Practice For Class IX IT

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4 Marks Question.

1.What are the different practices of self management skills?

Self – awareness – Ability to control your values, likes, strengths, dislikes and weaknesses
b. Self – control – Holding the ability to control your behavior, discipline, and so on.

c. Self – confidence – Believe in yourself and don’t be scared to take risks.

d. Problem solving – Understanding a problem and finding the solution.

e. Self motivation – Try to complete your tasks without any external help.

d. Personal hygiene – Be healthy, clean and smart

e. Positive thinking – Expressing certainty or affirmation even in tough situations

f. Teamwork – Work in team to complete the goals

g. Time management – According to your plan, achieve the task on time.

2.What are the advantages of table? Prepare your report card of Class VIII in table
Ans-The most significant advantage of including a table is that it provides a visual grouping of
The advantages of table is –
It is a set of data that is consistent and uniform.
An easy method for formatting in a professional manner.
It is possible to add data to it in the form of rows and columns.
Easily you can update the data in a tabular format.
3.What precautions are required to ensure that ICT use is safe?
Ans-The following precautions must be taken in order to use ICT safely:
● Install antivirus software and keep it up to date.
○ Encryption tools can be used to protect important files.
○ If your computer is shared with others, clear the browser history.
○ For both system login and email id, choose a strong password.
○ Any unfamiliar link should not be clicked.

3 Marks Question

1.Give examples of use of IT in everyday life.

Ans- The internet, Visiting to a grocery store, mobile phone systems, Online Banking, GPS
Map, broadcast radio and television systems are all examples of IT.

2.Explain the concept of Word Processing.

Ans-A word processor is computer software that allows you to type and work with text.It’s a
program that allows you to write and view documents. It is a piece of software or hardware that
allows you to create, edit, and print document

3..What is numeric Keypad?

Ans-When entering large amounts of numeric data, a numeric keypad is used. This keypad
functions similarly to a calculator. It is usually found on the right side of the computer keyboard.

4.What is an active cell? How to delete the contents of an active cell?

Ans-When you start typing the cell begins active, Only the active cell can be used to enter data.

How to delete Cell –

If you wish to delete the contents of an active cell, select it and right-click on it, then select
delete cell.

5.List the possible multimedia contents that are included while creating a presentation.

Ans-The following is a list of possible multimedia content to include while building a


● Slides
● Videos
● Audios
● Images
● Animation

A multimedia presentation is a stand-alone presentation that contains information provided

through slides, video, or digital representations, as well as sound, such as narration, music, or
sound effects.

6.What is climate change?

Ans-Climate change means change in the environmental condition of the earth.

Human activities are the largest contribution of climate change and earth temperature by burning fossil
fuels, Increasing livestock farming, Fertilizers containing nitrogen and cutting down trees.

7.Difference between product business and service business?

Product Business -If entrepreneurs sell any physical product to the customer which can be seen and
touched is called a product business. example grocery item, sport item or electronic item.

b. Service Business – If an entrepreneur provides some services to the customers it is called service
business. example – caching institute, electronic services shops, call centers etc.

8.Which software are used in digital communication?

Ans-In digital communication you can use WhatsApp, Social Media Sites, Online Chatting Software, E –
conference, Email Services etc.

9.Which are the different areas of healthcare where IT is used? And how?

Ans-In the health industry, ICT is used in a variety of ways.The Hospital Management System is used to
keep track of and manage patient records as well as other hospital-related tasks.

10.Difference between interests and abilities?

Ans- Interests are the things that we enjoy doing ability acquired or natural capacity that enable an
individual to perform a particular task with considerable proficiency.

11.How to build self – confidence?

Ans-There are three steps to build self – confidence are as follows –

a. Step 1: Appreciate achievements & accept failures.

b. Step 2: Make a goal and try to achieve.

c. Step 3: Always look on the positive side and be happy.

12.What is the basic function of a Computer?

Answer – A computer is an electronic device which can accept data from the user, process the data and
generate meaningful results. Computer have a three main units –

1. Input Unit,
2. Central Processing Unit (CPU) and
3. Output Unit.

13.What are the different parts of the CPU?

Answer – A computer is made up of multiple parts that work together to perform the processing and
effective functioning of the computer.

The CPU performs all the basic arithmetic and logical operations of the computer.

There are three main components of a CPU (Central Processing Unit)

1. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

2. Control Unit (CU)
3. Memory Unit (MU)

14.What is Motherboard?

Answer – A motherboard provides connectivity between the hardware components of a computer. It is

also the backbone of the computer and shares the information between them. It is a main circuit board
inside a computer that connects input, processing and output devices.

15. How is the data measured in the computer?

Answer – In the memory devices data is stored in the form of bits and bytes. Bit is the smallest unit which
represents 0 or 1. combination of eight bits make a one byte. which store the numerical, letters or
symbols value in the memory.

16.Difference between Hardware and Software?

Answer – A computer system consists of two main parts – the hardware and the software.

a. Hardware – The physical parts of the computer are hardware, hardware devices can be touch and feel.
for example Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor, CPU, etc.

b. Software – Software is made by programs; it is a set of instructions used to execute specific tasks. for
example Microsoft Office, Operating System, Photo editing software.

17. In computer systems, what is the function of the BIOS?

Answer – BIOS stands for Basic Input/ Output System, Computer automatically runs a basic program
called BIOS as soon as it is switched on or the power button is pushed on.

The BIOS first does a self-test. If the self-test shows that the computer is fine, the BIOS will load the
Operating System.

18.Give the syntax and example of any three mathematical functions in the spreadsheet.

Answer-The following is the syntax and an example of any three mathematical functions in a

a. SUM() – This is a function that adds all of the values in a range of cells….
b. COUNT() – is a function that counts the number of cells which have a number.
c. AVERAGE() – is a function that calculates the average of a set of cells.

19.Can you include more than one mathematical operator in a formula?

Answer – Yes, a formula can contain multiple mathematical operators. For example =(a1+a2)*2

20.What is relative and absolute cell address in the spreadsheet?

Answer – Difference between relative and absolute are –

a. Relative Reference – In a spreadsheet, the default cell reference is relative. It’s only a combination of
column name and row number, with no dollar ($) sign in between. When you copy a formula from one cell
to another, the relative reference changes.

b. Absolute Reference – The dollar ($) sign is put before the column name and row number in an
absolute reference cell. When copying a formula from one cell to another, the absolute reference will not

1._________ is the ability of the brain to interpret what we see with our eyes.
a. Past Experience c. Visual Perception
b. Prejudice d. Prejudice
2.BPM stands for __________.
a. Best Process Management b. Business Process Management
c. Business Process Manager d. None of the above
3.What role does ICT play in the classroom?
a. Using e-learning in classroom b. Smart- board presentations
c. Desktop publishing of magazine and documents d. All of the above
4.Which one is not applicable for self-management?
a. Understanding self b. Bargaining
c. Problem solving d. Confidence building.
5.When we believe in our ability to achieve in anything we undertake in life, we develop the
quality of _______________.
a. Self-confidence b. Self-awareness
c. Self-control d. Positive attitude
6. Dipa Karmakar having flat foot since she was six years old, she work hard and
become the first Indian female gymnast in the Olympics.
a. Self – belief b. Hard Work
c. Positive Attitude d. Commitment
7.Impress is one of the important components of the LibreOffice suite from The Document
Foundation. It is free, open source and widely used by a large community to create
a. Presentation b. Spreadsheet
c. Documentation d. None of the above
8.Which programme will the teacher use to teach Physics in the class and demonstrate ideas
using visuals and animation?
a. Presentation b. Spreadsheet
c. Documentation d. None of the above
9.When we are selecting multiple columns in a spreadsheet it is called _________.
a. Column range b. Row range
c. Cell range d. None of the above
10.When we are selecting multiple rows in a spreadsheet it is called _________.
a. Column range b. Row range
c. Cell range d. None of the above
11.The ___________ is used to select more than one ‘range of cells’ in a worksheet.

a. Column range b. Row range

c. Cell range d. None of the above
12.Any expression that begins with __________ is treated as a formula.
a. = b. $ c. # d. %
13.To calculate the total no of cells from A1 to A5, Which formula you will use.
a. =A1+A2+A3+A4+A5 b. =sum(A1;A5)
c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above
14.Word processing is a computer software to _______the document.
a. Edit & format b. Store & retrieve
c. Print d. All of the above
15.To find the minimum value from the cell A1 to A5, Which formula you will use.
a. =minimum(A1;A5) b. =min(A1;A5)
c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above
16.The date format in a spreadsheet is set to ________ by default.
a. yyyy-dd-mm b. dd-yyyy-mm
c. mm-dd-yyyy d. dd-mm-yyyy
17.Shortcut key for cut in electronic spreadsheet.
a. Ctrl + C b. Ctrl + X
c. Ctrl + V d. None of the above
18.Choose the correction example of the chart in the spreadsheet.
a. Column Chart b. Bar Chart
c. Line Chart d. All of the above
19.What is the name of the mechanism that organizes data in a specific order?
a. Sorting b. Searching
c. Filtering d. Validating
20.A function should start with__________________.
a. ‘=’ sign b. alphabets
c. numbers d. All of the these
21.GUI Stands for ____________.
a. Graphic User Interface b. General User Interface
c. Graphical User Interface d. None of the above
22.WPM stands for ___________.
a. Word per minute b. Word per mile
c. Word per millisecond d. None of the above
23.Which keys are known as home keys on the keyboard?
a. ASDF b. ;LKJ c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above
24.Which keys are known as guide keys on the keyboard?
a. F b. J c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above
25.Effective Communication required __________.
a. Good Reading b. Writing
c. Speaking and listening d. All of the above
26.Communication’ is derived from the __________ word.
a. Greek Word b. Devanagari Word
c. Latin Work d. None of the above
27.Self management is also useful in:
a. Reaching your goals b. Overcoming bad habits
c. Creating positive habits d. All of the above
28.Grooming is a term used to describe the process of __________.
a. Time management b. Problem solving
c. Neat and Clean appearance d. Self-management
29.ICT stands for __________________.
a. Information and Communication Technology b. Informed and Communicated Technology
c. Informal and Communication Technology d. None of the above
30.Which one is the ICT device__________.
a. Tablet b. Smart Phone
c. Laptops d. All of the above
31.A ___________ is a small computer with input, output and process.
a. Micro Computer b. Mini Computer
c. Super Computer d. Mainframe Computer
32.Business is a (an) _____________________ activity.
a. Social b. Economic
c. Hazardous d. Selling
33.What is the aim of entrepreneurship?
a. Solve customer’ need b. Ear a profit
c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above
34.Natural resources come in many forms. It may be a __________.
a. Solid b. Liquid
c. Gas d. All of the above
35. Allowing our previous experiences to prevent us from understanding or communicating.
a. Past Experience b. Prejudice
c. Visual Perception d. Prejudice
36.On the phone, how do you get information?
a. Listening b. Speaking
c. Reading d. Writing
37.Teaching in the classroom is an example of ______
a. Non – Verbal Communication b. Written Communication
c. Verbal Communication d. None of the above
38.Why do we send email?
a. To reach on time b. To talk to each other
c. To share documents and files d. To meet each other
39.Which mode of communication do we use the most in our daily life ______________.
a. Verbal Communication b. Non – Verbal Communication
c. Both A) and B) d. None of the above
40.If you lost the match, congratulate the members of your team who performed well.
a. Appreciate achievements & accept failures b. Have a goal and take steps towards it
c. Always look at the good side and be happy d. None of the above
41.Some of the apps are already present on the phone or tablet, These are called __________
a. Android App b. Apple App
c. Default App d. None of the above
42.This provides the network through which you can make calls.
a. Bluetooth b. Wi-Fi
c. Cellular network connectivity d. Global Positioning System
43.It is important for an entrepreneur to be __________ in running a business.
a. Patient b. New Idea
c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above
44.The ability to handle take risks is a ____________
a. Quality of Entrepreneur b. Role of Entrepreneur
c. Characteristics of Entrepreneurship d. None of the above

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