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Philippine Constitution

What is a Constitution?

A constitution is a system for government, codified as a written document, which

contains fundamental laws and principles . It usually contains fundamental political
principles, and establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of a
The Constitution of the Philippines is the supreme law of the Philippines. The
Constitution currently in effect was enacted in 1987, during the administration of
President Corazon C. Aquino, and is popularly known as the “ 1987 Constitution”.

What are the Constitutions in the Philippines?

The Philippines has had a total of six constitution since the Proclamation of
Independence on June 12, 1898.
Former Constitutions of the Philippines:
 The 1973 Constitution: Drafted in 1972, heavily amended during
President Ferdinand Marcos's tenure in 1976, 1980, and 1981. It was
presented to Marcos by the 1971 Constitutional Convention and ratified
through Citizens' Assemblies in 1973.
 The 1943 Constitution: This constitution was approved in 1943
during World War II by the Preparatory Committee on Philippine
Independence and approved by the KALIBAPI Convention. It was an
amendment to the 1935 Constitution, which had been previously modified
in 1940 and 1947.
 The 1935 Constitution: Approved by the 1934 Constitutional
Convention, certified by the U.S. President in 1935, and ratified through a
plebiscite in 1935. It governed the Philippines during the Commonwealth
 The Jones Law of 1916: Enacted in 1916 by the United States
Congress, the Jones Law laid the groundwork for self-governance in the
Philippines under American rule.
 The Philippine Organic Act of 1902: Enacted in 1902 by the
United States Congress, this act provided a legal framework for governing
the Philippines during the American colonial era.
 The 1899 Malolos Constitution: Approved by the Malolos
Congress in 1898 and formally adopted by President Emilio Aguinaldo in
1899. It was the first constitution of the Philippines, established during the
Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule.
The Preamble
The Preamble functions similarly to a book's introduction or preface. As an
introduction is not a part of the contents but it explains the purpose and objectives with
which the documents has been written.
As a result, the preamble gives the constitution's rules. In short, the preamble
describes the goals of the Constitution in two ways:
1. About the governmental system
2. Addressing the objectives of independence.
The constitution's preamble is viewed as its most important section. The
preamble to the Philippine Constitution explains that they are forming a government
based on the values of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace.
Bill of Rights
A bill of rights, sometimes called a declaration of rights or a charter of rights, is
list of the most important rights of the citizens of a country. The purpose it to protect
those rights against infringement from the public officials and private citizens.
 Entrenched Bill of Rights: This type is typically part of a country's constitution
and cannot be easily changed or canceled by the legislature. A supermajority
vote or an election, together with particular procedures for constitutional
changes, are frequently needed to change it.
 Unentrenched Bill of Rights: On the other hand, an unentrenched bill of rights
is a regular statute law that the legislature may change or remove as it sees fit.

What is the function of a Constitution?

The Constitution has three main purposes:
• Establishing a National Government: It establishes a republic of the nation
with the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. These branches have
checks and balances to ensure they don't become too powerful.
• Dividing Power: It divides powers between the federal government and the
states, defining their respective roles and responsibilities.
• Protecting Rights: The Constitution defines the national government's authority,
the legal system, and citizens' rights, protecting personal freedoms and
promoting equality for everyone.

It plays a crucial role in maintaining order, protecting rights, and defining the
character of a nation.

Duties and Responsibilities of Filipino Citizen:

1. To be loyal to the Republic
2. To honor the Philippine Flag
3. To defend the State
4. To contribute to State development and welfare
5. To uphold the Constitution and obey the laws
6. To cooperate with the duly constituted authorities in the attainment and preservation
of a just and orderly society.
7. To exercise rights responsibility and with due regard for the rights of others.
8. To engage in gainful work
9. To register and cast his votes

Flag Heraldic Code of the Philippines (RA 8491 s 1998)

Republic Act No. 8491, popularly known as the Flag Heraldic Code of the
Philippines, is a law that was enacted in 1998 that establishes the protocol to be
followed when using the Philippine National Flag, other national symbols, and the
Philippine Heraldic Code. The Philippine National Flag's colors, size, and design
components are all described in detail in the law. It specifies how the flag should look
and how it should be made.
Characteristic of the Philippine flag
It is also known as the "Flag of the Philippines" or "Pambansang Watawat ng
Pilipinas,“ is distinguished by its three basic colors: blue for peace and justice, red for
patriotism and heroism, and white for equality and unity. It has three five-pointed stars,
which stand in representing Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, as well as a golden sun
with eight rays in an equilateral triangle, which symbolizes freedom and democracy.

Prohibited act in the Flag code

The Flag Code prohibits several acts related to the Philippine National Flag:
• No Commercial Use: The flag can't be used for commercial advertising,
trademarks, or product designs.
• Respectful Display: It should be displayed with respect and not used as
clothing, drapery, or to cover objects.
• Superior Display: When with other flags, it must be above and at the center,
except during religious or memorial events.
• No Contact with Ground: The flag should never touch the ground or any object
beneath it.
• No Alterations: It can't be defaced or altered in any way.
• No Use in Sports and Entertainment: Except in international competitions, it
shouldn't be used as a costume in sports and entertainment.
• No Use in Protests: It shouldn't be used in protests or displayed disrespectfully.
• Avoid Inclement Weather: It's discouraged to fly it during bad weather to
prevent damage.
• Authorized Manufacture: Only authorized manufacturers can make the flag.
• Proper Mourning Display: It should be flown at half-mast only during
designated periods of national mourning.

Values Formation
Values are the deeply held beliefs, norms, and principles that shape and direct a
person's conduct, choices, and attitudes. These values help individuals in making
decisions that support their total well-being as well as the well-being of society.
Dimension of Human Person
The term "dimension of the human person" refers to the different features or
aspects that combine to form a thorough and complex understanding of a person. It
includes the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of human existence.
Makadiyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan, Makabansa
is a phrase in Filipino that represents the core values of the Philippines. These
values are not only part of the Philippines' national motto but also serve as guiding
principles for the Filipino people. They reflect the country's cultural, social, and ethical
foundations and play a significant role in shaping the nation's identity and the behavior
of its citizens.

Desiree May D. Mejes
Justin M. Banog
Julie Mae P. Turno

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