Test Bank For Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management 7th Edition Sally A Weiss Ruth M Tappen Karen Grimley

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Test Bank for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 7th Edition, Sally A.


Test Bank for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and

Management, 7th Edition, Sally A. Weiss, Ruth M.
Tappen Karen Grimley

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Test Bank, Chapter 6
Weiss, Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 7e Page 1 of 12

Chapter 6: Delegation and Prioritization of Client Care Staffing

1. A registered nurse (RN) instructs a nursing assistive personnel (NAP) to take vital signs for
several patients. Which of the following best describes this situation?
A. Direct delegation
B. Supervision
C. Indirect delegation
D. Assignment


2. A chief nursing officer instructs a supervisor to complete staff scheduling for the month.
Which of the following best describes this situation?
A. Direct delegation
B. Supervision
C. Indirect delegation
D. Assignment


3. When making assignments for the nursing team, an RN carefully considers the scope of
practice and skills of each of the team members. This is an example of which task-related
A. Appropriateness
B. Fairness
C. Efficiency
D. Abilities


4. A staff nurse informed the charge nurse that she was 6 weeks pregnant. The charge nurse
rearranged patient assignments so the pregnant nurse would not be caring for highly
infectious patients. This scenario is an example of which relationship-oriented concern?
A. Health
B. Appropriateness
C. Fairness
D. Staff preference


5. The charge nurse assigns a patient with a rare diagnosis to a newer nurse. This is an example
of which relationship-oriented concern in making assignments?
Test Bank, Chapter 6
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A. Staff preference
B. Learning opportunities
C. Compatibility
D. Fairness


6. A new nurse is reviewing the legal constraints of nursing practice. Which of the following
should the nurse review to determine legal boundaries to practice?
A. State nursing practice act
B. Professional nursing organization
C. Institutional policies
D. National Council of the State Boards of Nursing


7. Safety is a main concern when delegating patient care assignments. Which of the following is
true regarding delegation?
A. The individual to whom a task is delegated is held accountable for the task.
B. The RN may need to intervene even after patient care tasks have been delegated.
C. If a licensed practical nurse (LPN) cannot complete a patient care task that was
assigned to her by the RN, that task may be delegated to another member of the
nursing team, as long as it is within that individual’s scope of practice.
D. After delegating a task, the RN does not need to supervise its completion.


8. An RN is supervising a team consisting of an LPN and a NAP. Which of the following

patients should the RN see first?
A. A patient on an insulin drip requiring hourly blood glucose checks
B. A terminally ill cancer patient complaining of pain radiating throughout the abdomen
C. A patient diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who has
become confused
D. A patient with a serum potassium of 4.0


9. The nurse is making assignments for the patient care team. Which of the following tasks
should the RN complete herself?
A. Blood glucose testing for a diabetic patient
B. Feeding a client with dementia
C. Administering the scheduled oral beta blocker to a patient with hypertension
Test Bank, Chapter 6
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D. Providing medication to a patient complaining of pain after surgery


10. A nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with acute exacerbation of COPD. Which of the
following is the RN’s priority assessment?
A. Breath sounds
B. Pedal pulses
C. Location and intensity of pain
D. Cardiac rate and rhythm


11. When organizing work for the day, which of the following should take priority?
A. Clustered activities
B. Activities that are time specific
C. Delegating of assignments
D. Peak energy time


12. A charge nurse is faced with a unit that is short staffed. The charge nurse reviews the tasks
that need to be completed and assigns them to the best person. Which of the following types
of nursing does this describe?
A. Team nursing
B. Total patient care
C. Functional nursing
D. Primary nursing


13. An ICU RN has been assigned to a high acuity patient who needs constant assessment and
evaluation. What type of nursing is this RN performing?
A. Team nursing
B. Total patient care
C. Functional nursing
D. Primary nursing

Test Bank, Chapter 6
Weiss, Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 7e Page 1 of 12

14. The RN has been assigned to care for a group of patients on an inpatient unit. The RN is
assigned an LPN and an NAP to assist in caring for the group of patients. Patients are
assigned to the RN and nursing team for their entire length of stay on the unit. Which of the
following types of nursing does this scenario best represent?
A. Team nursing
B. Total patient care
C. Functional nursing
D. Dyad primary nursing


15. A nursing manager participates on a committee reviewing approved assignments for LPNs.
Which of the following best describes this situation?
A. Direct delegation
B. Supervision
C. Indirect delegation
D. Assignment

Test Bank, Chapter 6
Weiss, Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 7e Page 1 of 12

Chapter 6: Delegation and Prioritization of Client Care Staffing—Answers and Rationales

1. A registered nurse (RN) instructs a nursing assistive personnel (NAP) to take vital signs for
several patients. Which of the following best describes this situation?
A. Direct delegation
B. Supervision
C. Indirect delegation
D. Assignment

Page: 83

A. This is incorrect. Direct delegation occurs when an RN reassigns responsibility for
performing a job to another person.
B. This is incorrect. Supervision occurs when one individual holds authority over another.
C. This is incorrect. Indirect delegation occurs when a list of duties is approved by an
organization to be assigned to certain personnel.
D. This is correct. Assignment is the allocation of duties that an individual is already
authorized to do.

2. A chief nursing officer instructs a supervisor to complete staff scheduling for the month.
Which of the following best describes this situation?
A. Direct delegation
B. Supervision
C. Indirect delegation
D. Assignment

Page: 84

A. This is correct. Direct delegation occurs when an RN reassigns responsibility for
performing a job to another person. The delegator retains responsibility to ensure the
job is actually completed.
B. This is incorrect. Supervision occurs when one individual holds authority over another.
C. This is incorrect. Indirect delegation occurs when a list of duties is approved by an
organization to be assigned to certain personnel.
D. This is incorrect. Assignment is the allocation of duties that an individual is already
authorized to do.

3. When making assignments for the nursing team, an RN carefully considers the scope of
practice and skills of each of the team members. This is an example of which task-related
A. Appropriateness
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B. Fairness
C. Efficiency
D. Abilities

Page: 88

A. This is incorrect. Appropriateness is a task-related concern. When making assignments
it is essential to consider whether the individual assigned the task has the education to
perform the task, and whether the task needs an individual with specific education and
B. This is incorrect. Fairness is a relationship-oriented concern, taking into account the
physical and emotional aspects of providing nursing care and striving to divide the
workload evenly.
C. This is incorrect. Efficiency is a task-related concern when RNs are making
assignments. Appropriate delegation results in efficiency, but inappropriate delegation
costs time and money and decreases efficiency.
D. This is correct. Assignments should be individualized for each member of the nursing
team. For each member of the team, the RN should consider the individual’s knowledge
and skill level, job description, role expectation, legal definitions, and individual
strengths and weaknesses. This is tailoring the assignment to the abilities of each team

4. A staff nurse informed the charge nurse that she was 6 weeks pregnant. The charge nurse
rearranged patient assignments so the pregnant nurse would not be caring for highly
infectious patients. This scenario is an example of which relationship-oriented concern?
A. Health
B. Appropriateness
C. Fairness
D. Staff preference

Page: 90

A. This is correct. Health is a relationship-oriented concern when making assignments.
Special health needs should be taken into consideration.
B. This is incorrect. Appropriateness is a task-related concern. When making assignments
it is essential to consider whether the individual assigned the task has the education to
perform the task, and whether the task needs an individual with specific education and
C. This is incorrect. Fairness is a relationship-oriented concern when making assignments.
Fairness takes into account the physical and emotional aspects of providing nursing care
and striving to divide the workload evenly.
Test Bank, Chapter 6
Weiss, Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 7e Page 1 of 12

D. This is incorrect. Staff preference is a relationship-oriented concern when making

assignments. Staff preference takes into account the individual desires of the team

5. The charge nurse assigns a patient with a rare diagnosis to a newer nurse. This is an example
of which relationship-oriented concern in making assignments?
A. Staff preference
B. Learning opportunities
C. Compatibility
D. Fairness

Page: 89

A. This is incorrect. Staff preference is a relationship-oriented concern in making
assignments that takes into consideration the individual desires of the team members.
B. This is correct. Learning opportunities is a relationship-oriented concern when making
assignments that considers the educational needs of team members, challenging them to
take on new tasks.
C. This is incorrect. Compatibility is a relationship-oriented concern in making
assignments that focuses on team building efforts.
D. This is incorrect. Fairness is a relationship-oriented concern that takes into account the
physical and emotional demands of providing nursing care and strives to divide this
workload evenly.

6. A new nurse is reviewing the legal constraints of nursing practice. Which of the following
should the nurse review to determine legal boundaries to practice?
A. State nursing practice act
B. Professional nursing organization
C. Institutional policies
D. National Council of the State Boards of Nursing

Page: 91

A. This is correct. State practice acts define the legal boundaries for nursing practice.
B. This is incorrect. Professional nursing organizations define the standards of practice for
C. This is incorrect. Institutional policies outline the job descriptions for members of the
health-care team and serve to guide delegation decisions.
D. This is incorrect. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) writes the
NCLEX licensure examination.
Test Bank, Chapter 6
Weiss, Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 7e Page 1 of 12

7. Safety is a main concern when delegating patient care assignments. Which of the following is
true regarding delegation?
A. The individual to whom a task is delegated is held accountable for the task.
B. The RN may need to intervene even after patient care tasks have been delegated.
C. If a licensed practical nurse (LPN) cannot complete a patient care task that was
assigned to her by the RN, that task may be delegated to another member of the
nursing team, as long as it is within that individual’s scope of practice.
D. After delegating a task, the RN does not need to supervise its completion.

Page: 91

A. This is incorrect. The RN retains accountability for patient care even when delegating a
B. This is correct. If the care provided is unethical or unsafe, the RN has a duty to
C. This is incorrect. Assignments made by the RN may not be reassigned, even if it is
within the scope of practice of the other team member.
D. This is incorrect. RNs should train and supervise those to whom they delegate patient
care tasks.

8. An RN is supervising a team consisting of an LPN and a NAP. Which of the following

patients should the RN see first?
A. A patient on an insulin drip requiring hourly blood glucose checks
B. A terminally ill cancer patient complaining of pain radiating throughout the abdomen
C. A patient diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who has
become confused
D. A patient with a serum potassium of 4.0

Page: 92

A. This is incorrect. The RN should determine when the last blood glucose check was
completed. However, airway, breathing, and circulation concerns take priority.
B. This is incorrect. The patient’s pain should be assessed and treated. However, airway,
breathing, and circulation concerns take priority.
C. This is correct. COPD is an airway and breathing concern. Confusion can be the result
of decreased cerebral perfusion. This patient should be seen first.
D. This is incorrect. The patient’s serum potassium is within normal limits. Airway,
breathing, and circulation concerns take priority.
Test Bank, Chapter 6
Weiss, Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 7e Page 1 of 12

9. The nurse is making assignments for the patient care team. Which of the following tasks
should the RN complete herself?
A. Blood glucose testing for a diabetic patient
B. Feeding a client with dementia
C. Administering the scheduled oral beta blocker to a patient with hypertension
D. Providing medication to a patient complaining of pain after surgery

Page: 92

A. This is incorrect. Taking routine blood glucose levels does not require assessment,
planning, or evaluation. This task may be delegated.
B. This is incorrect. Assisting with feeding does not require assessment, planning, or
evaluation. This task may be delegated.
C. This is incorrect. Scheduled oral medications do not require assessment, planning, or
evaluation. This task may be delegated.
D. This is correct. A pain assessment should be completed before providing the pain
medication, and its effectiveness should be evaluated afterwards. Assessment and
evaluation cannot be delegated.

10. A nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with acute exacerbation of COPD. Which of the
following is the RN’s priority assessment?
A. Breath sounds
B. Pedal pulses
C. Location and intensity of pain
D. Cardiac rate and rhythm

Page: 92

A. This is correct. Airway, breathing, circulation, and vital signs are priority assessments.
The patient has a breathing diagnosis; therefore, breath sounds take priority.
B. This is incorrect. Pedal pulses are a circulatory assessment. A breathing assessment
takes priority when the patient has a breathing diagnosis.
C. This is incorrect. Airway, breathing, circulation, and vital signs are priority assessments
over pain.
D. This is incorrect. Cardiac rate and rhythm are circulation assessments. A breathing
assessment takes priority when the patient has a breathing problem.

11. When organizing work for the day, which of the following should take priority?
A. Clustered activities
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B. Activities that are time specific

C. Delegating of assignments
D. Peak energy time

Page: 93

A. This is incorrect. Some activities are best performed in a cluster, but these are not the
highest priority.
B. This is correct. Activities that need to occur at a certain time and high-priority tasks are
the biggest concerns.
C. This is incorrect. Delegating assignments is an important task, but time-specific
activities must be considered first. Also, it is important to remember that the RN is
accountable even for tasks that have been delegated.
D. This is incorrect. Taking peak energy time into consideration when planning activities
for the day is a good recommendation, but time-specific activities take priority.

12. A charge nurse is faced with a unit that is short staffed. The charge nurse reviews the tasks
that need to be completed and assigns them to the best person. Which of the following types
of nursing does this describe?
A. Team nursing
B. Total patient care
C. Functional nursing
D. Primary nursing

Page: 93

A. This is incorrect. Team nursing occurs when a group of nursing staff provide care for a
cluster of patients.
B. This is incorrect. Total patient care is when one RN cares for all the tasks involved with
caring for one patient.
C. This is correct. Functional, or task, nursing focuses on matching tasks with the best
individuals to complete those tasks.
D. This is incorrect. Primary nursing occurs when one nurse directs care for a patient
during his or her entire hospital stay. The primary nurse and associate nurses provide
care for the patient.

13. An ICU RN has been assigned to a high acuity patient who needs constant assessment and
evaluation. What type of nursing is this RN performing?
A. Team nursing
B. Total patient care
Test Bank, Chapter 6
Weiss, Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 7e Page 1 of 12

C. Functional nursing
D. Primary nursing

Page: 94

A. This is incorrect. Team nursing occurs when a group of nursing staff provide care for a
cluster of patients.
B. This is correct. Total patient care is when one RN cares for all the tasks involved with
caring for one patient.
C. This is incorrect. Functional, or task, nursing focuses on matching tasks with the best
individuals to complete those tasks.
D. This is incorrect. Primary nursing occurs when one nurse directs care for a patient
during his or her entire hospital stay. The primary nurse and associate nurses provide
care for the patient.

14. The RN has been assigned to care for a group of patients on an inpatient unit. The RN is
assigned an LPN and an NAP to assist in caring for the group of patients. Patients are
assigned to the RN and nursing team for their entire length of stay on the unit. Which of the
following types of nursing does this scenario best represent?
A. Team nursing
B. Total patient care
C. Functional nursing
D. Dyad primary nursing

Page: 94

A. This is incorrect. Team nursing is when a group of nursing staff provide care for a
cluster of patients. Although the team is providing care for a group of patients, there is a
better description for this scenario, as the patient cluster remains the same for the
patients’ entire length of stay on the unit.
B. This is incorrect. Total patient care is when one RN cares for all the tasks involved with
caring for one patient.
C. This is incorrect. Functional, or task, nursing focuses on matching tasks with the best
individuals to complete those tasks.
D. This is correct. Primary nursing occurs when one nurse directs care for a patient during
his or her entire hospital stay. Today many hospitals use a dyad form of primary
nursing, which uses support staff rather than all RNs. The principle remains the same.
The patient will have the same staff providing care during the entire stay on the unit.
Test Bank for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 7th Edition, Sally A. Weiss,

Test Bank, Chapter 6

Weiss, Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 7e Page 1 of 12

15. A nursing manager participates on a committee reviewing approved assignments for LPNs.
Which of the following best describes this situation?
A. Direct delegation
B. Supervision
C. Indirect delegation
D. Assignment

Page: 84

A. This is incorrect. Direct delegation occurs when an RN reassigns responsibility for
performing a job to another person. The delegator retains responsibility to ensure the
job is actually completed.
B. This is incorrect. Supervision occurs when one individual holds authority over another.
C. This is correct. Indirect delegation occurs when a list of duties is written into policy and
approved by an organization to be assigned to certain personnel.
D. This is incorrect. Assignment is the allocation of duties that an individual is already
authorized to do.

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