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VAFER: Signal Decomposition based Mutual

Interference Suppression in FMCW Radars
Abhilash Gaur, Po-Hsuan Tseng, Member, IEEE, Kai-Ten Feng, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Seshan Srirangarajan, Member, IEEE
arXiv:2212.13727v2 [eess.SP] 29 Dec 2022

Abstract—With increasing application of frequency-modulated interference. In [6], authors proposed a medium access control
continuous wave (FMCW) radars in autonomous vehicles, mu- (MAC)-like approach which dynamically assigns radar param-
tual interference among FMCW radars poses a serious threat. eters to multiple radars in the same area by communicating via
Through this paper, we present a novel approach to effectively
and elegantly suppress mutual interference in FMCW radars. a dedicated long-term evolution (LTE) link to a cloud-based
We first decompose the received signal into modes using varia- system. A distributed networking protocol is proposed in [7] to
tional mode decomposition (VMD) and perform time-frequency avoid mutual interference. These coordination methods avoid
analysis using Fourier synchrosqueezed transform (FSST). The FMCW interference at the cost of an additional coordination
interference-suppressed signal is then reconstructed by applying unit to the already existing FMCW radar systems.
a proposed energy-entropy-based thresholding operation on the
time-frequency spectra of VMD modes. The effectiveness of pro- Some researchers have also proposed various interference
posed method is measured in terms of signal-to-interference plus suppression methods by designing new transmit wave-forms
noise ratio (SINR) and correlation coefficient for both simulated and modifying the radar system architecture [8]–[12]. Authors
and experimental automotive radar data in the presence of in [8] use the frequency hopping technique learned from
FMCW interference. Compared to other existing literature, our bats to avoid mutual interference. In [9], orthogonal noise
proposed method demonstrates significant improvement in the
output SINR by at least 14.07 dB for simulated data and 9.87 waveforms based on the phase retrieval method are transmitted
dB for experimental data. to reduce the probability of interference. A spatial interference
mitigation circuit (SIMC) is proposed in [10] to alleviate inter-
Index Terms—Interference mitigation, variational mode de-
composition, frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) ference before the signal reaches the receiver. In [11], authors
radar. propose a multi-carrier frequency random transmission chirp
sequence to avoid interference for time-division multiplex-
ing (TDM) multi-input multi-output (MIMO) FMCW radars.
I. I NTRODUCTION These new wave-form designs and system level changes result
UTOMOTIVE radars pave the way for advanced driver
A assistance systems (ADAS) development due to their ro-
bust operation under bad weather conditions and affordability.
in increased noise floor and affect the performance of radar’s
parameter estimation, including range, velocity, and angle.
Other than the coordination-based methods, new wave-
Frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radars are forms and system designs to suppress FMCW interference,
preferred in the automotive industry due to their ability to several other signal processing-based algorithms are proposed
measure range, angle, and velocity [1]. In addition to radars’ in the literature [13]–[22]. These signal processing methods
attractive performance and reliability, recent developments facilitate interference suppression without needing any change
in integrated radio frequency complementary metal-oxide- in the hardware system. In [13], an adaptive noise canceller
semiconductor (RF-CMOS) technology have enabled low-cost (ANC) is proposed to mitigate interference in the positive half
radar-on-chip systems in the 76 − 81 GHz band [2]. of frequency spectrum by measuring the interference in the
As automotive radars find application in lane-change assis- negative half of frequency spectrum. In [14], a radio frequency
tance, ADAS, automatic emergency braking, etc., the number interference (RFI) suppression algorithm based on orthogonal
of such radars on vehicles are expected to increase in the projection filtering is presented, in which the interference is
near future. With the increasing density of automotive FMCW estimated from the negative range bins and mitigated by pro-
radars, mutual interference among these radars will be signifi- jecting positive range bins onto the interference subspace. The
cantly severe [3], [4]. During FMCW data processing, targets performance of these filtering-based methods depends upon
appear in the form of tones (beat signal) at the baseband, the availability of a proper reference input. In [15], interference
whereas external FMCW interference with a different chirp suppressed signal is reconstructed using a matrix pencil-based
slope would appear as a chirp. Strong interference increases algorithm applied to the detected interference-contaminated
the noise floor, weakens the target mask, and reduces the signal regions. Meanwhile, reconstructed interference signal
probability of target detection. in [16] is subtracted from the interference corrupted sig-
In existing literature, several methods have been proposed to nal using the proposed wavelet transform-based algorithm.
suppress the mutual interference among FMCW radars. In [5]– A signal separation-based algorithm using tunable Q-factor
[7], different coordination methods are proposed for radar sys- wavelet transform is proposed in [17]. Recently, the framework
tems to avoid interference by modifying the radar parameters. presented in [23] mitigates interference in FMCW radars using
A phase-coded FMCW system is presented in [5] to mitigate sparse and low-rank Hankel matrix decomposition.

In this paper, we propose a unique mutual interference

suppression algorithm for FMCW radars using VAriational
mode decomposition (VMD), Fourier-based synchrosqueezing
transform (FSST), and the Energy-entRopy thresholding-based
reconstruction, named as VAFER method. In the interference-
contaminated signal, the targets present as single-tone beat
frequencies while interference appears as a chirp. We decom-
pose the interference-contaminated received signals by using
VMD [24] in different modes, containing information about
Fig. 1: Network scenario for interfering FMCW radars.
the target’s beat frequencies and interference. We emphasize
using VMD as a decomposition tool due to the ability of VMD
to map these single-tone frequencies into individual modes. where fo is the starting frequency, µ = B T represents the chirp
We further adopt FSST [25] for time-frequency analysis to slope with B as the sweep bandwidth of a single ramp and T
distinguish among different modes. The property of FSST as time duration for t ∈ [0, T ]. On the other hand, the reflected
to focus on sinusoid-like signals allow us to represent the signal received at the victim radar from the Q targets is the
modes corresponding to target’s beat frequencies as individual superposition of delayed transmitted signal s(t) which can be
lines parallel to the time axis; while the interference reveals expressed as
as noises. However, the combination of VMD and FSST Q   
still cannot identify the various modes corresponding to beat
X 1
sr (t) = αq exp j2π fo (t − τq ) + µ(t − τq )2 ,
frequencies. Therefore, we propose an energy-entropy-based q=1
threshold utilizing Wiener entropy, which works as a mea- (2)
sure of the spectral variation for the spectra (i.e., spikiness where τq is the propagation delay and αq denotes complex
of spectra) produced by FSST of the modes. Finally, the amplitude for the q th target.
remaining modes which fall within the proposed energy- Meanwhile, let sint (t) be the interference signal from
entropy threshold are combined together to reconstruct the interfering radars affecting the reflected signal sr (t) received
interference-suppressed signal. The main contributions of this from targets. Considering mth FMCW interfere radar having

paper are listed as follows: chirp slope βm and starting frequency fm with time delay τm
• We present an analytical framework proposing the first- with respect to transmitted chirp, the total interference signals
ever interference suppression technique for FMCW radars from M interfering radars observed at the receiver of victim
utilizing VMD to decompose interference-contaminated radar can be modeled as
signals into different modes and then adopting FSST on XM  

′ ′ 2
these modes to perform time-frequency analysis. sint (t) = exp j2π fm (t − τm ) + βm (t − τm ) .
• We proposed an energy-entropy-based threshold to dis- m=1
card those VMD modes containing interference, and con-
A typical interference scenario is depicted in Fig. 1, where
sequently reestablish the interference-suppressed signals.
the received signal observed by the receiving antenna of
• The interference suppression ability of proposed VAFER
victim radar is the combination of target reflections sr (t) and
algorithm is demonstrated via both simulations and ex-
interference signal sint (t), i.e., r(t) = sr (t) + sint (t). The
perimental data. Comparing with recently proposed ANC
received signal at the antenna of victim radar r(t) is first de-
[13], sparse and low-rank Hankel matrix decomposition
chirped by mixing with a conjugate copy of transmitted signal
method (SPARKLE) [23], and the short-time Fourier
s(t) and then passed through an analog low-pass filter (LPF)
transform (STFT)-based version of VAFER method, the
having impulse response h(t) to obtain beat signal rT (t) as
VAFER scheme achieves the best target detection per-
formance and improves the output signal-to-interference rT (t) = [(sr (t) + sint (t)) · s∗ (t)] ⊗ h(t). (4)
plus noise ratio (SINR) with at least 9.87 dB.
Note that the main purpose of passing through an LPF
This paper is organized as follows. Section II shows the is to bound the received interference signal’s instantaneous
signal model and problem formulation. In Section III, the frequency. Based on (2), (3), and (4), the total received signal
proposed VAFER method for interference mitigation is de- rT (t) can be obtained after de-chirping for Q targets and M
scribed. Simulation and experimental results demonstrating the interferers and then passing through LPF as
effectiveness of VAFER algorithm are shown in Section VI,
" !#
followed by conclusions in Section V. X µτq2
rT (t) = αq exp j2π −fo τq − µtτq + ⊗ h(t)
It is considered that Q point targets and M interfering
X 1
radars exist in the observation scene. As shown in Fig. 1, + exp j2π (fm − fo )t + (βm − µ)t2 ·
the normalized transmitted chirp signal s(t) at time t of the   
victim radar is ′ ′ βm ′2
exp j2π −fm τm − βm tτm + tτ ⊗ h(t) + η(t).
 2 m
s(t) = exp j2π fo t + µt2 , (1) (5)

Notice that the total received signal in (5) consists of three constrained optimization problem using a quadratic penalty
terms as follows: (a) the first term represents the target echo factor α and the Lagrangian multiplier λ following [24] as
appearing as a tone at a particular beat frequency, (b) the
second term corresponds to the interference appearing as a L ({ωk }, {uk }, λ) =
chirp in the baseband signal, and (c) the third term η(t) XK 
represents the additive white Gaussian noise. (5) also shows α ∂t δ(t) + ∗ uk (t) e−jωk t
πt 2
the dependency of interference on the starting frequencies k=1
K 2 K
and chirp slopes of the victim and interfering radar. Our
* +
objective is to develop a method to alleviate the effect of + rT (t) − uk (t) + λ(t), rT (t) − uk (t) ,
interference terms as shown in (5), which will be elaborated k=1 2 k=1
in the following section. (7)

where the operator h·, ·i denotes inner product. The optimiza-

tion of (7) takes place in the Fourier domain, and is solved
III. P ROPOSED VAFER S CHEME via the alternate direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for
iterative updates of VMFs in frequency domain and frequen-
Our main objective is to effectively detect the existence cies, i.e., ûn+1
k (ω) and ωkn+1 , by adopting the convergence
of point target based on an FMCW radar by suppressing criterion and convergence tolerance ξ in [24] as
surrounding interference from interfering radars. In the follow- k−1 K
ûn+1 ûni (ω)
ing subsections, we will provide detailed explanation of our r̂T (ω) − i (ω) − + λ̂(ω)/2
proposed VAFER algorithm, which consists of mode decom- i=1 i=k+1
k (ω) =
position of interference-contaminated signal using VMD, time- 1+ 2α(ω − ωkn )2
frequency analysis with FSST, and energy-entropy threshold- (8)
ing for signal reconstruction.
R∞ 2
ω ûn+1
k (ω) dω
ωkn+1 = R∞ 0
2 (9)
0 ûn+1
k (ω) dω
A. Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD)
where (·)n+1 denotes the (n + 1)th iteration, r̂T (ω) and λ̂(ω)
To decompose the interference-contaminated noisy signal, represent the Fourier transform of rT (t) and λ(t), respectively,
we propose using an adaptive signal decomposition method, with ω indicating the frequency variable. The most recent
i.e., VMD, that decomposes a signal into K narrow-band VMFs and frequencies are utilized for the following updates.
variational mode functions (VMFs). Since the beat signal With the designed VMD method, the signal of interest and
corresponding to each target is a single-tone frequency, interference signals are distributed in different VMFs. Because
VMD is considered feasible in separating the frequencies beat frequencies corresponding to targets are present as single-
for their respective radar targets in its VMFs. Let {uk } := tone frequencies, target reflections should be contained in
{u1 (t), ..., uK (t)} and {ωk } := {ω1 , ..., ωK } denote collec- a few VMFs as sinusoidal variations of constant frequency
tions of K VMFs and their center frequencies respectively. whereas the interference appears as a chirp-like variation,
For each VMF uk , VMD uses Hilbert transform to compute which will be numerically validated in the performance eval-
the associated analytic signal. Then, the estimated center uation section.
frequency is used to shift the frequency spectrum of VMFs
to the baseband, followed by applying Gaussian smoothness
for bandwidth estimation. Thus, VMD decomposes a signal B. Time-Frequency Analysis with FSST
into its narrow-band components by considering bandwidth
as sparsity prior in the spectral domain, where bandwidth is In this step, we propose to perform a time-frequency analy-
estimated by the squared L2 norm of gradient. The resulting sis of K VMFs using FSST. Notice that we prefer FSST over
constrained variational problem is stated as the conventional time-frequency analysis tool STFT because it
highly focuses on sinusoid-like target signals instead of focus-
( K    2
) ing on the interference patterns [25]. FSST sparsely represents
X j VMFs that contain information about target reflections as a
min ∂t δ(t) + ∗ uk (t) e−jωk t
{ωk },{uk } πt 2 single frequency in the time-frequency representation. First of
(6) all, we calculate the STFT of k th VMF as
s.t. uk (t) = rT (t), Z
k=1 Vuk (t, ω) = uk (τ )g ∗ (τ − t)e−iωτ dτ, (10)

where ∂t denotes partial derivative with respect to t, δ(·) is the where R is the set of real numbers and g ∗ (t) indicates
unit impulse function, and ∗ indicates convolution operation. the complex conjugate of g(t) denoting the sliding window
In order to obtain the optimal solution to the constrained function [25]. The FSST is obtained from frequency do-
variational problem in (6), it is transformed into a non- main reassignment of the STFT to its spectrogram centroid

ω̂uk (t, ω) over each time instant t [26]. The centroid of STFT entropy passes the threshold Tβ . As a result, the interference-
spectrogram is suppressed signal is reconstructed by taking the inverse FSST
( ′ ) of these VMFs as
Vugk (t, ω)
ω̂uk (t, ω) = ω − ℑ , (11)
Vugk (t, ω) r̂T (t) = IF SST
Uk (t, ω) . (17)
′ V
where Vugk (t, ω) denotes the STFT of k th VMF obtained with
the derivative of sliding window function g(t), and ℑ indicates The complete algorithm of proposed VAFER scheme is shown
the imaginary part of the input [27]. Therefore, based on (11), in Algorithm 1.
the FSST of k th VMF obtained after the reassignment of STFT
is Algorithm 1: Proposed VAFER Algorithm
V g (t, z)eiωt δ(ω − ω̂uk (t, z))dz
Input : rT (t): the interference contaminated signal
Uk (t, ω) = R uk . (12)
2πg ∗ (0) 1 Set K, α
1 1
2 Initialize µk , ωk , λ, n = 0
Note that the modes acquired by VMD are transformed into
3 Repeat n ← n + 1
time-frequency spectra by applying FSST scheme in (12). The
4 for k ∈ 1 : K do
property of FSST to emphasize sinusoid-like signals allow
5 begin
us to characterize single-tone beat frequencies corresponding
to targets, i.e., straight frequency line parallel to the time 6 update uk
k−1 K
ûn+1 ûn
axis; whereas interference is illustrated as a noisy blob in the r̂T (ω)− i (ω)− i (ω)+λ̂(ω)/2
i=1 i=k+1
spectra. We will evaluate the effectiveness of proposed FSST 7 k (ω) ← 1+2α(ω−ωkn )2

method in performance evaluation. 8 update ωk

ω |ûn+1 (ω)| dω
9 ωkn+1 ← 0
R ∞ n+1
2 for all ω ≥ 0
0 | k
C. Energy-Entropy Thresholding and Reconstruction û (ω)| dω
10 update λ
After obtaining the time-frequency spectrum for K VMFs,
λ̂n (ω) + τ r̂T (ω) − k ûn+1 (ω)
λ̂n+1 (ω) ← P
we propose to adopt the Wiener Entropy to distinguish whether
a particular mode contains information about target reflections 12 repeat until k kµ̂n+1
k − µ̂nk k22 /kµ̂n+1
k k22 < ξ
or interference based on their specific characteristics. Note that 13 end
Wiener entropy provides a measure of the spikiness of a vector. 14 Compute time-frequency spectra Uk (t, ω) using (10),
If the sample values in a vector do not vary much, the Wiener (11) and (12)
entropy reaches 1; while the Wiener entropy will approach 15 Calculate wiener entropy W (Uk (t, ω))
0 with larger variation in sample values [28]. Based on (12),
Uk (t,ω)
we compute the Wiener entropy W (Uk (t, ω)) of the k-th time- 16 W (Uk (t, ω)) = N
Uk (t,ω)
frequency representation of VMFs as N

N 1/N 17 Calculate energy-entropy threshold Tβ

E ·W (U (t,ω))
Tβ = k=1 PkK E k
Uk (t, ω) 18
k=1 k
W (Uk (t, ω)) = υ=1 N . (13) 19 for k ∈ 1 : K do
1 begin
N U k (t, ω) 20
υ=1 21 if W (Uk (t, ω)) ≥ Tβ
For notational simplicity, we omit the index υ used for each 22 then V ← Uk (t, ω) ;
time sample of Uk (t, ω). A total of N time samples of Uk (t, ω) 23 else discard VMF ;
are utilized in the calculation of the Wiener entropy. 24 end
We propose an energy-entropy-based threshold to identify Signal reconstruction via
Pinverse FSST
and suppress interference-contaminated VMFs. Based on (13), 26 r̂T (t) = IF SST ( V Uk (t, ω))
the proposed threshold Tβ is calculated as Output: r̂T (t): reconstructed interference suppressed
PK signal
Ek · W (Uk (t, ω))
Tβ = k=1 PK , (14)
k=1 Ek

where Ek denotes the energy of k th VMF computed as IV. P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION

Z ∞
Ek = | uk (t) |2 dt. (15) In this section, we present both simulation and experi-
−∞ mental results to validate the effectiveness of our proposed
Finally, we reconstruct the interference-suppressed signal by interference suppression method for mutual interference be-
choosing elements of the family of VMFs as tween FMCW radars. The results of proposed VAFER method
 are compared with two state-of-the-art methods, i.e., the
V = Uk (t, ω) : W (Uk (t, ω)) ≥ Tβ , ∀k ∈ K , (16)
SPARKLE method [15], the adaptive interference mitigation
where K is the index set containing the maximum number method called ANC [13], and a variant of proposed VAFER
as K. (16) denotes the set V of Uk (t, ω) whose Wiener method where we use STFT instead of FSST, denoted as

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

-0.5 -0.5

-1 -1

-1.5 -1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s) -5 Time (s) -5
10 10

(a) Beat signal of targets (b) Beat signal of targets corrupted by interference

10 70 10 70

60 60
8 8
Frequency (MHz)

Frequency (MHz)

50 Interference 50

6 6
40 40

30 30
4 4

20 20
2 2
10 10

0 0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

(c) t-f spectra of pure beat signal (d) t-f spectra of interference-corrupted beat signal

0 0

-5 -5

-10 -10
Amplitude (dB)

Amplitude (dB)

-15 -15

-20 -20

-25 -25

-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Range (m) Range (m)

(e) Range DFT of target only signal (f) Range DFT of interference-corrupted beat signal
Fig. 2: Time domain, time-frequency domain representation, and range DFT of beat signal without and with interference.

VAFER-STFT. The simulations and processing of experimen- A. Performance Metrics

tal data have been conducted in MATLAB, and experimental
data has been taken from [13].
We evaluate and compare the performance of our proposed
VAFER scheme with other methods quantitatively in terms of
SINR and correlation coefficient ρ. The SINR of interference-

contaminated received signal is defined as chirp-like nature, as shown in Fig. 2(e), where the interference-
ksr k2 contaminated received signal has SIN RI of 9.1814 dB in
SIN RI = 20 log10 , (18) simulations.
ksint + ηk2
where sr is the reference signal from (2), sint is the inter-
ference signal from (3), and η represents noise. The SINR of

reconstructed signal after interference suppression is defined -0.5
as 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
ksr k2 Time (s) 10 -5
SIN RO = 20 log10 , (19)

ksr − r̂T k2 0.2
where r̂T is the reconstructed interference-suppressed signal -0.2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
from (4). In (19), the denominator ksr − r̂T k2 represents the Time (s) 10 -5
error between interference-free signal and the reconstructed

signal. Hence, a lower value of error leads to higher SIN RO , -0.5
characterizing better interference suppression. Furthermore, 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

the correlation coefficient between the interference-free signal Time (s) 10 -5

and the reconstructed signal is defined as 0
sr H r̂T 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
ρ= , (20) Time (s) 10 -5
ksr k2 · kr̂T k2
where the correlation coefficient ρ ranges from [0, 1] and (·)H
denotes conjugate transpose. Higher ρ value specifies a higher
correlation between the reference signal sr and reconstructed -0.5
signal r̂T . 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Time (s) 10 -5

B. Simulation Results 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
TABLE I: Time (s) 10 -5
Simulation Parameters

Parameter Value -0.2
Carrier Frequency fo 77 GHz 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Bandwidth B 540 MHz Time (s) 10 -5

Chirp Duration T 45 µsec 0.1

Sampling Frequency fs 22 MHz 0
Maximum Beat Frequency fb,max 10 MHz -0.1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Time (s) 10 -5
1) Simulation Setup: In simulations, we have considered
Q = 4 point targets in the field of view (FOV) of victim radars
at the ranges R = [10, 16, 30, 50] meters. The parameters of Fig. 3: VMFs of the received signal containing interference.
radar used in simulations are shown in Table I. Note that
the maximum beat frequency fb,max is the cutoff frequency 2) Simulation Results of Proposed VAFER Method : In the
adopted in LPF. The reflected signal received at the victim proposed VAFER method, we start with decomposing time
radar is interfered by M = 2 interfering radars transmitting domain interference-contaminated received signal by applying
chirp signals with starting frequency fm = 77 GHz for m = 1 proposed VMD algorithm. Fig. 3 shows the resulting 8 VMFs
and 2 and chirp slopes β1 = 1.5µ and β2 = 2µ with µ as the by selecting K = 8 as the number of modes. The effectiveness
slope of victim radar. of VMD scheme can be revealed from the figure that the first
Fig. 2 shows the beat signals of four point targets without 4 VMFs showing sinusoid-like variation (mode-1 to mode-4)
(left-column plots) and with (right-column plots) interference represent beat frequencies corresponding to 4 targets; while the
along with their corresponding time-frequency (t-f) domain remaining 4 modes (mode-5 to mode-8) show the interference
spectra and range discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Fig. 2(b) contaminating the FMCW signal. As can be observed from
illustrates that 36% of the entire signal time sequence is the most-top plot of Fig. 3 that mode-1 possesses the lowest
specified to be contaminated with the interference. The four beat frequency with the largest magnitude, which reflects the
point targets appear as horizontal lines each representing largest signal magnitudes in Figs. 2(c) and 2(d) with yellow
single-tone frequency as shown in Figs. 2(c) and 2(d) in the color. Furthermore, we intend to verify the feasibility of
time-frequency spectra. Note that the target with the lowest choosing K = 8 as the mode number in proposed VAFER
frequency possesses the largest signal magnitudes illustrated scheme. Fig. 4 shows the reconstructed signal strength after
with yellow color. Furthermore, Figs. 2(e) and 2(f) show the interference suppression SIN RO in (19) and the correlation
four peaks in range DFT of the received radar data indicating coefficient ρ in (20) versus the number of mode K. It can
those four point targets. Notice that the interference has a be seen that the maximal values of both SIN RO and ρ are

Mode-1 Mode-2
Output SINR (dB)

Frequency (MHz)

Frequency (MHz)
10 10
60 20

15 40
5 5
10 20

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0 0 0
Number of modes (K) 0 20 40 0 20 40
Correlation Coefficient

Mode-3 Mode-4

Frequency (MHz)

Frequency (MHz)
10 10
20 20

0.94 5 5
10 10
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of modes (K) 0 0 0 0
0 20 40 0 20 40

Fig. 4: Output SINR and correlation coefficient with respect

to number of modes for proposed VMD scheme. Mode-5 Mode-6

Frequency (MHz)

Frequency (MHz)
10 10
15 30

achieved at K = 8, which validate the feasible choice on 5

number of modes in our proposed VMD scheme in Fig. 3. 5 10
Subsequently, the obtained t-f spectra are shown in Fig. 5
0 0 0 0
by applying FSST on the VMFs. As illustrated in the top 0 20 40 0 20 40
four subplots of Fig. 5 representing the t-f spectra of first 4
VMFs in Fig. 3, each subplot possesses a straight horizontal Mode-7 Mode-8
Frequency (MHz)

Frequency (MHz)
10 10
line parallel to the time axis. The reason is that our proposed 15

FSST sparsely represents VMFs that contain information about 10


target reflections as a single-tone beat frequency in the t- 5 5

f representation. On the other hand, the bottom 4 subplots 5

show the t-f spectra of the remaining 4 VMFs, which reveal 0 0 0 0

high-power noises indicating interference that are separated 0 20 40 0 20 40

from the original interference-corrupted signal by adopting the

proposed VMD algorithm. Fig. 5: Time-frequency spectra obtained by applying FSST to
Thus, in order to identify the 4 correct modes from the 8 separated modes after adopting VMD on the interference-
VMD result in Fig. 5, the energy of VMFs and wiener corrupted received signal.
entropy of time-frequency spectra of VMFs is calculated using
(14), which results in a threshold of Tβ = 0.9681 for the
considered scenario. With the proposed method, interference-
contaminated modes are discarded using the computed energy-
entropy-based threshold, and interference suppressed signal
10 70
is reconstructed using the remaining modes. Fig. 6 shows
the t-f spectrum of reconstructed signal obtained after ap- 60
plying the proposed interference suppression method on the 8
Frequency (MHz)

interference-contaminated signal shown in Fig. 2(d). Fig. 6 50

demonstrates that interference shown by the box in Fig. 2(d)


is well suppressed by the proposed VAFER method, and
the reconstructed t-f spectrum contains only beat frequencies 30
corresponding to the four point targets. Finally, we take inverse
FSST to the obtained t-f spectra shown in Fig. 6 to recover the 20

corresponding beat signals, which will be illustrated in Fig. 7 2

for performance comparison.
3) Reconstructed Interference-suppressed Signal Compari- 0 0
son: For performance comparison with our proposed VAFER 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

scheme, we also perform interference suppression for the sim-

ulated interference-corrupted signal in Fig. 2 by implementing Fig. 6: Reconstructed interference suppressed time-frequency
the SPARKLE [23], ANC [13], and the STFT variant of spectrum using proposed VAFER method.
VAFER (STFT-VAFER) methods. Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) show

the target peak at 50 meters. It can be seen that although

Reference sig SPARKLE ANC SPARKLE method reduces noise floor significantly, a total of
VAFER-STFT VAFER 5 peaks were detected for 4 targets; whereas the proposed
VAFER scheme detects exact 4 peaks with a reduction in

0 noise floor as well. On the other hand, the performance of
-1 ANC method is poor due to the assumption in [13] about beat
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 frequency occupying only the positive half of the spectrum,
Time (s) 10-5 and interference in the negative half of the spectrum is
Zooming the recovered signal conjugate symmetric of the positive spectrum. Also, benefiting
from the property of FSST to focus more on sinusoid-like beat

signals [25], the performance of VAFER is superior to the

0 STFT-VAFER as shown in both Figs. 7(a) and 7(b).
Furthermore, We evaluate SIN RO in (19) and correlation
-1 coefficient ρ in (20) of the reconstructed signals using the
3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3
Time (s)
same setting in Subsection IV-B1. The corresponding results
are shown in Table II. Compared to the SPARKLE, ANC,
(a) Time domain reconstructed signal and VAFER-STFT methods, it can be clearly observed that our
proposed VAFER algorithm results in the highest SIN RO =
23.2504 dB and ρ = 0.9976 by suppressing the interference.
Amplitude (dB)

Amplitude (dB)

-10 -10 The VAFER scheme significantly improves the reconstructed

-20 -20
signal’s SINR by 14.07 dB based on the original interference-
corrupted received signal of SIN RI = 9.1814 dB. These
-30 -30
results validate that our proposed VAFER method can suppress
-40 -40 interference and improve signal quality compared to existing
0 50 100 0 50 100
Range (m) Range (m) methods.
Amplitude (dB)

Amplitude (dB)

-10 -10 SINR comparison of reconstructed signals

-20 -20 Method SIN Ro (dB) Correlation Coefficient (ρ)
SPARKLE 14.5503 0.9828
-30 -30
ANC -7.0505 0.0012
-40 -40
VAFER-STFT 19.3525 0.9942
0 50 100 0 50 100 VAFER 23.2504 0.9976
Range (m) Range (m)

(b) Range DFT of reconstructed signal 4) Effect of SNR: We examine the effect of SNR on the
interference suppression performance by varying the added
Fig. 7: Performance comparison among SPARKLE [23], AWGN noise levels of the proposed VAFER method. We
ANC [13], STFT-VAFER, and proposed VAFER schemes for consider J = 3 targets located at R = [20, 40, 70] meters
reconstructed interference-suppressed (a) time domain and (b) and performed 300 Monte Carlo runs at each noise level of
range DFT plots (”Reference sig” denotes interference-free SNR varying from −20 to 10 dB. The radar is simulated
signal as the reference). following parameters of Table I. The results corresponding to
the output SINR SIN RO in (19) of reconstructed signal for
stated Monte Carlo runs are illustrated as box plot in Fig. 8(a),
the time domain signal and range DFT of the reconstructed where the 25th and 75th percentiles of results are indicated
signal obtained after applying different interference suppres- by the bottom and top of each box. On the other hand, the
sion methods on the interference-corrupted signal. bar chart in Fig. 8(b) shows the comparison in correlation
Due to interference, it can be observed in Fig. 2(f) that the coefficient ρ in (20) as SNR is varied from −20 to 10 dB.
noise floor has increased to raise the challenge of detecting the We can intuitively observe from both figures that both output
correct target range. The results in Fig. 7(a) show that time SINR and correlation coefficient increase with the SNR of
domain reconstructed signal using proposed VAFER method input signal for all schemes except ANC method. Compared
coincides with the trends of the reference signal whereas with existing three schemes, our proposed VAFER method can
the results of ANC are having ripples in the time domain achieves the highest output SINR and correlation coefficient
reconstructed signal. It can be observed that although time do- under different SNR values of input signal.
main reconstructed signal obtained by applying SPARKLE and 5) Performance Evaluation for Varying Interference Dura-
STFT version of VAFER methods are close to the reference tion: We evaluate the performance of VAFER algorithm by
signal, the overall performance of proposed VAFER method varying the percentage of interference-contaminated samples
is superior as validated in Fig. 7(a). Moreover, the results in the simulated signal using the same setting in Subsection
in Fig. 7(b) show that after applying the proposed VAFER IV-B1. We vary the percentage of interference-contaminated
method noise floor has been reduced significantly around samples from 10% to 70% at constant SIN RI of 9.1814




Output SINR (dB)



Interf sig

10 20 30 40 50 60 70
% of Interference contaminated samples
(a) (a)
0.9 ANC

Correlation Coefficient
Correlation Coefficient


0.6 0.97



0 0.005
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 0
Input signal SNR (dB) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
% of Interference contaminated samples
Fig. 8: Quantitative analysis of the interference suppression
performance of the SPARKLE, ANC, VAFER-STFT, and Fig. 9: Quantitative analysis of the interference suppression
our proposed VAFER method at varying SNRs of the input performance of the SPARKLE, ANC, VAFER-STFT, and our
signals from −20 to 10 dB. (a) and (b) respectively show proposed VAFER method at different percentages of interfer-
the corresponding variations of output SINRs SIN RO and ence duration (”Interf sig” denotes interference-contaminated
the correlation coefficients ρ of interference-suppressed beat signal). (a) and (b) respectively show the corresponding varia-
signals. tions of output SINRs SIN RO and the correlation coefficients
ρ of interference-suppressed beat signals.

dB and compute the corresponding SIN RO and ρ. The

interference-corrupted beat signal denoted by the legend ”In- Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 9(a) and 9(b), there are
terf sig” in Fig. 9(a) is simulated by varying the chirp duration declined values of SIN RO and ρ in the VAFER-STFT method
of the interference signal. Performance comparison are illus- under both 10% and 60% of signal samples contaminating
trated in Figs. 9(a) and 9(b) where we show output SINR with interference. The main reason is that the energy-entropy
in (19) and ρ in (20) versus % of interference-contaminated threshold fails to discard some of the modes containing
received signal, respectively. It can be observed in Fig. 9(a) interference in VAFER-STFT leading to lowered SIN RO
that SIN RO for ANC method is almost constant and is and ρ values. Here we also observe that as the number
the lowest compared to the other schemes. On the other of interference-contaminated samples in the signal increases,
hand, Fig. 9(b) shows that the correlation coefficients for SIN RO and ρ decrease slightly due to some residuals of
SPARKLE, VAFER-STFT, and proposed VAFER method are interference in the VMD modes corresponding to targets in the
almost similar; whereas the ANC scheme results in the least ρ proposed VAFER method. On the other hand, the assumption
value. It can be seen in both plots that our proposed VAFER of interference in the negative half of spectrum being conjugate
scheme achieves the highest SIN RO and ρ than SPARKLE, symmetric of the positive spectrum for ANC method leads to
ANC, and VAFER-STFT methods. a slightly increase in the ρ value.

TABLE III: [13] on their experimental data after applying the compared
Experimental Parameters schemes. Here we compute SINR based on their predefined
Radar Type Parameter Value empirical parameters such as guard cells and reference cells
Victim Radar Carrier Frequency fo 77 GHz defined around the point target. Notice that the SINR compu-
Bandwidth B 750 MHz
Chirp Duration T 29.56 µsec
tation using (19) requires a reference signal and it is computed
Sampling Frequency fs 20 Msps for the entire signal which is not only around the target peak.
Interfering Radar Carrier Frequency fm 77 GHz Note that due to unavailability of raw interference-free data,
Bandwidth Bint 682 MHz
Chirp Duration Tint 72.31 µsec
the computation of correlation coefficient is not feasible for
Sampling Frequency fs,int 15 Msps this experimental setup. As a result, the SINR of interference-
contaminated data is 2.94 dB; whereas that of interference-
suppressed signal after applying the ANC method is 4.97
C. Experimental Results dB with an improvement of 2.03 dB. The output SINR of
SPARKLE methods is 9.62 dB with an improvement of 6.67
The experimental radar data and radar parameters for this dB and the VAFER-STFT method improves SINR by 6.66
section have been taken from the recent work carried out by dB resulting in an output SINR of 9.61 dB. The proposed
authors Feng Jin and Siyang Cao in [13]. In their experimental VAFER method improves the SINR by 9.87 dB resulting in
setup, interference-contaminated data is obtained by consider- an output SINR of 12.81 dB. The merits of VAFER scheme
ing a car traveling with the speed of 15 m/s towards the victim can therefore be observed.
FMCW radar operating at 77 GHz while being affected by an
interfering FMCW radar operating at the same 77 GHz at a
distance of 2 meters from the victim radar. The experimental V. C ONCLUSION
parameters are available in Table III. In this paper, we propose an interference suppression
For this study, we have compared our proposed VAFER method, VAFER, based on VMD and FSST for FMCW
scheme with ANC, SPARKLE, and VAFER-STFT methods. radar. After a time-frequency analysis of VMD modes, we
Fig. 10 shows the corresponding results of time domain proposed to use an energy entropy-based threshold to eliminate
reconstructed interference-suppressed signals shown as the interference-contaminated modes. The effectiveness of our
linear amplitudes of received signal versus time (left-column proposed VAFER scheme has been verified by comparing
subplots) and the range profiles obtained by performing DFT it with two recently proposed state-of-the-art methods, ANC
on fast time shown as DFT amplitude in dB versus range in and SPAARKLE, and has been found to significantly improve
meters (right-column subplots). The interference-contaminated the output SINR with higher correlation coefficient for both
time domain signal and range profile are shown in Fig. 10(a) simulated and experimental data. Also, the effect of varying
and 10(b), respectively, where the interference is visible time duration of interference on output SINR and correlation
as high fluctuating peaks from 3 to 6 µsec in Fig. 10(a). coefficient has been studied. It is inferred that our proposed
Notice that the target is located at 14.8 meters which is not VAFER method can significantly suppress the interference
clearly revealed in Fig. 10(b). The results of ANC scheme without any observable degradation in performance. Our pro-
are shown in Figs. 10(c) and 10(d) which still indicate the posed approach is expected to pave way for a new paradigm
presence of some interference, and a number of additional in mutual interference suppression for FMCW radars.
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