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Reza Fauzi1a, Khusni2b, Qiqi Yuliati Zaqiah3c

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia

This research aims to get an overview of the management of educational technology and its role
in education and training. The role of educational technology and its application in educational
institutions has a significant role in the learning process and also has an impact on the quality of
student graduates. This depends on how human resources in educational institutions can
manage these technologies properly. However, the majority of human resources do not yet have
the knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of information technology. There are various
obstacles to the use of information technology in educational institutions. For this reason,
educational institutions are a determining factor in preparing, organizing, implementing, and
evaluating human resources. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a
library research method. The results showed that the main foundation of educational technology
to achieve results by the objectives is management activities. This management activity is
certainly closely related to the process and human resources to produce the planned output.
Educational technology can be developed and utilized properly if there are trained personnel in
the field of educational technology who have the ability to 1) design learning processes and
resources where the scope of work includes designing learning systems, message design, learning
strategies, and learner characteristics, 2) develop learning processes and resources including the
development of print technology, audiovisual technology, computer-based technology and
integrated technology, 3) utilize learning processes and resources such as the use of learning
media, diffusion of educational innovations, implementation of education and training policies
and regulations, 4) manage learning processes and resources with the scope of work including
project management, management of education and training management information systems,
and 5) evaluate problem analysis, benchmark measurement, formative evaluation, and
summative evaluation.
Keywords: Management; Technology; Education; Learning


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang pengelolaan teknologi

pendidikan dan peranannya pada pendidikan dan pelatihan. Peran teknologi
pendidikan dan penerapannya pada lembaga pendidikan mempunyai peran yang
signifikan pada proses pembelajaran dan berdampak pada kualitas lulusan peserta
didik. Hal tersebut tergantung bagaimana sumber daya manusia pada lembaga
pendidikan mampu mengelola teknologi tersebut dengan baik. Namun sebagian besar
para SDM belum memiliki pengetahuan, kemampuan, dan keterampilan di bidang
teknologi informasi. Ada berbagai hambatan dalam penggunaan teknologi informasi di
lembaga pendidikan. Untuk itu lembaga pendidikan merupakan faktor penentu dalam
memepersiapkan, mengorganisasikan, melaksanakan, dan mengevaluasi sumber daya
manusia dalam hal ini adalah para teknolog pembelajaran. Pendekatan yang digunakan
dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode kepustakaan (library
research). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa landasan utama dari teknologi
pendidikan untuk mencapai hasil yang sesuai dengan tujuan adalah kegiatan
pengelolaan. Kegiatan pengelolaan ini tentunya berkaitan erat dengan proses dan
sumber daya manusia untuk menghasilkan output yang direncanakan. Teknologi
pendidikan dapat dikembangkan dan dimanfaatkan dengan baik apabila tersedianya
tenaga terlatih dalam bidang teknologi pendidikan yang mempunyai kemampuan
dalam 1) merancang proses dan sumber belajar dimana lingkup pekerjaannya meliputi
perancangan sistem pembelajaran, desain pesan, strategi pembelajaran dan
karakteristik pebelajar 2) mengembangkan proses dan sumber belajar meliputi
pengembangan teknologi cetak, teknologi audiovisual, teknologi berbasis komputer,
dan teknologi terpadu, 3) memanfaatkan proses dan sumber belajar meliputi
pemanfaatan media pembelajaran, difusi inovasi pendidikan, penerapan kebijakan dan
regulasi pendidikan dan pelatihan 4) mengelola proses dan sumber belajar dengan
lingkup pekerjaan meliputi pengelolaan proyek, pengelolaan sistem informasi
manajemen pendidikan dan pelatihan, dan 5) Evaluasi meliputi analisis masalah,
pengukuran acuan patokan, evaluasi formatif, dan evaluasi sumatif
Kata Kunci: Pengelolaan; Teknologi; Pendidikan; Pembelajaran

In this era of disruption, innovation in improving the quality of education is
education and training activities must be increasingly directed at expanding
planned and carried out to advance the learning innovations in both formal and
quality of education at this time. Not non-formal education to realize an
only in the field of curriculum or efficient, fun, and intellectual process
facilities and infrastructure but also in according to the age, maturity, and
other fields, such as the development of developmental level of students.
information technology in learning
activities. According to Tanjung (2022),

To provide convenience in every human The problem that arises from the
activity, technology has a role in both conditions above is are the training
positive and negative impacts. One of the participants ready to use digital
positive impacts is that it can deliver technology by paying attention to
learning materials more easily, while one contextual communication patterns in
of the negative impacts is that it causes a learning?. As we know, in education and
person to be individualistic and less training, training participants come from
social. various regions and institutions, where
there are institutions whose facilities in
Technology helps the learning process
mastering information technology are
because the increasing need for
still not fulfilled. This is certainly an
knowledge cannot be fulfilled in
obstacle for them in participating in
education. Similarly, when exchanging
education and training activities that use
data and information between work
technology in learning. Currently,
units and work units with the central
improving the quality of trainee
government, especially in education and
graduates is increasingly directed at
training, everything will be more
expanding learning innovations to
effective and efficient if utilizing
realize an efficient, fun, and intellectual
technology in the advancement of
process according to students' age,
education. With the existence of
maturity, and developmental level
technology, it can also make it easier for
(Arifudin, 2022). The fields in
a Widyaiswara to teach, have a better
educational technology are an integrated
and more reliable handle in providing
application of theory and practice
training material and be more effective
covering the five domains or areas,
and efficient as well. Widyaiswara needs
namely design, development, utilization,
to address this by continuously
management, and evaluation. These
improving his competence, especially in
fields of activity are all aimed at solving
utilizing technological information.
human learning problems. As a
Widyaiswara should be able to
profession, educational technology is
encourage communication patterns in
formed from systematically planned
building interactive communication in
(organized) efforts to implement the
learning that dares to use appropriate
theory, intellectual techniques, and
media and methods that can encourage
practical application of educational
activity and interaction among training
participants. This can be done by using
Jamboard, Padlet, or other digital Educational technology is an applied
applications that allow participants to scientific discipline, meaning that it
participate in collaboration and actively develops because of needs in the field, in
interact in the learning. This is in line other words, learning needs (Bairizki,
with Hanafiah (2022) who states that an 2021). The application of educational
educator must also be able to keep up technology in learning is intended to
with the times and not be left behind by make learning more effective, efficient,
increasingly sophisticated technology wider, faster, and more meaningful for
both at this time and in the future. training participants provided that the
training participants can follow this

application. So this is the reason why data in the libraries (Hanafiah, 2021).
researchers conduct research related to Primary data sources were obtained
educational technology management and directly from widyaiswara and training
its role in training. participants. So in this research,
researchers prepare research questions
before working to obtain data so that it is
METHODS valid and in accordance with the desired
research objectives. The data collected is
This study aims to analyze and describe actual data and was found directly from
the concept of educational technology the research location. The data collection
management and its role in education tool in this study uses the documentation
and training. Researchers used a method because this research is library
qualitative approach with library research. According to Ulfah (2022), this
research methods, namely by reading, technique is used to collect data from
studying and reviewing books and primary and secondary sources.
written sources related to research
problems. Rahayu (2020) states that
library research is a series of activities
related to methods of collecting library
data, reading and recording and The results of this research will discuss
processing research materials. this is the scope of educational technology
supported by Arifudin (2021) who states management, the scope of educational
that qualitative research is research in technology, and the educational
which data is expressed in verbal form technology management and its role in
and analyzed without using statistical education and training.
The Scope of Educational Technology
The object of this research consists of Management
formal objects and material objects in the
One of the cornerstones of educational
form of data related to a critical review of
technology is management activities.
the study of the management of
Management activities are closely related
educational technology and its role in
to processes and sources to produce
education and training. Data collection
planned outputs. Managing activities,
techniques were carried out using
which are often known as management,
documentation techniques and literature
have various definitions according to the
studies, namely studying materials
field of study and the application
related to the research object. Data
process. Management in a broad sense
collection techniques according to Bahri
means the process of planning,
(2021) are the most strategic steps in
organizing, directing, and supervising
research because the main objective of
the efforts of organizational members
research is to obtain data. Sources of data
and the use of other organizational
used include primary and secondary
resources to achieve predetermined
data. Primary data is data collected
organizational goals. This is in line with
directly from the individuals
Fardiansyah (2022) who argues that
investigated, while secondary data is
management is a field of science that

seeks systematically to understand how by managing the process and utilizing
humans work together to achieve goals available resources. This is supported by
and create a more useful system of Arsyad (2009) who states that the process
cooperation. is related to the planned learning design
while learning resources can be a
Based on these various definitions,
collection of teaching materials.
management is a process of cooperation
Management activities include designing
between a group of people in an
the most relevant learning model and
organization to achieve certain goals by
choosing the right tools and media,
carrying out management functions.
choosing people who are skilled in
Good management will encourage the
controlling each process of learning
achievement of predetermined goals.
activities appropriately.
Because in management there are
functions that must be carried out. This The concept of management is integral to
management function will encourage the role of most learning technologists.
activities to run well. Management has Many learning technologists require a
been a part of educational technology management function. For example, a
since 1920. According to Januszewski technologist who serves as the media
(2008), managing is necessary to control specialist for a school or college is
the products and processes used in the responsible for the entire media center
field. Seen from the point of view of the program. The programs undertaken by
systems approach, managing is seen as a these technologists can be very different,
system of thinking more broadly about but the basic skills required to manage
the management process in the the program remain the same. These
development of learning and technology- skills include organizing the program,
based learning systems (Seels, 1994). In supervising personnel, planning,
1994 managing in educational administering funds and facilities, and
technology was defined as the activities implementing change.
of planning, coordinating, organizing,
The Scope of Educational Technology
and supervising resources, information,
and delivery systems in the context of Technology is an extension of the human
managing learning design. ability to be able to produce data or a
product faster and more time so that it
Managing educational technology
can facilitate human labor. In language,
focuses on concepts and principles
education comes from the word
related to managing appropriate
education which means development,
technological processes and resources.
teaching, and growing. According to Mac
Educational technology managers act as
Kenzie and Eraut (Mayasari, 2021),
designers of learning activities, school
educational technology is a systematic
media specialists, learning consultants,
way for how educational goals can be
dealing with professional management
achieved. Educational technology is a
issues, and so on (Barbara, 1994).
complex and integrated process,
Educational technology works with
including people, procedures, ideas,
limited resources within a
equipment, and organizations to analyze
predetermined time to achieve set goals
problems concerning all aspects of

human learning, as well as design, Center (BKTPG) and the Educational
implement, assess, and manage the Aids Center (BAPP) in Bandung. BKTPG,
solution to these problems. According to which is now the Written Teacher
Miarso (2011), the scope of educational Training Development Center (P3G
technology includes 1) Design, which is Tertulis), is responsible for organizing
the process of determining learning teacher qualification upgrading with
conditions to create strategies and written learning materials based on the
products. There are at least four main concept of self-learning. If we listen to
scopes that include design from theory the description of these developments,
and practice, namely: learning system we can conclude that the majority of
design, message design, learning education and learning personnel still
strategies, and learner characteristics. 2) exist in the smallest circle of learning
Development, which is the process of media. They have not realized that the
translating design specifications into demands of the times are now in the
physical form, which includes; print circle of Performance Technology and
technology, audio-visual technology, Learning Technology. To find out the
computer-based technology, and function of educational technology, it is
integrated technology. 3) Utilization, necessary to return to the definition of
which is the activity of using processes educational technology. The function of
and resources for learning. The function the educational technology profession is
of utilization is very important because it a profession that finds a way out of
includes a link between the learner and learning problems either individually or
the learning system. 4) Management, in groups. The solution provided is in the
which includes the control of learning form of design, development, utilization,
technology through planning, management, assessment, and research
organizing, coordinating, and on learning.
supervising. 5) Assessment, which is the
Based on the description above, it can be
process of determining whether or not
concluded that the function of the
learning technology is adequate which
educational technology profession
includes problem analysis, benchmark
facilitates human learning activities
measurement, formative assessment, and
through certain approaches. Thus the
summative assessment.
profession of educational technology can
The Educational Technology make people smarter in teaching and
Management and its Role in Education learning activities. In addition, it is
and Training known that educational technology is
developed and utilized properly by
In Indonesia, the application of learning
experts in the field of technology.
technology is not much different from
Educational technology as theory and
the development in the United States,
practice has factually become an integral
only a long time adrift. This
part of human resource development
development can be said to have only
efforts, especially in the education and
been recognized around the beginning of
training system. With the availability of
1950, with the establishment of the
educated and trained personnel in the
Teacher Education Written Course
field of educational technology, it will

conceptually ensure the application of technology, integrated technology, 3)
educational technology in institutions Utilization of learning processes and
that organize learning (Yuberti, 2015). resources; where the scope of work
includes the utilization of learning
If an education and training institution
media, diffusion of educational
has competent personnel in several fields
innovations, implementation, application
that have been conveyed above, it will be
of education and training policies and
easier for the institution to apply
regulations, 4) Management of learning
educational technology to the maximum
processes and resources; with the scope
and obtain maximum results as well
of work including project management,
(Supriani, 2022). Thus, the quality of the
management of education and training
quality of graduates of education and
management information systems, and 5)
training participants will increase.
Evaluation; with the scope of work
Innovation (renewal), performance including conducting problem analysis,
technology, and quality management can benchmark measurement, formative
be powerful tools for organizational evaluation, and summative evaluation
change (Silaen, 2021). We can see the (Uno, 2011). If an education and training
development of the world of education institution has competent personnel in
today, there have been many some of the above areas, it will be easier
developments in it. One of them can be for the institution to apply educational
seen from the technology used which is technology to the maximum and obtain
increasingly varied and sophisticated. It maximum results as well. Thus, the
cannot be denied that with the quality of the quality of graduates of
development of the times, the technology education and training participants will
used will also develop, so education will increase. However, the problems that
also be juxtaposed with technology that occur in the use of technology in digital
will help it achieve educational goals. learning and training are training
participants' lack of understanding in
The use of technology is very useful in operating the internet and electronic
the world of education and training, media, problems with internet networks,
therefore, to apply educational and inadequate facilities and
technology in a system, especially in infrastructure (Akhmadi, 2020). One of
education and training institutions, of the efforts is to conduct training first
course, an educator or education related to the use of educational
implementer is needed who has the technology which will be applied either
ability in the following areas: 1) classically or online.
Designers of learning processes and
resources; where the scope of work In improving the quality of human
includes designing learning systems, resources, development refers to the
message design, learning strategies and implementation of education and
learner characteristics, 2) Development of training. The training is designed to help
learning processes and resources; where trainees improve their ability to master
the scope of work includes the technology. One form of training that is
development of print technology, currently an alternative is digital
audiovisual technology, computer-based education and training or e-learning. E-

learning or digital training is a distance integrated technology, 3) utilize learning
learning process that combines learning processes and resources such as the use
with information technology in its of learning media, diffusion of
implementation. educational innovations, implementation
of education and training policies and
In terms of digital competency, training
regulations, 4) manage learning
participants can be said to be perfect if
processes and resources with the scope
they fulfill the management of the digital
of work including project management,
learning environment. Management of
management of education and training
the digital learning environment is
management information systems, and 5)
related to the readiness of the learning
evaluate problem analysis, benchmark
media owned by the institution or
measurement, formative evaluation, and
institutions as well as the readiness of the
summative evaluation. The use of
training participants themselves in using
technology in learning needs effective
technology. Several things which are the
and efficient management. Technology
most important part in forming training
and education are two elements that
participants with digital intelligence can
have an important role in developing
be trained by forming positive habits
and improving one's personality. The
which can be carried out by institutions
role of technology in developing the
or institutions (Trihantoyo, 2022).
ability of trainees is significant enough to
require widyaiswara to be able to use
technology well because with technology
CONCLUSIONS the delivery of material will be more
From the explanation of the results and varied and activities will be more
discussion above, the main foundation of interesting.
educational technology to achieve results Developing quality training management
by the objectives is management in the digital era is one of the keys to
activities. This management activity is of overcoming existing social inequality
course closely related to the processes problems. This research was conducted
and human resources in the training to determine the importance of
institution to produce the planned educational technology management in
training participants. Educational quality digital training in an era of
technology in training can be developed increasingly rapid technology. To realize
and utilized properly if there are experts and resolve existing problems, especially
in the field of technology who have the in the demands of increasingly
ability to 1) design learning processes sophisticated developments, it is
and resources where the scope of work necessary to understand the function and
includes designing learning systems, objectives of human resource
message design, learning strategies, and management as well as education and
learner characteristics, 2) develop training to develop the quality of human
learning processes and resources resources themselves in accordance with
including the development of print the demands and needs of the present
technology, audiovisual technology, and future.
computer-based technology and

The development of quality education
and training management in this digital
era must be implemented effectively and
efficiently. So, in the education and
training process, developing effective
and efficient training management can be
done digitally.


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