Advantages and Disadvantages

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It facilitates mobility.
The use of computers and the internet for work has dissolved the boundaries of time and space,
transcending the workplace and impacting diverse domains, including aviation, maritime
navigation, tourism, and more. These technologies empower individuals to work remotely,
enabling them to be productive anytime and anywhere. Digital nomads are individuals who
leverage today’s communication technologies to work and earn a living while away from home
or any other permanent residence. While the concept of working on the road is often
associated with digital nomads, these same technologies empower employees with permanent
residences to have greater control over their work.
Various technological tools, such as virtual meeting apps, contribute to this mobility trend by
saving time, which, as we all know, is valuable currency. There is no longer the need to be
physically present in meetings, as data and information can be shared in real-time, eliminating
the need for time-consuming travel between locations.

It encourages creativity and innovation.

Workers can use various business technologies to come up with innovative business ideas that
can be used for expansion and further growth. Most companies also develop technological
challenges and give rewards to employees who use technology to come up with creative ideas.

It improves communication.
A lot of businesses now use different business communication technologies in order to change
how their employees communicate and interact while at work. The employees can use different
tools for communication to exchange information or interact at work.
For instance, employees from the company’s different departments can use video conferencing
tools such as Skype and text messaging services to exchange and share information. Virtual
communication tools such as Skype can also be used for sharing screens and they help workers
share projects even if they belong to different departments. Similar apps can also be used for
supporting group decision making. Communication technologies can also be used in customer
service departments for serving customers right on time.

It improves management of human resources.

Workplace technology can change how human resource managers carry out their job. This
improves how new employees are screened, recruited, and hired. Most human resource
managers use internet for advertising job openings. Targeted candidates can apply for such
positions online through submitting resumes to human resource managers. This process can
also help save time and simplify the work of human resource managers. Technology is also used
for tracking the productivity and performance of employees at work. The productivity of
employees increases when they know that they are monitored.

It saves time.
Thanks to technology, different tasks at work can be automated. This automation ensures
efficiency and increases work production. Using computers to achieve certain tasks at work can
create room to make corrections instantly and lessens human errors. The use of databases to
store and capture information can promote faster decision-making at work. It also allows
employees to access business data through a single database. The information can then be
saved and edited for use later on. Using internal networks at work helps share gadgets such as
scanners and printers so that employees don’t have to move to several departments just to
share the use of technological tools.


It affects relationships at work.
Employees communicate via smartphones, text messages, virtual video conferencing tools or
email. This form of communication technology gets rid of face-to-face communication. It is
important to have interpersonal communications when it comes to building relationships in the
workplace since employees get the chance of knowing each other better in person.
There are even times when they share information that are not related to work. Communication
technology tools can kill this type of interaction. Employees tend to become more self-centered
and reserved. They become buried in work that might be harmful for the business in the long

It can lead to a lack of mentorship.

For digital nomads, it’s pretty clear that they don’t get ongoing, in-person mentorship. However,
this can also happen even if you physically share a space with your mentor if most messages
and inputs come from digital channels. It is easy for a mentor to put more workload on an
employee if they are not there to see it through with him.

It can cause distractions at work.

There are a lot of ways for technology to distract employees in the workplace. Using social
networks at work may result in distractions and affect the employees’ productivity. This is why
some companies have decided blocking off access to certain websites such as YouTube,
Facebook, and Twitter since they divert attention. Other workplace technologies that can cause
disturbances at work include computers, smartphones, and virtual meeting apps.

It poses risks.
Even though everyone likes the benefits that technology offers at work, it also has the tendency
to be risky, specifically as far as data security is concerned. All employees whose positions are
related to important decision making will require access to private business data. It can pose as
threat since it can be hard to monitor the privacy and usage of this information.

It can encourage laziness.

Since technology automates most tasks, many employees can get lazy at work. You can say that
technology can kill their skills and creativity. Simple tasks such as tracking inventory and
calculating sales are now done with the help of computers. As a result, employees no longer put
their brains into work. They also don’t solve less critical business problems since a software, or a
computer can do it in a jiffy.

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