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We SS wie Gas asyit A Ain Distribution Company Health, Safety and Environment Management System Procedure Standard Operating Procedure | Effective Date 10/ 01 / 2019 Procedure #: SOP HSEMS.08 Issue: 1 Revision 0 ‘Approved by: Managing Director Working at Heights SOP.HSEMS.08 w% ewig Gasll Asis A\ Ain Distribution Company rd Operating Procedure Working at Heights Prepared by: Senior Health, Safety and Environment Engineer Reviewed by: Health, Safety and Environment Department Manager Approved by: Aldin bist Issued by: a HSE Management System Representative Effective Date: 10/01/2019 Wy Health, Safety and Environment = Management System es Procedure Evie Gast asi A’ Ain Distribution Company 7 ( Standard Operating Procedure Working at Heights SOP.HSEMS.08 Effective Date 10/017 2019 Procedure #: SOP.HSEMS.08 Issue: 1 Revision : 0 Page 2 of 13 ‘Approved by: Managing Director TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTENT z PRINCIPLES 3 DEFINITION RESPONSIBILITIES an PROCEDURE o REFERENCES 7 APPENDICES: Wy [Etfsive Date 10701 72019 — = Zo Health, Safety and Environment _ | Procedure #: SOP.HSEMS.08 = Management System [Issue : 1 Revision : 0 Page 3 of 13 viGL Gets Aya A Ain Distribution Company Standard Operating Procedure Working at Heights SOP.HSEMS.08 | Managing Director 4. INTENT 14 This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) defines the general rules and good practices required for working at heights. 1.2 This SOP is a supplement to the AADC JSAs, 1.3 Working at heights is regarded as a high risk activity and should only be undertaken when adhering to this SOP. 1.4 Where work is conducted at height which presents a risk of a fall, work shall be assessed, planned and suitable fall prevention measures established to control the risk and comply with all applicable compliance obligations. 1.5 _ This procedure has been developed in line with the OSHAD CoP 23.0 Working at Heights Version 3.0 July 2016 and is applicable to all AADC staff and contractor workers 2. PRINCIPLES 2.1 Working at heights is work in which there is a risk of a worker falling from any height, through, into, or onto a place or structure. 2.2 Aplace is “at height” if a person could be injured falling form it, even if itis at or below ground level. 2.3 Work at height shall only occur after other alternative working methods have been evaluated and deemed unsuitable - and such work shall be appropriately assessed, planned, organised and supervised 2.4 — Only trained and competent workers shall be allowed to work at height. 2.5 Work at heights shall take account of weather conditions that could endanger the safety of workers, 2.6 The area / platform from where the work at height is conducted shall be deemed to be safe. 2.7 The equipment for working at heights is inspected prior to use and is safe. 2.8 — Workers must be accompanied at all times when working at height and shall never use a fall arrest system when working alone, 2.9 Afall arrest / fall restraint system shall be used when it is possible to fall and suffer an injury 2.10 Workers shall only operate a Mobile Elevated Working Platform (MEWP) or a Suspended work platform, or undertake suspended access work when they have been trained and are competent to perform such activities. 2.11 Ladders should predominately be used to gain access and not be used to WW, [Hifesive Date 1070173019 — NS Be Health, Safety and Environment = Ss Management System : [Pages of 3 SS Procedure oo Evie Gast Ay ib Standard Operating Procedure A Ain Distribution Gompany Working at Heights SOP.HSEMS.08 Managing Director work from. Limit work from ladders where the provision of a secure working area or portable access equipment is not practicable. 3. DEFINITIONS Term Definition MEWP- Mobile Elevated Working Platform FPP Fall Prevention and Protection [RA Risk Assessment 4. RESPONSIBILITES ‘The respective section manager is responsible to distribute this procedure to all involved parties and monitor its implementation. Added responsibilities: Role Working at Heights Supervisor * Coordinate and plan the working at height activity © Conducts the onsite risk assessment * Develops a rescue plan in accordance with the risk assessment « Ensures that workers are trained to work at height * Ensures that persons are medically fit to work at heights « Ensure that workers / operators are competent to | operate any equipment such as MEWP * Conduct Tool-box talk / safety briefing with | workers prior to work commencing including this SOP, RA and Rescue plan * Observes the work at height activity from time to | time : | Wy Efieetive Date 10/01 72019 = Lon. Health, Safety and Environment _ [| Procedure #: SOP.HISEMS.08 = ~ Management System Issue : 1 Revision : 0 Page 5 of SS Procedure au ahaa io ) Standard Operating Procedure ‘Managing Dialer i Deen Oley Working at Heights SOP.HSEMS.08 Workers * Ensures they are aware of the risks of the specific working at height activity ¢ Ensures they are not afraid of heights i.e. acrophobia / vertigo — if so are to inform ‘supervisor immediately ¢ Work in accordance with the supervisor's instruction and guidance 5. PROCEDURE 5.1 Planning 5.1.1. The Working at Height JSA shall be reviewed and specific site and working conditions shall be included, considered and assessed, these shall include: * Work location; Weather conditions; © Type of equipment to be used i.e. scaffolds, MEWP etc.; ¢ Fall Prevention, Protection and Arrest specific requirements; * Rescue plan. 5.1.2 Consider the following when conducting the RA: PREVEN’ PROTECT [© Is working at height the © Can falls be prevented? |e Fall arrest only option? * What equipment can be equipment shall be * Is it possible to conduct the | _used to prevent falls such | a last resort, making work at height in a safe as barriers, safety rails and | _use of safety manner? other edge protection hamesses to devices? prevent the person ¢ What work limit systems falling to the ground | NV Effective Date 10/ 01/2019 wwe Health, Safety and Environment _ [Procedure #: SOP 1SEMS 0s = Management System Issue: 1 Revision : 0 Page 6 of 13 eS occas a 9K ase A; a 8) Standard Operating Procedure | \fanaging Diosor iene Working at Heights SOP.HSEMS.08 ‘such as safety topes can | Required PPE be implemented to protect persons from falling? 5.1.3 Develop and establish a Safe System of Work including rules when required taking the above information into account. 5.1.4 Workers must be carefully selected for performing work at heights ie for Disqualifying Persons Working at Heights. © Vertigo, acrophobia or being afraid of heights (medical conditions); ‘Those on medication which can make them dizzy; Those not physically fit enough to undertake climbi oeease ns 5.1.5 All fall prevention, protection and arrest equipment deemed necessary for the activity shall be inspected by a competent person prior to use. 5.1.6 Contractors have a responsibility to working safely on the AADC sites. 5.2 Preventing Persons from Falling Required PPE Safety shoes Overalls Safety helmet Full body hamess (when required) RZ Effective Date 10/01 (2019 Ss Health, Safety and Environment | Procedure #: SOP HSEMS.08 = Management System Issue: 1 Revision :0 Page 7 of 13 : =s= sianecahd ‘Approved by: evisU Gamay {\ Ain Distribution Company Standard Operating Procedure Working at Heights SOP.HSEMS.08 Managing Director Additional PPE as may be determined by respective job (RA) 5.2.1 All controls as identified in the assessment phase must be implemented and adhered to. §.2.2 Only suitably competent and medically fit / able workers shall perform work at heights. 5.2.3 Tool-box talk / safety brief shall be conducted by the respective supervisor prior to work commencing. 5.2.4 Fall prevention and protection devices / equipment shall be installed / erected as required prior to work commencing. 5.2.5 Fall arrest equipment and other appropriate PPE (when required) shall be inspected and issued as required 5.2.6 The work shall be supervised as required and observed at regular intervals. Fall Prevention, Protection & At ment When FPP and arrest equipment is required to be installed it shall be done in accordance to OSHAD SF CoP 23.0 Working at otis, Version 3.0 July 2016 Section 5.3 Preventing Objects from Falling 5.3.1 Exclusion zones must be established under working at height activities, these are to be cordoned or barricaded off to prevent unauthorised entry. 5.3.2 Ensure working platforms are fitted with toe boards to prevent objects from falling off. 5.3.3, When it is required for people to enter the exclusion zone, work above must cease and appropriate PPE should be used ie. safety helmets 5.3.4. Display appropriate waming signs warning working overhead activities, 5.3.5 Workers shall use tool bags and secure tools to lanyards when required to prevent tools from falling. 5.3.6 Safety nets should be considered when required. WW => Ai Ain Dist We, Effective Date 10/ 01 / 2019 Lon. Health, Safety and Environment [Procedure #: SOP.HSEMS.08 _ Management System Issue : 1 ‘Revision <0 Procedure Page 8 of 13 ‘Approved by: vis Gast Asp . Standard Operating Procedure en Company Working at Heights SOP.HSEMS.08 Managing Director 5.4 Scaffolds & Ladders 5.44 5.4.2 5.4.3 545 5.4.6 5.4.7 5.4.8 5.4.9 Required PPE Safety shoes Overalls Full body harness (when required including erection & dismantling of scaffold) Tool bag Gloves Safety Helmet (with chin straps attached) All scaffolding shall only be erected by trained and competent scaffolding erectors. When erecting / dismantling scaffolds, erectors shall use full body harnesses which must be attached to secure anchorage points at all times. Scaffolds are to be erected on a solid foundation. Scaffolds shall be suitably secured and braced to prevent collapse. All working platforms on scaffolds must be fully boarded and fully enclose with safety rails and toe boards. Safe access is to be provided for all scaffolds. All alterations / changes to scaffolds shall only be carried out by competent scaffold erectors. Scaffolds shall be checked by supervisors as and when required but at least weekly and every time after adverse weather using a standard checklist. 5.4.10 Mobile tower scaffolds shall not be moved whilst there are workers, material 5.4.11 or equipment on top of the scaffold. Ladders are primarily to be used for access and to work from them should be restricted. 5.4.12 Ladders must be inspected every time prior to use. 5.5 Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWP) Required PPE Safety shoes Overalls SS — e-visill Gast! ayut A AnD joution Company Wy Effective Date 107 017 2019 Health, Safety and Environment [Procedure #: SOP.1SEMS.08 Management System Issue :1 Revision : 0 Page 9 of 13 Procedure apa Standard Operating Procedure | yanaging Dicaior Working at Heights SOP.HSEMS.08 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5 5.5.6 5.5.7 55.8 5.5.9 Full body hamesses (when required) Tool bag (when required) Gloves? Safety Helmet — (with chin strap) There are several types of MEWPs which can be used for several different types of activities, ensure the correct type is selected for the job — this should be established during the RA phase as detailed in Section 5.1 above. Appendix 1 lists some types of MWEPs that could be considered. The most significant risk of using a MEWPs is that it may topple or overturn. It Is therefore very important that the ground conditions be examined prior to using a MEWP — the following should be considered: * Is ittoo soft / sandy — consider base plates if required; * Is the ground stable and fairly even; * Area for MEWP to travel is uncluttered and free of debris. Operators must be suitably trained and competent to operate the specific type of Mobile Elevated Working Platform (MEWP). MEWPs shall only be operated as per the directions in the operations manual of the machine. Only the workmen shall directly control the movement of the working platform. Ensure that there are at least two persons present when using the MEWP — the worker in the working platform and one person (operator) on the ground. The MEWP shall be comprehensibly inspected prior to operation, observing checking criteria as identified in the operators manual. If any faults are encountered, the machine may not be operated Ensure that the unit has been examined and certified within a 6 month period by an authorised examiner. 5.5.10 Suitable fall arrest equipment (full body hamess) shall be worn by the workman in the working platform. 5.5.11 The body hamess shall have a lanyard with a length that is suitable for the height of the working platform and harness is to be secured to the safety rail. 5.5.12 Operator(s) shall ensure that there is no risk of being ‘struck-by' or caught between hazards, this shall include: * Position MEWP in well demarcated / barricaded area to prevent being Effective Date 10/01 / 2019 Health, Safety and Environment _[ Procedure #: SOP.HSEMS.08 Management System Issue: Revision : 0 [Page 1003 Procedure amas! Standard Operating Procedure | yianaging Diecor Working at Heights SOP.HSEMS.08 struck by other vehicles; « Ensure there are no overhead obstructions (overhead lines, awnings, roofs etc.) during operations; * Ensure that workers do not position themselves between overhead hazards. 5.5.13 Proper traffic control measure shall be implemented when work needs to be performed on public roads. 5.5.14 Supervisor and MEWP operator(s) must ensure that a suitable rescue plan has been formulated and discussed in case an emergency arises which may include equipment failure. 5.6Emergency Planning & Rescue 5.6.1 Emergency response plan(s) as required for working at heights shall be developed in accordance to Emergency Response Plan (OP.HS. 12). 5.6.2. This response pian shall be available prior to work starting when the work involves any of the following: © Electrical hazards; * Use of power tools; * Hot work; and * Chemicals. 5.6.3 A rescue plan shall be developed when fall arrest system are being used which shall primarily identify: 5 * How incapacitated employees will be retrieved to safety ifthe fall How many employees will be required to assist person in distress; How many employees will be required to assist person in distress; © What equipment is required to assist with retrieval process; and © Training required for rescue team. 5.7 Approved Equipment and Personal Protective Equipment 5.7.1 Equipment for working at height shall be appropriately selected so that the use of PPE can be minimised, Refer to CoP 23.0 Working at Heights — Version 3.0, July 2016 Section 3.9. 5.7.2 When selecting equipment for working at heights, suitable rescue equipment shall be available in the area where working at height is taking place to SSS Procedure Ewistt Gas &S115) Standard Operating Procedure A Ain Distribution Company Working at Heights SOP.HSEMS.08 Wy, Effective Date 107 01/2019 SS 4 Health, Safety and Environment _ | Procedure #: SOP HSEMS.08 = = Management System Issue: 1 Revision 0 Page 11 of 13 ‘Approved by: Managing Director facilitate quick use in case of an emergency. electrical emergencies. 6. REFERENCES 7. APPENDICES Appendix 1 — Types of Mobile Elevated Working Platforms 5.7.3 Rescue equipment shall also be appropriate to render assistance in case of 5.7.4 Rescue personnel shall be trained to perform rescue operations 5.7.4 Usual PPE is required as determined but special working at height equipment shall be considered when necessary such as safety helmets with chin straps. 6.1 OSHAD SF CoP 23.0 Working at Heights — Version 3.0, July 2016 6.2 OSHAD SF Element 2 — Risk Management — Version 3.0, March 2017. = Effective Date 01/ 03 / 2018 Wy AADC HSEMS Procedure #: AADC-HSEM Z epee Reveal : [Page aor 3 Bas Standard Operating Procedure |" Working at Heights EwicW Gal ay BV Ain Distribution Company ‘OP, Managing Director Appendix 4 Types of Mobile Elevated Working Platforms International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) Rated 1. Push Around Vertical (PAV) Reach height: 3.60m — 5.10m IPAF category: PAV Push around vertical platforms, often called PAVs or personnel lifts, is a small type of mobile vertical lift with scissor operation. PAVs are ideal for indoor low level access. They are compact and lightweight, which allows them to navigate aisles, doorways and narrow comers, and can be easily moved from location to location, including between fioors in buildings, 2. Mast Lift Reach height: 4.20m - 10.00m IPAF category: 3a & 3b Mast lifts are a small type of cherry picker with boom lift operation, They are ideal for low level access in tight spaces and busy environments. ‘They are compact in design so can be used indoors and in restricted spaces without presenting a hazard to other workers, and, because they are small, they can be easily manoeuvred into narrow aisles. 3. Scissor Lift Reach height: 7.80m — 33.70m IPAF category: 3a & 3b Scissor lifts are large mobile vertical lifts similar to PAVs. Ideal for use in a variety applications in both indoor and outdoor spaces, where a straight lft is required for access. Although narrow width models are available, usually scissor lifts would not be suitable for tighter spaces as they offer ‘This Document is the property of AADC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorisation ewig Ll Cyeasall Ach - A Ain Distribution Company Managing Director Effective Date O1/ 03 / 2018 Wy AADC HSEMS Procedure #: AADC-HSEMS-SOP i Issue: 1 Revision : 0 Standard Operating Procedure Page 13 of 3 aa Working at Heights ean a much larger platform area for workers. They are also available as rough terrain versions and with double extending decks. 4, Articulated Boom Lift Reach height: 10.00m - 43.15m IPAF category: 3a Articulated boom lifts, most often referred to as a cherry picker, offer an extensive range of movement. The sideways outreach makes it a practical solution for both indoor and outdoor applications, as the extended rea enables the platform to manoeuvre around and over obstacles such as buildings and other equipment. Available in a range of sizes, with additional features including rough terrain option, non-marking tyres and a variety of power options. k Boom Lift Reach height: 15.45m ~ 47.70m IPAF category: 3b Stick boom lifts, also commonly referred to as telescopic booms, offer an extensive range of movement similar to the articulating boom lift. The platform can extend sideways, as well as offer great height, so stick booms are ideal for manoeuvring around and above obstacles, machinery’ or buildings. They can be used internally and externally with 4x4 and rough terrain options available. ‘This Document is the property of AADC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorisation

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