DOA Inggris

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‫الَّلُهَّم اْفَتْح علينا َأْبَو اَب الَخْيِر َو َأْبَو اَب الَبَر َك ِة َو َأْبَو اَب الِّنْع َم ِة‬
‫َو َأْبَو اَب الِّر ْز ِق َو َأْبَو اَب الُقَّو ِة‬
‫َو َأْبَو اَب الِّص َّح ِة َو َأْبَو اَب الَّس اَل َم ِة ِبَر ْح َم ِتَك َيا َأْر َح َم الَّراِح ِم ْيَن‬
Artinya, O Allah, open for us the door of goodness, the door of
blessing, the door of enjoyment, the door of sustenance, the door of
strength, the door of health, the door of safety, O, the Most Merciful.

‫َر ِّب اْش َر ْح ِلي َص ْد ِري َو َيِّس ْر ِلي َأْم ِري َو اْح ُلْل ُع ْقَد ًة ِم ْن ِلَس اِني‬
‫َيْفَقُهوا َقْو ِلي‬
Artinya"O Allah , open my chest, and make my affairs easy for me,
and remove the stiffness from my tongue, that they may understand
my words."

‫َر َّبَنا آِتَنا ِفي الُّد ْنَيا َحَس َنًة َو ِفي اآلِخ َرِة َحَس َنًة َو ِقَنا َع َذ اَب الَّناِر‬
. ‫ َو َس اَل ٌم َع َلى اْلُم ْر َسِليَن‬. ‫ُس ْبَح اَن َر ِّبَك َر ِّب اْلِع َّز ِة َع َّم ا َيِص ُفوَن‬
‫َو اْلَحْم ُد ِهَّلِل َر ِّب اْلَع اَلِم يَن‬

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