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CASE 1: USA Today: Innovation in an Evolving Industry

Central problem: The collapse of US today's news due to parlor Journalism.

Minor problem:
1. Battling the image of "McPaper", cheap journalism.
2. High-cost printing
1. To present their readers with more information in less time.
2. Adapting to shifting audience preferences.
3. To make it easy for people to comprehend and obtain accurate information.

Alternative course of action 1: Should provide accurate information for the people.
1. People will believe the news from the newspaper.
2. People will love to read an interesting story on the news.
3. People will subscribe to the printing news.
1. People love to watch the news on TV.
2. News is spread on social media so people are quickly informed by information.

Alternative course of action 2: The news can be spread worldwide not only in a specific
1. It can keep people connected to all happenings in the world.
2. People know the different cultures of different countries.
3. It should be the voice of everyone.
1. It Can Be Used for Disinformation and Hate.
2. It can overtake personal connections.
3. It can homogenize culture.
Alternative course of action 3: The newspaper should be traditional
1. It increases the reading skills and vocabulary of the people who read it.
2. It increases the general knowledge of readers
3. It is easy to understand the readers.
1. The quality of the content could be poor
2. It is a slow means of communication
3. Added to the waste material of the people at home.
Alternative course of action 4: Active research on an innovative idea.
1. Can have better innovation when it comes to news headlines.
2. Higher rate when it comes to competition.
3. Leading for all news and media.
1. More expensive and a waste of money.
2. The news and advertisement would expensive.
3. The news is traditional and would lead to negative feedback from the old readers.

The company requires more new ideas since successful innovation helps you to add value to
your business and improve revenues; if you don't innovate properly, your business will
stagnate. Staying ahead of the competition requires innovation..

Working on exciting, difficult, and creative projects is one method to do this, as it will expose
you to the skills needed to become an innovation driver inside your firm.

Any organization can choose to innovate, but earnings, stability, expansion, and the risks
associated are the primary motivators for businesses to do so. Companies may adopt new
technology to assist their operations as part of the innovation process, giving them a
competitive advantage over less inventive firms. This analysis will look at why organizations
are moving toward new technology innovation, what motivates them, what dangers are linked
with this decision, how a company's plans are considered, and how it will ultimately effect
the organization's everyday operations. This report will assist in analyzing and evaluating the
ways and reasons why businesses must innovate.

CASE 02: Apple’s Winning Marketing Strategy

Central problem: Marketing problem due to stiff competition in the industry.

Minor problem:
. 1. Sales of the first 5G handset were unusually high, topping the iPhone sales.
2. The challenge is the chip scarcity, which could easily result in a million-unit sales drop.
3. Apple is having trouble because to investor concerns over not reporting unit sales

.Alternative course of action 1: Focus on future trends and demands.

1. Knowing what your competitors are doing.
2. Be able to forecast what is going to be relevant in the future.
1. Overestimate the data you acquired about your competitors and give up without even
2. You misinterpret the uniqueness of your offerings.
Alternative course of action 2: Provide great customer service.
1. You will get customer loyalty.
2. Your customers will be the best marketer of your product.
1. Brand loyal consumers typically pay more for their brands.
2. Customers May Not Be Satisfied.

When it comes to businesses like these, we need to employ more techniques to stay ahead of
the competition. We should accept and follow trends as they develop. Because there are many
competitors waiting to fail you and bankrupt your firm, product innovations should be used to
the business in the area of business. After all, competitors are constantly analyzing how to
outperform their rivals.

When it comes to business, the greatest thing to do is perform additional study for the
company's benefit and gather an awesome concept to sell your goods to consumers, consider
win-win for the scenario you're in, and come up with a solution to the problem. The
business's key criteria are to follow trends, provide excellent customer service, and innovate.
When it comes to business, that is the best advice I could give.

Better customer service, improved products, and improved customer experiences are all part
of the innovation process. Superior client encounters without sacrificing financial gain and
revenues are the types of innovations that are critical for corporate success.

CASE 01: Zappos: Delivering happiness

Central problem: The company has become over-hyped as a social media success story.
Because only one company has attained success, doubters assume that success is tough.Minor

1. Zappos company was difficult for them to hire people in the area who want to make
customer service a career.
2. Customers experience delayed orders due to technical errors from the company.
3. One of its websites from Zappos named was hacked. Hacker then changes the
price of its products.
1. To inspire the world by showing at the same time deliver happiness to customers.
2. To build a good relationship with customers and employees and the communities.
3. To give full support to employees, vendors, shareholders, and the community. In a
long-term, sustainable way.
The alternative course of action 1: provide good customer service to the customer.
1. To maintain a good relationship with the customer.
2. To gain trust from the customer to come back and buy the product.
1. Occurrence of complains
2. Negative feedback from the customer
The alternative course of action 2: involvement of employees in the product management.
1. Employees would a great marketer of the product.
2. Knowledgeable employees would be an asset to the product.
1. A company without a good relationship with the management would cause negative
feedback for the customer.
2. Lack of knowledge about the product is a minus for the customer to buy the product.
The alternative course of action 3: Need an IT expert to keep the company's website safe.
1. The company would be safe and protected by the IT man.
2. The website of the company will remain clean and trusted.
1. Occurrence of an expert hacker.
2. The occurrence of negative comments from the prospective customer will be read by
the future customer.
Alternative courses of action 4: Good marketing of the product should be by the law
1. the company will become a good example to other companies.
2. The reputation of the company will become stable.
1. Negative compliments from the customer on the product from the website.
2. Possibility of copying the strategy of marketing.

The Zappos company continuously maintains a high standard while also bringing enjoyment
to its clients. They have always accepted and learned from unfavorable input. Finally, Zappos
has a culture that is unlike any other. Employees at Zappos are enthusiastic about customer
service and the brand. Because of its focus on consumers and staff, it has been able to
outperform many other online merchants. It contains the ten key ideals that define the
company's culture. Because of his devotion to a joyful workplace and a passion for what he
does, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh has been able to take the company to the next level. Hsieh has
succeeded in building an environment that encourages employees to be customer-focused and
recognizes the importance of being enthusiastic about their work. Zappos would be able to
rebound from a drop in sales or product availability because it practices and recruits
employees that are comfortable with change.
While ensuring that customer service remains a primary priority Zappos now has a
warehouse in Kentucky, but we believe that it should expand in order to maintain its
reputation for quick and friendly service. We urge that you take use of the extra funds
supplied by Venture Frogs. Adding another warehouse will allow the company to expand in
the future while also providing the much-needed inventory storage space. With the additional
warehouse, Zappos will be able to continue to employ its old inventory technology while
increasing efficiencyAll of these modifications will improve the customer service experience.
This cash increase will allow Zappos to expand its service offerings, which will help the
company grow its clothing line and strengthen its relationship with the 300 fashion brands it
has signed on with. Furthermore, Zappos should employ some of the best social media

Customer service and personality Zappos is known for its outstanding customer service,
which is reflected in the company's voice. They are really invested in and enthusiastic about
your interest in their products. Their beliefs are shown in their charm and customer service,
as well as how they market their products.

CASE 9 Chevrolet: 100 Years of Product Innovation

Central problem: Huge oil consumption

Minor problem:
1. Engine misfires
2. Stuck keys
3. Faulty electronics
4. Problematic power steering
1. To provide the highest level of service in all aspects of automotive dealership
2. To provide their customers with the highest quality products and services at a fair and
competitive price.
3. To be committed to leading and dominating the industry in automotive excellence in
our market.
The alternate course of action 1: Restricting into a decentralized organization to put more
emphasis on individual brands rather than regional divisions
1. Ensures better control and supervision as the subordinates at the Lowe's levels will
have the authority to make independent decisions.
2. They have a thorough knowledge of every assignment under their control.
3. In a position to make amendments and take corrective action.

1. There's a possible conflict due to the pressure on decisional heads to realize profits at
any cost.
2. This may lead to inter-divisional rivalry leading to bitter fights and duplication of
staff efforts.
Alternative action 2: Market research internal and external analysis to make alternative
1. You can see that your product is fit for the environment.
2. You can build a building for your product.
3. You can estimate how many people can buy your product.
1. People are limited to buying a product, especially cars.
2. The building that you are building for the product doesn't last long.
3. The long-range of years to buy back your product, especially cars.
Alternative action 3: Start with decentralization but aim for the overall more coherent
organization through his pursuit of a reduced constrained strategy.
1. Good organization because the decision is unified for the good of the company
2. The strategy is uniques and valuable for the company.
3. Employees are good and unified.
1. How long the knowledgeable employees will stay.
2. The strategy of the company there's a possibility will copy by the competitor
3. Resigned employees would be the biggest problem for the company

The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and it's becoming difficult to let go of them. It is
significantly better for General Motors to reallocate resources now, when it is still robust,
than waiting until it is in danger. The same is true for the impacted workers: the tight job
market means that those who undergo retraining will have opportunities.

1. Restructure the operations in question before the company's survival is jeopardized.
That is precisely what GM is attempting. Another option is to sell off pieces that are
no longer viable to someone with political clout who can restructure them.
2. One of the main motivations for outsourcing has been to place assets in the hands of
someone who can restructure them.
3. With a large percentage of their component activities, the Detroit Big Three did this.

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