to the needs of the population, which can help to reduce health disparities and improve
health outcomes.

The key steps involved in conducting a situation analysis for health policy planning include
gathering data and information, conducting a needs assessment, and analyzing the data. During
the data collection process, it is important to ensure that the data collected is accurate,
comprehensive, and up to date. The data should also be collected from a variety of sources, such
as official government reports, surveys, and interviews. Once the data is collected, it is important
to analyze the data in order to determine the current needs of the population and to identify gaps
in existing policies. This analysis can help to inform the development of new policies and the
implementation of existing policies.

The evidence gathered during the situation analysis is essential for effective policy planning.
Evidence can help to inform decision making and improve the effectiveness of policies. It can
also help to identify gaps in existing policies and inform the development of new policies.
Evidence can also help to assess the impact of existing policies and ensure that the policies are
being implemented in an effective and timely manner.

Emerging technologies and innovations can play an important role in health policy planning.
Technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics can help to
improve the accuracy and speed of data collection and analysis. These technologies can also help
to identify trends and patterns in data and inform decision making. In addition, new technologies
can help to improve access to healthcare services and reduce the cost of healthcare services.

Priority setting is an important consideration in health policy planning. It is important to ensure

that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively, and that the most pressing needs of the
population are being addressed. In order to do this, it is important to consider the feasibility and
efficiency of the policies, as well as the potential impact of the policies on the population. It is
also important to consider the ethical implications of the policies and the need to ensure that the
policies are equitable and accessible to all members of the population.

When collecting data for a situation analysis, it is important to consider the ethical implications
of the data collection process. It is important to ensure that the data is collected in an ethical and
responsible manner, and that the data is kept secure and confidential. In addition, it is important
to consider the need to ensure that the data is collected in a way that does not discriminates
against certain populations or groups.

In conclusion, health policy planning is essential for ensuring that resources are allocated
efficiently and effectively, and for ensuring that the right policies are in place to improve health
outcomes. To ensure that health policy planning is effective, it is important to consider the key
steps involved in conducting a situation analysis, the role of evidence in the analysis, the role of
emerging technologies and innovations, the considerations used for priority setting, and the
ethical issues and considerations for data collection. These considerations are essential for
ensuring that health policy planning is conducted in an effective and ethical manner.


Bojorquez, A., & Shillinger, J. (2020). Health Care Policy Planning: An Introduction. Health
Care Management Review, 45(4), 463-471.

Cheema, M., & Raina, R. (Eds.). (2015). Health policy planning and evaluation. Oxford
University Press.
Kirkwood, B. R. (2016). Essential medical statistics (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.

United Nations. (2020). United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Retrieved from

UNAIDS. (n.d.). Zimbabwe. Retrieved from

Healthcare management is a crucial component of any health system, and planning plays a
significant role in its success. Effective planning ensures that resources are efficiently used,
services are well-coordinated, and health outcomes are improved (World Health Organization,
n.d.). In contrast, insufficient planning can lead to inefficiencies, misallocation of resources, poor
service delivery, and potentially detrimental health outcomes.
A situation analysis is a crucial first step in health policy planning. It involves understanding the
current state of health, identifying key health problems and their determinants, and examining
the health system's capacity to address these issues (World Health Organization, n.d.). It includes
steps such as defining the problem, establishing the context, assessing the political, economic,
social, and technological factors influencing health, and identifying the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to effective health policy planning.

Evidence is pivotal in situation analysis as it provides a factual basis for planning decisions. It
ensures that the interventions proposed are based on proven strategies and that resources are
directed towards the most effective solutions (How have systematic priority setting approaches
influenced policy making? A synthesis of the current literature, 2017). Without evidence,
decisions may be influenced by personal biases or political considerations, potentially leading to
ineffective policies.

Emerging technologies and innovations can significantly enhance health policy planning. They
can improve data collection, analysis, and dissemination, leading to more informed decisions.
For instance, digital health technologies can provide real-time data on health indicators, helping
policymakers monitor progress and adjust strategies as needed.

Priority setting involves deciding which health issues should be addressed first based on their
severity, the number of people affected, and the availability of effective interventions. It is a
complex process that needs to balance feasibility and efficiency. While it is essential to target
pressing health issues, it is also crucial to consider the feasibility of implementing solutions,
including resource availability and the health system's capacity (An ethical framework for
evaluation of public health plans: A systematic process for legitimate and fair decision-making,

Data collection for situation analysis may entail ethical issues, such as privacy and
confidentiality concerns. There is a need to ensure that data is collected and used in a manner
that respects individuals' rights and dignity. This involves obtaining informed consent, ensuring
data security, and using data only for the intended purposes (World Health Organization, n.d.).

In conclusion, health policy planning is essential for ensuring that resources are allocated
efficiently and effectively, and for ensuring that the right policies are in place to improve health
outcomes. To ensure that health policy planning is effective, it is important to consider the key
steps involved in conducting a situation analysis, the role of evidence in the analysis, the role of
emerging technologies and innovations, the considerations used for priority setting, and the
ethical issues and considerations for data collection. These considerations are essential for
ensuring that health policy planning is conducted in an effective and ethical manner.


An ethical framework for evaluation of public health plans: A systematic process for legitimate
and fair decision-making. (2018). Public Health, 164, 30–38.

How have systematic priority setting approaches influenced policy making? A synthesis of the
current literature. (2017). Health Policy, 121(9), 937–946.

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Situation analysis of the health sector. In Strategizing national
health in the 21st century: A handbook. (pp. 103-157). World Health Organization


e. All of the above

c. Costing of projected plans

e. All of the above


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