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Underwater geography:

The ocean has most of the same landmarks and structures as we have on land. For example: lakes
and rivers, forests (kelp forest) caves, volcanos , mountains/ hills.

Sometimes these structures can have different names than on land but in principle they are the
same structures and sometimes even have the same uses as the ones on land.

Kelp forests:

Kelp is a very tall sea plant that grows in large groups that look like forests. Like land forests, we find
many different animals living there, some animals eats the plants growing there and they hide
among the kelp plants from predator fish like barracuda, sharks and pike. Some fish let their eggs
hatch in the kelp forest because it’s safer, the baby fish (called fry) can hide among the kelp leaves.


fish and other ocean animals use them as shelter (home). Divers like to explore these caves and take
videos or pictures of what they find in them .

Underwater volcanoes:
Some underwater volcanoes continue to grow taller and taller as they erupt more often, sometimes
until we can see them above the water and they look like volcanic islands.


These are people swim deep under water with special equipment that helps them breathe under
water. They have torches so they can see under water, air tanks with air they can breathe, wetsuits
to keep their bodies warm underwater and watches so they can see how long they have been under
water. It’s important to know how long you’ve been under water so that you don’t run out of air in
the tank of you stay underwater too long.

Divers can take pictures and videos of what they find under water, that’s how we have so many
pictures and videos of the ocean and sea. Sometimes when they have to take videos of dangerous
ocean life, like sharks, they use special cages called diving cages so that they are safe from attacks.


1. Name a few landmarks that we have on land that are also under water.
2. What is a shelter? (A home)
3. Name any predator fish.
4. What’s the special name for baby fish? (Fry)
5. Why do some divers need to dive in special cages? (To protect them when they are driving
with dangerous animals like sharks.)

Pages 10-11 from the book “Earth’s Incredible Oceans” Identify some of the landmarks on the
pages. Like hills and volcanoes.


Killer bees :

Also known as Africanised bees. These are a hybrid bee made when African bees where kept and
bred with European bees. The bees produces are bigger, very aggressive and attack in large
numbers. This makes them very dangerous for any people and animals living near by. The bees
can be irritated by anytime from loud noises to bad weather, which makes them likely to attack.
Because they attack in very large numbers, they can pump a lot of venom into the animal/
person they attack, which can be enough to actually kill small animals and even people.

The tooth mouse-


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