Didascalia - Reaction Paper

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DT: 08/26/23

When I was reading the “Didascalia” I remembered one of the documents of the church
the document states that "Priests are made in the likeness of Christ the Priest by the Sacrament of
Orders, so that they may, in collaboration with their bishops, work for the building up and care of
the Church which is the whole Body of Christ, acting as ministers of him who is the Head."1
To those aspiring to be priests faced numerous and significant challenges during the third
century AD. The book "Didascalia," a collection of early Christian teachings and instructions,
sheds light on this period, providing a valuable insight into the challenges faced by those seeking
to enter the priesthood in 230AD. Furthermore, to become a priest in 230AD, one had to go
through rigorous training and education. The Didascalia emphasizes the importance of thorough
scripture study, a firm grasp of Theology, and the ability to administer various sacraments. Also,
obedience is another important theme in the book. Clergy members are expected to be obedient
to their superiors, as well as to the laws and teachings of the church. This obedience extends to
the laity as well, who are instructed to submit to the authority of the clergy. Such obedience is
seen as a sign of faith and a way to uphold the unity of the Christian community. Additionally,
obedience is linked to the concept of discipline, with the book stressing the importance of
maintain moral standards and ensuring the well-being of the community,
Furthermore, the book made me think of the functions characteristics and offices of
Deacon, Priests, and Bishop. The origins of these roles can be traced back to the early days of
Christianity, thus highlighting their long historical lineage. By comprehending the unique
functions, attributes, and positions of Deacon, Priest, and Bishops, a clearer understanding of the
hierarchical structure and organization of the Church emerges.
First, the role of a Deacon is very important in the Church. Deacons are ministers who are
officially appointed and help the Priests and Bishops with various religious and administrative
tasks. They act as a link between the regular members of the church and the clergy, offering
support and care, performing baptisms, and helping distribute the Holy Eucharist. Deacons are
expected to be dedicated servants of the Church and the community, displaying humility and
committing themselves to charitable works. According to the Didascalia, “the Deacon should be
upright and blameless, earnest and wise when it comes to the care of the Church. He should be
compassionate, sympathetic, and hospitable, always ready to serve and assist”2

Presbyterorum Ordinis chapter III, section 1, number 12.

Didascalia, 230AD.
Second, the role of a Priest is seen as wider and more extensive. Priests are officially
appointed ministers who have the authority to conduct important religious ceremonies, such as
the Eucharist, confession, and anointing of the sick. They have the duty to guide and lead their
congregation, providing spiritual support. A Priest should have qualities such as religious
devotion, humbleness, and a strong commitment to prayer. Within the community, the Priest is
seen as someone who represents Christ and is responsible for promoting a sense of sacredness
among the believers. The Didascalia emphasizes this role by stating, “The Priest should be pious,
diligent, and worthy, exercising his office with integrity. He should be example to the faithful,
practicing what he preaches and being blameless in all aspects of his life”3
Additionally, the didascalia says that it's really important for priests to have good morals
and ethics. Priests were supposed to live very good lives without any scandals or immorality.
When someone wanted to become a priest, they had to be checked and make sure their character
was good and their personal and professional lives were looked at closely. If someone did
anything wrong or behaved badly, it could ruin their chances of becoming a priest, so it was
really important to have a good reputation.
Lastly, in the Christian faith, the Bishop is a highly respected leader in the church.
According to the "Didascalia," the Bishop is selected in a thorough process that involves the
entire community's involvement, aiming to make sure that the chosen Bishop is wise,
knowledgeable, and honest. Once chosen, the Bishop takes on the role of overseeing and guiding
the congregation, being responsible for their spiritual growth and well-being.
To end, catechism of the Catholic Church states that “the priest serves the faithful by
building up and guiding the Church in the name of Christ, who is head of the body.”4

Didascalia, 230AD.
Cathecism of the Catholic Church, 1547.

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