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Assistant Professor– English Language
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Submitted on- 6th Sep,2023

The Mistress of Spices is a best-selling novel, penned by Chitra Banerjee

Divakaruni in 1997. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is an Indian-born American
author and poet. Her short story collection, The Arranged Marriage won the
American Book Award in 1996.

Her works are mostly based in Indian and American settings and deal with the
experiences of South Asian Immigrants in America.

The Mistress of Spices is a Fictional book in the genre, Magical Realism. This
genre blends colourful and fantastical elements of Magic, with vivid Realism
that can be seen in day-to-day life.

The Mistress of Spices is filled with Magic, Mystery, and Love. It begins in a
small Village somewhere in India, near the shore of the Indian Ocean, and
continues in the faraway continent of America, in Oakland, California.

Our heroine, Tilo, has magical powers and uses various kinds of spices to help
people in need. Her store Spice Bazaar is visited by all kinds of people, each
with their own problems, be it sickness, loneliness, feeling unhappy, or
wanting to find Love. Tilo, using the magic of Indian Spices helps them fulfill
their needs and desires. From the sweet and warm Soonf (Fennel) helping a
domestically abused wife strengthen her mind to stand up for herself. To
Kantak (Thorn herb), helping a family to break free from the convention of
Arranged marriage and letting her marry who she is happy with.

But these powers of spices don’t come without a cost. The young girl Tilo has
to sacrifice her youth and beauty in order to wield the magic of Spices. And
she can’t use the Spices for her own desires, for if she does, the Spices will
obey her no more.

The story follows Tilo, in the foreign land of Temptation, America, as she
battles between her duties as a Mistress of Spice, bound to selflessly serve
others in need, and her desire of experiencing the Love and Youth she
sacrificed to gain the approval of the Spices.

 Tilo at the start of the story is a girl who is mature beyond her age and
understands how strange she is. She knows how to use her unusual
power to her advantage, being aware of the deepest, darkest secrets of
the village people.
 A small child with having no idea of the responsibilities that came with
her powers, grew up to be proud and vain. She would enjoy her lavish
life full of jewels and the finest clothes.
 She became drunk on her power, losing respect for her loved ones. But
would soon come to regret it as her greed for power cost the entire
village their lives.
 After her village was struck by calamity, being attacked by pirates who
came for her powers and her family murdered in front of her, she could
not use her powers. She was captured by the pirates but soon
overpowered them as her powers came back. She had her powers back
the guilt of her dead family burnt in her mind for a year. For the first
time in her life, she felt remorse.
 Even when she takes tutelage under the Old one, it soon becomes clear
that arrogance and impatience are ingrained into her body. Being
clever enough to quickly learn the magic of the spices.
 It is in America, after experiencing the griefs and sorrows of others
who are affected by her thoughtless use of power, that she begins to
understand that power is not everything in life.
 She starts to appreciate how people live their own lives and, in the end,
she becomes content with living what she has in the present, without
the need of her powers, with her loved ones.

Cultural Identity: The novel explores the hardship faced by South Asians in a
foreign land, where there is tension between their Cultural Heritage and being
assimilated into the new, alien world.
Magic and Tradition: The spices, with their mystical powers, symbolize
emotions, healing, and transformation. They represent the delicate balance
between preserving ancient customs and adapting to modernity.
Love and Sacrifice: Love in various forms- romantic, familial, or even love for
a cherished person as a friend, drives the characters' actions. Sacrifice is also a
recurring theme as characters in the story make difficult choices to protect
their loved ones.
Spices: These are not only magical but also symbolic of the characters' needs
and desires. They represent the wants and longing of the characters, which the
Mistress fulfills through them.
The Spice Store: It serves as a sanctuary, symbolizing both a connection to the
past and a bridge to the future for the characters.
Vivid Descriptions: The author uses rich, vibrant imagery to describe the
spices, infusing the narrative with colours, scents, and tastes that transport
readers to the mystical world of the spice store.
Nature and Elements: Imagery related to nature and the elements, such as fire
representing the anger and rage pent up below the Earth, which is enhanced by
Lal Mirch, is one of the imagery used to convey the magic and power
associated with the spices.

Mistress of Spices by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is an enchanting novel that

delves into the vibrant world of spices, cultural identity, and the intricacies of
love. Divakaruni's descriptive prose transports the readers into a realm in
which their senses are immersed in the vibrant tapestry of the spice store.

While the story's magical realism elements add depth and flavor to the novel,
they can be overwhelming at times. The flow of the novel occasionally, feels
disjointed and inconsistent, pulling you out of the immersion.

However, the characters' journeys in the novel are compelling, making you
root for them as you follow along their life, watching them brave through their
ordeals. The universal struggle for self-discovery and the conflicts that one
goes through when torn between tradition and modernity, Duties and Desires.

Overall, "Mistress of Spices" is a beautifully written exploration of the human

experience, offering unique insights into the power of spices and their ability
to heal and transform lives. It's a must-read for those who appreciate emotion-
evoking storytelling and rich cultural narratives.

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