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Culture shocks in Germany

 Food – Germany lives off of a very meat based diet and it could cause some
difficulties for vegans/vegetarans to adjust.
 Laws – Germans are very strict with their laws and they have a lot of them! It is
something that I have dealt with on a personal level during my first few months
here, I was driving an e-bike and I jumped over from the road to the sidewalk to
avoid a red light as I would normally do in Dubai (where I come from) but to my
shock I was stopped by two undercover police officers who made me aware about
the violation I had just committed and I was fined nearly a 100 Euros for the same!
 Communication – The language barrier is very commonly known to people before
they move here but what people often overlook is that even when the Germans
communicate in English, it is quite uncomfortable for the to do so and can cause
mood swings and even come off rude to most indivisuals even though that is not
their intention! Germans are also very direct in their language and it may seem
weird and not make sense when translated to English but you have to remember its
their second language!
 Forms – Germans loves forms! They are quite particular about it and often you will
come across long detailed forms that you must fill out in German for things like
opening a bank account (or paying a fine *insert laughing emoji*)
 Dogs allowed in restaurants – It is quite common for people to take their pets into
restaurants here.
 Bring reusable shopping bag
 Sundays – Everything is closed on Sundays apart from restaurants and certains
shops, you must be well prepared and buy your groceries in advance.
 Weather – The weather is very unpredictable in Germany, it can start raining and be
extremely sunny in the difference of a few minutes.
 Germans complain about the weather
 Garbage – Separation of garbage and proper recycling is a very important topic in
Germany and cannot be overlooked – there are fines in place for even not
separating your garbage the right way!

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