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1. HKUM 4211 - Agrarian Law

Agrarian law discusses a broader range of topics than just land law. Agrarian law is a set of legal
principles that govern land, water within certain boundaries, airspace, and natural resources
found within the land, whether in written or unwritten form.

2. ISIP4130 - Introduction to Legal Science / Indonesian Law

Introduction to Legal Science (ISIP) covers the scope of introductory legal science, the definition
of law, legal norms, and social norms, objective law and subjective law, legal sources,
classification of law, schools of legal thought, positive legal systems, and their branches.

3. MKDU4109 - Basic Social and Cultural Sciences

This course provides an overview of the nature of Basic Social and Cultural Sciences (ISBD)
education, social and cultural concepts such as culture, civilization, multiculturalism, morality and
law, physical and social environment, globalization, and examples of social and cultural
phenomena in society. After studying this course, students are expected to be able to explain
social and cultural phenomena in society.

4. MKW14201 - English

This English language course covers basic materials (introduction/preparatory course), business
English communication, including explanations and exercises on business English language skills,
including grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing. Students are also equipped with skills for
writing various business letters, such as job applications, requests, memos, and official emails,
after gaining an understanding of grammar for effective sentence construction. Introduction to
TOEIC is also provided to familiarize students with the context of the international working

5. MKWU4104 - Religion (Islam)

Islamic Religious Education in this module explains the concepts of God Almighty, humans,
society, law, morality, knowledge, technology, art, culture, politics, and harmony among religious

6. MKWU4108 - Indonesian Language

Indonesian Language aims to provide students with knowledge and language skills. The
knowledge acquired by students includes the essence of language, the history of the
development of the Indonesian language, the position and function of the Indonesian language,
and an understanding of the linguistic rules of the Indonesian language for study purposes.

1. ADPU4332 - State Administrative Law

This course covers the topic of state administrative law (SAL). The scope of SAL includes detailed
discussions of the topics to be studied. State administrative law is one of the branches of law.
This law regulates the ways of carrying out the duties (rights and obligations) of the powers of
state equipment.

2. HKUM4205 - Criminology

"Crimen" means crime, while "logos" means science. Thus, literally, criminology is the science of
crime, or more precisely, criminology studies all aspects of crime. Criminology studies can be
grouped into four aspects of discussion including crime, criminals, victims of crime, and society's
reaction to crime.

3. HKUM4209 – State Science

presents the material on the science of the state as knowledge with the state as the object. It
discusses the definition and scope of political science, the concept of the state and its elements,
the theory of the legitimacy of power, the classification of states, the structure of the state, and
the limitation of the power of rulers. Therefore, at the end of this course, students are expected
to understand issues related to statehood through a legal approach and be able to analyze the
dynamics of the state in a scientific and objective manner. Furthermore, this can be a study
material on statehood when entering life in society, the state, and the nation in various
dimensions of the status or position of humans in the context of the state.

4. HKUM4403 – Science of Legislation

provides an understanding of legislative science, starting with its history, background,

theoretical discussion of state legal norms, the implementation of the state legal norm system,
and legislation processes in Indonesia. Therefore, by the end of this course, students are
expected to understand legislative science both theoretically and practically, including the legal
system and legislation in Indonesia, and be able to formulate legislation.

5. ISIP4131 - Indonesian Legal System

With topics on the Understanding of the Indonesian Legal System, Customary Law in Indonesia,
Islamic Legal System, Indonesian Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law,
and International Law.

6. MKDU4111 – Civics

Civic Education aims to foster attitudes, behaviors of patriotism, comprehensive-integral

thinking in national life, uphold democracy towards a civil society, and responsibly apply
knowledge to humanity for the benefit of the Indonesian Nation and State. The teaching
materials consist of 9 studies, including: an introduction to civic education, insights into the
archipelago and geopolitics, social resilience and geostrategy, national integration, national
identity, the rights and obligations of citizens, the concept of Indonesian democracy, the state
and the constitution, regional autonomy, as well as good and clean government.


1. ADBP4336 – Labor Law

Labor law in Indonesia is regulated in Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. Labor law
regulates all matters relating to labor before, during, and after work.

2. HKUM4207 – State Structure Law

State Structure Law studies the structure of the state, state institutions and the dynamics of
authority that exist in the state government structure.ISIP4132 - Constitutional Law This course
is intended to provide knowledge to students about constitutional law, namely the 1945
Constitution and the principles contained therein.

3. HKUM4210 Environmental Law

Environmental Law is a subject not only in the field of law but also in other programs of study.
This is because environmental law is functional, and its enforcement requires approaches from
other disciplines such as environmental science, economics, and sociology. Through this
environmental law course, readers will understand the principles and legal regulations applied
to address environmental problems, both at the international and national levels.

4. HKUM4301 - Telematics Law

Telematics Law aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the legal
developments related to telematics in detail. Students will study and discuss the comprehensive
scope of telematics law, understand the jurisdiction and options for cyber law, analyze
cybercrime cases, examine e-commerce developments, study contract law aspects and special
evidence related to electronic evidence, review domain names, examine the legal aspects of
electronic fund transfers, protect copyrights in the digital world, and understand the
development of telematics and its connection with national law in the context of moving
towards a smart legal society. The assessment of students' learning outcomes is based on
formative tests, tutorial assignments, and end-of-semester exams.

5. HKUM4312 - Consumer Protection Law

Consumer Protection Law covers the understanding, scope, and regulations related to consumer
protection law, business entities, supervision and the operation of consumer protection
institutions, civil law aspects, public law aspects of consumer protection, and dispute resolution
both outside and within the judiciary. After studying Consumer Protection Law, students are
expected to be able to explain, understand, and analyze consumer protection cases that occur in
practice based on the Consumer Protection Law and the Financial Services Authority Law.
Assessment of learning outcomes is carried out through objective and/or essay evaluations.
6. HKUM4407 - Tax Law and Taxation Procedures

This course aims to enable students to understand the comprehensive governance of taxation in
Indonesia, which relates to the philosophy of taxation; the paradigm shift in tax collection; the
application and implementation of tax collection based on regulations.


1. HKUM4102 - Law and Community

This course covers a series of regulations that govern human life within a society and provide
sanctions for those who violate them. Since Legal Science is a science of norms, it is essential to
understand the essence of norms, which are the rules of society, and how these norms function
in reality.

2. HKUM4103 - Philosophy of Law and Professional Ethics

Philosophy of law is the study of law from a philosophical perspective, delving into the essence
(the core) of law. Legal science, broadly speaking, consists of legal dogmatics, legal theory, and
legal philosophy. Legal philosophy is the most essential layer of legal science because it is highly
abstract and seeks to find the legitimacy of the law (constitutive element) and the criteria for
justice (regulative element).

3. HKUM4202 - Civil Law

Civil Law discusses the subfields of civil law, which include personal law, family law, absolute
property law, including property law and inheritance law, as well as contract law. After studying
this subject, students are expected to be able to explain the core aspects of civil law.

4. HKUM4203 - Criminal Law

Criminal Law presents materials related to Criminal Law, covering an introduction, tasks,
functions, purposes, the criminalization system, acts against the law, criminal liability, reasons
for the elimination of criminal liability, attempts, participation, aiding and abetting, concurrence,
and recidivism.

5. HKUM4206 - International Law

International Law is a mandatory course for Law students. International Law, often referred to
as Public International Law, explains various aspects and fundamental principles of International
Law, including the theories underlying the emergence of International Law, the basis of
International Law, sources of International Law, diplomatic relations law, space law,
humanitarian law, international organizations, and the settlement of international disputes
according to International Law.

6. HKUM4306 - Legal Research Methods

Legal Research Methods provide an understanding of legal research methods as instruments for
solving legal issues. This course covers legal concepts and the consequences of research
methods, legal issues, approaches, and reasoning used to solve legal issues.


1. HKUM4101 – Legal Language and Terminology

The course we will study is called Legal Language. Legal Language covers legal language,
including Indonesian, English, and Dutch, as well as the types or distinctive characteristics of
legal language, especially the language found in legislation or other regulations.

2. HKUM4207 – Commercial and Bankruptcy Law

Commercial law is a set of norms that arise specifically in the world of business or corporate
activities. The norms are sourced from codified legal standards, namely the civil code and the
trade law code as well as outside the codification. That Bankruptcy Law is a general confiscation
of all assets of the person or institution that owes (debtor) related to this bankruptcy where the
management and management is carried out by the administrator or supervisor of the
bankrupt's property (curator) under the supervision of a supervisory judge as regulated in this

3. HKUM4208 – Law and Human Rights

Law and Human Rights present material about the background of the emergence of human
rights and their regulation to fulfill these rights. This material discusses an introduction to
human rights and humanitarianism, the right to life, the right to marry and have a family, the
right to justice, participation in governance, women's rights, and children's rights. Therefore, at
the end of this course, students are expected to have a comprehensive understanding of human
rights and their application in the prevailing legislation and their connection to the Indonesian
legal system.

4. HKUM4304 – International Civil Law

International Civil Law aims to equip students with an understanding of international legal
relationships so that students can resolve legal issues arising from foreign legal relationships,
demonstrating points of connection between national legal systems and foreign legal systems.
Students will be invited to study and analyze points of legal connection in legal issues involving
foreign law and also study the choice of law that will apply when there is a clash of laws
between two or more different legal systems. Through the examination of case studies,
jurisprudence, and expert opinions, students will examine the latest developments in
international private law. Students' mastery of understanding will be tested through discussions,
assignments, and case studies.

5. HKUM4401 – Legal Interpretation and Reasoning

Legal Interpretation and Reasoning discuss methods and strategies for interpreting and
reasoning about legal provisions or legal facts in court to find or discover new legal concepts or
precepts in a legal opinion (legal opinion). The methods of legal interpretation and reasoning
used for both the Common law and civil law systems are discussed to provide a comprehensive
understanding because both systems have influenced each other in their development. This
course is crucial for equipping law graduates to build a legal opinion based on the process of
legal interpretation and reasoning.

6. HKUM4402 – Contract Law

The Law of Contracts course discusses the ins and outs of contracts in general. In the Contract
Law module, the focus is on contract theory and types of contracts, accompanied by practical
illustrations of contract practices to facilitate understanding of all the theories and concepts
found in contract law.


1. HKUM4204 – Customary Law

This course discusses the law that is formed and made and lives within a community in an
unwritten form. After studying this material, students are expected to explain the
understanding, principles, elements of customary law, the history, and the development of
customary law in national law, as well as the existence of Customary Law in various aspects of
community life. Learning outcomes are assessed through objective and/or essay tests.

2. Civil Procedural Law

Civil Procedural Law discusses the history, sources, and principles of civil procedural law. At the
initial level of the implementation of civil procedural law in Indonesia, topics include judicial
power and an understanding of disputes and lawsuits. It continues with technical discussions of
court procedures, starting from the beginning of the trial, court mediation, case examination,
evidence; judge's decisions, legal remedies against judge's decisions, including the procedure for
executing judge's decisions and the seizure and sale process. After studying Civil Procedural Law
material, students are expected to understand both the theory and practice of all procedures in
Indonesian Civil Procedural Law, as well as resolve issues in the field of civil procedural law in
the Indonesian judicial system. Learning outcomes are assessed through objective and/or essay

3. HKUM4406 – Criminal Procedure Law

The Criminal Procedure Law course discusses the procedures for criminal proceedings in court.
In the Criminal Procedure Law module, the focus is on the theory and processes of criminal
proceedings, accompanied by their developments, especially in the field of criminal justice,
making it easier to understand all the theories and concepts found in Criminal Procedure Law.
4. HKUM4409 – Arbitration, Mediation, and Negotiation

Arbitration, Mediation, and Negotiation discuss alternative dispute resolution methods,

arbitration concepts, and its application, negotiation definitions and stages, negotiation
implementation, mediation concepts and their application in arbitration regulations
(introduction), arbitration jurisdiction, the application of arbitration agreements, and types of
arbitration. It also covers arbitration hearings and decisions.

5. HKUM4410 – Lawyers Practice Experience at Court

The Practical Experience in Litigation guide is prepared as a reference for students in carrying
out Practical Experience in Litigation in the S-1 Law Program at the Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences, Universitas Terbuka (FISIP-UT). This guide includes an introduction, the procedure for
conducting Practical Experience in Litigation, and guidelines for writing a Practical Experience in
Litigation report.


1. HKUM4302 – Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights discusses the understanding and scope, principles, and theories of
intellectual property protection, special characteristics, criminal acts, and the history of the
development of intellectual property. The course covers international provisions related to
intellectual property; copyright, patents; trademarks; trade secrets; industrial design; integrated
circuit layout designs; plant variety protection; and communal intellectual property. After
studying Intellectual Property Law material, students are expected to analyze intellectual
property law and examine creations that have the potential for protection under the regime of
intellectual property law. Learning outcomes are assessed through objective and/or essay tests.

2. HKUM4303 – Company Law

Company Law is a compulsory course for students in the Faculty of Law who are taking the
Economics Law Specialization Program. Company Law, in terms of substance, is an advanced
course from Commercial Law, which is a compulsory course for all students in the Faculty of
Law. Therefore, students taking this course are required to have attended classes and passed
the Commercial Law course.

3. HKUM4305 – International Criminal Law

International criminal law covers all types of crimes such as war crimes, genocide, persecution,
human trafficking, aggression, arms smuggling, terrorism, and more.

4. HKUM4404 – Theory of Legislation

The Theory of Legislation course provides an understanding of judicial review, which cannot be
separated from discussions of legislation or statutory regulations because judicial review
operates based on hierarchically arranged statutory regulations. If a regulation is deemed
inconsistent with a higher-ranking regulation, its validity is determined through material testing
by the Constitutional Court. This testing process is commonly referred to as judicial review, so by
the end of this course, students are expected to understand the examination of statutory
regulations in Indonesia.

5. HKUM4408 – Islamic Law and Procedural Law at Religious Court

Discuss Islamic law as material and religious court procedures as formal law, which are legal
provisions that function to enforce material law. Therefore, the discussion will begin by
addressing the basic principles of Islamic law and the sources of Islamic law. Then, in terms of
the implementation of these basic principles and sources of law, the discussion will focus on
Islamic law on zakat, wakaf, Islamic finance and financing, Islamic marriage law, and Islamic
inheritance law. To enforce some of these material laws that have

6. HKUM4500 - Final Assignment

This is a comprehensive subject matter examination covering all the material that has been
provided to ensure that students understand and meet the predetermined grade requirements.
The Final Program Assignment (FPA) aims to measure students' comprehensive abilities in a
specific field of study in the D-IV and S1 degree programs.

7. HKUM4560 - Scientific Writting

A scientific writting is a written and published report that presents the results of research or
studies conducted by an individual or a team, adhering to the norms and ethics of the scientific
community. Conducting field research directly, my research focused on:

The Rehabilitation Patterns of Inmates in State Penitentiaries from the Perspective of Islamic
Law and Law No. 12 of 1995 Concerning Corrections (A Study at Class IIB State Penitentiary in


1. HKUM4307 - Business Competition Law

Business Competition Law is the legal framework that regulates the interactions or relationships
between companies or business actors in the market, with company behavior in these
interactions based on economic motives.

2. HKUM4308 - Banking Law and Crime

Firstly, Banking Law encompasses the understanding and history of banking in Indonesia, forms,
types of banks and banking services, the system and institutions overseeing banking in
Indonesia, the principle of prudence in banking, mergers, consolidation, and bank acquisitions,
bank secrecy, and banking offenses.
3. HKUM4309 - Special Crime

This course focuses on various special criminal offenses. The study of corruption-related
offenses includes bribery, embezzlement, bribery, gratification, or financial manipulation in both
the public and private sectors. Drug-related offenses concern the production, distribution,
circulation, and misuse of illicit drugs or narcotics.

4. HKUM4310 - Corruption Crime

This course delves into offenses related to corruption. Corruption crime involve bribery, financial
loss to the state, extortion, fraudulent activities, embezzlement in public office, gratification,
and conflicts of interest in procurement.

5. HKUM4311 - Economy Criminal Law

Economic criminal law refers to a collection of regulations in the economic field containing
obligations and/or prohibitions that are subject to penalties. These regulations can take the
form of administrative regulations with criminal sanctions or criminal regulations.

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